#i might post it privately though lolol
pqnnier · 2 months
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Okay so I have a little bit of an update on the situation, this is still about the article that was written it's not like any new info that I've seen on the internet but I thought that I would bring it to you boingoloids attention this is something that was posted/shared within a private Facebook group I'm in discussions about the matter. So I'm just going to leave this here.
This is the post:
For what its worth...there is this to hang onto for some hope, despite all the trash some people are stating (with zero context or explanation, details, which I'd be very leery of..cos most are probably trolls. Be careful and take everything randoms say on the net with a grain of salt. Especially Reddit! lol)
I thought I'd share these finds on the net....
Holly, as most of you know, is the backup singer for Dannys recent stuff. A very cool, decent, standup lady. So, I'd trust her.
Outside of that, my feelings are on the fence on the matter. Wish there was more info, context for us all to go on for more clarity. But get a feeling there might not be and it'll all be hush.
If what Danny says is true, then I can understand why he would agree to a settlement like that even in innocence. Its very commonly suggested by lawyers and lawyers who do just only that. Settling does not in any way mean guilt! Her story and timing sounds very, very odd, though. Not victim blaming, but, I mean...it just ...does not make a lot of sense. But hopefully Danny releases this evidence he has and clears this up. I'd assume since a contract payment was breached that now either sides NDA would now be void?
Her part about the supposed "semen" thing is ..um...that's...not even physically possible?? (unless some weird other medical issue)...to fill a glass like that up, with that...like that...(unless it took days to collect or... lolol), but wtf?????? Just sounds like a lame ass Danny joke text in response to that political argument or whatever, that they had..mentioned in the RS article. Plus he says he's got tons of text evidence or whatever backing up the full context of that and that it was Cetaphil face cream. Trying also not to be biased. But.... I guess we will all just have to wait it out and see what happens. (Creds to original poster)
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szparagus2002 · 5 months
Hi Hi Hello stranger, friend or foe!
My name is Juli and this is the mandatory introduction post so people know what they're getting themselves into when following (especially since I've started interacting with more nsfw side of tumblr and not just fandoms lmao). Though this place is mostly ever-changing interests, hyperfixations, sapphic thoughts and monsterfuckery
(If you know me irl or from Twitter/Discord, no the fuck you don't, just go away and ignore this blog. Sorry not sorry, but I will block you if you follow me before privately asking me about doing that <3)
She/They/He, 22 year old polish rat with various flavors of neurodivergency and silliness in her brain
This blog is not safe for minors !!! Please be aware of that when interacting or following me (which I really don't recommend and will probably block you if I see your age somewhere on your blog) !!!
Remember that I am not responsible for what you see here, this is a blog of an adult person interacting with adult and mature content. Keep yourself safe and out of adults spaces kids, it's not healthy for you to be here
Current tags that I'm using (mostly) outside of fandoms (or ones that you might want to block):
#loveduo core - this is the tag that I'm using when I'm thinking about my partner, because I am a hopeless romantic and I adore them more than anything else in this world, but don't tell them that! (jk, they already know because I am always clingy and never shut up about how much I love them)
#orz ouchie - thoughts, posts, art, poetry and other various things that just make me go "ouchie" internally
#monsterfucker - this one is pretty self explanatory, but probably good 90% of the time those will be NSFW posts (if that's not your cup of tea, then go ahead and block the tag cause this one is sure to pop up pretty damn often, I'm a monsterfucker by nature)
#nsfw - I actually need to start using this one so I'm putting it here as a reminder lolol
DMs and asks are more than welcome!!! Yap to me about your interests!!! I love listening to things I have no idea about but people are passionate about :]
Things/info that might interest fellow monsterfuckers / adults before interacting or following:
I am a sapphic that is kinda ignoring her gender, because it's simply too confusing. In other words: all titles (dude, girl, bro, king, queen, girlie etc.) are fair game as long as you don't start using parental titles (Dad/Mom or any other variation). Keep that stuff away from me, please and thank you.
I would love to make friends on here but I will block you on the spot if you take even one step towards romantic/horny flirting with me <3
I do not care if you or your partner are fine with you flirting with other people, I am very much taken and you will either respect that or get blocked immediately.
Like I mentioned before, I am a monster enjoyer and a monsterfucker. In my humble opinion, if it's a monster, it can purr if I want it to. I might end up writing my own monsterfucker content one day simply because I can, and because I love writing!
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marsbotz · 9 months
(disco elysium anon, wanted to send this separately) (and i'm sorry if this is invasive/whatever, also no pressure to respond to this at all! but if you want to talk more/ask questions then let me know however you'd like, i'm happy to send you a proper message and whatever you need)
anyway my point is: you mentioned a gender clinic referral in a tag and i'm a trans man also in the uk with a lot of experience in that area so i thought this might help in some way 👌🏼
if you've gone through the nhs, the wait times are astronomical (the shortest one is about 15 months, the longest around 62 months). the current legal limit on nhs referrals is a matter of weeks so it's literally criminal but that's another story lmao
if you go on the 'transgenderuk' subreddit there's a pinned post with current wait times and there's a wealth of information and people happy to help with anything from name changes to 3 stage surgery. also the nhs are notorious for just. not referring people to their gender clinics so if you did go through them it may make sense to give them a ring and check they did their job!
if you went through a private gender clinic and haven't heard back in months, 1000% follow up. the longest reply time i've heard is a month or two and the longest appointment wait i've seen is 7 months
lastly: there is another route. it's a lot more popular for transfems to do it, given feminising hormones are legal here but masculinising ones aren't, but transmascs (myself included) can 'diy' hormones, if hormones are the transition route you're after. even after i checked with like... tons and tons of people and different resources i was still terrified but it does work! also i get if a stranger on tumblr dot com doesn't reassure you, but i wanted to let you know about the option because it honestly saved my life and i think more transmascs need to know about this as a route especially those in this hell country lolol
for more info i would recommend the diy hrt wiki, just google that term and it should come up. i should mention though, with this though you're probably going to have to inject yourself which i know isn't for everyone (i used to need to have someone on facetime with me for like 45 minutes hyping me up lol). there is gel available on some sites but it's super expensive. also some sites will have tablets for sale but they don't work to masculinise unfortunately. OH and it's also recommended that you do blood tests semi regularly (once or twice a year) to test sex hormones and some other things like your liver, which you'll probably have to pay for yourself if you diy - in saying this though, the cost of 6 private blood tests, and 3 years worth of T and injection equipment would cost about the same as the initial appointments you need with the more reliable of the 2 private gender clinics. something something seize the means of transition
anyway. this is an absolutely insanely long message and i'm so so sorry if this is too much and too like... invasive but whats the point of having trans resources if you dont share them and whats the point of having a trans community if you dont trans commune 😎🏳️‍⚧️
WHATTTT THSI IS CRAZY THANK U. LOVE YOU. i definitelyyyyy need to look into it all more and start DOING SHITTT bc yeah this stupid fuck country SUCKKKKS. i did go thru nhs and cant afford to do private rn but ill tryyy to chase it :] THANK UUUU this is so so sweet i cld cryyyy 😭😭😭
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flor3nces · 4 years
interested | noah schnapp x fem!reader
i know i haven’t written anything in a while lolol and i’m sorry for that! i just haven’t had any inspiration for anything but luckily this idea popped into my head while i was watching minecraft videos. i don’t watch stranger things but i’m a huge simp for noah so. i’m sorry if your name is sophie just change the name if it is. i haven’t seen many noah imagines on here but then again he’s a minor and i wouldn’t want to read smut about a minor for gods sake. if this is disrespectful or anything please tell me and i’ll take it down. i might never write for him ever again but who knows. if i do ever write for him again, just know it will not contain any smut whatsoever. he’s 15 and i refuse to write about a 15 year old having sex. that’s gross.
“hey guys! how are you? i hope you’re doing well!” sophie said as she finally got her phone set up. you were sitting in beside her as you watched comments flood on.
many of the people that looked up to her knew who you were. she had tagged you in a couple of pictures but your account was private as you didn’t want them digging into your private life.
you didn’t even accept her other influencer friends not wanting to be associated with them. it wasn’t that you didn’t like them or anything but you didn’t really like the vibe they were always giving you.
“oh hey noah!”
you were playing subway surfers not really paying attention to her or her live. “y/n, look noah schnapp’s on here!”
you have heard about him. you weren’t a fan of stranger things, like at all. you didn’t watch it as you saw clips of it and it just didn’t peak your interest. however, sophie loved the show and would always try and get you to watch it. but it never worked.
“i didn’t know you were friends with him.” you say as you put your phone having died in the game. “well now you know.” she said as she smiled.
you sent a smile to all the people watching before getting up to get a snack. “you want something?” sophie shook her head.
when you entered the room again, sophie was talking to someone. “did you end the live already?”
“no, i’m still on. i guested noah, stupid head.”
you stick your tongue out at her and sit beside her. you turn on the tv and watch whatever was on not really having interest in your friends conversation.
“hi y/n.”
you didn’t hear the voice as you were very focused on what was happening in the show. sophie noticed and nudged you a bit.
“what.” you grumble as you didn’t want to miss what was happening. “noah said hi don’t be rude.”
you resist the urge to roll your eyes and grab sophie’s phone. “hi noah.” you held the phone at an angle that you liked, not wanting to look bad in front of thousands of people.
noah let a smile take over his face when he saw you. he’d never tell sophie this but he’s had a thing for you ever since he stalked sophie’s account when they first became friends.
he was scrolling through her pictures when he came across a picture of you. it was birthday post she had posted pictures of you in front of your birthday cake.
you looked utterly beautiful in the photo. a huge smile on your face as you had spent the day with your friends and family.
he requested to follow you but wasn’t accepted. he had remained requested for quite a while. he just thought you didn’t want to do anything with him. but when he asked sophie about it she had told him that she never checks her follow request as she didn’t want “famous” people following her.
noah couldn’t help but feel his heart sink just a bit when he realized that she may never talk to him.
“hey! how are you?”
he slightly cringed at his voice. he had a deep voice but right now it was really high pitched. it only ever happens when he’s nervous or excited. right about now he was nervous.
you let a small laugh. “i’m good actually. how are you? i’ve heard that you’re pretty famous.”
“that’s great! i’m doing okay,
i wouldn’t say i’m famous though.”
yours and sophie’s laugh could be heard. “are you kidding?” sophie asked as she moved her head into frame, eyeing noah.
“yeah. aren’t you part of like one of the biggest shows right now?”
noah couldn’t help but let out a laugh at your words. “yeah i guess you could say that.”
“well, i’m going to let you go back to talking to soph. it was nice talking to you!”
noah tried to hide his disappointment as your face was gone from the screen. “wait!”
sophie looked at noah before handing the phone back to you. “could you accept my request? i’d like to talk to you more.”
this was it. he was finally shooting his shot. well, not technically but it was a start. you couldn’t help but let a confused look take over your face before smiling. “sure.”
and with that you gave the phone back to sophie. she sent you a look before talking to noah.
he couldn’t help but wonder if your answer was sarcastic or if you actually meant it. he had come to the conclusion that he’d just have to wait and see if she accepted him.
after sophie ended the live, she eagerly turned to you. “oh my god! he totally has the hots for you.” you pause the show and look at her confused.
“what? no he doesn’t. he was just being nice, soph.”
your friend rolled her eyes at you. she couldn’t believe how oblivious you could be sometimes.
“how did you miss the way he looked at you! literally when i turned the camera around to your face his whole face like lit up!”
you open your mouth to say something only for it to shut when sophie started speaking again.
“he doesn’t even know you that well and he’s already fallen for you. i mean, who wouldn’t though you are literally so gorgeous!”
