#i might post the charm designs i’ve done? they’re fanart. so
killian-whump · 4 years
It seems that my body-shaming Nonny has lost interest in doing so and is now more interested in bonding over our shared appreciation of Tom P. While this is lovely, of course, it does make me wonder whether Nonny might have been being truthful in the Asks they sent that claimed they weren’t trying to troll me or diss Colin, but were simply trying to communicate with me.
However, they continually insisted some things that were patently untrue: Namely, that Colin was in better shape during Once and that he’s obviously “let himself go” since then.
Now, everyone who actually follows Colin know this is simply untrue. He’s far more into working out now, even has his own home gym that he was proud to show us, and we’ve all seen the increased muscle tone in his arms and chest as of late. Beyond that, it’s clear from the meager pre-Once and Once era chest views in The Clinic, The Dust Storm, and The Words that Colin’s maintained the same basic body shape/tone for most of his career - only very recently getting a bit more definition. If anything, I’d say it’s pretty clear that Colin is in the best shape of his life right now - and he looks fantastic.
So where did Nonny get this idea that he used to be more muscular?
Well, I think I’ve figured it out...
Whilst doing web searches for photos of Colin to make tablet wallpapers out of, I kept running into THESE guys:
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Now, I’ve debunked all of these photos previously, but the fact still remains that a lot of people outside of Colin’s own fandom believe these photos are actually of Colin. In fact, the first one was even used by a professional journalist on an actual entertainment website to promote a ComicCon panel Colin was doing. Colin and Adam Horowitz even reblogged her tweet. Colin’s own agent put it on his fucking website. If you do a reverse image search on it, Google tells you it’s Colin. People often refuse to believe it’s not a legitimate Colin photo until you show them the original - and even then, some people have questioned which one was fake (spoiler alert: it’s the Colin one :P).
And Colin’s own fandom isn’t entirely innocent in this, either:
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These shots are all manips of Colin/Killian made by fans. Now, I’m not naming/shaming anyone here - All three of these images are clearly marked with the creators’ names on the image (extra kudos for the one in the middle that even has the creator’s name OVER the image itself so it can’t be cropped/erased away by nefarious no-goodniks), were all posted to fan blogs known for creating manipulated images, and were clearly designated as fanart manips by their creators when they posted them. That’s what I consider responsible manip-making, and when it comes to protecting an actor’s image there’s really not much more fanart creators can do than exactly what each of these creators has done. The problem isn’t with their work.
The problem is that even these pics make it into the wild, get pinned and reposted by less responsible people, and eventually end up in image searches for photos of Colin (all three of these showed up in Bing searches I just did for “colin o’donoghue shirtless” and/or “colin o’donoghue chest”) - and people outside of Colin’s fandom don’t know the names of people in the fandom the way we all do. They don’t know that a certain tag on the image means “this is a manip, not actually Colin”. And dang, but some of you guys are just too damn good at this stuff, too - I mean, your stuff looks so real people don’t even question it.
So my point is... that there likely ARE some people out there who believe that Colin does/did have a Hollywood Muscle Man body. And if those people see Colin’s actual body in Sneed/TRS, they’re going to be surprised that it doesn’t meet the unrealistic expectations these fake images gave them. I’d be genuinely curious if my particular Nonny saw and/or was influenced by any of these photos - or photos like them.
In other news, one of the photos above, when clicked on in the search engine to view the full size image, spawned a literal bumper crop of nude Colin fakes in the “Others Like This” sidebar. Firstly, there are a LOT more of them than there used to be, I think, which... uh, I mean, that’s probably a good sign that he’s more popular and well-known than he was last time I, uh, happened upon an unexpected trove of fake Colin nudes (look, I don’t LOOK for this shit, it just happens, okay?!). Secondly, I still don’t understand why anyone would think Hook would top anyone on that show, let alone Charming. And thirdly, in the middle of all those fake nudes was this particular picture of ACTUAL Colin:
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And I laughed for a few solid minutes, because the look on his face here, when surrounded by nothing but fake nudes of himself, was the funniest thing I’ve seen all week, at least, if not the last month or so. It’s just... such a “This is a lot to take in and I’m happy for you and I don’t want to be rude, but OH MY GOD” sort of frozen expression that seems somehow entirely appropriate for him being in the middle of a bevy of fake porn of himself. Just saying.
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spam-monster · 4 years
Helsaweek 2020 Day 1: Swap
(or tumblr’s apparently being a butt but idgaf i’mma post this and head out)
I’ve done things like power swaps or gender swaps or kingdom swaps before (at least in my head), and I wanted to do something different this time, sooooo...introducing amount-of-siblings swap!
