#i might just revert back to his original fc.
creaturetaled · 5 months
read the comic to try and make icons for trevor. this guy is too serious so back to the drawing board for faceclaims i guess
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xuanlw · 3 years
henlo to any of my non-brazilian moots! this is a formal plot call. i’ll be leaving a few plots (+open ocs?) under the read more, and you can check out my rules here (i promise i’ll check yours out too!) so if you’d like to plot with me, hit the like button or just message me straight away!! i have plenty of love and headcanons to give  ♡
(f/f, meant for 25+ muses) where the muses have been best friends since, what? high school? college?? and have been inseparable ever since. they shared an apartment for years, were there for some of each other’s worst and best moments of their lives… and were there for each other through numerous heartbreaks. none of them has gotten lucky with love so far, but maybe what neither of them has realised (until now!!) is that the right person for them might have been right there all along (spoiler: each other. the right person for them is literally each other).
a plot where  muse a  &  MUSE B  are actors. they’ve been in shows together  &   after a while, they fell in  love  .  .  .   but it ended  HORRIBLY,   for whatever reason. but since they still move in the same circles, they both end up auditioning for the   same show  .  .  .   only to be casted as the   LEADING COUPLE.   they had almost forgotten the taste of the other’s lips…
(f/f) any plot of the “you’re my older brother’s best friend” variety (i’m leaning towards playing the ‘best friend’)
what about a really pure, failed attempt at a lovers to friends plot ?? like two people dated for a long time and finally decided to end things but they still care about one another so much so they try and stay friends ?? and they still do things together but maybe they have slip-ups like one will kiss the other on the cheek or try to hold the other’s hand and it’s like oh yeah we’re not dating lol and then one does start to date other people and it’s just like. angst and jealousy masked by this attempt at being a good, supportive friend when in reality it’s rly hard for them to revert back to friendship after loving each other iojfdskm this would be so pure and sad pls
(period/fantasy plot) muse a is a prisoner and muse b is their guard,  enemies of circumstance more than principle.  they spend a lot of times stuck with each other which leads to them talking into the nights.  muse b begins to grow and attachment and muse a finds themselves trusting them despite themselves. the only problem is muse a is likely to be executed
(period/fantasy plot) based off this gifset aka forbidden love as in forbidden “this might actually cost us our lives” love!! where they struggle to be together in spite of it!! and this can remain as a period plot (w/ a happy ending! where they manage to thrive in spite of actually nearly losing their lives at some point) or we can do a reincarnation plot where everything happens as said in the gifset’s subtitles and they do ultimately lose their lives together but reincarnate in today’s era w the chance to be the ordinary couple they never got to be!! we can add some political conspiracies & palace drama and everything,,, originally thought of the classic “princess falls in love w a commoner” trope or the like, but we can do something else ofc
+ more f/f plots in general pls!!
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jianyi hwang. ~29 y/o. biologist. xiao zhan fc. open to: f, m, nb. local sweetheart. seriously best boy who’s unafraid of making a fool of himself. oldest child of the hwang, and first one to be adopted as well. was adopted when he was a bit older, and maybe that’s why he never quite learned to be a son like he knew how to be a big brother; he grew up more used to taking care of other people than to being taken care of. his adoptive parents are a couple of immigrants who own a zoo in australia and became famous nationwide for their docs about wildlife - think the irwins meet brangelina. jianyi followed on his parents’ footsteps and is now a biologist himself. he likes animals better than people, but it’s a secret.
plot: i don’t have anything specific in mind for him. we can choose a bunny, or you can pick an oc to go against him, or we can think of something together.
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(period plot) yuwen luwa. ~23 y/o. empress dowager. xu jiaqi fc. open to: f, m, nb. eldest sister to the current emperor, occupying the position of empress dowager because their mother died early, in the struggle for power. so luwa became an empress when she was still a ‘teenager’. even-tempered and gracious, but has a very sharp mind and is good at politics. would do anything to protect her brother first, and the empire second.
plot: i really want a forbidden love plot for her! a cliché love story between her and a servant or just anyone 'inferior’ to her in social status, or even another noblewoman.
wanted ships
burcu özberk/ilhan şen
xiao zhan/li qin
ekin koç/aslıhan malbora
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by Anonymous
Pairing:  Kazuchika Okada/FC/Seiya Sanada
Category:  Suggestive
Warnings:  Explicit language, references to smut, references to sexual activity, implied threesome, 18+ only.  Don't like don't read
“Bend over.”
“You don’t like me.” Kazuchika Okada said bluntly, sliding onto the stool next to Seiya Sanada who was currently scowling into his glass of whisky. Okada had been passing through the hotel lobby when he had spotted Sanada nursing a drink at the bar. “Why?”
Sanada huffed out a breath of air as he mulled his response. He wasn’t sure what to tell Okada without sounding like a complete pussy.
“It’s nothing personal Okada.” He finally said, hoping that would satisfy the man. But of course, that was not to be.
“I would hope it’s nothing personal, as I don’t believe I’ve done anything to offend you,” Okada replied. “So, what is it that makes you glower whenever I am around?”
Okada waited patiently, seriously wanting an answer to his query. He had no issue with Sanada, rather liked the man to be honest. In his mind the two had a lot in common.
Sanada took a deep swig from his glass before responding simply “You’re not LIJ.”
His glower deepened when Okada giggled at him smacking his hand on the bar top in mirth.
“Oh, so you’re not allowed to have friends outside LIJ?” Okada said with a smile after he recovered from his laughing fit. “I didn’t realize there was a rule book.”
“Fuck off Okada. There’s not a rule book.” Sanada griped rolling his eyes. “I’m just saying we’re a family. We don’t need to be out fucking whores with outsiders.”
