#i might make another thing with stuff for their 1920s wedding
royedismyaesthetic · 22 days
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I was bored, and so I looked through a 1922 ‘Sears, Roebuck and Co.’ catalog and picked out things that I feel like CoS Roy and Ed would own (or things that would just fit their vibe). 
Roy has a fancy pen, his stupid hat, and monogrammed handkerchiefs. He also has a little pocket knife- I feel like he’d carry one just in case. Edward has his books, a suitcase, shoes with a good heel (to give him some height), and a pair of driving gloves (which do not change the fact that he is a bad driver). I don’t know if he still has his State Alchemist pocket watch, but if he lost it, I think this new one, with a rural landscape design on it, would remind him of home.
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For the writers ask. 1, 2, 17, 40, 50
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Probably the one about Wedding on Lost Revenge.
It's about popular ship (Huma!) but introduces most of my other favourites as well. Plus, I'm pretty proud of how the fic turned out.
Also, canon is a suggestion. Better get used to that early. (Though technically nothing in the fic goes against canon.)
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney) (20); Chaos (9); Fluff (8); United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney) (8); Friendship (7)
The list goes on to add "alcohol abuse/alcoholism" and "Unhealthy coping mechanisms". (Which I list cos trigger warnings and all)
So, yeah. I think it fits.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
... Majority of my stuff is highly specific AU.
Isle of the Lost is Neverland, Ally of Neverland, thr Vibes only 1920 mafia au, well.
And way too much small canon divergences.
I really like the idea of Hook siblings mother being a siren (who might or might not have been trying to murder Captain Hook for two decades). Given the popular headcanon is Zarina, well.
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Reread! I reread things way too much. It's comforting.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
I'm choosing the question about which song would make a good fic ✨
I've read at least two fics for Take Me to Church by Hozier and I'd gladly read another.
Praying by Kesha. I am having thoughts about this song. (Claudine Frollo and/or older two Hook siblings)
Honey I'm Good by Andy Grammer. Do I know what would the story be about? Well no but the atmosphere! (Anthony Tremaine)
Looking at Me by Sabrina Carpenter. Again, atmosphere. I've got an incredibly specific situation for this that no one actually wants to hear.
Dying to Live by Kailee Morgue. Atmosphere. Audrey Rose and also Isle girls in general.
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dodger-chan · 9 months
20 Questions for fic writers:
Tagged by @cchapsticck
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59, if you count the very old stuff I archived there. 39, if you only count the stuff I originally posted there.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Recently, it's been all Stranger Things. If I start writing other fandoms again, tumblr will be the first to know.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Their Wedding Night (cowritten with @sharpbutsoft )
Adventures in Housekeeping
The Opposite of Love
The House Dick
Her Double Life
All but The Opposite of Love are part of A Bliss Like This
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. I used to not, but I've gotten into some nice conversations with other authors who responded to my comments, so I decided to try it. And I'm a very small author (don't let the word/ count fool you; I've been posting fic online since the late 90s) so there aren't that many comments to reply to.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably that sin, through which I run. Though it's told backwards, so it might depend on what you consider the ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any fic in A Bliss Like This. It's a guaranteed happiness series.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never on AO3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written, but not published smut. I'm not good enough at it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't, really. Nothing wrong with crossovers, I'm just not usually inspired in that way.
I did work with a couple of friends once on a wild, universe hopping crossover that involved Sonic characters, Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z, The Old Man from Scene 24 (Holy Grail) and others with a friend that I think she posted somewhere. Probably fanfiction.net, but it was like 25 years ago (I am very old) and I'm a little scared of how awful it must have been so I'm not looking.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that anyone's mentioned to me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in the sense that we've blended our writing into a single story, but @sharpbutsoft and I built a 1920s AU together. Individual stories in A Bliss Like This are often hers or mine but they build off each other and all the major details are a joint endeavor.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
This is an impossible question.
I have noticed a preference for jock/nerd or similar such pairings. Where one half of the couple is "normal" or socially acceptable and the other half is very, very weird. But only when the relationship develops without either of them giving up that aspect of their personality. No makeovers!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Nancy POV fic tentatively called 'Three Truths and No Lies' that I started between the two volumes of season four. Because there were all these "fruity four" fics and I thought Nancy would likely try to fix or at least find closure in her relationship with Jonathan as soon as he got to Hawkins, leading to her feeling a little left out of the Eddie and Stobin closeness.
Also a third part of Coming Out with a Purpose, where Robin and Steve come out to Joyce to test her reaction and give her the opportunity to learn from the mistakes she makes with them so that she doesn't fuck up when Will finally comes out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Limited POVs. I think I'm decent at character voices, too, but I'm less confident there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing words down (what do you mean just thinking about the fic doesn't make it exist?). The urge to edit while I write. Spelling. Plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not good enough at it to really do it, unless the character speaking is not supposed to be fluent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
That I published online? Fushigi Yuugi, as I recall. Maybe Gundam Wing. But as a kid I used to write Real Ghostbusters fic for my parents (they wanted to encourage my creativity). Mostly fleshed out (no pun intended) back stories for the ghosts.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm still writing it. I'm gonna finish it, I swear.
Of what I've published, it's probably Her Double Life, because genderqueer drag queen Eddie of the 1920s is just so much fun. I have so many thoughts and feelings about her. So, so many.
No pressure tags for: @sharpbutsoft , @greenlikethesea, um, who else writes? If you do, and you want to answer these, please consider yourself tagged.
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naktergalen · 4 years
Rivamika Fic Suggestions List 2
Hey there again! It’s been a while since my last rivamika post and I apologies for that. I caught the reading bug and have just been hitting book after book. I might be doing a book of the month suggestion starting in March. I’m still thinking about it but if that is something your interested in let me know. Or if you just want book suggestions just message or ask me. But for now, I’m back with my second Rivamika Fic Suggestions List.
First of all, I want to thank you for all the comments and messages I received from my first list! I think it has over 150 notes now which is crazy for me. I was going to be ecstatic if it got like 10 likes or something hahaha! I’ve enjoyed talking to some of you about fics and other snk stuff. Feel free to do the same after this post! I know I take awhile to respond but swear I get there eventually.
Same rules as last time. I’ve split this list up into four categories. I wanted to let people know the status of some of these fics in case they did not want to start an incomplete or in progress story. All of these fics can be found on AO3. I’m going to try to link them but we will see how tumblr acts today. If you have any fic suggestions for me, feel free to message me with them and I can add them on to the next list. If any author sees their story on here and wants me to take it off the list, please let me know I don’t wish to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Also, last thing, I highly recommend leaving comments and kudos to the authors. I know that they greatly appreciate it and it helps them with improving their writing through feedback. Okay shutting up now, ON WITH THE LIST!
DISCLAIMER: I know that not all of these stories are not for everyone, these are just my opinions and suggestions.
- Thunder Clouds
Author: K_Lionheart
Rating: Mature
Sometimes I like to go to the very back of the Rivamika archive on AO3 and look for fics that have gotten buried over time. Low and behold what I have found lol! I enjoyed the emotional roller coaster when I was reading this fic, though sometimes I wanted to pull my hair out. Set after the titans are gone, humanity has to repopulate so arranged couples by the monarch are made to be wed. While this new order is being enforced, Mikasa and Levi are trying to work out their strained relationship. A slow burn with angst that will have you staying up till 3am dying to know what happens next. I know that there is a sequel to this fic called Nimbus and I’m slowly working my way through that one. Honestly, it will probably go on my next list.
- Red is the Only Colour
Author: mongoose_bite
Rating: Mature
A cute fic that was a quick but wild ride. A Little Red Riding Hood type of AU where Mikasa is a hunter of some sorts traveling through a town. I don’t want to say how Levi plays into all of this since it gets border line spoilers but just know that he is there. It is an opening ending fic for the author to come back if they plan on doing so but it can be interpreted in different ways. All in all, a fic worth of the quick read.
- Sing Me a Song
Author: LazyTrash
Rating: Mature
First I have to get this off my chest, I love the author’s name hahaha! I freakin wished I would have thought of that for mine! Anyway, this fic is wonderful but I will warn you that its a gut punch. If you like hurt and angst put together, then this is the story for you. I love these types of fics because I adore them so much but they hurt me in my soul. I don’t know what that says about me but whatever. I don’t want to delve into the story too much for spoilers but I would suggest rivamika fans to check this one out.
- Midnight Musings
Author: Raewyll
Rating: Teen
I just started to read Raewyll’s fics so I’m slowly working my way through all her works. This one caught my eye and I had to read it. This is a cute take on a chance meeting through texting the wrong number. I love the way Levi and Mikasa’s relationship blossoms into something more serious after causally texting back and forth. It’s one of those stories that I can only describe as being cute as shit! I’m definitely going to be checking out more of Raewyll’s fic in the future.
- Beyond the Walls
Author: helena3190
Rating: Matue
If you love RIvamika angst, then look no further than this baby right here. This is currently my favorite ongoing fic. It was supposed to be a shorter story, but the author keeps adding more chapters so I’m not complaining hahaha! This fic is pretty much how I would *personally* picture canon Mikasa on how she would deal with realizing that she’s falling in love with someone. Its mostly told in the perspective of Mikasa as she is dealing with the after effects of war and trying to figure out what should she do with her life now that she is no longer a solider. Her feeling for Levi come with a lot of confusion as she’s discovering emotions that she has never felt before. She has a hard time pinpointing on what exactly describes her relationship with him. I’m anxiously waiting for the final chapter for this fic and dying to see how it will end for Mikasa and Levi.
- After the War
Author: loneackerman
Rating: Mature
I am loving this rivamika slow burn fic right here. Its similar to Beyond the Walls but I think the author adds their own taste of the 1920s into it. Set after the war is over (obviously), Mikasa and Levi have to figure out what they are going to do the rest of their lives. It has great tension, a perfectly paced gradual romance and just the right amount of humor to combat the emotional turmoil it puts you through. Again in my opinion, this is close to how I would realistically perceive Levi and Mikasa’s relationship evolving. I’m really enjoying this story and I’m looking forward to more updates to come!
