#i must make them into my ocs bc i left the game long ago and theyre still haunting me since the beginning. childe too. UUUUGHHHHHHHHH
komashkathesilly · 10 months
nervously looking the whole day at the clock telling myself to start doing the assignment for which i have a checkup online meeting today at 6 pm. not doing anything each time while nervously drawing bueatuiful woman
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horrorhomie · 4 years
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woah my first post! nice! includes some concept sketches as well! she’s pretty much a revamped version of my mha oc i made years ago  i’ll prolly do a cleaner ref some day bc this one is messy asf lol written character template i used can be found here
Basic Information
Name: Sakura Usagi
Nickname(s): Bunny- only allowed by close friends or an s/o if u call her this she’ll kick ur ass
Age: 16 
Birthday: April 4
Zodiac: Aries makes sense lol
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi, with a higher interest in women
Nationality: Japanese-American
Affiliation: Hero “obviously dumbass”
Class/Course: 2-A Hero Course
Quirk Name: Easter Bunny
Explanation of Quirk: Since Usagi has an animal type quirk, she can do pretty much anything a rabbit can do. This means that she has an extremely fast and high jump, as well as heightened senses and incredibly fast. 
Along with this, Usagi’s blood contains high amounts of sugar, which allows her to create specialized sugary goods or create structures or weapons. (Think Momo or Todoroki for each example it’s a hard quirk to explain so i’ll draw some examples later)
Fighting Range: She does better in close range fighting but can do long distance attacks depending on how much sugar she’s consumed beforehand.
Fighting Weakness: However, if Usagi consumes too much sugar, her blood sugar levels will spike up, causing her to have heavy fatigue, blurred vision, and headaches. But, if Usagi uses too much sugar or energy, her blood sugar levels will decrease drastically, she will become lightheaded and weak. She must keep her blood sugar levels stable, other wise she’ll become useless in battle.
Fighting Strength: Usagi is incredibly quick so she’s hard to hit- she tries to analyze her opponent’s limit and attempts to drain them of energy, making it much easier to fight them. Her legs are especially strong, so if she’s forced into close combat, her legs are her best bet to win.
Height: 152cm (5′0″)
Skin Tone: light olive
Eye Color: candy apple red
Hair Color: taffy pink fading into a banana yellow
Hair Style: a thick, fluffy disaster that makes her head look 2x bigger than it is 
Facial Features: A soft chubby face with lots of peach fuzz. Intense, big and round eyes- they always seem alert to the world around her. Her smile is always determined and smug, usually wide grins that show off her tooth gap. Very bunny like!
Body Type/Figure: She looks curvy, especially around her stomach and thighs (where she carries her weight). Though she looks soft and squishy, she actually has a lot of muscle mass in her biceps and calves. 
Scars: She has some on her arms and legs from fights with villains, as well as from the Sports Festival. Nothing too prominent though.
Piercings/Tattoos: three black rings on her left ear.
Distinguishing Features: large, pink bunny ears protruding though her hair, and her large, intense looking eyes.
General Personality/Mood: Though she is incredibly ambitious and creative when it comes to her fighting and hero work, she’s also extremely self conscious about her appearance (though she covers up her insecurities with a badass, almost arrogant, shell). She’s been known to be a bitch at times, but she does care for others around her- she’s just compensating. 
Temper: SHORT LOL- in more detail, it doesn’t take much to annoy or frustrate Usagi. She’s short-tempered and it’s incredibly clear.
Strengths: She has a way of encouraging others to do their best, whether it be through pep talks or her actions, she always tries to get her classmates to do their best in order for them to keep up with her. 
Weaknesses: She attempts to hide her true feelings through humor and pushing people away, which makes her incredibly explosive person. When her feelings are hidden for long enough, she has a tendency to take it out on herself, making herself feel worse.
Goals/Drives/Dreams: She wants to be a badass hero- her personal inspiration is Mirko, the Rabbit Hero. Despite her quirk and appearance being cutesy and “weak”, she wants to prove that she can be the #1 hero. 
Fears: Usagi is scared of her peers or the pros she looks up to seeing her as weak and not good enough. She wants to be number one and prove herself to be a resilient and brave hero, and if the people around her can’t support her, she feels as though she can’t succeed. 
Likes: sweet and spicy combinations, competitive environments (ex. video games), large things she can sleep on (huge beds, chairs, etc), energy drinks
Dislikes: meat, overly affectionate people/when people compliment her appearance unless it’s an s/o, but that’s unlikely since she pushes ppl away, dramatic and overly confident people
Skills/Hobbies: baking and playing video games
Quirks: she tends to tap her foot incredibly quickly after eating large amounts of sugar, kind of like Thumper from Bambi lol
Extra Information
She’s pretty much 2-A’s Bakugou- though she’s a lot nicer than him, she can be kind of a bitch at times.
She swears like a sailor lol.
She secretly LOVES getting head scratches, especially behind her ears! Don’t EVER do this without her consent- she’ll kick you in the stomach.
Her baked goods are sooo good! They’re rumored to have healing abilities as well.
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captainshyguy · 4 years
not to be a little melancholic but i've been thinking a bit about all the people that have come and gone in my general social circle like. not just irl, but online too. the close friends, who eventually left, and the ones on the outskirts, but were always there. at least, for a time. the people you never quite talked to, but were in your bubble, in your life, if just for a bit. the people who will only be icon, words on a screen to me. the people who will forever be 14 in my memories, because its all i have of them 
its just...its weird yknow? not even getting into social circles from school, friends you grew apart from, friends of friends of friends in your class that you had an odd connection with
but online its like. i’ve been in a few online communities in my time. the penguins of madagscar community on fanpop, one for the same fandom on deviantart, the agents of shield one here, then the maze runner, then star wars, then mario, then star wars again...i’d say ‘and hollow knight now’ but lets be honest, i haven’t made....many friends or even mutuals through it solely X]
i guess my point is like. all of these communities were different people. and over time, whilst i’ve generally stayed put (until i was physically the last one left, and jumped ship, like fanpop) people just. they left yknow? maybe it took a couple of months, maybe a couple of years, but they did, and its such an almost...odd thing to experience
im not saying people cant leave, not at all but it just made me think how many people i’ve known, how many i’ve been friends with, how many existed in my orbit. how many i only have pieces of. and i guess...how many people’s orbits i was in. the person i was in the past lives on through each and every one of then, and i have no idea what stuck. what’s their ‘luke’ memory, their takeway. heck, some of them wouldn't even have it by that name. 
one thing im glad about in a way is like. from each of the communities that like. meant something to me, i managed to grab a few people almost. a few that also dug their heels in, a few that are still in my orbit, however close or far, but they’re there. they’re posting actively or somewhat actively and i know where to find them. and thats nice 
it just makes me wonder sometimes yknow?? how many people currently in my circle, currently in my orbit, will eventually leave one day? who will stop posting, who’s icon i simply will never see again.
i do hope, with all my heart, that all the ones that i fell out of touch with are doing well 
(im musing about specific people under the read more, WILL get long kjdfhnd) 
from my primary/secondary school i dont have anyone exactly. the closest i have is one guy i was pretty fond of but not like. romantically. i follow his youtube and whilst i dont really watch the videos seeing his face pop up every now and again is nice. but man i do think back on those secondary school friends. funnily enough by the end whilst i liked my “official” best friends i honestly ended up more fond of others. sarah, priya, shriya, zarah, zi yu, kyle. danny, introducing me to treasure planet, hiding away with him and his friends to watch films in forgotten rooms when it was near the end of the year, then liam, of course, man..its weird he was my best friend in the first few years when i moved there, then we got put in different classes so we just didnt see eahc other much. but that fondness was always, always there. god, and jake....i wonder if he thinks back fondly to the two of us pretending to be transformers. i wonder if im still jazz to him. god, and then sophia, just, not even hanging out but having our little ‘hot buttered toast’ song. i hope thats the memory she has of me. (i haven’t even listed everyone from this part, and i couldnt! it was a 7-8 year period of my life! right during my brain developmental stages!!)
