#i miss my computer this one i'm using is of my auntie
huntsvillegossip · 1 year
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Hello my little lovelies!
My, you've all been such busy little bees this beautiful springtime. Of course with spring comes the birds and the bees, and since our lovely flower festival last month, love seems to be all around us. It's always great to see the community able to find hope in these dark and tragic times.
The younger Romero and Sinclair still seem to be going strong, and on top of that, their dance classes have been the talk of the local mom groups. Good on the Romero boy for finally settling down with a nice, respectable girl... A rarity in that family, I can assure you.
Now, I'm not one to judge, you all know this. But I can't help but feel a touch concerned over two new lovebirds. As it turns out, I'm not the only one worried about little Miss Genesis - I have received quite the earful from many concerned citizens who have seen her gallivanting around town with that computer boy. While he may have been cleared of suspicion, it still feels rather uncouth of them both after poor little Gia's tragic passing. Here's hoping our Head Ranger can help lead the girl back on a proper path.
Speaking of darling Gia, it does pain me to bring some much more unpleasant news. But I am one to tell you the truth at all times, and that has always been and will always be my promise. I have been repeatedly tipped that TJ Spade had a physical altercation with Gia prior to her tragic demise that went so far as to leave him with a scar after she defended herself against him. Why he is still allowed to roam free, wandering town as he pleases, has stumped many. Are we giving special privileges to commune members? Is the Mayor too afraid to prosecute them like we would any other town member?
As for the Commune, I have never had anything personally against them, as long as they remain proper members of the community - even if they enjoy their isolation. However, it has been told to me by a trusted source that one commune member shot another former commune member. It was claimed to be accidental, but the timing just seems interesting, doesn't it? A commune member leaving the house, becoming engaged, and then being shot? It just makes you wonder what really is happening behind closed doors.
Another thing for the police to investigate, I suppose, if they aren't drowning in existing case work. Or perhaps in their own personal dilemmas? A reliable witness has informed me that Officers Vovk and MacGillivray not only had a torrid affair in their youth, but that the union resulted in a baby, whom they then gave away. Bless that sweet child, whom I have confirmed would be around 27 years old now. Wherever they are, at the very least they're free of all this insanity.
Whoah, I am exhausted sharing all this news with you! But that is all that seems to be new in town, or at least what my anonymous, reliable sources have been willing to share. Stay safe out there, my lovelies. Remember, I'm always here to provide a shoulder to lean on. Love, Auntie G.
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malia-lake-love · 11 months
Love at supersonic speed teaser chapter three
10 years later
"Mom have you seen my jacket?" I asked rushing into my moms office. Pepper pots my mother looked up from her computer. "I think it's in the dryer honey." she said smiling. "Thanks mom!" I yelled rushing out of her office.
I was moving into the avengers compound, with my dad and everybody else for a few weeks. My mom was going to be gone on a business trip and I didn't want to be alone. I ran into the laundry room and accidentally ripped the dryer door off it's hinges.
"Shit!" I yelled. placing the door on top of the dryer and sliding my leather jacket on. I rushed out of the laundry room and ran through the living room. "Ripped the door off the dryer, sorry!" I yelled and I got in my suit. I opened the second story window just as my mom ran in the room.
"(Y/N) what have we talked about?" she said hands on her hips. I saluted her and walked off the balcony falling, before I started flying to the compound. I'm going to be training with all my aunts and uncle's.
I mean clearly their not my biological family but they may as well be. As I was flying over the tops of all the building I was thinking of all the decorating I had to do once I arrived.
However, I deffianately was not looking forwards to any of my dads parties, they can get a little…how do I put this? Out of hand. I could hear the chears of the civilians as I flew over-head.
"It's (Y/n)!" One yelled. "The teal prodigy!" another yelled. "Stark!" they screamed. I waved to them as I flew by. After about another hour of flying I could see the compound nearing.
I landed a few feet from the front door. I pressed the button on my braclet and my suit retracted, the front door flew open and my avenger family rushed out the doors. The first to reach me was my dad.
"(Y/N) I've missed you kiddo!" he said trapping me in a tight hug. He kissed my forehead and grinned at me. "Move it Tony I need to hug my favorite neice." A feminine voice said.
Which of course belonged to my favorite redhead. "Auntie Nat!" I exclaimed as the small woman bear hugged me. "Hey flamer!" she said smiling at me. "How've you been?" Nat asked.
"I've been great!" I said happily. "where's Uncle Steve?" I asked. "Right here." the blonde said stepping out from behind, a wall. "Steve!" I laughed as I ran at him and jumped into his arms.
"Hey doll!" he said laughing, catching me, and spinning me around in a circle. "I've missed you!" I said as he finally quit spinning. "Yeah? well I've also missed my sparing partner." Steve said grinning.
My dad came over and laid his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into his side. "Come on kiddo, lets go get you settled in." he said walking me inside. Steve and Nat followed us inside.
The three adults brought me to a room and the second story of the compound. I open the door and walked in. The room looked amazing and was pretty spacious. That was just the bedroom part of it.
"Alright (Y/n) well let you settle in for a bit then well get straight to your training "Alright (Y/n) well let you settle in for a bit then well get straight to your training." Nat said giving me another hug before shooing the guys out of the room and shutting the door.
I walked over to the bed and fell backwards onto it. I sighed and closed my eyes, aclimating to my surrounding.
