#i might open sketch commissions to fundraise for it that might be fun!
dredgen-honey · 4 months
Omgggg im hearing such good things about this expansion!
I hope yall are having fun!!!
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Thirteen: In Which The Fun(d) Begins!
/Part One//Part Twelve/
A week after the initial MDC debut was the weeks in which a few things would take place. A few small tests that later contributed to the overall marks of their exams would be given, and there was going to be the school’s first fundraiser of the year. 
Each class or club would need to create a booth of some sort, selling whatever they wanted- And the money earned would contribute to whatever sort of trip they could afford from their earnings. 
Now, it was a common thing for Marinette to get extra commissions from the other classes during this time. Theatre club needed someone to do costumes, some other classes that were selling goods needed some posters, and the student council would sometimes ask for Marinette to help organise the event due to her great organisation skill. Numerous people needed things from her- And the great thing was, unlike her class, these people understood that her effort couldn’t just be brushed off as a mere ‘favour’. 
Due to this, Marinette felt really, really excited for the first fundraiser of that year. She was free! She no longer had to work her ass off for the fundraising of her class- Since they had personally told her so. This was how it went: 
“What are we going to do this year?” Rose asked curiously, her eyes beaming with excitement at the thought of the fundraiser- And more importantly, the trip it would later contribute to. 
“A bake sale, obviously.” Alya announced as a matter-of-factly. “That’s what we always do for the first fundraiser.” The girl turned to Lila with a bright grin. “You’ll see, Lila, this’ll be very fun! And by the end of the year, we can always go to great places- Last year we went to New York!” 
Lila’s eyes glimmered greedily as she listened to Alya’s wild recounts of the places they went before. Then she caught the eye of a particular bluenette who was sitting at the end of the class. Her heart darkened at the thought of the trio going to a trip with them- She wasn’t going to let them off that easily. 
“You know, Alya, I’m really excited for the first fundraiser.” Lila begin, pouting. “But I’m afraid the three of them really don’t like me and because of that they might not help during the bake sale, and they might mess everything up!” She whimpered sympathetically. “I really don’t want the whole class to lose their trip just because some people are uncooperative with me.” 
The class murmured in agreement, some of the students going to comfort Lila and some other students sending sharp glares at the three at the back of the classroom. Damian and Chloe both shrugged the glares off, being used to being disliked, while Marinette just pursed her lips and continued sketching in her sketchbook. The glares were plain out ignored. 
“You don’t have to help out for the fundraisers this year.” Alya spat out acidly. “But you won’t be coming for the yearly trip either.” 
Damian shared a look with Chloe as Marinette continued to ignore the class and sketch. “Sure.” He shrugged. “I don’t mind.” He really didn’t- Marinette had informed him that if the class kicked them out of the fundraiser, she had already secured a place for the three of them in the art-drama club alliance. They would be fundraising with another group of their own, and they would go on a separate trip.  
“Where should we go this year?” Rose asked dreamily, thinking of the magnificent trips they had in past years. 
Alya opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again as she searched for a cool place to go in her mind. “Um...” She fumbled with her words. “What about...” She looked around desperately, looking for any sort of idea. 
“You know, that looks like it was inspired by Gotham’s gargoyles.” Damian murmured at the back of the room, pointing at one of the sketches on the page. Marinette giggled. 
“That’s right! I based it off some pictures I found on the internet.” She told him, Chloe humming as she peered at the page. 
Alya snapped her fingers, grinning triumphantly like it was her own idea. “Let’s go to Gotham this year!” 
The class cheered in excitement, and of course Lila didn’t let the opportunity escape. 
“That’s great! We could go meet my childhood friend, Damian Wayne!” Lila smiled happily. “He used to like me, you know?” 
The class fawned the liar once again as the three at the back sighed and ignored the commotion. “Seriously, do any of them have brains?” Chloe scoffed, narrowing her eyes at the idiots that were their classmates. Damian Wayne was actually in their class- And the blonde had just met Bruce Wayne a week ago.  
Damian leaned back into his chair, snorting and feeling glad that he had been kicked out of the class fundraiser. “Obviously not.” 
