#i miss her cute smile and happy attitude!!!she has all my uwus!!!
bezlque · 6 years
libby deserved better send tweet
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bukojuiice · 4 years
What happens when the bakusquad babysits Katsuki’s daughter? (Dad! Katsuki Bakugo x Mom! Reader) Headcanons + One-shot
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ೃ pairing: (dad! katsuki bakugo x mom! reader)
ೃ  warnings: none
ೃ genre: fluff overload, parent fic/hcs
ೃ word count: 5,141 words
ೃ 1/4 of @bukojuiice’s 800 followers special!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ   A  sequel in the form of headcanons + one-shot to my dad! Bakugo fic “like the soul of honey” I recommend reading that first before going through this! Don’t worry if you don’t want to though! Both are standalone and not really connected with each other. 
ೃ   This was originally just going to be headcanons, but I didn’t want to keep writing it in hcs style halfway through so be treated to both headcanons + a one-shot instead! as you can tell already, this was so so much fun to write and i felt so soft after writing this uwu
ೃ  shoutout to two of my loves @sparkykatsuki for coming up with this idea!  I just knew i had to do it bc i love bakusquad sm!! they give me such a serotonin boost and I find it really fun writing about them!! Thank you for having such big brain energy and for conspiring this concept franz!  And to @chibishae34​ bc i know she loves baby fics as much as I do HSHSHSH
ೃ   your daughter’s name is hikari which means light. bakugo thought of that name because light is essentially a part of his quirk and hikari is a part of him.
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!) ♡
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—  Hikari is blessed with the best uncles and aunts she could ever ask for!!
—  Both Bakusquad and Dekusquad take turns in helping you and Katsuki get your well deserved rest and relaxation at least once a month ever since Hikari turned 6 as... she became quite the feisty girl. Too feisty to handle actually.
—  She was energetic and playful 24/7. And so, it was hard to keep up with her energy most of the time.
—  She still remained kind and obedient yet she was also an absolute bundle of joy who would just run around the house, play with her toys, and go on roleplaying adventures with you and Katsuki. She had absolutely no idea how much she would tire you and Katsuki, however, and sometimes she would go on for hours and hours just running around the house and interacting with everything she sees.
—  She had an inquisitive mind, and although you always encourage her to be smart and be intrigued with everything, she tends to question almost everything she lays her eyes on and you end up having to come up with a witty and a very childlike answer for her to understand.
—  A good example of this is when she asked you ever so innocently about where babies come from and your husband was ABOUT TO TAKE HER QUESTION LITERALLY and give her the science talk about sexual reproduction. When the two of you agreed to only give her that talk when she turns 8 as she might not even entirely understand it in the first place.
—  “Mommy, Daddy, where do babies come from?”
—  “I guess it’s time for the talk.” Bakugo shrugs, remarking sternly. He takes his daughter’s little hand in his and bringing her to the living room. “You see, Hikari, babies come from the wo-”
—  “Storks!” You cut Bakugo off before he could say another word, nudging him on the elbow. “Hikari-chan, the babies are brought down to this world by the white and strong birds in the sky!” You whisper the last bits of information to her ear. “The storks told me that once you get older, they’ll tell you the secret of where they actually pick up the babies.”
—  “Really!?” She says in disbelief, her eyes gleaming in excitement. “YAY! YAY! YAY! I can’t wait!” She goes back to running around the house looking for even more things to ask about and you breathe a sigh of relief as soon as she leaves.
—  Although it was nice that you are able to bond as a family, it does get pretty tiring sometimes. Of course your weariness is worth the risk if it’s just to see Hikari smile.
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— Especially since you and Bakugo were both pro-heroes (although you mostly do stand by pro hero work meaning you work from home almost all the time.) You found it much more enriching if both you and bakugo are guiding her and working together to create a loving and supportive family for Hikari.
— Both of your respective friend groups, whomst you remained close to ever since high school, noticed how the both of you looked tremendously exhausted and looked like you were in dire need to have 9 cups of coffee every time you would meet up with each other in between your pro hero duties.
—  And so both squads came into an agreement, that they would help the two of you out by giving you a 48 hour day off every month to do whatever the heck married couples do as they would babysit Hikari and have fun.
—  This was also a great way to get closer with their niece even if they dote on her so much already.  As you and Bakugo are the first persons in your friend groups who got married and have a child together.
—  This month, the Bakusquad is in charge of taking care of Hikari and just from the fact that Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero are going to babysit your daughter alone, you know it’s going to be chaotic.
—  Things didn’t go swimmingly last time (literally), as only Kirisihima and Kaminari were the only ones available the last time they came to babysit. They took Hikari to a community pool, and she came back with a missing tooth and some scratches on her legs from playing too much. Katsuki was NOT pleased and you had to restrain your husband from trying to obliterate his best friends even if Hikari had little to no injuries and it was normal for kids her age to have these things happens to them at least once in their childhood.
—  With your assurance and the look that was on Hikari’s face and how she would not shut up about how she loved spending time with Uncle Eijiro and Uncle Denki, Katsuki eventually let it slide and just gave his friends the usual “Katsuki Bakugo treatment” where he acts cold and angry at them, paired with his easily irritated and idgaf attitude.
—  This month however, was going to be different because Mina and Sero are finally joining along and making sure that Hikari has the best weekend since they weren’t able to babysit last time.
—  Hikari loved her Aunt Mina because she would braid her hair and style her with different cute outfits that only Mina, with her love for fashion and all things girly and pink could attempt to do and end up doing perfectly. She also taught Hikari all the dances to disney songs and nursery rhymes she knows how to do so far. Hikari affectionately refers to her Aunt Pinkie whenever Mina isn’t around.
—  Kirishima, who was the most frequent to visit the 3 of you, out of all of the Bakusquad, considers Hikari as his new #1 best friend. Dethroning and kicking her very own father from that spot. Hikari is a much more gentle and sweet version of her explosive father, and so Eijiro is able to interact and play with Hikari because he already knows Bakugo and his mannerisms very well. Hikari calls him Uncle Sharkie and she always asks her dad about how he and Kirishima became such good friends. To which Katsuki would reply with, “It’s a long story princess.”
—  Kaminari was the fun uncle. He always gave off those vibes ever since high school anyway. Giving Hikari candy behind Katsuki’s back (although you made sure Kaminari didn’t give her any that were tooth rotting sweet ones) Buying her ice cream whenever he came to drop by, and bringing her to the nearby playground amongst many other things. He spoils her a lot (in a good way) and Hikari calls her the fun “sparkie” uncle.
— Then, there was Sero. He retained his love for Spiderman since he was a kid, and he was able to pass that on to Hikari. His way of playing with her was cute since Sero is super tall, he would let Hikari ride on his shoulders, trying to imitate airplane noises as they would “fly” around the house. He gifted Hikari some child-friendly comic books for you and Katsuki to read to her before. bed. Although she never fails to say that the best heroes are her mommy and daddy. She calls Sero her Uncle Spidey.  
—  Uncle Sharkie, Uncle Sparkie, Aunt Pinkie, and Uncle Spidey. The Holy Quaternity.
(One-shot starts below this!)
“AUNT MINA! UNCLE EIJIRO! UNCLE DENKI! UNCLE SEROOO!” Hikari rushes to the door as soon as she hears the doorbell ring, she jumps into Eijiro’s arms and the red-haired pro hero twirls her around. The rest of the Bakusquad forms a circle around her, and can’t help but look at her adoringly.
“How’s my little ball of sunshine!?” Mina squeezes Hikari’s cheekies, earning giggles from the little girl. “I’m fine Aunt Mina! I mished chu!” She begins to talk in a cute accent as she just can’t contain her excitement.
“Hikari-chan! Do you still remember our little handshake?” Sero kneels down to the little girl’s height, offering her his hand. The little girl nods, shakes it and their thumbs twiddle together, as if they were thumb wrestling. They do a few more quirky hand shakes and then end it with a bang by saying “BOOM!” Sparks suddenly fly out from Hikari’s hands, her aunt and uncles coo since noticing how much her quirk has developed ever since they started babysitting.
“Okay you two!” Mina turns to you and Katsuki, as she had noticed you had some distinct luggage packed for a quick hot spring getaway, she practically pushes the two of you out of the door when Katsuki stops in his tracks, turning to his friends.
He glares at them and points his fingers to his eyes in a “I’m watching you” type of gesture. “Not one single scratch on her or all of you are dead to me.”
Kaminari laughs, patting his friend on the back, “We gotchu buddy. Your little ball of sunshine is safe in our hands. She’ll have the best time with us!”
Hikari quickly runs to you and Katsuki, giving you both a tight hug. “We love you Hikari. We’ll just be gone for two days oki? Your uncles and your aunt here will keep you safe this weekend alright? We love you!” You peck her lightly on the cheek, a pout forming on your daughter’s face.
“I’ll miss you Mommy. Daddy.” She doesn’t let go, hugging the two of you even tighter. “I loaf you! See you soon!”
“Be a good girl okay Hikari?” Katsuki kneels down to meet his daughter’s eyes, orbs that were as passionate as his, planting a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll miss you kiddo.”
You could hear Kaminari and Sero silently snicker in the background since they still can’t wrap their head around the fact that their friend could become so soft when in front of his child as opposed to his usual rough demeanor he shows to everyone else.
Katsuki wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tightly, with you dragging along the luggage that the two of you were going to bring on this trip. You bid your final goodbyes with ease and relief, knowing that your daughter will be in “safe hands” the entire weekend.
“We’re going to have so much fun!” Mina squeezes Hikari and the rest of the  Bakusquad into a hug. “What do you want to do first Hikari-chan?”
“Oh! Um! I don’t know if I should ask this b-but..” The blonde little girl hides her hands in her pockets, her feet tapping the floor. “I actually want to know how Mommy and Daddy met! Not the marry or the lovey thing! Just how they met and fell in love!”
“Hikari-chan!! You’re so cuteeeeeeee!” Kaminari begins to weep crocodile tears, pulling Hikari into another hug. “If that’s what you want to do for today, then we’ll gladly tell the story of how your mom and dad met!”
The Bakusquad formed and sat in a circle on the floor. Hikari was sitting on Mina’s lap as the latter braided her hair into what was called a Fishtail braid. Kirishima, with the help of Sato, baked some chocolate chip cookies a few days ago for all of them to snack on while they babysit Hikari.
Sero clears his voice and begins the story. “Your mom and your dad met each other in High School. Along with all of us and your Uncle Izuku, Uncle Tenya, Uncle Shoto, Aunt Ochaco, Aunt Tsuyu-” He continues to recall the names of all the other people Hikari know and love. “They were total opposites actually.”
“O-opposithes?” Hikari tilts her head, a puzzled look on her face as she tries to process what her Uncle Sero had just said. “D-does that mean that Daddy didn’t like Mommy?”
“It’s not like that Hikari-chan. Don’t worry.” Kirishima saves Sero from making the little girl misinterpret what he had just said, nudging his raven-haired friend in the arm. “It’s just that your dad was hot-headed and angry all the time, but he fell in love with your mom because she was sweet, patient and understanding!” Kirishima reiterates, a soft look on his face, looking back on the sweet sentimental memories of high school. “They were perfect for each other!”
“Oh! So daddy was angy all the time? Since mommy is really nice she told Daddy to be nice and they fell in love!?”
Mina giggles, continuing to style Hikari’s hair. “Yes Hikari-chan. That’s exactly what happened! You’re so good!”
“I am!?” Yay!” She claps her hands together, a wide smile present on her face, she was becoming more and more intrigued. “Tell me more please!”
“Well...” Kaminari continued where Kirishima had left off, “Your mom and dad got closer because they got teamed up to fight our pro hero teacher for our exam! They fought and they had a hard time talking to each other but they passed the exam in the end! It was hard at first. Your dad kept on telling us that he didn’t like your mom in a lovey way but we kept on pushing him until he accidentally said that he liked her! Your mommy heard what he said and then she told him that she liked him too!”
“F-fight? I thought Daddy only fights bad guys...” Her voice begins to crack as if she was about to cry. The Bakusquad were about to speak up and explain but failed to because as soon as Mina was done braiding her hair, Hikari immediately stands up and bows politely to the four adults. “I’m going to play with Mr. Rilakkuma for a while. See you later!” She grabs a cookie from the plate and rushes into her room, locking the door behind her.
“See you later Hikari-chan!” Kaminari waves cluelessly, not realizing what he had just said that prompted Hikari to leave the room in the first place. Mina stands up on her knees, shooting him a glare and flicking his forehead, “Did you not realize what you just did!?”
“Ahh what did I do!?” He rubs the spot on his forehead that Mina had just hit, and looks at his two other friends for a clue as to why they were ganging up with him.
“I guess Chargedolt will always be Chargedolt.” Sero shrugs, shaking his head in disappointment.. “Hikari misinterpreted what you said. She thinks that Bakubro used to fight (Y/N) like she’s a villain or something back when we were in High School.”
“Guys. Guys. There’s nothing we can do about it. Both of you slipped, so let’s give Hikari-chan some space first then talk to her later.” Kirishima cuts Kaminari off before he and Sero would start an argument,  which would prompt Hikari to further think more negative thoughts.
“(Y/N) said that Hikari-chan’s been liking Tonkotsu Ramen recently, so I think it’s best if all of us help out in cooking her favorite comfort food to cheer her up.” Mina sighs deeply, crossing her arms. She heads straight to the kitchen without uttering another word, the three other guys follow suit.
After several hours, it was finally night time and time for dinner! At the orders of Mina, Sero and Kaminari came to pick up Hikari from her room.
Sero knocked softly. “Hikari-chan? It’s time for dinner!”
“We cooked your favoriteee Tonkatsu Ramen!” Kaminari added in a playful voice.
No reply.
“Hikari-chan?” Sero knocks again, a bit louder this time. He then turns to Denki and whispers, “Maybe she’s asleep?”
Before the two men were to retreat and go back to the living room, the door to the little girl’s room was unlocked with a long click, as if there was hesitance..
Denki quickly turns the knob to be surprised at the sight of Hikari... packing her clothes into a cute backpack?
“Hikari-chan! W-what are you doing?” Kaminari runs to her, trying to stop her from folding her clothes.
“I’m going to go see Mommy and Daddy! I’ll go take a bus and find them!” She wipes the tears streaking down her cheeks, sniffing her nose while attempting to stuff her teddy bear inside her backpack. “Daddy took Mommy so that they’re going to fight aren’t they!? I don’t want that!”
“No no no no no Hikari. It’s not like that!” Kaminari wipes the little girl’s tears with a handkerchief, he gestures Sero to call Kirishima and Mina whilst he tries to comfort the girl. “Your dad took your mom out because today is their lovey anniversary! It wasn’t because they were going to fight!”
“Ah! Owkay!” Hikari suddenly raises her head, taking the handkerchief from Denki and wiping her tears.  “Can I visit Daddy and Mommy then!?”
“O-oh well...”
“Of course we can go Hikari-chan!” Kirishima barges in, Sero and Mina close behind him. “Let’s surprise them!”
“Yay! Surprising them! I love surprises!” The little girl jumps up and down in her place. “What time do we go!? What time do we goooo!?”
“After dinner you little cutie.” Mina smiles at the younger Bakugo’s sudden shift in mood. “We cooked your favorite Tonkotsu Ramen!”
“AH! TONKOTSU RAMEN TONKOTSU RAMEN!” Hikari wiggles her arms, slightly pushing the adults out of the way and runs out of her room, Sero catches up to her, only to find her sitting properly on the dining table. “I’m ready to eat now! Just waiting for all of you!” She shouts from outside.
“She’s absolutely fricking adorable.” Kaminari remarks. “But Kiri.. are you serious? We’re actually going all the way to a prefecture and bring her to her parents? Isn’t our job supposed to be keeping her here while they rest and relax in the onsen?”
“W-well... It’s not like we can do anything about it right?” Eijiro shrugs off Denki’s concern, holding on to a stress ball that Hikari had in her room. “She’ll be moping around and going back to overthinking about what her parents are doing right now. We’ll take her there and besides, once we do get there, (Y/N) and Bakugo already had a day’s worth of rest. And I think it’s time for us to take Hikari on a road trip and have fun with her!”
“Uncle Eijiro.. Aunt Mina... Uncle Denki... what’s taking you so long?” Hikari yawns and rubs her eyes, still holding on to her chopsticks. “The ramen is going to get cold...”
“Oh no! It is!?” Mina reacts quickly, taking Hikari’s hand and leading her to the table. “Let’s get there before Elsa makes it even colder!”
“NOOOOOO!! Elsa’s going to do that!? Whyyyyyy!?”
“Let’s just hope that this isn’t a repeat of what happened when we took her to the community pool.” Kaminari shakes his head, recalling the past event. “Bakugo almost killed us if it weren’t for (Y/N).”
