#i miss my corpo rats......
pheedraws · 10 months
oc pairings as tarot cards
tagged by @jillvalentinesday and @nightwingshero (thank you both! 🖤) to do this uquiz for some oc pairings and i'm obsessed with their results.
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your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfilment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did.
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there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise.
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theviridianbunny · 5 months
WIP WEDNESDAY [17/01/24]
IT’S WIP WEDNESDAY! So I’m gonna throw a bunch of things I’ve been working on 🥰
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(Posted with permission from the commissioner, @aggravateddurian ) here is a zoomed in / cropped wip screenshot of a piece of Duiran’s oc, Val, and Judy Alvarez. Still a lot to do , but I’m having a very fun time ! There is a method to the messy madness- I promise!
My valentines deal on couple commissions (where I am offering 25% off couple portraits ) is still up and running - details can be found here 💌
M0CK1NGJAY’s updated look
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I’ve been playing Dress up with my dear handsome mechanic-! After trying out the PRC modular piercings mod again - she now has a lip ring and a little nose stud above her ring/chain. I also found a modded hair by kala on patreon and I lost my marbles in the best way omg ! Very cool! - she’s starting to feel more like her <3
Tagging (with no pressure as always) - @another-corpo-rat @elfjpeg @sankttealeaf @thedeadthree @heywoodvirgin @miss--river @marazhaiaezyrraesh @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @chessalein@wanderingaldecaldo @cybervesna @ouroboros-hideout @alistairs @mrdekarios @emahriel @elvenbeard @fereldanwench @aggravateddurian @thereignwolf @shadesofchaoticenergy @artabella-art @pozerjacket @withoutyouimsaskia and you ! What have y’all been working on
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mail-me-a-snail · 6 months
kicking my legs in the air. tell us more abt silvervance i am fascinated with whatever they've got going on
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i mean. god where do i even begin.
so first off there's their main tag where i put all the posts that even vaguely remind me of them............like there are posts in there i would not show to my irls let alone god.
anyway. silvervance is the ship ever. they're both products of arasaka's influence, whether thru their own free will (in vance's case, or so he'd like to believe) or otherwise (in johnny's, vis-a-vis his eponymous prosthetic arm). they both manufactured their identities for an audience wider than themselves. they both recognize this similarity between them.
when vance came back 2 life with johnny in his head, he saw himself in johnny and he didnt like what he saw.
but as u know, in game canon, vance had no choice but to suck it up and bear the ghost's anti-corp, anti-capitalist, anti-night-city, rambling. oh woe! woe! is johnny silverhand, night city's last rockerboy turned co-pilot for arasaka's missing asset.
the thing is. the thing is. with everyone telling vance that the best course of action would be to excise johnny--with hellman telling him point blank that its not possible as well--he doesn't want johnny gone.
johnny becomes second nature to him, more than just a poltergeist who offers him snippy quips and lame one-liners. who likes annoying the hell out of him or who likes making him laugh by doing bits of physical comedy that johnny knows only vance will see.
he just grows to have so much. affection for this man. this man loser who he wishes he had known when things might've been simpler between them.
in the hypothetical good ending for silvervance where they get their own bodies, they're gonna move out to some colder state, somewhere that snows. they're gonna move as far away from local civilization as possible. but they're still gonna find merc work together because neither of them are quite suited to a domestic life.
they take each other's poisons when they finally separate; vance grows wolfish and snarky and johnny goes quiet and smiles a little too much like a dog, lips curled over his teeth. vance is brash and a risk-taker; johnny is loyal to someone other than himself for once.
they'll eat each other alive one of these days. they could not think of a better set of teeth to do it than one that so closely resembles their own.
in my heart n soul i know they find each other in every universe. not that they will happen upon each other; that they'll actively look for the other, not knowing who it is they're looking for at first, but just knowing that there is someone out there for them. i don't usually like throwing the term soulmate around but it's something a lot like that.
they'll find each other in the corpo rat au, they'll find each other in the father vance au, they'll even find each other in the ending where vance stayed with arasaka. there's no separating them and it drives me bonkers. insane, even. i wrote four fics in a haze for them bc of how much they drive me up a wall
anyway ty for the ask <3
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wistereia · 8 months
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I was tagged by @theviridianbunny & @pozerjacket!! thank you two lovelies for giving me the chance to drop some half done SHIT!! <33 also second image's character is obviously the lovely Victoria of @another-corpo-rat!