its weird i was in love with ryan for nearly three years. a lot of those memories are soured knowing one of my friends spread it around school and everyone secretly knew, (and looking back i was way out of his league like, morally lol) but still. maybe once or twice a year i’ll dream about him, and for a brief moment, im there, sitting with him in geography as he shows me magic tricks, during that period i do genuinely think he liked me too (before it wore off for him lol) and im still in love. 
from college, man....ewan was like. i have a feeling he was leading me on since he had a girlfriend lmao, and was just flirting for fun bc he saw i was shy and was trying to get me to react, but it never felt like bullying yknow? i dont think he was actively trying to make fun of me. so i dont know, it was nice, it felt nice and it still kinda does. 
khairun.....im so glad i still have her. i’m still a little gay for her. i remember sitting with her on the bus, riding for hours as we were on the geology trip, and she would ramble about the game of thrones video game and she’d squint so happily and her eyes would sparkle. she talks about dark souls now and i only see her messages, but i can still feel her enthusiasm. or tanisha and fatima, my other geology friends, my maze runner friends. seeing the scorch trials with fatima in the cinema. joking about newt and thomas with tanisha. sitting around the table with my actual friend group, in the big lounge chair reading the tolkien dictonary, joking about the flash with bindiya. sleeping around maddie’s house and playing would you rather. 
heck, i didnt even touch on teachers!!! teachers i connected with so much on a genuine level!!! mrs chambers, mr hauge, mr wrght, miss lloyd, mr hutchinson, miss petra, mrs young! mrs mohammed, mr santa maria, mr longdon, miss langley, mrs maize, miss davies. i know with teachers, the kids must start to blur together at a point. but i just....i hope, at least. with those first two, they’ll remember me, just a bit. i keep having dreams where im in my old school, and i try to find them., i’ve found mr hague a few times. but until about a month ago, whenever i got to geography, miss chambers was never there. im glad i finally found her. 
then fanpop...lexii, having the same birthday as me, talking with kait and roleyplaying as penguin ocs in high stakes situations. dating dylan fkjdngjdh, rigging the club’s presidential election. its weird, i dont have a lot of memories from this time. just....just people? people posting their ocs, people drawing ech others ocs. kaitlyn, anya, kait, dylan, lexii, imaneasel, mya, peacebaby, madascargirl, kate, starslight, imogen, tressa, sammi, crystal, cc, syliva, jasmine, hikari, amber,  yellow, steff, lilly, blue, richard, monique, sharpey, hannah, icicle, ratking, cian i- god, there was so many of us. theres more, i can think of more names. there was so many
anya did what i did pretty much and went to deviantart then kinda dug her heels in and didnt leave, though i don think she’s more active on toyhouse. and yet, i still see her art there, so its nice. having her throughout the years has been nice, watching as both of our art improves. she’s always been a bit ahead of me. then cian i’ve been talknig with pretty much every day for about 6 months now, thats been nice 
and then here, man! the agents of shield fandom! man! i dont remember a lot of names honestly besides the ones who stayed, and sam. i hope sam’s okay. y’all who stayed, who are still mutuals, the hm....five of us i think? though the one ofy’all i was closest to isnt around as often X[ but still. im happy y’all are here 
some of y’all that have been around long enoguh will know i was best friends with kacie for a while. from....i think that was my brief stint in the dan and phil fandom. she. well. she’s okay, the last i heard of her. but my overtalking screwed that up i think. my last message from her, a few years later, was amicable at least. i still feel awful about that if i think on it too hard
i think i only picked up ronan from the maze runner, at least, that i talk to, yeah, right, there’s two others that are still about but i dont think we’ve ever held a convo X] 
and u current peeps! from mario, star wars and.....im not quite sure where for some of you! i love u all! especially y’all that have been around forever, just, liking each others posts every now and again., i dont know how many people you all follow, but i follow less than a 100. i might only be a blip on your radar, but i like seeing y’all, genuinely. thank you for being in my orbit. i hope i’m a comforting or at least. nice reliable presence in yours, for as long as we all stick around.  
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darkgeminisworld · 4 years
This is gonna be a rant about a probably toxic friend so if you don't wanna read it, this is a heads up.
Okay so for several reasons, most of them being that I need to move on, I decided to write this lengthy rant about a friend I'm pretty sure will not be a friend of mine for much longer, which sucks bc he's almost my only irl friend but also feels good bc he's exhausting and I'm pretty sure he's also toxic.
I've met this guy like 6 and a half years ago, and we pretty much bonded over shared interests pretty fast. The first thing that bothered me was that he'd always be late, which would be absolutely fine if he'd been honest about it. But writing that it's five minutes until he's there and then showing up 30 minutes after that, or writing "I'm on your doorstep" and taking another ten minutes to show up, almost every single time, isn't, especially since I strained to be on time the first months (meaning I'd be too early bc my brain only does too early or too late, nothing in between). And his being late wasn't just 20 or 30 minutes, several times he was over an hour late. Oh, and once when we had agreed to meet he legit wasn't home and I waited around 2 hours, which I really should have held a grudge for back then and been way more pissed at him.
The second thing that bothered me was that he was way too nosy. He'd ask if I'm free to meet and play video games or whatever and whenever I said no he'd ask what I'm doing and if I can't manage my time another way to make time for him. And the thing is, not only did I not ask several times after he told me that he's busy that day, but I actively told him, several times over the course of about the last two years, that it bothers me and asked him to tone it down. My problem here is only that he didn't stop after I asked him to, bc before I told him and asked him, how was he supposed to know.
Coming out to him went well, though he did ask me whether I'm into him, which... No. Obviously it could've gone a lot worse, but still.
The next is more a small annoyance, a small itch, although it might have been a warning sign. He couldn't handle defeat very well. In most video games he was better, but he low-key aggressively denied it when I pointed out the win-lose ratio in my all-time favourite video game series and he'd try to cheat at other games. If it was only about him being competitive I'd understand, but that doesn't mean trying to rewrite the past by blatantly lying about it and ridiculing me for pointing out that that's bullshit, especially since it's only games, played for the fun of it.
We also went to the cinema sometimes, though if it had been up to him it'd have been way more often and that's another point where he really didn't let it go after getting a no. Whether he wanted to watch a horror movie after being told, several times, that I really don't like horror movies, or just the general question of whether we'd be going to the cinema, he'd ask again and ask what I'm doing, why did I not want to go, would another time be good, couldn't I ask my parents for money (which, to be fair, I could have. But I preferred not to bc back then it was really stressful bc we had to move and renovate and I just didn't wanna add more frustration if that makes sense? Plus I wanted to get my hands on some things, which required to save up) etc. Almost every time we did end up going, it was he who initiated it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wanted to see some of the movies just as badly as he did, but... And if he can't even accept "no" from a friend of several years (also a 100% guy friend as far as he is aware bc I didn't start to address gender issues with him), I'm worried about other contexts with that word. Also we did some kind of text role play (just texting back and forth with OCs inserted into several fantasy works like the Inheritance Cycle, who would parttake in the storyline, no set rulebook or anything) and his characters did some questionable and even outright deplorable things and when I wanted his character to suffer consequences, he always wanted him to get away with it. Like, his idea for one of his characters "pranking" mine in reaction to a prank which in itself was a retaliation to his character's pranks was kidnapping and waterboarding my character. And he kept defending it as a prank and demanded that my character should just forgive his character, like... It really made (and continues to make) me wonder and worry just how much of his darker thoughts I don't know about. And I don't know how accurate it is but I once saw a post with a quote that went along the lines of "man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." (btw I couldn't think of a satisfactory way to phrase it so I ended up looking up the quote and apparently it's from Oscar Wilde)
So I spent a fair amount of time arguing with him over that and trying to explain to the best of my ability why it was wrong, and for some time it went better.
