#i might instantly change my mind tho
Hey!! dying rn- ive discovered why I shall never be a woman in STEM- shout out to my women in STEM you are far stronger than I
Anyways this is my unanimous- I may be online but I probs wont awnser anyone just because i have energy for doomscrolling, not social life so ily bye <33
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 [Part 4: Skies]
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In which you realize that you're no longer alone.
Main tags/Warnings: Werewolf!Jungkook, Werewolf!Bangtan, strangers/enemies to lovers, romantic Jungkook x reader, Platonic bangtan x reader, eventual smut, mentions of past emotional/psychological manipulation, hurt and comfort, fluff!, some Angst, mostly fluff tho
Length: 5k words
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A/N: hi I really like this fic and I refuse to let it end up in the basement
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You've become rather stubborn and even after consulting a specialist- you just refuse to take any of the meds despite Jungkook's clear advice to take them for now. And while he can understand you, somewhat, there are simply consequences to that choice you made.
"I'll leave your groceries in front of your door then." He says with a sigh, and you feel yourself sit straighter now at the other end of the call. "It's probably not a good idea for me to actually come inside if you're off your meds-" he begins, and you panic.
"I can just take them right now!" You hurry out, not wanting to be alone. "I can take them now, and you.. come back later? I don't know.." You mumble, and Jungkook fights a little with himself as he walks into the hallway of your apartment building to enter the elevator, finger of the hand that's holding the plastic bag pressing the right button. "I don't want to be alone.." You say, and he sighs, running a hand through his hair in front of your door.
"Listen, I know, trust me I get it." He says. "But I'm not sure what the effect of me might be on you right now." He admits. "You might feel like you want me close right now, but once I'm there that could instantly change. Those mood swings can be wild, I'm telling you!" He laughs, attempting to change your mind.
"...how do you know?" You wonder quietly, though you're not sure if you want to know the answer to that. Of course he's probably been with other wolves in the past. Pretty ones who know themselves well and are proud and all that. Maybe he's seeing someone right now. You wouldn't be surprised- he's pretty handsome and a nice guy too.. one would be stupid to pass up on an opportunity to date him. Do wolves even date? Or do they just kind of.. live in a pack?
What do wolf-relationships look like? And why do you even think about that with him? He's clearly just your friend, nothing more than that.
"My mom is an omega." Jungkook cuts through your thoughts. "And trust me, she kicks me out randomly whenever I visit unannounced just because she can't stand my alpha-smell!" He laughs, but you're quiet. Of course his parents are wolves too. Yours were one's too- but you'll never have that at all. You'll never have that kind of family that Jungkook has. And even if he was interested in you, what would his parents even think of you?
A girl that was hidden away because her own stepmother was ashamed of what she was. Who'd want that?
"Hey." Jungkook speaks through the phone, before he knocks on your door. "Let's.. maybe you can take a peak and decide if you can handle it?" He offers as a compromise, and you get up to answer the door, unsure what he's talking about since you don't feel anything at all the moment you crack the door open to look at him dressed in a leather jacket.
And then it hits you, and you know exactly what he meant- though not in the way he explained it.
You're basically salivating at the thought of having him close- and it's not at all in any sexual sense whatsoever. Just the sight of him makes you feel like you're starving, like you're gonna pass out if he's not holding you up any second now, and he visibly seems to understand as he gently pushes the door a bit further open. "You can kick me out any time." He reassures you. "Won't be mad at all, promise." Jungkook makes sure you know, and you nod, stepping back reluctantly to let him inside.
You feel like a creep. He could literally have a girlfriend and you're here acting like he's your long lost army husband coming home from war!
"I bought all that you said you needed, and some extra things, just in case." He explains as he sets the bag down in the kitchen, before he turns, probably some of his senses tingling or something as you simply nod at him, avoiding eye contact. He doesn't really elaborate on what 'just in case' means- but you're also not in the mood for any of it, body not feeling like your own at the moment. "You know, it's okay to give in." He chuckles. Considering you've not kicked him out yet, and going after your scent alone, he knows exactly what you're struggling with.
"No.. I- I don't want to overstep some boundary, you know.." You shrug to yourself. "I know.. I know I wouldn't want my boyfriend to like, cuddle with some stranger girl in her apartment and all that.." You begin, before you cringe. "Oh god I don't know why I brought that up I'm sorry-"
"It's completely fine, really." He laughs. "And understandable. Omegas tend to be pretty physical most of the time- nothing wrong with that." Jungkook explains. "And- I also don't have a girlfriend right now, so no worries there either." The wolf tells you, making you nod a bit awkwardly.