“soph, you’ve got to stop overthinking these things. he was just being nice.”
“sure. accept his request! come on.”
you quickly grab your phone and unlock it. tapping the instagram app, you’re immediately met with a picture of gracie abraham. you can’t help but smile seeing that she had just released her album and like the photo.
you click on the follow request and you finally see all the people who want to get into you account. “accept my friends y/n!” sophie says as she sees all her friends wanting to follow her. “no, i told you i don’t want them following me.”
searching noah’s username in the small search bar that instagram has so you don’t have to scroll through all the accounts just to find one.
you’re met with a bunch of fanpages for him and have to scroll a bit but eventually find his account. you press accept and follow him back.
not even a second later a message pops up on your screen.
Noah Schnapp®
hey :)
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spicyfoodboi · 4 years
do they cuddle you?
Genre: random
A HiMERU, Mika Kagehira, and Hiyori Tomoe x reader
Anonymous asked:
Hi hi! Can i request kissing/cuddling headcanons for HiMERU, Mika and Hiyori from Ensemble Stars. The blog is amazing, keep up the good work! <333
a/n: hey guys been a while since posted on here. Still might be paranoid but hopefully, I do well on this one and it doesn't disappear, sorry for making you guys wait for so long! Let's get started!
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I see him as a very cuddly boy.
Like he would cuddle you everywhere.
Outside, inside, private, or in public.
He does not care.
He gets more attention from the paparazzi and he makes you feel loved so it's a win-win for him.
"HiMERU wants permission to bring you in his arms. Will that be okay?"
You smile and nod, wrapping your arms around his torso.
He smiled, hugging you tightly.
"HiMERU feels so loved right now," he said, kissing your temple.
Shows you off.
Like he would nuzzle his face into your hair for the press.
He would sit you down on his lap during interviews.
Always has to hold you.
Whether he's holding your hand or has his arm around your shoulder, as long as your beside him, he feels calm.
 Mika Kagehira
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Soft boi :3
He would be very shy with affection.
But if he's clingy, we would hug you from behind and whine for you to hug him back.
[insert Mika noises]
Will kiss your cheek at best.
"c-can I get a little kiss?" he asked, nuzzling into your neck to get your attention.
Shu is your best friend and your worst enemy.
He gets so jealous when Mika cuddles you in front of him.
He just sulks and cuddles with mademoiselle instead.
Mika will let you borrow his costumes just to see how you look.
When shu saw this, he proceeded to get your measurements and make you tons of lolita dresses
(that's for another time-)
Will protect you with cuddles, growling at the danger.
It doesn't scare anyone, if anything, they think it's cute.
Will cower behind you when he's the one who gets scared.
 Hiyori Tomoe
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A flamboyant bitch-
He would hug you in front of his fans just to see their reactions.
He wants to get noticed and if being clingy gets people's attention, then he will do it.
When he sees a lot of negative reactions and hate, he would hug you tightly and fake cry on your shoulder to get more of a reaction.
If the hate is directed at you though, he becomes more serious.
He would tell people off while he pulls you tight with one arm.
Will let you nuzzle into him while he tells the haters off.
Even though he wants attention, he will not accept them talking shit about you of all people.
Will cuddle you in the lounges.
He has no shame.
Will pull you into his lap and just nuzzle into your back in front of the other members of Eden.
At this point, they don't care anymore and just mind their own business.
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 Omg these were kind of short and became a lot more random so that is why our genre is this lolol. Hope you guys enjoy this! Love you all 💕❤💖💕💞
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sunfloweradore · 4 years
i’m leaving this blog
hi! this post is a bit long but at the end you’ll find prompts and requests that you are free to use if you’re a writing blog :).
hi there!! if you’re reading this, i hope you’re doing well and staying safe. i just wanted to say that i’m leaving this blog and i’m not sure if i’ll ever come back. the years i’ve spent being a harrie have been great and it’s been a crazy amount of time! pretty much since the x factor! however, for a long time it’s also felt like i’ve been forcing myself to be a fan of harry’s. i’ve put so much energy into being a fan of his that it hasn’t been fun for me in a while and neither has writing fanfiction, which is what this blog is mainly for. it’s felt very difficult to sit down and write a fantasy about somebody who i might not even like anymore and in hindsight it seems a little dumb, but i did stress over writing all the time. this isn’t really about anybody i’ve interacted with on tumblr because you’re all lovely but sometimes it feels as though harries don’t treat him like he’s a human being and instead like he’s a god. me, included. even though i know we joke about harry being the only man we’d let degrade us or destroy our lives or whatever, he is still a person at the end of the day! it took me a very long time to realize that and thinking of him as otherworldly or completely perfect was my way of thinking for a while and i think it was pretty damaging. the fact that so many people would literally die for him is sad because unfortunately, none of us are going to be on his “level”, so to speak. we don’t know him personally and chances are we aren’t ever going to. ahhhh please don’t be mad at me for saying this, it’s just something i’ve realized i need to change about myself and i think it’s something we should all consider about everyone we are fans of. 
anyway, the time and energy i’ve spent on something so ridiculous is exponential and i really feel like it’s time to put it in the past. i’m dedicating this year to self-growth and part of that is learning how to be my own person. feeling like i have to be interested in something or someone in order to be normal has been a common theme in my life and harry has been that someone for as long as i can remember. this isn’t his fault of course but i’m getting older and i don’t want to think of this time in my life as the era that i was obsessed with harry styles. instead, i want to form memories and real life experiences instead of using fanfiction as a way to cope with all of the things that i can’t handle in my life. it worked for a while but at this point i’ve been reading it and writing it for so long that it feels like i’m living inside my head, like i’ve become dependent on it (obviously this is very bad lolol). so, long story short, i will be leaving this blog because it just isn’t good for me anymore. thank you to everyone who has requested things for me to write and anyone who has interacted with my writing. sorry i couldn’t get through them :(. i’d also like to thank everyone i met through this blog because you’re all such amazing people and you deserve the world. i will leave my writing up but the sentiment still applies- i’ve worked very hard on everything i’ve written so please don’t repost any of it without crediting me, thank you.
below are requests i couldn’t get to and prompts(?)/works that i never got to finish. feel free to use them if you want and tag me in them bc i’d love to see how you write them :)
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1. paperboy harry!
i think the direction i wanted this to go in was kind of like a 40′s au? or just a long long time ago. not sure why i had this started seeing as i already have harry as a paperboy in a story of mine but go off ig
2. vampire harry!
i had a specific plot i wanted where harry was in a car wreck because of a vampire who ended up biting him in like an alleyway. reader saves him and is a vampire herself! she nurses him back to health n teaches him how to be a vamp with various shenanigans along the way
3. hospital au?
this one i’m not too sure about but if you’ve seen the red band society you’d sort of know the direction i was going with this. there’s kind of an in-between for people in the hospital who are fighting death or going into surgery and in that in-between is a boy who has been in a coma for a long time. i pictured this as being angsty and for harry to be the boy who guides people in certain directions but he ends up falling for the reader while she’s there
4. ghost au!
self explanatory but i pictured harry as the ghost who kind of just wants a friend lol
5. tea au?
this would probably be pretty short, i just thought it was cute! reader has different kinds of tea all the time and it’s a surprise each time he kisses her 
6. strawberry farm au?
reader has a strawberry farm LMAO maybe harry buys them from her or it’s another vampire au, who knows!
7. threesome
most likely has been done b4 but a threesome w 2 guys and the reader where the guy is inside harry while he is inside the reader
8. chocolate by the 1975
a fic based on that song! it would probably be from harry’s pov 
9. space au?
hmm i think i probably saw something that inspired this but all it says is “harry sends letters to space” so i’m assuming it’s an au where he just decided to send letters to space out of boredom or something and mayhaps alien reader finds one?
10. assassin au!
harry is an assassin and in my draft it’s super vague? and almost seems like he’s stalking the reader? it could go in any direction really but i’m assuming the reader is dating him and doesn’t know he’s an assassin
11. chapstick
very similar to the tea one! just w the reader wearing diff chapsticks all the time
12. shower
this is inspired by something i read on wattpad a long time ago and i’ve tried finding it but i think it might’ve been deleted. the reader flicks da bean all the time in the shower and is really loud about it, harry is distracted and confronts her
13. dang ANOTHER threesome
but this time harry is on a date with a girl and they’re at a bar- the girl is looking around, sees the reader and thinks she’s gorg and they end up having a threesome
14. photography au!
harry is a photographer who somehow ends up taking pictures of the reader. in my draft the reader asks him to delete the ones that are ugly but he keeps them all hehe
15. scrapbook au
similar to the last one, harry takes pictures of the reader a lot but it’s not bc he’s a photographer, he just thinks she’s pretty n wants to scrapbook. twist is that he has TWO scrapbooks- one of innocent pics and one that’s lustier (consensual ofc)
16. habits of my heart by jaymes young
self explanatory, angsty
17. roommate au?
this is for some reason also an assassin au? but they’re roommates and reader doesn’t know what he does. they’re bffs, mutual pining
18. don’t forget about me by clove
wow another song fic, big surprise
19. puppyy
harry gets a puppy who hates him :( but the puppy loves the reader!
20. mall au
lol this one is kind of dumb idk why i thought of it but harry is one of those kiosk people at the mall who sells perfume! dunno!
21. condoms
reader works at gas station, harry buys huge condoms
22. poetry
either person reads erotic poetry while touching the other
23. magic au
one of them makes a love potion, kind of dark? like making the other fall in love with them idk it could be an accident though
24. private chef
the reader is a private chef! that’s all i’ve got!
25. message board
this is inspired by..... the sims lmaooo you can pin messages to the message board in your apartment building and i thought it’d be cute if the reader and harry lived in the same building and he leaves notes on the board and she doesn’t know they’re for her! she always thinks they’re cute though
26. raisin theory
inspired by new girl! specifically a comment i saw in like a compilation? video of new girl on yt
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i thought it’d be cute for harry to be that person
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nissakii · 3 years
What do Mystic Messenger characters represent in society? [MysMe]
Mystic Messenger which is a game filled with a lot of action, drama and some sort of romance is still really close to our reality.
Especially the characters represent a lot of us and the many different situations people can be in and suffer from, as every and each of them offers us a route in which we can see more of the character and help them to achieve their ending (or not if you are curious to get the bad endings).
Yet what do those characters represent in our usual lives?
Where do we see each and every one of these characters in our society?
In the following blog post, we will see that every character shows us a certain place and piece of our reality that Cheritz put in their game.
Yoosung Kim
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Starting with the youngest member of RFA let’s take the one who hasn't experienced the world of work yet.
As an uni student Yoosung is the very representation of someone who isn’t sure where life could lead him after achieving one big goal: getting into university.
Because despite the fact that standing on one’s own feet starts at that phase in life it is mostly the time where many feel lost as they see themselves stuck in their current life.
And Yoosung is one of those many cases that represent those people in Mystic Messenger.
Living alone for the first time and suddenly feeling the overwhelming force of being responsible for his own mistakes, he sees the sudden challenges of life that come with it.
On top of that with the death of his cousin Rika which he loved so dearly, nobody is very considerate of his feelings, depression and sadness that still lingers inside of him despite that they all claim it is understandable.
His dream job as a vet that was closely tied to the death of Rika’s dog is the more unattainable and painful to think about after the events as he requestions the morals and standards of society.
Being in the age of constantly being expected to give good results and succeed in order to become valuable to society’s standards, he starts to realize how unfair the chances in life are as he compares himself to Jumin Han who was born rich and with his future already set.
We already discussed a lot about Yoosung’s insecurities and general character in another blogpost, but referring to it Yoosung constantly sees no value in whatever he does beside in helping the RFA which as well due to the death of Rika became inactive until MC appeared.