Fast forward a few months to the blm protests or more specifically news coverage of it and info I sent him. He defended cops and blamed the protestors and even justified the atrocities of the cops, so that was the first instance where we had a huge fight. I practically drowned him in links and videos etc and some weeks into that I thought I'd managed to get through to him (Spoiler: I didn't really get through to him) so I kept it in mind but continued to have contact with him and everything (bc at the time I didn't know that I didn't really get through as much as I thought).
From there on it pretty much went downhill. We had been thinking about doing a trip to London for a few days (his idea but at the time I really wanted to go, it was around 2 years ago when I still practically worshipped that one author, she who must not be named) and to this very day he's not letting it go completely. Even though the pandemic puts lots of obstacles in the way and I have more important things to worry about, namely final exams and applications. Even though London is expensive as shit and I still have no way to earn money atm. And about the vacation, I finally canceled last summer (and gave the aforementioned reasons) and he completely lost his shit and got super aggressive, insulted me and tried to guilt-trip me into taking that back and agreeing to still go on that vacation with him. Then we got into another fight where he wanted me to cancel the vacation with my grandparents, which was already planned and booked and everything in order to make time for the vacation I'd already said I don't want to go on with him anymore and aggressively demanded (he didn't ask, he sent a demand and bombarded me with exclamation marks) to know when exactly I'd be going on vacation with them. Then he went offline after I refused and ignored the next few messages I sent him and only replied when I asked "what I'd I reconsidered my stance on the trip?". I mean, baiting him with that definitely was shitty of me, but the result showed that that was basically what he wanted, pressure me into still going on that vacation. That specific conflict had been going on for weeks, bc despite me telling him that it's counterproductive and detrimental to my mental health to increase the pressure and therefore my anxiety about getting a job to pay for the trip, he kept pressuring me while acknowledging that he's giving me lots of pressure and anxiety and even using that against me.
He also didn't acknowledge that most times we try to meet, he goes offline for hours before replying and disappearing again. That would be absolutely fine if he didn't accuse me of doing that, which btw is his standard technique and it took me a long time to realize that. He always tries to shift the blame to make me look like the one at fault, and he always, always demands that I apologize when we had a fight via WhatsApp.
And when I started enforcing my boundaries and telling him to stop asking again and again why I can't meet, what I'm doing, or demanding other explanations, he started to attack me for the kind of language I use, so when I'm ever so slightly sarcastic he immediately latches onto that and creates a new conflict.
But this still isn't all, oh no. He's also basically an ecofascist, and is fully okay with sacrificing social justice to save the environment, completely choosing to ignore that the people he's protecting are the ones at fault and that the ppl who contribute the least are the ones experiencing the hardest ecological consequences.
He's said multiple times that he thinks both sides are equally bad, in the context of left and right in general as well as antifascism and fascism and that he doesn't "condone the oppressed defending themselves with any means necessary" bc that, too, would include violence. He's defending the "right to free speech" even when right-wingers say really disgusting shit, he disagrees with prohibiting demonstrations of ppl who think that Corona is a hoax, he has zero empathy for ppl who are affected, who suffer long-term consequences from infections, not even for ppl who die from it (he literally said "people die anyway, that doesn't justify imprisoning everyone else") and somehow still thinks he has the moral high ground.
And the last bit he did was explaining to me, from his endocisallohet white guy perspective, how I'm "not discriminated against" bc gay ppl in my country can get married (only since 2017 btw) and when I, despite the fact that I shouldn't have had to and that it was a real blow to my mental health, wrote him a message that was almost the length of an essay, he calmly started to question my replies with the detachedness of someone who's discussing whether pineapple belongs on pizza and demanding further explanation. To top it off, he said that marginalized ppl have to always reply to everyone calmly and politely, no matter if it was offensive bc the person asking might be unaware of that. Otherwise, he said, everyone would be right to stop listening to us. Like, he literally said that we don't deserve human rights if we're not licking the boots of our oppressors if that way of thinking is followed through to the end.
I almost forgot, he also thinks that white ppl should have a say in whether something is a racist slur, or whether something is racist in general (we're both white, but at least I'm trying my best to unlearn what my upbringing taught me instead of being the cliché of the white person who goes "how dare you call me racist, I've never been more insulted in my whole life!", which is basically his reaction)
So up until this last fight, I conceded some ground to him to end the fights and keep him as a "friend" not only bc I feel horrible when I imagine losing one of my only irl friends but also bc I was hoping I could get through to him and educate him, to the best of my ability, on how to be a good ally to marginalized people. But the disregard with which he treats my explanations why the way he talked (wrote) about marginalized people is absolutely not okay and the fact that he just told me that he genuinely doesn't see how he did anything wrong even after I explained it to him in detail is just too much to bear at this point.
Oh, and while looking through the chat to prove him a liar I found that apparently, to him a promise is a promise, no matter whether it was given under pressure or voluntarily, so do with that what you will.
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lowkeyaesthvtic · 5 years
Evil Karma - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Word Count: 1,468
Summary: It turns out that helping Harry “close the Chip Shoppe” had a bit of a different meaning.
Pairings: Harry x OC, mentions of Harry x Uma x OC
Rating: T
Warnings: a couple of swear words, sexual tension, kinky talk/terms, a bit of fluffy!Harry, also a bit of switch!Harry bc there needs to be more of that
Tags: @descendantofthesparrow @harper-hook @kirbiejayhook @amityravenclawelf and EVERYBODY ELSE WHO HAS BEEN LIKING THE CHAPTERS THANK YOUUUU!!!
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Harry began to lead me through the doors of the Chip Shoppe, a smirk on his face and his unhooked hand in his pocket fiddling around with whatever was inside. Once we got inside, I started to walk toward the back closet where I knew the cleaning supplies had been stored. Then, Harry stepped in front of me, acting as a tall, muscular blockade. I looked up at him, confused yet not letting down my front. “I thought you wanted help closing the shoppe.” He nodded and stayed where he was, unphased by his figure blocking mine.
“I do, but there’s a few things we should talk about before we do…” Harry eyed me up and down, taking time with each glance as if he were gazing at a plate of chocolate cake. “How far have you gone, Sofi?” I could feel a small smile tugging at me. I knew exactly what he meant. But something tells me that this king of chaos isn’t a fan of someone who’s observant. He wants someone aloof, someone who makes him have to be blunt and forceful. Okay, pirate, I’ll play your game.
“With closing up a restaurant? Well, I took over your waiting shift last weekend, I bussed tables, and I swept the floors a couple of nights ago. So I’d say I’ve gone pretty far.” I chuckle and try to walk around him. In a swift response, Harry sticks both of his arms out, his hooked hand leaving a small tear in the wall and his unhooked hand staying stiff against the wall. “What? Now you don’t want help, Hooky?” I could tell that irked him, frustrated him. If he wanted it to be a game, he’d get a game...just not a game he’d win.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Sofi, you know what I mean. What’s the farthest you’ve gone with someone..guy, girl, doesn’t matter.” We stayed standing across from each other, but I could tell he wanted to get closer. I shrugged my shoulders and took a step closer to him.
“What about you? I’d expect you’re quite the man-whore, right?” I quickly glanced at his blue eyes, keeping contact. After a quick eye roll, he puffs out a devilish laugh.
“I asked you first.”
“I asked you second.” I scrunched my face and smiled innocently. I didn’t know if I was winning, but I knew I was having fun and that was all that mattered.
“Okay...enough with this. Uma and I like you! Not just like you, we...like you like you. Uma didn’t realize it until earlier today so we haven’t been able to talk about it, but now we’re doing something about it so will you please just play along because the longer you string this out the more intriguing it gets and I promised Uma I wouldn’t kiss you without her here!” In an unexpected fit of nervousness, Harry breaks his pose and somehow ends up closer to me with his fingers gently grabbing my chin and tilting my face up towards his.
