#i might want to save the icon change for when i cut his hair lol
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maryjanesims3 · 3 years ago
Hi MJ! Sorry for asking this, but is it possible to get some of your fixed hairs as normal cc hairs? I actually like my townies looking derpy with Maxis hairs so I don't want default replacements (I know, I'm weird). But I do like some of the fixes you did, as well as the lower poly options and some of the age conversions. If it's too much work for you, is it possible for me to undefault a hair myself? I have no knowledge about this but I'm willing to learn!
Hi! Never say sorry for asking something: if I don't know something or don't want to do something I will just say so, but you may always ask! Also, not weird at all for liking EA hair: there are a lot of people like you out there who want their game as maxis match as possible. Personally I like a healthy mix of alpha cc (mostly hairs) and maxis match, but everyone likes a different aesthetic and there is nothing wrong with that :)
I'm actually all for learning how to do something yourself, so I'm going to try to talk you through the process of making a default hair a non-default. It's actually pretty easy!
Be prepared though: I do like to blab a lot, lol. If something is unclear please let me know. I will use screenshots to make it as understandable as possible.
For anyone that is interested, I will explain further under the cut :)
You will need s3oc (for cloning the hair into a non-default) You will need s3pe (only if you want to make a default for an expansion BG-compatible)
PART ONE: Non-default a hair
1. Open the hair with s3oc.
I use MJ_amcmHairEP4ShortBangs_DR as an example because this is a merged file and one from an expansion pack. If you know how to work those, a single hair file will be a cakewalk :)
When opened, you'll see three files. Click on the one you want to make non-default. If you want both the Adult & Child version of a hair you'll need to do them separately.
Extra info: you will never need the elder file to make a hair non-default (I will explain that in a bit). These are only used for defaults because of how EA has set up the hairs.
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2. Click Clone or Fix
This will bring you into a new window with different options. You MUST click everything I set a big red arrow next to. If you want to keep the thumbs and give it a different filename is optional.
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So tick: create clone package, find missing resources and renumber/rename internally. Also tick on Elder in the age group when non-defaulting an adult hair. Elders use the same meshes as teens, YA and Adults. That's why you don't need the elder files you'll find in a default hair pack.
Check if the clothing categories are to your liking and then...
3. Click start
Save the file in your mods folder (or wherever you want it). It will take a bit for S3oc to complete the file. When it's done you'll get a message that your updated package is ready.
Close s3oc and...
4. Start your game and test the hair
If everything went well, you should have a working non-default hairstyle now! Congratz!
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Part two: Make it BaseGame compatible
As you might have noticed, this hairstyle has the icon from generations on it's thumb, which means it will only work if you have generations. If you have the pack and you non-default a hairstyle for personal use, this is absolutely fine. If you however want to retexture it and share it with the community, it is strongly advised to make it base game compatible so everyone can have it.
1. Open the file in s3pe
2. Scroll until you find the tag CASP
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3. Double click the CASP file
A window pops open with some information. The only thing relevant to us now is the group. For this hair, you'll see 0x38000000 in the box. This is the group for Generations. Every expansion has it's own group (for example, Ambitions is 0x18000000)
Change the group to 0x00000000. This is the group for Base Game.
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Click OK and save your file.
4. Test the hair in game.
If everything went okay, the hair has no icon anymore and now works as a BG-compatible hair. Cheers!
I forgot to screenshot this, but if you ticked 'include thumbnails' in Part One, you might notice that the thumbs suddenly don't work anymore. Which brings us to:
Part Three: Make the thumbs work again
1. Open the package in s3pe
2. Find THUM 0x626F60CE in the list
3. Double click it.
Again a window will pop-up, just as with the CASP file earlier. We're gonna do the same here: change the group to 0x00000000.
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If it is a normal hair, the group is 0x00000000. However, if it's an accessory hair, the group for the thumb usually is 0x00000001.
This should cover everything. If anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to ask. I will always try to help when I can :)
Happy simming!
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 4 years ago
Something Held | Feeding Habits Update #8
Hi all!
Not me not realizing it’s been 3 months since I posted a Feeding Habits update hahahahahaha. Today let’s chat chapter nine, SOMETHING HELD. This also marks the last chapter in Harrison’s POV so prepare to say goodbye to this icon!  TW: body horror, mental illness, trauma
Just a reminder: This is my original work and plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated.
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Scene outline, excerpts & a little reflection on making difficult decisions that my not particularly benefit the book but benefit you as the writer under the cut because this update is GIGANTIC.
General taglist (please ask to be added or removed):
@if-one-of-us-falls, @qatarcookie, @chloeswords, @alicewestwater, @laughtracksonata, @shylawrites, @ev–writes, @jaydewritesfiction, @jennawritesstories @eowynandfaramir, @august-iswriting​, @aetherwrites​
Scene Breakdown
Scene A:
It has been two weeks since Lonan found Harrison at his shared apartment with Suzanna and things are getting strange. Lonan and Suz are getting closer, Harrison is getting more distant and slowly losing it. One morning, Harrison wakes hearing Lonan and Suz’s laughter, and crawls to the kitchen to investigate. When he reaches them, Suz is evening out Lonan’s hacked haircut and they’re both sobbing.
Scene B:
Shortly after this bizarre encounter, Suzanna steps out of the apartment for a breather because her son is sort of terrifying her! So Lonan and Harrison double-team to clean up Lonan’s hair shavings. Harrison begins eating the hair while Lonan stares and they have a conversation about the state of their friendship.
Scene Ba:
This scene is gross and confusing! More hair is ingested. My god.
Scene Bb:
After the above ordeal, both boys rinse off because they’ve been rolling?? around?? in??? hair?? but also?? things don’t stop being a little gross
Scene C:
An air of calm finally settles over the apartment. Lonan brews earl grey tea for him and Harrison to share and Harrison asks if he abandoned Lonan in the final chapter of Moth Work. Lonan doesn’t really answer this question so Harrison continues on his confused, but finally lucid (one-sided) conversation, admitting he understands he burdens his mother, who still has not returned. They circle back to the question of abandonment and Lonan answers Harrison the way he wants to be answered (yes), and this is a moment of freeing, where he feels some sort of responsibility in this irresponsible new life he’s led in NYC. They sort of agree to be friends again.
Scene D:
The boys head into the city to find Suzanna, heading to a bakery near the Hudson River. Lonan drives in his used car, a strange experience since Harrison has not seen him drive in years. Taking the opportunity, he searches through the car and finds a map in the glove compartment. The map is erratically scribbled over and it takes him to moment to realize this is Lonan’s map and the first indication that Lonan, who he has assumed is this stable, perfect person, is not as unscathed as he seems.
The boys pass the waterfront and Lonan nearly crashes the car into an oncoming truck. Harrison regains control of the vehicle tucking them into a side street. Shaken, Lonan apologizes for the mess he’s created both physically from his nosebleed and between Harrison and his mother, which gets Harrison a little antsy because he doesn’t like the suggestion that he’s going to leave. Lonan clarifies, stating he won’t if that’s what Harrison wants.
Scene E:
Later, everyone is back at home and Harrison wakes up to a Lonan-less bed. He gets up to investigate the strange dripping coming from the bathroom and opens the door to find Lonan precariously teetering over a sink filled with water. Harrison, concerned, moves him away and tries to ask why Lonan is presumably going underwater, but doesn’t push. They both stand on opposite sides of the bathroom until the sun rises.
My process:
Honestly, writing this chapter was a huge up and down. The first half of it came much easier to me, but the rest was a literal hellfire to get through. I think I was incredibly fatigued with writing in Harrison’s POV as I’d been writing it since June (I finished this chapter in either December or January). This book has been a pain in the ass to write despite me liking what it is, and I really think it being the only place I’ve physically “gone” since the pandemic makes it even harder to write. I felt claustrophobic in Harrison’s POV since I’ve been writing it for half a year, and in a lil ~breakdown~ my beautiful sister reminded me of something she’d previously told me, “it's not about what works, it's about what you want”.
Let’s chat about this for a sec! I think I was watching a Harmony Nice video on her “hard-to-swallow” self-care, and she basically outline (I’m paraphrasing here) that it’s critical we care for ourselves in ways that might not necessarily be easy to do. Honestly, leaving Harrison’s POV is one of those hard-to-swallow self-care things I literally had to do because my mental health was not happy with me! Y’all know my boys are very close to me, and I’m not picking favourites but Lonan is 2500 times easier for me to write with at the moment. I think Harrison’s situation and how he deals with it is much too similar to mine but in a way that is difficult to place (Lonan and I are unfortunately similar but in a way that is easier for me to understand about myself!). From the beginning of writing his POV I’ve been in Struggleville, but kept pushing through hoping the next chapter would be “the one”. Not to burst my own bubble but there is no such thing in the state of mind I was in! I was pushing myself to find something that doesn’t exist because my brain was really not equipped to do what I needed it to do. I really, really did not want to quit on Harrison’s POV, but I had to, not because I don’t like him (he’s my baby) but because I needed a moment to myself. I felt way too seen in ways I don’t really know how to address in myself, so writing him was horribly frustrating at all times (my fault, not his).
My characters really do live in my head rent-free lol. They live in there! They take up space! They take up energy! They take up concentration, and resources I need for myself! Empathy is so integral to my process, that I give a little part of myself in everything I write. This is a blessing because I really get to dig my heels into the mind of another person, but a curse because I’m not a machine (and sometimes I forget that). It is a lot of emotional energy and labour to give everything you have to fictional people. I don’t think an artist needs to be tortured to create good art (this is not it!) but I never truly practiced this well? In my attempt to be empathetic, I was torturing myself a little bit, not going to lie!
So to combat this, I decided I needed a change. Hence, this chapter is imperfect and probably needs some stuff added to it, and while I’ve only written little of Lonan’s second POV, I’m feeling a lot better! It’s nice to get “outside” in a different place lmao this is so sad (pandemic writing things).
I wrote the beginning of this in a livestream I hosted on my YouTube channel! There’s also a shoutout here to my dragon tree Lisa <3 miss u boo
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Two weeks go by. Lonan sleeps on the couch. Harrison wakes up at dawn—no earlier, no later. Suzanna buys a plant: a Madagascar dragon tree she names Lisa. June grows into the collar. Lonan plays sudoku in the newspaper. Harrison learns to bake focaccia, gluten-free, whole wheat. Suzanna learns to palm read, tells Lonan he’s experienced great betrayal (they stop the reading immediately; Lonan goes back to the newspapers). Harrison begins burning incense at sunrise—frankincense. The dragon tree nearly dies (Lonan saves it). It rains every weekday that contains the letter T. Lonan shifts stacks of soggy newspapers onto the breakfast table, answers crosswords with the help of Suzanna (four across, nine letters, Something held). Harrison burns a baguette. Suzanna buys a hanging basket of pothos. The power goes out for two days and the icebox floods the kitchen tile (Lonan mops it with old newspapers, the ink running like jellyfish). June barks for the first time. Harrison eats a bundle of dried bay leaves. Suzanna waters the plants with rainwater, icewater, wrung into a coffee tin. Harrison leaves the stove on while sautéing shallots (he eats them whole). Lonan wakes up feverish and fills out four newspaper crosswords, then falls asleep on the coffee table. Suzanna moulds panna cotta in coffee mugs and shares the batch with Lonan when they won’t tip out. Lonan teaches her how to propagate the pothos and soon they have twenty empty cans of cuttings poking from the windowsills. They rearrange the furniture, the couch facing the kitchen instead of the TV, the dining table right outside the bathroom, then put it all back the next day. They birdwatch from the tiny window with binoculars and a magnifying glass. They sort coupons. Whittle soaps. Watch Norwegian films without the subtitles. Discuss cliff diving. Make matching anklets (blue beads, elastic string, the plastic clacking how Harrison knows they’re coming). All of this they do as Harrison lies on his bed for two weeks, counting the corners of his ceiling and trying to determine a way to multiply them telepathically.
This is the very next paragraph!
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At first he assumes they’re laughing. The sun nearly rising between other high rises, blotting his room with dawn. This is not a surprise. They are probably making pancakes out of buckwheat and discussing the hilarity of whole grains. They are probably laughing at store-bought cherry preserves. Too sour. Their cheeks puckered. But then the laughs get louder, and the sun rises higher and it’s not laughing at all, but gasping.
Here’s Harrison crawling!! is this straight out of the exorcist probably!
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Harrison’s instinct is to crawl. As if his smallness against the ground will stop anyone from hearing him, even before he unlocks his door. On hands and knees he shuffles from his bed to his doorframe, edges the door open with his shoulder. On hands and knees he hikes through the hallway, the gasping getting louder, shuffling until he sees them. Lonan sitting on one of the kitchen stools, a grocery bag wound around his throat. Suzanna clacking scissors in two hands so their blades ping in the sun. Her fingers loped around his hair, knuckle-deep, the blades snipping, the gasps growing, them both sobbing, the hair falling, the sun stalking, their bodies rocking. Harrison takes it in from his crawl. Experiences it all on his knees.
So this excerpt seems really you know, normal:
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They clean up the hair. Harrison with the dustpan, Lonan with the broom. Harrison still kneels. Lonan still cries. The only thing that has changed since crawling into the kitchen is that Suzanna is taking a walk around the apartment complex. She needs air. Room. If she cries long enough, a cigarette. So Lonan sweeps. Harrison collects. This repeats.