A knock on the door interrupted the fawning session. Annoyance lined Lila’s eyes for whoever disrupted her moment. A brown-haired girl peered in, eyes brightening when she spotted the bluenette at the back. “Sorry, could I see Marinette please?” 
The bluenette looked up, smiling at the sight of her fellow student. “Tara!” She skipped down the steps of the classroom, avoiding her classmates gracefully, landing at the front of the door, where Tara was patiently waiting. The brown-haired girl gestured for Marinette to lean closer and whispered something in her ear- Something that made Marinette’s eyes light up. “Damian! Chloe!” She called her friends, her giddiness making fury boil in Lila’s heart. The two friends of the bluenette sighed tiredly at each other before joining their excited sunshine friend at the front of the room, both passing by their classmates with a cool aura. 
Tara eyed the two suspiciously. “You sure you trust them, Mari?” She whispered in the bluenette’s ear, making Damian growl defensively. 
Marinette nodded surely, grinning at her friends. “Positive.” 
And so the four students left the classroom, leaving the classmates in rumbling confusion and Lila in boiling anger. 
“So, what’s this all about?” Chloe raised an eyebrow, demanding an explanation from the bluenette. Damian hummed, already having guessed that it was about the art-drama club alliance. 
“Well, I sort of guessed that Lila would kick us out of the fundraiser, so I talked to the presidents of the art and drama clubs, and we decided to start out own fundraiser!” Marinette grinned. “We’ll get to go on our own trip during summer break, too.” 
“And with Mari planning, we’re going to have the best trip ever!” Tara exclaimed, grinning from ear-to-ear. “It’s going to be awesome!” 
The bluenette smiled. “Chloe’s a pretty good planner, too! She was class president before I was.” 
Tara made a face. “And now that Alya is class president, I hear? Well, I couldn’t care less- But the greatest thing is you finally left that class! Gosh, Mari, they were just taking advantage of you. This year’s trip is going to be so! Awesome!” The brown-haired girl jumped in excitement, pushing the door open to the art room, where a few other students had already gathered. “Alright, guys! I told you all that we’d have some good news to tell today- Marinette’s joining us!” Tara looked at the blonde and the green-eyed boy behind Marinette. “And her friends, too.”  
The students in the room cheered and clapped, delighted that the school’s best artist and planner had decided to join their little gang. 
“Introduce yourselves.” Marinette told her friends with a grin. “Come on!” 
Chloe rolled her eyes. “Chloe Bourgeois.” 
Damian sighed exasperatedly. “Damian Wa-Fu.” 
Tara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Damian Wafu?” 
“Damian Fu.” He cleared his throat, ignoring the sniffled laughs of the two girls behind him. 
“RIght...” Tara nodded. “Anyway, I’m Tara, president of the art club, and here we have members of the drama club. Thanks to Marinette, we’ve called an alliance, and we’ll go on a trip together during summer holidays with our shared earnings.” 
“I’m Madeline, president of the drama club.” A blonde girl introduced, hopping down from one of the cardboard boxes that were piling at the back of the room. “Alright, since everyone’s here, we’re confirming that no one else will be joining or leaving this group until the fundraiser’s all over.” 
Tara nodded, looking at her art club members- The students all nodded and gave thumbs up. 
“Okay, so here’s the plan.” Marinette stepped forward, taking a deep breath. “We’re going to run the usual fundraising events- Bake sales, car wash, maybe a fun fair or two, and maybe, just maybe we might have a little fashion show, since your presidents both asked for it.” The bluenette grinned at the drama and art club presidents, both of which smiled sheepishly. 
“But while we run the usual funding events, we’ll also be preparing for the grand finale.” Tara paused for dramatic effect before announcing loudly: “A play!” 
Madeline nodded. “We’re still getting the script together,” She gestured at the two script writers belonging to the drama club. “And once that’s done, the art club will start putting together sets, backgrounds, costumes, props and all that sort. We’ll also have people from the art club running lighting and backstage stuff while the drama club performs onstage.” 
Damian hummed. “Sounds interesting.” 