When someone stops to value what he does or sees no merit in it, there are always the questions:
Why did I start this anyway?
What is the whole purpose of this?
Maybe it’s not for me?
And with those questions, with the heavy burden of a private life and social circles that also have a place in one’s life, sometimes there is a need to escape them all.
As a student just running away or taking holidays is not that easy leaving a bunch of responsibilities behind, so the next best way to stop thinking about the life around you is, immersing into another life- gaming.
Gaming may be a good coping mechanism but also a big threat for those who want to constantly flee from their reality slowly developing a game addiction without realizing, just like Yoosung slowly started to lose himself in LOLOL.
Studying, sorrow, wanting to flee but also wanting to become someone standing on stable footing.
They are all parts of finding oneself in the process, going through the harsh times of slowly diving into the world of adults and that is what Yoosung represents - the start of a new phase in life, probably one of the harshest.
Jaehee Kang 
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Close, but still more experienced would be Jaehee Kang the only female of the RFA next to the MC, a chief secretary at C&R and  also the assistant of Jumin Han.
Jaehee is someone seen as a prime example and role-model, being a stable career woman who achieved a lot in her life and has a fairly high income to support herself.
In society’s eyes she is someone who contributes to success and as she is even an early top university graduate for which she got a scholarship in highschool making her extremely diligent and intelligent since her childhood.
Yet Jaehee gave up a lot to be in the position she is right now, she even cut her long hair and wears glasses despite her good vision since it is part of the demands Jumin made for the job as his secretary.
As she said herself her work contains a lot of tasks which some of them she isn’t even supposed to do and go beyond her ordinary secretary job, yet she does them and doesn’t complain since she gets paid for it.
In Zen’s DVD she tried to find a bit of happiness in her daily monotone routine as she works day in and day out, where she even eats out a lot and until late hours, having to take care of her boss’s cat when asked to.
In one of the chats in which Jaehee and Yoosung are talking about how successful and stable Jaehee is unlike Yoosung who is still feeling lost and doesn’t have that stability in life which she wouldn’t understand.
Jaehee on the other hand responds that despite having a job it’s not really that what she wanted to do and that she is still wondering what it is that she actually wants to do as she mentions that she used to go hiking a lot as her hobby, showing that despite being in a good position in society Jaehee still doesn’t feel fulfilled and rather a bit trapped in her monotone working routine which she basically devoted her life to.
Jaehee represents those of who seem like they have achieved a lot and do have a place in society job-wise but are still not sure what it is what they really want to do as they live in and out of their secure routine which they maintain and people expect them to be satisfied with.
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Zen or how he is called by his real name, Hyun Ryu is one of the few characters that actually went through and made his dream his actual job.
Despite his looks he did not become a model but an actor depicting many emotions and roles in which he loses himself in while giving his best to show the audience the true nature of the persona he is currently playing.
We see Zen being a bit more on the easy-going side and encouraging Yoosung for example to follow his heart and dreams like he did, since it worked out for Zen. Yoosung encounters that Zen has the looks to follow the way he wants to which he won’t deny yet it’s not the only quality Zen bears.
He is a very hard-working person, strict on himself when it comes to working out or dieting and also tends to be a workaholic engrossing himself in constant development to fulfill his dream, which is not tied to his looks. Quite contrary Zen despises the fact that some people choose him a role only fitting for his looks and even worse asking him only to model instead of acting, as he mentions that it is acting that he wants to do and not modelling.
In that way his wishes often get disrespected or disregarded due to his looks, also he is being seen as shallow which may lead to people jumping to conclusions.
We see in Zen’s route what a harsh path he had to take in order to pursue his dream, it took him a lot of sacrifice, patience and work to be where he is and it’s only the start for him.
He ran away from home since his parents did not approve of his dreams, he was not the best at school and also dropped out renting an apartment for himself struggling through hard times to survive.
But despite that he never gave up since his dream was his passion and something he did with much eagerness and seriousness, even though many may call it foolish or risky.
Zen is the best representation of the people in our society who choose to derive from the usual path striving for a stable job and take many risks to achieve their dreams.
Because of those dreams life may get a bit harder and the chances are not high, yet Zen is the best example that it takes time, sacrifices and sometimes harsh circumstances to reach that what you want to do.
He is the hard reality of chasing your dreams.
Jumin Han
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More or less in our category of society, Jumin Han is a less common case of working hard to achieve a high status and standard in that sense which doesn’t make him lazy or given everything for nothing, but makes his life sure easier from a materialistic perspective.
Cue materialism the first thing that not only RFA mentions when MC enters the chatrooms in the first days but also a misunderstanding from the start is that Jumin only sees numbers and facts, wielding his money to obtain whatever he desires and living an easy life.
Sure enough, money is one of the most fundamental problems that make life much harsher when it's lacking, also it’s the main cause of many stress factors since education, work and status are all basically tied to money. 
If the world is not about money in a certain sense why are we struggling that much anyways to get amazing jobs and maybe in some cases like Jaehee give up part of our life and identity?
But Jumin is the perfect example that the rich people who exist out there or at least some of them do not rely solely on their privilege of being born rich, yet still work hard to prove their position in society as Jumin still graduated as a top student, being part of MENSA which requires high IQ to become a member of and has a policy of working as efficiently as possible.
In that sense Jumin is a talented, intelligent young man who doesn’t want to simply rely on his background but also showcase his skills as he always strives to get the best results in the company to make sure he deserves the place as the CEO in line.
Since Yoosung constantly nags and complains about Jumin’s background being a bliss and that he had a comfortable and easy life, Jumin does not tell him he might be wrong but that he simply did not decide to be born that way and still encourages Yoosung that he has good qualities which Jumin finds appealing enough to hire him as an intern, showing him that it’s still important which skills someone hones.
Yoosung is just one example of people viewing him as someone who is just lucky enough to be born rich or the unfairness of status by birth, but they do not see the the dark side of Jumin’s life as he never had any stable relationships beside V that he cherishes so much also that people only put light on his status but not the work that he himself put into, visiting lessons since childhood not growing up like a usual kid playing freely without fearing to be kidnapped.
Therefore the concept of love is quite strange for him and beside in the good ending of his own route where he finally starts to learn about it, the box of emotions Jumin holds is always hidden deep within him projecting his own weaknesses on Elizabeth the 3rd who gives him the secure form of love and loyalty.
In any other situation love is not needed in the world he grew up in since facts and cold logic represented as results of success is what the people need to see from him, mistakes are a sign of weakness and incompetence especially him who everyone is constantly watching.
Jumin represents those in society who may seem to have high status, wealth and cozy life yet struggle due to the things that cannot be merely achieved by money alone, highlighting the importance of interpersonal relationships.
Saeyoung Choi/707/Luciel
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That the world is not an easy place that can be seen only as black and white shows us the next character who suffered a lot through the dark and hidden secrets that society often tries to brush under the carpet.
Saeyoung Choi and his twin brother who we will examine later, show us the cruelty hidden in a small apartment living with an abusive mother who used to beat them up, verbally abuse them as a consequence of them being the illegitimate child of the prime minister.
Since Saeyoung was the more skilled one from a young age, he was treated badly but not as worse as his brother Saeran, which left him with no choice than using his talent to save his brother.
In order to that there was only one option and it was to leave his brother behind leaving him in the hands of V and Rika to protect him while Saeyoung would study to make sure when comes back he and Saeran could run away together.
And he took that option instead of fearing to be killed by his father one day or even by his mother.
In the end Saeyoung landed in an agency which stripped him of any identity and made him work like a machine even before he turned legal due to his level of skill and intellect.
With no place to escape anymore and the only light thinking that Saeran is safe and protected from some floppy disks he has with some pictures of him, he gave into corruption but not turning bad since his intentions kept him pure.
The RFA were a little safespace for him yet Seven never had the right as he claims for that since he doesn’t even have an identity anymore being neither Saeyoung nor any other person as his jobs demands for him to constantly change names and places if needed, therefore he doesn’t even have personal data anywhere.
He even forgot who he is at some point if it wasn’t for V and the floppy disks leaving him in an identical crisis and no hope to be understood by anyone as he constantly wears a mask and never is his true self.
In his eyes his is constantly extorted by his agency and even in some routes he claims that RFA puts a heavy load of work on his back which he likes to do but there are some endings in which Seven finds out that Saeran is under bad circumstances and even worse the hacker who infiltrated RFA and wanted to get rid of him, leaving him to lose trust in the last person he had, V.
Saeyoung Choi represents those who are mistreated, used and extorted in society, forced to live a life in which they cannot decide for themselves and were left to make choices that led them to an unfavorable position instead of helping them.
He is the one showing us that the shadows exist and fear of losing existence due to being nuisance and eyesore for people who have a more favorable place in the eyes of the government.
Saeran Choi/Unknown/Ray
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Last but not least the other part of the shadows, Saeran Choi also known as either Ray or Unknown.
Unlike his brother he is at first not shown to have any special talent and since childhood he was a very fragile and kind boy who was seen as weak due to his nature.
A trait that made him prone to being attacked and mistreated not only by his mother but many other people.
But starting with his mother as he was less free than Saeyoung and even tied him up to avoid that he would roam around freely, his mother used to call him weak, useless and of no value as his brother is far better than him and skilled, at least making him worth to be kept alive.
She even deprived him of food and water at times, beat him up and made sure he would know his place in the world as she describes people like us comparing him to her.
Yet Saeran always looked up and trusted his brother since he was a good-natured person despite the fact that he started to manifest the idea that he himself is useless and a burden.
Even when Saeyoung left he was sure that he had a good reason and blamed himself for being useless, but due to certain circumstances and manipulation he was told that Saeyoung ran away from him.
It took a lot of torture and brainwashing to make Saeran finally give up the idea that Saeyoung will keep his promise and never ran away from him. which he later fueled his grudge with.
Rika who used him for mint-eyes plans made sure to keep him as Ray, the one who knew that he was of no merit or value to the outside world, and the moment he would leave the place he now belonged to would be the moment people would trample him, the weak down to the ground.
She also made sure to make him believe that there is no other place for him since he is someone unstable, someone who can only bloom if he worked for mint-eye and that his skills are not needed beside in here the place that would never betray him.
As we notice in Ray’s chats, the same exact words are used when he speaks to MC as he tells her if he doesn’t succeed he would be thrown away and that the world outside is an unprotected place full of people who are cruel.
Weirdly enough in one of the chats Ray shows MC a photo of two plants that sprouted in the from the same ground, but one was almost dying while the other one bloomed as he referred to Saeyoung and himself,  noticing that the stronger one used the weaker to survive therefore he cut the stronger one and used it as a fertilizer rejecting the idea that in any kind of way the stronger could win over the weaker one even in nature’s way.
MC who can be as nice to Ray/Saeran as she wants to be, he will always bring up the fear of being left behind as he has the stigma of being unstable by himself or unusable if not finishing the job as it’s the only thing he can bring any profit in and that he is no use if he doesn’t fulfill his role as a puppet.
Saeran Choi represents the undermined and discarded people of society who were not give a chance nor an option to show their ability, but were stigmatised or manipulated to act as puppets as they are only of worth when they can fulfill the needed tasks as their weakness is something unsightly and doesn’t have a place in this world.
The weak never survives, it’s the survival of the fittest… which means if there is no merit in what he does there is no need to keep him.
Are there any other characters which you see in society that are also part of the mystic messenger cast?
Do you feel especially tied to one of the characters in one of these aspects?