I'm just gonna tag who I have on the top of my head!! Please do it if ya see this too, I'm tagging you as well >: ) @bishicat @chitcharlie @dreamskug @elvenbeard @foxglovefaun @glitchinginthegarden @merge-conflict @juststayquiete @luvwich @miss--river @nananarc @kharonion @another-corpo-rat @rindemption @timaeusterrored @thereignwolf @wilxfyre @wraithsoutlaws @elmknight @katsigian please let me know if you don't want to be tagged and I will make a list!
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corpocyborg · 20 days
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @illusivesoul. (Thank you!)
I'm going to share a bit from a future chapter of Secure Your Soul, which is my AU where Corpo!V never leaves Arasaka. I have previously posted this bit on tumblr, but it's been edited since then and it's been a while and unfortunately I don't have a lot of new content... so here it is again. 😅
V wasn't sure how much time had passed, but as she started to regain lucidity, she became gradually aware of Johnny's voice in her head.
"I mean, for fuck's sake, V," Johnny was saying. "I've seen your memories. The things you've done for 'Saka. You've killed. Blackmailed. Ruined lives. And for what? Corporate rep? Profit margins? How do you fuckin’ live with yourself?"
V stopped dead in her tracks. She couldn't remember how she'd gotten here. The alley she was in was abandoned. Litter lined the sidewalk, and the street lamps were barely flickering. In a dark corner nearby, a stray dog was busy devouring a rat.
For a few seconds, V just watched it. Homeless dogs were a rare sight in Night City. This one was dark gray and half its left ear was missing. It looked lean and muscular, and it tore off chunks of its prize with a ferocity that domestic dogs almost never displayed.
"You see that?" she asked Johnny.
Johnny's physical image materialized in the alley. He leaned against the wall—appeared to lean, she reminded herself—and gazed at the dog. "See everything you see," he replied.
"You're looking. You're not seeing."
"That so? And what'm I supposed to be seeing?"
"The evolutionarily synchronized relationship between predator and prey."
Johnny looked up from the dog and stared at her. She could see the anger on his face, but she could also feel him manifesting that same anger inside her body. No matter. She'd make it hers. Anger was an emotion she could work with.
"You see one dog eating one rat," V continued, allowing some of Johnny's anger to seep into her voice, directing it back at him. "In your interpretation, there's one winner and one loser. It's accurate, in a way. The dog wins. Look at him. He's a survivor. Even you should be able to recognize that."
Johnny didn't answer. His image was looking away from her, eyes locked on the warring animals. But she could still feel him fuming. Only now it was hard to tell where his anger ended and hers began. She continued speaking.
"You don't see the bigger picture. For every dog having dinner tonight, dozens starve. For every rat providing the main meal, dozens get away. They're fast enough or clever enough to escape.
"Only the best dogs feed, only the best rats live. And because of this, over generations, both species improve. In the end, the prey species benefits just as much as the predator species does. And the world gets better."
"The world." Johnny repeated the phrase slowly. She tasted his revulsion on her tongue. "This world?" he asked. He gestured at the trash-strewn alleyway. The dog had finished its meal and had settled to sleep in a blanket likely left there before by a homeless person. "This is your brave new world?"
"No, Johnny," she responded, her voice echoing the revulsion he'd forced her to feel. "These are just the rats that got caught."
And, now for my tags...
@merge-conflict, @gamerkitten, @luvwich, @fereldanwench and @another-corpo-rat
No pressure of course as always.
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pitchmoss · 2 months
𝔱𝖆𝔤𝖌𝔢𝖉 𝖇𝔶 @devilbrakers & @gothimp to do this tag game, ty both <3
01. a character you love.
this is so difficult. i will simply pull a deep cut: suigintou from rozen maiden rewired my brain chemistry in middle school. if i ever started collecting anime figures i Need to have her.
02. your favourite food from your culture.
hard to say, north carolina bbq smacks, I love brisket. I tried norwegian mead for the first time a couple weeks ago and I cannot stop thinking about it. so rn, those.