In the beautiful kingdom of Arendelle, there were once thirteen fair princesses; although the kingdom had only ever seen two of them, for around the time the third was being carried the king and queen had suddenly closed the gates to the castle without warning. Stories were told, by the servants and traders who went in and out, of a group of perfectly normal, lovely girls. Yes, they all had their quirks, but none seemed to have any affliction that would justify hiding them away. Rumors were spread as well: questions of parentage, a hidden 14th child born with some terrible curse and locked away, a secret illness that affected only royalty…or perhaps something to do with the eldest child, Elsa, since she was almost never seen outside of her rooms.
But surely she was just engrossed in her studies, preparing herself to become the new queen after her parents had been lost. After all, the older townsfolk had met Elsa when she was younger, and she had been a perfectly normal, sweet young girl. Whatever had caused her parents cut themselves off from the kingdom, it surely had nothing to do with her…
“Alright, that’s enough! Dina, don’t play huntress with Frida’s Mr. Deer! Ingrid, stop trying to give Cathrine a makeover! Gunda, Hilda, stop fighting! Jorunn, we can go see the horses later! Klara, Linda…”
“You’re fine.” Brigitta says from behind her. “Now let’s all get ready for bed, we have a big day tomorrow.”
Anna sighs in relief, and mentally thanks Brigitta. At least one of her little sisters is acting responsible tonight.
“We want to make a good first impression on the peasants, after all.”
…Or maybe not.
“Yeah, c’mon. You don’t want them to get mad at us and rebel and drag us all to the guillotine.”
“Cathrine, no one is being guillotined tomorrow.”
“I’d like to see ‘em try!”
“Hilda, please don’t try to fight anyone.”
“…Will they even like us?”
“Linda, of course they will.”
“Why should we even care about Elsa’s coronation?”
Anna turned to Mathilde, the youngest of the thirteen sisters of Arendelle, slumped over on a couch looking bored. “Because she’s your big sister, and she’s going to be queen! We’ve all been waiting for this day for years, we need to support her-”
“Why should I care about someone I barely know?”
Anna flinched. “It’s true, that…Elsa hasn’t been around much lately…or spent much time with us…but I’m sure she’s just been…very busy! With…studying to be queen! And all!”
Mathilde glared. “That’s a lame excuse. She always ignores us.”
“She’s not…a bad person, really…”
“Yeah, I know, you always say you used to be “best friends” or whatever. But you’re the only one of us who’s ever seen her act like a real sister!”
Anna looked around, panicked, as most of the other girls began to nod and whisper in agreement.  
“She never talks to us.”
“She’s never played with us.”
“She rarely even comes down for dinner.”
“She left you alone.”
Anna turned to Klara, confused. “Left me alone?”
Klara looked at her sadly. “After mom and dad died. She left you to raise us all on your own.”
And Anna had no answer for that.
In the small kingdom known as the Southern Isles, there were once two princes. Although you might not have remembered at first, because the elder brother was so boisterous and dazzling that it was easy to forget the younger one even existed. Prince Torvald was remarkable; an accomplished hunter, a spectacular storyteller, able to charm even the most aloof noble, and sure he could be a bit boorish and egotistical at times, but he was a prince! It was to be expected, right?
“We should be grateful we even have a prince at all, let alone two.” People would whisper. “The poor queen had been trying for decades to bear the king a worthy heir, rest her soul.”
“Not sure the other one was worth her effort, though.” Others would grumble. “What’s his name…Hans? What has that one ever done that Prince Torvald didn’t do better? Well, at least we have a spare…”
“Is it not a fine day at sea, little brother? Clear skies, calm waters…and across the ocean, the quaint, little, unimportant country of Arendelle awaits the blessed presence of future King Torvald the Mighty!”
Hans tried very hard to suppress a sigh. *Arendelle is bigger than the Southern Isles* he grumbled under his breath.
“What was that?”
“If…Arendelle is so “unimportant”, as you say…why did you bother to come with me?”
“A King never passes up an opportunity to impress other rulers with his might! That’s a lesson you should remember…or not, I suppose.”
*Since I’ll never be a king, you mean*
“Also, I have heard tell that the future queen is quite beauteous. Perhaps she shall prove worthy of the honor of becoming my bride.”
*That was my plan, damn it!*
Torvald laughs obnoxiously and slaps Hans on the back, almost knocking him off his feet. “Fear not, little brother! I have also heard that she has many younger sisters! Perhaps one of them shall take pity on you!”
Sitron knickers at him in concern. Hans shakes it off. “Yes…perhaps. I – um, should go…check on the horses.”
Torvald laughs again and sends him off with another hearty slap. Hans sighs heavily as he tends to Sitron.
“I’m alright, boy.” He murmurs to the horse. “And who knows? Maybe the queen will be smart enough to see my brother for what he really is, and…who am I kidding? She’ll never look at me.”