“I don’t think it will. Besides, Sero and Mina will be with us, so the more the merrier!”
Oh and the merrier it was.
“HAKUNA MATATA! WHAT A WONDERFUL PHRASE!” Bakusquad along with Hikari, sing in unison. Bopping along to the iconic song from Lion King.
“IT MEANS NO WORRIES! FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!” Hikari belts out, the others clapping along to her singing, doing their best to hype her up
Kirishima was singing Timone’s lines, Kaminari was singing Pumba’s, Sero and Mina were the background vocals and and Hikari was singing Simba’s lines.
It was 6 am in the morning and they were finally on the road and on the way to a Hot Springs Resort in Chiba Prefecture, where you and Bakugo were staying in for the weekend.
Kirishima was driving the SUV that he immediately bought when he got his first Pro Hero paycheck, Denki was riding shotgun, and Hikari was seated at the middle squeezed in by both Mina and Sero.
Disney Songs were set to be played for the entire morning to tire out Hikari and so that she can sleep peacefully and rid Bakusquad of the slight annoyance they will receive when she asks “Are we there yet?” every 2 minutes.
Denki had unfortunately messed up the spotify playlist that Jiro had given him, and the piano opening of A Thousand Miles begins to play.
“OMG IT’S OUR SQUAD SONG!” Mina’s eyes lit up as soon as the well-known piano keys blared out from the speakers. “MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PASS AND I’M HOMEBOUND!”
The iconic part before the chorus begins to play and the boys sing along, “AND I NEED YOU! AND I MISS YOUUU!” They shake their shoulders to the beat, and Hikari giggles along.
“CAUSE YOU KNOW I’D WALK A THOUSAND MILES IF I CAN JUST SEE YOU TONIGHTTTTT.” Bakusquad sings dramatically in unison, raising their hands up high and just vibing to the beat.
“Hikari-chan! You should totally hear your dad sing this! He loves this song!” Mina turns to the little girl who continued to laugh at how chaotic her aunt and uncles were being. “Really!? I want to learn it then so that Mommy and Daddy would know that I can be a singer too!”
The song ends and yet everyone else was still vibing. After the current song, the hype and the energy has died down and Hikari is fast asleep on Mina’s lap and her feet were lying on a pillow that was placed on Sero’s lap.
“She really is a spitting image of both (Y/N) and Bakugo. They’re really great parents.” said Sero, who wanted to break the silence and keep the atmosphere lively.
“My mind is still shook over the fact that Bakubro would turn so soft every time he’s in the same room as his daughter. It’s a complete 180 on his personality, and I really wanna tease him about it when we finally get the chance.” Kaminari interjects. “Do you think Bakugo would get mad when we arrive there?”
“Trust me on this guys.” Kirishima says casually, stepping on the gas pedal, as they go up the highway. “Bakugo won’t. In fact, I think both he and (Y/N) would be delighted to see their daughter travel for 180 miles just because of a misunderstanding.”
“Suki-kun... do you think I should call up Mina to ask how Hikari’s doing?” You reach for your phone on the bedside table. “It’s 6 AM maybe Hikari forgot to drink her gummmy vitamins-”
“She’s going to be fine.” Katsuki murmurs in his bedhead voice, turning to your side of the bed to spoon you and nestle his head on your neck. “I trust Kirishima and the others.”
“This is surprising. You’re very casual about this now. What happened to your skepticism? Weren’t you too worried about how they were going to babysit Hikari after the pool incident?”
“To hell with that. If Hikari loves them, and they love her back just as much, might as well just roll with it. They’re my friends anyway and it’s better than Ilda scolding her for eating 4 M&Ms at 9 in the evening.”
You chuckle, holding his hands that were wrapped around your waist. “That’s harsh but you got a point. Although Hikari loves my friends and yours equally, they do think of Hikari as a little Bakugo so, they’re able to connect with her more.”
“What time do the private mixed gender hot springs open up again?” He grumbles suggestively and you giggle. “They open at 9 am. Should I reserve that time slot?”
“You should.” He growls but before you could even reply, he falls back to sleep.
“WE’RE HERE!” Kirishima announces, waking Kaminari, Mina and Sero up from their sleep.
“W-what if this isn’t the right onsen?” Denki yawns, looking around to take in the view.
“I asked (Y/N) last night where they were staying. This is the place! She even gave me their room number for some reason.” Mina stretches her arms then pats Hikari on the forehead lightly. “Hikari we’re here...”
The little girl slowly opens her eyes, sitting up, then looks out the window.
“HOT SPRINGS! ONSEN!” She hastily tidies up her backpack and gets down the car as soon as Sero opens the door.
“Hikari-chan! Wait for us first!” Sero runs after her, making sure she doesn’t get too far.
“It’s 9 AM... I wonder if those two lovebirds are awake already.” Kaminari looks at the watch on his wrist, as he brings down their stuff from the trunk of the car.
“I looked this place up last night. It’s a family friendly hot springs resort, but it’s famed for it’s private mixed gender onsen. I wonder why though...” Mina mused, helping Denki out with bringing their stuff down.
Kirishima gets out of the car and bobs his head up as soon as he heard what Mina had said. He looks at Kaminari trying to tell him something through his stare. The mustard-haired man’s eyes widened when he realized why Kirishima was looking at him, then he turns to Mina who finally realizes what the mixed gender onsen meant.
They enter the beautiful and lush resort, spotting Sero and Hikari who were sitting near the reception area, waiting for their reservation and for the rooms to be confirmed.
“Can’t believe we had to pay double the price for a standard room.” Kaminari pouts, whispering to Kirishima as the red-haired man hands him over the credit cards of each of his friends and then he hands it over to the concierge. He notices how excited Hikari looked and couldn’t help but smile.
As soon as the reservation was confirmed, Bakusquad and Hikari were able to check in immediately. Mina takes Hikari to her room while the three other boys were sharing their room with each other.
“Hikari before you can surprise your parents, you have to wear this Yukata first okay?” Mina helps fasten the bath robe on Hikari, but the little girl can’t help but be energetic and start dancing in her place. “Have you memorized the A Thousand Miles chorus already to sing to your mommy and daddy?”
“I have!”
Mina takes Hikari outside, the other boys were already out too and were wearing their bath robes.
“I saw (Y/N) enter this onsen. Maybe that’s where she and Bakugo are in? Should we take Hikari there?” Kaminari asks his three other friends, sipping on a fruit-flavored ramune, and handing one to Hikari.
“Yes please! I want to see Mommy and Daddy as soon as possible and then surprise them!” She sips on her ramune, looking at her aunt and uncles pleadingly, begging them to bring her there.
“I could have sworn I heard Kaminari-kun’s voice outside.” You tell Katsuki, closing the screen door to the open air bath. You were holding a plate full of sliced Watermelon. Your robe was still on and you wanted to eat something first before getting in.
“Tch. Probably just your imagination.” Bakugo breathes a sigh of relief, slipping in further in the hot water. “I could get used to something like this every month.”
“Oh really?” You raise your eyebrow, and lick your lips. “Could you get used to-”
“If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass us ByYYY?”
You jolt up at the sweet and all too familiar voice that was echoing from the outside. Before you could even react properly, someone knocks on the door to reveal...
“Mommy! Daddy!”
She jumps to you and pulls you into a tight hug. “I missed you so much! I thought you and Daddy were fighting that’s why you left!”
“Fighting!?” You look back and forth to Bakusquad then to your daughter. “Of course not! Why would we-”
“Uncle Sewo and Uncle Denki told me that you guys would always fight when you were in school! That’s why I thought that-”
“They did... what?” Bakugo’s tone becomes slightly irritated at the mention of Kaminari and Hanta’s name. The Bakusquad were about to face death and the consequences until...
“Oh! But! They also taught me a song today! It’s called A Thousand Miles! They said it was Daddy’s favorite!” She then turns to her father with such admiration in her eyes as she begins to sing the chorus. “Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles just to see youuu~”
“Nice one sunshine. Did you learn that for me?” He gestures Hikari to approach him, ruffling her hair as she kneels down to peck him on the cheek. “I did!”
“It’s your favorite song! So, I also traveled a thousand miles to see you and Mommy!”
“Not necessarily a thousand miles, dear. But you’re close enough! You still traveled to see us! Yay!” You clap at the genius remark your daughter had made. You turn to the Bakusquad, nodding your head at them and smile. “Thank you for taking care of Hikari and bringing her here just because she wanted to. We’ll see you later at lunch?”
“Of course! Of course!” Mina waves goodbye, a tired but loving smile formed on her face. “We had a fun time with Hikari and we just couldn’t help but bring her here. But, you have Kiri to thank for all of this though!”
“No, I shouldn’t get all of the credit. This is a Bakusquad group effort, if Kaminari and Sero didn’t slip and if Hikari didn’t misunderstand their words, then we wouldn’t be here in the first place.” Kirishima cuts Mina off in a respectful way. He claps his hands together and pulls your other friends out of the room. “See ya guys later!”
“Thanks guys.” Bakugo nods generously to his friends. It was something he didn’t always do, but when he does, well, it’s worth seeing.
“Bye Uncle Sharkie, Aunt Pinkie, Uncle Sparkie and Uncle Spidey!” Hikari waves goodbye jovially, not realizing that she just called them the affectionate nicknames that she’s too embarrassed to say in front of them.
The four laugh at the little girl’s slip-up and they leave the hot springs in good spirits.
After that wonderful weekend, you explained to Hikari about why you’re taking a rest every month in the first place. She didn’t quite get the concept at first but after a little bit more of explaining, she came up with the idea that the two of you get four rest days in a month. One weekend just for you and Katsuki then the other weekend is for the three of you and if any of the Bakusquad or Dekusquad would want to come along.
It was the perfect agreement and if Hikari was going to grow up in an environment where she had the best aunts and uncles in the universe, then she’s going to grow up to be a great kid. Just like the adults in her life once were.
The End.
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Comte’s One More Wedding Event (full release)that should have just came out in Japanese Version. Could you translate it or summarize it, please? Thank you for your time.
I can't believe you want to give me this kind of power, but if you insist 😂💛
That being said, because my translation skills are rough at best, I'll be summarizing and selecting specific parts to discuss if I feel a need to quote directly.
If you don't want spoilers for Comte ES, run!
So this particular event begins with MC bringing Comte a letter as he thanks her. One glance at the return address tells him that it's a pureblood gathering invitation, and upon opening it he's right. He shrugs it off and says he'll reply to it later, setting it aside.
MC, perceptive as ever, asks if he's declining the invitation. Comte explains the nature of the party and how only purebloods are allowed to end. Furthermore, the gathering takes place on their first wedding anniversary--and he would much prefer to spend the day with her.
Comte: “MC, any gorgeous evening party–no matter how beautiful–means nothing to me without my wife at my side. The place I belong is with you.”
MC: “Er…”
His gold eyes are steady and unwavering as he looks at me, and my heart skips a beat.
Comte: “Anywho I have no intention of attending this party, as it also overlaps with the date of our anniversary. Our first wedding anniversary is an important day, and I want to spend it with my beloved wife.”
Comte smiles winningly, all while staring straight at me.
MC, however, finds herself conflicted. Given how little she knows about purebloods, she wishes she could attend the party to better understand him and the community he's a part of. She admits this, to Comte's great surprise, but feels bad about it because she doesn't mean to ask something impossible of him. (One of the requirements of the party is that you have to be a pureblood vampire to be invited. ON WEDNESDAYS WE WEAR PINK) Comte clarifies that--because she's his wife--she's welcome to attend alongside him. He offers to take her with him if that's what she wants.
MC: “Are you really sure it’s okay for me to go, though?”
Comte: “Certainly. But I would never force you if you were uncomfortable, of course.”
MC: “No, I don’t hate the idea!”
Comte: “But I’d understand if being surrounded by purebloods would be rather nerve-wracking for you…And so many of them have a superiority complex a mile wide; they’re a prideful bunch. While it may not be all of us, there are enough that it might be stifling for you to be around them.”
Comte: “In light of all that, are you certain you still wish to go?”
[I know he’s just doing his best to prepare me for what I might face at a party like this--he doesn’t want me going in with the wrong idea. It’s very likely he had intended to decline the invitation to spare me the discomfort, and the burden of making a choice that would affect/limit him too. The concern in his features makes me melt.]
The part I love most about this scene is that this is just the beginning of so many attempts on his part to prepare her realistically, but also support her decision. As much as he wants to go with her he's never going to put her in the position of deciding for the both of them. He knows there's a great deal of pressure to face among such a forbidding/traditional society, and if she needs more time to prepare for that--he wants to give her the space to get used to something so unfamiliar. In truth, I don't see him ever asking her to go if she didn't want to--even if it stung to have that part of him rejected...
MC considers for a moment, but she's resolved to understand him and his people better. She explains as much, and Comte brightens at the confession.
MC: “I’m sorry if it’s a bit much to ask of you, but thank you…!”
Comte: “I should be the one thanking you, now I look forward to the gathering.”
MC: “You’re…looking forward to it?”
When I tilt my head quizzically, le Comte draws me close with a faint smile on his lips.
Comte: “I’m excited to introduce you as my wife.” (SCREAMS AND CRIES)
This gets INSANELY cute because he gathers her close to him and she just gets very bashful about it. She apologizes--saying she knows she should be more used to it given they've already been married a year now, but his response is so sweet: “Why apologize? I’ve always thought my wife is the cutest.”
They both think back to their wedding ceremony at the mention of how long they've been together, and MC's eyes find the flower pins she gifted him on top of his hourglass (which fking one he has like 300).
Some background for anyone unaware: when Comte and MC got married, MC gifted him these flower pins--they were flowers that were preserved (in metal I think? idk exactly how it works they just look metallic in his outfit art). She explains that they're an attempt to symbolize her love for him, in that she intends to remain unchanging in her feelings forever. I find it's also an apt metaphor for MC herself; it's not unlike her agreement to become a vampire to stay with him.
MC: “You’ve been taking good care of the flowers I gave you.”
Right next to the hourglass lie the preserved flowers I gave him. They gleam in the light with ease, clearly polished and looked after–not a speck of dust on them.
Comte: “With those you swore your love to me. Isn’t it only natural that I’d take good care of them?” (LISTEN COMTE YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THE REALITY OF THE MALE SPECIES QUIT PLAYIN)
After that scene there's a timeskip to the night of the party--and after everyone celebrates their anniversary in the mansion all day--they hop in a carriage. MC is a little lost in thought, preparing herself for what's to come. When he asks if she's nervous she fully admits to it, but with a caveat. She's nervous because she doesn't know what to expect and she's concerned about committing a social faux pas, but she's not afraid or anxious.
Before I came to this time I had absolutely no concept of what an elaborate dinner party looked like–and besides which, this time it’s going to be a room full of purebloods. I’m nervous, sure, because I’ve never done this before--but it’s not quite anxiety or fear.
MC: “As long as you’re beside me, I’m invincible–anytime, anywhere.”
I can navigate anything: unfamiliar social circles, even an entirely new era of time. Because Comte is always so steady and reliable, always there for me, my anxiety ebbs and I can shine–be the very best I can be.
Comte: “MC…”
Comte looks absolutely moved by what I have to say, directing a gentle, tender look at me.
Comte reiterates his previous warning, that they might be weirdos and/or rude because they're stuck in their ways. He knows their discriminatory nature is wrong, but he believes in her ability to overcome those things--and fully intends to support her. He also lets her know what to expect in terms of the schedule: mostly mingling, and dancing is reserved for the very end of the party only.
Gatsby hour begins and MC marvels at the enormous venue sparsely populated by people dressed to the nines (I can only imagine how Comte dressed her up for this event in light of that LMFAO). Comte tells her he's going to get some drinks, and MC agrees to wait for him. In a classic lowkey queen move, she retreats against a nearby wall to take in her surroundings. She feels a certain intensity to be surrounded by people who look so young and beautiful, and yet carry the experience of lifetimes within them. She also notes the slightest permeating scent of blood in the air, assuming most of the people in attendance are drinking Rouge in their wine glasses.
When Comte returns to her, he offers her a glass of red wine, and she takes it with a smile.
So these two ladies approach le Comte yelling about how long it's been since they've seen him, and about the rumors that he got married. Without missing a beat he confirms it's true, and introduces MC to them as his wife. MC offers a greeting and a curtsy, but the women openly spurn her because she's not a vampire lmao. ("Who put you on the planet" energy, essentially). I still can't tell if they were acting like insane mother-in-laws on Comte's behalf, or out of jealousy--or weirdly both.
All casual dismissal, the women sashay away from us, dresses swishing.