03. what your dream apartment / room / house is like.
i want a house, a cat, plants, a spacious kitchen, a yard + garden
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04. your personal style or aesthetic.
idk. goth but poor/lazy. + nails i'd love to have
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05. a happy memory.
lake trip w my bf + some friends and fam.
06. your favourite way(s) to spend time.
gaming, reading, watching/talking about whatever movie or tv show i'm watching with someone, and cooking
07. story behind your url / title / quote / description / icon.
url is my d&d character's lastname, pom pitchmoss. title & quote both are an ethel cain reference. icon is lina from bratz fashion pixiez <3
08. something that comforts you or brings you joy.
brown noise, warm air with a cool breeze, ramen with soft boiled eggs, curled up w my bf,
09. what you’re looking forward to.
getting hired pls. lake trip, mountain camping w bf + friends, seeing another concert, more piercings, and and and-
10. something else that’s important to you.
i have 2 stuffed animals from when i was a weeling. a bedtime bear and a purple elephant (ellie the elephant). i've held onto them thru a lot. im not a huge stuffed animal person but if i lost them i think that'd be it for me.
this was fun to do <3 𝔱𝖆𝔤𝖌𝔦𝖓𝔤: @zevlor @corpo-rat @bloodofvalyria @haarleps @druidgroves
@angharxd @felitomkinson @bethesdas + if i missed anyone it's bc i am stupid </3
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alt-2077 · 2 years
David martinez x reader
They ends up getting killed by adam smasher alongside Rebecca [R.I.P you were the GOAT] so when Lucy goes to the moon she sees both David and y/n holding hands while on the moon.
My Moon My Man
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chars. david martinez, rebecca, lucy, falco, adam smasher w⚠️. death, blood, guns, sadness, swearing, major spoilers genre. angst, scenario wc. 1.4k note. lucy, y/n, and david are close. love you rebecca and fuck you adam smasher you raggedy ass rat. I wrote this in a different view point but i changed it because it seemed more suitable, so sorry if there's some mistakes. I wish I made it longer as well, my bad.
Becca, You, and Falco hunch behind the car to take cover from the bombardment of Arasaka's military. You grit your teeth, yelling and attempting to return fire to no avail. "Fuck! Where is he?!", you yell, impatiently waiting for the arrival of David.
"These corpo-pricks ever gonna give it a goddamn rest?" Rebecca exclaims while holding her shotgun close to her. "NCPD's joined in on the fun. Settle and get comfy.", you look at Falco in distress, "Do you have any plan on how to get out of this shithole?". Rebecca looks at her gun and says over the loud noise of the firing, "Yeah, I'm startin' to run low on lead..".
A bright red mark lands on surrounds the vehicle that they're taking cover with and some metallic objects fly up to the Cyberskeleton that David has taken host of. "Hey, we made it.", David looks down at down at Rebecca with Lucy in his arms. "Sure took your sweet time, gonkbrain." Becca smirks at David and Falco chuckles, before they both flinch at a bullet nearly hitting them. "Shut the fuck up!" David takes action shooting the artillery of his suit. "David!" David looks down at you and gives you a soft smile before turning to Falco with a serious look. "Falco.", "Yeah?", "I need a favor.", Falco looks a little confused but listens anyway while Rebecca gets Lucy to safety in the back of their vehicle, you're still staying behind with David and Falco.
"No rest at all...", Rebecca grabs her shotgun "Glad you're back safe." Lucy looks at Rebecca in before she states, "For David's and y/n's sake, I mean." Rebecca gives a side look and after hearing those words, she softly smiles but looks to the sky seeing something flying down and Rebecca notices before aiming and yelling "WE'RE HAVING A MOMENT HERE!-- FUCK YO-!". Loud smashing fills the air around them and the glass breaks beneath where Becca was just a moment ago. Lucy's face expresses terror and shock, seeing Adam Smasher walking away from Rebecca's mangled corpse. "REBECCA!" Falco yells in union with your "REBECCA, NO!".
"Son of a-" Falco gets up to draw his gun but was quickly knocked away from Adam and loses his cybernetic arm. You take the chance to run over to Rebecca, kneeling down and staring in disbelief.