“Oh, so that’s what this is about. You’re jealous.” Okada nodded sagely. “You’re mad Naito and I are close.”
“I’m not jealous,” Sanada said petulantly knowing that was exactly how he sounded.
“Okay. I understand. I can back off. Tell Naito I’m too busy to hang out and let you pick up my slack,” Okada told him.
“Orrrr,” He drew the word out grabbing Sanada’s full attention. “I can show you just how much fun it can be hanging out with someone outside LIJ. It doesn't hurt to expand your horizons a bit."
Sanada leaned back in his chair and assessed the other man. He would admit that in the very back of his mind he was curious as to what a night out with Okada was like. What drew Naito to him when they seemed so different. Sure he had heard the stories, but to witness it firsthand may be fun. He would bet that he and Okada would have a completely different dynamic together than Naito and Okada. Naito had money, don’t get him wrong, and was quite wealthy, but at the end of the day he didn’t hold a candle to Sanada’s fortune, which came from old family money. Okada was in the same boat, so Sanada was sure he wasn’t going to be used to someone who could match him dime for dime without breaking into a sweat over it.
“Alright Okada, show me what you’ve got.” Sanada challenged, throwing a few bills down on the bar top and rising to his feet. He knew they weren’t going to be hanging out in the hotel bar for their night of debauchery. Following Okada out to the valet area the two climbed into Okada’s waiting Ferrari and soon were flying through the streets towards Tokyo’s most exclusive club. As they walked in the doors of the opulent club they were quickly greeted by the perky hostess.
“Okada-sama,” she said with a bow of her head before turning to Seiya. “Sanada-sama,” she repeated the same bow before looking expectantly at her guests. “Will you be using Okada-sama’s room or Sanada-sama’s?” She asked making Okada’s head jerk towards Sanada, disbelief clearly written on his face.
“You have a room here?” Okada asked Seiya. He knew Seiya had money, the way he dressed and the car he drove spoke of that, but he didn’t realize exactly how rich the man was.
“I do. I have no preference, so whichever you prefer Okada-san.” Sanada said graciously, smirking a little at the man’s reaction. It wasn’t common knowledge that Sanada was from old money, just the boys in LIJ knew from him. He didn’t hide it, it just wasn’t something he spoke of freely to those he wasn’t close to.
“Well, I’ve seen my room, I haven’t seen yours, so if you don’t mind…” Okada trailed off as Sanada nodded his consent. Okada would admit to curiosity. When he had purchased his room, he had been given a tour of all he available rooms and selected the best of them. He wondered what one Sanada was in. With another bow the hostess lead them up the marble staircase and down a hallway to one of the rooms that Okada had not seen.
“How the hell do you have a better room than me?” Okada asked taking in the opulent room, decorated in the most sinful red, with a large bed along the window overlooking the city covered in black silk sheets, candles burning throughout the room, sending flickering shadows over the dimmed room. “And how the hell have we never crossed paths here?”
“That I do not know. I am here quite often. As much as I love my brothers, sometimes me time is necessary.” Sanada said, stripping off his jacket and tossing it onto the bed. Okada made note of it. He would be making a demand for a bed to be added to his room. Following Sanada’s lead, Okada threw his coat on the bed before taking a seat in the plush chairs and taking the proffered cigar from Sanada. Only a moment later their waitress appeared walking slowly on ridiculously high stiletto heels, making Okada grin. He did have a thing for girls in heels, he loved to fuck them while they wore them and wrapped them around his neck. Judging by the look on Sanada’s face, they might have more in common that Okada originally thought.
She set the bottle of wine and two glasses down carefully on the table between them, squealing when Sanada grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into his lap. Okada watched as Sanada whispered in her ear, too low for Okada to register, but whatever it was it made her face turn a delicious shade of pink before she struggled to her feet, gaze flying between the two of them before she exited the room to carry out his instructions.
Okada arched his eyebrow in silent question.
“You’ll see my friend, you’ll see.” Sanada chuckled clinking his wine glass with Okada’s.
“Friend huh,” Okada tutted. “Are we friends now?” He took a sip of the wine waiting expectantly for Sanada’s answer.
“You’re not too bad.” Sanada admitted with a sly smile, attention turning to the door as the waitress returned, placing the tray she carried on the table in the center of the room as Sanada had directed her before turning to face the gentlemen.
“Okada, care for a little wager? Winner gets first go at her.” He proposed.
“I’m in. What are we betting on?” Okada said taking a drag off his cigar as he eyed the pretty little thing. She still had that blush, but was eyeing the two of them with excitement brightened eyes.
“What color her panties are.” Sanada said with a smirk as he eyed her up and down. “If we’re both wrong, we’ll just have to revert to the old coin toss. I’m guessing red.”
Okada looked her over carefully as he decided on his color. “Pink.” He decided finally.
“Alright sweetheart, take those panties off and hold them up for us.” Sanada told the girl who hurriedly shimmied out of the panties holding the pink pair up for their eyes.
“To the winner goes the spoils,” Sanada said grandly gesturing to her body.
“Tell me Okada,” He asked as the man approached her. “Is she wet for us?”
Okada pulled the flimsy material from her hands, running his fingers over the crotch as she watched, her breathing getting heavier in anticipation.
“Oh yeah, she is definitely wet for us.” Okada said winking at the girl before stepping back towards his chair, grabbing his wine glass. “Take off everything but the shoes.” He demanded, downing the rest of his glass in one gulp before he began stripping out of his own clothing. “I’m going to fuck you while you suck my friend’s cock, you understand?” He asked stalking towards her. He smiled when her head nodded quickly.
“Good, now bend over.”
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