Tara nodded her thanks at his interest, smiling at the fact the cold-looking boy had offered his opinion. “Does everyone understand?” 
The art and drama club chorused their ‘yeses’, excitement filling the air with the thought of the play at the end of the year. “That’s great! I’m going to need everyone to come up here and put their phone numbers on this paper, we’re going to create a group chat.” Marinette announced, borrowing a piece of paper and pen from a nearby art student. 
The club members swarmed forward, scrambling around to write their names and phone numbers. “Once you’re done, return to your classes. Tomorrow we’ll be meeting here again to discuss the audition dates for the drama club and the roles for the art club.” Madeline yelled over the noise. “Meeting dismissed!” 
Chloe crossed her arms angrily at the bluenette. “You planned this, and you didn’t tell me?” The girl basically screeched at her bluenette friend, who held her hands up in surrender sheepishly. 
“Sorry.” Marinette apologised. “It was kind of a we-planned-it-last-night thing.” 
“Then why does he know?” Chloe pointed an accusing finger at Damian, who shrugged. 
“I called her last night.” He said nonchalantly. 
After Chloe had calmed down, she talked to the script writers of the drama club, requesting for a copy of the script, which they happily gave. She made (surprisingly) little criticism, but she requested for them to make a few changes here and there. Damian hung around near Marinette, who was patiently telling everyone to write their phone numbers and names. When all the art and drama club members had filed out, both Damian and Chloe scribbled their phone numbers of the paper, which was then kept by Marinette. 
“Alright!” The bluenette smiled, patting the paper which was in her jeans pocket. “Shall we get back to class?” 
/Part Fourteen/
:D I updated! My online classes are killing me, tho. :( Anyway, here’s a chapter! Till next time! 
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fandomcares · 6 years
The Project Vannybees Silent Auction IS CLOSED!!
FandomCares is a support blog run by dedicated members of the Teen Wolf and Sterek community. Our goal is to help fans within the community who may be going through financial, emergency, or other hardships, be it through fundraising, providing resources, or just giving them a safe space to talk.
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The silent auction will start NOW and will go until 11:00 pm CST (-6) on Thursday, August 2nd (THAT’S TWO DAYS PEOPLE!).
This auction is to benefit Project:Vannybees.  Click the link for more info!
(Also keep in mind this is a living document, changes are made constantly so if something is incorrect or missing please message us and let us know!)
Our amazing fandom artists, authors, and creators have donated commissions for you to bid on!  If you see a post that catches your eye, please fill out the BID FORM.  The amounts on this post will be updated periodically so keep a close eye on the post you bid on!  
Feel free to rebid and bid on multiple posts.  We have some AMAZING CREATORS who are waiting to fill your commissions.  
Questions?  Hit up our ASK BOX, or you can message @stickykeys633 @auriette or @thewolfandhisboy for additional information.  
Please signal boost and reblog!  
#1  Chibi or Small Sketch: Beerwolves -  Opening Bid: $15 (two winners will be chosen)
Current Bid: $45
Do you have a sweet tooth and love all things fluffy Sterek? Beerwolves just waits to fullfill all your fluffy AU wishes. But beware dentist visists are not included! 
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/beerwolves
Bid on Me!
#2  Short fic (<1.5k Words): Cookie-of-doom - Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $10
These cookies are burnt!  Just like I like em!  Get your dark fic fix!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/cookieofdoom
Bid on Me!
#3  2 - Drabbles: Bunnywest - Opening Bid: $15 (two winners will be chosen!)
Current Bid: $20
You want your Steter with a side of human, fluff, and silliness?  BW is the one for you!  
Steter options available!
Creator Profile:http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/bunnywest
Bid on Me!
#4 Chibi or Small Sketch: Horo (derekstile) - Openig Bid: $15 (two winners will be chosen)
Current Bid: $15
Looking for someone to take your favorite Sterek ideas and turn them into adorable chibis? Look no further, Horo has you covered!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/horo 
Bid on Me!
#5  2 - Drabbles: DiscontentedWinter - Opening Bid: $25 (two winners will be chosen)
Current Bid: $80
DW is down for anything and ready to bring you the fic of your dreams!