“That was...surprisingly submissive, it almost sounds like you’re begging. Tell me Harry, do you beg often?” A frustrated yet all too excited grunt is my only response. “Okay, fine. If you must know, I had a few flings back on Neverland. But once I realized I had to be responsible for them, it didn’t feel right. But I’ll admit, I had my favorites.” By now, Harry had released his lingering grip on my chin, but we still remained close to each other. If I listened close enough, I could hear his breath rise and fall.
“Favorites? Like who?”
“Isn’t it a little weird that you’ve taken a liking to me and yet all you want to hear is about past relationships? Are you looking for red flags, Hooky?” I twiddled my fingers around his hook, something I had done before but only as a joke. Now, it seemed to have a different air to it. Now, it felt like a different kind of playful. It felt like the best kind of playful.
“Uma gave me a very specific set of instructions on how to go through this. I’m just doing what my Captain told me to. You understand that, don’t you, duckling?” The nickname intrigued a little more than I would’ve wanted him to know. But it’s what helped me realize that the two of them really did have feelings for me. They planned this together, so they weren’t fighting over me. They both wanted me at once. I’ll admit that it’s a new concept, but it’s not one I could really be opposed to. Harry’s insanity and natural flirtatiousness has excited me since we first saw each other. As the three months of my membership in the crew had passed, more of the little things about Harry seemed to attract me to him.
“His name was Mateo. Mateo Facilier. Right before Dr Facilier got locked up on the Isle, he begged my father to let Mateo live on Neverland because he didn’t want his son living in a prison. We started off as friends. Every time my dad told me to train someone, my mind would go to him. His family was never really experienced in weapons, so I figured he’d need a lot of help. One day, we were sparring and things got...heated.” A part of my mind flashed back to that day, how I used part of the island’s magic to make sure nobody would see us or hear us. I remembered how it felt to tug at his hair, how it felt to scratch down his back, the sound of the waves crashing behind us wasn’t loud enough to cover the sounds we made together. It was such a long time ago, yet with a place like Neverland you never really know how long it has been.
“So, you hooked up and then the two of you started dating?”
“I’m sure that’s what he wished would have happened, yeah. The difference between him and the other flings that I had was that the other flings were one night flings. Mateo was good at what he was doing, so I let him continue. But as time went on, he became more gentle and started talking about commitment. It was just something I wasn’t ready for.” The air started to change. My conversation became less about a game with Harry and more about..consent? Harry began to look a bit doubtful, something I had never seen in the pirate’s eyes before.
“What about now? Do you think you’d be ready for commitment now? Because I’ve got to be honest, Sofi. What Uma and I feel for you isn’t just a fling. It’s not just lust. I don’t think either of us know how to define it just yet..but it’s more than that.” Harry took one of my hands into his, his hook having been removed and left on a nearby table. He really meant what he was saying, I knew that now.
“I like you guys too. The two of you carry these energies around you that are different but..alluring nonetheless. At first I thought it was just the mischief in me but as the months passed, I kept paying attention to the little things. I don’t really know what to call that, either, but I’m willing to try it out and see if it clears things up for me.” His eyes brightened as he grabbed his hook and slipped it back over his left hand.
“That’s the spirit, Island Girl,” he replied with his devilishly playful air returning. It had been as if the nerves and doubt that were previously shown had been some kind of light switch that only I could flicker on and off. I walked over to him and reached into his left pocket. Whatever was inside had been clattering and making noise every time he moved, increasing my curiosity with each sound. The metallic feeling on my fingers mixed with the clinging sound it made as it clashed together helped me put the pieces together. A long chain with a near obsidian color danced along my hand and I looked to Harry in both shock and intrigue.
“I’ve been looking for this. Why’d you take it?”
“Uma found it in your room while you were bussing tables one night, she thought you had certain..uses for it.”
“Well, maybe I do..” I smirked at him as I let the chain dangle and swing like a medallion. “But if you want to find out, fellow first mate, I suggest we wait for our Captain to return. Who knows what she’ll do to us if we have fun without her.” Harry gives a small pout and walks over to the cleaning closet.
“Fine, first mate, I’ll get you the broom.”
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God Concept: Tu’er Shen, the Leveret Spirit 🐇
“While other gods may proclaim endlessly over the power they have over their domains, causing no end of trouble for their fellow pantheon members and their followers as a result, Tu’er Shen patiently and quietly tends to those who request his services with unmatched loyalty and dedication.”
(in-game appearance notes, voicelines & other links below!)
introduction (this part’s in the photo but it’s a lil hard to read so it’s here as well!)
this concept is super inspired by kaios’ concept for tu’er shen (which you’ll find linked below), i loved his ideas for rabbit lad and wanted to add more to the concept. my final kit concept is a lil bit similar but i think i’ve changed enough for it to not be a copy lmao. anyways, i’ve wanted a hunter support since i played tyrande a while ago in heroes of the storm. she was super fun and the mix of dealing strong consistent damage and still being able to support allies is something i’d kill to have in smite
tu’er shen is also a really cool god, and recently I’ve been provoked by my mutuals making lots of god concepts when i haven’t made any in a very long time lol (if you remember my other smite oc you’re a real stan). obvs i don’t think hi-rez would do him justice and gamerbros would totally complain about the Gays™ shoving their insatiable need for Representation™ down their throats and what not but it’s still a fun concept regardless!
the stats may not be perfect bc i have no idea about that stuff but best rabbit boy is here and now i can say i put effort into making something for myself lmao.
(also i know tu’er shen wasn’t THAT closely associated with rabbits as it was a slang word for the Gays(tm), hence the joke reference lol)
in-game appearance
bc i can’t draw I just made my boy in the sims lol BUT in-game he’s gotta be stylish as all hell. it’d probs be a cute red changshan embroidered w/ a rabbit pattern but I also want the outfit to have kinda magical girl vibes and also be Horny™ so I think something like this could kinda slay.
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add a few changes like so:
fuck dragons, let’s get some rabbit detailing up in this bitch
make that boob window BIGGER and make it into a love heart shape ;^)
give it a sleeve on one side, cut it to reference ‘the passion of the cut sleeve’
probs make the shorts longer lol.
add some iconique high heeled boots and sexci stockings
and add a mask bc statues of him show him w/ a mask...
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...and there’s nothing more gay than a good mask lmao. i think he’d wear the mask at first at then take if off as his introduction animation :) and now we’re basically done! just in general make tu’er shen’s in-game appearance thotty and semi-traditional (it worked for nu wa and daji lmao).
god selection
“Tu’er Shen!” (duh)
“Is anyone in need of my services?”
“Let’s see what I can do.”
“Wonder if there are any cute gods around? Wait, no! Work first, then play later!”
“In their own ways, everyone here is fighting for love.”
(this isn’t an official one but as a joke it was highly entertaining) “Come on Season 6 let’s get sickening!”
ability 1 - passion arrow
“Fallen for me yet?”
“I’ve got you!”
“Coming for your heart!”
ability 2 - matchmaker
self/ally match - male gods only
“Our connection is strong.”
“Let your heart speak to me.”
self/ally match - general
“Together we’re stronger.”
“I’ve got your back.”
ally/ally match
“You’d make a good pair.”
“Another successful match.”
“Swipe left next time!”
“This’ll end badly.”
ability 3 - bunny hop
“Excuse me!”
“Coming through!”
ability 4/ultimate - romantic rush
“Feel the love!”
low health
“I will not give in just yet.”
“I don’t mind playing rough, but this is a bit too much even for me...”
when placing wards
“Reveal their hearts to me little ward.”
“Any romantic confessions I should be aware of?”
when buying consumables
“Isn’t this interesting?”
“The colour is lovely.”
when buying offensive items
“I don’t want to harm others but if I must.”