I was about to grab my phone and text my mom when a random thought popped into my head. I want a (Y/F/S/C). "Jarvis?" I said aloud. "Yes ms. Stark." The AI sasked. Could you have my dad bring me a candle please. "Yes, Ms. Stark." Jarvis said. "I will alert your father of your wishes."
"Thanks, Jar." I said closing my eyes again. I must have dozed off for a few minutes because next thing I know, there was a knock on my door. I rolled off my bed and onto the ground, creating a loud thud.
I crawled to me feet and walked to the door opening it, to reveal, to my surprise, Natasha. "Oh hey Nat." I said surprised.
"Hey, your dad said you wanted a candle?" she said offering me said candle. "Yeah, thanks." I said grabbing it from her and turning around.
"Come in Nat." I said as I walked over to my nightstand, setting the candle down, and prying the lid off. I heard her close the door, walk over to my bed and sit down on it.
I let a flame dance on my index finger and I flicked it towards the candle which ignited. "So what's on your mind?" Nat asked softly. I sighed, I had been trying to not let anyone know, hell I had been trying to distract myself from it.
"Ten years ago today I lit the body of a woman I cared about on fire." I said thing of Svetlana. "From what I've been told form both you and your dad, you freed her." Nat said grasping my hand.
"I know but sometimes I regret it. Sometimes I wished I would have just barried her." I said letting a tear slip from my eye. "Why's that?" Nat asked.
"because then I would at least be able to visit her and be able to feel like I'm talking to her instead of just air." I sighed. "Well, you let her free, so she is part of the air, she is still with you (Y/n)." Nat said squeezing my hand. "I know, I know, I just miss her that's all." I sniffed.
Nat pulled me into a hug, she didn't say anything just hugged me. It was a comfortable silence just the two of us, sharing our grief, and our feelings.
Nat patted my back after a few seconds, and pulled away. "Come on (Y/n). It's time for you to go change and train with steve." She said wiping away my tear with her thumb and smiling at me.
I nodded and stood up, nat left the room and left me to change. I quickly changed into exercise clothes and grabbed my waterbottle.
I quickly headed out of my room and down to the gym to exercise with Steve
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harlequinnofhate · 4 years
my computer is kinda fucked up  *cries*   -- offline.
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iamknicole · 3 years
New Kid on the Block
Family Ties AU // Bloodline Family Series AU
"Okay class, quiet down." Mrs. Johnson called out to her eleventh grade class. She continued once they were quiet. "We have a new student. What's your name, sweetie? Tell us about yourself."
"My name is Haleigh Reigns and I'm from Florida," she shrugged looking back at the faces that stared at her.
Mrs. Johnson smiled. "And now you're here in Mississippi. Well yhen class this is Miss Reigns from Florida and we will make her feel welcome here in digital photography. You may take an empty seat and before you leave stop by my desk to get your camera."
Slowly, Haleigh made her way around the tables to the table in the back with one occupant. She took a seat and pulled her notebook out. Mrs. Johnson looked up from her computer and smiled.
"You've chosen a great seat. Mr. Bekim takes some of the best pictures I've ever seen. He'll help catch you up to speed these last few minutes of class. Hopefully you'll join us for both periods all the way through on Monday."
Haleigh nodded, "Yeah, sorry about that. Was in the office getting my paperwork together."
Sighing softly, Ardian moved over to the seat beside her with his things. "I'm Ardian, I keep telling her to call me that but she stuck on that miss and mister thing."
"Nice to meet you. I hate being called by my last name but it seems like that's all I've heard all day. What do we do for two periods?"
Ardian shrugged, "It depends on the day but mostly go out to take pictures and edit pictures for projects and assignments. Thankfully it's sixth and seventh period so she let's us leave when we're done."
"That sounds cool. What are you guys doing right now? Didn't seem like much of anything?"
"Before you came in, we were talking about a field trip. Deciding where to go to take pictures. Bell's about to ring so we can go home."
Haleigh nodded putting her notebook away. "Cool, I'm ready to go anyway. Thanks for helping me."
"No problem. I don't mind."
The bell ring loudly through the class signaling that the school day had come to an end. Waiting to most of the class cleared, Haleigh went to the teacher's desk and grabbed her camera bag before leaving. Trying to stay out of the way, she went quickly to get locker to get the books she needed for homework. When she closed it, she locked eyes with the boy leaned against the others and scrunched her face up.
"Sorry if I was in your way," she said quietly starting to turn away.
He grabbed her arm making her snatch it away. "Sorry, I didn't mean any harm. I been seeing around today and wanted to stop and talk to you."
"No, that's okay," she said shaking her head. "I've gotta do so I don't miss my ride."
"If you need a ride, I'll give you one. I don't mind."
"No thank you, I don't know you. I have one. Goodbye."
When she turned to walk away he pulled her hand again which she snatched back.
"My name is Tony," he smiled. "And you're the new girl, Haleigh. We know each other now."
Rolling her eyes, she quickly turned away from him and walked off ignoring his calls for her to wait up and come back. Making her way outside, she stood in the curb for a second looking around until she spotted the van she needed to be on across the parking lot. By the time she got near it, the van pulled off leaving her.
"You've got to be kidding me," she mumbled checking the time on her phone. It was a quarter past two, she was supposed to be on the van by five minutes prior to not get left. She reluctantly dialed her aunt's number.