You feel nauseous even though you've actually taken at least the minimum of your medication before he came, just out of panic. It's like you're going to cry and sob and throw a tamper tantrum if he's not getting close in the next few minutes. This is stupid. How long will it take for your dumb pills to take effect and make you normal again?
What even is normal at this point?
Jungkook moves to shed his jacket, a wave of his scent hitting you so much it makes you have to adjust your position a little as to not sway and fall over, and if he noticed he chooses not to comment on it, simply leading you towards something he's already spotted.
Your couch is covered in blankets and pillows and sweaters even. You're nesting, and you probably have no idea you're even doing it.
"I have to cook though-" you weakly argue, absolutely his slave however as he sits down in the blanket mess with you, helping you to lean closer to him- and the moment you catch his scent so strong, you're a goner, all shame thrown out the window as you pretty much push him onto his back to lay on him, arms and legs around him to keep him close and immobile- but all he does is laugh a little under his breath and grab a stray blanket thrown over the back of the couch to put it over your back. He moves a bit to adjust the things underneath his head and back a bit, but he soon settles, hand on your back running up and down in a soothing motion.
It's not all that bad actually, at least not when he's around like this.
You can feel how heightened your senses are like this- from your hearing to your sense of smell and even taste, somehow the tips of your fingers feel more sensitive to touch just as much. "...will I ever get used to it?" You worry, and Jungkook nods.
"I'm sure of it." He agrees optimistically. "And I'll be there every step of the way." Jungkook promises, making you cling just a little closer to him.
And as you fall asleep, he can't help but think just how good you feel in his arms like this, safe and protected-
and most of all warm, as your scent lulls him to sleep as well.
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When you wake up a few hours later, it seems like you're getting a taste of what Jungkook's wolf behaviour can actually look like if he's not awake enough to really control himself like he does whenever he’s typically around you these days.
Because the moment you attempt to get up, a growl leaves him, rumbling from deep within his chest- a warning for you to stay put, as he instead moves around a bit with his arms around you, and at this point, it's his body that almost entirely covers yours, as if to hide you away beneath him. There's no sexual intentions, that much is clear- and it also, surprisingly, doesn't scare you.
Like a voice is there, deep down in the back of your brain, telling you that this isn't something to be panicking about.
But you really need to go use the bathroom, bladder screaming for you to get up and relieve yourself- so you slip out under his arms, before you rush to enter the small room, closing the door behind you. It’s odd how.. Good you feel with him in your home, like there’s nothing to worry about at all as long as he’s here. Even the thought of your potential future to come doesn’t appear as scary as it usually does.
He’d told you you’ll be part of his pack if you end up failing your evaluation. So you’ll be fine, right?
Will Namjoon even accept you? He appeared to be very friendly, so he might. But there’s always a potential that having a female in the group could prove to be too difficult to handle. Would Jungkook stay with you in that case? Or at least help you find another pack that wants you?
You’re drying your hands after washing them when you hear something fall in the living room, opening the bathroom door to take a look- when Jungkook exhales in relief at the sight of you, visibly distressed. “Something wrong?” You wonder, and he shakes his head, running a hand through his hair to sort himself.
“No- no no, just.. Some stupid instinct stuff, don’t worry about it.” He laughs off, though you can see how he fidgets around still, so you walk a little closer, unsure.
“I.. Uhm, can I help you?” You ask, and he looks up at that, a bit confused. “I mean, you look a little.. I don’t know. I feel like I should do something to help you..” You mumble, and at that, his expression softens.
“It’s called nurturing instinct.” He explains. “Common with wolves of your subgender. But uh.. Mostly towards, you know.. Young wolves or..” He fidgets around a bit again, before he plays with his lip piercing. “..or.. towards mates.” He shrugs, as if he doesn’t care- but he does a horrible job at masking his emotions.
“Oh.” You simply answer, a bit surprised. “Does one like.. Choose a mate? Or is it some sort of..” Jungkook laughs a little, walking towards the mess of blankets on the couch with you, where you instantly hide your legs beneath the soft fabrics, Jungkook doing the same before his hands reach out to help you adjust the blankets.
“It’s not some magical soulmate thing.” He chuckles. “People believe it is, but it’s not.” He shrugs. “It’s just a combination of.. Emotional connection and some instincts sprinkled in. Really not that different from regular relationships.” He explains to you, and you nod.
“So because I like you, I want to.. Take care of you?” You wonder, and he nods, before his head snaps towards you, as if he just realized what you said. “What?”