Until then - I just got a message
Original Source
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treason-and-plot · 4 years
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Ahhh, assumptions. Well, probably Spence will have some of those assumptions corrected sooner or later. Self-righteous prigs end up alienating themselves from a lot of actually good people who don’t conform to their narrow definitions of ‘righteous’. (I should know, because I used to be one to an extent in my younger days.) But they can learn and grow. 😋 Especially when they’re humbled via experience teaching them sharp lessons about how wrong they’ve been, or how narrow their perspective was.
Lovely, lovely comment that had me nodding vehemently then cackling with glee. He will definitely have them corrected if Mia, Raj and I have anything to do with it!
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I feel like this bothered me far more than it would ever bother Mia
Mia is not bothered by being labelled a slut, but the fact that he is implying that she didn’t love Noah or cheated on Noah hurt her to the core. 
I don't think I'd worry about other people's honor, well not those people anyway. They're not delicate. They're not in delicate relationships. This is about Noah, isn't it. I'm behind and cheating by reading from new backwards (sometimes I read books that way...for shame), so maybe this is an obvious thing. I still think it. BTW that kitchen is perfectly awful, as in perfectly. I'd run.
Yes, Spence is hurting about Noah, and taking it out on Mia. He does genuinely think that she cheated on him though, not that it’s any of his business, but he wants an outlet for his anger. 
That kitchen has virtually been untouched since Jojo lived there...Raj is neat and tidy, but his attitude to food is generally ‘food is fuel’ and cooking is definitely not something he can be bothered devoting much time to. 
This is probably the only time I agree on something Spencer says--don't strip down in front of him, Mia. He'd blow a gasket and then you'll have to Weekend-at-Bernies his misogynist carcass out of there. Not ideal.
There are not enough Weekend At Bernies references on Tumblr, lolol!!
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I kind of agree. You don't want to tasked with taking out the trash as well as getting breakfast after being hungover.
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Hahaha. But the only person with a problem here is Spence. Mia isn’t afraid of nudity.
Spencer has a LOT of problems.
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Hmm I wonder if Spense would have a problem with her stripping in front of him if it were say Cookie? I have a feeling it might be depend upon his opinion of who is doing the stripping.
OMG SO TRUE! In this post, Spence talked about how he saw Naomi naked, and there was no judgment or criticism whatsoever. It definitely depends who it is!
The contempt dripping from every word is impressive! He really just loathes the air she breathes, doesn't he?
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lmao go mia! go for the eyes 😈 also loool at the flying STD. careful Spence, you might get infected if she spat at you 😂
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Poor, delicate Spenser.
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i'm cracking up at "get undressed in the fucking bathroom like a normal person" bc i am mia and there's a trail of clothes between my bed and my bathroom lol
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listen, walkers who undress, we exist
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Apparently not. . .
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Yikes. I kinda sorta agree with Spencer’s logic. However “It isn’t what you say but how you say it.”
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Perhaps working in a toxic environment, has Spencer bent out of shape.
Spencer pretty much is the toxic environment, lolol!
@xldkx You appear relatable. I think Spencer is trying to say keep your private parts, um, private when strangers/folks are in the same room😅
@sweetnovember77 hehe this is true :-D
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Wow, Spencer reeeeeeally hated Mia. Does he blame her for Noah's death?
No, he doesn’t, but he definitely thinks she wasn’t good for him.
I was thinking the same @muses-circle . I bet seeing Mia always reminded him of Noah. Maybe 1 of the reasons why he just couldn't stand Mia's presence
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Exactly @dreamsascend . This level of nastiness and anger doesn't come from nowhere. There has to be a reason behind it.
@muses-circle true. I agree!
The truth has now been revealed...and @muses-circle​ you were very much on the money when you said Spencer is taking his grief out on Mia. Thank you both as always for reading and for your awesome comments!💖
"Crusty underpants"?!?! 😂😂😂 How are you coming up with things like this?!? I'm so envious!!! 👏👏👏 Also I don't know if it's psychic twins strike again or just me being obsessed with zodiac behaviour, but both Michael and Mia are Gemini and both has absolutely no shame or even self-awareness when it comes to nudity. It's absolutely amazing!!
I hate to admit this, but my one of my bffs and I back in the day always used to refer to each other as ‘Crusty’ lolol...maybe it’s a (very gross) Aussie thing! And yeah that IS amazing! They don’t do it for shock value or to offend or titillate, they just have absolutely no self-awareness.
(I just LOVE the parallels btw Simba and Mia. another ship that's never meant to sail, but hey ahaha @shhhushhh)
Ermmmm... I think @shhhushhh knows exactly how I feel about Michael and will not be offended when I say OVER MY DEAD BODY lololol!!
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Ever heard of leaving the room? 🙄
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Just perfect writing. Just absolutely perfect. You capture both of them right down to the bone. Dignity can be a valuable asset but it wouldn't hang right on Mia. Heavy cloth and all.
Oh my gosh, I’m blushing to the roots of my hair! Thank you so much for the amazing compliment! And yes, Mia is definitely a free spirit ;=) Dignity does not look good on her!
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"Put your crusty fucking underpants back on and get undressed in the fucking bathroom like a normal person." This had me cracking up...OMG!
LOL! I’m quite surprised Mia was even wearing underpants tbh!
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
You're a freaking genius with your Twilight Imagine. I've read tons of self-inserts not only on Tumblr but also ffnet and ao3 and this, I might say, is one of the best. I'd suggest posting it on other platforms because it is pure gold and people needs to gush to this more.
I'm excited how you'd do the Cullen Introduction/Gossip to Bella cafeteria scene. Considering R's now close to the popular kids and the diversion from canon. I can see the Cullen kids described not as outcasts but just a very private group whose got trust issues because of their wealth and the thing that happened with R in gym. Like they do mingle and all but aside from R the rest don't really have another tightly bonded group of human friends, just club mates and acquaintances.
I'm so looking forward to not-so-bitter Jessica's description of the Cullens.
Thank you!! I just want everyone to know, I am writing responses to my twilight reader insert fic, in my twilight shirt (I finally pulled the trigger on one I’ve been eyeing for a while now lol) 
So I know I’m kinda young, but I have no idea how to post on AO3 lol. I will consider it though, because reading nice compliments (like yours), and talking about my fics makes my day! 
Your comment actually inspired me to write that whole part, it was originally more angsty, but I wasn’t really happy with it. I think it’s a lot more light-hearted now. (I’m also going to mention trust issue’s now that you mentioned it lolol ) It’s still not 100% where I want it to be, but I think it’s waaaaay better.
I think I might post the next part this weekend. Part of the quick updates are that I already know how I want this series to end, but I know if I don’t write it all out asap I’ll  lose motivation and it will be “just another wip” haha
Thank you for reading! This message made my day <3
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dianaburnwood · 5 years
The Last Resort: First Impressions
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Back at it again with a first impressions post! Spoilers under the cut :)  
OK OK sdfsghjk are you READY for my loooooong thoughts
The intro cutscene - beautiful as usual. Everything we already knew, HAVEN is being used by the Partners to construct new identities for them. Needing to kill the owners of the resort to give Olivia enough time to hack the servers is a nice narrative reason to go after them. 
Love 6 flying the plane, mouth flap was a bit weird but animation looked great overall. 47 not wanting to rely on “luck” and 6 teasing him about it omg those BOIS
The resort is STUNNING. 
Ahh my MAN’S SHORTS??? Coming in on that boat? BOI  IO you really cheated calling my man’s open shirt “swimwear”, but I must repeat, the resort is STUNNING. And I love the music for this level too. 
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47 won’t go past this point in the ocean. Doesn’t want to get the hem of those shorts wet. 
Working hard, or hardly working? I did have to remind myself to actually play the game instead of admiring it lol 
He’s wistfully wishing Diana was beside him. Did anyone else want to tickle his feet? 
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I love, love, love that Jason Portman is in this level. It’s the perfect opportunity to use him.
Ok, onto the actual playthrough: 
For my first playthrough I checked in to my hut, spent a LOT of time admiring the island, then called Vetrova from the number she left me and met her. 
Went from there to infitrate the villa, grabbed a guard’s disguise near the seaplane and was about to sneak into the house when I noticed a tech dude swiping his entry into a steel door below the house. So, grabbed his disguise and went in.
The fact that this lab is under the sea is so fucking cool 
Ok so I thought KAI was my forever-love but this jellyfish server thing??? AMAZING. I went down to get a closer look at this thing, and took out the security cameras while I was at it. 
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Took a look at the employee quarters and overheard a woman on the phone saying the USB Petrova had asked her to steal was in her locker. So, went into the locker room, investigated, and stole the USB. 
Then the dilemma - do I give it to Petrova or Tyson? I decided to continue as I started, and called Petrova to meet at the spa. On the way out I had a look at the security footage, that was cool. Found myself from the security room through a secret door into the villa itself. Stole the speedboat key while I was there (even though you came in on a speedboat 47, fucking chill). Went outside to look at the parrots and disturbed them, that was a nice touch.  
Had a look around the villa while I was there, cos why not, and saw Tyson trying to cure his headache by watching a screen? Waited till he went into his bedroom, lured his guard and knocked him out, then killed Tyson. One down. 
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(Tfw you realize everyone thinks you’re a robot)
Decided it was time I leave the villa before my luck ran out, and then OH BABY. The STORM. I thought it might be something they put in the trailer but NO, there was an actual storm rolling in over the island. And it was just after I killed Tyson so it felt like some mythical consequence (it was probably set to happen after a kill, I’ll find out on subsequent playthroughs). I am so excited though, cos it’s the first time IO have played with weather in the newer HITMAN games. 
Went to the spa to meet Petrova, was pleasantly surprised by her minor costume change, that was a nice touch. Also the massage lady as 47 walked by “Woah, let me know if you need someone to work on those knots dude” I MEAN
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After my convo with Petrova, I killed her, and decided to follow Steven Bradley around for a while. He was working out after looking around some more, I made my way onto his private island and took a waiter’s disguise. I couldn’t figure out what Bradley was doing on that island other than just running around it, but I started a gas leak on his stove. Then when Bradley came over I realized I could talk to him, and gave him the jet-ski keys - though I hadn’t rigged it with a bomb so nothing happened. Instead, I poisoned his tiki drink. And DAMN my man’s bartending skills have improved since Paris lolol
Then I put back on my pink shorts and took a speedboat outta there. 
Can’t wait to try out the rest of the kills, like the jetski kill. They’re sure to be awesome. Overall, the island is a beautiful and fun place to explore. 
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EDWARDS!!!!!!! He has ALL the Providence assets? How did he screw over the Partners? How did he escape the boat? 
Diana runnign omgggg she was like FUCK this guy 
Who sent the message that all is going to plan? Olivia didn’t. Did Edwards send the message to Grey? Who do they think their targets are? Olivia did find the real identities so maybe 47 and Grey will take them out anyway but WHERE is Edwards and HOW did he orchestrate this?? AND - did he tell Diana that Grey and 47 killed her parents? Looks like no? OR...