- The Sound of Lightning
Author: LycheeGreenTea
Rating: Mature
A new fic that is just getting started but I can tell that what the author has in store is going to be interesting. Set several years after the end of the war, Levi and Mikasa are loving parents to a single child. Their peaceful life comes to an end when the family has a threat against them. There are not many long fics about Mikasa and Levi being parent so I was very happy when this one popped up on the AO3 feed. An exciting adventure awaits the Ackerman family now and I can’t wait to see where this fic goes in the future. There are three chapters as of now so head over there and check it out.
- Home
Author: MissErikaCourt
Rating: Mature
One of the gems I found when diving back into the Rivamika archive. Ugh I HATE that this fic is incomplete!!! Its a good long fic but I’m greedy and I need more! I will give a warning first that this fic does contain heavy themes. Mikasa and Levi are in the underground to fight against a criminal ring. This story is a slow burn with action and emotional trauma. There is a wonderfully written OC that you easily get attached to its not even funny. Even though its not completed, I would highly recommend checking it out. I still have three more chapters to finish but I had to put it on this list. I know that I’m going to be pissed once I reach the last chapter written. If someone know MissErikaCourt, let her know that she needs to comeback to finish this masterpiece!
- Shiver
Author: bornsinner
Rating: Mature
Another one that I DISPISE its incomplete!!! Ugh such a great Office AU. It’s everything that I would want in an Office AU setting. Mikasa struggles between her committed long term relationship and her growing attraction (which starts to develop into some feelings) to her boss, Levi. Its hot, sexy and intriguing and it pisses me off that its not finished! The author writes each chapter as a one-shot but collectively together they tell the whole story. Highly recommend even though its so short. BORNSINNER where ever you are in the universe I hope you come back to finish this!!!
- Two Lines
Author: Crejhov
Rating: Mature
When this was getting updated it was my favorite on-going Rivamika fic. I would find myself checking to see if the author updated with a new chapter every week! The unplanned pregnancy trope is a classic one, but Crejhov does a fantastic job on keeping readers enthralled with soo many anticipated character meet up that are bound to cause hurdles for our expecting parents. This story is told from the perspectives of Mikasa and Levi in order for us to understand where their mindsets are as they plan for their expecting child and deal with their relationship. AHHHHH I want more of this!!! I was soo excited to see where this awkward journey was going to take Mikasa and Levi. CREJHOV COME BACK PLEASE I KNOW YOU HAVE WORK BUT PLEAAASEEEE! I NEEEEEEDDDD!!!
- Cabin Fever
Author: AmayaOkami
Rating: Mature
All I should have to say about this is that its written by AmayaOkami and that should explain it. Amaya is the one that gave us the beautiful incomplete rivamika fic Romance and Rivalry. I just adore her writing. Levi and Mikasa relationship evolves as they are standing guard over the arrested Kenny Ackerman. Secrets are discover about the Ackermans and it gets pretty steamy between our two favs. Great fluff and great sexual tension that leaves you wanting more chapters! Again AmayaOkami where ever you went I hope for some miracle that you come back and complete this one too!
- Jade
Author: shulkie
Rating: Mature
This one-shot feels like I read a novel, it has such a great storyline. An arranged marriage between Mikasa and Levi leaves the relationship strained in the beginning. Their relationship evolves over time as Levi patiently brings down Mikasa’s wall. With smut added for all of your one-shot needs. Definitely worth the read in my opinion.
- What Remains
Author: Mirime
Rating: Mature
This one-shot gives us a glimpse into the secret relationship that Levi and Mikasa have been having while there are still scouts. This fic is sad but I would say it has a bittersweet ending. I think this was supposed to be part of a collection but I can’t find the rest of them. Still a great read by itself.
- Agape
Author: alienheartattack (Sanneke)
Rating: Mature
This fic is cute as shit! A College AU where Mikasa and Levi are childhood friends. Levi has to deal with Mikasa being at the same college as him while he is struggling with his changing feelings towards a grown up Mikasa. Worth the read as I said cute as shit, leaves you all warm and fuzzy lol!
- As Seen in Shadows
Author: MoraLeeWright
Rating: Explicit
FUCKING MORA! LEE! WRIGHT! UFFFFGGHHH Fuck I’m in love with her writing style. I really have nothing to say more that just go read it! Its hot and sexy and the sexual tension is off the fucking charts in this one. Its just MoraLeeWright smut thats all I can say. It’s great! JUST READ IT LMAO!
- Remedy
Author: NSummer
Rating: Mature
Another hot smut one-shot coming your way! Levi and Mikasa have had an ongoing affair and this just recounts their first time together. Its just some good ol’ Rivamika smut that I think that everyone in this community would enjoy.
- Nutty: Drunk in Love
Author: Hallow17
Rating: Mature
A fun smut to read about Mikasa getting “revenge” on her asshole boss, Levi. Things don’t go the way she plans as things get a little heated in the sexy way. A quick smut that I think is perfect for a little Rivamika crave.
- Spicy: Jalapeno
Author: Hallow17
Rating: Explicit
Another fun smut to read by Hallow17. Levi has been stressed out at work and Mikasa finds a way to help him get his mind off it (if you know what i mean). Again perfect for a Rivamika quick fix.
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rkin413 · 3 years
All 77 of my current AUs
I’m probably going to instantly regret making this post but it’s four in the morning and also I desperately want to talk to people about these things.
This is just. Copypasted from my AU list page. Some stuff might be outdated in a week. Who knows. Not me.
Star Vs The Forces of Evil:
Monster Carvers (link) - Main Star Vs AU. Stomco endgame + Tom stays with Marco + Star raised by Monsters (specifically Buff Frog). The titular antagonists were originally going to disappear after the prologue what the heck happened???
Pretty Cure vs the Forces of Evil (link) - Exactly What It Says On the Tin, Pretty Cure x Star Vs.
unnamed Pirate AU - Star Butterfly has a perfectly nice, unbearably boring life as a high-class lady, with little to do other than wait to be married to her arranged fiancé that she’s never even met. A week before her wedding she sneaks on board a shipping vessel in the hopes of having an adventure. She gets a little more adventure than she bargained for when the ship is attacked by pirates.
“"Cannon”“ - A cannon-adjacent AU that started as a crossover with Monster Carvers
unnamed Infinity Train AU feat. human!Star and human!Tom.
unnamed Post-Cleaved AU featuring forced humanizations, amnesia, and one small time hiccup. Also Dave and Wrathmelior are missing, so that sucks for Tom.
unnamed AU where Marco goes to live with Tom for a while instead of Star during Lint Catcher
How to Train Your Dragon:
Outsiders (link) - Main HTTYD AU. Instead of watching the entire Berk fleet sail off to their dooms with Toothless, Hiccup and Astrid free the arena dragons and take Toothless while he’s being brought to the ship and then they all get the heck out of dodge. Dagur accidentally set himself adrift with Heather back when they were both small. Snotlout learns the hard way that being the Heir/responsibility kind of really sucks actually??? Stoick has to deal with his son going rouge. And Gobber and the Berk Teenagers have to deal with Stoick and Snotlout respectively.
Modern Riders/Time Travel AU - Modern!Hiccup is dragged by his cousin into an unwanted camping trip with the other riders and one electrical storm later, they find their cell phones aren’t working any more. Also are those flipping dragons?! On Berk, Stoick and the other vikings are shocked to find a group of teenagers in the woods who bear a shocking resemblance to some of the members of a dead generation of children.
Unsevered Bonds - Modern Riders (minus Hiccup) meet a time displaced Hiccup who recognize them as his reincarnated friends, even if they don’t remember their former lives.
How To Train Your Lusus - Everyone are trolls on Alternia. Hiccup is a brownblood who’s probably the only troll in existence to get a second Lusus (Toothless) after his first one (Stoick) is killed. Astrid is an oliveblood that Hiccup is flushed for, Fishlegs is a yellowblood, Snotlout is a blueblood, the Twins, Dagur, and Heather are all purplebloods. Dagur killed both his and Heather’s lusus so now he’s trying to take care of her even though she absolutely hates him (and not in a black way), and he had an unrequited pitch thing for Hiccup at one point before they flipped pale (and are actually Moirails now). That’s pretty much all I have for this one.
unnamed Harry Potter AU - Does not actually take place at Hogwarts. Everyone attends Dumstrang (possibly) and the topic everyone avoids is Care of Magical Creatures, because the local Dark Lord is Drago Bludvist. Main trio is Hiccup, Snotlout (Pureblood cousins), and Fishlegs (Muggleborn)… somehow.
Dragon Gang (link) - Mob/Mafia AU set in the vaguely 1920s in a Fake Country so no one can call me out on inaccurate geography.
Rebuilding Bridges - Set in a Multiverse where RTTE and The Hidden World are mutuality exclusive. (Pt.1): After dealing with Drago but before dealing with Grimmborn, Hiccup and Toothless once fought a witch intent on ‘harvesting’ dragons. Now ten years after the dragons have left her apprentice seeks revenge and kidnaps Zephyr and Nuffink, and a panicked Hiccup and Astrid are contacted by the Very Retired and Very Much Done With This Kid witch. Meanwhile in the RTTE-verse, The Dragon Riders only just got back from informing Berk about Johann’s treachery, when some crazy lady spontaneously appears in the middle of the Edge with two terrified children she intends to feed to dragons. Yeah, that’s not happening.        (Pt.2, spoilers for this AU I guess???): Zephyr and Nuffink and their parents have safely returned to New Berk, but their world has been shaken by what was and could have been. Zephyr and Nuffink, after bonding with Dagur in the other timeline, decide they want to try and help him in theirs. This was perhaps not their best idea. Meanwhile, the Nightlights escape the watchful eye of their parents to go exploring outside the Hidden World, and quickly meet the hatchlings of their dad’s brother! (so… their cousins, then?)