[It seems like I really won’t be accepted as Comte’s life partner so long as I remain human…]
Comte: “…I’m sorry. I’m afraid that is the usual attitude of pureblood vampires. Not all of us are like that, but they still made you feel uncomfortable ;;;;”
MC: “That’s not something to apologize for. I’m happy to attend such a lovely party as your wife.”
I don’t want to ruin the occasion for him, so I beam at him.
Comte: “MC…” His lips descend close to my ear, pressing the lightest kiss against it.
Comte: “Thank you, MC…I’m happy, too.”
While Comte is full of uwus and love for his wife, she notes he stops there--likely because it's a public venue. (And I'd wager respectability politics, given a lot of old school people tend to say horrible things at the slightest sign of PDA lol. It would give them all the more reason to be nasty to MC.) MC notes that no matter how small the gesture or how often he extends his affection, it always sets her heart racing (what a damn mood) and they both gear up to greet everyone else. They're both like ganbatte!!! at each other and it's really cute, haha.
[No matter how many times he does things like this, I’m always caught off guard. I imagine we’ll be this way forever…]
Comte: “Here we go, the party’s only just begun. Let’s get to it and enjoy ourselves. No need to hesitate, it’s our wedding anniversary after all–this is a time for you to smile.”
MC: “Haha, thank you very much! Then I’ll definitely enjoy it to the fullest!”
We continue to greet and chat with other purebloods, the night goes on while I sample some of their food–
At some point MC separates from Comte to use the restroom. When she exits to rejoin the crowd, she hears the voices of those two women that openly rejected her earlier. They basically talk about how Comte and MC will never last or have a meaningful relationship, and that Comte is wasting his time not breeding more master race pureblood babies for the community's future. (Not remotely surprised Leonardo does not like them at this juncture lmao)
While MC was well aware she'd face some level of disdain, she admits that it still hurts to hear--and doesn't want Comte to see her upset. So she walks out to a nearby balcony to look at the stars and cool off before returning to his side.
Comte: “MC.”
MC: “Eh…? Comte, when did you get here?”
Comte: “You hadn’t returned for a while, so I went looking for you.”
MC: “Ah, I’m sorry to worry you. The stars were so lovely I couldn’t help but linger a bit to enjoy the sight of them.”
When I try to hide my gloomy feelings, he stares at me.
Comte: “You seem upset all of a sudden. Did something happen? Did someone…say something to you, by any chance?”
MC: “Ah, I can’t hide from you it seems. I guess I am a little upset.”
Comte: “…”
Comte: “MC, do you regret marrying me?”
MC: “!”
MC: “That’s not the case at all. No matter what finds us in the future, I’ll never regret having married you. I’m glad I met you, Abel–that will never change…”
When I tell him my heartfelt feelings, he gently wraps his arms around me.
Comte: “…Me too, MC.” The voice that murmurs at my ear is filled with such ardor that my heart melts.
Comte: “It might have been too much to ask of you to come here. But no matter how difficult the truth may be, it’s an undeniable fact that I’m a pureblood.”
Comte: “I was so happy that you wanted to know more about me–to know me better–that I was spoiled by your words. And yet, as a result of that indulgence, I hurt you…”
MC: “…No. That’s not it. Abel, I’m not familiar with vampires. But this last year, I was with a pureblood who’s kinder than anyone else I know.”
I have no innate fear or dislike of purebloods–because the person I love more than anyone else in the world is a pureblood vampire.
MC: “That’s why I’m not afraid, or dreading any of this.” It might seem outlandish, but his presence was like magic; it was enough to give me the strength to have courage and find kindness for the people around me.
MC: “No matter who stands in my way in the future, I will do my best to be recognized as your partner someday. Didn't I tell you before? I'm invincible anytime, anywhere, as long as you're there with me!”
Upon hearing her resolve to stay with him, he feels the need to renew his vow to her too--telling her that he'll always love her as well, and that his feelings have only grown since then. One important bit to note in his confession is that he fully admits he had a hard time coming to term with what he was, he's only a little more accepting of being a pureblood because her existence redefines what an eternity means to him. He explains that, while no end of time used to be an upsetting and hollow concept to him, the fact that his long life will be spent cultivating his love for her gives him the strength to face his reality.
They kiss and MC acknowledges that life--no matter how long--always has its ups and downs. Sometimes there will be rough times, like when those Mean Girls women were actively nasty and unfair to her. And sometimes there will be joyous times, like how Comte just repeated his vow to her so sweetly. But more than anything, it's important to live in the present moment as fully as possible, and she deepens her kiss with Comte accordingly.
After what I assume to be an excellent make out, they return to the venue and rejoin the group of vampires. Now then, because it's Comte and Comte refuses to take any shit he reveals his ace in the hand. Premeditated and all cunning expectation, the show begins:
After reaffirming our feelings for the other, we return to the hall. When we wandered around to greet people today, there were also vampires who were kind to me. For those that remain perturbed by my presence, they continue to sneer at me as though I were an eyesore.
[I don’t care. Comte’s by my side…]
Comte: “…That’s right, MC. There was one thing I forgot to mention.”
MC: “Huh?”
Comte: “A short while ago, you said something about doing your best to earn their approval. I wouldn’t even worry about it, you’re perfect just as you are. Everyone here just doesn’t have the slightest inkling as to your charms yet. For those with the ability to see, feel free to show them as many times as you like.”
MC: “Comte…”
At that very moment, a waltz begins to flow into the hall.
Comte: “Oh, is it time to dance already? MC, shall we?” (Oh Is It TiMe To DaNcE aLrEaDy, damn clown)
MC: “Yes.”
In time with the melody, we begin to waltz together. When I'd first arrived to this era, the steps and the dance itself were unfamiliar to me. Now when I dance with Comte it’s nearly effortless–natural as breathing.
[Comte has taken me to so many evening parties at this point. Thanks to his impeccable leading any uncertainty in my step is elegantly disguised.]
Comte: “MC.”
As we danced, he called my name--crooned it softly.
Comte: “…Have you noticed? Everyone is watching us.”
At the sound of this new information, I look around.
[Oh, it’s true–everyone really is looking at us…]
And it’s not like before, tinged with displeasure and contempt. It’s like they can’t look away from us now, dazzled and intrigued.
MC: “Makes sense–you’ve always been a very graceful dancer, Comte, it’s impossible not to find it captivating.”
Comte: “No. Without you as my partner, I can’t enjoy it nearly as much as I do now.”
He grins as he says so, the sentiment reflected in his buoyant step. Beautiful, noble…and above all, lively. Even though I’m always by his side, I remain endlessly captivated by that smile and movement.
Comte: “We are more in tune with each other than every other pair here, don’t you think?”
MC: “Haha, that’s right!”
I think le Comte is lovely no matter who he’s dancing with, but I’m sure I’m the one who gets along with him best–I think so, because his golden eyes reflect no one else but me.
[No matter what anyone says…I won’t give up this position to anyone else.]
When the song is over, and the dance is finished, the hall is filled with the raucous sound of applause and cheering. All these people are looking at us and their eyes are shining.
[I wonder…if maybe our feelings for each other were transmitted more clearly after that dance? The mere thought of it makes me feel ticklish and delighted.]
After their lovely display, the Mean Girls ladies approach MC to apologize as everybody is leaving for the night. MC accepts their apologies and says she wants to find a way to get along with them moving forward, though they're still pretty reluctant (probably only apologized to save face).
Differences in lifestyle and family tradition...I think there are many reasons why they can’t accept me. I don’t think it’s easy to understand the breadth of the gap between us; I’m sure I’ll need more time to be able to bridge those differences.
[I don’t know the way of life or struggle of the pureblood people yet. But…I want to understand.]
Even if we are endlessly different, I don’t want to give up on finding some sort of compromise. Next to me, le Comte smiles silently. For the foreseeable future--as long as it may take--I want to prove that I can make this person happy.
I deadass can't stop laughing at the fact of Comte standing next to MC all :)))))) (y'all he is emitting BOSS M U S I C)
After that, Comte and MC also head into their carriage and head home:
Comte: “MC, thank you.”
Le Comte remarks on the way home in the carriage.
MC: “…? I haven’t done anything worth thanks.”
Comte: “For today, for coming with me. And--up until now and from now on--for being by my side. I wanted to thank you again.”
He leans over from where he sits next to me and entwines our fingers together.
MC: “…Abel?”
Comte: “…Today is not just the day of the party, but our wedding anniversary too, right? From here on out, it’s time for only us two to be together.”
This is essentially where the premium story ends, and then it moves into the epilogue. I'll give some tidbits from the epilogue, just because it was so endlessly gratifying. Other than them having the smash of the century, it's mostly Comte going overstimulation feral service top. But there are so many really romantic moments during the shameless fking ;-;
The more he kisses me, the more my need for him spirals out of control. As if to entice him I twist my tongue with his deeper and deeper.
Comte: “MC…”
He exhales my name on a single heated syllable, and I can tell by the way he’s looking at me precisely what it is he wants.
Comte: “MC, what do you want to do…? I want to make you happy tonight. Do you want me to be kind? Or take you with reckless abandon?”
MC: “Abel…please do as you like. That’s what would make me happiest. :>”
Comte: “…I see. So you want to be made a mess of, is what you mean.”
MC: “Mn, aah–”
When his hands trace my sides seductively, my sensitive body reacts on it’s own.
Comte: “…You’re really cute, MC. Tonight, I’ll remind you the joy of being mine again.”
Comte: “Always so sensitive. Just the slightest touch, and you cry out with such a sweet voice…”
MC: “Well, it is your fault…”
[Because if Abel touches me like that…He spoils me and leaves me in an endless sea of pleasure, building up to that crest–fading–and building up again…because he loves me so dearly.]
Comte: “My fault, is it?…I like the sound of that.”
With a bewitching smile, he makes short work of his tie and button down. Even the most casual gestures like this are done with such grace that it becomes sensual. I’m drawn to the sight of him revealing more and more of his skin, thinking he’s far too much of a tease.
Comte: “…If you look at me with such desirous, greedy eyes, I’m going to lose control myself, MC.”
MC: “I…all I do is take from you…” I’m embarrassed because I’m so inexperienced that all I do is drown in the pleasure he gives me.
Comte: “…If you really think so, then you’re too unaware.”
MC: “Mn–ah, hah…”
Comte: “I’m the one who can’t stop wanting you…MC.”
When he leans over to murmur in my ear, his voice is suffused with desire–breathing shallow. From the gap between his lips, I can see the fangs which have never broken my skin…
MC: “Abel…do you want to bite me?”
If the answer is yes, then I’d be delighted. A vampire’s hunger for blood is often tied to romantic feeling. If he wants to suck my blood, then that’s all the more evidence that he loves me.
Comte: “That’s right. I want to sink my fangs into your soft skin…To taste your blood, to know your body and soul--I want to make every part of you mine.”
MC: “Mn…”
He drops a kiss to my throat, tickled by his tongue as he licks there–as if to taste me.
Comte: “But…”
Only I am reflected in his eyes.
Comte: “The only thing I want more than biting you is to take good care of you. I don’t want to impulsively take anything from you.”
MC: “Abel…”
Comte: “Someday…I will make you into a vampire. But, right now, I want you to stay exactly as you are.”
The heat of him coupled by that serious look...my heart is swept away.
Comte: “So…can you bear with my hesitation for just a little while longer?”
MC: “Yes…forever. I’ll always be yours.” I replied, wrapping my arms around his back. He squinted, as if he were staring at something dazzling.
Comte: “I’m always hesitating, but…MC. I will absolutely never let you go. I swear my love to you forever, my dear wife.”
The last part of the epilogue is confusing because I'm not sure if it's intended to be an actual dream or Comte just messing with her, but here goes:
[Morning already…?]
At the sensation of sunlight, I open my eyes.
MC: “Eh!?”
Comte: “Are you up, MC? The defenseless face you make when you’re asleep is adorable, but when you open your eyes and look at me that’s also lovely.”
He was lying in bed, unlike last night, wearing the same outfit he had on for our wedding.
[Ah, I’m most likely dreaming.] When I realize it, I get a ticklish feeling in my chest and can’t help the smile that finds my face.
MC: “Haha…”
Comte: “MC? What’s wrong?”
MC: “No, I was just thinking you really will always be by my side. I’m glad to see you in my dreams like this…I’m happy.”
Comte: “…Haha, that’s right. I’m happy too. But…it’s not always a dream right?”
MC: “Er…”
His voice easily makes my heart flutter, like sweet sake.
Comte: “Would you like to see if it’s a dream? …Once again, with your body.”
My heart thunders under his sultry gaze, covetous gold eyes beckoning me closer. (COME HITHER FUCK)
MC: “Yes, Abel. As many times as you like…take me.”
I know dream-like, impossibly happy days will continue as long as I stay by his side–
There is so much going on here that I don't even know how to encompass all my feelings other than to say MARRIED COUPLE G O A L S. AAAAAAAAA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE'S SUCH A DOTING HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUT A RING ON ME S I R
I really love the endless reciprocity coming from MC, lmao. She very openly wants to respond to his efforts, wants to make him happy too, is just as desirous in their coupling. I also love how much personality and spunk she has??? I was fucking d y i n g when she was like:
MC: "Aren't the stars so nice." Comte: "Adorable that you'd try to out-fake the king faker. What really happened." MC: "Damn it."
It's been a long time since I've gotten this much serotonin from a story m a nnnnnn
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hobi-gang · 4 years
silver sequins | jhs
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 – Jung Hoseok has been in a bit of a bad mood ever since his girlfriend broke up with him. He’s been in a bad mood for precisely four months.
Jimin and Taehyung hatch a plan to take his mind off of things.
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 – angst, fluff, crack
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 – jhs x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 – 16.2k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 – mentions of alcohol, more angst in this than anticipated oops
𝐚/𝐧 – wrote this for someone special uwu. enjoy!
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Jung Hoseok has been an idol for a while now. As an idol, he knew that it was difficult getting into a relationship. There were several steps to getting and keeping a girlfriend as an idol. It involved meeting that person, loving that person, introducing that person to your friends and inevitably to your company, and signing legally binding contracts with that person. 
The process was admittedly stressful but in the end, Hoseok was just happy to have someone that loved him. He loved that person too. He gave them everything he could. He tried so hard and poured a lot of love and energy into the relationship he had with them only to break-up with them after five months.
"It's just too hard, Hobi. There are so many rules."
"Hobi, I want the world to know about us."
"Am I just a dirty secret to you?"
He wanted all the things she did too, he really did. He wanted to show them off to the world and publically declare his love for them but he just wasn't able to. It was in the contracts they signed. They both went into it knowing that but it turned out to be more difficult than they thought it would be.
He missed going to her apartment after work and cuddling up to her while watching movies. He missed the sneaky glances. He missed falling asleep with her in his arms. He missed it all. 
If they were still together, today would've been their nine-month anniversary. It had been four months of trying to get over his relationship with her but without her, everything felt so hard. His mood had been soured, it seemed, permanently. And it was evident to each and every one of his fellow group members.
"Again!" Hoseok yelled over the music.
Jimin exhaled noisily, flopping down onto the floor with a frown. "Hyung, please," the smaller boy whined, falling to his back on the floor, spreading out all his limbs, trying desperately to steady his breathing.
"Take five, hyung. We're tired," Taehyung groaned, rubbing his neck tiredly. Yoongi stalked over to the stereo and paused the music, catching Hoseok's glaring attention in the midst of it all.
"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked him with an annoyed look on his face, stalking over to the stereo where Yoongi stood. 
Yoongi narrowed his eyes at his younger friend, "That's enough. We were supposed to be finished an hour ago. We're tired and you need to pace yourself otherwise you're going to get sick, man. Look, we know you're going through a tough time, okay? It's affecting all of us but I refuse to enable this behavior any longer. We're going home. You're going home. You're gonna rest and then we'll reconvene tomorrow, okay?"
Hoseok looked over to Namjoon and Jin who gestured their agreements from the corner, leaning against the walls of the studio, drinking from their water bottles. He turned his attention Jungkook who was already helping Jimin and Taehyung with their cooldowns. Taehyung smiled up at him sheepishly as he stretched his legs which caused Hoseok to rolls his eyes.
"So what, this is pity? The only thing you should pity right now is our formation at the bridge–"
"Hoseok, stop it!" Yoongi shouted, his words echoing off the walls. The members looked on in astonishment, not expecting their lead rapper to raise his voice like that. "The formation is fine and you know it," his eyes bore into Hoseok's and the older member could see the anger and the pain in his eyes.
"Everyone, get up and go home," Yoongi said aloud to them all and he didn't need to look away from Hoseok's narrowed eyes to know that they were already gathering their belongings, ready to leave the practice studio that they'd been stuck in for hours.
"Hoseok," he told him softly, placing his hand on the younger boy's sweaty shoulder, "Go home. Rest."