The kitchen smells of nutmeg. Freshly grated from a whole club over espresso, Harrison imagines. He smells this as he tracks Lonan with the dustpan, hovering its open belly for clippings of hair. And Lonan is so compliant, brushes cuttings of himself onto the plastic surface so Harrison can trash it. As Harrison looks on from his knees, Lonan diffuses in sunlight, the window illuminating only his edges. A body so familiar Harrison knows exactly where it flares with light or absorbs it. A body with skin like mulberry silk. A body he could recreate in charcoal with his eyes closed. His archangel translucent and luminescing.
Skip this excerpt if you don’t want to read about Harrison eating hair!! i’m sorry!
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Harrison picks a bundle of fallen hair from the dustpan. It’s airy from being recently shampooed, smells faintly of pear, maybe even ginger. This hair, touched by a woman, or a few women, and cut by one, or a few, in different contexts. Eliza’s hands deveining the roots, and then Suzanna’s, trying to fix them. So Harrison eats it. That bundle like a toothpicked cube of cheese. He puts it in his mouth and swallows.
Lonan watches like he’s unconcerned. He watches this feral animal—Harrison must be something feral, starved of something and ravaged by that hunger. Chewing mouthfuls of hair like that will quell of him of what is missing, if there even is anything missing, something unidentifiable in this bland circuit of New York City, this time-loop of sonhood, this fresh start a dousing of flatness. As Harrison eats, he understands he consumes that something like it’s holy communion, reuniting with that something by absorbing it. And still, that hunger moves him, from finishing the dustpan of hair, and closer to Lonan.
“Do you think I’m a bad friend?” Harrison asks, wringing the corner of his lips clean from loose hairs. From this perspective, Harrison on his knees collecting hair, Lonan’s eyes look bluer. Maybe their saturation has nothing to do with the angle, but Harrison feels this is true; his eyes are so crystalline, they are temptingly edible. Like two plump blueberries. Or a matching set of clear glass marbles. Harrison swallows. He repeats, “Do you think I’m a bad friend?”
Lonan swallows, adjusts his grip on the broom. “We’d have to be friends for me to answer that.”
“Aren’t we?”
And here’s the rest of this scene!
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“You’re my mother’s friend,” Harrison says. “She trusts you.” He crawls closer to Lonan. “You’ve got secrets. Rituals. Tell me her favourite finger-food and who she wants to marry.”
“I don’t know your mother that well.”
Harrison wraps a handle around Lonan’s ankle. A muscle there jumps like a dolphin breaching the water. He’s memorized this plane of skin, could rebuild it from single grains of sand while blindfolded. He furls his hands across its surface, unfurls.
“You garden with her,” Harrison says. “You share a plate for dessert.”
“She’s kind to me.”
“You cook her breakfast.” Harrison tugs on Lonan’s ankle, knowing it won’t raze him, knowing he’ll come down anyway. “You know the exact temperature she drinks her coffee down to the last digit.”
“I’m trying to be hospitable.”
“You’re trying to be a son.”
Lonan kneels. Crouching so they’re huddled over each other, so it’s nearly impossible to distinguish one body from the other, which one sinks, which one rises.
“My mother’s only got one son to live with,” Harrison says, his voice thin from a clogged throat. He reaches for Lonan’s scalp, scrapes a line down the centre, now an even plane of cropped hair. “And it isn’t me.”
“You’re unstable,” Lonan says, burrowing his face either into a cabinet or Harrison’s shoulder—neither can tell. “You won’t let yourself have friends.”
Farther, toward the tile they go, a pile of hair scattering. “My mother wants me to forgive you by replacing me with you.”
“She’s grieving,” Lonan says.
Harrison loses his hands. He doesn’t know where they disappear to, if he touches skin or tile. “I haven’t died,” he says. Skin or tile. Skin or tile.
Here’s an excerpt from scene C ft. this memoir bit from the time I was shocked that this university I visited had real FANCY teabags:
Lonan brews tea. Earl grey, from a tin. Harrison doesn’t know why he expects it to come from a bag. An individual paper sachet, or if he’s lucky, one of those fancy ones woven from nylon. But it’s from a tin. Two teaspoons into the bottom of a single mug they pass back and forth, wordless at the kitchen table. Strung in the bathroom, Harrison’s t-shirt hang-dries, nearly figure-like, an unfilled phantom. He tugs a throw around his shoulders and stares at his hands. Each crest of cuticle. Each bulb of knuckle. Each maze of fingerprints.
He is material. This is fact. Not just outlines. He’s got skin that goes pinkish when pinched, a pulse that juts from his wrist, two eyes that burn at the scent of lavender, ten fingers. But as he holds his hands up, studying them in the faint moonlight, it is difficult to believe his tangibility. In the city, he has lived as a haze. Fogging over grocery stores, eateries, nondescript. Fresh start has always implied an air of zest, a zing that should have fueled him to plant roots in this restart. But Harrison is rotten, aphid infected, overwatered, underwatered, then not watered at all. He flexes his fingers. He pops the joints. He tries to press his pinkie to the back of his hand. But none of this brings him back to himself. His hands continue feeling like someone else’s. His body invisibly marred in some way he can’t reverse, disconnected in retaliation.
Harrison reflecting on his relationship with his mother:
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Suzanna has never left him alone this long, and to her detriment. He imagines her now, living the life she always should’ve lived, the life she lived before he crosscut his way to her most important thing. She’s probably at a salon, having her hair twirled with a round brush, making dinner reservations at some place always too expensive for two (extra points if it has a French name, more if she has to wait a half hour before getting a table). When she talks to her stylist, she doesn’t mention a son, but plans to travel up the west coast, all the way into Canada if she’s feeling adventurous. She’ll buy crime novels she’ll never read at duty-free, reapply a lipstick that cost her a paycheck in the reflection of a hand-dryer. After the salon, she’ll meet a woman at a wine bar, converse about children, and still not mention a son. Suzanna’s singleness will be a celebration.
The boys finally trucing it out <3
When Harrison finally opens his eyes, Lonan is staring at him. His eyes two reels of the Pacific. They cycle in blue. So much of him has changed, and yet he is still the same. Beyond the haircut, Lonan isn’t that much different. He can’t be much different. But as Harrison searches, splaying his palm on the wet table, he knows this is untrue. Lonan is hollower than he was last summer. A little more haunted. They have this in common, then.
“Can we be friends?” Harrison asks. With his pinkie, he finds himself writing against the damp table just as he did Lonan’s scalp not too long ago. Lonan’s gaze follows each loop of each letter, Harrison’s steady left hand.
Lonan is consumed studying what Harrison has written, where each letter connects in near-cursive scrawl. After a moment, he nods, once, twice, and then reverts to staring at the table’s new inscription. On its surface are two words: something held.
The boys in the car like old times <3
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Lonan drives. This is strange because Harrison has not seen Lonan drive a car in over a year. Usually, Harrison takes the wheel, but tonight he guides them through the city, in search of Suzanna. His car is clean. This isn’t unexpected. A cherry-coloured hatchback that rattles whenever he makes a left turn. It smells vaguely of cotton air-freshener and the undercurrent of cigarettes.
“You still smoke?” Harrison pokes at the plastic nob for the radio, and it crackles to life. Synth and electric guitar pulse in 4/4 time.
“I bought it used.”
They’ve agreed to get to know one another while they search for Suzanna. Another restart, some attempt at an honest hour. As Lonan changes lanes, Harrison pokes open the car’s glove compartment. A tin of nicotine gum falls on the mat. A hot pink feather pokes from underneath the driver’s manual. Harrison hauls out both, runs the feather along the gum tin, then the back of his hand, and then Lonan’s cheek. When that rouses nothing, he unlocks the tin and removes a slit of gum. Right as he’s about to pop it in his mouth, Lonan says, “I wouldn’t eat that.”
“Why?” Harrison asks. “Did you lace it?”
“Like I said, I bought the car used.”
Harrison puts the gum back, and then the feather. He sticks his hand farther into the glove compartment, feels around until he drags out a map of the state, bilgy and half torn. He unfolds it, careful to avoid the rips, and flattens it against the dashboard. Almost immediately, it wilts against the cold, faded from time in the sun. It’s been marked up. Half with pencil, half with a red ballpoint pen. After a few minutes, Harrison understands the previous owner’s route. Or at least he does at first. Following the red pen arrows, they started at Long Island, then reached Manhattan. Then a much longer arrow takes him from Manhattan to Geneva, and then Buffalo. And then the red pen circles, once, twice, three times, four times, and what is in the centre doesn’t even have a city name. What it does say is HELP, in all-caps, each letter then melting into an illegible scrawl. Harrison sees bits of words: Luke, woe, hands, clay, guard, stray, each wobbly and disappearing into the other, becoming cities of their own, destroying others. He tries to understand the route, but the farther he pours over the map, recircling each line with his finger, the more lost he gets in the ink.
“Is this your map?” Harrison asks. There is no proof that it is. Even the handwriting is all wrong. Ragged. Confused. Desperate. Not like Lonan’s careful, hesitant print.
“Like I said, I bought the car used.”
“But is it your map?” Harrison asks again. Gently, he creases the paper and then slots it back into the glove compartment. Outside, they pass three convenience stores in a row, a flock of couples emerging from a bowling alley, tipsy and cradling leftover deep dish pizzas and mozzarella sticks. They pass two more convenience stores before Lonan finally answers.
“I was confused,” he says.
“This is more than confused,” Harrison says. “It’s disturbed.”
“I’m not disturbed.”
“But something is wrong with you.”
Lonan slows at a crosswalk. A group of teenaged girls whisk by in glitter and lip gloss.
“Yes,” he says.
This is Harrison trying to stop Lonan’s nosebleed after their bizarre swerve which I think is kind of <3 tendy <3
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Harrison reaches for him. One hand on the back of his neck, and the other reared toward the red stream. His touch is tactful, so faint his fingerprints wouldn’t even be left behind, but still, the dabbing with his jacket’s hem is enough to redirect the blood’s flow from Lonan’s upper lip to the cuff of leather. The radio is still on, garbled like an unmassing of crepe paper lanterns.
This is the final excerpt for this update that takes us to the very end of the chapter! Harrison has just found Lonan supposedly head-first in the sink and though he asks at first why he is doing that, takes an alternate approach as the chapter closes:
Harrison gets up, his knees popping like gnawed bubble gum. He decides he will handle Lonan at a distance, if he chooses to handle him at all. Like a timid pet owner trying to tame their suddenly-rabid yorkie. Like a friend not trying to tip the full glass. To let its contents film at its surface, but never spill.
Somewhere in the apartment, Suzanna probably listens to them. If Harrison didn’t know her better, he’d imagine her pressed neatly against the door, waiting to hear the shuffle of their bodies or the tang of an argument. Instead, he imagines her at the kitchen table, gripping a glass of water for so long, half of it evaporates.
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” Harrison says, stepping back until his spine hits the counter’s lip. He curls his fingers under the granite. Looks toward the window, now a faint periwinkle. Lonan heaves. His fingers caging his face, an animal restrained. They stand there until the sun rises.
So that’s it for this gigantic update! I have like four short stories to update you on so I hope to be back soon!
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margridarnauds · 4 years ago
Hello~! It's me again. Could you give us a top 5 of your favourite and least favourite theatre costumes of all time and why ^^
Almost ONE YEAR LATER but here we go! Let it not be said that I don’t fulfill my asks come Hell or high water. 
So, first time I tried to do this, it DELETED on me because TUMBLR and then my heart was, subsequently, so broken that I couldn’t do it. HERE’S TO HOPING IT DOESN’T HAPPEN AGAIN. 
The Hall of Shame. 
1. Morgane’s.................whatever this is, La Legende du Roi Arthur
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Look. Look. I can’t say anything. I literally can’t say anything about this. The colors, the weird leather belt over the weirder bodice, the pants......I just. I just. I-
This musical made a lot of weird fashion choices, in keeping with the ultra-stylized nature of French musicals, some of which worked, some of which didn’t, but this one in particular earns top spot on The Hall of Shame. 
2. Juliet’s dresses, Romeo and Juliet (Takarazuka 2021) 
Now, you might say that there are uglier dresses on this list. You might say that there are dresses that are worse made on this list. And I would agree. But THIS production committed the single worst crime it could possibly commit: It disappointed me. Because at first we all saw the updated promo pictures pictures and were like “Oh! They’re changing the costumes around! That’s wonderful!” and THEN. And t h e n . 
Breaking my own rule to include two because I literally can’t choose and both committed Sins. 
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Starting off with this one. Because........red belt on polka dots. Why. Why. The fabric is dull and almost totally colorless, the pattern is hideous and looks more like it belongs on a much, much older woman, and the cut itself is rather dull and unflattering, and that’s not including the leather belt that I half-suspect she stole from Morgane when Morgane was passed out. (Honestly, God help me, but Morgane’s belt at least looks fitted to the outfit. This looks like they tried to fit it, shrugged their shoulders, gave up, and called it a night.) The only excuse I can find for this gown is Lord Capulet deciding that, in a desperate attempt to keep suitors away, he’s going to start dressing Juliet up in his mother’s clothing. 