UMMMM how does Grey have a fricken bat cave 
Also Olivia calling 47 Diana’s robot omgggggggg
Bruh I’m going to watch this cinematic so many times  
ok once you’ve all played it you need to freak out with me
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fallingin-like · 5 years
november 26
a two-man team by @idnis​ [requested by @foxsoulcourt​ and @sig66​]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post!
this super cute fic features nicky who is doing his best to raise a kid while simultaneously falling for said kid’s teacher, erik mountain man klose. as one might imagine, this is hilarious and so fun to read
this is such a funny, wonderful, and adorable fic, it was really entertaining to see how nicky reacted to things and all his rambling. erik was such a star, i’m so happy that they were able to meet. i always love your unique writing style, and this time was no different!
parts i enjoyed:
”everyone who knew him two years ago knew there was a dark, dark year where nicky wore the same sweatpants for weeks on end until allison quite literally cut them to pieces while they were still on his body” ohmygoodness, this is so funny! i would have loved to see this, i bet allison was chasing after nicky who was running away yelling ‘but they’re comfortable!!’ and cutting off whatever chunk of sweatpant was closest to her
”they feel almost sacred, these few minutes in the morning where everything is completely silent” yes! i totally understand this
”sometimes nicky pretends he’s living alone, that he’s just like any other 25 year old, but he always feels guilty after” this is kind of heartbreaking. nicky has such a big heart and is a natural caretaker, but i think that he’s so used to this mindset of taking care of other people that he forgets he has to first take care of himself. he’s sacrificed a lot for the people that he loves and i wish he was able to see that he’s doing so much good and it’s okay if he misses the life he could have had. he really didn’t have much time to be a young adult
THE PINEAPPLE SOCKS! that’s so cute!!
the little socks emoji!!!!! such a great detail that you included
ohmygoodness erik and his mountain climbing haha
”hugo merely puts another potato wedge in his mouth” for some reason i really liked this sentence
”it’s like walking through a hobbit village” this is true haha so many tiny things
hhhHH margaret is the worst, like “nicky would like to fake-gently slap her”? well i want to aggressively slap her. people are so rude!! soooo annoying i can’t express it through words
”before nicky can shover her into the cute little coat racks” i love this! haha something about the contrast between nicky trying to skewer someone and the little kids things is really funny to me
”nicky swears he can hear joyous goats bleating in the background” LOL this is so funny what in the world
nooooooo hugo thinking nicky forgot him?? how dare you!
i love that even though nicky is really interested in erik and wants to hang out with him, he prioritizes hugo and gets him out of that overwhelming environment. he’s so thoughtful
”in a way, because this isn’t normally where he finds attractive men, and he usually doesn’t share his crush with 20 middle-aged mothers” this is funny, but also? i don’t know how i feel about all these middle-aged women flirting with this teacher. (just kidding. i know how i feel. and that is bad. it’s kind of creepy of these moms to act like that…..)
it’s neil! and andrew! i am so happy to see that in this au, even after they’ve all grown up, they’re still close to nicky and are there to help him
”’have you made a move on him?’ andrew asks without blinking” sometimes i forget that andrew’s version of flirting is very… blunt haha
”nicky laughs awkwardly while mr. erik just stares at him” IS ERIK ALSO JUST BLANKING BECAUSE HE LIKES NICKY
”but he gets interrupted by the human embodiment of an air horn, loud and full of compressed air” oh my goodness this is the perfect description of margaret haha
”mr. erik looks down at his shirt with what looks like regret” LOL
i think it’s cute that andrew and neil are there, not just to help with taking care of hugo, but to give advice to nicky and help him as he’s freaking out
”the words are sweet, sweet vindication, because mr. erik refused to call margaret by her name” YES! take that, margaret
THE PICTURE HUGO DREW OF HIS FAMILY IS SO CUTE. the part to follow is not as cute, but it’s so great to read. we get to see a different side of nicky, where his concerns are and evidence of how much he’s trying. i love that he brought up the socks thing, it’s such a realistic thing to worry about, but also shows how good hugo is being taken care of
choosing what hugo should call nicky is such a tender moment!! so soft
”aside from a few prepackaged snacks that never see the light of day because nicky only reaches for them in the evening when hugo is already asleep” HAH
”’hugo,’ he says solemnly. ‘cancel all your plans tonight. we’re going to bake’” this is the most nicky thing ever!
oh my goodness, the bake sale. those moms probably spent all that time organizing their table instead of playing with their kids smh
”really? it does kinda look like it only took you half an hour” OH NICKY WHAT A BURN
bless erik, for being understanding and smart and for trusting that nicky is a good guy.
ohmygoodness erik touches nicky’s hair halsdkfsajf
”like it’s black friday and he’s a sephora store” YOUR SIMILES ARE AMAZING AND HILARIOUS
awww the updated family portrait is so cute!
”for a moment, nicky forgets he’s not an owl as he quickly spins his head around” LOLOL
”hugo pulls a face” big mood, hugo
woohoo!! allison has arrived to help nicky win his guy!!!!
”’which is what nicky, stupidly, says. ‘wow, you look gorgeous.’” NICKY NOOO WHY DID YOU DO THAT
”at that, hugo’s eyes turn big. ‘enchilada night?’” oh this is so precious
erik telling nicky not to cut himself off is wonderful!!! they’re such a good match, i think nicky really needs someone in his life that’s as supportive as erik. as supportive as the twinyards are, they’re more the silent type that shows affection through insults which is… not the type of support nicky needs
”if only that was possible, nicky thinks for a bleak, bitter moment, before he knows, knows, that that’s not true” NO NICKY IT IS POSSIBLE. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY
i know this is just like a tiny detail, but ohmygoodness hugo’s pineapple lunchbox sounds really cute. is it shaped like a pineapple (i would want this) or does it just have pineapples on it?
nicky is such a good parent/older person! it’s so nice to hear him asking for ava’s opinion amongst the louder, more outgoing kids
”ava asks in a deep manly voice that isn’t her voice at all” I LOVE THIS SENTENCE LOLOL made me laugh so hard!
wait, who were the parents of hugo? i can’t bear to think that any of the foxes were killed in a car crash
THEY KISS… and yet, there is still miscommunication and everything is back to being terrible
ahh allison and nicky is such a great relationship that i have not seen enough. they have such compatible personalities!
”’you don’t need luck when you look like that,’ he says, which is a very much needed confidence boost that nearly makes nicky tear up again” bless andrew, for knowing what nicky needs
everything! is! cleared! up! thank goodness!!!
ohmygoodness of course it’s margaret that discovers them
enchilada time! ahh, love this domestic scene and this part “he said he liked erik first, so he didn’t mind that nicky liked him too” what a kid thing to say!
nicky deserves Good Things and i am glad that he has them in this fic
i really haven’t read any nerik fics before, but i really should if they’re all like this! i loved the seeing everything from nicky’s perspective, he’s so dramatic that it’s always really entertaining to see his side of things. it’s great to see him taking care of hugo, i bet it’s a bit more rewarding but potentially more exhausting than when he was parenting the twinyards, due to the age difference and personality type of hugo, which was more similar to nicky. i think you did an amazing job with the characterization of him, neil, andrew, and allison. i don’t know too much about erik from the books, but i love the way that you wrote him, so caring and sweet and exactly what nicky needs to balance out his self-consciousness and match his humour. this was super fun to read, i’m so glad everything wrapped up so nicely. thank you for writing this!
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libralita · 5 years
Broken Part 8 (End)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
I finished this series quicker than I anticipated! At the end of this post there will be an update on where the series will go from here!
Joyce looked up from her phone from waiting for Jumin to get back at her to suddenly being hugged by Nora.
“I’m so sorry!”
“Sorry!” She stopped hugging her cousin. Nora had changed in the short time that hey had been away. Her hair was still tinted pink but it was starting to go back to its natural color and she was looking a little bit better. Until she starting tearing up. “I’m so sorry, Joy! I can’t believe that I said all those crappy things to you and then you and Uncle Ollie ended up in a the hospital!”
“It’s fine, I get that you were going through a rough time.” Joyce said, softly, taking her cousin’s hand. “How are you doing?”
“How are you doing?” Nora said frowning and sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
“I’m still in pain but I can get around with a wheel chair. Dad seems to be coping okay with what’s going on. Mom looks like she’s about to freak.” Joyce shrugged, looking down at her phone to see if Jumin had replied. He was probably still working.
“Joyce?” Nora asked.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Jumin.” She shrugged.
Nora continued to frown. “So, what are you going to do now that you can’t dance?”
Joyce looked back down at her phone as a reflex. Nora could be a blunt person. “I mean, I probably won’t complete this semester of college by how much I’ve missed with the kidnapping and now the accident.”
“So what are you going to do?”
“Stay with Jumin?” Joyce suggested in jest but right now she felt like she was drowning in a sea and her connection with Jumin was only tether she had. She didn’t know who she was anymore now that dance with gone. Jumin loved her. She could be a wife. She wanted to get married and have children at some point in her life but that always seemed to be pushed off for her career as a dancer.
Now what did she have left?
Nora frowned. “You should go to school.”
“And do what?” Joyce frowned back to her cousin.
Nora softened at that. “I’m sorry, I’m not really good at this but…you don’t sound like yourself.”
Joyce didn’t have to reply because her phone pinged. Jumin was on his way up to her room. Joyce explained this to Nora.
“Alright, I’ll give you guys some privacy.” Nora said. “We’ll talk later, okay?”
“Alright.” Joyce said absently looking at her phone.
Jumin had been spending most of his time at the hospital visiting Joyce and her family. He had them moved to private rooms with the best care money could buy.
Something felt off to him. Joyce had been affectionate to Jumin but now…
“Are you Jumin Han?”
Jumin blinked as he saw a young woman with a LOLOL t-shirt and pink hair go right up to him. “Yes?”
“I’m Nora.”
“Ah, Joyce’s cousin. It is a honor—”
“Yes, yes.” Nora said, flippantly. “Listen, something is wrong with Joyce. She’s so…”
“She’s clinging to me.” Jumin nodded.
Nora softened slightly. “Can you talk to her?”
Jumin nodded as Yoosung came over holding a get well teddy bear. “I will certainly try my best. I want Joyce to be happy.”
Nora nodded and started to walk away. Jumin glanced at Yoosung who had the most pellicular look on his face as he watched Nora go. “Nice shirt!” He blurted out to Nora’s black.
Nora looked back at Yoosung who quickly ducked away. Jumin frowned at Yoosung as they walked to Joyce’s room. “What was that?”
“I liked her shirt, okay!” Yoosung said, hugging the bear to his chest. “Who was that?”
“Joyce’s cousin.” Jumin said. He’ll never understand commoners.
“Jumin!” Joyce said smiling at him and then noticed Yoosung coming in. “And Yoosung!”
“Hi, Joyce, I hope you’re feeling better.” Yoosung said offering her a stuffed animal. “I brought you this.”
“Thank you.” She said, “Yoosung, why are you blushing.”
“Ahhh! No reason!” Yoosung said, blushing even more.
“He met your cousin.”
Joyce raised her eyebrow. “She’s going through a lot right now so be careful.” Joyce responded.
“I have no idea what you are talking about!” Yoosung said. “Goodbye, hope you feel better.”
Joyce giggled and then looked at Jumin. “I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve been thinking about things.” She took his hand in hers.
“I have as well.” Jumin said.
“Oh, good! You wanted me to move in right?”
Jumin was surprised by that. “I…you want to move in?”
“I mean, what else am I going to do now?” Joyce asked, she said it on a nonchalant way but this was setting off alarm bells in Jumin���s mind.
It wasn’t that Jumin didn’t want to just sweep Joyce in his arms and never leave her side. It would be so easy to just give into what Joyce was proposing.
“Joyce, I don’t know if that’s a wise decision.”
“Why not?” She asked, squeezing his hand and looking hurt.
“I think…I want nothing more than to take you into my arms and never let you go. I want you by my side for the rest of my life, if that makes you happy.”
“That would make me happy, Jumin.”
“But,” Jumin said, hugging her close. “at risk of sounding condescending and please hear me out Joyce, I do not think that is what you want. You are at a very confusing and scary time in your life where the thing you were passionate about and guided your life is now no longer an option. The only stable thing you see in your life is me and our relationship.”
Joyce wasn’t looking at him any longer and he gently tilted her head up to meet him. “Now, you know as much as I do that if you would like to spend the rest of your life with me in my penthouse as my life partner, then I would say yes in a heartbeat. I want nothing more than to make you happy and I think making a big life changing decision while you’re in a fragile state is not a wise decision. Do you understand me, Joyce?”