David's still on the ground before he triggers his Sandevistan and attempts to attack Smasher but Adam moves out of it. "You have a Sandevistan?!" David says, still in the air after missing Smasher. "A rudimentary implant.", He calmly states while looking up at David in his eyes. "I'm the one you're after, ain't I?!", David yells in determination to destroy Smasher before he dies. "All the same meat to me. I'll slaughter each and every one of you.", "Not unless I zero your ass first!". Cyberpsychosis takes advantage of David's body and Adam finds quick opportunity to slam David into the ground face first. "Out of suppresants?" David's still bleeding from his mouth and nose. "Right on schedule.", Smash's standing with his back turned from David. "No, you don't!", Lucy tries to quickhack Smasher but he somehow manages to resist it. "How did you..?", Lucy suffers some minor circuiting before falling to the ground. Falco smashes through the rubble in the car and picks Lucy up in the back and drives away from the scene, set on getting Lucy away from the tragedy. "Falco... David and y/n's still back there... please..", desperately pleads, "Turn around!". "None leave the slaughterhouse! Not alive!", Smasher aims his arm, ready to fire a rocket but is quickly disrupted by the way the sound of yelling and shots being fired. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!", the voice belonged to you, who was currently shooting Adam in the back with your gun. "I'LL MAKE YOU FUCKING PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO BECCA!", Smasher turns and aims at you, ready to dispose of you for ruining his chance to blow up the vehicle.
Before he could take his shot, a heavy force pulls his arm down to the ground. "Get distracted much?", David's standing up, triggering the magnetic ability that the Cyberskeleton offered. "You..." Resists the force and grabs the Cyberskeleton's arm, "Who are you...", ripping it off, "to challenge me?". "You can't even stand without your antigrav crutches." Smasher taunts and belittles David while smashing the remnants of his Cyberskeleton. "You think you're special because you're scrappy?", Smasher has completely destroyed the Cyberskeleton. "DAVID!", you jump on Adam, trying to remove him from damaging David anymore than he already has. "And the both of you think you can take me down? Don't make me laugh!", Smasher removes and grabs you, throwing you to the ground on top of David. You grunt in pain before trying to quickly get up and attack Adam Smasher once more but was stunned from the shot that has taken form in your stomach. "Y/N!!" David looks in disturbance seeing blood spill from your mouth and stomach. "David...", time slows down as you quietly say, "I love you..", but it was deafened from the ringing ears of David. Despite that, he understood what you said before you hugged him closely. Adam took one more chance to shoot you again, finishing you off.
That was the last thing Lucy saw, her best friend hugging their lover before light covered their bodies and her vision of the view was blocked by a wall Falco passed. "Falco! Turn back!", Lucy yelled in complete distress of what she just witnessed but her demand was ignored. "No can do.", Falco races through barricades to escape the area. "It was David and y/n's final request. If I turn around now, they die for nothing." Lucy looks at him in shock and in absolute doubt of what he was saying. "We already have our reward money. They want us to split it, you and me. They also told me to tell you... Sorry. Wish we all could've gone to the moon together.".
David, covered in blood and limbs missing, looks to the sky. Nothing but rubble cover him and his lovers body. He shuts his eyes, realising that this would be it, this would be the end but at least his lover was with him to the end. It doesn't take long for him start laughing at the events that had happened.
Adam stares at him and his lovers lifeless corpse on top of him. "I had some fun, after all.", Smasher exclaims before saying, "You know, you could prove an interesting construct.". The closest thing of a compliment you could ever receive from him.
"Whatever, choom. Like I give a shit.", David scoffs at him ignoring the amount of pain he's suffering from.
"Oh, well." Adam aims once more but this time at David's head. David, prepared for the inevitable darkness that'll soon cloud his vision, shuts his eyes and thinks of everything he was able to experience while with Maine's crew and everything that lead him up to this point.
Meeting you, Lucy, everyone. The happiness and sadness all of you experienced. From parties and celebrating successful missions to losing members. He was so grateful to have met you.
He opened his eyes once more to look at your face, your eyes were closed with tears and blood covering your cheeks. He sadly stared for a small moment before moving his eyes to the barrel of Adam's implanted gun and smiled once again.
Lucy was seated next to the window on the moon tour bus, staring out and taking in the sights of what space had to offer on this foreign planet.