 (I imagine how this goes is that:
- Hans still meets and bonds with Anna but Torvald swoops in and grabs her attention away since Elsa is ignoring him (and he’s jealous Hans is getting attention for once)
- Elsa still freaks out and runs, Anna still goes after her by herself and leaves Torvald and Hans in charge, Torvald spends most of the time posturing and giving grandiose speeches while Hans actually works to take care of the people and ends up bonding with the other princesses as well
- at the castle Torvald makes Hans go in first and he actually has a conversation with Elsa and bonds with her
- in the end Torvald talks Hans into killing Elsa (because he doesn’t want to dirty his hands, plus then he can make Hans take the blame if things go bad), but Hans hesitates so Torvald tries to do it himself but Anna stops him
- Torvald gets sent back but Hans decides to stay (and clean up his brother’s mess), the sisters all basically adopt him as their new unofficial big brother alongside Kristoff, the end)
 Might expand on this later (like designing the new siblings, or maybe WRITING SOME ACTUAL HELSA IN INSTEAD OF JUST HINTING AT IT.)
Bios for the au siblings under the cut:
I basically just ran down the list of Norwegian girl names for this one (one from each of the first 13 letters that aren’t “a” or “e”), so let me throw out some basic entomology/character stuff for the swap siblings:
Brigitta: 3rd child, in this ‘verse Idunn was probably pregnant with her when the accident happened. Goes between helping Anna keep the younger ones in line and causing problems herself. Has a bit of a superiority complex regarding her status as a princess - acts like she must be better than everyone outside the gates, but really it’s a coping mechanism to help her deal with the isolation she feels. Name means “resolute, strength”.
Cathrine: Name possibly derives from the goddess of witchcraft Hectate, so she’s the spooky, playfully morbid one. Level-headed when she’s not creeping the younger ones out by joking about death. Dina is her younger twin.
Dina: Name comes from the goddess Diana; Roman equivalent to Artemis, goddess of the moon and hunts. She picked up her love of hunting from the hunters who would come and sell fresh meat to the castle cooks, and spend her time stalking the other girls (and their stuffed animals) and sneak-attacking them with her toy bow and arrows.
Frida: Name means “peace”.  A quiet nature-lover who hates conflict, which is ironic because she’s one of a set of triplets and the other two are the most aggressive of the bunch. Ends up being the target of the more aggressive girls a lot because she doesn’t want to fight back, and she’d rather they pick on her than one of the younger girls.
Gunda and Hilda: Names mean “war” and “battle” respectively, and they live up to them. The typical red-headed identical twin duo that’s always causing trouble (except they’re triplets and the other one doesn’t want to play along). Dina can either be their ally or their rival depending on the situation.
Ingrid: Name means “beautiful”- basically she’s the one obsessed with fancy clothes and trying to do everyone’s makeup.
Jorunn: Name means “horse lover” …yeah. Obsessed with horses, spends way too much time in the stables and comes back kinda smelly, biggest dream is to ride freely through the fields of Arendelle, possibly has headcanons of what breed of horse each of her family members would be (with accompanying fanart).
Klara: Name means “clear, bright”. Intelligent and honest, sometimes to a fault. Although she doesn’t like upsetting people, she won’t shy away from telling hard truths. Linda is her twin.
Linda: The most gentle and sensitive of the girls, easily stressed and has a hard time objecting to others because she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. Gets along best with Frida, who tries to protect her from the more rambunctious girls. Name means “soft, mild”.
Mathilde: The youngest of the bunch. Acts out a lot because she knows she can get away with it. Her name means “battle strength”, and she lives up to it by being the most strong-willed and stubborn of the bunch.
 As for Hans’ older brother, he had to be really obnoxious to make up for the fact that there’s only one of him instead of twelve. Torvald means “Thor’s ruler”, and I basically based him off Thor at the beginning of his first movie (minus any of the good traits) – he’s brash, egotistical, and takes his little brother for granted. Unlike Thor, he’s also an emotionally abusive dirty coward with no respect for women or anyone he deems “weaker” than himself (which is pretty much everyone except his father).
(Even though Hans stays in Arendelle in this ‘verse, I think he might end up going back and becoming king of the Southern Isles someday just because I can easily see the kingdom deciding its sick of Torvald’s shit and kicking him out. Maybe he and Elsa end up in a long-distance thing, or they unite their kingdoms or something idk how this works.)
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klaineitupanotch · 8 years
A post about Yuri on Ice.
So you may have noticed I’ve been blogging a lot of a certain anime titled ‘Yuri on Ice’ and I felt like writing about it a little. 