And then....
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Her words are singing love. 
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But her eyes are screaming “Help me, help me, I’m being held captive by this mismatched boho dress that they grabbed off the rack of a ‘Wandering Spirit' store. Save me. Save me.” 
It’s disappointing, for me, because the promo pic looked SO GOOD. 
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The color is a much deeper, more vibrant red, the fabric looks more consistent (even if it still includes some of the more inexplicable fashion choices), and even the headpiece looks, roughly, like it SHOULD be there. But then, when you see it in stage lighting, that goes away, and all that you get is a collection of clashing fabrics on top of one another in a dull, limp mess of a dress. Toho RETJ made some weird costuming decisions, it made some decisions that I STRONGLY doubted working out, but, at least, when you saw them in motion, they worked and were consistent with the worldbuilding that’d been established (Capulets and Montagues both had a distinctive look, each character wore clothing that fitted them and their personalities, etc.) But this? No. There’s no reason for it to look that badly, they just dropped the ball. It’s trying to do a hundred things at once and succeeded at doing none of them. 
And what’s annoying to me is that I KNOW that Zuka CAN do better. This isn’t me saying “Lol Zuka.” I KNOW that they can do some wonderful things with fashion. 
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This production wanted what Casanova had. Look. 
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Look at that wonderful, watery fabric. Look at how consistent it is. Look at how pretty it is. Look at how clean and elegant it is. Look at how they manage to capture the look of a rose while doing so in a clean, elegant way. Look at how this was for MINOR, BACKGROUND characters, not one of your leads in ONE OF THE MOST ICONIC. SONGS. IN. THE WORLD. OF MUSICAL THEATRE. 
Zuka broke my heart there. Broke. It. 
3. Christine’s Yellow Contest Dress, Phantom (2019)
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Ronan Mazurier called. He wants his yellow coat back. 
I don’t know what they were trying to do here, I really don’t. Make her look like a bumblebee? The cut isn’t particularly flattering (which you can say for most of the costumes on the main characters, I honestly think the best costumes in this production are on the side characters), the color is garish, and there aren’t really any....details that could salvage it? Like, some good embroidery or detailing MIGHT be enough to save it (though I don’t really think so, ngl), but there’s just. Nothing here. Nothing to redeem it. It looks better in motion than it does in still images, but that’s really, really not saying much. 
4. Mozart’s Everything, Mozart das Musical
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Modernizing historical musicals is a gamble: Sometimes, you’re able to effectively mix historical fashion with contemporary fashion in order to convey the feeling of the era while not bogging down actors and actresses in heavy historical costuming. Probably one of the best examples of this I can think of is & Juliet, which mixes aspects of 16th century fashion with modern fashion. Hamilton is another example of a musical that does a really, really wonderful job of mixing 18th century and contemporary fashion, conveying that idea of “The story of America then by America now” (Not getting into any of the rightful critiques that have been made against that thesis, I’m just saying that, when it comes to the costumes, Hamilton does a good job conveying that idea.)
And then. Mozart. 
Poor. Poor. Mozart. And whatever you want to call the dreadlocks + 18th century coat + tank top (?) + jeans combo. This one is going to be HIGHLY controversial, since I know a lot of people love it and it’s never going to change because the costuming is viewed as iconic, but I really, really hate how they did the stylization of this musical. I feel like, as far as approach, Mozart l’Opera rock did a much better job with modernizing 18th century fashion. I know what they were TRYING to do as far as showing Mozart as a man outside of his own time. But the end result, in my opinion, is a hideous mishmash of No. 
5. Orléans’ Black Court Suit, Marie Antoinette
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Now, it might be wrong for me to put so much hatred on this one coat. After all, it’s actually, all things put together, not a BAD coat. It actually looks quite accurate from the period, more accurate than Orléans’ silver coat from the 2018 production.
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I do like the gold detailing on it...in theory. Is matches the floral gold embroidery that we see A LOT of in extant garments, like the one above from the V & A costume gallery. In practice, it looks quite bulky and cheaply done, like someone bought one of those easy stick embroidery sets from Amazon and got to work. More than that, though, it really....represents everything wrong with Orléans in 2018, in that this is clearly a Villain Coat. If this was any other character, if this was Artois from 1789, I’d probably love it. But not Orléans. Not replacing the iconic outfit. 
Honorable mentions: 
- Anne of Cleves, Six 
- Death’s Cowboy Suit, Elisabeth (2005 Wien)
- Ronan’s Yellow Coat, 1789
- Ursula, The Little Mermaid (Shiki)
- The Pink Dress™ from Poe Clan (2021)
The Hall of Fame: 
1. Marie Antoinette’s Silver Gown, 1789 (Takarazuka)
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It only feels fair after giving Takarazuka such a sharp critique in the Hall of Shame that they should get top place when it’s deserved. Just because I don’t uncritically love EVERYTHING doesn’t mean that I unfairly criticize them, either. And this gown, in my opinion, is the epitome of what musical theatre costuming should be, and evidence, for that matter, that a gown doesn’t NEED to be overly elaborate to be stunning. The simple silver embroidery and the choice of fabrics are PERFECT, with the darker gray and the light silver complimenting one another perfectly. The lace is wonderful and subtle enough that it’s almost possible to miss it amongst everything else, and the gown furthermore shows off Antoinette’s development in the show, as we see her go from her elaborate, vibrant party gowns to this very, very simple, toned down dress, her hair loose. 1789′s had a lot of really wonderful costumes across the various productions (Olympe’s dresses in the Toho, with the exception of the pink dress, forever own my heart, as do MA’s), but this gown, in particular, earns its spot, and imo deserves more attention than the more famous flower gown from her opening scene. (Lovely gown, good costume designing, but a little too busy and over the top for my personal taste.)  
2. Anne Boleyn’s Red Dress, Lady Bess
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Is this the most accurate gown in the world? No - The sleeves are more Italian than English, the under-sleeves look more like they’re late 16th century Italian and the French hood, while more accurate than most of the attempts in Lady Bess, still looks nothing like a proper French hood. (Lady Bess, in general, borrows a lot of fashioning from the Elizabethan Era as opposed to the Marian Era.) BUT. But. The materials used are absolutely exquisite, especially that sumptuous red velvet, and I adore the gauzy fabric that covers it, since that really gives the impression of Anne as a GHOST. The detailing is also exquisite. Overall, Anne gets only two dresses: This and her execution gown, but she really, really makes it work. 
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I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, TOHO. (Image Credit: Lavinia Fontana, Ritratto di nobildonna, 1580)
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I SEE YOU. (Image Credit: Portrait of Lucrezia Panciatichi by Bronzino, 1545)
(Have I ever mentioned that there was a time, a few years ago, where, if you were my friend, you WOULD see selections from my 16th Century Costuming Image Collection? Because...I was really, really into 16th century costuming.)
3. Christine’s “Wishing” Gown, Phantom of the Opera
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Sometimes, I become so wrapped up in my non-English musicals that I forget about musicals closer to home. Which would be a massive oversight in the case of Phantom of the Opera because all of its costumes have more than earned their place as some of the most iconic costumes in musical theatre history. The Wishing Gown and Star Princess gown are probably my two favorites, but the Wishing Gown gets a special shoutout for the distinctly “wintery” look it has, with the frosty blue silk (apparently, actually a turquoise color), slightly snowflake-like look to the floral accenting on the bodice, and lace. It really works with the tone of “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” and the cloak gives it a properly dramatic look. 
4. Anna’s Black Dress + Fur, Anna Karenina
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In my opinion, this musical includes some of the most gorgeous costuming ever put on stage, which made choosing any individual costuming hard, but the simplicity of the black combined with the elegance of the fur accents really, really sells it for me. I could spend a whole day just running my hands over the fur. Again, accurate? ...not really, but it does a wonderful job showing the style and the elegance of 19th century Russia. 
5. Donal’s Black Brat + Doublet, The Pirate Queen
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The Pirate Queen in general provides some wonderful, wonderful examples of 16th century costuming (including some of the MOST accurate costumes for Elizabeth I that have ever been put on the stage), but this one in particular is magnificent in terms of how it constructs Donal’s character and position in 16th century Irish society, to the point I’ve written an entire meta on it. A good costume, in my opinion, looks good on stage, but a really, really great costume will tell you exactly where that character is in their arc WHILE looking great, and this brat does both. The show had its faults, but the late, great Martin Pakledinaz did a truly wonderful job with the costuming and deserved far more kudos than he got for trying to tackle a notoriously hard period as far as costuming is concerned. 
Honorable Mentions: 
- Orléans’ black coat/Marie’s gold dress, MA 
- Mina’s blue cloak, Dracula
- Josiana’s gowns, The Man Who Laughs (Korea)
- The Sternenkleid, Elisabeth
- Anastasia’s blue evening gown, Anastasia
- Elsa’s ice queen gown, Frozen
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years ago
Season 3 Episode 1: The Princess' Ball
Oh I am EXCITED for this
Oh god okay new shots in the intro include a well-dressed man who very much looks like a human version of Scarlemagne from Kipo. Gonna go out on a limb and assume he's the new antagonist
Musa's hair's longer!! Oh it's so cute
Okay who is this blue haired lady that keeps showing up in the intro she's clearly important but gives me villain vibes
Also loving the amount of ballgowns they're clearly going to wear this season
Stella's packing for a vacation, good start
Musa "wear whatever you have" is not advice Stella would EVER take come on
And why exactly is vacation way shorter this year? You can't just say that and expect me not to question it
I think Techna's voice actor has changed >:(
Layla and Musa aren't going home? Aww...
"Hitherus" iconic
Oh nice one Layla
Oh no Stella's getting a sungram please tell me her parents aren't cancelling on her
Oh Stella's getting a princess ball! Also "back when they still had arranged marriages" implies that Sky actively proposed to Diaspro and they were actually dating so... what's the truth lover-boy?
Oh no her dad has a suprise announcement he thinks will make her happy? What's the bet he's either pulling her out of school or has found her a husband
Aww Stella's bringing the whole squad!!
"Approaching omega dimension" with ominous music... can I assume we're either going to see the Trix or fancyboy?
Oh they're delivering three prisoners... Icy? Darcy? Stormy?
"They say it's so cold down there it freezes your heart solid" well Icy won't exactly have an issue now will she
Yep it's the Trix
Okay so Icy just woke up with glowing eyes which is a whole thing but can we talk about their frozen expressions? They not only look afraid but in pain... when were they frozen? What happened to them? I hope they're okay
Well Icy's free
Icy I'm loving your monologue but do you want to maybe free your coven sisters
Oh no she's hoping her parents are getting back together honey no
Oh my god Icy freed Darcy and Stormy and they both immediately collapsed they look so exhausted I'm so worried for them
"Only the baddest of the bad get sent here, girls" "Nice! I bet they're talking about us at Cloud Tower" I cannot stress enough that these are not Big Bad Villains they're just teenagers who don't want to be forgotten and have been abused and manipulated please can they get redemption arcs
Oh ice-laser-breathing-snakes. Isn't that fun?
Stormy actually looked terrified oh no
Blue haired girl from the intro has made her entrance and she's a dick
Pizza man is not okay with this Stella Vs Mystery Girl fight in his shop
Sorry they're... what? Please tell me she didn't actually say "Betas" like it's a flex
Oh wow her friends have a song and dance. Isn't that lovely
Okay I was willing to accept Mystery Girl right up until she was a bitch to Flora now she's going down
Techna going "snap" to emphasise Stella's insult? Iconic. Especially since she did it better than the Betas
Musa's getting her hair spelled! Excited to see it longer
Bloom and Stella are alone <3
Virtual dresses? Excellent world building
The Beta bitch is going to steal Stella's dress isn't she
Yep there we go
The Trix are running from the snakes oh shit
Icy actually called back to make sure Stormy knew where they were going! I'm so glad they all care about each other <3
Icy please stop enjoying the icy floor the others can't deal with this like you can
Love that Icy jumped then flew into the cavern while Darcy and Stormy just fell straight down
Again, Icy is fine and gets up straight away, Darcy is hurt and crouched down and Stormy is just straight up lying on the floor please look out for the non-icy witches Icy
Oh there's sir fancyboy. His name's Baltor and I believe I've vaguely heard it
He was sentenced to eternity?? Jesus. Also implies that they would have gotten the Trix out at some point which is interesting
"Frozen dude, blink once if you can see us" okay first of all Icy his name is Baltor and it is literally RIGHT in front of you, secondly he was sentenced to eternity do you really want to try and team up with that? Thirdly iconic line though I love her
Love that Stormy's like "what if we unfeeze this guy so the snakes can kill him and we can get away" and Icy immediately agrees. These girls are pro-murder but everyone has flaws and they're cute so
Darcy and Stormy protecting Icy's back while she's using her (clearly diminished) powers to unfreeze Baltor? Even though they know damn well there's nothing they can do against the snakes? Absolutely brilliant the Trix are such a strong group I love that they actaully love each other and will protect the others at all costs
Fully ran behind Baltor and shoved him into the snakes lol
He's so extra I love him
He was frozen and awake for 17 years... yikes
I didn't notice his stupid little beard until now yikes Baltor please shave it
Oh he cut Icy off this won't end well Darkar has taught her not to let anyone else take charge
Baltor being like "I have no idea what any of you can do and I know I'm powerful but we've been sentenced to the same place so you probably are too. Also I'm out numbered so Imma just let you do what you want... for now" is the smartest villain-play so far
Meanwhile Stella's still trying to get her dress from Beta bitch
"Tantrum Tirade" is Beta bitch's spell so she's clearly the epitome of 'daddy's little rich girl'. Just the Winx version of Veruca Salt. Clearly Beta is for the trustfund babies without talent. Yikes
We have a name lads: Chimera
Watch Stella lose the dress because she's a good fucking person and won't let the puppies die
Oh shit. She's "soon going to be the princess of solaria". Shit man. Stella's dad's marrying Chimera's mother isn't he. That's the news SHIT
The gate to Tides? Oh no Baltor and the Trix can't wreck Layla's home world :(
Baltor you little bitch you could have told them the gate was re-enforced BEFORE they tried to break it and got thrown backwards
Icy might want to show off but I love how Darcy and Stormy are like "bitch do NOT bring that snake back near us"
The teamwork lads. Icy redirecting the beam so Darcy and Stormy can break the barrier? Immaculate. Also I love how Icy has started calling them "ladies" I just think it's cute
Baltor's little hops are ridiculous
"I like your style" "Back at ya Baltor" Icy I can't believe you just WINKED please stop flirting your girlfriends are RIGHT THERE
Mermaid guards!!