"This phone call let's me know that you missed the van, Hae. I told you be on that van no later than 2:20."
"I know," she sighed softly. "I was trying to leave but this boy kept holding me up, Auntie Pearl."
Pearl chuckled, "Well then thanks to him, you're walking. And I still want your homework done before you do anything fun. Understand?"
"Yes ma'am but can't you pick me up? Please."
"No ma'am I cannot. I'm helping finish up snack for you and the other girls. I love you and I'll see you when you get here."
Without another word, Pearl hung up leaving Haleigh to groan and mumble to herself. Fixing her bookbag on her shoulders, she started her walk. Tony drove up beside her trying to get her in his car, she told him no until she realized he wasn't giving up and opted to just ignore him. This went on for more than five minutes until Ardian caught up to her.
"Sorry I took so long, had to go back for my book." He said out of breath.
She looked at him strangely for a moment. "I thought you weren't coming."
"This why you ignoring me? For him? He a square, I promise you." Tony chuckled from his car.
"Take a hint, man. Drive off. Don't embarrass yourself even more." Ardian told him with a huff.
Haleigh and Ardian walked in silence for a few minutes after Tony drove off. Haleigh watched cars and people around them, trying to figure out what to say.
"Um, thanks for that. He's gone now if you wanna hear back. Don't want you getting too far away from your car." She said softly.
"You don't gotta thank me. I don't drive to school, this is the way I walk home. I don't mind."
She nodded not sure of what else to say. The walked in silence again this time until they got to her home. She nudged him as she came to a stop. Ardian looked at the home then at her with a brow raised.
"What's wrong?"
"Just letting you know that this is my stop." She explained softly.
Ardian frowned, "It's a group home. Are you sure you're in the right spot? It's easy to get streets mixed up here."
"It's a girls home," she corrected. "And yes I'm in the right spot. I live here."
"Why? I mean it's nothing wrong with it or anything. Just ... sorry forget I asked."
Haleigh smiled and played with her fingers. "It's cool I'm not upset. It's a long, personal story but short version, I got kicked out of my home. And my aunt owns this girls home so here I am."
"Sorry I asked, didn't mean to be in your business. I'll let you go."
"Like I said, I'm not upset. Thanks for walking with me, Ardian."
"No problem. Have a good rest of your day."
She nodded headed up the few stairs, he waited until she went inside to continue his walk. Ignoring the other girls, Haleigh went to to her room going straight to her desk and getting her books out to start her homework.
"Knock, knock."
Haleigh looked over at the door with a small smile. "Hey, Auntie. Sorry I missed the van."
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"You don't have to apologize to me, dear. It didn't hurt me, you were the one who had to walk home. Here's your snack." Pearl sat the plate of pasta chips with marinara sauce, apple slices and caramel on the desk. "How was school? Did the other girls help you around?"
"Thank you. School was school, I guess." She shrugged. "A couple of them did when they could."
"Good. Make any friends?" Pearl asked brushing hair from her niece's face.
Haleigh shook her head eating one of the apple slices. "No but it's okay."
"Mmm ... so the boy you walked up with is the one that made you miss the van?"
"No, that was Ardian from my photography class. He helped me her that boy that made me miss the van away from me. He was driving alongside me trying to get me in his car until Ardian walked up."
Pearl nodded. "Well okay then. You be careful and please make sure you're on time for the van. When you get out of school tomorrow, your uncle is going to take you to a job interview. It's at a restaurant."
"Yes ma'am."
"Oh your parents want you to call them."
Haleigh nodded turning back to her homework.
"Call them now, please, Hae. It's been a week since you've talked to them. They miss you."
Haleigh bit her tongue to keep from saying what she was thinking. She simply nodded and took out her phone, pleasing her aunt enough to leave the room and close the door. Haleigh facetimed her father's number and proped her phone up.
"Hey, Princess." Roman greeted smiling. "Kandi! Come here!"
"Hi, daddy," she responded dryly as she ate her food. She glanced up seeing her mother come into the frame. "Hi, mama."
"Well hello pretty girl. You look like you're settling in good. I see books, started school today?"
"Yup. Doing homework, Mama."
Both parents sighed audibly.
"From your time I take it you're still upset," Kandice inferred softly.
"Nope. Not upset."
"Princess, we love you and didn't want you getting into more trouble. This was the best thing for you, I know you didn't want to go to the detention center."
Haleigh chuckled to herself lifting her eyes to her phone to look at them both. "I get it. Send me hours away for someone else to deal with me."
"Hae," Kandice called out softly. "That's not it. We just felt you needed some time away from here. A new start. And you're not with a stranger or anything, you're with your Auntie Pearl and Uncle Don. You're okay."
"No, I'm not with them. I'm in Auntie Pearl's girls home with a hundred other different girls. I've got homework. Can I go?"
Roman sighed, "Go on and do your homework, Princess. We love you. Call us later, please."
"Sure thing. Love you guys too. Bye." Hanging up her phone, Haleigh went back to her homework and ate her snack.
After stopping by his grandparents' house, Ardian went to his uncles restaurant to work. He usually stayed in the back cooking only going out when the servers needed help. Tyrell walked until the kitchen smiling and went to lean against the counter beside him.
"What's going on? How was school, nephew?"
"School was school."