“Yeah…” She said, quietly and wrapped her arms around him. She buried her face in his chest. “I don’t know what to do anymore…”
“I know it’s hard right now, but you are a brilliant young woman. You will find something else.” Jumin said softly, running his hands in her hair. “We will get through this together.”
Joyce sniffed, “you don’t have to, I’ll be fine.”
Jumin tilted his head at her. “A wise woman once told me about how tragic events like these are weights that you carry around in life and the only way to make that easier is by letting other people carry that weight.”
“That woman was just spotting off cheesy metaphors she came up with.” Joyce said in a joking matter.
“Cheesy or not, those are wise words to go by.” Jumin said. “Please don’t shut out me or anyone else. Like Nora. You are allowed to ask for help, just as I’m learning to do so.”
“I guess we’re more similar than I realized.”
“Yes, we have both broke at one point or another.” Jumin said, lacing her hand in hers. Joyce looked up with him. “But we’ll get through it, okay?”
Jumin and Joyce had laid in the hospital bed for a while. Quietly talking about the future and trying to work through it. Jumin could tell that Joyce was getting sleepy. He moved to tuck her in.
“Yes, Joyce?” He asked, putting the bear Yoosung had given her next to her. She gently tugged on the bottom of his shirt.
“I’m proud of you.”
That was surprising. “Proud of me? For what?”
“I know how it could have been easy for you to just let me cling to you and avoid the problem…” she yawned and closed her eyes. “But you didn’t, you talked me through it and kept everything straight. You’ve grown a lot…”
Jumin stared at her for a moment and then smiled. “Thank you…that means so much to me.” He leaned down and kissed her goodnight and then left.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much to everyone who was reading this series. It was a hard one to write because of the hard topics that I decided to delve into. It was nice to explore these sides of the characters.
As for the future, I have a one-shot (or perhaps it might be a small two part series, depending on how I want to go with it) planned for the near future. It will be titled Wedding of the Century. Yes, you know what’s going to happen. Then I have planned one final series for Joyce and Jumin. Unless I get sudden inspirtation to do another one with these two, I think this series will be the last. Though it’s still in development.
In this part, I was in fact foreshadowing Nora and Yoosung’s relationship. I am also playing with the idea of Kaya and Jaehee getting together. Those are things that In am still thinking about but will probably come.
Thanks again to @mrs-han and @juminhandfs for being so awesome! And thanks to everyone who liked and reblogged my posts. Everyone who has been reading along is the absolute best!
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phoenixsavant · 6 years
Jumin’s Route: Day 1
Picking up after the prologue.
               Jumin scoffed to himself as he prepared for bed.  Zen had made a proper fool of himself. Yoosung could be somewhat excused, given his age and lack of life experience.  Zen should have known better than to throw himself at the newcomer though. For all that went, Seven wasn’t exactly reserved either.  
               “I wonder if I should speak to them, Elizabeth,” he murmured to the sleek, white body at the foot of his bed.  He sat beside her.  “This is all very strange and possibly dangerous.  They should exercise a little caution.”
               “Hmm, you’re right.  We won’t find out anything by being too distant. There should be a balance, as in all things.  Still, don’t you agree this is highly unusual?  What could it mean that she is in Rika’s apartment, and how do we determine if she’s a friend or a threat?”
               Elizabeth purred, stretched, and closed her eyes.
               “Yes, rest first, and then we shall have answers. You’re quite right.”  He reached to turn out his light but was stopped by the sudden ringing of his phone.  He picked it up, expecting Assistant Kang, and was surprised to see MC’s name on the display instead.  
               Surprised, but curious, he answered the call. “Jumin Han speaking.”
               “This is MC.”
               “My phone has caller ID.  But I like the fact that you identified yourself.  So, to what do I owe this call?”  His own words of caution echoed through his thoughts. He must be careful not to betray any information to this stranger while drawing out whatever he could about her.
               When she said she was just wondering what he was doing, he felt vaguely annoyed.  Who called someone they did not know, had not properly met, after midnight?  He spoke calmly, but clearly, putting her in her place and ensuring that she would understand that he was not someone who would take such calls in the future.
               She apologized almost instantly, and he felt bad for basically having scolded another adult. “I should say something positive to her,” he thought.  “I admire your courage,” was the best he could find to say about the bold stranger on the phone.  Yet, habit was a stronger force than even Jumin Han, and he reverted immediately to reminding her not to call unless there was an emergency.
               “That is not how to give feedback.  I just did it in reverse.  I must resolve this,” his thoughts demanded of him.  He added on, “Oh, however, I hope you are not foolish enough to not call me during an emergency just because I said this.”  
“Have I become the robot they accuse me of being?” he wondered.  
Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try to be a little more friendly.  If MC had been duped into entering Rika’s apartment, she might be feeling frightened right now.  Perhaps she had called just to hear another voice, and why wouldn’t she call him before the others?  With compassion now guiding him, Jumin quickly made up something to say.  “I was thinking about what to do with this wallpaper,” he explained.  “Striped wallpapers are better…”  He explained how stripes can be better at calming people when they are uneasy, hoping that it might give MC an idea for easing her nerves.  Considering that the walls at Rika’s apartment might not have stripes, he offered to have the wallpaper changed for her.  
“Yes, I think that will do for now.  If MC follows my suggestion, she’ll find something with stripes to look at so that she can feel calmer,” he smiled to himself, glad to have had something worthwhile to offer.  “Don’t stay up too late,” he said gently.  “Now good night.”  
The call ended, he placed the phone back on his nightstand and turned out the light.  “Come to bed, Elizabeth,” he called to the dark room.  
The softness of Elizabeth’s hair brushed against his arm before she leaned against him, laying as she did every night.  She purred softly again, a sound that always ensured sleep would come quickly for him.  Tonight, however, his mind replayed a sound he’d heard, a clear note in the cacophony of his life.
“I am MC.”
               Jumin readied himself for work, following his usual routine.  Each step served the purpose of preparing him physically and mentally for the long hours he would work.  He enjoyed routine, thrived on it even, finding an almost spiritual peace in the series of small rituals.
               This morning, though, the routine was disrupted by thoughts of MC’s sudden appearance and the surprise phone call late at night.  He showered and wondered if she’d rested well in the strange surroundings at Rika’s apartment.  He ate breakfast and wondered if she had anything to eat.  He dressed and wondered whether he should check on her.
               While feeding Elizabeth, he took out his phone and opened the app.  Zen was already in the chat, and it seemed that MC had been through a few times.  It seemed Yoosung had spoken before playing LOLOL again, and Assistant Kang had made sure to impart some words of wisdom regarding the role of part coordinator.  Zen had, of course, flirted with her, taking the opportunity to see how much MC thought of him and complaining about not having a girlfriend.  Yoosung had then complained about the same.
               “With those two around, she’s going to take off and we’ll never solve the mystery,” he said to Elizabeth.  He shook his head at their desperation.  “I can’t imagine what MC must be thinking of all of us after their performances.”
               Suddenly, the phone flickered, drawing his eyes back to the chat.  MC had arrived.  
               “Jumin, don’t you have to go to work?” MC asked.
               “Hmm, she is perhaps more aware of the realities of life than I imagined her to be,” he considered.  “I was about to,” he typed.
               Zen annoyed him, though, and so he resorted to the one thing he knew would make the actor complain.  He posted a picture of Elizabeth.
               MC’s immediate reaction, “Wow! So pretty!” brought a smile to Jumin’s face.  Of course Elizabeth was pretty.  It was nice to see someone else – someone other than Seven – admit it.  
               Zen, however, was not about to allow Jumin to speak of Elizabeth without interrupting.  When he read Zen’s words about how Jumin treated his employees, he responded by trying to explain that when there’s a business relationship, you don’t expect affection in it.  It’s business and nothing more.
               “Isn’t it natural to just work as much as you get paid?” MC asked.
               “Oh, good for her!  So few people truly grasp this simple concept!”
               “That is correct,” he replied.
               “Elizabeth, dearest, I do think that Zen says some of these things just to have something negative to say about me,” he commented. With a smirk he typed back, “They should be honored to be my slaves.  They are probably tears of joy.”  
               Jumin coughed in surprise at MC’s response.  
               “I’m pretty sure it’s tears of joy +_+”
               “Oh, this could be quite entertaining, Elizabeth. It seems MC understands my sense of humor!”  He chuckled audibly as he responded, pressing the joke forward, just to see what she would do.
               Zen made it impossible for the playfulness to carry forward and Jumin left the chat, still smiling.  MC found Elizabeth attractive – which meant she could see clearly. But she’d joined in on his joke and encouraged it.  Had that been deliberate?  He would have to find out.
               Looking at the clock, he realized his driver was late. With a sigh, he called and found out there had been an accident.  Driver Kim was nearby, but unable to get through.  Well, such things do happen at times.
               With nothing else to do, he sent a message to MC, attempting to complete his original goal and check on her well-being.
               “Did you have breakfast yet?” he asked.
               Her response did not answer the question but instead commented on how well he took care of himself.  Finding it odd, he answered, “Isn’t it expected?”
               Seeing that she was in the chat room again, he returned there.  He sighed as if someone had just spilled paint on his floors.  Seven was in the chat.
               Seven was not perhaps Jumin’s favorite person. He was a menace where Elizabeth’s safety was concerned.  At least he could speak freely about Elizabeth, and cats in general, when Seven was present.  When MC again expressed appreciation for Elizabeth’s beauty, Jumin smiled.  
               Somehow the conversation switched to Seven’s work. It seemed to Jumin that MC became quieter, as if avoiding interacting with Seven. He tried to suggest that she could trust Seven, but when the hacker started talking about returning to Jumin’s home, he couldn’t help but deliver strict warnings.  He liked the young man, but he didn’t trust him not to make trouble. “Not that I think this way without reason.”  He wondered if MC would take his advice, or if he should deliver a stronger warning.
               Before he could decide, a knock at the door alerted him to the arrival of Driver Kim.  Bidding farewell to MC, Jumin once more left the chat and turned to face the day, for which he was now late.  As soon as he was in the car though, he found himself sending another message to MC. This time, she agreed even privately that cats were the best animals.  She must mean it, and no one who appreciated cats could be bad.
               “I’m glad to meet a friend,” he replied sincerely, deciding that whatever else was happening, MC was now a friend, at the least a fellow lover of feline grace and beauty.
               His day at the office dragged more than usual. As his lunch hour arrived, he checked the chat.  He’d been thinking about MC all morning, dissatisfied that they’d had to break off their conversation.  It was so rare to find someone who truly appreciated cats, and the prospect of finally knowing someone else who felt as he did was exhilarating.
               Opening the RFA chat again, Jumin scanned over the logs.  Yoosung had complained about V again. He frowned.  “I must find a way to get him over this fixation,” he murmured to his empty office.  
He saw that Jaehee had also spoken to MC about the party.  It was commendable that his assistant showed interest in assuring MC had a clear concept of what to do for the party, even if she should have been working on the reports for his meeting tomorrow morning. Still, it was good to see that MC seemed to be taking her new position seriously.  He appreciated people who could handle tasks with competence.
               “Hello, Jumin.” MC’s message chimed brightly, and Jumin’s lips tugged into a thoughtful smile.  This would make his quiet meal alone much nicer, having her to talk to.  He returned the greeting and congratulated her again on joining
               “It’s easy to enter, but leaving won’t be so easy.”  Jumin frowned at himself as soon as he sent the message.  “That will sound threatening.  Why did I say that to her?”  
               Thankfully she didn’t seem to take it as a threat, only asking him why.  He tried to think quickly, but only managed to add that MC was in Rika’s apartment with all the confidential information around.  With a groan, Jumin changed his approach.  Why was he so clumsy when speaking to this person?  Was it just because she was new?