Something Wild (name subject to change) - Several years after Berk (along with most of the Archipelago) is attacked and taken captive by a far more advanced foe, Stoick is able to free most of his people but what he finds when they get manage to regroup back to their island is less than a relief- Berk ravaged and their elderly and children, left behind by their captors, missing. To make matters worse, the dragons are still out there, now with some kind of devils riding and aiding them. Now Stoick, Gobber, and the rest of the people of Berk must find safety and a way to fight back against they’re new foe, find what happened to those who are missing, and figure out who these dragon riders are and whether they’re friend of foe (gee i wonder where the Berkians went and who the dragon riders are golly what a mystery). (aka the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au i keep trying to create)
Lost (name subject to change) - Alternate attempt at the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au. Several years before the events of the movie could happen, a raid on Berk not by dragons, but by other people, leads to the destruction of an entire generation when the raiders manage to capture the Teenagers of Berk and ship them away. While in captivity, they meet and ultimately befriend the dragons that in another life would be their partners and together they all escape. Unfortunately, they’re Thor-knows-where, and with no one they can trust (or understand) except each other, getting back to Berk might take a while…
The Lego Movie:
Hero with Two Faces of Yellow - Another ‘Emmet and Rex share a body like Good Cop Bad Cop’ AU
Peacemaker AU - Main Lego AU. About a year after the Duplo aliens attack, Emmet is attacked and presumed dead, but he’s actually been taken by General Mayhem to meet Queen Watevra Wana'bi, who remembered and missed her ‘father’. Later, Rex ends up jumping into an entirely different timeline by accident (this one) and decides to try and play the long game by befriending Emmet, who’s now living in the Systar System. That probably won’t work out for him the way he wanted.
Miraculous Ladybug
MiracuClass Knows AU - Prior to Volpina, each member of the MiracuClass finds out the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and just sort of collectively become their secret keepers. Inspired by Epiphanies by PFTones3582 on Fanfiction.net.
Miraculous Sburb AU - The MiracuClass play Sburb and end up dragging a good chunk of Paris in with them when they enter the Medium. Marinette is a Light player, Adrien is a Doom player, and that’s all I got. Gabriel probably definitely dies.
One Is Silver and the Other Gold - aka the Marikimno Brot3 AU. I headcannon that Marinette, Kim, and Nino were close friends as little kids that drifted apart a few years prior to the start of the show. In this AU, that never happened. Also, Alya becomes Adrien’s best friend instead of Nino, and Nathanel becomes their friend too somehow? (someone help Alya, she’s an extrovert and both her friends have social skill levels in the single digits.)
The Ladybug and the Monkey - Main Miraculous Ladybug AU. My take on the ‘Fu chooses Kim to be the second Miraculous wielder instead of Adrien’ AU that I’ve somehow seen multiple times.
Sleeper Miraculous -  AU where instead of the Miraculous being handed out, they’re transported magically to their wielders after they’ve proved themselves somehow. The Miraculous still need to be ‘activated’ by the Guardian to be used on either a permanent or temporary basis, so Ladybug still has to go to Master Fu at first before she becomes the new Guardian, but she knows literally none of the other members of Team Miraculous’s identities. They have a chat group, too, where Ladybug updates team members on whose Miraculous she’s going to activate, and both Chloe and Kagami never blow their identities. Contains both mild Classmates + (even milder)Adrien salt and sugar. (define irony: wanting to punch someone in the face for being an a-hole only to realize that said a-hole is you).
Miraculous! Pretty Cure! - Another Pretty Cure AU. Yep.
Mesapia AU - Butterfly!Marinette AU with a few twists - 1) instead of just facing the villainous user of the Ladybug Miraculous, all of the Miraculous have been lost to villains (save for the rabbit). Marinette frequently empowers her classmates (+Adrien, who’s still under house-arrest in this AU, Luka, and Kagami) to fight the Miraculous Villains, who are also all fighting each other; and 2) This isn’t so much a Kwami Swap as a Kwami Scramble, no one uses their canon Miraculous here (except for Fu briefly, and Emilie had the peacock before what happened to her)!
Boys vs Girls AU (name subject to change) - Marinette vs Lila with the Boys (+Kagami) on Marinette’s side and the Girls on Lila’s.
Labyrinth - Almost the entirety of the MiracuClass go missing (+Lila, Luka, & Kagami, -Chloe) and on a related note, eight very young children wake up in an ever-shifting, monster-filled underground labyrinth and grow up together. And two of them have some special, appearance-shifting jewelry…
Mad Gabriel - Miraculous Ladybug x Mad Father, starring Adrien as Aya, Marinette as Dio, Gabriel as Alfred Drevis, Nathalie as Maria, and everyone else as the doctor’s victims (Lila is Ines).
Miraculous Royal AU - A fantasy AU starring the MiracuClass (shocker) spread out across three fantasy kingdoms.
Quartz Butterfly AU - AU in which Jagged Stone takes the role of (a significantly nicer but still villainous) Hawkmoth as Quartz Butterfly, with Penny taking on Mayura’s role as Songbird. (yes i know peacocks aren’t songbirds SHHHH).
MiracuTrio AU - AU based on fanofanimation’s submission to terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus, where Kim becomes a permanent member of the team after Party Crasher.
Mitterlicht - horror-ish AU inspired partially by various horror games, Lucidstuck, and Underbright (no, really).  After receiving their Miraculous for the first time, the temporary heroes start having less-than-restful nights. Things quickly go from bad to worse when fragmented, panic-inducing dreams turn into nightly (and solitary) trips into a dark world full of monsters that want to take something referred to just as their ‘light’- a bright light that acts as both a beacon to the hostile creatures and the only way to return to consciousness every night -which just so happen to be in the exact spot (and in many cases, are also vaguely the same shape) of their Miraculouses.
Mirakatsu - Aikatsu AU
Ladybug: Don’t Deal With Hawkmoth - (aka the result of listening to the Cuphead Rap Battle 50 million times) Cuphead AU where Ladybug and Chat Noir have to go around beating up akumas and collecting their butterflies to avoid getting akumatized by Hawkmoth.
Miracle Thieves - a phantom/gentleman thief au where Marinette and Adrien (who have been thieves for years) unwittingly steal a pair of magical artifacts and decide to team up afterwards. Includes Fox!Nino, Journalist-determined-to-expose-their-identities!Alya, and possibly Tiger!Markov.
unnamed AU inspired by To Live a Normal Life
unnamed Harry Potter AU
Merged Sessions AU - An AU where our favorite trolls and the Beta Kids are all part of the same session
Same Side of the Scratch AU - AU where the Beforus Trolls replace the Alternian ones, and when both sessions get scratched the Alternian Trolls end up in communication with the Alpha Kids
Same Side, Same Session AU - Combines both of the two immediately above AUs, The Beta Kids and Beforus Trolls have a session together that fails and gets Scratched, then the Alternians and Alphas play the game together while the pre-scratch players (all alive) travel to their session and have Meteorstuck Shenanigans.
Relief Was Just a Dream (name subject to change) - aka the mandatory Troll Rebellion AU, inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on A03. Sweeps after Karkat and Feferi are (seemingly) culled, Ace Legislacerator Terezi Pyrope -one of the best despite knowing she’s one wrong move away from being culled for her disability- is called in to investigate a series of traitorous attacks on more and more ships. Weirdly, the trolls seen most in the attacks don’t even seem to exist, all seem to bleed a painfully familiar cherry red, and have powers that even Her Imperial Condescension doesn’t seem to have. (not a no-game au)
Freetime AU (name subject to change) - AU where Bro leaves Dave on Dad Egbert’s doorstep, and Dave and John grow up as brothers.
Pokemon Network - Hub lives Pokemon AU with at least two protagonist teams. Team A: Lan, Hub, Mayl, Dex & Yai in Kanto. Team B: Roll, Glyde, Gutsman (Gus) in Kalos. What are Chaud and Protoman/Blues up to? ~Secrets~
Sailor Moon:
Inverse Corruption - When Beryl scours the Earth looking for her reincarnated generals she fails to find them, but she does manage to find the senshi instead. Sailor Moon has to unknowingly face the very girls who were supposed to protect her, fighting side-by-side with the Shitennou instead. (the boys are highschoolers to the girls middleschoolers)
Hazbin Hotel:
Infernal Relations - Why did Lucifer and Lilith wait so long to have a child? Simple; they didn’t. Unbeknownst to Charlie, her parents both had and lost a child thousands of years before she was born, a fact that will have far more of an effect on her hotel than she could possibly realize (even if she had known).
Apprentice Charlie AU - AU where Charlie gets into a fight with Lucifer and leaves before she ever thinks to create her hotel and Alastor ends up finding amusement by taking on an apprentice. (inspired by Helluva Teacher by Sol_Victoria on A03)
Phineas and Ferb:
Cursed Cats AU - AU based on the song Black Cats of Halloween. Phineas, Ferb, and their friends are cursed by a demon who turns them into black cats, save for on Halloween night. They’re then thrown into a world of magic and have to find each other, their way back home, and a way to break their curse, preferably in that order.
Online Gamer AU - no one dies/non-despair AU where no one is a super/ultra highschool level anything, no one has met each other in person, and they all play Among Us together. Junko always dies first and she’s low-key going to hurt someone over it.
unnamed AU where the murders of the killing game happen differently (aka the mandatory dr au)
unnamed AU inspired by ask-the-dr-reset-kids - After an incident that forces Hope’s Peak to temporarily close it’s doors, Class 78 all transfer to a different school. Junko is in jail, Mukuro is coping, Izuru is looming somewhere, the Ultimate Despair are waiting like sleeper agents to cause the The Most Despair Inducing Event in History, and Makoto is straight up not having a good time (and has very good reasons not to tell anyone).
unnamed AU where both Class 77 and Class 78, including both Junko and Mukuro but without Chiaki end up playing the Killing Game together.