Tyrell laughed, "That's your answer every damn day. Nothing happened? New people?"
Ardian shrugged cutting cabbage up. "New girl in my photography class. Had to help her out and ended up sorta walking her home."
"She walks the same way I do. Her stop is like ten minutes from Grandma and Grandpa house."
"Uhuh. She say thank you?" Tyrell asked scratching his beard.
"She did. She was grateful. You know that girls home that's near the house?" He asked still cutting.
"Yeah, yeah. What about it?"
"That's where she stay at. Her aunt owns it."
Tyrell hummed listening to his nephew talk for a few minutes. "You think she cute?" Ardian looked over, staring at his uncle making him laugh. "My bad, just asking. You never take this much interest, you know you ain't a people person."
Mumbling to himself, Ardian went back to his cooking glancing at his uncle every now and then. He just liked to help and for once the learn wasn't ungrateful or rude after he did.
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jpat82 · 4 years
Secret World
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Chapter 15
The sun started to set as the world around me slowly became dark, haunting laughter rang in my ears as I reached the compound flinging the door open. My lungs felt like they were on fire and the sounds of my foot steps echoed through the vast room, bouncing off the cement walls. I hit the button for the elevator just as Friday welcomed me. I looked over my shoulder to the outside, I could see their eyes as the ding on the elevator cab announced its arrival.
I walked in and pressed the button for the next floor down to the common room. To where everyone seemed to gather, a place I could feel safe for the moment. Somewhere I could catch a breath, away from the British man and Aunt May, away from Peter so I could wrap my mind around the events of the day. I could stop and try and figure out why they shadows creatures were talking when they never could before. My life had been upended again for what felt like the millionth time.
My reflection stared back me, alone tear slowly tracked its way down my cheek. My hair a mess, my cheeks flushed and burning from the run back. Why was all this happening to me, I didn't want this. I wanted what everyone else did. To live a normal life, one where I could of gone to school, to have friends, to not have to run every single day of my life. I loathed this gift, this curse.
The cab dinged as the doors rolled opened. The warm light from the common room greeted me with scents of chicken marinating in spicy sauces and apples enveloped me. Slowly I stepped out, I closed my eyes for a brief moment just to allow myself to be comforted in the fact that I was no long out in world but safe in here.
"Echo, where have to been?" Wanda's worried voice questioned.
I opened my eyes to see her rushing towards me, her brows pinched together. I let out the breath I had been holding as I tried to figure out what I wanted to say. The truth? A lie? No doubt Peter called everyone. I watched as she pulled a phone from her pocket and her thumbs tapped against the slick glass.
"I'm fine." I stated weakly, even I could hear my voice waver as I said it.
"You maybe able to lie to everyone else, but not to me." She said, as hooked her head toward the kitchen table. "You are different, and I don't want to press but Peter was very worried when he called. What happened?"
"I...I..." I stammered as I stared in her eyes. I felt another tear streamed down my cheek as I looked into her worried face. "She looked like my Auntie, she is her, just not her. Just like everything else on this planet, it's the same and different all the same time. And then the guy, I know him, I can feel it but I don't know from where."
"What do you mean?" She asked as I paused to take a deep breath to calm myself back down.
"I'm not from here!" I bursted out as the dam opened and the tears fell.
For the next hour I explained everything to her, between the tears and sobering moments, I let everything out again. Wanda was patient, and listened as she bustled around the kitchen finishing what I presumed to be dinner for the team. She asked questions once in a while for clarification. And when I had let everything out, including the events of today the tears had completely stopped. She nodded for a moment and then looked back up to me.
"So, we have to figure out who this man is, with everything that you have told me then he is going to be a problem." She stated. I nodded in response before laying my head on the table feeling drained. "The shadow creatures, you said they attacked that boy, right? After he poked fun at Peter."
"Yes." I croaked out staring over at the wall.
"You said it's not the first time they have done something like this?" She asked as she sat down on the stool opposite of me.
"I've never seen it." I replied.
"You said when the government had you, the locked door was some how unlocked? It was dark, could they have let you out?"
    "Wanda, these things have scratched me, and drew blood they have tormented me for years. I doubt they are trying to help me." I told her flatly as the ding of the elevator behind me announced the arrival of other people.
    "Girl, you sure scared the daylights outta the kid." Sam stated as I could hear him walk towards me.
   "Sam, be nice." Wanda warned him.
    "Hear that, she's telling you to be nice this time." Bucky spoke up, the feet of the chair next me scraped as it was pulled back and groaned from the man's weight as he sat down. Sam walked around the edge of the table and looked to see what Wanda was cooking. His eyes drifted over towards me, a hint suspicion in them.
    "So what got ya so spooked?" He asked me, slowly I left my head, my eyes tracked his movements as he slowly moved from pot to pan.
    "Sam!" Wanda scolded.
    "What? It's a legitimate question." He stated turning to face her. I could feel my heart start to race in my chest, this was exactly what I didn't want.
    "She doesn't have to tell you." Wanda snapped at him.
    "Like hell she doesn't." Sam snapped back, turning to face her fully. "We don't know her, Peter barely knows her. We've completely let her into the compound, and for all we know she could be someone like hydra was."
    "Dude, settle down, she isn't hydra." Bucky finally spoke, leaning back in his chair as he stared the other man down.
    "And you would know, how?" Sam retorted his head snapping toward Bucky.