“Love hurts indeed...”
when buying defensive items
“Will this protect my ears?”
“Hope this won’t slow me down.”
“Even the gods have to use a little protection.”
when in a killstreak
“I can heal them later on, right?”
“Love never misses its mark.”
when killing a jungle boss
“That creature was awfully big...”
“Thank you for your sacrifice.”
when destroying a tower
“Love conquers all, man and structure alike.”
“Ack, that’s so loud!”
“You’ll never kill my spirit...”
“Love is eternal...”
kaios’ super cool concept for tu’er shen you should check out as it’s cooler than mine lol. his art of tu’er shen goes full furry and it’s kinda cute ngl
other links you can read for more information about tu’er shen: 1, 2
a beautiful short film about tu’er shen helping a guy accept his sexuality, gore warning towards the end
(also thanks for reading this if you cared enough to get to the end lmao)
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almostsane-things · 7 years
Alrighty, so I was tagged forever ago by @a-for-alternative, @angletic, and @senti-renai for
{11} Questions
1. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 
2. Write 11 questions of your own. 
3. Tag 11 people
So since this’ll be long, I’ll put my answers under a cut~
From a-for-alternative
1&2. Do you think you’re a ‘good’ person? Do you think the people around you are 'good’ people?
Yes and Yes. The people around me make mistakes and I certainly have my flaws, but I think in general, we’re all trying our best to be good people and constantly striving to be better.
3&4. Imagine the person you’re most reliant on or most love. Now imagine they are an imposter - they killed and took the identity of person you believed them to be years ago. Do you confront them? Would you want to find the body?
I- okay um, so the person I imagined is my mom, and.. I would confront them and see why they did what they did and how long they’ve been pretending, because if I’ve known them all my life then, all the memories I’ve associated with that identity are still true, if that makes sense. I wouldn’t want to see the body, and if they continue as they had been before, then I guess I’d continue as well.
5&6. If you lost all of your possessions, what would be the first thing you would replace? What thing would you miss most?
I’d immediately replace my phone because I need that to get anywhere as I’m completely dependent on rides from other people. I’d most miss any artwork or wips that I never posted because those took a lot of effort.
7&8. What is one thing you would never wish on your worse enemy? Have you ever experienced it?
Depression and yeps :finger_gun:
9&10. Choose 1 superpower. Why did you choose that?
Teleportation bc I’m lazy and scared of driving.
11. What is one piece of advice you could give that you’ve learned about life?
Do what you want and do it confidently. If you have a tall stride and block out the noise, it won’t matter what other people are thinking and you’ll inspire confidence in others to do what they were scared to do too.
From angletic
1. What’s the funniest/dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
I fell backwards onto the floor in my desk chair in my room and just decided to sleep there. 
2. What’s your opinions on “cringey” fandoms? (ie. FNaF, undertale, cuphead, MLP, hetalia, etc.)
I haven’t interacted with them tbh, but I think there’s two types of things people mean when they call something cringey. a) Something childish and underdeveloped, something you’d look back on like I can’t believe I was so embarassing, i.e. rainbow mary sue wolf ocs, welcome to my twisted mind, etc or b) meanspirited exclusionist or generally hateful/ignorant comments that physically pain you to read. A) is a sort of cringe that shouldn’t even be cringe just embrace your middle school woes, but B) is harmful and turns people away from otherwise good content.
3. Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?
Optimist~ Pessimism just makes me sad
4. What youtubers/instagram comedians/other social media people are you subscribed to and actively watch?
Thomas Sanders, Dan and Phil, some music ppl like TraciJHines and Lindsey Stirling
5. What are some red flags you watch out for when making friends?
Just the way they treat/talk about other people
6. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever lost/broken/stolen?
I once took my stepmom’s Dooney&Bourke bag (some fancy name brand) to the movies and left it in the seats when I ran to the bathroom. It had my money and phone in it too. I assumed that they would watch it and got in trouble for it later.
7. If anything, what would you change super mario’s catchphrase to?
‘Pizza go’ no reason really
8. Got any secret/hidden talents you want to share? if so, can you tell what they are?
Secret hidden talents? Um.. I’ve been told I’m good at reading aloud, like I was pulled out of class in first grade to read to visitors considering the school.
9. What jokes/phrases have you seen online that you now incorporate into your daily speech?
I got some writing tics from Mystic Messenger like ^^ and ;; and I say ‘mood’ and ‘me’ a lot in real life.
10. If you could change one (1) thing in the world with the click of a button and have no consequences, what would it be? (you can do anything. want your fav fictional character to exist? there they are. being your fav. solve world hunger? bang. there it is. goth gf? there she is, crying in a bathroom stall)
Give everyone in the world a healthy dose of empathy and communication skills. I think we’d solve a lot more problems that way.
11. What’s a movie/picture/quote etc. that never fails to make you laugh? Post the link!
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From senti-renai
1. What’s one of your favourite Death Note headcanons (if any)?
L took the alias Ryuzaki from B who took it from A who also named their cat that. Thanks to aseraphfell. 2. Is there anything that confused you in childhood that you only understood as you got older?
I feel like I still am a child, I’ll figure it out later. 3 & 4. What’s your favourite colour…. and why? (I’m curious)
I don’t have one because have you seen colors, they’re good stuff. When people ask I usually just gravitate towards whatever color fits my mood in the moment. The only color I don’t like is a washed out puke green yellow. 5. Do you see yourself as approachable or are you reserved?
Hm, I think I’m approachable online because I get to talk about my interests and be nerds with you all, but offline I’m just awkward unless I’m specifically making an effort to be friendly *cough* retail *cough* 6 & 7. Are there any dreams you’ve had that have stuck with you/are difficult to forget? If so, what about?
My dreams are so fun! Like when I had to free princesses from crystals cerca Kingdom Hearts style, or pretend play as an unassuming manipulative villain with my friends, or escape from an actual villain who had me kidnapped, or rescue my friends from monsters and avoid murderous snowmen with acid snowballs. I’ll often postpone waking up to finish my dream. 8. What’s your favourite video game?
Go to answer is Kingdom Hearts, though I do tend to play Sims more. 9. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Mmm let’s go with dark, though I will gladly take any chocolate. 10. What’s the longest time you’ve been in any fandom for? 
Hm, does Disney count because I’ve grown up with that my whole life 11. Favourite fanfic? 
Noel. The best. If you haven’t read it, it’s a fandom must. Here you go.
But also this. I don’t even really ship BxL but I enjoyed the case and the exploration of B’s relationship with L and with A and the writing itself. I just remember being blown away by this when I read it, and immediately got a new level of respect for @voldy-in-my-turban.
And while we’re at it, here’s a good BxNaomi one shot I just read recently by @jettiebettie. This fandom has some great writers.
1. What’s a fic/art idea you wish you could just will into existence without having to write it yourself?
2. Favorite mythological creature?
3. If you could see something that others couldn’t, what would you want to see? (Lifespans, a new color, people’s sexuality, the elemental spirits of the world, dead people, etc)
4. What do you do to calm down?
5. Which character do you wish got more love from the fandom?
6. How do you determine what’s real?
7. You’re a detective on a case and you’ve accidentally gotten really attached to the murderer. What do?
8. What do you need right now?
9. How would you describe your ideal aesthetic?
10. What’s a weird/obscure thing that you enjoy?
11. Are you a protagonist?
And I tag @writer-with-caffeine, @eyecicles, @devilsies, @lawlietislaw, @the-real-death-note-victim, @catfishmaster, @o-zma, @synapsi-s, @american-apple-pie, @welcome-to-my-space, @drowning-in-dn-hell
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
Fuck It I'm Gonna Minific From A Phone
A little Self Story bc I need to write SOMETHING and my Voltron fics are reserved for a computer with a proper keyboard.