“Nothing!” He barks out almost, looking away. “Just uh.. I like you too. So, that’s why I got.. Kind of clingy earlier when we were asleep.” He mumbles.
“Oh. It didn’t actually bother me at all.” You make sure to tell him. “Just.. I needed to pee, so that’s why I kind of ran off like that.” You giggle, visibly making him relax again.
“I was about to apologize the hell out of that situation.” He laughs. “I- it’s something my pack is a bit worried about. I’m not just a standard alpha after all, and neither are you just an omega. So they wonder if I could become a bit too much for you to handle, considering your situation.” He admits.
“Your pack cares too.” You shrug, and he nods. “I appreciate that. I.. don’t know why I’m so calm now, I think it’s probably some sort of instinct stuff since you’re here-” You say, before you get comfortable under all the blankets again. “-but I feel.. A lot more calm about all of this.”
“Yeah that might just be.. Well, me.” He laughs, watching you get comfortable next to him. “I tend to have that effect on people. Even my own pack.” Jungkook explains, settling down as well now.
There’s a bit of silence between the two of you, a moment Jungkook uses to watch you for a little bit, especially the way you seem to look at his hands with a bit of longing almost. “We should.. Practice for my evaluation.” You mumble, but he just chuckles.
“We got time.” He softly disagrees. “Right now I want to.. Figure out what kind of ‘liking’ you were talking about earlier.” He teases, leaning his head on the backrest of the couch while you whine in complaint, squirming a bit. “Come on, you can tell me! I wanna know.” Jungkook presses, and you huff.
“...it’s probably just.. Your smell or something.” You deny, but he grins impishly.
“Just told you though, it doesn’t work like that.” He laughs. “If you’re not sure yet I get it- but I’d like to know if there’s.. At least some sort of connection that you feel towards me. So I know where I’m at.” The wolf shrugs. “Or rather what I can aim at.”
“Aim?” You wonder.
“In terms of, if it’s okay for me to.. Approach you romantically.” He admits.
“Would you.. Want that?” You ask, and he nods.
“But only if you’re okay with it too.” Jungkook makes sure to let you know. “Right now, I’m not head over heels or anything like that. Just.. Interested. You seem like the kind of girl I’d be happy with.” He admits. “But if you don’t have any interest in me like that, that’s cool too. I’ll simply be your friend then.” He explains to you, and you nod.
“I.. I like you.. Like that. But I don’t want something like.. Right now.” You admit.
“Alright, fair.” He nods. “Wasn’t going to jump you right here and now anyways. Just wanted to know where you’d like to go with me.” He shrugs.
“Is it okay if we like.. Take it slow?” You ask, and he nods.
“Absolutely.” the wolf agrees, and at that, you calm down, visibly so- making him relax as well as he settles down with you, holding you close beneath the numerous blankets on the couch.
Falling asleep with you just a little longer, because you’ve got time, after all.
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“What’s this all about?” You ask, as the employee closes the door to the room, leaving you alone with a wolf you’re not familiar with.
Jungkook has told you he’d like to ask his pack to help prepare you for both your upcoming evaluation, and for what’s to come in general- and you agreed to let them help you, which brought you into todays situation. Min Yoongi has tagged along with Jungkook to a training center specializing in instinct control and helps young wolves practice around in a safe environment. It also offers some specific physical therapy for elderly that struggle with shifting- and you feel oddly taken care of here, everything looking very inviting, bright and clean.
“Jungkook will be watching from the outside.” Yoongi tells you, nodding towards what appears to be a mirror- but is actually a one-way window.
“Why isn’t he here?” You worry a little, sitting down in the middle of the room like the instructor had explained to you earlier. You’re wearing simple clothing- just a top, comfortable leggings, socks, no shoes. You had to take off all jewellery and accessories outside, just like the wolf sitting in front of you with a good amount of distance.
There’s no furniture inside here. The walls and the floor are padded. Insulated. Scratch-resistant, as the employee had told you with pride.
“Because this won’t be pleasant.” Yoongi says with honesty.
“What’s.. Gonna happen to me?” You ask timidly. You actualy appreciate how honest and upfront Yoongi is- he seems very rough and nonchalant, but you like that he’s not masking his words or emotions.
It’s comforting.
“It’s different for everyone.” He explains. “The only thing you need to keep in mind is that nothing is going to happen to you.” The wolf offers. “You won’t be harmed. You can’t die here. You’re safe.” He tells you, when a short tune plays, signalling an announcement.
“We’ll begin the training now. Please try and stay relaxed.” The instructor says, and you look at Yoongi uneasy, a very faint sound being emitted from a corner before it stops again.