    "For starters, she isn't very stealthy, nor is she attempting to hide herself." Bucky spoke calmly as he crossed his arms.
    "But she is hiding something." Sam stated looking for him to Wanda.
    "You're right, she is." Bucky stayed, looking over at me and then back to Sam. "But it's nothing sinister, otherwise you wouldn't know it. Whatever she's hiding, I think don't she poses you or any of us a threat. I think she is hiding is more like it."
    "Man, you are seriously not going to argue with me on this? You of all people." Sam responded.
    "Look, if me being here is a problem I'll leave." I announced growing tired of everyone talking about me like I wasn't even sitting there. "It's not like I haven't been on my own for years, I can take care of myself. I don't need this."
    I stood quickly, my chair scraped a crossed the floor as Sam glared across the table at me.
    "Echo!" Wanda called out as I turned and started heading toward the elevator. "Dammit Sam!"
   I heard the other chair scrape, and the sound of heavy boot fall coming up quickly. I didn't waiver as I continued to walk to the elevator, pressing the button down watching it turned green. Someone had put me in for access this time. I felt Bucky's hand only moments before the world around me changed.
     Snow everywhere, it is cold, so cold. The pain in my left arm was intense, I looked over to see it gone, flesh ripped up and bloody. Fear echoed its way into my soul as I laid there in the white snow, blood spattered around the left side. The world was growing dark as people walked up, speaking in another language. Fear, so much fear.
    I jumped away from him, sucking in air as fast as I could, my body trembled uncontrollably. I had never had a vision so intense, so real, so life like as I had that time. I felt the tear slowly track down my face as I stood facing Bucky three feet away. The room was silent for the first time since the two of them had walked in. A dull throb in my left shoulder, remnants, something that never happened to me. Something I couldn't explain.
     "What the hell?" I whispered to myself.
    "Sir, you want me to do what again?" A man in tactical black suit asked, looking over his shoulder from the computer.
   There was a girl on screen, standing next to his boss, fear in her eyes as she stared at him. His boss walked over to the computer and point at the girl on screen.
   "I want to know who she is, and where she is." He stated, his accent filling the room as he spoke. "She recognized me, and I don't know who she is. So find her, I don't want to risk her ruining the Livatech program."
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Secret World tag-
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If I missed you or you like to be tagged just let me know.
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kayah16 · 6 years
Ardian Writes a Letter To Haleigh (Redo)
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Coming in from his new school Ardian had mixed emotions about it. On one hand he was somewhat happy. He was happy because now he didnt have to avoid Haleigh and her family on a daily basis.
On the other hand he was sad, not to be able to see his best friend. Today, he felt it though because as soon as he would leave his classes, he was looking for her.
Sometimes he left his classes early to stand in front of another classroom like he was picking her up. Until he didn't see her and that's when it hit him, he couldn't do that no more. He greeted his Grandmother with a kiss on her cheek and gave his Grandfather a pound.
"How was school?"
Grandma Jones asked as she started to crochet a baby blanket.
"It was okay. I got to get used to some of the things around here. I'm go get me a snack and go to my room."
Grandpa and Grandma Jones watched as Ardian went into the kitchen and took a the tray of cupcakes upstairs. Once in his room Ardian placed the cupcakes on his computer table.
Taking his hoodie off he was left in his tank top. Going in his bookbag he got his pen and letter book out. Sitting at the computer table, he opened the book and turned to a clean page.
He thought for a few minutes about what he could write. He figured him being honest be best.
Dear Pigtails,
I started my new school today. A lot of different people. It was different, not in a bad way though. I kept looking for you today. I even left a few of my classes early to stand in front of another one. I waited for you to come out of class and when I didn't see you that's when it hit me.
I can't do that no more. I miss you. I miss you a lot. I miss your family too, including Aunty Apryl. I just hope one day you can forgive me. Brace Face is not very smart. Love you lil bit.
Ardian Bekim
Ardian looked over the letter pleased with it. Carefully tearing the page out the book he folded it up and put it in an envelope. He wasn't going to send it off, but just in case he changed his mind.
AN: Emotional ass Ardian. Angst. It's a redo lol Sorry it sucks
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morphofan · 6 years
Merry Christmas, Jenny Rose
Hello, @pinkluminarystarlight it’s your Venture Bros. Secret Santa here! Well, not secret anymore, obviously. :-D Here’s the fic you asked for! Enjoy! And thank you for the challenge! 
The request: “A spoof of "Manimal" w/ Dr. Orpheus as Dr. Chase, Tatiana as Det. Mckenzie, Jefferson Twilight as Ty, Alchemist as Lt. Rivera, Triana as Teresa, it can be a flashback so it doesn't mess w/ continuity.”
 "Al," Orpheus called from the kitchen, "Can you get the door for me, please, I am presently elbow-deep in hummus!"
 "Kinky!" Al called back with a laugh as he jogged down the hall to the front door. He tried briefly and unsuccessfully to look through the peephole, but since it was designed for Byron, it was good foot above his head. He opened the door, and was greeted by two lovely ladies.
 "Triana!" he exclaimed, "How are you, lil peanut? I've missed you!" he embraced Orpheus' daughter warmly, and she hugged him back just as hard.
 "Doing fine," she replied, "Mom's been training me, I can't wait to show you!"
