#i might write a nogla and del short later
jeawrites · 4 years
3, jj, and g for Nogla and Delirious? or Nogla and Cartoonz?
((We love!! Pairs that aren’t seen enough!!!))
(this gets violent in the middle so read with care!)
3. Taking care of injuries
g. “I hate you.” “No you don’t.”
jj. “I know I can get bad, but you’re down right crazy sometimes.”
Luke hadn’t been in the gang long. Comparative to Jon, who had been in the gang for a couple of years, Luke was just nearing the end of his first year- just a few more weeks and it’ll be the day his second year starts.
Not to say he regrets joining the team, of course he doesn’t, but he does hate the fact that no one there is easy to judge. Not even fucking Nogla. The clumsy fucker who seemed like a kind soul and had such weird stories about his time back in Ireland, the man who seemed to wear his life on his sleeve and seemed so easy to judge. Even that fucker kept some shit hidden!
He wouldn’t have learned this if it wasn’t for Brock, who just mentioned it while he was treating Luke’s wound. 
“He doesn’t look like he’d hurt a fly- plus he’d probably miss if he tried.”
“Don’t judge a book by its cover, Luke. There’s a reason he’s on the team, and its not just cause we like him.”
What did that even mean? He didn’t know and he didn’t really know how to ask- he still barely understood how a man like that could contain something hidden. 
He huffed lightly, shaking his head as his thoughts left him and glanced around the main room of the base. He noticed the door had opened, and he looked towards the back of the room, shifting on the couch to look. 
He made eye contact with the Irishman, a donut sticking out of his mouth an armful of drinks tight against his chest that he must’ve stolen from the vending machine as it was open. 
Nogla glanced from the machine and back to Luke, before he made an attempt to talk, his voice muffled due to the... donut. 
Brock had to have been kidding.
“Do... you need some help?” Luke asked, already standing up. 
Nogla had nodded regardless, and he seemed relieved as Luke took a few of the drinks from him, enough so Nogla had a free arm. Which, he used to first close the vending machine and lock it, and then take the donut out of his mouth. 
“Thank ye!” he beamed, licking some icing off his lips and then gesturing with his head towards the door. “Everyone’s gonna be headin to the meeting room so I figured I’d get them all drinks, as gracious as I am,” he chuckled and began to walk.
Luke didn’t really ask for the explanation, he would have enjoyed the situation much more without context. But, he did find it oddly sweet that Nogla would do that. So, he followed after him. “I forgot we had a meetin’,” he mentioned.
Nogla nodded. “I nearly did too til Brian came to me complainin’ bout it!” he huffed, “I’m thankful but he didn’t have t’do that. Sorta annoying- and I know annoying.” 
“At least your self-aware,” Luke said smoothly.
David laughed loudly at that. “Fuck ye! That was a good one but ye still shouldn’t say stuff like that- ye’ll start soundin’ like Tyler!”
They shared a laugh and entered the meeting room together.
A few days later was the mission, Luke wasn’t aware just what they were after other than complete destruction of some enemy territory. Which, whatever he guessed. He was down with some arson and a bit of violence- if he had to shoot someone he’d shoot. 
The issue is the building was a few stories and you’ve got a be crazy to do anything damaging on the upper levels- it was six floors high- and he knew that because he was on the sixth floor- along with Jon, Nogla, and Marcel. 
But, he was basing stuff off of nothing and Jon was much more reckless than Luke had realized. He found himself smiling as he shot some people. He was glad Jon was having fun. Distracted, however, Luke failed to notice someone call for back up.
He ran off towards the main hallway where the stairs and elevator sat, and he contemplated heading down when the elevator doors opened and out came a good chunk of guys who were piled inside. 
Great. Honestly, he should have expected as much- he never quite went without seeing something stupid while he was on these missions. 
“Fuck me,” he grumbled, taking aim as he got ready to shoot while he also tapped his com. “Guys- got trouble by the stairs!” 