————————————————- Huffing, the teenage girl smacked her head onto her desk for what felt like the thousandth time that day. ‘When will this suffering end?’ She thought, tugging her scrunchie out and letting her copper and red streaked hair fall out in curly waves, brushing against her shoulders. She idly played with a particular ringlet as her English teacher ranted about Shakespeare or something similar up front, near the whiteboard. Lucky her, she was sitting in the very back, which meant more chances to daydream. Vaguely she thought that she should shower when she got home, since her hair was feeling a little oily and looked dusty, and earlier this morning she’d broken a comb trying to smooth out a few tangles. Curse her genetics for giving her father’s fluffy curls and her Mum’s wavy thickness to her unruly hair. She didn’t care if her hair was classified as “perfect curls or waves”, all she knew was she never had to use a curling iron to get perfect ringlets, and straightening the damn thing was an hour long process she had no energy for. Not to mention water was her number one enemy, always causing it to either curl or frizz when dried. Or both, which was normally why she kept it tied back with a scrunchie. She snapped back to attention when the bell rung, and she gathered up her things and left that godforsaken class. She said hello to a few friends as she passed them in the hallways, and played her usual game of How Gay Am I For That Girl as she walked to Algebra class. Humming along to the tune on her headphones, she slid into her seat once she’d arrived and waved an awkward hello to her pal Nathan, or Omega as he called himself. Things had been a bit strained between them, mainly because Nathan had a crush on her and she only saw him as a brother. She always felt bad when someone liked her, not that it had ever happened before to her knowledge, mainly because she was Aromantic. She turned to her notebook and hummed quietly to herself, remembering the conversation she’d had with her Mum the other day. “Boys are like static cling sometimes!” Her Mum had sighed, brushing silver and black hair out of her hazel green eyes. “So, you never really felt like dating anyone?!?” She’d responded, actually a little shocked. “No, actually. I stayed single my whole life til I met your father. He’d actually just stuck around me, and we ended up getting married, before that divorce. Every boyfriend since has just stuck to me until I agreed to one date, and I guess I just never had the heart to say no until I got fed up enough.” The older female had explained with a wry smile. “So you must actually be Aromantic like me! Huh! Ya learn something new everyday…” the teen had muttered, before grinning at her Mum. “So once we kick Steve out, no more boyfriends? Promise?” She’d asked, adding puppy eyes for full effect. Her Mum had laughed and nodded agreement. She shook out of the memory when a sheet of complicated looking equations was passed over to her, and she sighed. She had no idea what she was supposed to do, so she huffed and at least tried to figure out what the fuck X equaled. An hour and a half later, she was slumped against her close friend and brother figure Sam, who didn’t complain and merely continued to eat the nachos she’d gotten for him. He never had any money for school lunches, and she’d felt awful when she saw the sad little sandwiches he’d had to eat. She’s started with handing over her leftover food she hadn’t eaten, since she was worried he wasn’t eating enough. Then it turned into her handing over her food at every lunch period since her new meds that controlled her anxiety and ADHD also acted as a hunger suppressant, leaving her appetite nonexistent. She ate, of course, usually when she saw food she liked, such as the fish or the egg rolls, or usually just survived off of the fruit cups and milk cartons. Sam glanced over at where her head was pressed against his leather jacket covered shoulder and raised an eyebrow. “Tough day?” He asked nonchalantly, dipping a chip into some of the liquid cheese and sour cream as she grumbled and looked up and stared at his sideburns. “You have no idea. I might not live through fifth and sixth period.” She groaned, absolutely limp against his form. They had that weird sibling dynamic where physical affection wasn’t all that unwelcome. Sam chuckled and patted her knee sympathetically. “You’ll survive. If I can listen to Mel whine about her problems all day and still keep my sanity intact, then you can survive the next two classes today.” She snorted out a half laugh. “Well, yer her boyfriend. Listenin’ to her is kinda yer job.” She drawled, slipping into her Texan accent. What? She was tired! Her ADHD had kicked her ass the night before, so she’d been up til nearly three in the morning aching to go run or something before she managed to settle down enough to get SOME sort of rest. Sam rolled his eyes and munched on another chip. “Can’t argue with that.” He hummed, shrugging. She sighed. “Honestly I just want to take a nap but I have stuff to do…” Sam rolled his eyes again. “Don’t we all?” He joked, reaching up to ruffle her hair. She purred delightedly at the attention. She adored head rubs, but it was something she only let trusted people do. Which was rare, since she literally had no trust in anyone, anxiety only worsening the problem and making her believe that, even though she had a good life and friends and family that really cared, everyone would turn on her and abandon her and pretty much show that everything was one big lie, a joke. She and Sam started chatting about story ideas, since they had their own little AU called the Squad AU, just a little story about their OC’s and the trouble they get into in different universes, some already existing and some made up. The bell rang again, dismissing the lunch crowd, and she gathered up her things and bid goodbye to her pals as she moved to the class in the library. She grinned as the class door unlocked and she entered the computer filled room, sliding into her favorite spot and swivel chair, adjusting the tilted computer screen and lowering the chair so her chest could have a rest on the wooden table and give her aching shoulders and back a rest. Cracking her neck and back, rolling her shoulders, she popped a few finger joints and logged in, already working on an essay paragraph so she could do what she really wanted to; free write. She actually had a deal with the teacher, after several talks and lectures. After a while, he’d given her a deal: as long as you write a poem a day or an essay paragraph, you can take the rest of the class off to write your creative stories and documents. She’d finished the poem assignment a few days ago, so now it was just a paragraph for an essay a day and she could go back to writing plot lines, head canons, fic ideas and short stories as much as she liked. Once finished with the paragraph, she pulled up a familiar document, the plot line for a Shance one shot she was making, and started adding in more details to the document. Humming, she checked over everything and made a few changes before deeming it ready to be written out as an actual story before opening a new document and starting a new plot line, this one for another one shot idea she’d had last night during her little hyper episode, though to be honest she’d seen the same thing around a few times already but it never failed to make her smile or giggle. She had to research a little for it, but that was okay and she had the bare bones of the idea down by the time the bell ring. She saved everything twice before closing everything and logging off, ready for the long exhausting march to sixth period over in the second building. Once there, she greeted everyone with her usual “Man I feel dead inside!” and slumped into her tall chair, grateful for the cold black plastic table top against her cheek as she rested her head against it. A pencil shooting across the table had her glaring up at her frenemy, Nicholas. “Nick, for the love of everything holy, could ya fucking not?” She growled as the taller boy grinned at her from two tables away, his face blurry since she’d left her glasses at home today, but she could still practically FEEL him smirking. “But messing with you is more entertaining than anything else.” Nick chirped, twirling another pencil in his hand before flicking it at her. She flipped him the bird and nuzzled into her bag, to tired from the jog up the stairs to respond back for the moment. She rummaged around in her bag before pulling out a bag of chips and throwing it at him. “Here. Now shut up and leave me alone.” She hissed, glaring at him as she fumbled with her scrunchie and retied her hair back into a ponytail, or bunnytail since it was short and fluffy and curled down to brush against the back of her neck. To be fair, they were friends, sort of, since Nick went to her Grandpa’s church and she usually saw him there whenever she visited. But, they had a mutual hatred and respect for each other. A weird dynamic, since one moment she’d be sharing food with him and he’d be chatting with her about the logistics of a show, but the next they’d be at each other’s throats with scissors and flailing arms. No real harm was ever done, but it did annoy her to no end when he threw things like pens and popsicle sticks at her. She put on her headphones and ignored him the best she could, occasionally throwing a pen back or discreetly flipping him off, and started doodling in her notebook again. “Oh thank God, I’m free!” She declared as she exited the school, her scarf getting tossed into her face from the wind. Tucking the blue fabric back around her neck, she mumbled to herself as she walked the short distance to her house. “Well, at least until tomorrow.” She sighed, waiting for the crosswalk to turn green so she could cross the street and get home. It was a nice day for once, windy but not freezing cold like the winter they’d just left. Her skirt pressed against her legs as cars blew past, her scarf fluttering over her shoulder as she plucked her loose curl, the one she kept shorter for aesthetic purposes, out of her eyes in time to see the light turn green. She finally got home, and after fending off the excited dogs that swarmed her when she got inside, carefully dodging the hard whip-like tail of her boxer pit bull mix Kane who was a total sweetie, she managed to get into her room and shut the door to be alone. Ignoring the mess on the floor, she flopped onto her bed and sighed into a pillow before checking Tumblr, bored already. “Well, today was boring.” —————————————— I’m ending it there. See what happens when I’m not allowed to write for so long?!?!?!?