 "Later, dear one," Tatyana said gently, stroking her daughter's black and violet hair, "Let's get inside and get our coats off before you start casting any spells." The raven-haired beauty unbuttoned her coat, and smiled as Al gallantly took it off her shoulders.
 "Hi Tatsy," he said quietly, smiling, "Merry Christmas. I'm so pleased you came." He folded her coat over his arm and leaned up as she reached down to kiss his cheek. "Byron's in the kitchen, as usual."  The two old friends laughed together as Al closed the door and led them into the living room.
 "Hey, look who's here!" Jefferson said brightly as he rose from the couch to greet the newcomers. He hugged Triana, and then Tatyana, then escorted them over the couch. "Can I get you ladies a drink?" he asked, moving to stand beside the punch bowl on the table in the corner.
 "Is there anything in that punch I should know about?" Tatyana asked teasingly, "Especially before I let Triana have any?"
 "Moooom," Triana groaned, rolling her eyes.
 "It's just plain old punch," Jefferson chuckled, filling two cups, "Nothing naughty in it, I promise." He brought the cups over to the couch and handed them to Triana and Tatyana.
 "Who wants PITA CHIPS?" Orpheus announced loudly, appear in the doorway with a tray, "Also, organic sun-dried tomato hummus, homemade by yours truly!" He crossed the room and set the tray on the coffee table, before kissing his daughter on the head. He hesitated as Tatyana rose, then relaxed as his ex-wife hugged him.
 "Nice to see you, Byron," she said softly, kissing him on the cheek, "Merry Christmas."
 "Likewise, my dear," the necromancer replied, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it politely, "Thank you for coming." He glanced around the room, then, and raised a quizzical eyebrow? "Did The Outrider not accompany you? I hope he knows he is welcome, here."
 "Oh, he'll be along," Tatyana replied as she sat back down on the couch, "He had some business to attend to, first. Work, work, work."
 "OK, I know we all agreed, no gifts," Al began sheepishly, "But I found something for Triana that I just couldn't resist. I hope that's OK." He reached inside his robe and withdrew a small, flat, wrapped package.
 "Awww," Triana said, as she took the gift, "Thanks, Al." She held it up and shook it a little. "Movies?" she guessed with a grin.
 Al just shrugged mysteriously at her.
 She ripped the paper off to find not one, but TWO DVDs. "Oh my gosh, Al!" she exclaimed, "WHERE did you find these?"
 "What are they?" Jefferson asked, leaning over her shoulder to read the titles, "Manimal… and Nightman? Never heard of them."
 "They're a couple of old TV shows that NEVER got the respect they deserved," Triana said, looking over the back of the box for Manimal. This one was on in 1983, and Nightman was 1998."
 "Nightman was a separate show, but they did a crossover with Manimal, and it was awesome," Al explained, "Simon MacCorkindale plays Dr. Jonathan Chase, and he's got these powers that let him turn into an animal. And he's a Hottie McHottersons!"
 Everyone chuckled.
 "I… vaguely remember Manimal," Orpheus said, "It was on about the same time as Automan, was it not?" He came to sit beside his daughter, as Tatiana sat on her other side.
 "Oh yeah, yeah," Jefferson chimed in, "I remember Automan! The computer guy with the awesome car, right?"
 "Indeed," Byron confirmed with a nod.
 "Thanks so much, Al," Triana said, standing up to hug the monk, "This is amazing." She gave him a big kiss on the cheek.
 "My pleasure, kiddo," he said kindly.
 Triana tucked her gifts into her handbag, looking forward to watching them later.
 "So, Triana," your mother tells me you've been making excellent progress with your training," Orpheus said, "Would you like to give us a demonstration?"
 "Sure!" she jumped up and moved to stand in the center of the room. "Watch this," she said, grinning. Focusing her power and concentration, she traced a circle in the air, and a very small, very weak inter-dimensional portal sparkled into existence.
 "Whoo!" Jefferson exclaimed, clapping his hands, "Awesome! I wish I could do that."
 "Wait, there's more," Triana said with a wink. She focused harder, and the portal began to grow in size, becoming brighter and more solid-looking with each passing moment.
 "Uhhh, pumpkin?" Orpheus said nervously, glancing at Tatyanna, "I don't know if portals are a good thing to attempt this early in your training."
 "Relax, Dad," Triana replied, "I got this." No sooner had she spoken, when there was a surge of energy from the portal, and she was knocked backwards. She lost her balance and fell, striking her head on the edge of the table on her way to the floor.
 "Triana!" everyone exclaimed.
 "Owwww," the girl moaned, sitting up and rubbing the back of her aching head as her family and friends crowded around her. Orpheus helped her to her feet and guided her over to the couch. "I'm fine," she said, "Just embarrassed. That never happened before. I wonder if…. Uhhh… Dad? Mom?"
 She pointed nervously at the portal, which was now glowing brightly. Movement inside the portal was visible, now, and suddenly the room was filled with wind.
 "I'm… not doing that," Triana said uneasily.
 The portal seemed to be creating a vacuum, and several napkins shot off the table into the void. Next, the throw pillows were sucked into the maw.
 "It's getting stronger," Tatyanna said, "Byron, can you shut it down?"
 "I don't know," the necromancer said, "I don't even know how she created it, but we should…."
 Whatever they should have done would never be known, because with a great roar of rushing air and a cacophony of alarmed shouts, everyone in the room was suddenly sucked through the portal….
