#i must crawl into a wretched hole made from my stuffed animals and blankets before going into a LARGE SLUMBER
i think im going to go into a deep slumber soon, so uhhhh… yeah.
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hostess-of-horror · 3 years
Encore at Midnight
A little fanfic story I decided to indulge in! This is my first official fanfic post, so it may not be perfect. I hope you enjoy it!
Word Count: 3301
Number of Pages: 6
[Don't worry! It is not NSFW, I promise!]
There it is again. That familiar song.
It had been playing every night around midnight. Perhaps only she could hear it, for it seems that no one else had woken up to investigate. Lying in her bed, dressed in her nightgown, she turns her attention towards the source of the song. The melody drifts through the gentle, cool breeze coming from the balcony. The curtains billow with every note, dancing as the pale moonlight illuminated them with a sheer white glow. Once again, the balcony doors are open.
Was it the wind? No, it couldn’t have been. The weather had not been terrible recently, so much so that the doors would have swung open. What could have opened them? What keeps opening them, around midnight, for these past few nights? She feared the worst. A thief. Another captor. Another thought disturbs her mind. Are they already inside the castle? She lifts the blankets from herself and investigates the balcony. As she takes a closer look, her nightgown begins to join the curtains amidst the breeze, billowing - dancing - alongside them. Her hands shield her arms from the cold. No damages to be found. The lock remains perfectly intact. What could have opened the balcony doors? The thought drifted in her mind as she locks the doors, once again, and prepares herself for more rest. Her chamber is now silent. Dark and comfortable. She could no longer hear that song.
All of this should be making her sick with worry. It should be making her fear for her safety and sleep with caution. But the caution had been blown away with the wind. This has become a bit of a nuisance, if anything. She would wake up every morning finding no signs of trouble or disturbance. Strange as it is, there was, so far, nothing to be concerned about. At least, she hopes so. Another night, another melody. That’s all it was.
But, by the stars, where on Earth is that song coming from?
Tucked into her bed, she resumes her slumber. Although curious about the song, she is simply too tired to continue investigating. She knew that nothing terrible would happen based on the previous nights. It was only a song. A beautiful one at that. No. That’s a complete understatement. What word could possibly describe it? That delicate sound as it seemingly rides along the gentle breeze? As it makes its presence among the moon and the starlit night? As it gives the darkest of shadows a sense of intrigue? Ethereal. Majestic. Alluring. Yes, that’s it! Alluring. Beguiling. Captivating. Enchanting. She could name off every synonym if she was not falling deeper into sleep. But, by the stars, where on Earth is that song coming from? Who owns a voice as lovely such as this one?
There it is again! That familiar song!
She springs up from her bed, her eyes widening with surprise. She pauses for a moment. Waiting. Listening. She stares through the darkness. Listening. Listening. Slowly her breathing becomes heavier by each inhale; her heart pounds through her chest. Whether it be fear or excitement, she could not tell. Either way, one thing is certain.
The voice was coming from inside the castle.
Ah, that’s it! Enough of this! She must find out about this! She must figure out this strange occurrence once and for all. Should she call for the guards? It would be smart to do so; throwing caution to the wind should be the last thing someone could do. But that has already been done, for she crawled herself out the bed, grabbed her shawl, and headed her way towards the voice. The entire castle was enshrouded in shadow. Only the moonlight from the windows provided light, piercing through those shadows. She could not tell if this made her vision inside the castle better or worse. But she could hear the song! She follows the melody; the more she ventured further, the louder the song became. As she crept, she finds that there was something rather enticing about this situation. For all she knew, she could be in danger right now. She could be a victim of another kidnapping, and she will have to be saved again. But instead, she was curious. Very curious. Intrigued even. Perhaps it is the sense of mystery that pervaded the air. The idea of discovering what lies beyond the darkness; the thrill of finding the source of the voice. Perhaps it was madness. The kind of madness that resulted from the countless kidnappings she endured in the past. Maybe her sanity has finally left her, abandoning common sense and security to whatever comes her way.