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forthelalaland · 8 years
A day full of love ❤️
My pamily? My pamily? Ohmayghd!!! *he he*
Our grade school teachers once taught us that family is the basic unit of the society. And I have grown to agree with that. Because I can never picture myself without my family. I don’t know where I will be if not for them. They are the ones who picked me up even in my darkest days, took care of me in my weakest moments, loved me despite all my wrongs and imperfections.
My family is my living source of strength, peace, and love in my life. They are my basics; my comfort zone - where I can be me, whatever I wanna be when I am with them. I love my family sooooo much! They are the first (and forever will be!) and best presents I ever received from God. My family means everything to me that is why I am doing all I can to make them happy. 💖
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My family has always had this close ties to each other, that strong and intimate family connection where my mum’s and pap’s family really turned into a one, big, happy ohana. My sister and I grew up with our grandparents since our parents were working. Actually, ate is much closer to the father side while I am on the mother side. But hey, we love them both, of course. *heart hearts*
Papa’s parents passed away already. However, I still can remember those memories I had with Lola Sabel and Lolo Terio even if that was a long time ago already. I love those talks with them while they were in the rocking chairs, those random gifts given by our grandmother to us, and most especially, those singing afternoons with grandpa. Oh geez, I am starting to get teary-eyed...
I am the type of person who cherishes the moment in front of me. While my mother’s parents are still here with us, of couuurse, I am trying my best to give them the love they deserve. Especially me, I am a lola’s girl! Kindergarten to now that I am still working, Lola Ining still treats me like a princess. Lolo Pedro and Lola do make me feel that all the time. Hashtag spoiled! Hahaha!
When I was a kid, I used to stay at grannies’ house every weekend. I always have that giddy feeling inside me when I am on the tricycle going to nanay’s. Why? Because they have a sari-sari store and I want to help in organizing her racks. That’s what triggered my OC-ness. LOL! Mama also said that I can train my math skills there. But huy, I hate that subject. Huehue. And the truth is, I have playmates there. Wala kasi dito sa’min. Hahaha. And since bata, I love being there - just enjoying and letting my imaginations rule. Hihihi. Let me add that sissy and I have the most delicious breakfast all the time whenever we are there! Walang palya, promise. Sometimes, Jollibee pa since it is just walking distance from the house. So, imagine that? Who would not love this kind of grannies who take care their granddaughters so fine like that? They love my parents, yes, but they do it twice to us! The roots are just the best. =)))))
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The day we have been waiting for, March 4, 2017, when my Lola Ining turned 75 years you-ld (young and old, ya kno bc nanay will be mad if she read this haha) has arrived. The family was not able to give her any big birthday celebration for the past years so we took the chance of having it this year. Nanay has been a wonderful blessing to lots of people. Indeed, she deserves this best moment of her life! Hihihi. Being with her since I was a kid, it was me who organized the event. Well actually, it is all of us but I am the punong-abala - from the meeting with the Max’s manager to the sending of invitations, plus packing of souvenirs and until the day it came. I was a bit nervous because I might fail this event. But really reaaally excited because Lola does not know about this. Yuuup, this is a surprise birthday bash. 🙌🎉
At that day, my sister and I headed to Max’s, earlier than anybody else to set-up the place (but it was already nice when we went so just a little organizing left yay five-stars for that!) and to take care of Lola’s guests. It was so good because aside from nanay’s family, us, I really can say there are many people who love her. I thought I was the only one excited but they are more hyped than me! Hahaha! I appreciate everyone’s presence because they are not late. I actually was a bit embarrassed because I let them wait for nanay, and the food. Hahahahaha! But everything was worth it, I tell you! Our plans fell on the right track. As what we have talked about, Mama and Papa will fetch our extended family and we must disappoint her when she will know sissy and I have work at her special day. Then, the guests must coordinate with us so the surprise will follow. Hihihi. SML!
When Lola entered the function hall, we turned the lights off but you can say that the happy air was floating. Funny how she was ranting why they were going inside this dark place of the restaurant but when the lights were opened and the confetti popped, the moment just got slow-mo. My Lola heard the happy birthday song, saw the people dear to her heart, and I don’t know!!! All I know is that it was just an amazing moment! *heart heart heart*
There is no definite program for Lola’s birthday party but we have some things prepared. After Lola thanked each table for coming, we let the restaurant serve the yummy (and heavy gosh busooog!) lunch then. To have an ice breaker while eating the desserts, we played some video greetings from nanay’s relatives outside the country. Everyone was touched, especially Lola’s dabarkads. They even wanted me to upload this little throwback video made by Tita Elein who is in Abu Dhabi already because they love it. Hahaha! Since Max’s has a partnered photographer for events like this, we also had better photos. What do people love to do when they are on parties, take pictures right? Or am I the only one? Hahahahaha! We had photo-ops with everyone before leaving. And indeed, it is a captured moment of forever - as if like lola just celebrated her debut and turned 18. Hahaha!
Since we are in Ayala already, we continued the day together. Yeeezzz, family day! Been so long since we did one eh. Huehue. After the party, my parents went to the supermarket but I did not come because I stayed with my friends. I had my best friend Rov and boyfriend Yasmin with me today as well. They supported my event and they are my family too so they are welcome! My fam treats them like they are members too anyway. Hihihi. Also, bantay ako nila Lolo and Lola. You know, old people, do not want to walk for a long time because they feel tired easily. He he. But okay sooo, Landmark has this contest that when you purchased a certain amount, you can play a game and of course, has a possibility to win. My tito and boyfriend played a ball balance game and flipping a bottle stuff like that. Syempre, cheer cheer ako dun. Hahahahaha! They won little gifts from the supermarket like lotion, wipes, and tissue. Yay, thanks Landmark because the two enjoyed! Hahaha! And most importantly, a family day is of course, with God! We attended the anticipated mass and I am happy that the mass presider is my favorite priest, Fr. Jun Sescon! Learrrned a lot. Should I tell you to repent and come back to God this Temptation Sunday? Hihihi. Thanks for this, Father! And G! I love you God! We love youuuuu! 💖💖
But if you think that will be the end of this post, wait wait, just a minute because the day does not end here. We had luscious dinner at Buddy’s and unlimited twirl ice cream at Family Mart. It was me who asked for a dessert because y not? Hahahahaha! I do not want to end this day, that is why. They kept on complaining how full they are but he he, sorry na, it is like the best family day I eeeverrrrr had again after I can’t remember years eh!?! Don’t wanna add cheesy words pa because you can see how blissed I am. What happened today seems to be just simple but it is full of love, sooo much love. 💖 💖 💖
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0 notes
steroidusr · 8 years
digimon anode tamer part 1: super old man
^ index ^ | part 2 ->
[the game’s full title is digimon digital monsters - anode & cathode tamer - veedramon version. holy shit, i am not calling it that.]