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Dr Jonathan Chase... wealthy, young, handsome. A man with the brightest of futures. A man with the darkest of pasts. From Africa's deepest recesses, to the rarefied peaks of Tibet, heir to his father's legacy and the world's darkest mysteries. Jonathan Chase, master of the secrets that divide man from animal, animal from man... Manimal!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  Triana glanced around, and found herself in what looked like an office. Her mother was sitting at the desk, inexplicably wearing a very early-80s styled suit, complete with shoulder pads that would make a quarterback jealous. Standing in front of the desk was Al, also dressed in 80s business attire. He seemed to be in the process of scolding Tatyanna.
 "…And another thing!" he said, "Your expense account is waaaaaaay out of control, Detective Mackenzie! You're not the only officer in this precinct, you know!"
 "Oh, give it a rest, Lieutenant Rivera," Tatyanna moaned, exasperatedly, "I've brought in more criminals in the past month than most of the precinct brings in all year! You're paying for the quality." She looked up and smiled flirtatiously.
 Triana was nonplussed, wondering why her mother was flirting with the Out-And-Proud Alchemist. But before she could comment, there was a knock on the office door.
 "Go away!" Al yelled.
 "Come in!" Tatyanna called, at the same time. She smiled as Al rolled his eyes.
 The door opened, and Triana's face brightened as her father and Jefferson entered. But then she hesitated. They, too, were now wearing anachronistic clothing; Her father in a sweater vest and khaki slacks, and Jefferson was in a plaid shirt and jeans!
 "Whaaaat's going on?" she stammered, taking a few steps backwards from her friends and family.
 "Teresa!" her father suddenly exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" he turned accusingly toward Al, "Rivera! Why is my daughter in a police station?"
 "I-I-I," Al stammered.
 "Eloquent as ever, Nick," Jefferson chuckled, as he moved toward Triana, "You OK, Teresa?" He laid a hand on her shoulder.
 Triana just stood there, with no idea how to respond. Clearly, she and her friends and family had been pulled through the portal into an alternate universe… but why was she the only one who remembered who she really was?
 "Oh… you know," she faked, "Just came by to talk to detective Macintosh." She gestured at her mother, who was now cocking a confused eyebrow at her.
 "Mackenzie," the older woman corrected, "And I've told you, call me Brooke, sweetheart. Or 'Auntie', if you prefer." She rose from the desk and came to embrace Triana.
 "Auntie," Triana mumbled, still deeply confused as her mother… but not her mother… hugged her.
 "Teresa came to have lunch with me," Tatyanna explained, "I'm sure Dr. Chase doesn't have a problem with that?"
 "Of course not," Orpheus replied, "Why don't we all go out for lunch? We hardly ever have all of us in one place, these days." He turned to Jefferson, "Will that work for you, Ty?"
 "You buying?" Jefferson inquired of Al.
 "No," Al grumbled.
 "Of course he is!" Tatyanna said brightly, collecting her absolutely-enormous handbag from a desk drawer.
 "Oh fine," Al conceded, "I'm starving."
 * * *
 A few minutes later, the group of five was seated at a table at a fancy restaurant. Rivera and Mackenzie seemed to be well-known by the waitstaff, because the party had their food in less than 15 minutes.
 As everyone enjoyed their lunches, Triana kept mostly silent, listening to the dialogue between the people she knew and loved. They kept talking about cases, criminals, the latest breakthroughs. Whenever someone asked her a question, she tried to keep her answers as vague as possible, trying to hide the fact that she wasn't who they thought she was.
 Teresa? Teresa Chase, as it turned out. Well at least her father was still her father…. From the conversation, she had gleaned that he was now Dr. Jonathan Chase, and he taught at NYU. Jefferson was his best friend, Tyrone Earl. Al was Lieutenant Nick Rivera, and was also her mother's boss. Her mother was detective Brooke Mackenzie.
 "I'm telling you, guys," Tatyanna was saying excitedly as she stabbed at her salad, "I am THIS CLOSE to cracking the MOMA forgery and smuggling case! I just need a few more days to really catch those crooks in the act."
 "Detective Mackenzie," Al muttered, leaning close to her, "Don't you think you should keep that confidential? Your friends aren't cops, there's no need to involve them."
 "Right," she replied, with a wink at Chase and Ty, "What do these guys know about fighting crime?"
 Triana cocked an eyebrow as her father and Jefferson suddenly tried to cover up snorts of laughter. She was clearly missing something funny, but for now, she had no idea what it was.
 Suddenly from across the restaurant, there was scream. Everyone at the table jumped to their feet, her mother and Al automatically drawing their guns.
 "Everybody stay back!"
 The source of the demand was a strung-out looking man, and he had a young woman held to him, holding a knife to her throat.
 "Let her go," Al ordered, moving toward the man and his hostage.
 "Jonathan?" Tatyanna whispered, anxiously.
 "I'm on it," he replied softly, stepping backwards, ducking behind a partition.
 Curious, Triana followed her father, and stopped short when she saw what looked like some sort of mutation behind the divider. It sort of looked like her dad, but was half… eagle? No, hawk, she realized, as the man she knew as 'Dad' completed his transformation. He was a hawk. Her dad. Was a hawk.
 "What the," she began, but then suddenly, she felt her own body began to change.