               “I hope that you’ll take on the task and continue her work without any trouble,” he concluded.
               “Don’t worry.  I’ll do a good job,” she replied.
“Confidence in her abilities,” he mused.  “I hope she’s not over-confident.”  His fingers froze as he sent a message without thinking.  “If you do a good job…” Blinking at the screen on his phone, Jumin realized that he’d been about to type in something about meeting her. He backed out the message and added, “We’ll get to host parties again. Don’t you want to make memories you’ll never forget?”  
“I’d like to do it with you, Jumin.”
His fork froze halfway to his mouth.  His eyes widened and he sucked in air suddenly.  “No, that can’t be what she means. She hasn’t even met me.  She must have misspoken.”  He calmed his suddenly racing heartbeat before replying, thankful for the protective veil of the chat room where no one could see any response but the one he crafted.  
A glance at the clock on his desk revealed that his lunch hour was rapidly drawing to a close.  If he were to finish his meal properly, he would need to put the phone down.  His nutritionist had cautioned him many times that he needed to allow himself the eat his meals without work or other distractions so that his body could process the food at maximum capacity.  
It didn’t seem right to simply bow out though, so he explained quickly that he would be too busy to be in the chat much, but Jaehee was able to help in his absence.  Placing the phone with the screen down, he took up his fork again.
…with you, Jumin
The words rolled through his mind like a stray breeze, stirring places within the mind of Jumin Han that had been disused for so long, they seemed overgrown with cobwebs.  He didn’t taste the rest of his meal and drank far more water than usual. For some reason, his throat kept feeling very tight.  
Had there ever been a longer day?  Despite leaving for the office late, and closing the door behind him as he turned for home at a reasonable hour, the day had crawled by.  As Driver Kim pulled the car into traffic, Jumin tugged his tie loose with a heavy sigh.
“There’s been an accident, sir.  I apologize, but we’ll be a bit delayed getting you home tonight.”  
“These things happen,” Jumin answered.  “Please keep me posted if there is any additional delay.”
Driver Kim nodded and slid the glass partition closed.
Alone in the silence of his car, Jumin found his phone and checked over the notifications.  On impulse, he opened the RFA app and called MC.  He hadn’t spoken to her since lunch and wasn’t up to the chat room, but he wanted to check on her all the same.  
He greeted her politely and offered to take a single question from her, expecting her to have at least one to ask about the RFA or the party.  
“How does my voice sound?” MC asked.
Jumin paused, startled at the unexpected query.  He smiled, amused at the idea of being asked to review the voice of a stranger.  “… Speak again, slowly,” he instructed.
“Ju-min Han,” MC said, slowly, her voice soft as it drew goosebumps across his arms.
He fought back a cough as he replied.  “I didn’t expect you to say my name.  You’re quite bold for a newcomer.  That was a bit of a surprise.”  Words tumbled from his lips into the phone as he pulled the first two buttons of his shirt loose.  It was terribly stuffy in the car today.  Had Driver Kim neglected to turn on the air?  
Jumin reigned in his rambling about meetings to add in the answer to the question he’d been asked, expressing that MC’s voice was as nice as Elizabeth’s.  He shook his head at himself.  What an odd thing to say.  It was true, but even so…
“What are you doing?” MC asked.
This was another unexpected moment from the new RFA member.  Jumin wasn’t used to people continuing to ask questions after he’d stated that he would only take one.  Taken aback he agreed to answer the second question, but cautioned that he would not allow such liberties again.
Having mentioned that MC’s voice was as nice as Elizabeth’s, Jumin found himself missing his furry companion and expressed that he was anxious to get home to see her.
“You talk as if your cat is a person,” MC remarked.
“Of course.  Who else do you think I’d treasure so much other than her?” he asked while noting that MC’s voice held no trace of judgement against him for caring so much about Elizabeth.  With that consideration, he offered to continue the conversation.
MC asked how old he was, if he was the oldest in the RFA, both simple questions he answered easily.  Her voice was more than good, it was quite entrancing if he were to be honest.  It wouldn’t do to tell her so, not yet, but he found himself relaxing as they spoke.
Before he knew it, Driver Kim stopped the car and a glance out the window showed that he’d arrived home.  As he began to end the call, MC stated that she wished they could continue speaking, and he found himself feeling similarly.  “I’ll call you when I have time,” he promised, hanging up his phone as Driver Kim opened the door.  
“I am home, Elizabeth,” he called, slipping his shoes off.  He felt an unusually pleased smile at the sound of his cat’s voice, calling to him before she appeared from the bedroom.  “Hello, my dear.  Have you had a good day?”
“Mrow,” she answered, butting her head against his extended palm.  
“I have heard a voice that is almost as nice as yours today,” he informed her.  “Yours is still better, I can assure you with confidence, but it has surprised me.”  With a scratch behind the ears, he rose.  “Let’s get your brush, little one.”  
This was one of the best parts of the day for Jumin.  Drawing the brush through Elizabeth’s soft hair, exactly ten strokes on every side to ensure a healthy coat and skin, soothed even the deepest stresses away.  She purred gently beneath his touch.  It was as if her contentment spread through him, and he welcomed it.  
With Elizabeth brushed, Jumin turned to his dinner.  He chuckled when Elizabeth followed his evening grooming by jumping into the chair nearest him and bathing herself thoroughly.  “I never do it quite so well as you, is that it?” he asked in amusement.  
Evening settled softly over the city, turning the skies to a rainbow of gold and lavender.  Jumin opened his phone and saw new emails waiting for responses from the office. With a groan, he skipped past the notifications and opened the RFA chat.  As he hoped, MC was there.  So was Zen, and Jumin rolled his eyes.  
“Do you even know what sentimental means?” he asked.  The following emoji made clear that the actor didn’t truly know the meaning of the word, as Jumin suspected.  
“I should probably feel bad about this,” he commented to Elizabeth as she settled her back against his thigh.  “But honestly, Zen just responds so easily to everything.  I can’t seem to resist the urge.”
“It’s because of MC,” Jumin sent. Then he added, “Usually Zen is busy annoying me.”
With a smirk, he saw Zen begin to react.  It was just too easy to tease him.  
“Is it good that I’m here with you guys?” MC asked.
“Time will tell the net profit,” Jumin answered, calmly calculating his words to prod Zen further.
“If MC can’t handle Rika’s work very well, then she’s good for nothing.  Just like Zen.”  
He expected, having spoken to her and trusting his ability to read people, MC would know he didn’t think poorly of her.  Whether she’d understand he was only tormenting Zen or not, he was unsure, but he didn’t want her to think he had a bad opinion of her.  
“I first intend to try my best,” MC assured the two men.
“I wonder if MC will do well…?” Jumin mused.  He hoped she would.  That would mean having the parties to add a sense of meaning beyond C&R to his life, and a chance to meet her in person.  He wondered if she was as easy to look at as her voice had been to listen to.
“If I try my best, then everything will be good.”
“I like the answer.”  Jumin smiled warmly at her determined and confident response.  
Zen announced he had to go and meet with his director and Jumin noticed that Elizabeth had begun to give him signals that she was ready for her dinner.
“I should go and provide Elizabeth her meal,” he explained.
“Tell your cat hello, Jumin.”
MC’s words made him blink in mild confusion.  She hadn’t met Elizabeth, so would it do any good to pass the greeting along?  He glanced down at the sleek, white body beside him.
“Hmm.  I’m not making any promises, but I’ll try.”
Jumin stretched as he stood, calling Elizabeth to her dinner.  He lowered her bowl to the feeding mat and paused. “I know you haven’t met her, but MC has asked that I tell you hello.  I feel you’ll meet her someday though, so perhaps you’d like to know that she’s already considerate in regard to you.”  
Elizabeth sniffed delicately at her food and looked up as Jumin spoke.  “Mau,” she remarked calmly before beginning to eat.
“Hmm, you’re… you’re welcome.  I wasn’t sure if you’d appreciate being greeted so by a stranger.  I’m happy it pleases you.”  
No sooner had Jumin cleared away Elizabeth’s dish than his phone rang.  MC was calling him?  He smiled and answered the call, being free at the moment.  He was unprepared for MC to ask whether he’d had dinner or not.  It was not often that anyone thought to ask him about his meals. Still, as she had taken time to call and ask, it was probably best that he make a suggestion for her own meal. With a glance at the freshly washed dish, he recommended salmon, because Elizabeth enjoyed it so much.  
“If your palate is just as sophisticated, I’m sure you and I will make fine meal partners,” he commented.  “Why did I say that?  She’ll think I’m asking her to dinner!”
Seeking an escape, he explained that this was his personal break time and that he didn’t usually take calls at this hour.  He ended the call, shaking his head at himself.  He’d been polite enough with her, but again he’d offered more than he intended.  “I shall merely have to be more aware when speaking to her.  My place is only to watch over her and ensure she has what she needs to manage the invitation process for a party, should V decide we will have one.”  
His mind wandered back to the point he’d made in the chat, that if there was no party, there would be no reason to have her with the RFA and she would likely be removed from the app.  The thought made him frown, though he wasn’t sure why, aside from his own – admittedly unusual – curiosity.
Feeling restless, Jumin decided to go to the gym.  It was not his usual time for exercise, but he knew that the physical exertion would calm his mind again.  As the treadmill rolled its track beneath his feet, he let his thoughts roam freely.  
That V had allowed a stranger, someone who shouldn’t have had access to the RFA app, to remain among them was odd.  He hadn’t answered Jumin’s questions, nor had he called.  All he’d done was ask Jumin to watch over the newcomer. “To what end?”  
Though generally considered distant, Jumin was not a cold man.  It seemed cruel to offer friendship and inclusion to someone while also leaving the possibility of removing all of that at a moment’s notice.  Besides, wouldn’t it be better for the RFA to hold the parties if it were determined that MC was no threat to the group or its members?  Truth be told, he had missed the excitement and the activity that came with the extravagant gatherings.  Most parties he attended left him wishing only to be left at home for days, but the RFA parties were different.  
“Then what I need to do is ensure that we do hold parties again.  If I do that, there won’t be a reason to remove MC, she will have us as friends and we will have our purpose again.”  He stepped off the treadmill and called the only person he knew who might object strongly enough to sway V against the idea.
After the third call went to voicemail, Jumin frowned.  Jaehee did not typically avoid his calls.  This was bothersome.  Not that he minded not having to hear the voice that was so tied to the office, but he needed to be certain that she was on board.
Returning to his penthouse, Jumin showered and opened the app again.  He’d been in the chat room more today than in recent months, but now he had a mission.  Now he was intent on securing MC’s position in the RFA.  
Thankfully, his assistant was in the chat, as was MC.  Before he could raise the question, Jaehee asked if he’d called earlier.  Taking the opening he asked, “I was curious if anyone was against hosting the party again.  The person most likely to be against it is Assistant Kang.”
“Why would Jaehee be against it?” MC questioned.
With a chuckle, Jumin typed, “Because she doesn’t want to work.”  
As the teasing continued, much to Jaehee’s obvious exasperation, Jumin pressed her for confirmation about the party. He laughed openly at her reason for supporting the parties though, reading her comment that his performance was best when they’d been holding parties.  While it was true he’d used the opportunities afforded to create new connections for C&R, he never exactly “gave up” on cat-related projects.  How little she knew that he had managed several deals to help his projects come to fruition thanks to the parties.
He let her keep her ideas about what he did with his time.  Thinking about the cat-related ventures reminded him, he needed to leave Elizabeth with Jaehee again.  Sadly, he needed to leave town for a business trip.  Just as he’d alerted Jaehee, his father began calling.