Creator Profile:  http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/thisdiscontentedwinter 
Bid on Me!
#6  Short fic (<1.5k Words): FiccinDylan - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $15
Let our wonderful StickyKeys work her magic. With your idea and her wicked skills a funny, fluffy and smutty fic awaits you behind this bid. 
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/ficcindylan
Bid on Me!
#7 Short fic (<1.5k Words): Outtoshatter - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid $
Is your life boring and dull? Do you wish it was more fun and adventurous but you don’t want to leave your couch?  You came to the right place, get our latest Sterek action fix right now! Only $15 for the opening bid! 
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/outtoshatter
Bid on Me!
#8  Chibi or Small Sketch: Kairdarknight - Opening Bid: $15 (two winners will be chosen)
Current Bid: $15
It might not be Easter but Bunny!Stiles never goes out of season! (Psst! Kaidarknight is open for alot of parings, get your cravings fixed here)
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/kaidarknight 
Bid on Me!
#9  2 - Drabbles: Hale-of-stiles-heart - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $20
Wonderful Sterek fluff with a hint of Angst awaits you here. Heartwarming and full of lovely angst says the audience. Don’t miss out on these wonderful drabbles!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/haleofastilesheart 
Bid on Me!
#10  Short Fic (<1.5k): Padmoony - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $15
Padmoony’s all over the place. From fluffy smut to humorous crack fic or AU’s, they got all your Ideas covered. Crave a smutty cracky pirates AU? Some police humor fic and Sterek fluff? You came to the right place. 
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/padmoony
Bid on Me!
#11 Chibi or Small Sketch: Thegeekindenial - Opening Bid: $15 (two winners will be chosen)
Current Bid: $40
Thegeekindenail is a name well known for their awesome and funny sketches and chibis. Nobody could say no to Sheep!Stiles or Superman!Derek - and you now it! Bid now and get your own little sketch or Chibi just for you!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/thegeekindenial 
Bid on Me!
#12 Chibi or Small Sketch : Benaya-Trash -  Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $35
Strumming our pain with her shadowing, stringing our lives with amazing AU’s, take home a little piece of Sterek love today!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/benayatrash
Bid on Me!
#13 2 - Drabbles: Ajeepandleather - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $15
Do you have enough of action and just want some sweet fluffy pining Sterek? Our dorks falling in love? Some light romance with a hint of misscommunications? Then Ajeepandleather is the right author for you!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/ajeepandleather 
Bid on Me!
#14 Short Fic (<1.5k Words): Queerfictionwriter - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $20
Want something kinky? Something dirty/bad/wrong?  Or just some fluffy porn with lots of feelings? From AU to Canon - No consensual kink is too much for this amazing writer!  Steter, Femmeslash, Stetopher, Cora/Lydia, Stargent Options Available!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/queerfictionwriter Bid on Me!
#15 Short Fic (<1.5k Words): Cobrilee - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $20
You love make up beak up angst? Or is a poly royality AU your thing? Let your poly or monogamus dreams come true with this amazing author. 
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/cobrilee
Bid on Me!
#16 Chibi or Small Sketch: Artonixart - Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $25
Wonderfully detailed and filled with so much emotion, Artonix’s portraits get right to the soul of your favorite characters. Let them bring your faves to life!
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/artonix
Bid on Me!
#17 Chibi or Small Sketch: Ritarmandi - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $15
Some of us are human, and some of us are great Sterek artists who know how to use all the colors of the rainbow. 
Get dragged into a mystic universe full of color and Sterek all by bidding on this amazing Artist. 
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/ritarmandi
Bid on Me!
#18 Header/Digital Edit: Faladrast - Opening Bid: $15 
Current Bid: $30
Do you write Sterek fic? And you also love Sterek fanart? Well, now you can combine both and give your readers and yourself some extra Sterek love with an awesome Sterek banner. Just bid on Faladrast and make your dreams come true. 
Creator Profile: http://fandomcares.tumblr.com/tagged/faladrast Bid on Me!
