#i might use the middle pic as my header since i couldn't decide on one for this blog
bahngerz · 18 days
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clatterbane · 9 months
I'm still sort of irritated about not managing to get to Stockholm for one show a couple of months ago, largely for disability reasons. Extra shitty, since I wouldn't have hesitated to hop on a train for that otherwise. Wouldn't have minded poking around Stockholm again either, with no particular itinerary.
But, there's not that excuse for another one that I just saw is coming up next month:
Explicitly listing the planned timetable for each act involved struck me as just amusingly Swedish.
At the one main "alternative" venue here in town (as in, about 15 minutes away on the bus that stops right out front), which I have been meaning to check out anyway. They do get some decent acts there.
This one also features Trubbel, plus a few other bands I'm not familiar with. Including a couple of local ones I should probably check out. (Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Hjelle might also be there, if not performing this time. Because local music scenes.)
Plan B's accessibility info also looks decent, even if someone did decide to use a pic of some shitty hospital transport chair in the header. From what I have seen of the place, wouldn't necessarily anticipate anybody trying to stick me in some substandard designated area back in a corner where you can't see anything, as soon as I rolled up. They certainly don't mention anything like that, not that I would be inclined to cooperate too well anyway.
Hell, this is about as wild as I've seen crowds there get (not even kidding); my grouchy middle-aged crip ass would most likely be comfortable enough right up front. Probably just as well that I've just about had my fill of pit action over the years anyway, is all I can say. Maybe you'd have better luck finding that across the bridge in Copenhagen, I really couldn't say at this point.
But yeah, glad to see a decent more accessible opportunity I'm interested in which doesn't require much travel, the way things have been. Says person who used to need to drive at least 4 hours to get to most shows they were interested in--but also was better set up to do that, in just about every respect but spare time and money. Got more of both at my disposal these days, so just about everything else gets more complicated!
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