"Thank you for joining us on today's tour... Experience lunar gravity in a way no braindance can simulate..."
Once the bus had landed, Lucy took the opportunity to sneak away from the crowd and left to explore the more deserted areas of the moon that she had once visited via braindance. The announcer was right, it was nothing like what she experienced. Once walking further from where she had came, she made a stop to look at the rays of the sun, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand. She was finally able to see it in person.
"Whoa! Check this!", a voice had creeped into her ears, it sounded like.. David? She looked a little further down, diverting her attention from the rays.
It was.. David and you together.. Close, holding hands, and staring at the scenery in awe.
"I can feel the sun!", David excitingly saying with you lightly smiling and giggling at his enthusiasm.
Lucy stares in bewilderment. You and David turn back to her and smile brightly, both waving at her. She was so happy to see you both again.
Admiring both of your smiles and listening to the sounds of your joy, before you both suddenly disappear from her view.
She drags her hand further down, sadness engulfing her. Standing in the lonesome of the moon's field. She puts her hand down completely, looking down and smiles bitterly but genuine nonetheless. She closes her eyes and moves her face towards the sun, opening her arms and embracing the radiant heat of the sun.
please do not repost my work anywhere. thank you.
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ghostoffuturespast · 8 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Tagged by @fly-amanitaa! Thank you! 🧡
River Ward - Cyberpunk 2077 (To none of my mutual's surprise...)
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2. Saitou Hajime - Rurouni Kenshin
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3. Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
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4. Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2
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5. Terry McGinnis - Batman Beyond
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6. Sophie Hatter - Howl's Moving Castle
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7. Linh Cinder - The Lunar Chronicles
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8. Lila Bard - A Darker Shade of Magic
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9. Toph Beifong - Avatar the Last Airbender
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10. Lauren Sinclair - Purple Hyacinth (Come back from hiatus... I miss reading. 😥)
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Kinda hard to find gifs for some of the book and webtoons ones lol.
Tagging with no pressure: @shimmer-like-agirl @velmesh @seeker-of-truth @setaflow @wanderingaldecaldo @vox-monstera @mynonsenseistingling @quaddmgd @oranzuwu @luvwich @merge-conflict @another-corpo-rat @nncc77
@medtech-mara (thank you for showing me the way of ombre!)
(Okay, that was more than 10 but I'm curious what other fandoms everyone is in. Not apologizing if you've been tagged. Get tagged!)
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luvwich · 8 months
fragrance in 2077
(cc @another-corpo-rat!) expanding a little on what i wrote about my cp77 headcanons regarding perfume here...
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so i think olfaction is one of the things science hasn't quite figured out even by 2077. even today there's so much about it we haven't thoroughly mapped out yet. in 2077, smell still doesn't get digitally recreated very well; for example it probably isn't present in braindances (or BDs get augmented after the fact with generic fragrance data that is far from a one for one copy of the original).
as such, even though commercial fragrance is all manufactured in the same two or three factories, fragrance in general is one of the last bastions of independence from technocapitalist control. one of the last things that can't be reproduced. (this is also exactly why i find it fascinating today!) the irony in this is that it's one of the only things that can be really be individualistic, yet most people can only access whatever's being mass produced cheaply, the fragrance equivalent of All Foods products.
celebrity fragrance tie-ins are still a thing. and they still all smell like the same four rehashed formulas.
i imagine there's a huge black market for aromachemicals, most of which are patented and synthesized for a single luxury corporation (whatever today's LVMH mutates into or is absorbed into). shipments of them regularly go missing and end up in the hands of mysterious independent parties.
on the more natural end of things: again most of the major natural ingredients for fragrance are just gone. rose? good luck; Grasse hasn't had a harvest worth a damn in decades. sandalwood? hell no. oud? well, it's certainly being farmed unethically somewhere, but the real stuff is still for the saburos of the world. but again, there are some outlaws distilling materials for local distribution in the tiniest amounts. under-the-radar hothouses full of irises or jasmine. essential oil of california sage foraged from privately owned land. it's there if you know where to look.
those things, too, find their way into the hands of mysterious independent perfumers who make white-label scents you can't buy at Jinguji. they can't put their names on anything or future-LVMH is gonna bust their kneecaps. most of them make fragrance for the .01%, who get to stand out from the masses, as usual. a very rare few of them work from a more punk ethos and collaborate with performance / installation artists, or produce personal fragrance for an in-the-know crowd of weirdos.
so in night city, if someone's perfume is interesting enough to turn your head, you should probably pay attention.