If resting meant looking at photo albums of him and his ex then Hoseok would proudly tell his hyung that he rested very well indeed.
He swiped through each and every photo, reminiscing about all the good times they had together. As he went further into the album, he felt the longing in his chest grow immensely. He sighed, putting his glass of wine down on his bedside table. A ping resonated from his phone with a notification header sliding down over the screen.
Calendar: 9 Month Anniversary with Babygirl Moon. Would you like to share?
"Shit," he murmured to himself, swiping the notification away. Seeing her nickname on the screen made him crinkle his nose. He should've removed that reoccurring event from his calendar a long time ago but he just wasn't able to bring himself to do it. It'd been four months since they've been separated, he should have moved on at least by a little bit but he continued to cling onto the memories of her with that heavy ache in his chest, the longing... The hope.
With a few more swipes, he found his thumb hovering over the red button on his screen.
Delete 349 images from 'Babygirl Moon and Big Sun' album?
YES    |    NO
349 images including the picture he was using for his lock screen. It was from a date they'd had a while ago at a sushi bar in town. She'd begged him to take a photo and he'd refused simply because of the clauses in their contract. In fact, it was rare that they'd take pictures with both of their faces fully revealed. She compromised that night, taking his hand and lifting it into the bottom of the frame of her camera. She encouraged him to smile in a goofy voice, capturing his earnest reaction at the same time. She showed him the photo afterward and he liked the lighting and the composition of her hands in his, so he changed his lock screen.
His thumbing began to quiver over the red 'NO' on the screen and a dejected sigh escaped his lips, his thumb moving away from the 'NO', instead opting to press the power off button on his phone. Staring at the dark screen with a scrunched nose, he gently threw the mobile device across his bed and laid his head on the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. He understood that his emotions were a little... All over the place since the break-up, and he knew that it was affecting the other members.
Even before he signed the contract with his now ex-girlfriend, the boys warned him that it might affect his activity within the group and that it could prove detrimental in the long run. They also voiced their dislike about her in private, not that Hoseok really minded.
He knew that his ex-girlfriend could be outspoken and that she might've been a little aggressive, impatient, and rude at times, but he loved her all the same. Granted, they fought. A lot. She'd inadvertently let some insensitive words slip out about his appearance or his attitude every week or so but they'd always make up after their fights. After she'd grovel and kiss his jaw, nuzzling into his neck with a sigh, he'd forgive her, not wanting to hold a grudge against her for a minute longer.
Yes, he found someone. Yes, he loved what he had with that someone. Yes, that someone happened to make things messy at times but it was the other things that he liked to focus on more. The candid photos she'd take of him whenever she had the chance, sneaking a risky kiss in public, having fun at the local playgrounds at night time. Hoseok fell asleep that night with an ache in his chest, the continuous throb now a familiarity, and he wondered if he would ever find love again. 
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"Okay, what about this one?" Hwasa asked you, thrusting a coat hanger with a red spaghetti strap dress into your hands. 
Wheein cooed, leaning forward from the edge of the bed and brushing her hands over the soft fabric. "Ooh, that'll look so cute on you," she grinned at you.
"Hm, I don't know," you pursed your lips, lifting the dress higher and spinning it around. "I don't think red's my color."
Hwasa rolled her eyes, "So if red, blue, and yellow aren't your colors then what is?" she asked you, taking the coat hanger from your hands. You shrugged, rubbing the back of your neck and sighing. 
"Eonnie, you know I don't wear dresses. Can't I just wear something like some pants–"
Solar squealed, "Y/N, you gotta at least try it on! You have an amazing figure and you'd look incredible, trust me," she gave you a reassuring look, rubbing your arm comfortingly. With their encouragement, you sighed and retook the dress from Hwasa's hands. 
"This is peer pressuring, you know that right?" you told her with a playful glare.
"Peer pressure your butt into that bathroom, Y/N," Solar said to you, pushing you towards the bathroom. 
While your sister Hwasa was rummaging through her closet for another possible outfit for tonight's party, you emerged from the bathroom wearing the red spaghetti strap dress. "Woah," Moonbyul quipped, throwing her phone on to the bed, giving you her full attention. "Holy shit, that looks amazing," she told you, her jaw hanging low.
"I told you it'd look cute on you," Wheein added, putting her hands on your hips to spin you around.
"Do you think it'll work?" You asked them, stepping in front of the floor-length mirror, looking at yourself at different angles. "I mean, even if he just looks at me, that'd be enough," you laughed, putting your hands on your hips.
"Oh, he'll be looking at you alright. I think everyone will be," Moonbyul quipped.
You sighed longingly, "Well, what if he doesn't come?" You said aloud, playing with your hair. 
"Well," Hwasa huffed with her head in the closet, "I texted Namjoon about the party so we should be expecting all of them to come."
Moonbyul hummed and picked her phone back up to take a picture of you. 
"Oh, damn," Hwasa whistled upon seeing you in the red dress. There was a bunch of clothes pooled around her feet after she'd rummaged through her closet. "I mean, that dress looks amazing on you and all but I think I may have found something better," she winked, handing you another coat hanger.
You lifted the long-sleeved silver sequin dress into view. You were in awe, "I didn't even know you had this," you told your sister, turning the hanger around to examine the dress from all sides.
"If I remember correctly, I bought it last year but I haven't really found the time or place to wear it. Try it on, I think it'll look better on you anyway," she urged you, pushing you back into the bathroom.
After the door had closed behind you, Solar sighed. "I think we might have to get her some floaties for the party. She'll be drowning in drool before she even steps in the venue," she giggled, earning amused looks from her bandmates.
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 Yoongi was busy texting Hoseok, the two of them throwing lyric ideas back and forth between one another for the song they were writing together. It'd been almost a month since the incident in the practice studio. They both had a private conversation with each other the next day where Hoseok finally confessed to Yoongi that he was struggling to let go of the past.
It was clear to all of the members that Hoseok was dealing with some issues but the fact that he had actually admitted it out loud, Yoongi felt that he was taking a step in the right direction and he was proud of him for having the strength to do so. Hoseok had since apologized to the members for taking his anger out on them and for being so upset and while they accepted his apology, it was evident to them that things with him were not nearly as normal as they used to be.
"Ah, hyung!" Jimin shouted, running down the corridor. Both Jin and Yoongi looked up to see the younger boy hurtling towards them, jumping next to them on the couch excitedly.
"Joonie-hyung told me that Mamamoo is hosting a private party after the awards ceremony tonight, we should go!" Jimin grinned widely, grabbing Jin's bicep and tugging on it.
"Aish, calm down, I'm eating," Jin responded with a tight-lipped smile, slapping the younger member on the thigh in an attempt to stop him from hopping up and down on the spot.
Yoongi gave Jimin a disappointed look, "And stop yelling. Why on earth are you so energetic?" Yoongi asked him, raising a brow in suspicion at the younger member.
"Uhhh, because it's a Mamamoo party? Doesn't Hobi-hyung like Moonbyul? Maybe he'd be in a better mood if he sees her there," Jimin suggested, bumping Jin's elbow with his own, bobbing his brows up and down. 
Jin gave the younger boy a quirked eyebrow, "They're just friends," he told him, shrugging the younger boy's hands off his arm.
Jimin rolled his eyes, "Well it's still a party, parties are notorious for their good vibes, hyung."
"Fine, whatever. But don't be surprised if he says he doesn't wanna go," Jin huffed, returning his attention back to his noodles.
Jimin patted his head and grinned, "I'll figure something out."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, leaving the room to find a more quiet space.
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Taehyung and Jimin shared a knowing look with each other before bounding into Hoseok's apartment. Jimin's plan was to utilize Taehyung's signature puppy eyes to get his hyung to agree to go to the party with them which shouldn't be too hard seeing that Hoseok had a soft spot for Taehyung.
"Hyung! Where are you?" Taehyung shouted out as soon as he crossed the threshold.
"In here!" Hoseok yelled in response, his voice coming from his studio.
The young pair wandered through the apartment and found that the door to his studio was open. They both spotted their older friend leaning back in his chair, his attention focused on his computer screen.
"I thought we were meeting up at work, what's up?" Hoseok asked them, turning his chair to face them both.
Jimin pushed Taehyung forward, urging him to tell Hoseok the news instead of himself. Taehyung looked back at Jimin with a betrayed look in his eyes before turning back to his hyung, clearing his throat. "Um, so the Mamamoo girls are hosting a party tonight after the awards ceremony, we're all going..."
Hoseok looked at them expectantly, "Okay, and?" he questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Uh, well... Do you want to go with us? It could be fun," Taehyung asked him nervously, his hands fidgeting behind his back. "It's supposed to be idols only, so no managers and whatever. We could let loose, y'know?" Taehyung squeaked out, looking to Jimin for back-up.
"I don't know, guys..." Hoseok sighed, slumping down into his chair.
Jimin stepped forward, knowing that his plan to use Taehyung's puppy eyes was failing. He quickly threw an arm around Taehyung's shoulder, "Come on, hyung. How about we make a deal?" Jimin suggested, earning a considerate look from his elder.
"Go on..." Hoseok egged on.
Taehyung looked at Jimin with a smirk, "If we win an award tonight, you have to go with us to their party," Jimin said, smiling at the boy sitting in the chair.
Hoseok knew their win was guaranteed, a lot of their wins had been that way for the past few years. They'd worked hard for each and every one of them, their passion and their dedication to their craft garnering fruitful results almost every single time. Hoseok knew they were eager for him to join them at a fun event for the first time in a while so he caved in and said, "Fine. It's a deal."
Taehyung jumped and clapped his hands while hugging Jimin who was cheering loudly. Hoseok smiled at their reactions, chuckling at their outward displays of happiness. "Okay, okay, I'll see you guys at work later," he waved them off, turning his chair back to face his computer.
The pair of them walked out of his studio, bidding their farewells to him. "This is gonna be so much fun, man," Taehyung squealed once he was sure they were out of earshot, throwing a playful punch to Jimin's arm. 
"This is gonna be so great," Jimin grinned, laughing with him and leaving Hoseok's apartment.
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"This is not... Going great," Jimin sighed, nursing his glass of champagne. Jin chuckled and nudged Jimin's arm, "What'd I tell you?"
"You told me he wouldn't wanna come but he's here. He's just not being the social butterfly he usually is," Jimin rolled his eyes, turning away from his older friend. 
Jin shrugged, "Eh. Same thing," he said to his younger friend with a victorious grin, gulping down his glass of champagne and placing it on the bar top before leaving to join Jungkook and Yoongi on the dancefloor.
The party was thriving and everyone was enjoying themselves in their respective groups, dancing under the flashing lights, and sharing drinks around their tables on all sides of the room. The music was good too, Jimin noted to himself, nodding his head to the beat. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Hoseok were sitting beside him at the bar, talking amongst each other, discussing their win for album of the year. Jimin looked away from them and spotted the hosts of the party, Mamamoo, on the dancefloor. 
That's where Hoseok would usually be in events like this, dancing in the center of the room like his life depended on it. He usually thrived in this kind of environment, catching everyone's attention and their applause but all he could do right now was nurse the same bottle of beer at the bar.
There was a girl in a long-sleeved silver sequin cocktail dress and she was awkwardly bobbing on the spot at the center of the dancefloor, trying to sway her shoulders to the beat. Jimin hadn't seen her before. Everyone at the party was an idol and being in the industry for as long as he had, he was able to name every person in the room except for her. She stuck out like a sore thumb with her shiny dress and that expression that screamed 'this is not my type of scene, please don't judge me'.
"Who's that?" Jimin said aloud, hoping that at least one of his bandmates could give him an answer.
"Oh, her? That's Hyejin's younger sister," Namjoon said to him loud enough so that he could hear over the throbbing music. 
"How do you know that? Also, you call Hwasa by her real name now?" Jimin snorted, turning to his hyung and finding the older boy's cheeks growing red, even in the darkness that swallowed their side of the room. 
Namjoon stuttered, "What? Uh, I mean Hwasa posted a picture of her on her Instagram page, didn't you see it? You saw it, right?" Namjoon nudged Taehyung's arm. 
"No," Taehyung laughed, "Don't drag me into your embarrassing conversation, hyung."
The older member groaned and told them to shut up, murmuring something about 'All I do is breathe and I get attacked', turning away from them and going back to his drink.
Jimin examined her from across the room, watching how Hwasa, Wheein, and Moonbyul were encasing the young girl in a circle and jumping around her, trying to include her in their dancing festivities. He saw her shy, sheepish smile under the flashing lights of the room and concluded that she looked rather cute. In fact, he saw the similarities between her and her older sister. Their tan skin, dark flowing shoulder-length hair, round faces, and gleaming smiles were practically the same. Though, somehow, she managed to be just a little bit shorter, which he found rather cute.
Taehyung found himself getting dragged away from the bar by the arm, clumsily trying to balance his glass in his hand to prevent it from being spilled, "Yah! What are you doing?" he questioned Jimin, straightening out his clothes.
"Dude, we gotta set Hobi-hyung up with Hwasa's sister!" Jimin leaned into Taehyung, nodding towards the young girl on the dance floor surrounded by the girls of Mamamoo. 
Taehyung raised his brows upon seeing her for the first time, "Oh damn, she's... She's actually pretty cute, bro."
"The plan was to get Hobi-hyung here so he could have fun but he still looks pretty damn miserable, I mean look at him," Jimin huffed, turning his attention back to his older group member. Hoseok sat at the bar with Namjoon by his side and Jimin noticed that Hoseok wasn't really talking at that point, only nodding along to what Namjoon was saying.
"We have to set him up with that girl," Jimin urged. Taehyung was putting the pieces together in his mind and he nodded along to Jimin's plan.
"Okay, um," Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck. "How do we do this?"
"You've got the answer in the palm of your hand, bro," Jimin pointed at Taehyung's drink.
Taehyung slumped his shoulders, "Really, bro?"
Jimin grinned widely and nodded enthusiastically.
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"Eonnie, can we go home soon?" you shouted to your sister over the music, somehow managing to step on your own feet, making you wince at your own clumsiness. "I love this dress and all but it is... incredibly uncomfortable," you continued to rant to her.
"You still haven't talked to J-Hope. That was your plan, wasn't it?" Hwasa bumped her eyebrows up and down at you suggestively, a smirk adorning her face.
Your cheeks grew hot and you found yourself hitting her gently on the arm. "Oh my god, stop!" you hissed at her, mortified that she was talking about it in such an open space. "I've been watching him all night but he doesn't look like he's in the mood and I don't wanna burden him... Also, I just really wanna go home and eat my ramen."
Hwasa smiled and rolled her eyes at you, taking your hands into hers. "Just ten more minutes, and then we can go back home and eat all the ramen and chocolates we want. Please?" she begged you, putting on her puppy eyes and jutting out her bottom lip. You groaned at her desperate display and caved in, "Okay, fine! Just ten more minutes."
She smiled widely, bringing you in for a hug. "It's a party, sis! Come on, we're celebrating!" Hwasa cheered, grabbing your hand and raising it to bring you into a spin. You laughed with joy, letting her spin you around.
In a blur, you felt someone bump into you and you quickly felt something wet spreading all over your front. With a gasp, you turned to see Kim Taehyung looking down at you with an apologetic look. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" he yelled, taking your hands into his. They were big and warm, completely encompassing yours with his sheer size.
You saw Yoongi and Jin coming from behind Taehyung, "Nice one, idiot," Jin snorted, punching Taehyung on the arm. "Shut up," he told his older friend, shrugging him off.
"It's fine, it's fine," you told him. "My sister–"
"Your sister's fine, come with me, let me clean you up," he told you apologetically, pleading to you with his eyes. "Please?"
You felt a hitch in your throat, his expression managing to take your breath away so easily. It was no wonder everyone described him as charming, it was all in his nature.
"O-okay," you said to him, allowing him to guide you away from the dancefloor. You looked back at your sister but she was engaged in a conversation with Solar and Jimin. Your sister was right there and... this was her party anyway so you should be fine.
"Again, I'm so sorry about that," Taehyung said to you once you'd both reached the bar. He was grabbing a bunch of napkins from the bar top and you saw him visibly contemplate whether or not to pat your front down. You took the napkins out of his hand with a sheepish smile, cleaning the front of your dress down on your own. 
You laughed nervously, "It's okay, really, I wasn't watching where I was going."
"Stop apologizing, it was my fault for being a klutz," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with a rueful look on his face. He stilled, patting his back pocket, retrieving his phone. "Oh– I really have to take this, do you mind?" he asked you, gesturing to his phone.
"Yeah, of course!" you stuttered, waving him off.