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melvinfellerstuff · 6 years
Melvin Feller Business Ministries Group Details Small Business Ideas
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Melvin Feller Business Ministries Group Details Small Business Ideas
 Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Ministries in Texas and Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful ministry.
 M elvin Feller Business Ministries Group asks if you need a profitable small business idea.  Well if you do, you came to the right place!  Here some ideas of profitable small businesses that you can start today.  These businesses can also be a blessing to others!
 On average, people more want their own business rather than a good salaried job. This article is includes small business ideas that are well researched and profitable and which you can start it in small town or from your home.
 There are tons of small business ideas, and what defines a “best” small business idea largely depends on an aspiring entrepreneur’s personality and skill set and its potential to earn you money, of course. Therefore, when you are considering the best ideas for your future small business, you will need to answer a few clarifying questions, including:
 What are your interests?
Where is there a need in the market, and how can your skills satisfy that need?
Who is your ideal client?
What is your ideal work environment?
 Cleaning company
Probably widely regarded as the most straightforward business to make money from. Get Microsoft Publisher or Adobe, print off some flyers, put them up in local shop windows, and drop them in mailboxes nearby. The costs are minimal, just your own cleaning supplies and the ink for your printer. Easy to scale too.
Laundry service
Go to big apartment blocks and pass out flyers. Many apartments in built up areas don’t have washing machines. You can also collaborate with launderettes to offer their existing customer base a ‘delivery option’, simple!
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 Carpet cleaning
Same as above, although a little more expensive as decent carpet cleaning equipment can be pricey, but with that comes a higher barrier to entry so you can charge more.
 Window cleaning
You get the gist now, print flyers and target your local community. Everybody has windows unless they are living in a tent.
 Pool cleaning
Only do this is you know what you are doing, you do not want to be responsible for a swimming pool turning green. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to be 21 and well built to do this job.
 House sitting
Pretty awesome job if you ask me; are paid to hang out in a mansion while the owners are on holiday… a fully stocked fridge and a king-size bed, happy days! Now, back in the real world… there is also a decent market for waiting for deliveries when people are at work.
 Catering company
I f you love cooking and can handle catering for the masses, a catering company could be an excellent idea. You can work from home and start small catering for buffets with sandwiches and such, then scale up to hog roasts. Be careful with this one and make sure you have all the required licenses like a food certificate.
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 Personal chef
This is catering without the masses. The wealthy people that live among us are partial to a personal chef, somebody that is just on hand to cook for them morning noon and night. Think catering + house sitting, same rules apply for licenses.
The perfect business for stay at home parents. If you really love looking after children, then look after other people’s kids while yours are at school. You can become a registered babysitter, or even open a day care center.
Take everything I said for a cleaning company, change the designs, job done. You may also need some form of business insurance.
 Gardening Company
I worked for a small gardening company when I was younger; it is great to work outdoors. The great thing about gardening is the results speak for themselves, start working for a neighbor and work your way up to an empire.
 House staging
For those of you with an eye for killer interior design. House staging is setting up a house to maximize its appeal to potential buyers. It is quite the science but if you are good at it, you can make a fortune in commission.
 Animal related business ideas
Let us face it – who does not love animals? As the saying goes, if you do something you love you will never work a day in your life.
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Pet sitting
Babysitting but with less paperwork. You are paid to walk, cuddle, feed and play with puppies all day and even other animals are available. Market your services through social media, local advertising and partnerships with other animal companies.
 Pet grooming
My friend has three dogs and every month or so they go off to get a haircut and a bath. Therefore, certain dogs need haircuts just like humans do, but they are more complicated so you can charge more. As for how to market, see the above advice.
 Aquarium cleaning
Advertise on services like craigslist and approach local pet shops and partner with them – offer them a fee for each successful referral. Local partnerships will work with independents; I would not waste your time with the national stores unless you get massive.
 Dog training
Everybody loves the dancing dog that won Britain’s Got Talent a couple of years ago. If you are a bit of a dog whisperer this could be the perfect idea for you.
 Selecting a small business idea is a personal decision. Nevertheless, it can be helpful to bounce ideas off your friends and family. Do not be afraid to ask for help throughout this process -- and remember to have a little fun while you are putting in the work.