It’s quiet between the two of you. You’re not sure what you’re training for, right now.
Suddenly, you feel weird. Your muscles ache, as if you’ve sat in an odd position all day, bones stiff as you shiver a little. You’re not cold, but your fingers still tingle as if you’ve been holding ice all day- lips becoming dry. “You can move freely, by the way.” Yoongi offers, voice a lot gentler now. “Everyone deals with this differently.”
“Deals with what differently?” You ask, adjusting your legs a little before you arch your back, unable to get rid of that odd unease you have in your limbs.
Your eyes snap towards him, and he even cracks a smile for a second, before he adjusts his own position a bit. “You won’t be actually shifting right now, don’t worry.” He reassures you. “But you will feel like it. Or at least, it’ll feel similar.” He offers.
You’re standing up now. Pacing. You can’t stand still.
Whatever it is, it’s making you feel like your clothes are itchy, burning in every spot they touch your skin. You’re trembling too, as if you’re freezing- but you don’t feel cold at all, if anything, it’s the opposite. You run your hands through your hair. For some reason it bothers you, makes you want to pull it out from your scalp.
Tears knock at the backs of your eyes. Why do you feel like crying?
“Why- why do you not.. React at all?” You ask, trying to distract yourself. Yoongi shrugs.
“I’ve been shifting for years. I’m used to it.” He offers. “It’s not like I don’t feel it. I just handle it better.”
You take a deep breath, remembering what he’d told you. You’re fine, you’ll be okay, nothing is going to happen to you.
“Jungkook is probably just as fidgety as you right now.” The alpha chuckles.
“Why?” You wonder, walking around aimlessly before your entire situation gets worse. You don’t know this, but on the other side of the room’s one-way window, you’re very much constantly watched by both Jungkook, and trained staff to make sure you’re alright. Your vitals are being measured.
You’re safe, just like Yoongi said.
Though Jungkook still feels oddly uneasy watching you like that, the way you begin to cry from the sheer discomfort you feel, instincts so clear now as you walk towards a corner to rest your back against it, curling up on yourself with your backside against the wall. He wants to comfort you, help you feel better, but he knows it’s better like this. They won’t put you through the full course today- just a taste, to ease you into things.
You’re doing great already. He feels oddly proud almost.
Yoongi watches you from his spot, looking almost completely unfazed by it all. What he does do however is slowly approach you as you whimper to yourself, curled up into a ball as you try and fight this all on your own. Jungkook watches as the wolf in the room with you sits right in front of you, gaining your attention.
“You’re not alone.” He tells you, making you watch him while your head feels ready to burst open like a balloon. “and it would be the smartest decision to realize that now.”
“...why.” You ask, barely heard.
“Because the help you need is right in front of you.” He says, and it takes you a moment to realize what he’s saying. So, as you slowly open up a bit more, you let yourself just exist.
Jungkook is right. The only way to face this properly, is to accept it all first and foremost.
And so you let your instincts do their thing, as Yoongi seems to instantly catch onto it, opening his arms to accept you clinging to him. It’s normal omega behavior- the company and affection of packmates ease a lot of pain and anxieties, and you feel it right now, too, as you let him hold you.
It doesn’t magically make this experience easy- but it makes it definitely more manageable.
The second the training is over, you feel immediate relief- something hissing in the corners of the room, and it’s as if you can finally breathe fresh air again, throbbing head finally easing up. You basically melt into a puddle of tired muscle and he’s quick to hold you, surprisingly comforting as he watches the door open to let in Jungkook.
“Hey.” He softly tells you, and you reach out to him- though you stay close go Yoongi as well, somewhat surprised how Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind at all. Maybe because they’re friends? Maybe that’s why there’s no obvious jealousy.? “you did great.” He praises, and you lean back from Yoongi to compose yourself again, wiping your cheeks in embarrassment.
“..that was.. odd.” You mumble, and Jungkook helps you stand up again, both wolves leading you out the room to have one last checkup before you leave again. “so that’s.. somewhat what shifting will feel like?” You ask a nurse, who laughs.
“a little. It’s not quite the same- but the simulation is the best we have to prepare you for it.” She explains, while she checks your vitals. “and considering that you have a pack, you’ll do just fine. The first time is always scary.” She smiles, looking at Jungkook who happily nods, while Yoongi has his back turned towards you.
Back home, by yourself, you let the entire day run through you once more. From the feelings in the room, to the way Yoongi soothed you, up towards Jungkook driving you back home- things are so much different than what you thought wolves would live like. This feels a lot more intertwined and connected than your own family life ever did- why would your mother keep that from you?