ALright here's a most likely inaccurate history lesson off the top of my head about... video games
way back in the day, bandai decided they were way too fuckin cool to release games on systems people actually owned, like the game boy. so they made their own handheld system... the wonderswan. i dont know why it's a swan, but i dont really know why the game boy is a boy either. they released a series of games on it which tied in to the tv series and were a canon part of that story, except for when they weren't. the wonderswan games were never released in america though. this wasnt actually a problem, until digimon 02 introduced a character from "tag tamers", and parts of that game (i.e. like half his backstory) were referenced. even in the english anime. this led to a whole lot of "wtf is going on" from viewers, which it would have even if we did get the games, because 02 is incomprehensible. of course, while AMERICA never got any english wonderswan games... hong-kong, inexplicably, did. but only of the first digimon wonderswan game. apparently the translation is really bad.
and THAT... is the kind of content im here for
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..............and after that dramatic introduction, norton ate my emulator
yeah uh hang on lemme fix this turns out this is a super outdated version anyway (thanks emuparadise) so yeah
what the fuck is wrong with norton. "this program doesnt have any viruses in it but ONLY a few hundred people in 'the norton community' have used it so it MUST be dangerous so we're gonna just delete it first and ask questions later"
once i was trying to find a trainer editor for pokemon gsc and i found a perfect one that was like, exactly what i needed but it wouldnt open. it just would not fucking open. no error messages or anything, i'd double click it and nothing would happen.
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fortunately that is not the case tonight
no wait--
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ok that's better. ...sort of
so this game was originally released in two versions, "anode tamer" and "cathode tamer". i dont know what the differences were or what those words mean. anyway what we're playing is the "veedramon version", which... i thought was an upgraded third version, like pokemon yellow
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but... apparently it's literally just... the two games on one... cartridge?? o...kay
it is officially too late for livetweeting (THANKS NORTON) but here's our first Audience Participation Time: pick one of those "but what are the differences" man i dont fuckin know just pick one
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please hurry this music loop is really short and repetitive
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(fyi the default name is ryo)
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In a perfectly normal housing area... The long, long adventure starts here.
the adventure is long (and long), unlike these sentence fragments
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He’s on winter vacation and, today, he was going to get a new computer as a Christmas present from his Dad.
well, he was, before his dad realized that christmas was over like almost a week ago (also i snorted at "His name is Nyo." same nyo)
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>TAKE: Hello! Chatting on New Year’s Eve is cool, isn’t it? Oh yeah, do you remember about the little incident in the summer?
you mean the "little incident" where giant monsters destroyed fucking everything
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uh-oh looks like we've got a weeb on our hands
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The town got really wrecked, didn’t it...
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>UK: Yeah, I know! But was that really an earthquake? My dad said it was a terrorist attack!
what's that wacky prankster duke crabtree up to this time
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>TAKE: Yeah, I know. Some people even said that it was because of the Digimons!
go to bed, TAKE
this is taking too long so i'm gonna give you all a helpful summary of the rest: "digimon arent fucking real shitlord"
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i cant believe tai liveblogged digimon adventure
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....so are we using dub names or not, bc on one hand we have the english logo and "tai", but we also have... "maa-kun"??
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anyway then the power suddenly goes out. this somehow affects nyo's battery-operated laptop computer
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>Tai, Matt, everyone has been captured...
ok so i guess the plot of this is that all the main characters have been kidnapped so agumon enlists the help of... this random kid to save everyone. remember when i said the games are canon to the storyline, except when they arent? this is one of the "arent" parts. ...the game's plot is canon to the anime's storyline... except for... the game's whole plot?? sasuga digimon
[the only way this could possibly be canon is if all the other digidestined completely forgot about their new pal ryo nyo somehow. but frankly, i find it a little hard to swallow that they’d do something like forget about a fellow digidestined and never bring him up in conversation or even think about him. it just seems so out-of-character for those kids to go about their daily lives, utterly failing to acknowledge the existence or possible disappearance of such a good friend. im certain if ryo nyo had been replaced with, say, a mysterious evil cat-stealing doppelganger, his fellow digidestined would surely respond with shock, alarm, and most of all, deep concern for their friend’s well-being. im positive they--]
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so agumon... uh... emails? nyo tai's digivice, and-- --i just remembered "nyotai" is japanese for "woman's body". we fucked up
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man that really couldve been spaced out better
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what part of "the digivice" do you not understand, nyo
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I need your help, Nyo!
i was gonna make a joke here but i cant fault agumon for repeating himself, since apparently nyo's a bit slow
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so i guess then nyo's... parent? walks in and finds out their 10-year-old child is fucking gone. amazing i always say digimon is about traumatized children but it's really the parents who are the most traumatized of all
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on a bad rpgmaker map, from the looks of it
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You’re Nyo, right? I was waiting for you.
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You were waiting for me?... Agumon?
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"a... digital world? a world that is digital? im in a digital... world?"
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"a digital network? inside a machine? like a computer? or a game? a computer inside of a machine? a DIGITAL machine?"
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That doesn’t matter!
I was only borrowing it.
you...your dad bought you a computer... but you "borrowed" his instead
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"--to be sent to someone competent, but youll have to do"
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so basically it's your average incomprehensible digimon plot. gotcha
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Explain everything slowly!
"so, what youre saying is, we're in a... digital world"
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look nyo i dont think even the writers ever figured this out
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I have no idea what you’re...
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......the end?
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ok so suddenly this eyeless fuck appears out of nowhere and murders nyo
[this is agumon. this is agumon’s role in the game.]
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...we get this...
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...long-ass cutsce--
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--baby "frame"?? really????
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...in which agumon basically plays the game for us...
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...and wins a battle without any user input.
o...kay...? so nyo's completely useless then
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how is his mouth stitched if he's made of fire? wouldn’t the stitches burn?
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so this uses dub names, but also jp terms like "baby flame" “baby frame” and "chosen child"??
a mix between dub and jp terms.... i finally understand... this was translated by crunchyroll
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No, I’m human and not  human at the same time.
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oh my god it’s tricky
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that's more than enough of that for now. we've still only seen cutscenes! wow!
[August 14th, 2016 - 5:23 PM]
i havent updated in like two weeks because i, mysteriously, feel reluctant to keep playing... whatever that was
"we're in the digital world" "DIGITAL... WORLD? A WORLD THAT IS... DIGITAL? WE ARE... IN IT? RIGHT NOW? IN A... DIGITAL WORLD?"
this is all nyo's fault
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Let me explain.
explain to him as you would to a child. a small child. a baby.
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yeah, that sort of thing seems to happen a lot around here!
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please dont list them all especially with text this badly spaced out
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he actually didnt list any more after that. "just those three, everyone else just kinda stood around and watched"
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There were still two left.
"there were still 41 episodes left"
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(also, i didnt leave out any caps, that’s really his entire line. nice lowercase, nyo. nyowercase)
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SINCE WHEN THE FUCK DOES KABUTERIMON HAVE EYES oh wait that's chimeramon kimeramon. original digimon do not steal
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(offscreen, apparently)
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they survived with the power of gay feelings i guess
...so, wait, chimeramon was already around before 02?? are you telling me that ken's Original Digimon was somehow LESS original than we thought (he actually does call it「僕のオリジナルデジモン」and every time i remember that i cry. im crying now)
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first the digital world was terrorized by milleniummon... and then it was terrorized by an 11-year-old chunibyo with a deviantart oc (...can you even have "eighth grader syndrome" in fifth grade)
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yeah, pretty much, i guess, sorta
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yeah ok blah blah it's evil and it fucked things up and THERE'S SO MUCH EMPTY SPACE IN THAT BOX YOU COULDVE USED
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he proves his understanding by recounting all that shit back to us, near-verbatim, because that's how people talk
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his... folks?? did milenniummon kidnap tai’s parents too????
so basically the plan is to... uh, beat up a bunch of OTHER evil digimon until we've captured friended enough good digimon also level grinding i guess and THEN we can go kick milleniummon's ass. ok
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does nyo do anything but repeat what others say back to them because it sure doesnt look like it so far
^ index ^ | part 2 ->
0 notes