The melody takes her through the long corridors and down the marble stairs into the main entrance. The shadows throughout the castle surrounds her like long veils. They encircle her, almost leaving her blind. Despite this, she knew she was close – the song was louder than ever before. She could hear it much clearer now. That voice…. She swore she has heard this voice before. Not from the previous nights, but from a long time ago. How long had it been? Months? Years? She could not remember. It was low – baritone. The song itself wasn’t a song she had heard before, besides the previous nights, but the voice was familiar. That familiar song. That familiar voice. Alluring. Beguiling. Captivating. Enchanting. Alluring… Beguiling… Captivating… Enchanting…
Then light. A soft, warm glow breaks the shadows. She turns; it was coming from an entrance. Finally, there is light! She could finally see, and with that light rises the melody in a dramatic crescendo. Without thought, she follows the light, towards the voice, and into a wonderous sight. Rows upon rows of candelabras greet her at the entrance, all placed together as one giant circle in the middle of the ballroom. The mood lightning makes the elegant décor on the walls gleam with gold; the shadows less intimidating. She looks up and freezes in place. She would be calmed by this discovery if it not weren’t for the presence of a familiar figure. He was massive in size; the ballroom fit perfectly for someone like him. A rotund figure, white as snow, towering – floating! – over the shining candelabras like a giant idol ready to be worshipped. His hair curled into rolls and into a small braid tied together by a black ribbon. His clothes – a cobalt blue coat with a red vest – are slightly torn, riddled with holes and tears at the edges and seems. He holds himself with an air of superiority, and with dramatic flair, he finally rises to a gratifying high note, ending his nightly song at long last. This singer is no human being; he is a creation. An amalgamation of a gramophone, a ghostly Boo balloon, and a Rabbid.
His pained expression softens as silence took over the castle once again. His eyes flutter open, finding himself capturing the attention of one small lady. After a moment of silence, he smiles, “Did you enjoy the performance, Princess Peach?” Princess Peach abruptly wakes from her frozen state. After all these years since they first fought… she never thought that she would ever see him again. How should she react to this reunion? Angry? Scared? Happy? She brushes off her awkwardness. “If it wasn’t during the middle of the night, then yes, I would have.”, she responded in a huff. Phantom softly chuckles, still giving her that sweet smile, “My apologies, your highness. My inspiration comes during the night, especially in a night like this. Something about the pale moonlight gives off a…hmm, je ne sais quoi. Romantic, is it not?”
Peach couldn’t disagree. She does find nights like this one to be beautiful. But, ah, don’t get distracted now! “Why are you in my castle, Mr. Tom Phan? Or perhaps, I should say, Phantom? What business do you have here in the middle of the night?”, she questioned.
“I wanted to see you again.”
“…see me again?”
“Yes. I wanted to start over from the beginning. Our battle from years ago was not exactly the best way to introduce ourselves. Although, that wretched plumber had it coming. Bah, what a fool! He’ll never get the best of me.”
“For what? For merely existing? And you talk as if you didn’t have your behind handed to you during that battle!”
Phantom shot an aghast look. The audacity of this princess! But she was right, he could not deny that. No matter how hard he tried, the memory of being defeated was always painful to recount. However, the princess made quite the shot at him. Feisty. Very witty. He liked it. His composure remains intact, “Hmm. The past is in the past, your highness. Enough of it! What matters now is that I have returned for an encore. An encore, and for you.”
“Are you… are you going to kidnap me?”
“Goodness, no! I have no such intentions! Why would anyone try to harm such a lovely creature as yourself? I’d rather destroy myself!”
“Flattery is not going to work.”
“I promise. You have my word. And I never go back on my word.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“Oh, come now. Don’t be that way! No need to be feisty. Even though, to be quite honest… it is a good look on you.”
“Oh, please.”
“It makes you stronger than you already are. I should know, I fought you before!”