"Hyung," Taehyung looked behind you, "Can you keep her some company? I'll be back in a minute," he gently nudged you backward. You felt the backs of your thighs bumping into someone's knees, your heart beating wildly in your chest.
"Hm, what?" you heard a familiar voice behind you say aloud.
"Thanks!" Taehyung grinned, turning on his heel and leaving you with his friend.
You gasped upon feeling a hand on your hip, turning around and choking upon seeing who Taehyung had pushed you into. "Careful there," he said to you, his hand dropping from your hip.
It was– "J-Hope," you murmured, eyes wide at the mere proximity to him. Three things popped into your mind upon seeing him up close for the first time. 
1. Big. Broad. Man... Just, man
2. Hot... Like, holy shit, hot. Does his hair feel as soft as it looks? And why the hell does he smell so good?
3. J-Hope
"You're J-Hope," you said to him stupidly, pointing right at his face. 
He looked at you with a quirked brow, "Um, yes?"
You cringed at yourself and stepped away from him, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, that was really dumb of me. I'm just... I'm gonna leave you alone now," you told him regretfully, internally punching yourself for being so embarrassing to the one guy that you wanted to impress tonight. You collected a pile of napkins from the bar top and bowed to him, attempting to go back to your sister on the dancefloor.
He looked at you from head to toe, your curled dark hair sweeping against your shoulders, silver sequin dress reflecting all the colorful lights from around the room almost blinding him. He noticed how you looked so out of your element, the nervous look on your face, and your fidgeting hands catching his attention. When you turned away from him, his heart jumped in his chest, his instincts telling him to reach out to you.
Looking back, you saw that his arm was extended towards you, his hand wrapped around your wrist. The contact alone was enough to make you sweat.
"Don't worry about it. Take a seat, Taehyung should be back soon," he gave you a kind smile, letting go of your wrist. 
You let out a sigh of relief, but you were still reeling from your humiliating display from just moments ago. "A-are you sure? I can wait somewhere else if you want," you asked him unsurely, slowly stepping backward. 
Under the flashing lights, you could see his chest rumbling with a chuckle, "Come with me," he told you, hopping out of his stool. He took your hand in his and began to weave you through the crowd, earning a cluster of looks along the way. You felt your body begin to grow hotter the longer he had your hand in his, taking you through the masses and to the balcony. He slid the door open and a cool, relieving breeze washed over your bare legs. He gestured for you to step out first. With a surprised look on your face, you stepped past his open arm and out onto the balcony. 
You heard the door slide close behind you and you felt him take a stand beside you. Below you, the city was spread out in a beautiful exhibit of concrete jungles entwined with vines of brilliant lights. Looking up at him, you saw how it illuminated his features and the forlorn look on his face. You quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught staring and suffering from even more embarrassment.
He pulled out his phone and was avidly tapping away, "I hope you don't mind. It's just really noisy and hot in there. I'm texting Tae to let him know that you're out here with me." After a minute, he tucked his phone away into his pocket and leaned against the balcony.
One of your hands was grasping on to the edge of the balcony, the other still occupied with a handful of napkins, an awkward silence falling over the both of you. Finding the words to start a half-way decent conversation with him was proving to be harder than you thought it would be, the potential topics just whizzing past you in your mind.
This was not the kind of circumstance you thought you would meet your crush under. You pictured something more natural like casually bumping into him on the dancefloor or sitting next to him at the bar and ordering the same drink as him. Maybe then you would've been able to strike up a conversation like 'Oh, you like that drink too?' but now, you just couldn't find the words to speak to him.
First off, you were mortified for having acted like some lovesick fan right to his face, and second of all, you had basically been pushed upon him and that was not exactly the natural meeting that you had envisioned. If one thing was for sure, you've never felt like more of a burden than you do right now.
You both spoke at the same time. You glanced up at him, catching the stunned look on his face and laughing anxiously.
"Are you... enjoying the party?" you asked him quietly, tilting your head up to observe him.
He hummed warmly, "Yeah, it's... It's nice," he told you, looking down at you with a soft smile.
"That's good," you nodded dumbly, scratching the back of your head. You decided to busy yourself by putting the napkins to use, patting the front of your dress and thighs down.
"So," Hoseok asked, "What'd my good friend do to you?"
His bubbly cheeks were pushed up into a kind smile, his brown eyes shining with the lights of the city below him. You noted the way the light breeze swept his dark ash-blond hair along his forehead, making you bite your cheek at how effortlessly handsome he looked in this environment.
"Oh he, uh, spilled his drink on me," you laughed lightheartedly, abandoning the napkins on a nearby table once you'd sufficiently dried yourself.
"That's a shame," Hoseok murmured. "It's a pretty dress. It's a pity he had to go and do that," he eyed the front of your dress where the threads that tied your sequin dress together were stained a light brown. It wasn't very noticeable and you were silently thanking yourself for not wearing something that would've made it more obvious. The idea of wearing a white dress to tonight's event made you shiver in horror.
Under the intensity of his gaze, you looked away, silently praying that your cheeks weren't beet red. "It's my sister's dress," you informed him, "she's busy hosting the party right now."
"Ah, so you're Hwasa's sister?" he asked you, evidently observing your face and piecing the genetic puzzle pieces together, "It's just, you guys look pretty similar."
"Yeah, she's my sister," you hummed, bracing your arms against the balcony.
You cleared your throat, "Uh, congratulations on your win for album of the year, by the way! You must be pretty happy," you told him, sparing him a thumbs up and a shy grin. Really? A thumbs up?
He quietly chuckled, "Thanks. Congratulations to your sister as well. Best female group, that's big."
"Yeah, I'm so proud of them," you silently squealed, your feet lightly hopping on the ground. "They worked so hard," you boasted, "Not to say that the other groups didn't work hard as well, I mean–"
"No, no, I get you," Hoseok interrupted you, giving you a look like he understood what you meant. "I didn't catch your name by the way," he told you, looking at you expectantly.
"Oh," you laughed. "My name's Y/N," you extended a hand to him which he completely encompassed with his own, giving your hand a gentle shake.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N, I'm Hoseok. But I've got a feeling you already knew that," he said to you with a cheeky smile on his face.
You inwardly groaned and crossed your arms over your chest, "I was hoping you'd forget about that," you giggled nervously.
"How could I possibly forget the girl in the silver dress? You must've been so embarrassed," he told you, his tone dripping with sarcasm, his eyes glittering with mischief.
You whined, "Oh my god, please stop," you pleaded, slapping his arm playfully. His chest rumbled with laughter and you leaned down to rest your head against your arms on the balcony.
"I'm just kidding," he grinned widely, nudging his knee against your thigh and softly patting your back with his hand.
With the warmth of his hand on your body, you stilled. Lifting your head to look up at him from your braced position, you saw the way he was looking at you. His half-lidded eyes and the intense look that held them made your breath hitch in your throat. He opened his mouth but then closed it, removing his hand from your back.
He cleared his throat and turned to lean his back against the balcony, turning his attention to the party, observing the thrums of people through the glass door. "Your sister really knows how to throw a party," he said aloud, crossing his arms over his chest. "I hope you were having a good time in there before Tae spilled his drink on you," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
You straightened yourself up, following his position and leaning your back against the balcony. "A little bit," you told him. "I was actually planning on leaving anyway, I have some delicious packets of ramen and chocolate waiting at home for me. I'd hate to leave them waiting," you joked, rubbing your sequin-covered arms for warmth.
He looked at you and saw the way you shivered from the breeze. He shrugged off his black embroidered blazer, leaving himself in his tight fitted white button-up shirt. He placed his hand on the small of your back to gently push you away from the balcony, wordlessly placing his warm piece of clothing over your shoulders.
Your eyes widened in surprise, "Oh, you don't have to–"
"No, it's okay," he assured you, smiling down at you and shoving his hands into his pockets.
You looked down at your feet, pinching the fabric of his blazer with your hands, shrouding it closer to you. The smell of his cologne invaded your senses, almost taking your breath away. It was nice, and it totally matched him. It was a flowery, oaky scent with hints of some sort of spice that you couldn't quite put your finger on at the moment, his shy smile and well-fitting button-up being far too distracting for your liking. "Thanks," you told him shyly, moving to brush a sliver of hair away from your face.
Hoseok was going to say something to you again until he stilled, bringing his phone out of his pocket. He brought it up to his ear and his brows were knit together in confusion.
"Woah, slow down. Are you okay? Yeah, it's fine. No, really. Just get Jungkook to take you home, take some medicine, and hydrate yourself. Mhm, yup. Yeah, I'll tell her. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye," he brought his phone down from his ear, ending the call and shoving his phone back into his pocket.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Do you need to go?" you asked him, getting ready to return his blazer.
"No, no. It's just Taehyung. He said he's feeling a little sick so he's gonna go home with Jungkook, he should be fine," he told you, looking down at his feet. 
"Oh, no," you frowned, saddened to hear about Taehyung's sudden illness. It was strange. He didn't seem sick at all when you saw him earlier.
"He also wants me to tell you that he's sorry for spilling his drink on you and that he'll pay to get your dress cleaned," Hoseok added. 
You shook your head, "Tell him not to worry about it, I can clean it at home," you insisted, playing with the hem of your dress. You looked down at your front, examining it. It shouldn't be too hard to clean a sequin dress, right? There was no need for all that fuss.
He smiled at you, "Um, do you wanna come to my place?" he asked you suddenly, causing you to whip your head around to look up at him. Did he really just say what you think he said?
His brows were pushed together, a wince becoming apparent on his face. "N-not like that, of course! I just mean... You look like you could take a break away from this party, and to be honest, so can I," he reiterated. Now it was his turn to be nervous. "I actually don't live that far away and I've got some ramen and chocolate. We could have something to eat and then, uh, come back later if it's... cool with you. You don't have to–"
"I'd love to," you responded, the eagerness evident in your voice. You'd hoped that you didn't sound extremely desperate, not wanting to scare him off but the look on his face assured you that you had nothing to worry about.
His eyes gleamed with relief, his mouth wide open in disbelief. "O-okay, cool. Yeah, cool, um... Let's get out of here," he chuckled, extending his hand out to you. You looked at his hand, bewildered. After pointing at his face and acting like some crazy fan, you hadn't imagined that you'd find yourself in this position. You internally tried to slow down your heart rate, afraid that he might hear just how loud it was even over the booming music. Taking in a deep breath, your hand slipped into his awaiting one.
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After texting your sister saying that you were with Hoseok and she'd sent you a series of keyboard smashed texts and emojis, both you and Hoseok found yourselves walking side by side down the street. Since he lived close by, he suggested that you both walked and you agreed, finding the silence in the street to be comforting.
Looking up to the sky, you saw the way the tiny but brilliant lights were twinkling across the wide expanse of the night sky. Hoseok was doing the same thing, though he'd sneak a glance at you and note how ethereal you looked under the light of the moon. When you thought he wasn't looking, you'd do the same thing, looking up at him like he was your world.
"So, what do you do?" Hoseok asked, turning to look at you with a curious expression.
You were brought out of your daze. "I'm a chef," you hummed quietly, kicking your feet in front of you, hands buried in the pockets of his blazer.
"A chef that eats ramen packets, I like it," he teased you, bumping your arm with his elbow. 
"Ramen packets are a cultural staple for a reason, Hoseok," you retorted, returning his bump with your own elbow. He snorted, his head hanging low with a wide grin.
You talked about your job with him, discussing your favorite cuisines and ranting about your least favorite food combinations, he nodded along, listening to you intently. "There's this anime show, 'Shokugeki No Soma', it's about this elite culinary school and one of the main character's loves to experiment with all these different kinds of food and this dude really loves experimenting with squid. It's like a staple failure for him, particularly the peanut butter squid. So one day, I tried to make this grilled squid with a peanut butter sauce and I have to say that it is probably one of the worst things I've ever made," you laughed wholeheartedly, slapping your thigh in jest. He chuckled after hearing your story, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Yeah, squid is a pretty hard ingredient to work with, and I can't imagine peanut butter being the door to it's brightest future," he added, laughing along with you.
You giggled, "Right?"
After sharing a few more stories about hilarious food failures with him, you both ended up at his apartment. It was big, the tall ceilings only managing to emphasize that. You drank in the neutral tones and simplistic design, jaw hanging wide at just how clean and amazing his place looked. As soon as you stepped through the door, the first thing you noticed was the large living room area with floor-to-ceiling windows displaying the lively city below the hills. Beside the living room was the kitchen and on the opposite side of the room was a hallway leading to a bunch of other doors.
The next thing to catch your eye was a large Murakami mural on one of the walls of his living room just behind his sofa, the signature flowers all smiling at you with its boldly colored petals paired with its simple lines and dots. It was undeniably gorgeous and something you kind of expected before you even got there, but that didn't prepare you for its beauty at all.
"Wow," you murmured to yourself, taking it all in with an astonished look on your face. "Make yourself comfortable," Hoseok encouraged you, gesturing towards the sofa in the living room.
Upon sitting down, you quietly groaned, stretching your arms out. The relief on your legs was a true blessing. You'd practically been standing all night, doing your best to satiate your energetic's sisters partying needs though your lack of rhythm and naturally awkward state which must've made you quite the sight on the dancefloor. And you wanted to do it anyway, you were proud of your sister's work and you wanted to show her just how happy you were for her but if you knew you were gonna be standing for so long, you would've tried to figure a way out of there much sooner.
Hoseok returned with two bottles of water in his hands, passing one to you. "What kind of ramen do you like?" he asked you, taking a sip from his water.
"I'm gonna say pork," you nodded to him, taking a gulp from your water bottle.
He snickered, "Pork, huh? A girl after my own heart," he grinned, putting his bottle down on the coffee table in front of the sofa. You quickly stopped yourself from screaming into your hands at his playful words, was this boy ever gonna stop being so charming? You were going to be in trouble soon if you didn't find something to busy yourself with.
"May I raid your kitchen?" you asked him, a brazen look in your eyes. 
He laughed and gestured for you to follow him to the kitchen, which you quickly did. Once you stepped into it, you weren't surprised to find that it was just like the rest of his apartment. It was big, tall, clean, embracing the neutral tones. It was almost twice the size of yours and Hwasa's kitchen. Shrugging off his blazer and hanging it on the back of the kitchen counter stool, you watched as he opened one of his tall cupboards, stepping on his tippy toes to reach for the ramen at the top shelf. "What– Why is the ramen all the way at the top?" you asked him, mouth hanging open in shock. "That's so height-ist of you."
"No, it's because Jimin keeps coming here and eating all of it before I even get to open the packaging," Hoseok snickered, placing two packets of pork flavored ramen on the kitchen island.
You hummed quietly to yourself, "Still sounds height-ist to me."
He smirked to himself, picking a medium-sized pot from the pot rack above the kitchen island. "So what do you put with your ramen noodles?" you asked him, leaning your arms on the countertop, propping your chin up in the palm of your hand.
"What do you mean?" he asked you, breaking the noodles out of their packets and placing them in the pot.
Your brows were scrunched in confusion, "What do you mean what do I mean? You put additional ingredients in your ramen, right?" you asked him, looking at him expectantly.
Hoseok shrugged carelessly, filling the pot with water. "Hoseok, please say sike," you pleaded with him but he continued to go about his business, not bothering to answer your question.
"Oh my god– Permission to raid your refrigerator?" you asked him, already hopping out of your seat. 
"Permission granted," Hoseok bowed to you jokingly. "Man, I should've known that letting a chef into my kitchen was gonna make me feel inadequate in the cooking department," he snorted, placing the pot onto the stove and igniting the flames.
"Don't think about it like that, you gotta be more positive!" you suggested cheerfully. "Think of it as though you're learning something new and exciting and life-changing," you grinned at him, opening the refrigerator. He looked at you with perplexity but agreed nonetheless, watching you rummage through his fridge. He was skeptical. At the party, he noted that you really seemed out of your element but as soon as you'd stepped into his kitchen, he watched as you quickly evolved from your timid, polite self to the confident, polite chef that you were right now.
"Aha!" you grinned triumphantly. Spotting the ingredients you wanted in the fridge, you went back and forth taking them out of their compartments and placing them on to the countertop.
Hoseok watched on with an amused expression, leaning back against the bench with his arms crossed over his chest, observing how you meticulously laid the ingredients out neatly in front of you. The bottle of soy sauce, mung bean sprouts, the wrapped package labeled 'pork belly', carrots, scallions, eggs, and capsicums looked extremely inviting to you. You glanced at Hoseok to gauge his reaction which was a mixture of impressed and humored.
"Salt and pepper?" you asked him, bringing him out of his daze. "The what? Oh, salt and pepper? Um," he opened the cupboard and summoned the salt and pepper grinders, placing them next to your neatly laid out rows of ingredients. 