First off, I used to be really into anime in my 20s. I cosplayed and went to cons and everything. Now I’m more of a semi casual fan who still likes anime but I’m not way near into it as I used to be. I didn’t watch any new series, buy any merch, go to cons and my cosplaying days are over. Every once in a while I might watch an old fav show of mine and once in a blue moon I may even check out a new one. But I was always still just a casual watcher at best.  Then Yuri on Ice happened. Though I’m still not a super fan as far as fans go fyi. I adore the show a lot, as I will go over, but there are way bigger fans of it than me I know. Which is fine. =) Anyway. At first I was wary of watching it. I’m not big on sports anime that have tons of queer-bating in it and I was afraid YOI was another one. It kept popping up on my dash though and people seemed to like it. I still decided to hold off and see how the show would go.  I can’t really remember the full details and SPOILERS AHEAD but episode 7 aired and the fans went crazy. Yuri and Victor kissed at the end of it. I decide okay then I’ll check it out. Right from the start I was hooked, even if it wasn’t what I originally thought it would be. It should be known that I consider myself the farthest from a sports fan that you can get. Mind you, I don’t hate sports. I honestly have nothing but respect for atheletes and their dedicated fans. I could never cope with the stress of routing for a team X___X.  I was instantly charmed by Victor and his silver-hair sexiness; from the fluid way he moves his body to his oozing sex appeal voice. It kind of fits too since we’re kinda seeing him through Yuuri’s eyes. It’s no wonder Yuri fell under his trance and us along with it. As for Yuri, he’s a character you can easily relate to and one you connected with from the start. I pretty much watched as many eps as I could after the first one. I can’t remember how many days it took me to finish. It could have been a few since I was working but I seem to recall it didn’t take me too too long lol. Also not all of the eps had aired since I think 8 had just been released at the time (again I can’t remember exactly).  By the time I was caught up I was totally sold. I loved the story, the characters and Yuuri and Victor’s relationship. Sure the nature of their relationship was never 100% canon confirmed, as in, neither character directly said ‘I’m in love with you. Please be my lover etc’ but the evidence is still there. It’s refreshing because a pure definition (as much as we’d love to see it) isn’t really needed. The love they feel for each other is there for us to see in the interactions with each other and their own inner thoughts.  One of the many things I love about the show is how supportive the characters are with each other. I mean, on one level they’re all in competition with one another and yet they’re constantly cheering each other on during their skates and just in general. It’s just so great to see, especially among young men.  Another thing I love is how the characters are able to show emotion. There’s no sort of holding back when it comes to crying. They just let it all out and it’s beautiful to see. Especially when they’ve just finished skating. *sigh* The cast is fun too, Victor is obviously my favourite but I’m always drawn towards the flirtatious type like him lol. But I like the whole cast too, even JJ though he has his cringe-worthy moments and then there’s Chris and his antics on ice *smacks head* but that’s what makes them more realistic.  Now that the first season is over I find myself watching the episodes over and over. I’ve also been wanting to buy merchandise but the show is still new so it’s harder to get official merch (at least for a somewhat affordable price). As for fanart, I’ve preordered two charms off of etsy and I’m getting a cool fanzine too. I find myself tempted on getting my hands on some doujinshii but I am holding off for now since I’m trying to cut down on my online purchases lol. I’d love some art stuff from Redbubble but I have to be careful because it seems a lot of the stuff there is reposted screenshots (which isn’t soo sooo bad) and art that doesn’t seem to be by the person selling them. I just want to ensure what I’m buying it art from the actual artist themselves and with their full consent. I’ve got my eye on a couple designs but again I am trying to resist. I did buy a phonecase of Yuri and Victor’s matching outfits from episode 12 though! I can’t wait for it to come!
I got a crunchyroll membership because of the show. I’m even enjoying another series now (March came in Like a Lion or aka 3-gatsu no Lion) which is from the same creator of one of my all time fav anime Honey & Clover. 
If I had to pick a favourite episode then it would have to be 10 with 12 as a close second.  I’ve just recently discovered that Afterbuzz is doing an aftershow review of YOI and it’s awesome. I highly recommend it to any YOI fans. They’ve done up to episode 8 and new eps air 7pm on Mondays. It’s the perfect way to wait until we get any news of season 2.  Season 2 has all but been confirmed at this point also. I can’t wait for it to be confirmed for sure. Until then I will delve deeper into my adoration of this show and watch it over and over. Things will no doubt die down as time goes on but that’s a good thing haha. I’m not super into the fandom, as in, I’m not interacting with people on tumblr and other places but again that’s fine.  I’m going to simply enjoying this wonderful gift of a show like I have been already. OH! For anyone not wanting to see my many reblogs of it, I’m doing my best to tag them as yoi but I might let one slip without tagging every once in a while. 
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