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Professional photographers are in high demand for weddings, corporate events, family portraits, and more. In addition, because you can build this business out of your home with the right tools, of course, a freelance photography business has relatively low startup costs. Moreover, you are in charge of your client load and schedule, so professional photography is a great way to build a side hustle while working full time elsewhere.
 Event Planning
More and more individuals and companies are hiring freelance event planners to manage the design, logistics, and coordination of pulling off major events. If you love every little detail of coordinating your kid’s birthday or your dad’s retirement party, start offering your Type-A services to partiers in your community or within your personal network. You just need to pull off one great party, to start, and your event-planning business will take off with all those word-of-mouth recommendations.  
 Event Space
Look at your local market: If there is a demand for weddings, birthdays, corporate events, and fundraisers, but few venues to host those events, seize the opportunity and start an event space yourself. You could offer planning services along with the venue, or collaborate with another local event-planning business to become the ultimate party-planning team.
 Interior Decorating
Rather than redecorating your living room for the 20th time, apply your love of design to an interior decorating business. To start out, leverage your personal network to offer help decorating residential and commercial spaces. You can charge an hourly fee to clients for your work, partner with your favorite furniture stores or manufacturers to work on commission, or a combination of the two.
 Woodworking or Furniture Building
Do you love working with your hands to build beautiful, custom furniture? Take a page from Harp Design Co. in Waco, Texas of “Fixer Upper” fame, and start your own custom woodworking business. You might start working weekends out of your garage, but as business takes off, you will be well on your way to your own shop and a brand new, full-time career doing what you love.
 Graphic Design
If you have a background in design or art, then this business idea is a no-brainer. Even if you do not have a background in this field, consider taking a course in graphic design—it’s relatively easy to pick up.
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In addition, the tools to get this business started are minimal. With just a few handy computer programs—think Adobe, Sketch, or Canva—you could be operating this lucrative business out of your home in weeks. You do need to find clients though, so try networking with small businesses in your community. Everyone could use a well-designed website, online materials, email campaigns, physical print work, and more.
 Please note, here are some great small business ideas for entrepreneurs who love teaching, guidance, or taking care of toddlers or the elderly, but who don’t want to work in schools/daycare/nursing homes anymore or at all.
 College Application Consultant
According to the National Association for College Admission Counseling, only 28% of public schools employ at least one college counselor. Yet, the process of studying for entrance exams, completing college applications, and navigating the financial process is complex. If you’re organized, knowledgeable about the higher education process, and enjoy working with adolescents and their parents, consider starting a side business as an independent college application consultant to help more smart, ambitious, and qualified kids get into the schools of their dreams.
 Daycare Provider
Opening up a daycare facility can be a great option for parents who want to work from home, or simply for people who love working with toddlers. The process to becoming a licensed childcare provider is relatively simple, but be aware that requirements vary by state. Cities, towns, and municipalities occasionally have their own regulations, too.
 Senior Care Provider
As the baby boomer population ages, more and more senior citizens are in need of at-home care. These needs range from medically specific requirements to simple companionship or help with cooking, tidying up, or transportation to and from appointments. This is a great option for anyone with nursing experience who would like to move into working for themselves.
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Kids need access to tutoring at some point in their academic careers. In addition, not only is tutoring a highly demanded occupation, but on average you can earn up to $50 an hour as a private tutor. Therefore, if you are fluent in a foreign language, or you excel in math, science, or writing, set yourself up as a freelance tutor for students of all ages in your local community.
 Better yet, grab your equally qualified, eager-to-teach friends and establish a full-service tutoring business. By offering a variety of subject areas to parents in your neighborhood, you will quickly build a client base eager to pay you for your help in achieving the best possible academic results.
 Whether you are a student, a working mother, or you are simply tired of the 9-to-5, in-office grind, you might be ready to strike out on your own and right onto your couch with these work from home small business ideas.