To MC he said, “We will talk later.” He took his father’s call quickly, relieved that he could count on Jaehee to support keeping MC in the RFA.  
Jumin and his father were fairly close, as father and son relationships went.  Though his father owned C&R, these evening calls were rarely about business. It was his father who had taught him to take time away from work in the evenings and to relax and enjoy life instead of never pausing.  Their conversation went much longer than usual, and by the time it ended, Jumin was itching for a shower.  He turned his phone off to avoid interruption for the rest of the evening and set about cleaning up and preparing for bed.  He would have broken sleep tonight, having to leave early for his trip, and needed to be sure that what sleep he could get would be restful.
As he settled in, Jumin hummed softly to himself and Elizabeth.  He was in high spirits tonight, despite the impending business trip.  Elizabeth was with him, MC was part of the RFA and he’d secured the most important ally in keeping her there.  Anyone who genuinely appreciated cats was worth keeping around.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Firstly I was supposed to read Bodyguard yesterday's night, but someone fucking annoyed me (work stuff) at 9pm 😡 and I couldn't focus on reading, but I read halfway through and had to sleep cause my eyes almost started bleeding 😭 so far so good miss Baek. Gonna finish it tonight unless I pass out... but omgdgsudysjsyshdgjsshhs
Secondly I'm sorry you don't have a Van City stop, but I hope you can make it to Toronto and see this (hot baldie mwah). I knowww, their European tour happened during exams seasons too so rip. Lmao might as well go to Japan you're right though the concert etiquette there is not it for me, like relax the restrictions a bit 💔 I'll tell them to come and do a private show for both of us, don't worry!
Lmao the RODENTS were mad at you for trashtalking them and said "imma head out"
I knoooow Wooyoung's Hwa-ey kills me, can't wait for Y/N to call Seonghwa by his nickname, man's gonna crumble to the ground I know it! 🤗 I also want Y/N to ghost him real good.
Yeah I know what you mean about MITM, but upon further inspection I decided it's kinda a banger especially at parties hahahaha also they looked hot 🔥 but Wannabe, Not Shy and Loco supremacy for sure 💗 I'm pretty disappointed/underwhelmed by most comebacks this year, but also don't feel like listening to everything so I have some things to catch up on. Waiting for Atz to destroy me!!!
Jsydjshdusehdj me and my friend recieved some LOOKS from people for eating on the metro, but we were hungryyyyy and they were jealous I'm sure
Seonghwa bald agenda 💔💔💔💔 BLUEHWA PLSSSS, gonna be the first thing I ask during our potential fan call! The Kuromi pins I- I'm devastated. Also happy anniversary to this??? He looked so soft and hot and fresh at the same time, they're quarantine lives were top tier 😭
I searched Seonghwa on Tumblr and the tag hurt me, so many gifs from the concert... very very bad for my health. And the likes on this, everyone stop looking at him 🙈
Idk bestie I lived my own dream and didn't even know it at that time, can you believe... Seonghwa spare hand to hold 🤲🏻 (I don't even like holding hands wtf is wrong with me)
I knew there'll be another Mr Kim gif waiting for me, lolol NO COMMENT
"Begrudgingly living together to lovers" has so much potential omg, the description though... the call out 💔
Omfg, okkkk calm down quiz maker 🤧 do the Sailor Moon quiz for me and this Ghibli one
Our 🐎 boy, so cute <3 this thread, IG when Park Seonghwa you're so aesthetic 😍 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Firstly I was supposed to read Bodyguard yesterday's night, but someone fucking annoyed me (work stuff) at 9pm 😡 and I couldn't focus on reading, but I read halfway through and had to sleep cause my eyes almost started bleeding 😭 so far so good miss Baek. Gonna finish it tonight unless I pass out... but omgdgsudysjsyshdgjsshhs
KFBWNFJEK 😭😭😭 take your time and read it when you’re all comfy and 🔫🔫🔫 the person who annoyed you JDBDN
Secondly I'm sorry you don't have a Van City stop, but I hope you can make it to Toronto and see this (hot baldie mwah). I knowww, their European tour happened during exams seasons too so rip. Lmao might as well go to Japan you're right though the concert etiquette there is not it for me, like relax the restrictions a bit 💔 I'll tell them to come and do a private show for both of us, don't worry!
JFBWKD NO WORRIES IM JUST LAUNCHING A PRAYER CIRCLE FOR A VAN STOP THATS 4 HRS AWAY BUT 🔫😭😭😭 HOT BALDIE BDBDBD no bc it really does look like he’s bald from the side,,, the japan concerts are so very strict and tbh good for them but like sm artists also have concerts there but there’s is all normal?? im not very familiar with the etiquette except like not posting anything from the concerts?? is that only for specific arenas?
Lmao the RODENTS were mad at you for trashtalking them and said "imma head out"
I knoooow Wooyoung's Hwa-ey kills me, can't wait for Y/N to call Seonghwa by his nickname, man's gonna crumble to the ground I know it! 🤗 I also want Y/N to ghost him real good.
wooyoung best character atm 🤌🏼🤌🏼 OH MAN IM WAITING FOR HIM TO CRUMBLE ITS GONNA BE SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAA HES GONNA GO CRAZY GO STUPID,,, yes 1000% yujin and mingi better make her ghost him 🔫
Yeah I know what you mean about MITM, but upon further inspection I decided it's kinda a banger especially at parties hahahaha also they looked hot 🔥 but Wannabe, Not Shy and Loco supremacy for sure 💗 I'm pretty disappointed/underwhelmed by most comebacks this year, but also don't feel like listening to everything so I have some things to catch up on. Waiting for Atz to destroy me!!!Jsydjshdusehdj me and my friend recieved some LOOKS from people for eating on the metro, but we were hungryyyyy and they were jealous I'm sure
YEAH A LATE BANGER !!! rang dang dang 😭😭 wannabe is so good !!!! tbh their top1 track bc their vocals and the whole song itself >>>> yEAAAHH most cb’s this year around have been a little off but hopefully the month of august brings out the gg’s 😩😩 AND GUERRILLA??? HONGJOONGS FUCKING CRAZY AND SAN???? HWA??? JONGHO????????? and the fact we haven’t heard mingi’s voice,,, im gonna eat my fist when the fix on starts,,, LMFAOOOO NOT THE LOOKS 😭😭🤚🏼
Seonghwa bald agenda 💔💔💔 BLUEHWA PLSSSS, gonna be the first thing I ask during our potential fan call! The Kuromi pins I- I'm devastated. Also happy anniversary to this??? He looked so soft and hot and fresh at the same time, they're quarantine lives were top tier 😭
STOP HIM IN WHITE SHIRTS OH MY GOD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no fr the lives at that time was the funniest shit ever 😭😭 seonghwa’s enemies to lovers with hongjoong 😭😭🤚🏼
I searched Seonghwa on Tumblr and the tag hurt me, so many gifs from the concert... very very bad for my health. And the likes on this, everyone stop looking at him 🙈
FBWMFJWK THE TANK TOP THING IM GOING CRAZY??? HIS DEEP ASS VOICE??? illegal,,, his model body shows we need him to model 😭😭
Idk bestie I lived my own dream and didn't even know it at that time, can you believe... Seonghwa spare hand to hold 🤲🏻 (I don't even like holding hands wtf is wrong with me) /// I knew there'll be another Mr Kim gif waiting for me, lolol NO COMMENT
jfbwkdhsvc i would also like to contribute to a lee soo hyuk dreams pls what is this man ,,,, literally seonghwa when he’s older 😭
both had me falling of my couch i cannot tell u the amount of times i watched these
(seonghwa changed you bestie,,, pda but with him >>>>>>>) BFWMDHSKFBSM HOW DID U LIKE YOUR GIF?? MR KIM A NEW FRESH FIT
"Begrudgingly living together to lovers" has so much potential omg, the description though... the call out 💔
hear me out, roommates but bb!yunho 🤚🏼🤚🏼nO FR THE CALL OUT WAS APPALLING
Omfg, okkkk calm down quiz maker 🤧 do the Sailor Moon quiz for me and this Ghibli one
oho BESTIE WAS CALLED OUT 🤚🏼🤚🏼 i just wanna talk with these quiz makers bc how tf are they so accurate dbdbdb i got this one ::
Tumblr media Tumblr media
and these for the sailor moon + ghibli !!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Our 🐎 boy, so cute <3 this thread, IG when Park Seonghwa you're so aesthetic 😍 - DV 💖
seonghwa’s ig will trigger the worst shinestar out of me 😭😭 imagine the photos he has from backstage and concerts and all the sceneries 😭😭😭
AND ??????
Tumblr media
here’s one more !!
0 notes
slipteesdam · 3 years
My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt - Pumitee
My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt
We are shy and we don’t want to be anyone’s problem. And we really respect everyone’s personal space. If you walk in Helsinki during the rush hour, you will quickly notice, that a huge number of Finns walk on the streets without even touching anyone. They could as well be blindfolded, because Finns ‘sense’ other people’s private spaces and give way. Of course there are some, not many though, who have no respect and walk like elephants in a My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt store. Finns have a deeply sarcastic humour, so be prepared to hear some really sarcastic comments without taking it personally. Finnish is beautiful, because it always leaves room for interpretation, and most of all – thinking. Foreigners have probably heard phrases from Finns, leaving them confused and not sure if they were insulted or not.
(My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt)
The city enjoys four distinct seasons each year. Summer is most often, quite beautiful with long evenings, gorgeous sunsets and very comfortable temperatures, fall gives us the most beautiful golden foliage to view, winter, although very cold, blesses us with scenes one would expect to see on a Christmas card. There are many opportunities to participate in winter sports, and spring. Spring brings a title of the horticultural side of the city. There a number of music and theatre festivals (intended to give something back to the community) which begin to show up Spring weekends. These occur from Spring right through to Fall. Edmontonians have a reputation for supporting publicly sponsored events. We host a number of international sporting events. This gives us many opportunities to volunteer our time to help. We have professional football and hockey teams.
My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Vneck, Unisex and T-shirt
Best My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt
The police are far away as well for most outports, they’re more regionally located, so that means people are pretty self-sufficient if something goes wrong. Unfortunately, medical care is limited to clinics with any doctor willing to work in such isolated places with a close-knit local population, which is a lot of foreign doctors brought in by the Rural Doctor Program. We have a lot of turnover in doctors in those clinics, if you’re lucky enough to have one. The mail comes in daily, the last time I checked, sometimes there’s a post office (many have been closed), and at other times there’s just community boxes. I’ve driven, more than once, through bad weather in the tracks left by the mail truck, LOLOL! That’s late-night driving you can trust. The only thing better is getting behind a My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt. Oh, yes, you’ll drive in insane conditions compared to the mainland US, that I’ve seen. We clear our roads better, we get power lines up and running again even when a new storm is rolling in, and we look for people lost at sea when we ourselves might end up lost at sea. The community is everything to Newfoundlanders. As a child, I could be corralled by any ‘Nannie’ who needed fish turned on the spit in her back yard. I could end up shoveling out anyone’s driveway in the winter time.
(My little girl will never have daddy issues her future boyfriend will t shirt)
Main course: Turkey for most people. Goose used to be the traditional Christmas bird and has made something of a My little girl will never have daddy
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My little girl will never have daddy issues but her future boyfriend will t shirt - Pumitee
My little girl will never have daddy issues but her future boyfriend will t shirt - Pumitee
I was once willing to give my life for what this country stood for now i'd give my life to protect my family from what this country has be
ome T shirt - Pumitee
I was once willing to give my life for what this country stood for now i'd give my life to protect my family from what this country has become T shirt - Pumitee
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Hompage: Teejeep Cataloge
0 notes