Okay but for real, why do you even HAVE an omega dimension gate? Like, what was the purpose? Come on
Oh Baltor's enslaving the mermaids. Christ that was quick
"How do all these guys get minions?" "I don't know but we gotta get some too" says Stormy and Icy, ignoring the third member of the Trix who's primary power is MIND CONTROL (also the Trix are so cute I'm sorry they're just adorable)
Musa's long hair is WONDERFUL
Okay Stella's new dress is actually quite cute
Musa please don't ignore your boyfriend
Are we going to find out why Bloom and Sky fought or...?
Riven brought music for Musa oh my god I can't believe I'm starting to like him... but the growth... the development... HE'S ACTUALLY KINDA CUTE NOW SHIT
"Something's wrong with the ocean" no shit Layla there's a TIDAL WAVE
Layla saving the OTHER tiny child
Oh... bye Layla! Good luck fighting Baltor alone...
"You brand them, turn them into freaks and take their power? Very cool, Baltor..." Icy PLEASE I know you have a crush but come on
Baltor's electric guitar solo is peak
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mytearsrricochet · 6 years ago
color icon tutorial
ok i’m not super great at making icons but an anon requested a tutorial for my icons so i will post my process! it’s good for beginners i think (even tho i have been making these icons this way since 2016 lol) 
you’ll need:
Photoshop CS5 or higher (I have CS5 which is quite old, I know, but I pirated it many years ago oops)
relatively hq pics to make icons out of
a psd (if you need some, tumblr.com/tagged/psd is what i periodically check for some). 
an action (preferably sharpening action, since that is what i use)
a texture if you want
you, yourself, and you, and i guess this tutorial
i’m going to be making this as a beginner’s tutorial so it’s gonna go about as in-depth as  one can be! it’s gonna include a lot so feel free to skip a lot of it if you are already pretty well-versed in photoshop or icon-making.
but also if you have any questions at all, please let me know. i love teaching people stuff.
example of the icons that i make:
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Hi hello welcome
Ok, so first open up Photoshop. I am using CS5.
You will need hq pics of whatever you plan to icon. I do 99% Taylor Swift, so I use taylorpictures.net for all my icon needs. Make sure they are of semi-decent quality, they don’t have to be amazing since we will be shrinking them down to a very small size so much of the quality is gonna disappear anyway but like, make sure you can at least tell the subject from the background distinctly (you’ll see why later).
This is the picture I am using for this tutorial (and will post icons separately):
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Open this in ps (File > Open > the picture)
Ok so now it’s the actual tutorial lol
1. Crop the image 
We are not going to crop it to 100x100! Select the Crop tool and set the dimensions to 300 px x 300 px--MAKE SURE THAT YOU TYPE IN PX AFTER YOU TYPE IN 300, OR ELSE IT WILL CONVERT TO CM AND THAT WILL NOT WORK FOR THIS!
Next, crop the picture you want as much as you want--as long as you get what you want in the icon. For these kinds of icons, you just want to focus on one item--like Taylor, for example--instead of multiple (not Taylor and her backup dancers since this isn’t what my icons look like and you won’t be able to do that very well on a beginner level). Crop that to a 300x300 px size and click the check mark on the top bar to finalize it. 
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If your pic is hq enough--meaning a larger picture--it will probably look super small. That’s ok, it’s just proportional to the old picture. Go to the right side bar and select the Navigation tool. 
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If that tool isn’t there, you will just have to go to Window and select Navigator, and it will bring that up for you. 
See where it says 100% in the picture right there? It will likely say something like 25% or whatever if you just cropped it, so change it to 100% which will bring it to full size.
Cool! now it should look like this:
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2. Use the Quick Selection Tool 
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Go to the left sidebar on Photoshop. Depending on which PS you have, it might look different. This is what mine looks like. Regardless, the icon should look relatively the same I believe across all Photoshop versions. If it’s not there, you might want to left click and hold down on some of the icons and see if it is an alternative option (it should be there already--but it is grouped with the Magic Wand Tool just in case).
This tool has three options in the top bar: free select, add, and subtract. Start with the middle option: add.
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This will allow you to choose which parts of the picture you want to select to cut out for your icon. You can change the selection brush size, but I always keep it at 3px because it keeps it really precise.
Drag your mouse over the area of the image that you want included in your icon. This tool will automatically choose parts of the image that are similar--for example, Taylor’s blonde hair will like all be selected around the same time, but the pink/blue background will not be, since it can tell that those are starkly different colors and thus two different objects in the picture. It should have a crawling ants moving line around the areas of the picture you want to select. If you go outside of what you want included in your icon, that’s ok! That’s why the subtract option is there. Just select that--to the right of the Add option--and go over what you do NOT want in your icon to get rid of it using the Subtract tool. You might have to go back and forth between those tools in order to get exactly what you want in the final product.
I can’t show you my final outline for Quick Selection since it goes away when I screenshot, but after you’re sure you got what you want in your moving ants line, it’s time to finalize it.
Remember, this tool effectively cuts out the selected portion of the picture from its background.
3. Refine Edge
On the top bar, click the big rectangle button that says Refine Edge. It will bring up a window that looks sort of like this, but I have settings adjusted the way I like:
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You can change these settings any way you’d like, but I generally stick with this. It’s also okay to mess around with them and see how you feel. If you don’t want to do that, you can just use my settings and edit anything you don’t like later.
Click OK to cut.
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This has pretty much removed the background from the picture and only left what we cut out and a transparent background (hence the checkered background--that is space that doesn’t actually exist). You can also see some shadow from the background around her arms and hair, which we can delete out later very easily. That is a result of the settings from Refine Edge, which is why some people choose to lower the Feather bar so that it doesn’t include as much shadow--which is good for many pictures since a lot of these are straight cuts, but this can occasionally cut out part of the icon you want to keep or make it look weird since you want just a little space to mess up when it comes to the Quick Selection Tool.
Bonus step if you want a selective colored icon:
Some people like really vibrant icons that include re-coloring. I’m not very good at it, but what I do (and it sometimes turns out well--this is typically the way people do it, though they are less sloppy than I am) is select a color from the Swatches at the right that is similar to the one that they want to paint over. For example, if I wanted to make Taylor’s hair more yellow/gold and vibrant, I will choose a yellow. Select the Paintbrush tool. On the top bar, the Opacity will likely be set to 100%, which will basically color right over the picture and look weird. Set the opacity to something very light--mine is 20%--and paint over the part that you want to color. Make sure you do this in one stroke--if you paint over her hair with 20% opacity once, let go of the mouse, then go over it again, it’s gonna start building up and becoming more opaque!
You can also completely recolor a picture this way, like if you wanted Taylor to have entirely pink hair, you can use this same method but choose the pink you want instead of a similar yellow. This can be very difficult and tedious, so I don’t typically selective color my icons, though occasionally I do because I love those icons with obnoxiously vibrant colors.
4. Open texture/create new background.
Ok, so I do both of these things depending on the background I want. I have some textures saved such as this that I use for icons:
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I didn’t make it--it’s pre-made by another artist on tumblr from whom I downloaded their texture pack. You can make backgrounds like these too, but I’m not very good at them. 
SO you can either File > Open one of these pre-made backgrounds/textures, or you can make your own.
In order to do that, you can do File > New and change the settings to width: 100 pixels and height: 100 pixels. Under Background Contents, choose White. That’s very important! You don’t want transparent, it doesn’t help us. That brings up a new window on Photoshop next to the picture we’ve just cut out, just a small white square. You can paint that whatever color you’d like. Use the Paint Bucket tool and choose a color from the Swatches section on the right. This will make the background completely one color. However, if you want a gradient, you can do this several ways, but I do it like this: 
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Click that, go to Gradient, and mess around with the Gradient options and see how you like the background. Here’s one I made, for example:
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Boom! Background for icon. I will use this since I made it for this tutorial so yeah it might not look amazing but here we are.
You can do this by going to Image > Image Size and changing the 200 pixels x 200 pixels (or whatever is there) to 100 x 100.
5. Duplicate layer
Now it is time to combine these two images we’ve created. Go back to the original picture we worked on--mine is Taylor at the BBMAs--and go to the right sidebar. You should have two copies of this image now: Background and Background Copy. Background Copy is the cut out picture we are using for the icon. Right click on Background Copy and select Duplicate Layer...
This will bring up a window that asks what you wanna do with this layer. 
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Select the dropdown under Destination. Currently, the Document selected is the image we are already on (my Taylor pic was saved under 056.jpg) but we want to click the dropdown and select the pic that we are using for the background. In my case, it’s titled Untitled-1 since I didn’t change the name. Yours probably is too. Select whatever your background image is saved as and click OK.
Now go to the background image or texture that you just selected--your cutout should be there, but you can probably juuuust barely see it! That’s because your picture is about 3 times bigger than your background.
6. Resize layer
Use the Select tool--the very top icon on the left sidebar--and make sure Show Transform Controls is selected on the top bar. If it’s not, you’ll know--because you won’t be able to resize the image.
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The square you are seeing (that isn’t the picture) is the layer we just duplicated onto the background, aka the icon. You’ll want to hold Shift and select the bottom right part of the image to resize to whatever you would like visible in the icon--it could be the entirety of the picture we cut out, or just part of it, if you realize you like how only part of it looks. Either way, you need to hold Shift while you do this, or else the image will NOT stay proportional, and it’ll look all wonky. Hold Shift the entire time you are resizing. This is what mine looks like:
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You can see I both resized it and moved it a little to the right--you can use the Select tool to move it, but that might move it way too much since it does it incrementally, you can just use the arrows on your keyboard and move it by pixels which takes longer but is way more precise.
You can still see the shadows from the background on the icon, so select the Eraser tool (if the shadows bother you or you don’t like how it looks) and zoom waaay in. You want to be careful with the Eraser tool! (Also make sure Background Copy is still selected so you don’t accidentally erase the background. If you just have Background Copy selected while you erase, it will only erase whatever is part of that layer, it won’t bother the background).
While zoomed in, erase the pixels that are obviously discolored from the rest of the image. You can zoom in and out to check how you like it as it progresses. 
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Here is mine after I used the eraser tool on any parts of the image I thought were bad! It should lay on the background naturally.
Now that we’ve figured that out...
7. Sharpen/action
Now is the time to apply an action! Please sharpen your icons. You want them to look good on your blog or others blogs, and in order to do that, you need to sharpen them.
If you already have actions uploaded, cool! If you don’t know how, well, I sure am going very in-depth here so you’re in luck. 
Download an action from any photoshop resource (or tumblr.com/tagged/photoshop-action is where I look occasionally). You will have to load them onto your Photoshop now. Click the button that looks like a movie Play icon on the right sidebar. This will bring up the Action list. Photoshop likely has pre-made actions for you, but we don’t use those because I never taught myself how to use those so maybe you can use them, I don’t know. I just use ones I download from Tumblr.
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Click that little dropdown menu and click Load Actions...
This should bring up a file opener and you can select the action that you downloaded for this icon. It will download it into Photoshop and will now always be there--you don’t have to load actions every single time you want to use them. If you load them once, they should be there for the rest of forever.
Scroll down to find that action and select it. Now, make sure you still have Background Copy selected. I don’t care about applying an action to the background, just the copy,  which is still our image that we cut out. Click the Play button on the Action list--pictured above on the very bottom of the screenshot, next to the Circle and the Folder icon. This will apply the action to the background copy. (Hint: if the Play button isn’t available, it’s probably because your action is in a folder. Click the dropdown of the folder and click the first thing under it--that should be the action and it will apply it).
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There it is with the action applied! It’s muuuuch sharper--perhaps a little too sharp, but that’s ok, it won’t look bad on people’s blogs.