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dreadfulsanity · 7 months
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"I had a weird fucking day. Wakako threw something my way. Guy wanted someone to kill someone. So I asked who the target was. She didn't know. Now, I have no problem putting bullets into skulls of scum. Like Jataro Shobo. Seriously. The more I learn about the guy the more I wish I could kill him again. Utter piece of filth. But I digress. So I asked her what if the target is some nice, loving father of three. 'Then you will make the right decision, V.' Ugh. So I decided to hear the guy out at least. "
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"Turns out, he was after the killer of his wife. Joshua Stephenson. Yes, the one who's all over the screamsheets lately. Passion of Christ nonsense. Looks like he got off death row by making a deal with corpos. Bill couldn't let that slide. Before you ask, yes, I agreed to help. Though I was hoping I'd still find an angle I could play. Anyways, we waited in his car until the target came in sight. No one said anything about NCPD though. We followed the van. I spare you the details. We caught up to them. Some badge with a stick up his ass threatened to shoot. Bill couldn't care less. Stormed with drawn weapon towards him. Tried to get in-between them, but... well, Bill is dead. And now Joshua wanted to... hire me to spend the day with him. Isn't that nice? There was also some corpo rat from the studio among the trio. I agreed, because... I was curious. Plain and simple. Btw... I apparently have a reputation among the NCPD. Dangerous to be around were the words Vasquez used. I'm no danger to badges, am I?"
River chuckled. "Well, I'm not a badge anymore, so I couldn't possibly say." He kissed her neck.
"Oh, we're getting to that. Apparently your old buddies like to gossip like school girls. We arrived at some house in SD where Joshua wanted to visit someone. Asked me to come with. Vasquez was giving me the stink-eye. You know me. I took that as a challenge. Maybe got a bit cocky. Called him cute, but that I have sadly only space for one cop in my bed. 'Ex-cop.' he snapped back at me."
"What?" Another chuckle.
"Told you. Apparently we're the talk at the NCPD."
"What did you say to that?"
"That you have bigger cojones than all the other badges at your precinct combined. And definitely bigger balls than Vasquez. With a very snotty look around his crotch region. He just grunted. I chuckled and went in after Joshua. Apparently that was the house where the mother of one of his victims lived. And he was besties with that victim's sister. She... forgave him. It was through her that he found god. Made me nauseous. Mum came home, didn't find it in her heart to forgive him and threw us out. Next stop was a diner. The corpo bitch wanted to get rid of me. I did not oblige. Made her mad. Worth it. We talked a bit more, Vasquez and Joshua wolfed down some chow. Then they left for the studio and I came here."
Val poured herself another whiskey.
"You know, this whole thing is insane. I mean, he's obviously bad people, and got sentenced to death for it. But the corp making bank on his suffering... they want to crucify him and record a braindance of that. What the hell is wrong with people? And then, as I was making my way home, the corpo bitch called. Begged for my help. Apparently Joshua has second thoughts. She wants me to set him straight. She'll be in for a rude awakening. He belongs back on death row. Not in a BD studio."
"Jesus, V. Your days are never boring, aren't they? Maybe I should come with you someday."
"I'd like that. Could do some NCPD scanners. Gigs that won't ruffle your conscience. Actually... I get a lot of mini gigs from my fixers, looking for missing persons. But for today, I'm done. Think about it. I'd like to have you around some more."
She drank the whisky in one go before grabbing his hand and pulling him off the counter.