"Oh, wait," you said to him, biting your lip nervously. "Uh, can you roll my sleeves up for me? I think my hand is sticky from the soy sauce," you asked him shyly, extending your arms out to him.
He smiled and wordlessly reached his hands out, the tips of his fingers softly working to neatly fold your sleeves. You held your breath while he worked on the fabric, his warm fingers brushing over your forearms which was definitely making the neurons in your system spontaneously combust.
"Okay, let's get to work," you smirked at him, eagerly anticipating the awaiting cooking session. "Let's get to work," Hoseok echoed your words with a smile, fetching some aprons from a nearby drawer. He pulled out his phone and started playing some music as the two of you got to work.
Cooking with him was fun, you thought to yourself. He showed off his impressive knife collection which made your jaw drop. They looked custom made and... really sharp, which made you squeal on the inside. A good, sharp knife set was enough to make any good chef drop to their knees and swoon. 
After he put the eggs in a separate pot and began boiling them, he washed the vegetables and watched how you diced and sliced away at the ingredients with ease, the knife dragging through the flesh of the vegetables like butter. As you went along, you explained to him why you chose this ingredient and that ingredient, continuing to guide your knife along the face of the chopping board.
You let him take over, handing him the knife. His hand glided over yours, taking the handle from beneath your palm, the contact causing your heart to skip a beat. You placed the cut of pork belly on the chopping board and suggested he trim off the excess fat and cut the pork into neat strips. He took your suggestion and followed through beautifully. Watching him work attentively with food was something you could get used to.
While he cut the pork, you took a turn at the eggs and the noodles. You strained the water into a bowl and quickly mixed in the seasoning packets and a few dashes of the soy sauce, leaving the noodles in the strainer. It took you less than a minute to peel both the eggs, gently pressing them and getting that gut feeling that they were cooked just right. 
Hoseok took the initiative to put the pork cutlet slices into a frying pan. He caught you looking at him and he gave you a proud smile, turning his attention back to the slices, flipping them over with his chopsticks. You bit your cheek and put your focus towards cutting the eggs in half, preparing them for presentation.
With a ladle, you evenly divided the soup mixture into two awaiting bowls, gently placing the noodles into the broth.
Atop the noodles, you placed the julienned carrots and capsicums, scallion slices, and mung bean sprouts. Hoseok warned you that he was coming up from behind you with the frying pan and he did you the courtesy of layering a couple of slices of the pork belly on one side of each of the noodle bowls. You placed the egg halves on the opposite side of the bowl and grabbed the salt and pepper grinders, speedily cracking the seasonings over the completed dish.
"Voila!" you cheered, handing him a clean pair of chopsticks. "God, I've been craving this all night," you murmured, tucking into your food with fervor.
Hoseok looked at the bowls in awe, a low whistle escaping his lips, "I had this in my kitchen the whole time?" he picked up the chopsticks, sliding his bowl closer to him.
He collected the sliced vegetables and the noodles between the utensils, bringing it to his mouth, closely followed by a slice of the pork belly and a portion of the soft-boiled egg. His eyes closed and he moaned at the flavors that developed in his mouth. The soft texture of the noodles paired with the sweet, fresh crunch of the vegetables was enough to make his knees weak. The pork and the egg complimented the dish perfectly.
While he ate, Hoseok was quietly watching you from the corner of his eye, slurping his noodles in silence. He saw the way you visibly savored each and every bite of your food, finding himself entranced with the way you licked your lips to collect the delicious dew that was the noodle broth. You glanced his way, smiling with strands of noodles trapped between your lips when you caught him looking at you. 
He chuckled at your humorous display, shaking his head at you and finishing off the remainder of his meal.
Hoseok admittedly felt a little foreign in the kitchen at first. He hadn't cooked a proper meal like that in a while. Since his ex preferred to order in or go to a restaurant, his kitchen had basically lost its purpose over the course of his relationship with her and consequentially, after the relationship. He'd gotten so used to just cooking ready-made meals or ordering food that he'd forgotten how good it felt to actually make something so fulfilling.
"Well, damn," he said to you, patting his stomach with a satisfied look on his face. "That was probably the best home-cooked ramen I've ever had," he confessed, earning him the sight of your blushed cheeks which he secretly relished. "But don't tell my mom I said that, she might kill me," he added.
"I promise," you assured him with a lighthearted giggle. "I could probably show you how to make the noodles from scratch, that's what I usually do if I have the time, otherwise I just use ramen packets."
Color him impressed. He looked at you with a wide grin and he was flushed at the prospect of seeing you again in the future, no matter the context. "If you teach me how to make noodles, I think it's only fair I give you something in return."
Your cheeks turned red, "Maybe you could teach me how to dance. Unlike my sister, I was born without rhythm," you laughed, pressing your hands to your face to try and hide the redness.
He struggled to suppress his smiling, his cheeks beginning to ache. "It's a deal."
The pair of you collected the dishes and you helped him to clean up the kitchen. As you wiped down the countertops and discarded the scraps, he washed the dishes and placed them on the drying rack. 
When you were both finished, you removed the apron and let out a sigh of relief. He eyed you curiously and asked, "Do you want a change of clothes? I can grab something more comfortable if you'd like."
"Ah, I think I've imposed on you enough–" you began to say before he raised his hand. 
"Just say yes," he smiled down at you kindly, waiting for your response.
"Y... Yes," you finally said to him, fidgeting with your hands.
Your feet silently padded against the floor, following him as he turned down the corridor. When he stepped into what you assumed was his room, you waited patiently at the door for him. He returned with a sweatshirt in one hand and sweatpants in the other, he pushed the clothes into your hands and he showed you where the bathroom was.
"W-wait!" you called out to him before he left. He turned around, looking at you expectantly.
"My, uh," your murmured, "Dress... Can you unzip it for me?"
Hoseok paused and he went to say something but thought against it, speechlessly returning to the bathroom door where you were waiting. You turned around for him and moved your hair away from your neck, exposing the tab to the zipper. You felt his warm breath fan out against your skin, undoubtedly making you shiver in his wake. You were silently hoping that he didn't see.
Behind you, you could hear him exhale a shaky breath as he gripped the tab and slowly pulled it down. As he pulled, the fabric spread over the width of your back, revealing your soft, tan skin to him. He let go of the zipper once it'd reached the small of your back, quickly looking up to the ceiling to avoid your gaze. 
Turning around, you saw him looking away from you which made you snort in laughter. Deliberately trying to fluster him wasn't your intention but you'd do it again if it meant you got to see him like this again. You gently pressed your hand against his chest so he was out of the way of the door. You closed it in front of his face and tried your best to suppress your giggles.
On the other side of the door, Hoseok was yet to remove his gaze from the ceiling. He felt trapped in this position, the only thing he could feel was the remaining warmth of your hand on his chest. He had not been in such an intimate position since... Her.
This wasn't the time to be thinking about her.
He shook himself out of his paralysis, moving swiftly to a more appropriate location. He didn't want to imagine the look on your face if you'd open the door to find him still standing outside waiting for you.
Hoseok waited patiently on the sofa, fiddling with the remote and turning on his Netflix.
Wow. If the ramen wasn't suggestive enough, then the Netflix one was gonna be the nail to his unintentionally suggestive coffin. Maybe he should change it to YouTube, he thought to himself before you stepped out of the shadows of the corridor.
As soon as he saw you, his breath hitched in his throat. The black sweatshirt he had lent to you was far too big, almost dwarfing your small form entirely. It ended just above your knees and you'd rolled the sleeves up to your wrists. The cuffs of his grey sweatpants were also rolled up, wrapped thickly against your shins. On the one hand, you felt that you looked a little silly but you were thankful for the drastic change in comfort. On the other hand, the only word on Hoseok's mind upon seeing his clothes on you was 'adorable'.
"Thanks for this," you quipped, spreading your arms out and doing a spin for him. Hoseok smirked and quietly laughed at your display, running a hand through his hair.
He cleared his throat and motioned you over to the sofa, "Does the chef have any recommendations?" he asked you in jest, looking at you in suspense. You giggled at his mention of 'chef', tucking a hair behind your ear shyly. 
"So ramen was the main course, and for desert... I think maybe a nature documentary is on the menu," you quirked an eyebrow at him, eager for his reaction to your suggestion. He smiled, leaning back into the soft cushioning of his sofa.
"Nature documentary it is," he echoed your words with a soft smirk. You smiled up at him gently, shifting further back and situating yourself into the cushions. He dimmed down the lights and grabbed a neatly folded pile of fluffy blankets from the opposite end of the couch, placing one of the fluffy fabrics over you before wrapping himself in his own blanket.
When the nature series had begun, you were less than a foot away from him, snuggling your warm blanket and animatedly sharing your thoughts on what you thought the best qualities were of each and every animal that came across the screen. He'd turn to look at you every time you started one of your mini speeches, listening intently to what you had to say.
After three episodes, Hoseok had managed to inch closer to you by jumping every time there was a particularly alarming cutscene of some predator in their natural habitat. It wasn't on purpose. In fact, he was contemplating changing the show but hearing your stifled giggles at the expense of his masculinity was totally worth it.
Another episode had passed and with his adrenaline coursing through his veins, anticipating the next frightening cutscene, Hoseok was nowhere near being sleepy but you had other ideas. You had unexpectedly slumped your head against his shoulder, softly snoring away. He almost jumped when you'd made contact, his survival instincts kicking in once a snake had appeared on the screen. 
He contemplated waking you up but decided against it, softening at the sight of how peaceful you looked. His head tilted to get a better look at your face, his eyes roving over each light freckle gracing your nose and cheeks, their parallel shapes being burned into his memory. The lights from the television screen danced across your sleeping form, the loose strands of hair on your face casting shadows upon your skin. You shifted in your sleep, subconsciously wetting your pouty lips before returning to your motionless state. He was amazed that the booming sound effects from the documentary went by you completely unfazed.
Hoseok took this opportunity to sweep back a strand of your hair, tucking it behind your ear. He hadn't done something like that in a while and he was sure that the simple action alone had just discombobulated everything inside his chest. It wasn't because he was in such an intimate space with just some girl, it was because he was in an intimate space with you. Granted, you weren't exactly awake so he stopped himself from staring at you any longer, knowing he'd live with the guilt of being some sort of pervert when his whole purpose of the night was to be a gentleman.
Resist the urge, damn it!
He couldn't exactly help himself though. Over the short course of the night, you had managed to make an impact on him. You'd been thrust upon him so abruptly after Taehyung had spilled his drink on you, and though the scale of the action was so small, it had felt so life-changing. So far you'd displayed your talent for cooking, your love for nature and you'd proved to him that you could match his wit when you were in a comfortable space.
Plus she's the Hwasa's sister, Hoseok thought to himself, she's already used to the lifestyle of being in the proximity of an idol. That is definitely a plus.
He decided that when morning comes, he would ask if you would like to join him for coffee or lunch, excited at the prospect of getting to see you again in the future.
Silently grabbing the remote beside him, he changed the program to something more sleep-friendly. Hoseok flipped through the suggestions and finally decided to change it to Frozen. He clicked on it and nodded off to sleep with a kind, talented, pretty girl on his shoulder. Hoseok felt like he was on top of the world.
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You woke up to a loud pinging noise, squinting at the white lights that attacked your vision when you'd fully gained your consciousness. You'd quickly come to realize that you were not in your own room. In fact, the reason for that uncomfortable ache in your neck was because you'd been using Hoseok's thigh as a pillow. With widened eyes, you suddenly felt the weight of his arm on your side, his hand resting comfortably on your waist. 
He looked so tranquil in his sleep, his mouth slightly agape and quiet snores escaping in sync with the rise and fall of his chest. You couldn't believe that you'd fallen asleep on him. He was still in his clothes from the night before, his button-up and black slacks creased all the way to hell, which meant he probably felt too awkward to try and shift you off of him and stayed there so he wouldn't wake you.
Gosh, I'm such an idiot, you groaned to yourself, lifting your head off of his lap. The source of the ping was coming from a phone on the coffee table in front of the sofa. When you picked it up you realized that while it was the same model, it was definitely not your phone. You were about to put it back down until the screen flashed back to life, revealing a notification that made your heart stop.
Calendar: 10 Month Anniversary with Babygirl Moon. Would you like to share?
Holy shit. Jung Hoseok has a girlfriend?
You were mortified beyond belief. You'd just fallen asleep on top of some girl's boyfriend. To make matters worse, his lock screen image was of himself but at the bottom of the image, you could clearly see him holding someone's smaller, feminine hand. If you were in that person's position, you definitely would've been pissed to find how close you and Hoseok had become over the course of the night. But, surely Hoseok would've told you if he was in a relationship... Right? You should've at least spotted some of the signs but there were no physical indications anywhere in the apartment. Where were the spare slippers at the front door? Where was the spare toothbrush in the bathroom? Where was the feminine touch?
The lack of signs didn't exactly eliminate the idea that he had a whole ass girlfriend out there just vibing. That girl was probably 100% oblivious to the fact that some practical stranger was trying to cozy up to her boyfriend, being all intimate and flirtatious with him. The thought of it alone made you cringe with guilt. He was just being a gentleman the whole night. Did he feel sorry for you because you'd humiliated yourself when you saw him for the first time? That must've been it...
Trying to withhold the tears that were threatening to spill over, you moved quietly to avoid waking him up. Moving silently around the apartment, you collected your belongings. The last thing to do was grab your dress which you'd left neatly folded in the bathroom. When you got there, you considered putting it back on so you could take off Hoseok's incredibly comfortable clothes but you'd never be able to zip the dress up on your own.
You didn't want to wake him up to do it for you, no, you wanted to leave without a trace. It was embarrassing for you to think that you could've had something special with him when it was now clear that he had something special with someone else.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you saw just how idiotic you looked. There were dried dribble marks on the corners of your mouth and one of the tails of your winged liner was smudged away from sleep. Your hair was neat for the most part, save for the back part which had hair sticking out in every direction. Gosh, you didn't know what you would have done if he'd woken up first to see you like this. Quickly cleaning yourself up with the help of some water and the grace of God, you determined that you looked semi-presentable.
You sent a text to Hwasa to pick you up at Hoseok's apartment, in return you received an excess of all kinds of emojis, they appeared to mostly be winky faces and different colored hearts which helped to lift your spirits a little bit. The only thing to do now was to get ready to escape this nightmare you'd found yourself in. You couldn't bear to be there a second longer. The longer you thought about it, the more it made your heart sink. You could've sworn that you felt a connection with him but after knowing he had a girlfriend, you saw your memories of the previous night through a different lens.
Maybe he was just doing everything for you out of kindness, you could see now that you were just some obligation for him.
Shaking away the tear-jerking thoughts, you stepped into the foyer. Pressing your hand to the front door, you struggled to tug your heels back on in silence, dropping your dress and your phone from its weak grip in your underarm, making the items land on the floor with a sharp thwack. 
It seemed that the noise was loud enough to wake up the host, your eyes spotting his fluffy hair emerging over the arm of the sofa. He sat up slightly, reaching out his arms and stretching his neck with a loud yawn. If you weren't so preoccupied, you would've felt compelled to giggle at how cute he looked.
He turned to the source of the noise that woke him up, eyeing you in your awkward position. With one leg raised in the air and one of your fingers tugging on the heel loop of your difficult heels, you just knew you looked silly. As soon as he saw you, he spared you a lazy chuckle and a soft wave of his hand. "Good morning," he said to you, his raspy morning voice sending shivers down your spine. 
"Gosh, what time is it? Do you have somewhere to be? I can take you there if you want–" he rubbed his eyes tiredly, but you decided that you wouldn't let him finish his sentence, his kindness only managing to inadvertently humiliate you further.
"Hoseok, my sister's coming to pick me up," you told him abruptly, lifting your head up high.
He raised his eyebrows at you, surprised at your tone. "Oh, o-okay," he responded lightly, his shoulders drooping a little.
"Thank you for taking care of me last night, I really enjoyed your company. I'll have your clothes cleaned and sent back to you," you pointed at the sweatshirt and sweatpants that he'd lent to you, "And I would like to reimburse you for the food that I ate. I also hope that you and your girlfriend have a wonderful 10 month anniversary," you bowed to him, using all your strength tug on your heel. You bent down and picked up your sequin dress and phone.
"Wait!" Hoseok called out to you, stumbling off of the sofa and tripping up over his own feet, almost smacking his face on the floor. He was trying to absorb all the information that you'd just laid on him, his mind crossing over every detail. Enjoyed his company? Clean and return his clothes? Reimburse him for his food? He couldn't believe it. Before he could speak, he was interrupted by the ping of his phone. He quickly grabbed the device to silence it and his heart sank in his chest upon seeing the calendar reminder flashing on his screen, accentuated by his lock screen image which was of him holding his ex-girlfriend's hand.