Double Mastermind AU - similar to the above, both Class 77 and Class 78 wake up one day with no memories of their school lives. They’ll have to work together, somehow, to find out where they are, how to get back to civilization, and how to get back their memories. Meanwhile in the control room, Makoto and a sort-of-but-not-really-reformed Junko are working together as the Masterminds behind the mystery. Well, Makoto’s working, anyway. Junko just kind of wants to give Makoto daily migraines. Contains Junko/Makoto hateshipping.
unnamed Taka Lives AU where instead of switching roles with Hiro during the third trial he just manages to survive the murder attempt. He does not, however, get out unscathed…
another unnamed Taka Lives AU where Makoto, at Kyoko’s urging, decides to stay with Kiyondo the night he would have died, throwing a huge wrench into the would-be-blackeneds’ plans.
Asassain!Makoto AU: The Killing School Life - an au where Makoto is secretly the Ultimate Assassin.
Assasain!Makoto AU: The Killing Mystery - au that’s basically the one directly above but takes place in a non-despair (or maybe averted despair would be more accurate) timeline. After receiving and turning down a job to assassinate a certain up-and-coming politician, The Black Mask (Makoto) alerts his would-be victim, an old former friend, that someone is out for his life.
Remnants of Hope AU - AU that takes place after the end of School Mode, with the class not being picked up by the future foundation right away. (does this. does this actually qualify as an au i’m not sure.)
unnamed Class Swap AU
unnamed AU where Makoto and Kiyotaka are brainwashed into Ultimate Despair in addition to Class 77. Contains both sweet and very effed up Naeishi, as well as Despair!Makoto+Izuru friendship (or as close as Izuru can get, anyway). Technically another 2 (or 3, sort of) masterminds au.
Soulmates AU - In a world where most people are colorblind until meeting their soulmate, Makoto Naegi walks into Hope’s Peak Academy colorblind, blacks out, and wakes up to color. As it turns out, the same thing happened to everyone else!
Scrapbook AU - After entering into Hope’s Peak Academy, Makoto started a scrapbook/photo album of himself, his classmates, and eventually even the class above his own during their time on and off school. It soon became a class diary of sorts after being discovered, shared among everyone… then a chronicle of the events leading up to Class 77 going missing, The Tragedy starting, and Class 78 sealing themselves inside the school bunker, before returning to it’s original purpose as Class 78 lived inside their homemade bunker. In canon, Junko found and burned it. In this timeline, it’s an amnesiac Makoto and his classmates who find it, hidden under the floor in Makoto’s room.
Amnesia AU - A boy wakes up in a school(?) with no memories of where he is, how he got here, or even who he is. As it turns out, there are fourteen other people here… and all of them have the same memory loss he does! (may or may not be an IF Bad End AU)
Polychain AU - Another different Victims and Blackends au, that extends well beyond the original Killing Game. The Tragedy occurs very differently in this one… initially. Also features Junko escaping after the Killing Game, and Hajime and Shuichi being half-brothers and kids of the survivors.
Unnamed AU where Leon and Taka also attended Makoto and Sayaka’s middle school.
Ghost AU - After being killed, the victims and blackened are forced to stick around and watch the Killing Game happen, believing they'll be allowed to move on after they leave. Turns out, they're very much wrong- but at least after it's over their classmates can see them! Too bad they're the only ones.
Teachers Assistant AU - inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net. After Nagito blows up a building and gets suspended, Chisa is forced to take a Teacher’s Assistant or be fired. Somehow, a very reluctant Makoto gets the job, despite being in the class below her own. Cross-class shenanigans ensue.
Unnamed Timetravel AU inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net where Makoto and Alter Ego, the only survivors of the Killing Game, are sent back in time to Makoto’s first day attending Hope’s Peak - Makoto mentally and Alter Ego physically. Not as dark as the premise sounds, at least theoretically.
Dagla!Adrien AU - Adrien isn’t the son of Gabriel and Emilie Agreste, but instead his parents are a Modern Dagur and Mala. He still works for Gabriel as a model, but otherwise has had a very different upbringing (most notably the inclusion of a lot of people who have cared about him for his entire life, such as his best friend Zephyr Haddock) and acts more like Chat Noir both with and without the mask. He still befriends his canon friends, becomes Chat Noir, and falls in love with Ladybug. (HTTYD x Miraculous Ladybug)
unnamed Adventure Time x Star Vs AU
Miracutale - Lila pushes Marinette down a hole, Adrien tries to catch her but fails. Undertale ensues. (Miraculous Ladybug x Undertale)
Sailor Bella (name subject to change) - AU inspired by some art from Turning-the-Tides, Princess Serenity reincarnates not into Usagi Tsukino, but Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, and her Senshi are reincarnated into the boys. I have no idea who Endymion became if he exists at all in this AU. (Sailor Moon x Phineas and Ferb)
unnamed three-way crossover between Harry Potter, Miraculous Ladybug, and How to Train Your Dragon.
unnamed Steven Universe x Undertale AU - After returning from the Jungle Moon, Steven and Connie end up stranded in an alternate timeline where they meet what appears to be another half-gem going by the name of False Topaz (Frisk). Things get a little more tricky when it turns out that gems and humans coexist somewhat… on one side of a giant, seemingly uncross-able mountain range live humans, on the other gems, and after a war between the two a few centuries ago, both cultures have a kill on sight policy. To make things more complicated, gems seem to be very different in this timeline. (note: Frisk is not actually a gem, just disguised as one)
unnamed Undertale x Star Vs AU - There’s a new face at the Silver Bell Ball - Frisk, heir and ambassador for the Kingdom of… Monsters?! Star and Frisk are quick to befriend each other, but despite that, Star can’t help but feel that Frisk doesn’t like her… And Frisk may have more than one secret to share… or maybe to keep.
unnamed Miraculous Ladybug x Danganronpa AU - The Worst Most Despair Inducing Event In History was localized to Japan (but the effects are spreading), and the six survivors of Hope’s Peek, aided by Kagami’s father, whom Byakuya naturally has connections to, immigrate to France to pick up the pieces of their lives. Meanwhile in France, Ms. Bustier’s class gain five new transfer students after the events of Miracle Queen.
Games -  (everything)
Wild Things - (everything)
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beautifully-tuan · 5 years
for my dream - 2
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Mark Tuan x Reader arranged marriage!au , angst, eventual fluff word count: 1920
Masterlist ; Part 1
As soon as Mark gave his agreement, you were named CEO of your father’s company. It should have been the happiest day of your life, since you’ve always wanted this position, but you didn’t want it like this. Yet, as much as you hated this situation, you couldn’t say no, because it was the only way to save the company. If only your stupid brother hadn’t let his stupid girlfriend pry into the family business... She wouldn’t have scammed your father and Mark’s family, leaving the empire they’ve built to the critical state it’s in now. And, cherry on top, your father had initially planned to name your brother as the CEO. You opposed to his decision, reminding him that this whole mess was because of your brother himself. Things could only get worse if you let him step over. You couldn’t let the already declining business fall into such incompetent hands. With the energy of despair, you told your father you were qualified enough to take the lead, to which your father couldn’t argue. Everything you’ve ever done revolved around this company. Your brother was less than incompetent, and you were more than qualified.
And then the marriage deal came up. You knew it would lead to something like that, considering how complex the structure of the company is. The official account, which includes all the company’s acts and budget, is registered in Mark’s family’s name. It’s always been that way: your family deals with management and negotiations, while Mark’s family takes care of everything financial and investments related. Your and Mark’s father being CEO and co-CEO since the company was founded, that’s never been a problem. But due to recent events, and with the need of a new CEO, the latter should be able to run both sides of the company. If your brother had gotten this position, it would’ve been easy to convince the bank for a transfer of account. It’s always been highly considered for a man to run a company. However, you are a woman, and that makes it way more difficult. Nobody would take you seriously and your decisions on the use of the company’s funds would be limited, and that would only make everything worse. The only way to avoid such a disaster is to merge both families into one, so you can have legal access to the account no matter what. That’s why there’s no other alternative for you than to marry Mark. Your father made it clear to you that it was the only condition. You wanted to refuse, God knows you wanted to. But again, you couldn’t. Although you could feel your heart break inside your chest, you agreed.
As selfish as that was, you secretly hoped Mark would say no. If waiting for his response felt like agony, you considered yourself dead when he said yes. Without further awaiting, you took over the company and immediately started to clean after your brother’s mess, while preparing the wedding at the same time. Everyone said you weren’t obligated to help with the preparations, but you did it anyway, and it was honestly a living hell. You didn’t know what you were expecting from Mark in the first place, but he didn’t even try to be a little bit supportive. He despised you, it was written all over his face, and you could understand why. Although you could’ve put up a fight with him for acting as if he was the only one suffering from this situation, you felt too bad for him, so you let him be.
Mark acts no different during the wedding ceremony and reception a few weeks later. He makes a little effort to put on a make-believe happiness in public, and you’re thankful for that, but he’s still dripping with resent and sadness. It’s only normal after all, he doesn’t gain much from this arrangement compared to everything he loses. You both try to put on a good show for all the important personalities attending your wedding, then you head back to your house immediately after it’s finished. You and Mark decided to live in a rather big house, with two bedrooms. Of course, you decided to sleep in separate beds. Actually, to make everything easier for both of you, you separated everything, like roommates would. You would have your own life, and he would have his. He could continue with his job, and you would take care of the company, that’s it. The only requirement between the two of you was to, at least, pretend to be happily married when you were in public.
These rules established, you thought your life would go on as normal, the only difference being your new position and responsibilities in the company. What you didn’t expect was for Mark to still take care of you. Not as a husband, of course, but in subtle ways that you can’t ignore. When he makes dinner, he makes sure to leave some for you to eat when you get home after work. When he goes grocery shopping, he buys stuff for both of you. When you’re not around, he does some cleaning. It’s not rare that he texts you to ask at what time you’re getting home so he can make his plans without bothering you. It’s crazy to you how someone can be mad at you and still take care of you like this, even though he has no obligations towards you. You really wish you could repay him, but there’s not much you can do since you’re at work most of the time and only come home super late at night. You offer to take turns washing the dishes, to which he agrees, but he ends up doing most of it anyways because of your tight schedule. Despite not having the highest opinion of you, he still does all those things because that’s just how good of a person he is.