 Virtual Assistant Service
If you’re the most organized person your know, your best small business idea from home just might be a freelance virtual assistant service: You might be surprised by how many companies are increasingly outsourcing administrative tasks to remote workers. As a virtual assistant, you can choose your clients, then manage their emails, schedule meetings, book travel, and complete other essential tasks to make your clients’ lives and businesses run more smoothly all from the comfort of your own home. To become an admin yourself, all you need is a laptop, an internet connection, and a true passion for daily planners.
 Freelance Copywriting and Content Creation
Need to support yourself while you chip away at your magnum opus? Then starting a copywriting or content creation service could be one of the best work from home small business idea for you.
 You might have heard it before “content is king.” In addition, with more businesses trying to produce high-quality written resources—like blog posts, eBooks, white papers, and newsletters there is tons of room in the freelance market for a wordsmith like you.
 Music Lessons
Chances are, if you are a musician— professionally, either semi-professionally or professionally only in your daydreams—you already have the skills, and tools, needed to become a freelance music teacher. Make those daydreams a reality by offering music lessons out of your own home. Reach out to your local schools and newspaper and ask whether you can offer flyers, or ad space, to begin building up your client base.
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For a certain kind of person (i.e., the hermetic kind), blogging is a true dream job: You get to write about your passions, test out new products/recipes/life hacks or whatever your specialty is, and earn money through advertising or by earning sponsorships from companies in exchange for reviews all without ever needing to get out of bed. It takes some time, dedication, and hard work to build up your readership enough to make blogging your full-time job. Nevertheless, if you stick with it, you just might join the ranks of the world’s top-earning bloggers.
 These days, more and more people are shifting out of traditional, 9-to-5 jobs and striking out on their own. In fact, according to the 2017 Kauffman Index of Startup Activity, about 540,000 people switch into self-employment every month. Therefore, if you have caught the entrepreneurial bug, you are certainly not alone.
 So decide what you are good at, what you love to do, and turn that into your new career.
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Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries in Texas and Oklahoma.  Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are … achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired  outcomes. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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gunkiss · 8 years
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Magical Puppy Fundraiser Stream on Friday, February 24 2017 11:30 pm (GMT -3)
I'll be hosting a livestream on Picarto to raise money for one of my local animal shelters, "Animales sin Hogar" (Animals Without A Home), that homes over 1900 dogs that have been either abandoned or/and abused. They are struggling to pay their bills, it's a very hot summer here, and their water is about to be shutdown. Please consider helping me help them!
HOW YOU CAN HELP! -Reblog this or/and repost in other sites, if you can't donate, spreading the word would help greatly!
DONATIONS: -Please send all DONATIONS HERE -You don't need to donate to be able to participate on the stream, it's open for everyone who wants to join. -Donating any amount will be of great help however donations under 10usd won't qualify you to get a drawing but you can donate and help out anyway! -Donate a minimum of 10 USD and you'll be able to turn your pet, any kind of pet, into a magical girl/boy kind of like the image up there!
ADDITIONAL INFO: -Please send  your info if you qualify for a sketch to [email protected] and attach the following: Donation ID, a clear photo or photos of your pet and their name via email. Please use either your Paypal mail or reference it in the email so I know it’s you -If you don't have pets, you can still donate whatever amount you want/can. -Please have in mind since this is a fundraiser, all art will fall under the category of sketch, or color sketch, depending on how much you donate. If your donation is well more than 10 USD I'll do my best to match it with a bit more detail because well, you're awesome and you deserve a bit more pampering ;) -Also know that if there's a lot of demand I'll raise the minimum to get a sketch done because otherwise I won't be able to catch up on drawing them, so it's best to be there from the start just in case. -You can still donate if the stream ends but I won't be doing sketches besides for the ones who donated while on the stream. If the time is not enough for me to finish them live, I'll of course finish them later and send them to you via email. -If we get enough donations I might make a ruffle among everyone who donated either for merchandise or a commission. -All proceeds will go to the shelter.
Have in mind I have a small baby so at times I may or may not need to take some minutes away, it might not happen since I'm doing it at a time she usually sleeps, so let’s cross my fingers!
Please feel free to ask any questions.
This is gonna be fun! Hope to see you tomorrow!
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