He just knew right then and there that you'd seen it. 
I also hope that you and your girlfriend have a wonderful 10 month anniversary.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Y/N, this isn't what it looks like!" he implored, rushing to get to his feet but he ended up slipping again, the culprit being the blanket you were sleeping with last night.
You ignored his pleading, giving him one final bow. "Goodbye, Hoseok."
You slipped past his front door, closing it behind you.
"No," he murmured, kicking the blanket away and running to the front door. "No, no, no," he repeated to himself, his heart thumping loudly in his ears. Ripping his door open, he saw the doors to the elevator closing. Running out, he reached it just in time for the barricades to close right in front of his face. He repeatedly pressed the button but to no avail. Looking to the top of the elevator entrance, he saw the numbers above it declining, indicating that you were already descending to the ground floor.
"Shit!" Hoseok said to himself, sprinting for the stairs. He'd hadn't run this fast since the relays at the ISAC's, his lungs burning by the time he'd reached the bottom. He spotted you at the gateway to the apartment complex, sliding into a black car with a saddened look on your face. By the time he'd reached the outside gates, it was too late. He watched pathetically as the car sped away along with you in it.
Hoseok stopped himself from trying to chase after the car down the narrow street, his hands angrily fisting in his hair, the burn of his scalp doing nothing to ebb the thumping in his chest. Right now, the only thing he felt like doing was bang his head against a brick wall. How could he be so dense?
If anything was gonna motivate him to do delete those stupid calendar reminders and those images of him and his ex, watching you drive away was gonna do it. Fixing his mistake was of the utmost paramount right now. 
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"Hyung!" Jimin cheered upon seeing Hoseok enter their room.
"Ah, I hope you had fun last night, hyung," Taehyung winked, nudging Jimin with his elbow.
"What?" Hoseok furrowed his brows, looking at the pair of mischievous boys sitting before him in speculation.
Jimin smiled proudly, shuffling on the sofa to make space for Hoseok to sit down between him and Taehyung. "Hyung! We're the ones who set you up with that pretty girl up."
Hoseok sat down between them, surprised at hearing that the events of last night were the result of Jimin and Taehyung's plan.
"Mhm, I spilled my drink on her on purpose then left her with you," Taehyung said, waggling his eyebrows at his hyung. "We heard you left the party with her. What was she like and what'd you guys do? Come on, tell us!" 
Hoseok stayed silent, wringing his hands in his lap. He was happy to know that the boys were trying their best for him but his recent loss was still reeling in his mind, the dismayed expression evident on his face.
"Hyung?" Jimin asked, his tone laced with worry, his gentle eyes roving over his older friend's face. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed and let out a shaky breath. "I had a great time with her, like an amazing time but... I fucked it up because I'm such an idiot."
Taehyung frowned at his disconcerting words. "What happened?"
He explained the events of last night. 
Taking you out to the balcony and having that pleasant conversation with you.
Asking you to come to his place.
Cooking ramen together.
Lending you his clothes, noting how adorable you looked.
Falling asleep together while watching the nature documentary together. Hoseok purposefully left out the part where he changed the program to a Disney movie.
"I don't see what's wrong," Jimin commented, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, me too," Taehyung added, sharing a confused look.
Hoseok hesitated to tell them what initially went wrong but decided that if he told them, maybe they could offer up a solution to his problem.
"I think you guys know that I've been struggling to get over my relationship with my ex," Hoseok began, clearing his throat. "It's been five months since we've been separated and it's been hard for me to move on from her, y'know? I put a lot of love and energy into my relationship with her so for it to end so suddenly, it hasn't exactly been easy for me to just 'get over it'. Because of that, I haven't had the heart change my lock screen, which is a photo of me holding her hand and I still had a monthly reminder of my anniversary on my phone's calendar," he admitted to them, hanging his head down low.
"When I woke up this morning, she had all of her things and she was getting ready to leave. She told me that she 'hoped I'd have a wonderful 10 month anniversary with my girlfriend'. That's when I knew she saw the anniversary reminder on my phone," he sniffled, swiping his fingers under his eyes to remove the tears that were sliding down his cheeks. "It just really sucks because I had a really good time with her. It was the best I'd felt in a long time and I feel like we had a connection last night but I think she might hate me now. So, yeah, I'm an idiot."
Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other, sharing a look of sorrow and shock.
"I don't know what to do," Hoseok told them, a dejected sigh escaping his lips. He buried his head in his hands, groaning pathetically.
"Hyung, it's gonna be fine," Taehyung rubbed his back reassuringly. 
Jimin hummed quietly, "You should go and find Joonie-hyung. If anyone has some sort of connection with her, it's gotta be him. Dude is so whipped for her big sister it's almost embarrassing."
Hwasa. That's right. Hoseok lifted his head out of his hands, feeling like a light bulb was hovering above his head. He pulled Jimin and Taehyung into a hug, thanking them both for their help.
When he left the room, the pair of them sighed in content, feeling a little closer to their hyung for the first time in a long time. "He'll be fine," Taehyung said to Jimin, bringing his feet up to rest in the smaller boy's lap. "Yeah," Jimin concurred, excited at the prospect of their hyung getting back to his old self. 
As soon as Hoseok opened the door to the living room, he felt Jungkook whizzing right past him, slamming the door shut behind him to barricade himself in Tae and Jimin's room. "Come here you little brat!" Seokjin shouted, chasing after the maknae with a scowl on his face. Ignoring their loud tirade and the sleeping Yoongi on the living room sofa, Hoseok made a beeline to Namjoon's room.
He opened the door quietly and found that his bandmate was having a hushed conversation on the phone. Stepping forward, he could hear him clearly. "Baby, you don't understand! Yes, I'll talk to him... I know you're upset, but you have to hear me out," he heard Namjoon sighing into his phone.
"Is that Hwasa?" Hoseok asked him, not really caring for the nature of his call.
Namjoon turned around and looked at him with a bewildered expression, "What? Dude, how long have you been standing there?" he asked him. 
"Long enough," Hoseok mumbled, stepping forward and snatching the phone out of Namjoon's hands. Before he was able to protest, Hoseok was already turning his back to him, bringing the phone to his ears.
"Ooh, when I see him I'm gonna kill him. You know that, right? I can't believe he would make my sister cry like that. It broke my damn heart seeing that, Joonie."
After hearing that he'd made Y/N cry, Hoseok winced, feeling a tinge of pain flourishing in his chest. Putting her threats to the side, he spoke up. "Hwasa?"
There was a pause. "Is this you, Hoseok?"
"... Yeah."
Upon hearing that it was the subject of her call with Namjoon, she really jumped off. "What the hell is wrong with you, Jung Hoseok? Huh? Why on earth would you take my sister home with you if had a girlfriend? You have a lot of nerve doing that to my sister. When I see you–"
"It was a misunderstanding!"
"Interrupt me again and I'll become your worst nightmare, do you understand me?" Baffled by her dark choice of words, Hoseok was going to respond with a 'Yes' until she cut him off again. "Don't answer that. Now, as I was saying, when I see you again, I'm gonna rip you a new one and choke slam you so hard that your ancestors will feel it."
"Hwasa, I can explain everything."
"She really liked you, you know that right?"
Hoseok choked upon hearing the abrupt news and her usage of the past tense. 'Liked'. "W-well–"
"God, she's baking up a damn storm in there, I feel like the atmosphere is gonna be 20% flour by the time she's done,"
He was confused that she'd add such a strange detail to her argument.
"She bakes when she's sad, Hoseok."
"And by the looks of the triple-tiered cakes and the muffins taking over our apartment, it wouldn't take a genius to know that, yeah, she's pretty bummed out."
Hoseok had never felt so bad in his entire life. He was scolding himself internally. If only he just had the strength to just delete those stupid reminders earlier, this all could've been avoided.
"Hwasa, could you send me your address? I'd really like to talk to her in person."
He could hear her scoffing on the other side of the line. "Ha! Yeah, as if I'd do that. You probably just wanna make sure she doesn't blab to the public about your girlfriend. Well, guess what? She's actually a considerate human being so rest assured, you have nothing to worry about."
She had ended the call with him, the monotonous tone filling his ears. "Hello? Hwasa?"
Hoseok cursed, looking at the end call screen on the phone. He looked to Namjoon who'd been watching him the whole time, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Joon, you have to help me," Hoseok pleaded, his whole appearance screaming desperation. Namjoon softened at the sight of him, stepping forward to swing an arm around his shoulder.
"I heard about what happened, I tried to explain it to her but she was too busy ranting about you," Namjoon told him, patting his back comfortingly.
"I messed up big time and I really need to explain myself to her in person. I really like her, man," Hoseok murmured quietly. "I've never felt this way about someone before."
Namjoon sighed, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. "I'll help you out, don't worry."
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Despite his bandmate's encouraging words, Hoseok was worried as hell. He double-checked the apartment number in his note's app. His knuckles rapped against the door and he waited nervously for a few seconds for the door to open, which it did, revealing a shocked Hwasa. She slammed the door in his face and he winced, hanging his head down low.
A few more seconds passed and he could hear her screaming from the other side of the door.
"You gave him my address!? Damn it, Joonie!"
The shouting continued for another minute, Hoseok awkwardly dawdling in the hallway outside her apartment.
Suddenly, the door opened. Hwasa stepped forward, grabbing him by the ear and dragging him inside. Hoseok was about to protest but was cut off by the slam of the door behind him. He only had a second to observe their apartment before Hwasa started hitting him on the arm.
"Yah!" Hoseok cried out, rubbing his arm to soothe the pain. 
"I can't believe you," Hwasa seethed, glaring at him.
Hoseok stuttered, asking her, "I-is she here?" 
"No. Now explain yourself, Jung Hoseok," she demanded of him, crossing her arms over her chest with an enraged look in her eyes.
And so he did. He spent five minutes explaining to her how he genuinely enjoyed his time with her sister, talking about how you saw the evidence of his struggles in getting over his ex-girlfriend, mistakenly believing it to be something that it wasn't. He finished off his explanation, looking at her expectantly.
While she silently to take in all of his information, he took the opportunity to look all around their apartment. It was very homely and warm. The living room, where Hoseok and Hwasa sat, was amazing. He saw the family photos scattered around the walls, the vibrant flowers on the coffee table giving the monotone room a pop of color. Hoseok turned his head to see the kitchen which was littered with baked goods of all kinds. Though the sight of the colorful tiered cakes, muffins, and cupcakes was mouthwatering, knowing the reason behind their creation was crushing his soul. 
"It smells amazing in here." Hoseok quipped in an attempt to fill the silence.
"It's the cinnamon," she murmured, narrowing her eyes at him.
"Okay, fine. I see what the issue was but I see another one here," she told him. "I simply refuse to let my sister be some kind rebound for you."
Hoseok launched out of his seat, "Rebound? Of course, she's not a rebound!" he insisted, his face flushed.
"You must've broken up with that girl recently to still have those calendar reminders on your phone," she rolled her eyes at him. Hoseok sat back down slowly, anxiously running a hand through his hair.
"Actually," he began saying, "We broke up five months ago."
Hwasa's jaw dropped. "FIVE MONTHS!?" she shouted. She took off one of her slippers and threw at him, outraged at his confession. 
"You know that makes it worse, right?" she told him, leaning back in her chair with that disapproving look seemingly stuck on her face.
Hoseok exhaled noisily, burying his head in his hands. "I know how it sounds," he told her. "I really do, I know I was stupid. But Hwasa, please. I just need a second chance."
He looked at her expectantly, his eyes wide and glossy with sadness. She softened at his desperate display, sighing and rubbing her temples. 
"Let me tell you something about my sister, Jung Hoseok. My sister is a kind, sweet, and intelligent woman. She's passionate beyond belief and she'll talk your ear off if you let her. I love her more than anything in the world, do you understand?"
Hoseok nodded rapidly, his soft hair bouncing around his head.
"Okay, good. She's on the roof," Hwasa said to him, keeping a trained eye on him. Hoseok shot out of his chair, bowing to her. "Thank you," he told her earnestly, turning to go to the door but she grabbed him by the shoulder, making him face her. 
Hwasa tugged on his shirt so he was leaning forward enough so her mouth was at height with his ear. "If you do some stupid shit that makes my sister cry again, I will shatter your world. M'kay?" she told him, patting his shoulder softly with a confident smirk. He gulped, standing back to his full height. Even though Hwasa was substantially shorter than him and had the face of an angel, she managed to shake him to the core, effectively making him frightened of her.
"Erm, understood," Hoseok gulped, bowing one last time before stepping out the door.
Hwasa flopped back onto the sofa with a groan, "Ugh, men."
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His journey to the roof of the apartment building took longer than he expected. Hoseok opted to take the stairs so he had time to think of how he wanted to word out his apology, wanting it to be nothing short of mind-bending and spectacular, or at least good enough that you'd want to share some more ramen with him in the future.
Meanwhile, you were busy tending to the communal garden, pruning the fruits and vegetables diligently. The sun was beating down on you in all your denim overall glory, your sunhat doing a great job of protecting your face from the harsh rays. You were collecting some ripe vegetables from the garden, brushing the dirt and debris away with your gloved hands, placing them gently into the woven basket next to your feet.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Taking off your gloves, you took out your phone and saw three notifications. Two of them were texts and the other was from the Weverse app.
[BTS Weverse] j-hope shared a moment with you!
Message from Queen Wheein: Good afternoon babe, did I leave my tweezers in your room yesterday? lemme know asap, thx ^_^
Message from Hyejin-eonnieee: good luck xxx
While your sister's text was quite strange and vague and Wheein's inquiry managing to make you chuckle, your curiosity got the better of you, your thumb opting to tap on the Weverse notification. The app sprung to life and the screen loaded for a second before showing you a picture from Hoseok's story. To your surprise, it was a photo of the ramen you'd both cooked the night before, captioned with a small 'best ramen I've had in a long time' at the top right in bold text.
You couldn't recall seeing him take a photo of the meal the night before, making you scratch your head. What was equally confusing was why he even posted the photo. Was he just trying to rub salt in the wound?
With a scowl, you turned your phone off and went back to the task at hand, shoving your phone back into your pocket.
Picking up a small spool of twine and scissors from your basket, you pulled on the string, cutting it off when it was about the length of your hand. You wrapped the string around the mung bean sprouts, tying it off and pulling the sprouts from the roots leaving you with a neat little bundle.
"Hey," someone spoke up behind you, alarming you. You shrieked and fell back onto your butt, groaning at the suddenness, accidentally knocking over your basket at the same time. "Oh, shit– I'm so sorry, are you okay?" the voice said again, the familiarity making your stomach sink. Suddenly, Hwasa's text made sense.
You pushed back the brim of your sun hat to see Hoseok kneeling beside you, his hand on your back. 
"Oh my god, why– what are you doing here?" you asked him, rushing to take a stand, brushing the dust off of your backside.
Hoseok dropped his hand away from your back, visibly hesitating to speak. "I... Uh, shit," he scrunched his nose, running his hand through his hand. "I wanted to apologize to you," he blurted out.
"Apologize for what? I was the one that was overstepping the boundaries," you told him. "But, it would've been nice, y'know, if you told me that you had a girlfriend," you shrugged, turning your back to him, bending down to place your vegetables back into your basket. 
"Y/N, I don't have a girlfriend," he told you, kneeling back down to help you gather the vegetables. Hoseok realized that they all looked familiar. In the basket were the exact same vegetables you'd both eaten the night before with your ramen noodles. The carrots, capsicum, scallions, and the bundle of mung bean sprouts looking ridiculously tempting. 
You paused your movements, hand hovering over the red capsicum on the ground. "B-but..." you murmured, eyes connecting with his. 
"I know you saw the picture and the anniversary reminder," Hoseok said to you, his hand grabbing hold of the handle of the basket. "And, yes, I did have a girlfriend but we broke up five months ago," he bit his lip, looking slightly abashed. "I've been in a pretty low place ever since the relationship so I haven't exactly had the strength to update a lot of basic things in my life, like my calendar..."
"And your lock screen?" You asked him quietly, looking up at him sympathetically.
"And my lock screen," he added, a sad smile on his face. "It's been rough. I haven't been putting as much effort into my work as I should've been and I could feel myself growing tired with the things that usually made me happy," he said, that little voice in the back of his mind scolding him for sharing more details than he ought to.
"I was a little reluctant to go to that party last night but then I met you and you flipped my world inside out. A-and I don't know if it was you that made things seem brighter or if it was the sparkly dress of yours," he chuckled to himself, "But if it's all the same to you, I'd really, really, like to see you again in the near future. I'm hoping that I'm not the only one that felt that connection last night, but if I am then I completely understand if this is making you uncomfortable and... I'll leave if you want me to–"
"No!" you shouted, grabbing his arm, effectively anchoring him to the spot. "Wait, don't go please, I'm sorry," you apologized to him, dropping your hand from his arm. 