Peach pauses. She can feel a warming sensation rising up onto her face. Is she blushing? No, she cannot be! She gently touches her cheek – she is! She turns her face away from Phantom, hiding her bashful expression. He must not know! Phantom lets out an amused chortle, “Flattery is not going to work, she said. And yet here you are, red as a cherry! How adorable.” His mitten-like paw reaches out for Peach’s cheek, delicately turning her face towards him, with a tender caress. Rabbids, Peach learned, have very soft fur and, if they allow it, they can be quite a huggable sort. Cuddling a Rabbid would be the same as cuddling a favorite stuffed animal. Phantom was no different, other than his size. Peach could easily lay her head against his paw and admire the sheer texture of his fur. The mere act is so tempting. No! Don’t get distracted now! “It’s alright. There’s no need to be shy. Everyone loves compliments, especially from someone like me. Although I’m sure you receive compliments all the time, being the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and all.”, Phantom added, continuing to caress from her cheek down to her chin. Almost lost in his caress, Peach responded, “Yes, it’s true… but more out of respect, I believe. No one has ever told me that before.”
“There’s always the usual: you’re so beautiful! Your highness, you look amazing as always! We are certain you can never lead us astray! But I have never heard anyone say anything about my strength.”
“Not even that plumber?”
“Of course, Mario does! He and Luigi have always cared for me, regardless of my royal blood. We’re friends!”
“Friends? I thought you and Mario were together.”
“No… we’re not, unlike what many people keep saying. Those are only rumors. Yes, I have kissed him on the forehead and nose, but that was more out of courtesy. A thank you for saving me from danger.”
“I see.”
“The whole relationship between me and Mario is more of “a princess and her knight in shining armor” fantasy created by my subjects. At first, I didn’t mind – rumors were rumors. They’re nothing but mere stories. But then, people started asking questions. I’m sure they were just curious, but… it’s like as if it’s an expectation. As if it is bound to happen one day. They’re just waiting for me to fall in love and marry Mario. I don’t even know about his thoughts on marriage.”
“Do you like him?”
“I mean… I just… well…”, Peach’s voice and mind trailed off into silence. Did she like Mario? Does she still like Mario? She has been with him for so long, and for so long she had always been grateful of his noble deeds. Her face twisted in a slight expression of confusion. Perhaps she does like him. Why wouldn’t she? And how could she not? Like she had said, he always cared for her. Mario had always been such a gentleman, not just towards her but towards everyone else. But once Phantom asked her that very question, Peach was conflicted. Phantom lifts her chin up towards his face, their eyes meeting each other’s gaze face to face. Peach had never seen his eyes up close in person. Time itself seemed to have stopped the very moment she saw them. Two sapphires gleaming in the candlelight, bright enough to pierce through the darkness and into her soul. Her breath is taken. Such splendid color renders her speechless. And what a tender gaze he has! Mario had made the same gaze, too, but it was only whenever she was in danger. Other than that, there wasn’t anything special. Or, at least, that’s what it seemed like.
Phantom softens into a sympathetic gaze; his eyes never leaving hers. After this moment of quiet contemplativeness, he finally spoke, “You don’t have to continue with any of that, you know. What good does it have? You’ve spent how long, ruling this kingdom, having this “knight in shining armor” come and rescue you every now and then, only to never reciprocate your feelings? It sounds like to me that Mario is oblivious! Terribly so, if he's causing you this much doubt and heartbreak. Why should you stay like this, my dear? Isn’t there something you desire? Something you crave, something you long for? Or should I say, someone? I can see in those pretty eyes of yours that you’re desperate. Lonely. In need of companionship. I sympathize with your troubles, and I confess, I carry a similar burden.”
“You do?”, Peach asked.
“Yes. You see, I am not like the others. No one has the same intellect as I have, let alone the ability to communicate properly and speak comprehensive sentences.”
“It’s true that Rabbids do have…. a limited amount of understanding. But maybe not all of them. Every Rabbid is unique in personality and interests. How you ever tried to socialize with them?”
“I have tried, but unfortunately, I found that you can’t share anything with anyone. You can’t have any interesting conversations with anyone. Once you do, they just gawk. What’s worse is that they don’t even sing like I do! As much as I adore the attention from my audiences….”