As incredible as it seems – and as much as you hate to admit it – you’ve grown attached to Mark. Although he barely ever talks to you, you appreciate his little actions a bit more than you should. You even finding yourself daydreaming about what you and Mark would be like together in another life... But daydreams are all about it. You can’t let these feelings take over, because he obviously doesn’t feel the same way. Quite frankly, it might even be the opposite. He seems to have gotten over himself, but still despises you and wishes you hadn’t ruined his life, and that is enough for you to keep your feelings a secret. You’ve mastered the art of repressing your emotions, ever since you were a child, to maintain a certain image. Everyone around you says that bottling things inside is not healthy for you, but you don’t care. With all of your responsibilities, you don’t need to deal with your conflicted emotions on top of that. So you live your life like this for the following months, being as strong as you can. That is until, one night, you inevitably break.
For a woman your age, being a CEO is a lot of pressure. You are in a rowboat barely floating in the middle of the sea, and financial partners and stakeholders are sharks trying to capsize it. They’re constantly pressuring you, aiming for your breaking point, trying to make you bend before them so they can steal your power. Your daily life is composed of disguised threats and improper remarks, added to tons and tons of work and the tiredness that comes with them, and the sadness of coming home to an empty house, without anyone to talk to. Today was just the straw that broke the camel. A representant of your company’s number one competitor came in to talk to you. The lady, like everyone else, was sent to pressure you. You handled the situation perfectly, as usual, until she said:
- “Well... Where’s your husband? I believe he also has some latitude in this company, right. How come we never see him around?”
Normally, you wouldn’t care. But, with the way she said it, you started to worry. She was clearly implying that she – and probably many other people – are fully aware that your marriage is fake, and that they’re going to use that to their advantage.
That thought is still on your mind when you step into your house, exhausted. You slip out of your shoes and jacket, throw your bag onto the table and slump down on the sofa, not even bothering to turn on the lights. How long can you keep up like this? How can you stop them from using your marriage, the only thing you have no control on, against you? And who are you even going to tell all of this? It’s not like you have a lot of friends, and you don’t want to seem weak to the eyes of your family, since you’re the one who fought so hard to get here. But is this really what you wanted? Will you ever be able to keep your promise and save this company? Your insecurities hit you so hard that you break into tears. You let go of months of pent up frustration and sadness, so overwhelmed by your emotions and crying so much that you don’t even hear the front door opening and the lights being turned on.
Mark finds you there, crying your heart out and struggling to breathe. He immediately pours some water into a glass and brings it to you, but you don’t even notice it.
- “Hey, hey, Y/N look at me” he says, trying catch your attention.
His voices rings inside your ears and you try to look up, barely processing what’s happening.
- “What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Talk to me.”
His genuinely worried tone makes you feel so safe that, without thinking twice, you immediately start talking. You tell him absolutely everything. Mark listens to you, holds your hand, brings you more water when your glass is empty. He’s so kind and understanding that it takes everything in you not to tell him about your growing feelings for him. After you’re finished, he gives you some great advice and demands that you never keep your problems to yourself like that again.
Since that night, every time you come home, Mark starts asking questions. He asks how you’re doing and how your day has been, asks you to talk about your problems and what you’re planning to do about them. That’s how you and Mark, after seven months of being married, became friends. Mark is determined to make you feel less lonely. He even starts getting himself involved in your work, even if it’s just a tiny little bit. He often passes by your workplace and brings you lunch, making sure he arrives at the exact time you’re having meetings with all those annoying people, just to show them that he’s there and that you’re not alone. If you used to appreciate Mark’s efforts, you’ve come to appreciate his very presence. You cherish the moments you spend with him, even the smallest ones, from small talks around the living room to movie nights on weekends. Your new relationship with your husband makes you feel uncertain. You can’t really tell if it makes things easier or harder for you, because the only thing you’re certain of right now is that you’ve fallen in love with him.
Part 3
a/n: hiii and thanks for reading the second chapter to this series. what do you think of this new chapter? it was tough to write tbh, especially trying to explain the reason behind the arranged marriage. I tried to make it as realistic as possible though. I really REALLY hope you’re enjoying the story so far. Happy holidays and love you all. 💖
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Your Hardest Goodbye -Pt 2
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 1920
Warnings: Angst
A/N: Here’s part 2...Bucky comes home. Enjoy. 
Bucky steps off the boarding bridge and he knows he's finally home. He inhales a deep breath, and even though it ain't Brooklyn, he can smell the telltale scents of New York. Yeah, he's home and god…he’s missed this place.
It's been three years since he was last here, and as much as things have stayed the same, everything has changed. Bucky himself has changed since he left; his hair is longer, he's sporting a five o'clock shadow, skin a little pale. The Bucky from three years ago would kick himself in the ass, telling him to get a haircut and a new job. The Bucky walking through the terminal now would have to agree.
The trip home was two years overdue. Bucky lost track of how many times he tried to make this trip; calling the airlines, booking the flight, packing his apartment. Each time it ended the same way. Every time he cancelled his flight and stayed where he was.  
The only reason he finally made the trip back was to see his best friend get married, if you could still call him that. Steve was his best friend since childhood, practically living out of each other's pockets. Even their moms became best friends due to the vast amounts of time the two spent together, and the abundance of trouble they always seemed to find. Bucky and Steve both thought they'd be friends forever. That was before he left for Russia. Since then, things have been rather strained.
They were still best friends when he left three years ago. Five months into his trip, that friendship ended. Steve hadn't talked to him since their falling out, but when the invitation for the wedding came, his mother said he should come home and find closure for them all. Bucky typed out a message to his friend with the words ‘Are you sure?’ The reply came back to him the next day, only a single word, ‘Yes’.
So here he was walking through JFK, heading to the baggage claim, trying to get back home to Brooklyn. Brooklyn, where everything started and ended. The place his heart truly resides...his true home.  
By the time he's made it down to the claim area, everyone has pretty much cleared out. There are a few stragglers, and Bucky is grateful for the lack of people and mass hysteria. He just needs a few moments to collect his thoughts before he walks out of the airport, trying to regain some semblance of his old life. 
Bucky finds his suitcase and heads for the exit. Even though he's ready to be home, he's terrified to step through the doors. Walking through means acknowledging what he's been avoiding for over two years; all his extremely bad choices, and overall failure of his personal life. Looking back now, he never should have accepted the job in the first place. His acceptance was his ultimate demise.
He stands at the exit, cemented in place. The memories of three years ago flooding his head.
Your face, your eyes...your lips. The last time he laid eyes on you, he was waving goodbye. It was the hardest thing he ever had to do. But that final wave solidified his future...his doom. Bucky should have stayed, but he chose his career over the woman he loved and paid the price for it.  
“You want to stand there all day, or you gonna give me a hug?” The familiar voice breaks him out of his thoughts.
“Clint, it's been too long!” Bucky steps through the doors without hesitation and heads straight for the man that has been his other best friend since they met in college. The two come face to face and wrap each other in a hug followed by pats on the back.
“Man, you look like shit!” Clint says as they break apart taking a moment to take in Bucky's appearance.
“Yeah, I was going for a new look. Russian hobo. Think it works?” Bucky asked with a laugh.
“No, I really don't!” Clint responds smiling and grabs for Bucky's suitcase.
“Come on! Let's get ya’ back where you belong!”
The drive back to was filled with easy conversation and chit chat, each man reminiscing about old memories and good times had by all. At one-point Clint had Bucky in tears as he recalled the clothing disaster of freshman year.
“Omg, Clint!” Bucky's face red, trying to catch a breath. “Natasha was so mad at me!! Poor Y/N had to practically promise our first born in order for Nat to forgive us!” Bucky's laughing stopped dead.  
He was trying to avoid it, but it just slipped out. There was now an uncomfortable silence in the car, all because he said the name that's never left his mind or heart for the past three years. Bucky knew there was no way to escape it now, so he might as well bite the bullet and get it over with.  
“How mad is everyone?” Bucky looked at Clint, who kept his eyes on the road.
“On a scale of one to ten? Epic failure!”
Bucky scrunched his face and shook his head. “Is she ok?” He tried to avoid saying the name again, hoping Clint would know who he was talking about.
“She's good, now. It took all of us, especially Steve. He tried to convince her not to give up…but, I don't have to tell you how that worked out.” Bucky swallowed hard and nodded his head knowing exactly what Clint was referring to.
Bucky stared out the window, watching the scenery go by. There was no one to blame but himself. He'd made one bad decision after another, and in the end, he'd hurt the woman he made so many promises to…the woman he intended on marrying. There was nothing he could do to take back what he had done.
So now he's home…three years later, preparing to watch her walk down the aisle saying ‘I do’ to someone that wasn't him. She was marrying his best friend. All because he couldn't see past himself and his own selfish dreams...wanting to be somebody important. Not realizing he was already important to the one person that mattered the most before it was too late. That was one of the many things he'd never forgive himself for.
“Earth to Bucky? You ok?” Clint asks, bringing him out of his thoughts.
Bucky looks over and gives him a soft smile and a nod “I really fucked up!” He has to get use to saying it. He knows the words will be on repeat no matter who he encounters.
“Yeah, you did.” Clint doesn't hold back.
“Trust me, I know….and what hurts is that I can't fix it.” Bucky lowers his head, looking at his hands in his lap. “I never should have left.” The words are soft and filled with sorrow, and he means them with all his heart.
“Why did you leave?” Clint's eyes are still trained on the road. “I mean, why'd you take the job? You'd just proposed…she said yes. So why? Why leave?”
Bucky struggled with this question often. He honestly asked himself the same thing standing in the TSA line before he left. He knew what he was leaving, and he questioned if it was the right decision for his future. In the end, he made his choice, and he knows it wasn't the right one.  