"Sorry for what?" he asked you quietly, his brows knit together. He slowly reached towards you, taking your hand in his. "Don't be sorry. I was the idiot and I can't believe it took me this long to realize that much better things existed in the world," he said to you, his eyes boring into yours.
The words you wanted to say were stuck in your mouth, his intense gaze making your knees weak. And to think that he had a girlfriend this whole time... You couldn't believe that the man you had liked for so long was saying all these breathtaking words. If two things were for sure, it was that Jung Hoseok was single and you were embarrassed yet again for being so quick to your judgment.
"It was wrong of me to be so presumptuous," you bit your lip anxiously. 
A lighthearted scoff escaped his lips, "Trust me, it wasn't. I know what it looked like and I can tell you that I would've done the same thing," he said to you, his thumbs lightly running over your knuckles, his gentle gestures making your heart flutter. His reassurance made you melt into his touch, your head tilting to look up to gaze at him warmingly.
He cleared his throat, "But, um, just for future reference, I would never flirt with another girl if I was in a relationship... Just saying," he grinned widely at your giggles, gripping your hand just a little tighter.
"So that really was flirting," you said to him, eyeing the way his thumb gently caressed the skin on the back of your hand. "I thought I was just imagining that."
"So was I, to be honest," he told you, "But then your sister told me you had a crush on me, it was all the reassurance I needed. It also makes my day, like, a thousand times better," he grinned, his other hand coming up to rub your arm.
Your eyes widened, jaw hanging low. Son of a... "Oh my god," you cringed, grabbing the brim of your sun hat to bring it over your face. "Please just let me die," you groaned pathetically, letting go of his hand and squatting down so he couldn't see you.
You could hear his laughter from above. He knelt down beside you, rubbing your back softly. "If it makes it you feel any better, I think I have a crush on you too."
While it made your heart jump in your chest, you were still upset. "You're just saying that so I don't kill my sister," you frowned, distracting yourself by fidgeting the handle of the woven basket.
"Maybe," he grinned mischievously. 
"I, uh, noticed that the vegetables in this little basket of yours has the same ingredients we used last night," he told you, gesturing to the basket in your hands.
"Yeah, I was gonna wash them and send them to you," you told him, eyes roving over the colorful vegetables in the basket.
He snickered, "Wow, you really weren't kidding when you said you were gonna reimburse me," His hand was still roving in soft circles on your denim-clad back.
"I was gonna do it after the clothes finished drying," you gestured towards the clothing line that was on the opposite side of the large roof. Clipped to the rope were his sweatshirt, sweatpants, and your silver sequin dress.
Hoseok's eyes widened upon spotting the clothes. "Oh, damn," he murmured. "Um, well you can keep them if you want. They look better on you anyway," he smiled down at you, the wind making his hair flutter against his forehead. You stared at him in amazement, his smooth words clenching your heart. 
"I wasn't kidding when I said I'd really like to see you again, by the way," he went back to the subject at hand, chuckling nervously and averting his gaze. 
"I'd like that too," you smiled up at him.
"Oh, thank god," he murmured quietly, looking back at you, his face beaming with joy. He stood up, extending his hand out to you for the taking. He pulled you up and smiled at you, his bubbly cheeks shining from the bright sun. 
The both of you looked to the entrance of the roof, spotting an angry looking Hwasa.
"Clean up the kitchen, dummy. Those cupcakes are everywhere," she told you with an infuriated tone, hands on her hips, and her foot tapping on the ground.
"You be quiet, you lost your scolding privileges when you told Hoseok that I liked him," you narrowed your eyes at her, letting go of Hoseok's hand to point an accusing finger at your sister.
She rolled her eyes at you, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. "Wha– well, someone had to say it!" she argued.
"Um, no they didn't!" you bit back.
"Clean up your cupcakes or I'm telling dad," Hwasa concluded, turning on her heel and retreating back into the building. You gasped, upset that you didn't have a chance to voice your distaste for her use of the parent card. 
You looked back to Hoseok who had an amused look on his face. "Sorry about that," you apologized to him, looking down at your feet.
"Don't worry about it, I've got an older sister too so I know how it feels... She clowns me whenever she gets the chance," he confessed to you, making you laugh in the process.
"Do you wanna get out of here?" he looked to you with an optimistic look in his eyes. You saw that his fingers by his side were reaching out to you. You smiled to yourself, taking his hand in yours.
"Yeah," you grinned at him, pulling him to the entrance of the building.
His grip on your hand tightened, stepping forward to be by your side. "What does the chef recommend?" he chuckled.
"Hmm, coffee with a side of foolishness," you suggested, doubling over with laughter.
"And maybe some hand-holding for dessert?" he raised his eyebrows at you, looking hopeful as ever.
You hummed thoughtfully, "That can be the main course. For dessert, maybe you can teach me how to dance?"
Hoseok was smiling ear to ear, swinging your hand in tandem with his. "It's a deal."
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dr-stone-things · 5 years
how about some headcanons of senku, yuzuriha, and taiju overhearing their s/o gushing about them to their friends!
*raises arms up in the air* YES PLEASE!!!! MY BABIES… also i made a thing.. (also i hope you like this bc i wrote a lot lmao) (also!! i know you asked for friends, but taiju’s kinda became… err you’ll see haha)
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Senku, Yuzuriha, And Taiju With Gushing S/O HCS
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I mean like, I feel like Senku didn’t have too many friends in school. I mean, we all know Senku can be a bit… rude and many of his classmates did not really like how he was a smartass. So he pretty much lived his life, his only real friends being Taiju and Yuzuriha, maybe some of the nerds from his science club as well.
When he met s/o, he was kind of surprised at how much they wanted to be with him, and how they thought he was super cool. Of course, he didn’t voice these thoughts.
So when the school sees s/o and Senku walking together all buddy-buddy, everyone’s like?? How?? Why?? Eventually, they spilt to go to class.
Senku sat down in his seat, a bit early. He dug through his bag to find his notebook when he saw the pieces of paper sticking out of it. Curiously, he took them out to see it was his s/o’s homework he helped them with.
He sighed. They had forgotten their homework, again. He quickly exited the classroom to go to s/o’s class. It was quite close, thankfully. The door was already open. He was about to enter when-
“Why do you even hang out with him, s/o?”
“With who?”
“That Ishigami boy.”
“Because he’s my boyfriend, (friend-name)!”
All of s/o’s friends jumped from their seat and crowded around their desk. “Are you serious??!”
“Well, yea! Why would I lie about-”
“Oh my God, s/o no one even likes that guy.”
“S/o, you can do so much better than him.”
“Yea, he acts like he knows so much about science but-”
“Guys! You have the wrong idea about Senku! He’s actually really kind and caring.”
Senku frowned as he peered through the door. He loved s/o, but he didn’t want to bring their reputation down by being with them… he continued to listen.
“Oh really? How is a brat like him kind and caring?”
“Senku is always there for me, even though he shows it in a roundabout way. Even though he’s not that strong if he sees me struggling to carry my books he offers to help me.”
“Whenever I need help with my homework, Senku always gives up his free time to tutor me. He won’t leave me alone until I understand the topic. Even though he’s not too romantic, we always go watch the stars as dates. He may come off as rude sometimes, but he doesn’t mean it. That’s just his personality. When you get close to him, he really does care about you. Whenever I’m scared about an upcoming exam or something, he always reassures me that I’m going to be fine. We always conduct these crazy experiments together and-”
S/o just kept going on and on about Senku. At least 5 minutes had passed, and s/o’s friends and Senku stood there stunned.
“Oh and, there was this one time when he let me play with his hair! It was so soft and fluffy!” s/o gushed as they giggled.
Senku could feel the tips of his ears burn as he covered his mouth with his hand, trying to stop smiling like an idiot. The bell rung as the teacher saw him not in his class and ordered him to go before he gets detention.  He didn’t even hear as he slowly walked back, still trying to get his emotions under control.
That was the first time he was ever late to science class.
“Senku, Senku!! Do you know where I put my homework??!”
It was after school, and s/o was in the clubroom frantically searching through their bag.
“Yea, you left it in my bag.”
“I did? Thank God! You’re the best Senku!” they ran up to him, placing a quick kiss to his cheek.
He tried to keep his blush under control and he nodded.
“Hey, s/o?”
“Thanks for all of the things you’ve done for me.”
S/o stopped what they were doing as they looked at him with a blush. “Well, of course, it’s no problem. But where is this coming from?”
Senku cracked his neck, searching for the right words. 
“S/o… what I’m trying to say is that… I love you.”
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Hehe… as I’ve said for the 10 billionth time, Yuzuriha is soft babey….
I feel like Yuzuriha would be that one person everyone knows and loves because she’s so nice and kind and good and- you get the point.
You know how she’s the club leader for the Arts and Crafts club?? All of the members love her!! So I mean, they are totally willing to listen to s/o gush about Yuzuriha.
Yuzuriha had excused herself in order to get more supplies from the storeroom.
“Oh my gosh, Yuzuriha is the cutest thing ever.”
“I know s/o, you say that every single day. Is there a day where you don’t say that?”
“I know but… she’s just so amazing and creative!!”
“Yes, I get it s/o-”
“No!! You need to hear about how great she is!!”
Yuzuriha had made her way back to the room when she heard loud voices coming from it. Had something happened while she was gone? She peered through the crack of the door and say her s/o standing on the table, holding a broom to their mouth like a microphone, as the other club members watched in amazement.
“You see everyone, Yuzuriha is literally a sunflower. When she smiles it is as bright as the sun. AND,” s/o said emphasizing the ‘and,’ “she is prettier than any flower in the world.” 
“Well that’s nice but-”
S/o furiously lifted their finger to their lips and emitted a loud “SHHHHH!!!!”
“Anyway, do you guys see how creative she is?? In a second she can create the most fashionable clothes!! And look around you!!,” s/o gestured to the artistic designs on the walls and floors, “who do you think painted and came up with this? It was the love of my life, Yuzuriha Ogawa!!! And!!! Do you know how kind and sweet she is? She always helps people when they need help and is always willing you help you perfect your craft skills! And-”
S/o stopped as they saw Yuzuriha standing at the door with a blush on her face.
S/o jumped off the table and ran to her, squeezing her body in a tight hug. “I missed you soooo much!”
“She’s only been gone for 5 minutes…” one of the club members sighed.
“S-s/o…” Yuzuriha gently smiled as she patted their hair. Her heart squeezed and pounded against her chest because of s/o’s cuteness.
“I love you, s/o…” Yuzuriha murmured softly. The club members looked up, astonished. S/o looked up with a huge grin on their face.
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Sorry for the crying Taiju gif-
Anyway!! Taiju was like, mindblown (I’ve been using that word too much) when s/o accepted his confession. He’d been harboring feelings for them for so long… and he was really surprised when s/o said the magic words back to him.
“Actually… Taiju… I like you too!”
Ok… before I go on I have to say Taiju has to be like, the best boyfriend ever!! Always supporting his s/o in whatever they do and just… uwu.
Taiju was practically running to his s/o’s last period class. School had just ended and he was eager to see his s/o again. He skidded to a halt and stopped in front of the open classroom door.
“Why are you even dating that meathead?”
“Because I love him.”
Taiju frowned as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
“He’s not even good at anything-”
“I am going to stop you right there. Taiju is an amazing person.”
“Oh really? How in the world is someone like him-”
“Taiju is good at plenty of things, ok? He’s always right by my side. Whenever I’m feeling down or sad, he knows what to do to make me feel like myself again. He may seem dense at times, but he can easily read my feelings and knows exactly how to care for me. Taiju always picks me up and spins me around…” s/o began to get off-topic as they gushed about him.
“Taiju always has a good attitude about everything. He’s always so positive and that makes me happy too. He’s goodnatured and has a beautiful heart-” s/o stopped as they noticed Taiju standing at the doorway.
“Taiju! You’re here!”
“Yea…” Taiju oddly walked over to s/o, quickly taking their hand in his and shooting a look at the bullies. S/o stuck their tongue out at them as she pulled Taiju out of the classroom.
“It’s been a nice little chat, but as you can see, I have to go.”
They quickly exited the school as s/o sighed. “You saw that didn’t you-” s/o did not get to finish their sentence as Taiju screamed.
“S/O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he yelled at the top of his lungs as he effortlessly picked s/o up and spun them around in the air.
“OHHHHHHH!!!!! S/O!!!!” he put them down and kept screaming.
“T-Taiju! You can stop screaming my name now!”
“S/O….. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!” he screamed out again, engulfing them in a bone-crushing hug.
“Taiju…” s/o said softly, caressing his hair as they smiled. They pulled him down to their level and pecked him on the lips.
“I love you too!”
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isshinene · 6 years
Just the Girl !! uwu by The Click Five!
A Year with Kinokuni Nene
I can totally see why you sent in this song, lol! I tried my best to not portray Isshiki as too OCC as an in-love idiot but I can’t help it if that’s what the song calls for XDXD. Also, kudos if you understand my “Say, I Love You” reference in here!
Thanks for the request!!! Hope you enjoy (Sorry I tend to skip a lot towards the end and please ignore all the errors that I probably missed… It’s pretty late here…sorry T_T)
Bolded words are lyrics from the song :)
April 12th
I was seated next to Nene today at our entrance ceremony. I guess I got lucky since we were arranged alphabetically (Sadly, Kaburagi-kun was sick). Of course, she didn’t acknowledge me when I shared my hopes to work together now that we were finally in the high school chapter. Instead, she chose to ignore me and listen to Senzaemon’s speech about something regarding the cooking generation.
I noticed she cut her hair again to a cute bob that rested just above her shoulders. But even with that, it doesn’t seem like her cold attitude has changed much towards me… or anyone for that matter. I guess that’s fine because my feelings haven’t changed much either.
May 2nd
I didn’t expect her to wish me a happy birthday today. So it certainly surprised me when she muttered it out of the blue when we were cleaning the dishes after one of Chapelle-sensei’s assignments.
I asked her if she got me a present which I knew obviously she didn’t. I asked anyway because I knew it would get me some sort of response from her. But her face got so red when I told her that this year, I wanted to see her smile as my present. She told me to stop joking around and being stupid. But Nene-chan, I wasn’t kidding.
May 29th
You could literally say she “knocks me off my feet”… In other words, she pushed me down the stairs today. Don’t worry future me, I’m fine. One of the 2nd year perverts pulled on her skirt when we were walking up the stairs. Of course, I happened to be behind her and some misunderstandings happened. I hope she isn’t too mad at me. I’ll clear things up tomorrow.
But man, she had one hell of a roundhouse kick.
June 10th
Today was the third day of our training camp. I didn’t even realize I had already served 200 plates until the staff told me. Everyone, including myself, was too distracted watching Nene’s station. She definitely held the top spot today.
I’m glad I passed, but I wish I could have tried some of her food as well.
August 3rd
The Autumn Elections participants were announced this week. I’m in block A, Nene’s in B. I saw that Kuga-kun was in block A as well.
August 18th
I’ve seen her in the school kitchens almost every morning since it was announced that we were the two finalists. She wouldn’t even talk to me, let alone greet me good morning. She’s been too focused on our match and I can tell she wouldn’t settle for anything less than beating me.
If she ever did talk to me, it was always blunt and short, kind of a bit hurtful. But on most occasions, she would just tell me to die or leave her alone. I guess I should be focusing too, but I can’t get her face out of my head.
September 1st
The Autumn Leaf Viewing was today with the finalists and the Elite Ten. It was the first time I really got to see them and I assume that circumstance is the same for everyone else. With most of the council graduating this year, we’ll probably be getting seats next year. I don’t really care what number I get, but I hope it’s next to hers.
I really wish Kuga would be a little less provoking to the upperclassmen though. No offense, but he is going to get crushed by Tsukasa-senpai…
September 22nd
I guess not even Nene-chan can beat Tsukasa-senpai. He dominated all five days of the festival this year in sales. But I think it’s amazing for her to have gotten the numbers she had without even being an Elite Ten member. It says a lot about the quality of her soba.
She brushed off my compliments to her the entire time. But for once today, when we were turning in tickets, she congratulated me as well.
January 6th
She wouldn’t pick up the phone when I was calling her. I also totally saw that she left me on read when I wished her a happy New Years and birthday as well.
I hope her family at least got the nengajoo card I sent. I definitely got hers.
April 12th
The four of us got to sit in the front this year since we were named as Elite Ten members. It was also my luck this year since I got my wish to sit next to the sixth seat. I repeated the same stuff I told her last year, and she continued to ignore me just the same.
It seems I never learn and keep coming back for more. It’s another year chasing the girl I’m looking for.
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