"But for now..." She smirked seductively and guided him up the stairs to her bed.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
Unusual Muse Associations
Tagged by @corpocookie, @bnbc, @imaginarycyberpunk2023, and @miss--river. Already did this one for Val so doing my babygirl Travis
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SEASONING: cajun seasoning; heavy on the smoked paprika
WEATHER: cloudy grey winter morning where you haven't seen the sun for days
COLOR: teal
SKY: right before a thunderstorm
MAGICAL POWER: Invisibility
HOUSE PLANT: snake plant
WEAPON: whatever is closest
SUBJECT: lunch
SOCIAL MEDIA: wherever he can post cars and thirst traps
CANDY: twizzlers
FEAR: being forgotten
ICE CUBE SHAPE: cube with one side removed
ART STYLE: "that soup can shit" (Pop Art)
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: leprechaun, except he doesn't bring good luck
PIECE OF STATIONARY: the inside of his arm, by the elbow
3 EMOJIS: 👅🤙😎
I guess I'll tag a few more people lol. Ignore if you've already been tagged or feel free to use another OC! @nullvektor, @itzsassha, @redheadrae, @corpo-rat-v, @morganlefaye79, @alteredsilence, @roads-rise-to-meet-me, @g0n3-rogue, @mhbcaps
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pheedraws · 2 years
the gym is done. the duolingo owl is appeased. now, i can write. 
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theviridianbunny · 7 months
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TEMPLATE BY @wanderingaldecaldo -!!
As the end of 2023 draws near I have decided to fill in a fun template - showing some of my fave pieces of VP from each month of this year (you can see the full images under the cut) creating virtual photography has been something that has made me very happy this year - i've made so many wonderful friends through interacting with the fandom ((pssst @another-corpo-rat @halsin @heywoodvirgin @dustymagpie @fereldanwench @miss--river @wanderingaldecaldo @chessalein @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @chipped-chimera i'm talkin about y'all~ )) Anyway - enough of the soppy stuff - here's to 2024 and more vp - more blorbos and more happy yelling about the loml and lovl (love of viridian's life) <3
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January - date night at corpo plaza 💌
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February - playing dress up with Viridian ;u;
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March - non sexual intimacy by beloved <3 just the blorbos sharing space - laying together after coming home from a gig
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June - Bunny's first NPV (in the form of @wanderingaldecaldo's Valerie Vermilion)
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July - Viridian's birthday <3
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August - moody after dark shot
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September - TWO EX CORPOS WANDER INTO A BAR (featuring @imaginarycyberpunk2023's Macha)
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October - Girls night @ lizzies (featuring @wanderingaldecaldo Val again!)
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November - started to play around with props again - and the ACU mod - shot for my matrix au
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December - love in full bloom (i mean- this is a november shot - but we are almost halfway thru december and i have no spoons for cyberpunk vp and probably wont until the new year - so we're callin it my shot for december <3 )
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merge-conflict · 1 year
Find the Word/Manuscript Search Tag
Been tagged twice and alright, if you have to twist my arm and ask me to post more words... :3 <3 <3 <3
Tagged by @fly-amanitaa for night, breeze, jealous, & collide
Tagged by @setaflow for retort, sun, length, & knuckle
Tagging @corpocyborg, @gamerkitten, @luvwitch, @genocidalfetus, @another-corpo-rat (as usual, no pressure) with chrome, whisper, burn, sky
Mild nsfw on "breeze" but it's not terribly explicit.
“All you ever want to do is go out drinking and have me be your wingman,” she continued, rummaging through the wrappers in the cup holders. If she was looking for his amphetamines she was going to be disappointed. “Then what– I talk you up to some nice girl and she has a mediocre night. That your idea of a fun surprise?”
“Never had any complaints. But if you wanted you could see for yourself.”
-> when her edges soften, ch. 1
V pushed her right hand up the inside of his shirt, pulling it up over her elbow while the breeze cooled his sweat. Her voice was half a growl. “Please tell me one of those advantages–“ She kissed his neck sweetly, against the stinging pain. “–is you’re not a one-hit KO.”
“Jesus Christ, V, at least give me a minute.” He said, voice a little hoarse. “First round just ended.” He turned his head before she could put her wet fingers in his mouth. She wiped them off on his throat, instead, and then stepped back, leaving him panting and exposed, leaning his face against the cool brick.
-> when her edges soften, ch. 1
Panam shifted in her chair, body twisted into an improbable curve that looked extremely uncomfortable. She was focused on V now, the churn of her thoughts visible in her expression. V wondered if she was even going to be hungover in the morning, and was preemptively jealous.
“You never mentioned you were corpo,” she said finally, but without any rancor.
“Would you have worked with me if I had?”
Panam considered this for a moment. “Probably not.”