8. Add a PSD
To apply a PSD, File > Open and choose the PSD you want to use. I listed above where I find most of my PSDs, just download one you like. You can choose 100 different ones and try it out if you want. I use the same one for everything, by @toxicpsds (I believe it’s #6). This should open a third window with the PSD over a sample image (thanks to the artist!). You just have to select the PSD layer--not the image with it--and Duplicate Layer and put it on the image that we have produced thus far. It is the same process as when we took our cutout and put it on the background. (The PSD is probably under a group--mine says Group 1--so just select the group in its entirety--shift-click it if you need to).
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You can tell the background is also lighter. If you don’t want the color of the background affected by the PSD, select Background Copy and the PSD together, right click on one of them, and select Merge Layers. This will put the cutout and the PSD in the same layer, which should take the PSD off of the background and revert it back to the color we had before. However, I really like what the PSD did to the background, so I will keep it this way.
I am finished now with my icon! 
9. Save it for Web 
To save the icon to be able to post on Tumblr, go to File > Save for Web & Devices, which will bring up a window like this. It might look a little different since I have my settings a certain way, but whatever.
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(Sorry this looks weird here, it’s just what happens when I screenshot. I’m not a tech wizard).
Your pre-saved things might look different, but make sure you are saving a a PNG-24 for the best quality. Just make your settings look like this, basically, then click Save.
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There she is! All done!
If you have any questions, let me know! I tried to be really specific, but I’m not sure what level people are on Photoshop (probably better than I am) so just ask if I need to clarify anything!
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nikatyler · 5 years ago
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Look at that, I’m doing replies after...more than a month? I don’t know. I didn’t check. I also won’t reply to every single thing because 1) my activity feed doesn’t show it all, as always and 2) it’s too late to reply to some things, it would be pointless now. However, thank you all for commenting from time to time, it makes my day. And well, I was against it at first, but I might start replying directly under the posts, I’ll only do replies posts for things I want to talk about more.
Life updates? I’m doing good. My life, surprisingly, didn’t turn upside down when I started uni. My social life also didn’t change too much. But I have a few friends that I talk to in the classes we have together. It’s not a friendship friendship if you know what I mean, but hey. It’s only the beginning, things might change. I’m not losing faith that I’ll walk out of this school with at least one friend.
Played Roses a bit in the past three days. The random gameplay part was boring, I didn’t know what to do, my heart really wasn’t in it, most of the time I just left the game running and interfered only when it was needed, so I cut down on that and went straight to the storyline. I’m not discontinuing this legacy before Regan gets a happy ending. Once Regan is happy, it’s Golden Days time...which means even more intense storytelling. Yay. I’m already exhausted just thinking about it but also, it’s exciting. I love that story so much and I can’t wait to bring it to life.
So yeah. Here are some replies from the past month!
dandylion240 replied to your post “Also apparently on this day one year ago I started creating my ts3...”
I sometimes feel guilty too. I seldom open my ts3 game. But I don’t want to remake my ts3 sims into ts4 because then I know I’d never open the game again
elisabettasims replied to your post “Also apparently on this day one year ago I started creating my ts3...”
I don't play TS3 anymore because it often took up to an hour for my game to even decide it was going to open.
And that was with a GOOD computer.
berrybbbies replied to your post “Also apparently on this day one year ago I started creating my ts3...”
yeah its just a trade off i guess lol but having not played sims 3 for a long time makes me miss it and actually enjoy playing it instead of go in to take pics only! plus loading times are not that bad if you merge everything (but thats a problem on its own haha)
Yeah, creating your ts3 sims in ts4 can definitely lead to not wanting to open ts3 because hey, you have them in this other game that loads a lot faster! And I mean, I do love ts3, but...I’m not going to spend an hour or something just on trying to get into the game to do a random photoshoot.
I have a lot of my stuff merged, but I should probably do it again because I got a lot of stuff since then. Right now, it takes about an hour to load my legacy saves...and that’s quite a long time because by the time it loads, I start working on something else and I don’t feel like playing anymore. I’m usually writing while waiting for it to load and of course, when it loads, I’m in the middle of something I can’t put off - a good dialogue, a fun scene or just something important that I was dying to write and now I finally got to it.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Dad! Let’s take a selfie!” Ross: *contemplating the meaning...”
Hey, Ross? Remember that time you took a selfie flexing your non-existent muscles?
Never forget
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what an icon
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Yeah, she’s cooking in your house. Don’t be so upset.”
I bet she doesn't have the "always welcome" trait. It's the first thing I buy, it's only 500 points, LOL
Thank you for reminding me these bonus traits exist! I totally forgot about them.
fataleromeo replied to your post “The character ask meme thing for Ross please ❤”
"This post has so many opportunities to be ruined by tumblr" OMG I feel that so hard ��������
Sometimes I’m surprised by all the ways tumblr can go wrong...and then I’m surprised that tumblr can still surprise me.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Oh look, your stepfather still has moodswings of a teenager. That...”
Half the vampires in young adult fiction behave this way. :D Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional. LOL
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Oh look, your stepfather still has moodswings of a teenager. That...”
Lmao Edward oops I mean Caleb.....
I’d pick Caleb over Edward any day but yeah you’re not wrong lmao
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Sooo…I don’t know what happened (actually I think I might have an idea...”
One of my sims was an elder and her hair kept going between grey and her natural color when she was younger. Sometimes in the same sitting. She'd come visit, I"d look and it would be grey. I'd look again a few minutes later and it would be red.
Interesting...I think this happened because I had a separate recolour for his red hair, it had only that swatch and no other. When he got older, I switched to a WMS file with all the colours, but I think the game left the original file for his other outfit.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Sooo…I don’t know what happened (actually I think I might have an idea...”
I miss his vibrant red hair
Then I might have a pleasant surprise for you in...the distant future. 👀
poisonfireleafs replied to your post “Yup, looks like the German class is destined to always be my biggest...”
Ooh, learning German can be so hard. Good luck!
I found that I actually don’t have trouble with the grammar. The grammar seems quite easy to me, everything has its place. When I’m reading something, I often understand what’s in the text. The problem comes when I hear someone speak German lol. I understand very little. It was fine in high school, my teacher spoke slowly, but my teacher here speaks so fast...it’s fun. D:
Also my vocabulary sucks to be honest...I need to work on a lot of things.
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Okay so you guys might remember that Eliza is a vampire in this save....”
can i just say that the way you wrote this post's caption is perhaps THE funniest way to phrase this
That was my intention, thank you for appreciating it!
desira-sims replied to your post “spoiler”
We don't accept death. They must all live forever. ��
I wish I could promise that...but hey, I’ve turned one of my heirs into a vampire, I could give in with every generation and they could all be immortal...hmm...it’s tempting.
dandylion240 replied to your photo “So I opened the Rose Legacy save for the first time in four months...”
I saw this and thought he'd been abducted by aliens lol
I thought aliens were involved too and it scared me haha. They’re a big part of this legacy (or of this blog in general) but their time to shine is over. We can’t make everything about them, can we?
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Lucian: “They’re doing it again, aren’t they? They’re kissing. Dang it...”
Haha! Ross, in fact, probably CAN'T control himself, being a rose gen ��
You are absolutely correct haha.
Actually, they used to be able to control themselves. Back when Sunset was a child, they made sure to not have woohoo until they were sure she was away haha. But I guess times have changed and they care less now lol
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silverstar56 · 6 years ago
Murphy’s Law Pilot Chapter
Summary: The bane of my life was The Plot. A constant reminder in my otherwise normal life. But I was cautious, I took precautions and plotted to slide my way through life without ever touching The Plot with a ten foot pole... but of course the one thing that could have gone wrong went wrong at the worst time possible. 
When you die, you expect that to be the end.
Realistically speaking, there is no magic or ritual or some fantastical reason to give a person out of the hundreds and thousands of people who wish for another chance that slim (or more like nonsensical) possibility.
Why would any heavenly (or demonic) being bother with an average joe?
A continue button?
Life is not a game so no such thing.
Some cosmic change in the universe?
It’s possible but what are the chances. Way too astronomical to be true.
So when death came to me, I expected to fade and disappear.
But like almost every bad fanfiction that has come to be, I was shoved into a new world with no say or preparation.
Life is wonderful my butt!
I lived once already! Although I died relatively early and did not expect the abrupt end, I did not like how my whole world was torn from me and forced into a completely new one!
New parents, new language, new culture, new everything.
If I wanted a second chance I would have been happy if you rewinded my death and let me relive my old life!
My parents did not have the narrow eyes that I were used to seeing but instead have wide russet brown eyes. They did not have the black ebony hair I was used to admiring, instead they had a soft brown chocolate that were pleasing to the eye. My surroundings were not the conifer trees but instead the first time I looked out the window of my home, I was greeted by pink sakura flowers fluttering in the wind.
I was not in the United States anymore, instead I was in the country of the rising sun given the words babbled to me from my overeager father.
My whole world had completely changed and at the time I was drowning in loss on a level I never experienced before.
But the world never waits for the sake of one person, so life moved on. I dealt with the trauma and change the best that I could.
Which meant a lot of screeching to get the pain out until I calmed down.
My parents must have been so confused about me. One day I was screaming my lungs out, the next I was a little angel. I’m pretty sure they brought me to the doctor several times too.
Often times, I mentally apologized to my new parents. I’m pretty sure they wanted a normal kid, not a traumatized young adult stuck in the body of a babe.
Thankfully my parents were laidback and air-headed, my odd behavior went under their radar pretty easily and I was in the clear.
But I still felt guilty, after all it is very possible that through some accident I replaced the who should have been their actual child. So I tried my best to be a good child for them. I was an obedient child and listened to their words and never really caused them trouble as I was growing up.
Toddler me was dealt with life as well as she could.
But then life decided to kick me to the curb again.
I remember the day clearly, since it basically smashed all preconceptions of my new life in front of my eyes.
Three years old and sitting in front of the television that was playing the news with words that I still could not fully understand, I recall squishing my plush rabbit as I tried to understand what was being spoken. I had wondered how long it would take for me to assimilate Japanese until I was fluent.
Then the deafening crash from the kitchen jolted me out of my stupor.
I had scrambled to my feet and stumbled over to the kitchen only to see the floor littered with jagged porcelain and my mothers fingers cut and bleeding profusely.
“Ara? Saki if you come closer you will get hurt.” Mom had a serene smile as she clutched her fingers close to her chest. At the time, i’m pretty sure I had thought how air-headed my mother could be to wave off what obviously had to be a painful injury.
“No buts! besides this is nothing.”
Mom had gently admonished but she saw my raised brow and giggled before she held out her hands and to my astonishment the wounds slowly but surely closed up on their own.
Excuse me?!
I think I could be excused for how long it took for me to react, long enough that my father who was on the second floor at the time came over and lifted me into his arms.
“What’s shocked you so much my little blossom?” Dad had a wry grin on his lips and he was watching my face.
“I was showing her my Quirk. I think this is the first time she has ever seen it Dear.”
“That’s because there hasn’t been a need for her to see your Quirk Honey.”
Like Quirk from My Hero Academia…?
“True, minor regeneration isn’t something I can show so easily. But anyway, Dear could you please?”
My Hero Academia as in the Manga from my Before?!
“Of course Honey!”
The porcelain pieces started to float and was lifted gently before displaced into the trash. I vaguely remember Mom giggling as she poked my cheek to snap me out of my shock.
Those tiny displays of the supernatural turned my world upside down for the second time.
Dad then confirmed my suspicions that the world I lived in was the world created from Horikoshi-sensei’s hands. From my Before.
A world where Heroes and Villains existed. I’m living in a Manga. Why?! Did I do something wrong in my previous life?! Is this Karma from something?!
But at the very least I thought I was a little lucky. Mom had a minor regeneration quirk and my dad had a minor telekinesis quirk. Pretty normal for the overall population. Given my parents quirks, I was expected to have a minor quirk.
Which meant that I was free from being pressured into a Heroes life.
I did not want society to tell me to go risk my life for other people when I had no guts to speak off. And I would have been happy with being absolutely normal in a world of the extraordinary.
But I said earlier right?
Life decided to kick me to the curb?
Come my fourth birthday, and I did not show any signs of a quirk. I didn’t manifest any esper like ability, and when I injured myself, my bruises healed at a normal rate.
As expected, my parent might have been air headed but even they began to worry. So they took me to the hospital to get me checked over.
I learned two things that day in the hospital.
I did not have the double joint, so the doctors assumed that I had an invisible quirk or a dormant quirk.
An invisible quirk was as its name implies, a passive quirk that is constantly active but is so minor that it basically doesn’t seem to be visible.
On the other hand a dormant quirk meant I had to have some specific activation method to get my quirk to work. So the doctors put me through the wringer with tests and physical activities, anything to get a possible quirk to start up.
The tests came out negative, and the doctors assumed that I had an invisible quirk instead. So my parents assured that nothing was wrong with me brought me back home.
The end? Of course not. Things never go that smoothly.
Returning to kindergarten with no quirk to show off quickly made me the class pariah. The kids assumed if I could not show a quirk meant I was quirkiness and suddenly I was not ‘good enough’ to the everyone. I had literally done nothing and suddenly I was isolated and bullied.
Wow kids were brutal.