“Because I thought I could be somebody, someone she could be proud of. I could've given her an amazing life, where she would've had everything she ever wanted. I wanted to be important and successful, and thought I'd get that by accepting the job. So, I left…hoping I'd get what I wanted and fucked everything up in the process.”
Bucky can see Clint nod his head, confused look on his face. “What?” The man driving gives him a side eye. “Say it, Clint. Whatever it is, just get it out.”
“Was there anything that could've made you stay?”
Bucky shakes his head, “If I didn't stay for my fiancée...there's probably nothing else that could've kept me here.”
Y/N didn't stop him from leaving all those years ago. He may have resented her if she did, so he understands why she let him go.  
They finish the ride in silence, the drive honestly not taking that long. Clint pulls up to the Barnes family home and places the car in park. “Home, sweet home!” Clint gives him a warm smile.
Bucky is grateful the man came and picked him up today. His family couldn't, and he had no other friends he could call. He lost them all when he hurt Y/N. Clint was really all he had left.
“Thanks man!” Bucky opens the door and steps out, everything around him stills looking the same.
Clint also gets out of the car, grabbing Bucky's suitcase and walking it over to him. “Have you decided if you're staying?”
Bucky runs his fingers through his long hair, probably the only question he's nervous about answering. “I-uh I'm-home? Uh, everything I own is in this suitcase. I got a box coming from Russia, but I sold everything else. I’m meeting Steve tomorrow for the keys to the storage unit they put my stuff in.” The meeting had been arranged through their moms, Steve choosing to have limited contact at the urging of his fiancée is what he was told.
Clint crosses his arms and looks Bucky in the eyes. “Look, you know everyone is pissed off at you, and most of them are even more pissed at Steve for inviting you to this wedding.”
Bucky lowers his head to the ground, letting his hair hang in his eyes, listening to his friend scold him like a parent disciplining their child.
“You made a choice to accept that job and get on that plane. You can't take that back. Just know, you have to suffer through what you did, and also anything that may come to light. Everything happens for a reason.”  
Bucky knows he's right. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. He has to own it, no matter what the consequences are. He'll take whatever they give him and beg for forgiveness along the way. Bucky has nothing but time now since he's back for good.  
Clint leans in and wraps his arm around for a half hug.
“Thanks again for the ride.”
“No problem man.” Clint backs away and moves over to his car. “Oh, by the way…,” he stops before he enters the driver’s side, “I probably shouldn't tell you this...but Steve and Y/N--they uh, they have a child, Isabella or Bella, we like to call her. Steve is her father. Don't you dare do anything to upset her life. Nat will murder you!”
Bucky gives him a forced smile and a nod, accepting what he's been told. He gives the man a wave and watches him get into the car and maneuver his way back into Brooklyn traffic.
So, Steve and Y/N already had a kid. She really did move on, even using the name they planned on if they ever had a daughter. Bucky stands there on the sidewalk, unable to move. It really was his fault. He never should have left. Bucky should have stayed and married her like he planned. He regretted getting on that plane, and he hated himself for the phone call he made five months into his year long trip that forever changed their lives. 
Part 3
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trulymightypotato · 6 years
On the Comparative Value of Labor
A few people have told me recently that I should pick up x or y thing and make money with it on the side: knitting, cross-stitching, so on and so forth. “You can sell little embroidered key chains for five bucks some weekend and make some pocket change!” they say, completely unaware that that’s nowhere near the right amount of money to even break even with the cost of material and time that I put into it.
Especially considering that I’m slower at these tasks than most people.
This is, largely, because knitting and cross-stitch are tasks with extremely fine motor control--tasks I struggle with on a daily basis due to both the strain it puts on my joints and my general lack of fine motor control in the first place.
I’m familiar with the basics of both trades. I’ve knitted (though the most complicated thing I’ve ever managed is a scarf, because uneven yarn tension doesn’t matter so much there) and I’ve done a wide variety of embroidery (my current project is a set of throw pillows for a cousin’s wedding gift--a project, that despite the low surface area of the pillows that’s being covered, has taken me six months and I’m still not done).
One of my roommates can pick up crochet and make a scarf in a matter of days.
And yet the scarf that I spent four weeks knitting non-stop to get done in time for Christmas and the scarf my roommate made in a week would be valued the same--if not hers as a higher worth, because she’s able to control the yarn and make for a smoother finished project.
Despite the fact that a keychain-sized cross-stitch item would cost me materials and about four hours of time, it would be valued at five dollars.
My work, at a detail that causes me pain, is valued at $1.25 an hour.
You might be able to see the problem here.
This applies to more than the physical crafts.
It applies to "The market price is crap and also based on people who work faster than you do because they’re not in pain.”
I do digital art. I do it when I have the time and a subject in mind, which means it happens less often than I’d like. I’ve done commissions before, too, and contracted work.
The thing is, even though my commissions are “too expensive,” they’re honestly not costly enough. Not only is someone paying for a digital product, but they’re also paying for my time, for the experience I have in digital work, my style, and the physical effort it takes for me to actually complete a piece with intensive feedback. A total of three (3) people have ever commissioned me, and while I’m glad one of them has repeatedly come back for more, it’s disheartening to see the vast majority of people aren’t interested in paying a still-too-low wage.
As for that contract work I did--legally speaking, I’m not allowed to divulge details, but know that because “it’s a lot of work you’ll get paid plenty by the time it’s all over” I did intensive pieces and got paid under half of what I should have been. By the time I found out how much work there really was, and the changes the other party demanded months after getting a final piece sent to them, I was locked into a contract that didn’t give me any hope for improvement. (Also, they wouldn’t pay me for months at a time and got upset when I refused to hand over the final products until I got paid.)
By the time everything was said and done, I was getting paid about $3 an hour.
Somehow, because some people can draw faster than I can for the same product, that means I get paid less than a fair wage.
It’s one of the reasons commissions haven’t been open in a while. I can’t handle that again--both the mental strain and the physical damage caused by both working a regular job and drawing for another 4-6 hours a day to get stuff done.
It applies to “Other people have more time to do things than you do, and yet you’re held to the same standard.”
I record videos and put them on YouTube for fun. There was a period of time, about two years ago, when I was able to put out a video nearly every day. It was expected of me, so why wouldn’t I? And then, very suddenly, videos stopped for several months. Why?
Well, because I was taking 15 credits of college classes and working.
I would get all my homework done on my commute on public transport to and from college and in the breaks between classes. On particularly rough days I’d do a few more hours of it when I got home.
Then I’d have an irregularly-scheduled job where I’d work two 8 hour shifts back to back (either on sequential days or, on a few notable occasions, on the same day--you read that right, 16 hour days) and then a single 4 hour shift and then I wouldn’t be allowed to work more because then they’d have to start paying me benefits.
Because of this, money was so tight that some months I could barely pay rent, much less afford to eat.
I’d have chores I needed to do, ranging from the basic “clean room” and “dishes” and “laundry” (a task that takes several hours, assuming all the washers and dryers at the laundromat are working properly) to the more technically complicated “grocery shopping” (since I didn’t and still don’t have a car and had to rely on public transportation) and “scheduled appointments”.
I didn’t have time to put out videos, and yet I still felt I had to. My mental health was suffering to the point where my physical health was suffering (something I’m still dealing with the ramifications of to this day), and the only thing I could cut was videos.
So I did.
I stumbled through my last semesters of college (and I graduated with a GPA lower than I’d wanted but above a 3.0 so really that was nice) and got a new job--one that works me regular hours, even if those hours start at 4:30 in the morning.
And for several months into 2018, that was all I could do.
Sure, I managed to get out a few videos in that time, but I wasn’t really happy with them, and judging by the analytics on my channel, neither was anyone else.
It applies to “There’s a lot of invisible work that goes into this.”
I know I write fanfic for free. I’m planning on keeping it that way. It’s a good way for me to clear my mind and get creative, without the pressure of having a “final product” to show off at the end. I mean, I will have a final product, hypothetically, but I’m not really expected to show it to anyone in a professional context.
But then there are those comments--comments at the ends of chapters and in articles written by “professionals” and “experts.” The ones that say “Anyone can write. You’re just making things up for the fun of it, of course it’s not difficult” and “It’s been so long, when’s the next chapter going to be out?”
Except that it’s not so easy as that.
Yes, absolutely, I do it for fun. I do it for fun all the time. I do it for the satisfaction, and for the enjoyment of writing.
But the final product you see? Is not just something I tipped out onto the page.
In Royal Flush, for example, each and every chapter is started with a specific purpose in mind. A thing, a very specific thing, needs to happen. Maybe someone needs to learn information, or an aspect of 1920s culture needs to be showcased to better explain someone’s motives and actions.
All of this requires research. Research into clothing customs, and into social greetings and actions out in public and the customary ways to do such and such. Research into the vehicles of the time. Research into the medicine of the time (which is a particularly tricky one). Research into politics and public opinions and real-life historical figures.
The average chapter of Royal Flush takes me a week to a month to write.
This is a call to remember that just because a job looks easy, it’s probably not. If you think you can do it better, feel free. If you’re going to be That Person, then I don’t want to work for or with you. If you approach me on social media, I will block you.
Remember: for the vast majority of the “easy work for easy money” I perform, the work begins as soon as negotiations open--not as soon as I actually sit down and start working on the art, or the chapter, or the cross-stitch.
By engaging in someone’s work, you are agreeing to THEIR terms, to THEIR labor, to pay THEM a fair wage for the time and work THEY put into it--not your neighbor, not yourself, not a robot in a factory. 
You are hiring a person. Rates may vary.
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aaroncutler · 7 years
Sunrise as Comedy [by David Kalat]
June 11th: The following text was written by film critic and historian David Kalat on the occasion of this year’s F.W. Murnau retrospective at the Brazilian festival Olhar de Cinema. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans screens in the festival June 11th and 12th. More information about the retrospective can be found in English at http://olhardecinema.com.br/2017/en/2017/retrospective-f-w-murnau/ and http://olhardecinema.com.br/2017/en/screenings-2/#.retrospective, and in Portuguese at http://olhardecinema.com.br/2017/2017/olhar-retrospectivo-f-w-murnau/ and http://olhardecinema.com.br/2017/filmes/#.olhar-retrospectivo.
Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau’s Sunrise is the dictionary definition of a classic film. It won (for all intents and purposes) the first ever Academy Award, has been placed on the National Registry, and was the first silent film put out on Blu-Ray.  It routinely places in “Best Of” lists, it’s a picture whose artistry is intended to be accessible to mass audiences.  It is conventionally beautiful, conventionally narrative, conventionally stirring.  It needs no apologies or excuses, it’s just excellent in every way.  
But did you know it was a comedy?
Consider the basic premise: Sunrise presents a sexy, vampish “Woman of the City” who invades a rural idyll where her very presence corrupts a naïve young man.  In order to pursue this temptress, the young man comes to believe his only escape from his existing small-town romance is to kill his girl, which he utterly fails to accomplish, and thereby sets in motion the plot developments of the rest of the film.
Just six months before Sunrise hit theaters, American audiences saw the exact same plot in Harry Langdon’s comedy Long Pants!
In this context, it’s worth remembering that Langdon’s film crossed enough taboos (or do I mean tabus?) that some audiences didn’t find it funny at all.  Meanwhile, Murnau does pitch Sunrise like a comedy, and its contents are not very much distinguishable from what constituted comedies of the same period. For example, Sunrise’s main characters go on a date to a carnival, where they run into money problems and an out-of-control animal (see Harold Lloyd’s Speedy), and the film climaxes with a catastrophic storm (see Buster Keaton’s Steamboat Bill, Jr.)
The young man (George O’Brien) rows out to the middle of the lake with his trusting wife (Janet Gaynor) where he intends to drown her.  But when push comes to shove, as it were, he loses his resolve and rows mindlessly to the opposite shore, where they board a trolley car.  And in one of the most astonishing sequences in all of cinema, the shell-shocked couple gather their wits as they are transported from what might as well be a medieval village straight out of Nosferatu through a forest to an industrial patch and finally arriving in a futuristic Metropolis, all in the span of a couple of minutes.  There is no such trolley ride anywhere in the world—this thing might as well be a time machine.
The transformation is absolute.  The opening scenes take place in a silent movie world of exaggerated gestures and portentous symbolism.  But the city reveals more naturalistic acting, more observational in tone.  And the city scenes are obsessed with the details of the setting—the cars, the clothes, the architecture, the store fronts, the people-watching, the traffic.
Dramas do not often get bogged down in such observational fascination with their setting.  Although it happens sometimes (as with the semi-documentary approach of Billy Wilder’s People on Sunday, or perhaps Robert Wise’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture), this is a technique more familiar from comedies, where the observational detail is part of establishing the ironic commentary. Think Jacques Tati’s Playtime, or Chaplin’s City Lights, or Jean Renoir’s Boudou Saved From Drowning, or just about anything by Harold Lloyd.
Murnau introduces two outsiders into this cityscape—scraggly, haggard refugees from a horror film who have stumbled into this world in a state of high emotional dudgeon and will encounter it as if they are visitors from another planet. Again, the parallel is to a comedy’s structure, with the outsider hero(es) providing for a commentary on the world around them.  Charlie Chaplin rarely stumbled into any of his adventures after a botched murder attempt, but all Murnau has done is to provide a context for his protagonists’ alienation where someone like Chaplin uses his costume as a shortcut to the same ends.  Like Boudou or Mr. Hulot, George and Janet are outsiders invading this space.  We will witness its familiar contours through their eyes.
Setting in a film in the juxtaposition of old versus new has been a central recurring feature of many important comedies (Steamboat Bill, Jr., Mon Oncle, Modern Times, Yoyo) and also specifically places Sunrise squarely in the zeitgeist of late 1920s comedy.
For example, consider what happens once George and Janet arrive in the city.  They proceed to stumble from one episodic set-piece to another. In one of these, they crash a wedding ceremony and are overwhelmed by the moment (wedding vows take on an eerie significance when juxtaposed with trying to kill your wife).  George breaks down, begs for forgiveness, and the two stagger into the street in a romantic haze.  In another transformation of setting not unlike the trollycar ride that brought them here in the first place, they lose track of where they are and see themselves in the fields of home—until car horns bring them back to reality.  And what ensues?  Slapstick havoc in the middle of traffic, that’s what—a punchline, just like you’d expect.  Traffic-based gags abound in comedies of this era.  The scene emphasizes the modern tribulation of city streets packed with noisy cars going every which way.
Observations on the comic aspects of traffic are fundamentally the stuff of movie comedy. Thanks to the coincidence of the age of movies and the age of cars, there wouldn’t have been much to say about traffic prior to the dawn of film.  It doesn’t really belong in any other medium.  Paintings can’t capture the movement well; theatrical performances can hardly stage this indoors; no one would write a book about traffic because it isn’t a literary subject--but 1920s comedians put such material into movies all the time. 
Pointedly, Sunrise does not view this transformation from rural life to modernity as a bad thing.  It seems to be tilting that way in its early scenes, the way the evil vamp is called “Woman of the City,” as if her corruption is connected to her sophistication. Once George and Janet arrive in that city, however, what they find is wonder, fun, and welcoming strangers. The city folk are sometimes a little perplexed by the two rubes, but never in a mean way—and no matter what George and Janet do or misunderstand or break, they are greeted by smiles and tolerance.
Sunrise shows how the new world, threatening as it is to the old, doesn’t have to lead exclusively to corruption—it is possible to navigate your way through this modern world and still come out morally whole.  As such, Sunrise is about hope in the face of wrenching change.
As it happens, 1920s screen comedy was itself undergoing a wrenching change, metamorphosing from silent physical slapstick to a new talkie genre of romantic comedy.  The solo comedians of slapstick’s Golden Age had to make way for a new breed of female stars, who took equal footing with their male costars.  The end product of that transformation would be the screwball comedy, whose genre conventions presuppose flirtation as a form of combat, or vice versa.  The stars of 1930s romantic comedies “meet cute” and engage in reel after reel of open combat, before discovering that hate is just a variation on love; you have to really care for somebody deeply to want to fight them that badly.  Fists give way to embraces and the former opponents end up in each other’s arms.
This is, you may note, the template of Sunrise—in which the couple starts off as opposed to one another as humanly possible, and end up as tightly allied as conceivable.
Sunrise is not just structured like a comedy, it is absolutely jam-packed with comedy actors.  Janet Gaynor, the female lead, was a fairly inexperienced young actress whose resume before showing up here largely consisted of comedy work—Laurel and Hardy’s 45 Minutes From Hollywood, Syd Chaplin’s Oh What a Nurse, Clara Bow’s The Plastic Age, Charley Chase’s All Wet, and various and sundry Hal Roach one-offs.
Once she and her hubby/attempted murderer George O’Brien make their way into the city, they spend the rest of the film encountering comic actors: Ralph Sipperly, the Barber, came from Fox’s own comedy shorts division.  Jane Winton, the Manicure Girl, came from such comedies as Footloose Widows, Why Girls Go Back Home, and Millionaires.  Then there are the Obtrusive Gentleman (Arthur Housman) and the Obliging Gentleman (Eddie Boland).  Both Housman and Boland were small-time comedy stars who were brand names in their own right, having top-lined their own respective series of comedy shorts.
On top of all the comic actors, there are actual jokes: the wedding reception mistaking the peasant couple for the bride and groom, the business at the photographer’s and the headless statue, the comic misunderstandings at the salon, and a drunken pig!
This is a “silent film” in that no dialogue is spoken, but it has a synchronized soundtrack that includes sound effects and music, and sure enough the various slapstick punchlines get their little “boing!” and “wah-wah” music cues just like you’d expect. 
Murnau’s allegiance with the world of comedy continued in the follow-up feature to Sunrise, City Girl (whose title, a riff on “Woman of the City,” signals from the outset its agenda vis a vis Sunrise).  City Girl opens with a scene in which a rube on a train unwisely reveals a fat bankroll and his own unwary attitude towards his money, rendering him an easy mark for the attention of a grafter.  And once again we find Murnau pulling plot points from the films of Harry Langdon—in this case, the short Lucky Stars.
Murnau stuffed the cast of City Girl with comedy veterans, too: Eddie Boland is back (briefly); Guinn “Big Boy” Williams was a regular supporting actor in silent and talkie comedies (including the brilliant Ladies Night in a Turkish Bath with Jimmy Finlayson); David Torrence earned his slapstick comedy credentials a few years after working with Murnau, in the Laurel and Hardy film Bonnie Scotland; and Richard Alexander was on the front end of what would prove to be a wildly varied career that included Harry Langdon’s See America Thirst, as well as Laurel and Hardy’s Them Thar Hills and Babes In Toyland.
Finding such comedy references in a Murnau film may be jarring to those who think of him only in terms of Nosferatu and other grim fables.  That may be a sizeable contingent, I realize.  It is generally the tendency of critics who write about Murnau’s films to identify the comic elements as something imposed on Murnau against his wishes by the studio in an effort to Americanize and popularize his films.
The primary English language text on Murnau is Lotte Eisner’s The Haunted Screen — the very title of which signals its preoccupations and prejudices when it comes to Murnau.  And so in her fealty to those prejudices, Eisner skips over, dismisses, or otherwise brushes under the rug any of Murnau’s works that don’t fit the bill.
Lotte Eisner suggests that all these tawdry jokes were inserted into Sunrise by Fox gag men and Murnau was obliged to go along with them.  Hey, but wait a minute–Sunrise was famously made without studio interference, and even after his falling out with Fox, Murnau never said that Sunrise was anything other than a work of total creative freedom.  You can’t have your cake and eat it too—you can’t say Murnau had total creative freedom but he also had to tolerate jokes inserted into the script against his will. If Sunrise was Murnau’s vision, his vision was prone to flirt with comedy.