He shot a few times but he wasn’t going to win without something drastic.
“Toonz!” a voice broke through, but they were a bit late as noted when Luke’s leg got shot twice. “Fuck!” he fell, gripping the wounds in pain. Then, he heard shots and a few guys fell pretty fast. 
He watched in pain and surprise as Nogla came running into the group then, gun firing and very little restraint as he smacked a few guys down with the gun, shot a few, and straight up kicked a few to the ground. He even got shot a few times and yet Nogla wouldn’t fall. He was brutal about it, nor mercy and no hesitance as he took out the other guys. 
But, then he looked at Luke once they were all down and he smiled a bit. “Sorry it took me a minute t’ get here- I told Vanoss and Del to drop to the lower levels,” he grinned, walking over and helping Luke up before just letting the guy hold on as he lifted him up on his back. 
Luke swore he saw Nogla pull something out of his pocket, and he seemed to be right as he held up a remote once they reached the stairs and pressed a button. Then, he began to hurry down as fast as he could. Though, they didn’t quite manage to get to the fourth floor when the building shook as the top blew up. 
“Fuck me! I though Marcel timed those focking bombs better!” David complained, picking up the pace as another shake hit the building and the fifth floor collapsed just as they hit the third.
David held little hesitance to shove through people who tried to stop him and Luke on the stairs, he was beyond determined and Luke was just in awe over the situation. The got outside soon enough and David made sure to set Luke down in the van before he backed off a bit. “I’ll be right back- tell the others that too!” he exclaimed before running back to the building.
“What... what the hell...”
“I told you not to judge him,” Brock said, making Luke jump and turn to look at the driver. “David’s not one to hold back when someone gets hurt,” he added, glancing back towards Luke with a smile.
In the time span of the guys getting back and David still being gone, three bodies had been thrown through windows, the building continued to slowly break down, and there were a lot more gun shots. Finally, however, it went silent. 
And, then out the front came David, holding something in his hands as a boom shook the building- an explosion from somewhere on the first floor. 
David got closer and everyone noticed he was covered in blood and holding a water bottle. “I was feelin dehydrated,” he chuckled as he slowed his steps to the van. “I uh... I think ‘m also a little dizzy, hah.” He leaned and nearly fell over if Brian hadn’t caught him. 
David woke up in the medbay, his eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light. He felt something touching his arm and he slowly glanced over, smiling a tad as he saw Luke.
Luke didn’t bother looking, just sighed out some in relief as he noticed the arm tense. “I hate you,” he said, immediately. 
David felt too tired to laugh so he spoke soflty; “No ye don’t- yer clearly patchin me up. If ye hated me ye’d let me die.”
Luke smiled a bit and he glanced towards David. “David-”
“David?” he cut him off. “Yer callin’ me that now? Bout time, I had a feelin’ ye didn’t know my name,” he breathily forced out a laugh, though it hurt a bit and just made him feel even more exhausted. 
Luke shrugged. “Well, of course I’d know ya. You did save my life the other night,” he commented. “And... you were fucking nuts,” he chuckled. “like- You destroyed the whole building! Apparently you also killed most of the people in there and you did cause you wanted a water? You were covered in bullet holes!” he sighed a bit, running his hand through his hair. “I know I can get bad, but you’re down right crazy sometimes.”
David nodded. “I’d do it again. I’ve a mind to kill anyone who hurt someone I care for! Plus, they had the fancy water!”
Luke felt flattered at that honestly. “Well, regardless I owe ya one. Do you wanna get some dinner once you’re healed?” he offered.
David thought it over and nodded. “It better be at the fanciest place in town- treat me like a prince charmin’!” 
“Suddenly I feel like you aren’t the one who saved me-” Luke laughed he gained a complaint from David.
Maybe this was the start of something good. Regardless, Luke knew now not to assume things about anyone in his gang. Ever.
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