His voice fades, his paws quivering. His breathing slowly gets more frantic, his expression aching. He lets go of Peach’s chin and brings his attention towards his palms. Peach watches as Phantom’s entire body shakes, his chest almost heaving with such harshness. His sapphire eyes began to overflow with tears, leaving glistening streams down his cheeks. Peach’s heart shatters with every tear. She could not bear to see someone cry. To her, seeing someone burst into tears was unbearable, no matter who it was. Every now and then, Phantom inhales and exhales, trying to keep his composure, but to no avail. Peach inches closer to him, wanting to wipe his tears, but is stopped. “Ah, it drives me to madness just thinking about it!”, Phantom cries, his eyes closing shut. Suddenly a smile appears, revealing the gap between his buckteeth. He chuckles, “Maybe…. Maybe I already am mad… Mad with arduous desperation! With unbound lamentation!”
The ballroom darkens. Peach freezes once more, this time out of fear. Her skin crawls as the shadows she once tried to escape begin creeping back towards them. She could not look away. Helplessly, she watches as Phantom’s weeping transforms into an unhinged snicker. His paws close into fists and clutches his temple; his eyes still closed and brimming with tears. His low snickering turns into shaking laughter with a terrible force, breaking out of his closed-up throat. Covering his face, Phantom swallows, giving himself a moment to speak. He breathes, “Am I not of the same race as them? The same flesh as them, the same image as them? I am different, yes, but isn’t everyone? People talk of differences, they teach others of differences, and yet differences are what they fear. Fear of the unknown is prevalent, no matter how miniscule it can be. Differences are what people love and hate – why must it be like this? Why? For all these years, I have ventured this world alone! I have given all who come across me the chance to hear my music, talk of music, be one of music, but – nothing! Nothing but a few. But even those few, I never see them again.”
“Only a few? But I thought your singing would make you popular amongst the Rabbids.”, Peach said.
“I thought so, too. They hear me, but they don’t listen. They don’t listen! Hahaha… But you do. You listen. You listened to my music, and it brought you here! To me! At long last, you’re here with me!”
“We don’t have to be alone, princess. We seek companionship; why not have each other? I promise you more than just my music. You will be the monument to my art, the shining jewel of the stage – of the world! My dear, you are more than royalty to me. You are my dearest one, my precious rose, my muse! That is why I am here in this castle. I wanted to see you again, to see your beauty again. With every note I sing, every night, I see you in the moonlight. In the stars! In everything! I have waited for this moment for so long, your highness. Far too long. I can give you anything and everything you desire. Please…”
Suddenly Phantom clutches Peach’s body, and his eyes open, shooting a hard stare into her soul. Peach’s heart sinks into her chest. Her blood runs cold. Frozen once again as she finds herself gazing into a pair of gleaming crimson eyes. Eyes as deep as rubies – as human blood. In the pitch blackness of the room looms the giant, now in a deep trance, grasping the small frame of her body. Phantom’s demented yet pitiful grin still remains, “See me, your highness! Look at me! Tell me, my darling! How can one create a connection with someone when no one around you can understand who and what you are? Ah, princess! I am truly, utterly alone!”
With this outburst, Peach falls into unconsciousness. Realizing what he had done, Phantom wakes from his trance and catches her, letting her faint into his embrace. The princess had always been beautiful. But now, with her nightgown fitting onto her slender figure, her neck and shoulders exposed, she looked divine. Peaceful, like an angel. She is an angel. His eyes fade back into blue; his expression creased with worry. He curses to himself. If only he had kept his composure…
The castle guards found her shawl in the ballroom the next morning. Concern spread quickly like wildfire, and the fear of kidnapping came back once again among the servants. Talk of Bowser and Koopas and hellfire greeted the kingdom; a search party was made immediately. The commotion died down once they discovered their ruler, thankfully, within the castle. She was found lying on a velvet lounging chair, asleep, in one of the many chambers. Upon closer inspection, in her right hand, a single red rose with a black ribbon tied to it was placed within. Along with the ribbon was a small tag written in delicate penmanship:
Until we meet again.
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