The Manga did not elaborate on how bad this quirk obsessed society could be to the quirkless. I was often treated in two extremes, either bullied for being ‘useless’ or treated with the kid gloves for being too ‘fragile’.
In a sense, I admired Midoriya. To take years of hateful words and society pushing him down and still dream to become a hero. That took determination and guts.
Something I did not have in spades.
So while life wasn’t bad, it wasn’t great either. The stigma of the ‘quirklessness’ wasn’t something I  could run away from that easily.
Luckily, I didn’t respond to taunts and was thus a ‘boring’ target to bullies, soon enough I was left alone and no one really bothered me.
In the first place I was an introvert even from Before. So dealing with people tired me out and this arrangement where people left me well alone suited me well enough. Though my parents worried that I did not have any friends, since I was pretty content they left it be.
If anything, the idea of me being ‘quirkless’ gave me an out in this society.
No ‘Quirk’ meant no responsibility or pressure to be a hero. All I had to do was get away from the fights and I was good.
In a sense, I was lucky to be reborn in this world. This was the one world where I could live a semi-decent life without trouble. If I had been reborn in Naruto or One Piece…
Looking at things from that window, I could appreciate that things were not horrible or bad. As expected, I dealt with it well enough. Life moved on and I adapted to this strange new world.
Then the Life decided to throw me a wall again in my third year of middle school.
Ten months before my High School exams, the iconic event appeared on the news.
The Bakugo being taken hostage by the sludge villain event.
I had been drinking milk in the morning and I had grabbed the television remote to see if anything unusual was on. Despite my deliberate actions to avoid Heroes and Villains when I was out and about, I still enjoyed watching the fights from the safety of home on the television where nothing could touch me.
Lol and behold, the first thing I saw was a blonde kid being strangled in sludge and a green haired boy rush out from the crowd to save him.
I spat out my milk like a classic anime character.
I knew that I was in the era of All Might. I saw him on the news often enough, but I had hoped that I was a decade or so before the Plot. The further away from the plot, the safer I would be after all.
But Life like to use me as its favorite stress ball and thew me this curve ball.
So I was given the revelation that I was the same age as the Protagonist and his Rival. Wonderful. Great.
I promptly refused any hero school as part of my High School selection and choose an average High school that was nearby my home and put more effort in avoiding anything to do with Heroes and Villains.
Cowardly? Perhaps. But I was not prepared mentally or physically to face any sort of danger and deal with the consequences.
People’s lives were at stake, this was no time to play Hero and become a Mary Sue and save the day. One wrong step and the whole thing could fall flat and I would be to blame.
So I refused to be involved and destroy the carefully scripted events that is Fate and started High school in an average non-hero school that has no relation to U.A. at all.
I still kept up with events though. I watched the news obsessively and saw USJ go down and the Sports Festival as well.
When I saw Class A on the news for the sports festival all I could think was how young they were.
And it really sunk in.
These are kids. Sixteen year old kids that is about to be thrown to the gauntlet. They don’t deserve any of that.
Frankly speaking that revelation made my stomach hurt. I wanted to close the television and huddle underneath the sheets but my hands wouldn’t move.
I took in the sight, of Shinsou’s slouched posture straightening as he took his first step to his dream. Uraraka, her body littered with bruises, burning determination in her gaze as she took her stand against Bakugo. Midoriya, as he broke finger after finger to save Todoroki.
Honestly, watching the Sports festival left me shaking and my mom cooked my favorite Udon that night in consideration.
I was in the Manga, a fictional story that existed from Before. In the same timeline as the kids who would shoulder the future of Japan. Watching the Sports Festival drove that fact in and I wanted to throw up.
But Life does not wait for one person and the world moves on.
Keeping up to date with the news became an even bigger priority than ever before. I saw the headlines when the Hero Killer was arrested and the white lie where Endeavor arrested Stain. I also saw the supposed viral video shown in the anime. I saw the blurry figures of Endeavor, Gran Torino and the three U.A. kids and other heroes.
Time was ticking and I was ever so aware of All Might’s retirement was coming soon.
Soon enough, summer was upon me and along side the heat waves were the anticipation of the beginning of the end.
It was at this time, where Life decided to stop giving me the illusion that I had a choice and decided to  throw me head first into chaos.
On the night where I was doing an errand for my parents, walking down the busy street with one of my hands glued to my cell phone. I opened the news app and saw the iconic conference being aired and froze.
Murphy’s Law: When things can go wrong, it will go wrong.
There was no warning before everything exploded.
Fuck! No I don’t wANT TO DIE AGA-
When a pebble is dropped, it needs not to take any action. Just being dropped into the water will cause ripples to roll.
Soooooo, I have essentially been drowning in LIFE and all that it entails but I found a really old story on my computer. The pilot chapter of it anyway, I never posted it anywhere though so it has just lied there. SO! I decided to post it on Tumblr and see what people think about it. 
To tide over my never ending exhaustion in RL 
Tell me what you guys think bout this? Should I remake this? 
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azrielsiphons · 8 years ago
I didn’t want to make an entire reading thread like I did with Lady Midnight (which was kind of popular for my typical stuff, I still don’t know why, it was just a lot of flailing) because LoS is still so fresh and I’m afraid to spoil anyone who might not have the tags blacklisted. So under the cut, IN ORDER AS I READ, is my genuine LoS reactions. Enjoy my flailing.
Kit you precious little bean don’t steal daggers you should know better
He just had to go and name drop Will in like the first five pages I am C R Y I N G 
Oh Julian is being ‘scrupulously polite and kind’ over you and Mark’s “relationship”? IS HE EMMA? IS HE REALLY?
Ew Mark kissing Emma’s cheek made me want to throw up blood too, Julian 
Take a shot every time I think to myself “ugh, Perfect Diego”
Awwwww Ty my precious son you’re so concerned for Kit
I love Mark so much my sweet faerie child 
Cassandra Clare let me make something clear if you ever kill my daughter Clary Fray I will SET THIS WORLD ON FIRE 
so clary is having dreams of her and emma and cortana and she knows she’s gonna die uMMMMMMMM????? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???? IF MY GIRL EMMA HAS TO KILL CLARY FOR WHATEVER REASON YALL CAN CATCH ME 6 FEET UNDER THE GROUND 
Mark and Cristina Mark and Cristina Mark and Cristina MARK AND CRISTINA 
God bless America I forgot how much I adore Jace Herondale but then at the same time he makes me miss Will and when I miss Will I want to DIEEEEEEE
take a shot everytime someone says something to the effect of “we can’t involve the Clave”
lol jace “i’m just going to haul clary off to *wink wink* get chinese food *wink wink* be back in 20 *wink wink*” 
oh wait they actually just got chinese food wtf i need me a man like that 
More of Ty and Livvy’s relationship pls i love sibling bonds 
“Smug bastard. Hair’s too good. I don’t trust people with hair that good.” KIT MY SON IM ADOPTING YOU IMMEDIATELY 
Julian slamming the door in Emma’s face made me slam MY face into a door
“She refused to hurry her steps — not for anyone.” Note to self: be more like Cristina 
okay real quick these centurions talking shit about my father magnus bane are about to find my six inch stilettos up their tight assholes bYE 
okay these nazi centurions are CANCELLED 
oh my gosh my smol son ty smiling at kit kill me NOW 
wow who would have thought i would like gwyn damn (also gwyn x diana??? im??? here for it???)
wait but… but kit and ty… but he just kissed livvy and they’re cute too… gdi 
i hope emma and/or cristina rips zara’s head right from her shoulders 
w h a t
W H A T 
jk it wasn’t her dad gdi 
Diana is my mother now since she just SHUT ZARA TF DOWN
oh shit yall it’s the ‘oh no we have to share a bed’ trope and i am LIVING 
julian hiding his boner is my aesthetic 
emma you can’t just casually mention my father luke garroway wtf 
Julian just snapped at Emma and I have never been more uncomfortable please stop fighting mom and dad 
“neither julian nor emma slept well that night, though each of them thought they were the only one troubled, and the other one was probably resting just fine” real quick i just need to go drink a gallon of bleach to get over this 
all these references to will and jem are really fucking me up 
“Tessa used to come and ask me too. She wanted to know where Will was.” WHAT THE FUCK A LOT OF PAINFUL THINGS ARE HAPPENING ALL VERY QUICKLY 
“I want you to be proud of me.” SHIT FUCK HELL DAMN FUCK 
Real quick Bridget imma need you to stop alluding to jem and will and also tell me how TF YOU’RE ALIVE 
oooOOOOoooo a compartment to themselves??? HMMMMMM 
Mark x Kieran x Cristina did you mean Lito x Hernando x Daniella? 
I love my father Magnus Bane 
Alec talking about Jace you bet your sweet ass I’m crying 
On a serious note — props to CC for this representation of autism through Ty, and how Kit treats him so damn well. Very, very cool.
My domestic fathers Magnus and Alec are saving my life 
All Magnus wants to do is adopt every sad downworlder alive and I LOVE HIM ALL THE MORE FOR IT 
Don’t worry Emma I too live on the Sexy Thoughts River and the Sea of Perversion 
Mark just had a sex dream about Kieran in the library I’m laughing so hard 
Actually wait I change my mind fuck you Kieran that wasn’t cool of you 
DAMN can CC write so freaking well holy shit 
but are Cristina and Mark kissing because they love each other??? or because of the binding spell?????? will the world EVER KNOW????
Kit and Ty are … the … most adorable thing… in the whole world… 
“It's a burden being sarcastic” I’M CHOK ING TO DEATH 
Jaime is evil I can smell it 
Julian appearing out of nowhere sitting on a boulder in the pouring rain completely Unbothered™ like name a more iconic entrance 
Gdi Dru 
Wait... shit is Jaime actually a good guy? DAMMIT 
MAGNUS CAUGHT THEM LOLOLOL he isn't even concerned though bc he knows parabatai love each other extra hard bc he witnessed Will and Jem's love firsthand lol BYE 
Who tf is Ash? I mean he's Dru's age and they just had a "coincidental meeting" so CLEARLY he's a love interest but 
Gwyn is the actual love of my life 
"Pyromania interests me" Ty, my son, I love you
Dad!Julian makes me WEEP
Coincidentally, Dad!Alec ALSO MAKES ME WEEP 
Emma referring to implied polyamory as a sexy weirdness is ME 
Pffffffft Kieran calling Diego the "very handsome stupid one" is ALSO MEEEEEEE 
"The bad things can't matter more than the good things" Cristina....... my daughter........ 
Kieran ain't got time for your SHIT Robert 
Sassy!Alec defending his man and not dealing with Bigot!Zara's bullshit I’m so wet 
Livvy isn't dead
No livvy isnt dead 
No no 
Wait what the FUCK 
W H A T T H E F U C K 
BYE forever I'm going to go live in a world where Livvy is alive and well because fuck all this BYEEEEEEEEEE
so like 2019…. where u at
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ts-seychelles · 6 years ago
EP. 11 - “I Was Able To Dodge That Bullet” - VILMA
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I literally look like the biggest boo boo the fool right now. Like I’m so cocky and stupid and tumblr survivor makes me want to eat glass
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Okay honestly, after that tribal, I feel fucking awesome, and so many people still have no idea what happened First off, Jared I am so sorry that you believed my PMs during Tribal that I thought I had the votes to get out Nicole.. I knew one of you would play something, and I high key would not be surprised if Nicole ended up actually having another big ticket advantage sitting in her pocket from ghost island, but im going to wait on that concept for now until i see something from them. Maybe we can flush another advantage out of their pockets? lmao I am protecting Jared's role in this for as long as I possibly can, and Roxy's too. I had Dan hammering me for who told about the plan, and then ofc Alex wanted to know too, but he can eat a dick for all I care (in the context of the game of course.... love him to death as a person), and I'm just not going to tell anyone. I want Jared to maintain all the relationships he has on a 100% trust basis, so that way if he feels like he's gotta tell me something, he's going to be able to have that information I had to fill Regan in, and I know she is still 100% on my side because she is being VERY open about who she wants out after what happened this round. Dan? I really really want to trust him again, and I think I cut a huge tie of his removing Ricky from the game, and now I have to give him a little bit of what he wants.. I want to pick his brain and really see his top choice of who he wants to go this round, and I am going to try to help him be successful in that move, so that he can trust me. I really want him to say that he wants to go for someone, and for me to 100% support him on it. It's going to be one of the biggest leaps hopefully, in his eyes, that I trust him again and I've got his back.. As for Asya, who was another one who I was surprised about.. She doesn't know that I know yet, that she spilled our alliance to Ricky, and that Ricky dished that information back to Dan, and THAT is another reason as to why Dan didn't trust me, so I'm keeping my eye on that for now, but I really just want Asya to trust me also. I knew I needed Asya and Dan back on my side the MOST after this entire debocle, and by getting rid of Ricky, which cuts off both of their ties with a strong player, I draw them closer to me, and them seeing me as one of their bigger options. The best thing with Asya too is that we had a legitimately genuine conversation about how we could get closer and we should open up more about our personal lives and not even get to know each other on a game level, just because this is our second game going deep together, and I want to get to know her y'know!!! I think my position is definitely a million times better than it was before tribal, but I'm definitely not out of the weeds yet. Dan and Asya seem to be back and genuine with me, and I know Jared isn't going to just save me one round, and then take me out the following round. It'd be foolish, so i think I've got that relationship too, along with my strong allegiances with the people I've already been working with, knew about every facet of that move, and still trust me (i.e. Augusto, Roxy, Vilma, Regan). I know that my chances of making it to the end are getting smaller and smaller because what I did to protect myself, and HOW I pulled the move off really impressed my closest allies, and I know the gold medal is a lot more appealing when there's 6-7 people left in the game than loyalties, so I know my chances are already shot, especially because the only people I think would actually want me to go to the end with them are Augusto and Vilma, and even then is a bit of a stretch, so now it's just a game of how deep I can get and how well I can play off everything that's just happened....... As for my next move? Literally chop Alex's head off with a machete until he's into a million pieces, cooked in the shitty ass pot we've been using for 34 days, and then be gone :) 1. Telling me at tribal that we weren't going to rocks LIVE to try to get me to change my idol play was a MOOD. Alex is dead ass one of the worst liars ever, and if you know you can't let things come out of your mouth and be 100% confident you're being convincing with what you're saying, then leave it over text.. like lol 2. Looking like his dog fucking died when I played my idol was priceless, but also extremely telling of how badly he wanted me out 3. Lying to me the entire day and not telling me about the vote...... bitch bye 4. Saying "ha ha" when I said "final two my ass" when the votes were being read 5. RE ENFORCING THE F2 WE HAD FOUR DAYS BEFORE THIS TRIBAL COUNCIL HAPPENED...... literally such an lol So yea. I think I have more. I definitely would have to go back in my host chat, but in the realm of the game, everything Alex has done has made me want nothing more than for him to go, and the best thing about this entire concept is that I think there are people on "the other side" who would not mind voting out Alex either because his social game kinda sucks and he's a liability to keep around because he is the entire reason the Dan blindside got blown up, and I know Jared was pissed about that.. The reasons are too good, but now it's just if I can pull it off. At the end of the day, I'm on cloud nine after that last tribal, and it's time to go to work to see if I can make a thing or two more go my way.. I'm just trying to survive as long as I can and continue to have fun playing the game, bc tbh, I'm having a fucking blast right now lmao
THIS IS ALSO ANOTHER REALLY FUNNY MOOD BIG PRO OF RICKY GOING HOME WAS THAT I DIDN'T HAVE REGAN COME BACK TO RICKY SAYING "oh yea johnny said in the main chat that you wanted me out by accident" BC I DID DO THAT, BUT NOW RICKY ISN'T HERE TO TELL THE TALE Hopefully Regan isn't mad at me and finds out about it at some point, but Ricky said he didn't even pick up on it when I said it the first time lmao oops? Ready for this auction tomorrow!!!!!!