 She dropped to the floor on her hands and knees, seeing and feeling black fur sprout from her pale skin. Her clenched hands reformed into paws, and long, sharp claws emerged from the toes. She could feel her legs elongating, and she whipped her tail (TAIL?) as the bizarre transformation continued.
 "Dad!" she tried to cry out, but the scream of a panther came from her throat. She worked her mouth, feeling long, sharp, predator's teeth growing from her gums. Her tongue felt rougher than sandpaper against the roof of her mouth, and suddenly, she could smell every scrap of food in the restaurant.
 Triana hunkered down, nauseous from the multitude of smells, and weak from the changes her body had gone through. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window, and realized she had transformed into a majestic black panther.
 Before she could really process all this, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the hawk, her father, take flight. She followed, creeping stealthily along the floor.
 As she slunk between the tables, a few of the patrons noticed her, and leapt to their feet with screams of alarm.
 "Don't be afraid!" she tried to say, but all that came out was a snarl, which didn't help to ease anyone's fears.
 Up ahead near the door, her father, in his hawk form, was diving at the face of the man holding the knife. The man shrieked and swung the knife at the attacking raptor, but her father was too quick, and dodged easily.
 The hawk latched onto the man's wrist his sharp talons, and the knife dropped to clatter to the floor. The woman he'd taken hostage broke free of his grip, and ran in Jefferson's open arms.
 "Easy now, lady, you're safe," he said gently, as he escorted her to a safer part of the restaurant. They merged with the crowd of other alarmed patrons gathered near the kitchen.
 "Good work, Ty!" Tatyanna said, still training her gun on the criminal. She and Al moved cautiously toward the man, who was screaming and still trying to dislodge the hawk from his wrist.
 Triana saw the man grab the bird around the neck, and she was filled with a protective rage. With a loud, feline scream, she leapt at the man hurting her father, and sank her fangs into his thigh.
 "GAAAHHH!" the man bellowed, and released the hawk to pry at the big cat's jaws.
 Triana leaped up on her hind legs and tackled the man to the floor, moving to stand over him, baring her teeth and growling. He was whimpering in fear, holding his hands up to protect his face.
 "What the hell?" she heard Al shout, "It's a panther! Shoot it!"
 "No wait, Nick, DON'T! Tatyanna and Jefferson both cried. But the warning came too late.
 Triana heard the gunshot, and felt the bullet enter her side. It hurt worse than anything she had ever felt, and her whole body went cold in an instant. She collapsed atop the man, and he roughly pushed her aside.
 But before he could flee, Dr. Chase, in his human form again, was there. He held tight to the criminal, but staring down at Triana in horror.
 "Teresa," he breathed, as tears spilled down his cheeks.
 Now her mother was there, cradling her head. Jefferson joined them, and took her paw. Al came hesitantly to stand over her, looking in confusion from Tatyanna to Jonathan.
 "What… is going on?" he asked uncertainly.
 A strange tingle sparkled through Triana, and she felt her body shifting, returning to human form. She saw the horror and realization come over Al's face, and she tried to speak, but her voice was too faint to hear.
 "Take him!" her father barked, his voice sound hollow and far away. He handed the thug into Al's hands, and then fell to his knees to frame Triana's face in his hands. "Teresa!" he wept, "Hang on, honey. Hang on."
 With a final glance at her circle of loved ones, Triana reached up to touch her father's face… and then everything went dark….
 * * * * *
 Her head hurt.
 "Triana? Sweetheart?" her mother's voice sounded like it was underwater.
 She slowly opened her eyes, but the room spun dizzily, and she closed them again. A strong arm at her back helped her sit up, and she was cradled against someone's warm chest.
 "Pumpkin?" her father said gently, and a hand cupped her cheek, "Can you hear me?"
 "Dad?" she murmured. Something cold was pressed to the back of her head, and next she heard Al's voice.
 "C'mon, kiddo," the Alchemist said softly, "Open your eyes. You're scaring us."
 The worry in her friend's voice spurred her on, and she opened her eyes. She was in her father's living room, just as it had been earlier. She was on the floor, cradled against her father's chest, with her loved ones standing over her.
 "How is she?" a new voice asked worriedly. She followed the source of the sound and saw her stepfather standing over her mother, with his hands on her shoulders.
 "I'm OK," Triana said, struggling to sit up straighter. Her father and stepfather each took her by the arm and pulled her to her feet, and helped her make her wobbly way to the couch. "What… what happened?" she asked as she sat down.
 "You whacked your head on the table," Jefferson said, bringing her a glass of water, "Knocked yourself cold, and scared the crap out of us!"
 "It's all my fault," her stepdad said regretfully, "I tried to teleport into the room at the same time you were demonstrating your new spell, and I guess I caused some sort of magical feedback. It knocked you a good three feet!"
 She took the water gratefully, and drank it down, nodding as everything finally began to make sense. Everything from the moment she hit her head to the moment she woke up was some weird dream, triggered by Al's DVD gifts.
 "I'm so sorry, Triana," her stepfather said, kneeling next to her, laying a hand on her knee, "I feel absolutely terrible. I should have just come through the front door like a normal person…. Can you forgive me?"
 "Sure," Triana said, grinning at him, "Buy me a new car for Christmas, and we'll call it even."  Everyone laughed in relief, and she smiled at the people she loved, thankful to be home.
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