-> the damn things overlap, ch. 7
collide (colliding)
Saul, who knew Goro spoke English and thus had a pretty good idea of what he might feel compelled to say in another language, frowned deeply. But Terry struggled with the simple shock of someone finding a stranger was foreign twice over, and was trying to understand what that meant.
The alarming crunch of two large objects colliding and the subsequent shriek of metal sliding past metal interrupted this calculation. She swore a blue streak and exploded into motion, moving quickly despite her pronounced limp. Her absence seemed to take all the air with her, and V had it in her to hope distantly no one had hit her car.
-> the damn things overlap, ch. 7
(miss) :)
Goro woke V while the sun was still down, unconscious grip on her tightening as he battled some dream. She didn’t know whether trying to wake him would help or only make it worse, so she waited until a jerk of his arm woke him. He let out one long, slow breath, and she pretended to be asleep as he gently pulled her in closer. Eventually she felt his limbs go slack again, and he fell asleep while her mind composed a little tune that swam in and around to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
<Johnny.> The thought took more effort than it should have. He didn’t answer, but the song stuttered, just a bit. <Johnny?>
-> the damn things overlap, ch. 12 (wip)
Still, no matter how early she managed to arrive, Goro was nearly always there before her, looking well rested and without a hair out of place.
This morning was much the same, and V slid into her chair, trying not to stare at his back as he busied himself making his usual cup. Once, he had talked at great length about the virtues of tea, from the plant to the processing to the ritual of consuming it, and so it was only with great difficulty that she endured the sight of him configuring the machine to brew the ugliest, thickest, oiliest brew of coffee it could create only to cut it with an obscene amount of milk and sugar. That he viewed even the finest coffee only as a convenient source of caffeine was endurable, but to watch him produce such a monstrosity in front of her was too much to bear.
-> catch for us the foxes
knuckle (knuckles)
When he was gone, she returned to the mirror, shivering in some strange combination of grief and fury. Her body felt raw, disjointed, unclean. She wanted to break the mirror, but just at the thought of it she could smell the mildew from the motel bathroom, feel the blood on her healed knuckles, trapped in an endless self-cannibalizing loop of bad and worse.
“Too bad you missed that, huh?” She bared her teeth at her own reflection, humiliated at the realization she actually wanted Johnny to answer.
She did not punch the mirror. She did not, but she wanted to. She wanted–
-> the damn things overlap, ch. 4
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pozerjacket · 11 months
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tagged by @hamburgerslippers . my bingo card is kinda skimpy cause i’m basically kind of new to fandoms and have only published 4 stories (my other writing is just a screenplay/novel thing)
i don’t exactly know who’s all writers who interact with this sideblog so i’m sure i’ll miss people and i’ll try to tag more people as i notice @vox-monstera @another-corpo-rat template is below
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corpocyborg · 6 months
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Tagged by @ghostoffuturespast (thank you!)
I'll share a bit from Before the Event Horizon, from a future chapter this time instead of the current chapter that I've been working on forever (it's been giving me trouble lol).
“I know you think I’m just some common thief, but my mentality now is the same as when I worked for Arasaka. I believe in doing my job well.” “There are no clean hands,” Goro said somberly. “But it is important how they become dirty. You dirty your hands for money. I, in the name of principles.” V stared at him in utter disbelief. “You’re seriously gonna claim you don’t care about money?” she said slowly. “News flash, Goro, it was money that pulled you out of Chiba-11 in the first place. And you miss it. All your favorite foods, your cyberware, none of it would have been yours without money.” “Those are not the things that I miss most.” His anger was more palpable now. “And I do not mean to imply that money is unimportant. Corporations need capital and resources to keep all in order. But any money I possessed was earned, through the proper channels. Not stolen. Not cheated.” V couldn’t help it. She laughed. “Are you forgetting I used to work for Arasaka? I know it’s never that simple. How did you survive at Arasaka if you think that way?” “I survive precisely because I think that way. Perhaps you were terminated because you do not.”   V inhaled sharply through her nose. She had to bite back her anger before she unleashed it on him. She still needed him. She fumed silently and wrapped her hands around her knees as the night grew colder around them.
Tagging @merge-conflict, @luvwich, & @another-corpo-rat!
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