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I stan trying our best to win things in the auction, only to win absolutely nothing. I am laughing so hard haha my life Is falling apart, I can't even get an idol, Nicole goes to Ghost Island. I am literally shook. It's not really bad for my game? And I feel like I'm good at Touchy Subjects? Idk, I'm just hoping I make single digits. As far as my game goes, I'm gonna try to be super social this round and make up some time. I want to get back with Johnny and Augusto and really form a bond with them again because I feel kinda bad about the last round, but also not at the same time?? dflkjdaslkfdj idk? I feel like this game is picking up and I really like where I'm sitting.
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that auction sucked
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I forgot to make a confessional again. Anyways, so the true tea is I have no clue what is going on in this game at this point. I’m pretty sure I’m the weakest competitor here? Which is fun because nobody will go for me heh heh heh heh, and this round they can’t anyway because I am on GHOSF ISLAND! It’s very lonely here and Isaac has not yet let me play the game but it’d be super cute if I got something else that I could will to Jared because I think he might be in trouble this round. We are going to hang out with Johnny today in person and I CANT talk about the game with either of them which is a blessing because I feel like it’s all they would talk about with me. Anyways I think everyone knows....I’m not giving my 100% effort to this game right now. But once I tackle this depression and my hair grows out and I lose ten pounds and get my ghost island game and get an idol and idol out Johnny even though he’s immune and Johnny drags Vilma and Dan out with him so I don’t have to ever vote Dan out, it’s over for your bitches. Straight up.
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This round should be interesting? I kinda feel good? But I’m not entirely sure obviously. I feel like I have no other play but be with Augusto, Johnny, and Vilma. I feel like I could get closer to Jared, but I’m tired of playing the middle. I feel like I’m doing okay for not even doing well in any of these challenges. I’m trying not to be too much of a comp threat this game. I love my edgic being INV this round probably bc I’m not doing shit
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I think my name has been completely worked out of the discussion for this round. I hope that's accurate, if not... good on everyone. Now I just have an important game altering decision to make. Augusto or Alex? Well, it turns out Regan might be idoling Augusto? Which is good I guess, but if Alex plays an idol too, THEN WHAT. So I could throw my vote on Dan, with the potential of it going to a tied vote. If I got rocked out because of that?? Never forgiving myself. I don't know what I'm going to do quite yet, but I have less than 40 mins to figure it out. The other thing is that I could be getting votes and look like an even bigger idiot for making this confessional. Oof. Okay let's take a look-see at the numbers. Johnny, Augusto, Roxy, *Regan- Alex Alex, Asya, Dan, Vilma- Augusto * = unsure. I could weaken Dan tremendously here by taking out Alex, but I'm also taking out someone who I've been loyal to the whole time. I have built a lot of trust with Johnny by leaking last rounds vote, and I literally met him and Ryan from Mykonos with Nicole today in Times Square. And then Disney Amanda and Steffen showed up. Iconic? I am partial to testing Johnny's trust, but, I don't really trust him at all. I really really trust Roxy though, which could be a huge mistake. I see her and Asya as frontrunners at this point. Anyways this is getting rambling but this game is a MESS and I feel like a sapphire-idoly boii Tune into tribal, it could very well be a good one folks.
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Aaaaalright last round was such an emotional rollercoaster I had to skip confessionals to avoid having to cringe at them afterwards. Here's a recap: Earlier I was told rumors that Johnny had been talking around telling several people that Dan and I wanted to vote Nicole out, which I don't ever recall telling to anybody so when I heard about the rumors I was obviously suuuper confused. Days went by and I had heard from multiple different people that Johnny was the one to start those rumors but I remained suspicious, because I couldn't really see a good enough motive for Johnny to do that. People kept telling me that he has a tendency of wanting to play the puppet master and wanting to shake things up and cause drama between people. I didn't want to believe it but since nobody ever came forward to deny the rumors I decided to keep my eye on him. Next tribal I heard Johnny was getting targeted, and originally I was trying to see if there was any way I could save him from going home, but I knew Dan was unhappy with the Johnny rumors and would likely flip to take him out, so I decided it would be smart of me to go along with the majority and sacrifice him. I also saw him as a big threat, so even though I genuinely like him, I didn't think it would have been a horrible thing from my perspective if he went home. But a little over an hour before tribal Johnny comes forward to tell me that he has an idol! Plus he asked me permission to pretend it was the idol I found from Takamaka. I WAS SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK because I ended up somehow unwillingly positioned in the middle of this whole mess and whatever I decided to do I would end up backstabbing someone and making them angry. I was having a major breakdown in my host chat but let's not talk about that. Then Johnny asked me to actually vote HIM so people wouldn't suspect we were working together....... O-M-G. That plan sounded perfect; I wouldn't have to backstab anyone and I would have a chance to get out of a shitty situation without too much blood on my hands. Johnny tried to make me change my vote to Nicole last minute but I refused and voted Johnny anyways to keep on everyone's good side, whoops. I was also pretty happy Johnny decided to idol Ricky out, since I never talked to him too much and he was close to Dan and Asya, who I hope will now more likely rely on my help if they ever need extra numbers to make a move. After the vote I tried to clear things up with Dan, Asya and Johnny and I think nobody is too angry at me anymore which is nice. I was afraid I'd end up in the middle of a huge drama and I'd like to consider myself a drama-free person so phew I'm so happy I was able to dodge that bullet. Okay this confessional is already super long I think I'm writing a separate one about this round see you soon HEHE.
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I’ll make a more in depth one soon but some people are trying it tonight and like... where has this trying energy been all game (@Alex) because it jumped out all of a sudden! If I do go home tonight, I think I’ve played a solid game thus far and had a pretty good experience as people such as Johnny, Vilma, Regan, Dan, Roxy, and even Jared sometimes have been awesome to me and made things fun! ❤️
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okay uhm confessional time i----- I won immunity, which was awesome. The killer touchy subjects strategy of putting what you think the majority is going to say both times came in CLUTCH In terms of the touchy subjects answers? nothing really surprises me. being predicted to be voted out next just makes the most sense since seven people just voted for me.. so I understand why i got that one. I should've put myself too tbh, but I think I got the more intuitive ones correct, so that made me feel kinda good Tonight's tribal? I'm praying Alex goes home.. The kid still hasn't come to me about voting for me, after swearing up down left and right a f2 with me, and I find it kinda shookening, especially since his name is going around tonight, and I'm genuine when I say that if he just approached me, I probably wouldn't have been so hellbent on wanting him out, but oh well.. i hope he goes I know Augusto is getting the other bulk of the votes? I'm not SUPER sure who is voting where.. i've heard dan is being a dickhead again and he might go for augusto. I know Regan might be playing her idol on Augusto at tribal, which would be #dramaaaaaaaaaa and I really hope that this is alex or asya maybe playing a vote steal to get the numbers on their side, because then regan would LEGITIMATELY have to play the idol.. oh well, we'll see. she said she'd play it on him also in other news, I hungout with Jared and Nicole IRL, and because we RESPECT the game that's going on, when we were walking around the city, I spent a lot of time talking to Jared about today's vote and how arbitrary it's been for us to be on opposite sides, and guaranteeing that if we joined together that there'd be nothing stopping us, and then he offered me a 100% f3 with him, that we'd try to get to the end of the game together. I am 100% planning on accepting it with the intended purpose of keeping it true. I just hope that it isn't one of those things where he's like "oh yea we're not going to vote you" but then votes out all of my closest allies instead and im stuck in the game getting dragged to finals via jared's strategic play, but honestly, I believe the man. He seemed very genuine, and if he isn't being genuine, then he's a snake and it is what it is anywhom.. praying augusto stays and nothing bad happens to him. alex going would be best for my game, especially because I just think he deserves what's coming to him after how last round went with him and I, and the excuses he made for breaking our f2
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I trust no one but Johnny fuck everyone. Fuck wasting my idol. But I have to  Jared and Johnny both told me to play it so he res to that
0 notes
shooklynn-blog · 8 years ago
Black Hole Meets Shooting Star (Chapter 2)
A/N: listen i love my other fanfics (cereal box is one of the ones i'm most proud of) but something about this prompt is so exciting to me and i just can’t stop writing more. i can’t stop writing angst into moments that i want to be comforting bc i love drama so sorry bout that. yeah this fic should be called angsty!dan and misunderstood!phil lol. 
read chapter 1 first
go here for chapter 3!
also: read any part on wattpad here!
summary: Dan is so sick of everybody treating Phil Lester like some untouchable prince at school. Phil wears the same flower crowns and pastels Dan was heavily bullied for, but gets no grief. Dan would give anything to have Phil’s life, something that, in his eyes, is just perfect. Phil, the distant daydreamer, walks around, paying little attention to anybody but himself. He’s the person that Dan just loves to hate. That is, until Phil finds him after getting beaten up and takes him back to his place to get him cleaned up. Maybe Dan learns that there’s more to this Phil Lester kid than what meets the eye, and maybe all the distant boy’s daydreaming is just a distraction from the horrors of every day life.
genre: angst, fluff
warning: mentions of previous bullying, dan is stupid and angry for no reason, but what else is new??
word count: 1,667
Chapter 2:
It was unlike any dream I’d ever had. It was as if I was almost awake, but not quite fully there. I heard echoes of the sounds around me, but it mostly blurred together. I was on a camping trip somewhere, inside of my tent. I was all alone, but saw the outline of something big’s shadow on a tent. It looked like some bear or something, but way bigger than any bear I’d ever read about. I cowered into the corner as the shadow grew. All I could feel was the fear pumping through my veins. The giant creature took its paw and slashed its claws through my tent as if it were a knife through butter. I’d never felt more vulnerable in my life. The bear looked my in the eyes and said, softly, “Are you alright?”
My eyes shot open, filled with tears from an unknown source. It was bright and overwhelming, but eventually my eyes adjusted to it. I was on a couch in a lounge that I’d never seen before wrapped in a quilt. Next to me was a boy with eyes so bright that they almost made my head hurt if I looked at them too long. His dark hair was unmistakably iconic, the same head I’d stared at the back of during english every day, wishing that I could be like him. The same person I’d gone on and on about how much I hated. Of course it had to be Phil Lester who’d taken me in and been a decent person, telling me not to worry about puking in his car. Of course it had to be the boy who I’d assumed gave nobody the time of day who’d taken the time to make sure I was okay and drive me to where he could take care of me.