Now might be the time to note, ahem, that The Last Laugh has its own comic elements, in which a bleak story comes to a tragic end, and then reboots itself as a comedy for its final reel—inspiring the English language title.
For that matter, Murnau made The Finances of the Grand Duke, a mild action-comedy about a master thief that in many ways anticipates similar lighthearted fare along the lines of Arsène Lupin or To Catch a Thief or a fair chunk of Steven Soderbergh’s back catalog.
The magic of Murnau is that his genius was not limited to vampires and demons—the man was also gifted with a deft comic touch.  Sunrise is Murnau’s comedy masterpiece.
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queenxmargaery · 7 years
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Kara’s super long plot ideas list (taken from my old blog)
Verses I have that I realize I haven’t gotten to use much of, even though I’ve had this blog for over three years.
Take any of these ideas, CLAIM THEM AS YOURS, and I will stab you in the eye.
v: Une Rose Dans de le Nord (A Rose in the North)
I know that a bunch of other Margy’s have this verse but it’s a verse I had since I started this blog, Margaery’s brought to the North by her father to be a ward for House Stark, & is betrothed to Robb Stark. The idea is that since the Tyrell’s fought for the losing side each child after Willas was sent to a different place. Garlan to the Vale, Loras to The Storm Lands, & Margaery to the North.
v: The Reluctance of The Wolf. (forced marriage au)
Forced into marriage with one another. Margaery tries to make the best of her fate. Lady Catelyn is a joy and kind to her. Wonderful in every way. While Robb… Robb is cold to her. Margaery becomes scared that she is trapped in another loveless marriage and struggles to understand her cold & grim husband.
v: Westlander (a pun on outlander and a verse in the same vein.)
Margaery Tyrell went away on a trip to the northern area of modern day Westeros. The brunette was having a nice time until she awoke after a walk to find herself not where she had fallen asleep. The land she awoke in was covered with snow.
v: Cursed
When his daughter was born, Mace Tyrell had a big party. Unknown to him, one of the gifts his daughter was given was cursed by a witch across the sea. The child would wed, but each husband would die until one came that could break the curse.
When Mace found out about the curse it was already too late, Margaery had grown into a beautiful woman and he couldn’t stop himself from setting up her marriages.
Each one ends in tragedy.
Margaery returned to Highgarden and vowed to never marry again. After all… Who would want to marry a woman who was cursed?
v; don’t let yourself be hunted
When Margaery was a child she always knew there was something different about her, and her family. She always just thought it was odd that her father could influence those around him with a word, her grandmother’s plants never died, and her brothers… Well, Willas’ super memory and intelligence were next to none, and his ability to seemingly communicate with Animals, Garlan and his super strength, Loras and his agility, she wondered what her powers would be.
At nine the voices started. She could hear them even in her sleep, it was all so very loud and overwhelming, she just wanted it to stop, but it didn’t. It just got worse and louder, it wasn’t until later that she learned these voices were not in her head, they were in the heads of others. She also learned that she could feel other’s emotions as well and project her own on them. Margaery harnesses the powers of empathy and telepathy, her grandmother does her best to help her control it.
Her family is heavily involved in the Hellfire club, and Margaery didn’t have much of a choice, but to do the same. She has always admired the X-Men though and is considering switching sides.
v: Manners Maketh Woman.
Margaery was recruited to MI6 when she was 21 years old in the middle of her third year of college. She hadn’t even planned on being an agent, but now she can’t exactly get out of it. She discovers The Kingsman and works with them more times than she thought she would. She enjoys it, though she doesn’t always trust them especially since they are a rather secret organization.
These are all listed in my verses section.
As well as these plot ideas. & THIS VERY LONG LIST BELOW!
up to date as of January 20th, 2017.
This is more of a bare bones outline. Just the titles of the AU’s I’d like. If anyone wants to plot them with me, just send me a message. I’ll add it to the verses list. (Please note: some of these might have specific people in mind already.)
Bold Italic = gimme it now Bold = are things I really want! Italic = it’s not urgent but I’d like it. Normal’s just normal things. Strike = nevermind, I don’t want that anymore.
Modern day political au
Beauty and The Beast au (MY ANIMATED FC IS BELLE SO CAN HAS?)
WWII au·(in the verses section)
Western AU
1920’s au
1950′s Film Star AU (v: wildest dreams)
Versailles verse
Reign verse
Reincarnation au
DARKER THINGS! ( I really want some dark ships…can has? )
Serial Killer AU Cop!Marg.
Post-apocalyptic AU: Not zombies but darker things.
Marvel au things (I have an x men verse & an MCU verse come to me!)
More family times. (With Mace, Alerie, Olenna, Willas, Garlan, & Loras!)
· · · · · · ·Specific Ship AU’s · · · · · · · · · · ·
Adult!Tommen x Margaery things (cause of reasons)
More Tommen x Margaery things in general
This!Robbaery au
An Alliance is Made AU
Reincarnation AU
A Real Dragon: AU where Margy marries Aegon… He turns out to be the real deal, and to seal an alliance with the Targaryen’s (Dany and Aegon now) Margaery marries him.
Wolf King: AU where Robb conquers King’s Landing, saves Sansa, and asks Margaery to come back to court as a companion to Sansa. (Margaery, of course, agrees with this because Sansa is her dearest friend.) During this time RobbxMargy maybe begin to spend time together. Maybe eventually leading to ship? idk just a thought rolling around.
A True Queen: Margaery marries Robert, their marriage ends up being very Anne Boleyn/Jane Seymour x Henry VIII-esque. Without the beheading/death by lack of care after childbirth.
Verse+ship specific:
Modern au things!
College INSERT SHIP HERE: They start off as friends and slowly move to become something more!
Une Rose Dans le Nord.
Reine Rose dans le Nord (Rose Queen in the North): Robb’s wife and queen.
Margaery writing letters to Robb when they’re separated. (battles going on and she has to stay somewhere safe.)
Catelyn informs Margaery at Renly’s camp, that her son needs advice and asks if she will write to him. They fall in love through the letters they write.
More! Queen of the Seven Kingdoms stuff. (anything or ship will do!!!)
Margy’s relationships with her brothers. (Willas taught her how to read and how to map the stars, they have to be close. Garlan is protective. She’s so dependent on LORAS!. I HAVE A NEED!)
Runaway!Queen: King’s Landing is attacked and sacked by an army and forces. Margaery runs so she is not taken hostage by the invaders. Finding solace in the Godswood which the intruders do not touch.
Highgarden Raid: Highgarden is raided and burned by (the iron born or Dragons) In this Margaery loses a good portion of her family. Since this is a canon divergence ·the war of the five kings could still be going on.
Virgin Queen: Margaery marries Tommen, but he dies shortly after the union. With no heirs to the throne. (Myrcella is dead.) Margaery takes the throne for her own ruling as Queen after the small council decides that it’s the only way to keep the Tyrell’s in the fold. (Cersei dies shortly after Tommen)
More ouat verse things.
Random Lover/Outlander AU:
· · · · · · · (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧
English Rose!Margaery fighting with Highlander Norther!Lover
English Rose!Margaery not understanding the customs. Feeling out of place.
Highlander Norther!Lover has to explain things to her.
English Rose!Margaery sympathizing with their plight. Understanding that the English are the oppressors to them!
English Rose!Margaery & Highlander Norther!Lover being cute and eventually falling for one another. (After long struggles and Jacobite Rebellion things)
More Musketeer’s verse things!
Specifically things with Rochefort and Louis! BECAUSE I HAVE A NEED FOR MARGY TO ANNOY HER COUSIN IN THE VERSE!
Sense8 Verse things.
Hunger Games things.
Westworld verse: Westeros, is the other theme park in development. Margaery is a host. She has the Lady and the Knight trope storyline written and programmed within her. Parkgoers can choose to be her savior from the sept, her lover, her protector, or for a very high price, a secret king/queen.
NOTE!: A simple way to plot with me is to just look at my verses! Also! If you like any of these ideas but would rather tweak them to do them with my Sansa (louvereine), my Henriette (madamehenriette) or my Jeyne (honourofwesterling), let me know! <3
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kelkat9 · 8 years
fadewithfury replied to your post: I found another alias for Great Grandpa. ...
Love hearing about your genealogy adventures! I want to do the same, but I have several big obstacles.
Yeah that was me back in 2008 with my Dad’s family.  I really could not make progress until I had something to start with.  If you don’t have documentation of family stuff, it will be impossible to find anything. 
I know some people think it’s just as simple as ancestry.com but it really isn’t.  You have to have some basic documentation to start.  My family is riddled with alternate names, multiple marriages, adoptions, misinformation, misspellings, Americanization of names, language barriers and just plain mysteries.
Just as an FYI for anyone thinking of starting a genealogy project:
1.  You need birth certificates if they exist.  If not and your family was affiliated with a particular religious denomination, try baptismal certifs or church records.
2.  Wedding records if they exist either from a religious institution or the government
3.  Death Certificates, funeral records, obituaries
4.  Tons of patience.
5. Online resources.  I was shocked how much more is available now vs in 2008
6.  Determination
7.  Walk away and come back and look at things; don’t push too hard for hours on end
8.  Think about the era in which things happened.  Do not think in modern terms, morality etc.  Remember the world in 1880 or 1920 or 1940 was very very different.
9.  Ancestry.com is not the only resource.  I’ve been using it along with FamilySearch.org and Findagrave for US stuff. 
10.  My parents are deceased so all I’ve got is what I can find online, what I remember and from a letter my Mom wrote me before she died.  If you have family living and it’s not toxic to be around them (trust me I understand this), ask them to write a letter about what they remember or record them telling you the stories.
I’m only on one small branch of my family and have hit more roadblocks than I can count.  Genealogy and finding out where you come from is HARD for a lot of people. 
And a word of advice for people in the US, get your birth certificate or naturalization papers and keep them on hand.  You never know what might happen.
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