I should have been grateful, I should have thanked him and been happy that he’d rescued me from what I’d accepted as inevitable. I just felt angry. Phil Lester couldn’t understand how I felt, how my body ached and I just wanted to cry not only because of the scars that they left me, but also because of the things they called me between classes. Phil Lester wasn’t called “worthless” or “ugly” or “fat” multiple times a day. Phil Lester wasn’t called anything. He had no idea how it felt.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you, it’s just, you were screaming, and I thought you had a bad dream or something,” Phil looked at me sympathetically, but I saw right through his icy eyes. I didn’t know why he brought me here, but it certainly wasn’t out of the goodness of his heart. Maybe he just wanted to look like a hero or something. Phil Lester never did anything for anybody. Yeah, maybe he felt sorry for me, the was rich people feel bad for people who aren’t as well off, but he’d never understand. He’d never look at me and say, “I know what you’re going through.” I’d say that I may have just been on his path home, but why hadn’t he stepped in before? Perfect Phil Lester could never understand, and that made me so mad.
“It’s fine,” I replied, tight-lipped and bitter. Phil looked a little surprised at my tone. Maybe he’d expected me to thank him extravagantly, or worship the ground he walked on like everybody else. Sure, he’d saved my from getting beaten up, and I was glad I wasn’t a punching bag anymore. Still, I knew what to expect from Balloon, Rat, and Gardener, while Phil was so strange. At school, he acted distant and floaty and above it all, but now it was like he was pretending to care about me.
He obviously didn’t care about me. Phil Lester didn’t care about anything. He didn’t care about teachers, he didn’t care about the students who treated him so nicely, he didn’t care about homework, he certainly didn’t care about me. He was this shooting star, ever so admired by all, giving off a certain glow, brilliantly falling through the sky, not caring about its surroundings, just existing for others to look at and appreciate. It’s cut off from the world, but the world still sees it. It’s there and not and it’s so beautiful and frustrating.
“If you need anything, I’m here for you,” he nearly whispered it, seeming significantly less enthusiastic than the time before. Was he really there for me? Why would he be? I was a black hole, filled with darkness and imploding on myself. Why would a shooting star care about a dark hole, existing on opposite sides of the universe. We were too different.
“Thanks,” I mumbled. Maybe I was taking for granted being in Phil Lester’s glorious presence. Most people wished on shooting stars, but all I could think about was all my wishes who hadn’t come true. All the other times I was cornered and punched and kicked and humiliated, where had he been? Surely he’d seen it happen, it had gone on for over a year. What made him step in now?
“Phil, can I ask you a question?” I was reluctant to straight out ask why he’d helped me.
“Of course,” he whispered calmly.
“Why did you step in? Why now of all times?” the question was killing me, I couldn’t think of a single reason that he would have wanted to help me.
“I know that, in your position, I would have wanted help. I didn’t really want to go over at first, but it was so bad and I just couldn’t handle seeing anybody treated that way. I understand how you felt, hopeless and afraid,” his eyes seemed softer, perhaps more empathetic.
“You’d never have to be in my situation though,” I nearly scoffed. It wasn’t meant to sound as rude as it ended up sounding.
“Excuse me?” the boy looked genuinely confused.
“I mean, everybody worships you at school. Nobody picks on you. How can you possibly say you understand?” I laughed a little, a bitter, short laugh that held nearly no humor at all. Suddenly, it was if something in Phil had changed. His shoulders went rigid and his eyes got the same distant appearance as they usually had at school. It looked as if he were clenching his jaw.
“Here’s some advil, you can get cleaned up in the bathroom, let me know if you need a ride back to your place,” the way he said it made a shiver run up my spine. The quiet, caring boy from only moments before was gone, a cold shadow of what he used to be left in his place. The monotonous tone in his voice was eerie. He stood up and walked into the other room, leaving me alone. This was the Phil Lester I knew.
A different sort of nausea to the type I felt earlier washed over me. I layed on the couch for a moment, taking in the situation and just thinking. I finally decided to go and get cleaned up in the bathroom. The door’s handle was difficult to turn, but using my body’s weight and will power, I managed to get the door open.
The room was painted a pale blue with a white ceiling. The sink had a marble countertop and a mirror directly above it. I looked horrible. I had a busted lip and dried blood was at the corners of my mouth. I popped an advil into my mouth and used the sink water to swallow it. I turned on the shower, took off my bloodstained clothes, and waited for a minute before getting in to give the water time to heat up.
The still slightly cool water felt good on my back, washing away the blood that had dried onto my torso. I looked at the shower products sitting in the shower’s corner and grabbed a handful of what I presumed to be shampoo, lathering it up through my hair. It felt so good to feel actually clean, watching everything wash down the drain. I rubbed a pump of conditioner into my hair. His body wash smelled like bubblegum and cotton candy and was so different than the barred soap I was used to.
I wasn’t sure how much to use, so just kept pouring it into my hand until I couldn’t hold it anymore. I rubbed it all over my body and my wounds burned at the contact. Even worse, I realized how much it lathered up, and I’d definitely used way too much. I must’ve used like a third of the bottle. I was going to wreak of sweets for the next two years.
I stepped out of the shower and saw a towel and clothes that I’d sworn weren’t there when I’d gotten into the shower. There was something written hastily on a notecard on top of the pile of linens. The note read, “I heard you start the shower and thought you might need these.” I couldn’t help but feel bad for acting so coldly towards the boy earlier. It was a towel, a pair of grey sweatpants, a light pink t-shirt, and a dodie yellow sweatshirt. I used the towel to dry myself off. The sweatpants were slightly long on me, but unbelievably soft. The shirt was oversized and comfortable. When I put on the sweatshirt, it felt like I’d just walked through a cloud. I had to give it to him, Phil knew how to dress for comfort.
I opened the door and realized how much colder the air was outside of the steam-filled room. The floor made me wince, it was like I was walking on ice or something. I didn’t see Phil, and, against my better judgement, decided to wander around. After all, Phil hadn’t said not to go anywhere, and I was curious. I started by walking into where Phil had first gone after he’d advised I get washed up.
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gameofbrodon-blog · 6 years ago
On a scale of deffs gonna die to probs gonna die... S8E2 recap and S8E3 predictions
Aloha Brodie, here is my recap for S8E2.
I’m gonna do this a little differently - with the Battle of Winterfell happening on Monday (RIP my soul) and a lot of characters dying in the battle, I’m going to rate each character on a scale from Probs Gonna Die, Legit Might Die and Deffs Dying based off their plot lines in Ep 2. There is no safe on this rating scale, because let’s be honest... no one is safe in this episode.
Cos we got a lot of full circle moments, lots of characters achieved things they’ve been working towards for a long time, so that means they’re dying. Soz I don’t make the rules, I just recap them.
Let’s start with our forever third wheel, Ser Jorah. J Dawg starts the ep by counselling Dany to forgive Tyrion. It seems he’s accepted that he’s never going to get her love (in the way he wants it) and that he’s never going to be the brains she needs (that she gets from Tyrion). Next time we see him, he’s asking / telling his cousin, badass boss bitch Lyanna Mormont to go to the crypts where it’s safe and she’s all Beyonce about it and basically starts singing Girls (Who Run The World) to shut him up. Such a badass. And then, Sam interrupts to give Jorah his family sword. He makes this whole speech about how Jorah’s daddy-o aka Lord Commander Jeor from the Nights Watch was like a father to Sam etc etc etc and if he can’t have Jeor’s sword (remember, Jeor gave the fam sword to Jonny boy, but changed the Bear on the hilt to a Wolf, and thats now Jon’s  sword Longclaw) then he’d like Jorah to have the Tarly fam sword. This is a circle closing for J Dawg, so I’m rating him a Deffs Dying. RIP Jorah.
Moving on to our KWEEN ICON M’LADY Brienne of Tarth. Darling Brienne, I genuinely hope she doesn’t die yet. God I love her. She starts the ep by backing Jamie, and calling him a Man of Honour (TBT to that scene in the bath in an earlier season when she called him a Man Without Honour and he told her about WHY he killed the Mad King). Next, we see her watching Pod train other soldiers with pride in her eyes (side note - Pod got Hot?!) and then chatting with Jaime “Heart Eyes” Lannister. Jaime offers to fight under her (oo-er) as a common soldier, and it’s a real moment of respect, cos he’s showing her that he has more faith in her than he has in himself. Finally, she joins the Drinking Bros (trademark pending) by the fire. Our best bud Tormund asks why she’s not a knight. She says “Tradition” and our feminist best bud replies “FUCK TRADITION”. Cos this is a pissing contest between Tormund and Jaime who both LUUUUUURVE Brienne, Jaime then offers to make her a knight. Cue Brienne kneeling, Jaime doing the thing, and Brienne crying and smiling like the angel she is. This is legit full circle, and all signs point to death, but because I love her so, I’m rating Brienne a Legit Might Die for my own sanity. NOT A DEFFS DEAD OK.
Let’s move on to our Feminist Best Bud Tormund. I loved him tackle-hugging Jonny Boy and calling him “Little Crow” Awww! FRIENDS! He reveals he drank giants milk for 3 months and that’s why he’s so strong. Iconic. Then reveals he’s an undercover feminist out to destroy the patriarchy. Then applauds Brienne when she becomes a knight. Bro hasn’t had any circle moments, he’s not dying. He’s a Probs Gonna Die but like pretty sure not. His whole thing has been that he wants to make giant babies with Brienne, and that hasn’t happened so he’s not dying yet.
Now, Jaime. Our Kingslayer is all grown up. Buddy arrives in Winterfell and has to convince Angry Dany that he should stay. Brienne defends him, and it’s really a moment of significance for him, because he has so much love and respect for her, so it really shines through that she now has the upper hand in their relationship, which is growth for him to concede that. Then he chats with his bro Tyrion about Cersei, and Tyrion calls him out for letting Cersei get the best of him. Jaime doesn’t argue - more growth. He knows his mistakes and he’s learning from them. Then he goes down to Brienne and offers to fight FOR her, not WITH her. Buddy is giving her the power, he’s not taking it from her like he would have done in the past. So much Heart Eyes in this scene. Cut to later and they’re by the fire and he Knights her. SO MUCH CIRCLE CLOSING. I’m sorry to say it, but I think he’s gonna die on Monday. I just, I have a feeling in my gut. It’s gonna happen. Poor guy. Jaime is DEFFS DYING. Soz.
Now, our gal Arya. ARYA GOT LAID. WHAT?! I, like everyone else on the planet, had to google her age. She’s 18. And go girl for snagging your boy Gendry. That love story began in Season 1! Finally they banged. YASSSSS! But, I don’t think that’s a significant circle moment for her. There’s more to come for Arya, so she’s a PROBS GONNA DIE. 
Sansa. What a character arc that one has had. From spoiled brat to Lady of Winterfell. I enjoyed her back and forth with Dany, and her not backing down when she asked what was going to happen in the North. And I LOVED her reaction to seeing Theon. I ship them. Thesa is the hottest new couple of 2019. Gotta say though, I don’t see her dying yet. She’s going to continue to rule the North after they win. OR, she’ll be sitting on the Iron Throne. No Circle Moments here. PROBS GONNA DIE. (But like not really).
Jesus this is a long post. Not even sorry. This is basically therapy for me as I prep for Monday. 
Sam/Gilly/Baby Sam. All safe. If anyone is going to survive till the end, it’s these 3. Sam is too smart to die yet, and Gilly/Baby Sam are too resilient to die yet. PROBS GONNA DIE. Also no circle moments this ep, not really.
Edd aka the third member of the Nights Watch Bros (copyright pending). He’s the only one of the three bros who will die. They didn’t write a scene where they discussed how the last one alive has to burn the others if at least one of them isn’t gonna die. RIP Edd. DEFFS DYING.
Tyrion. Our Hand of the Queen hasn’t come full circle yet. He’s achieved a lot, and he’s almost closed the circle (the fire chat with Jaime about Self-Betterment suggests that) but he’s not quiiiiiiite there yet. More to come. I see him as Hand of whoever sits on the Iron Throne in the end. How badass would it be if Sansa sat on the Throne and Tyrion was her hand?! PROBS GONNA DIE.
The Onion Knight, Ser Davos. Poor Davos has been through some shit this series. Losing his son, then Shireen who he basically adopted. And then this episode he has that chat with the little girl with scars on her face who wants to fight. He’s basically the dad of the show, and he’s going to die just to destroy us emotionally. DEFFS DYING. RIP Davos.
Pod. This is a hard one. Poddy Boy is hot now, so I feel like he might die cos of that? Why give us stubble and wavy hair if not to tease us with what we can’t have ever again??? Maybe he repeats his actions at the Battle of Blackwater Bay when he saved Tyrion? But this time, he saves Brienne by taking an arrow for her or something? I’m in the middle, dunno. LEGIT MIGHT DIE.
DANY. Dany isn’t gonna die yet. Like seriously. She has much to learn young padawan. Is that the right quote? I dunno, that line just came into my head from star wars and I cbf fact checking it. She hasn’t finished her circle. We need more drama between her and Jon now that she knows Jon is her nephew. Maybe the real final battle at the end is between her and Jon???? PROBS GONNA DIE.
Jonny Boy. He’s not dying. LOL. As if anyone thinks he will. Jon is gonna live at least one more ep for the same reasons as Dany... The Drama still needs to unfold. PROBS GONNA DIE.
Fuck Winter. Can it be Summer yet???
x Jords
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