Maybe you’ll call her, in the future. To ask her why she took care of you even if she knew what you were. To question why she would even involve herself with a child like you were if she hated wolves so much.
But not today.
And not tomorrow, either.
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This is embarrassing.
You can’t sleep. You keep waking up, windows open or windows closed, you feel watched, chased, never safe. And the worst is when you actually do end up asleep, you dream of Jungkook, and the pack, and then you wake up and realize you’ve barely slept half an hour even.
Your eyes sting whenever you close them. You feel drained, and it’s not even three in the morning.
Are they still awake too? Probably not. They all have their routines down, their a pack, a family, something you can only really fantasize about. What if you’ll disrupt that peace and quiet they have established for themselves? Sure, Jungkook didn’t seem to mind you clinging to Yoongi yesterday, but what about the rest of his fanily- surely this will just end in disaster.
You sit up in bed. You can’t sleep.
You turn on a documentary on your phone to watch, but it really doesn’t help much to force you into slumber- if anything, the screen just starts to give you a headache, so you stop the video after not even twenty minutes in. This is stupid. You never had issues sleeping- so why now?
You’re only taking half the dosage of your medication that you used to get. And this dose will be cut in half by the end of the month as well, to slowly prepare you for the time when you’ll be off of them entirely.
You already have pamphlets and little books about the changes to come- from your first instincts pushing through, to other.. intimate things, such as how your periods will change, and what to expect from your first heat. It’s a lot to take in, really, and while doing your research these days, you realized just how complex the world of a werewolf really is. From specialized hotels that care for lone wolves during their heats, to other programs helping single packless wolves stay healthy in mind and soul. Weekly social activities, phone counseling, personal health care just for wolves without a pack make you feel oddly comforted.
You’re not alone. That’s the slogan almost all these companies use on their ads.
Maybe you should make an appointment soon. Just to have things figured out- and so that Jungkook doesn’t feel like his pack has to take you in. Sure, You like him, and it’s clear that he likes you too, but is that enough? Can wolves from different packs even be together?
There’s so much you still need to learn. Just thinking about it makes your head spin.
Your phone vibrates with a message. You tap on it, to see the sender- Jungkook- still online.
‘Hey, just wanted to check in if you’re alright.’ Is written, and you reply.
‘Yeah, why do you ask?’ You respond with, and he instantly starts to type on the other end.
‘I couldn’t sleep.’ He sends you. ‘neither could Yoongi, and then I saw you were online half an hour ago’ he continues. ‘so I figured you must be still up’
‘I can’t sleep.’ You admit, and at that, your phone vibrates with an incoming call from him.
“Why didn’t you say so?” He yawns, and you’re a bit confused. “Yoongi said you’ve been up since around one or two AM.” He chuckles.
“How does he know?” You wonder astonished, when the lower voice answers.
“I was working, and saw you online multiple times.” He chuckles. “It’s not rocket science.”
“Oh.” You mumble, realizing that it was actually pretty reasonable. He was probably texting with someone and checked up on you as well- but that doesn’t explain why Jungkook seems to know as well. “But wait, why can’t Jungkook sleep?” You ask.
“Because we’ve bonded more than you did with Yoongi.” He replies. “it’s like.. an instinct you could say. I could sense something off.” He tells you, and you just take it in. All of this is so complex and difficult to understand sometimes.
“Its most likely the stress from yesterday.” Yoongi reassures. “either that, or your instincts are pushing through. You’re an omega- they don’t do well on their own.” He bluntly states, while you hear some clicking from a computer mouse. “did you not tell her she could sleep here as well?”
“What, no I did!” Jungkook defends himself. “I think? Wait, I did tell you, right?” He asks you now, and you think for a second.
“uhm.. I don’t think so?” You answer. “but even so, I wouldn’t want to intrude-“
“Jungkook are you a whelp?” yoongi is heard scolding.
“I forgot!” He defends himself. “hey- okay so, you can really sleep here as well, it’s no bother, believe me.” Jungkook tells you now. “Namjoon was actually wondering why you aren’t here yet. His cousin is an omega too, so he knows how to handle a lot of stuff.” He explains.
“Wouldn’t it be.. awkward?” You ask, hesitating.
“Tripping in public is awkward, yet millions of people do it everyday.” Yoongi answers stoically. “if you want to stay here, stay here. If you don’t, don’t. We wouldn’t be offering it if we wouldn’t be okay with you.” Yoongi explains, and oddly enough, it helps you feel better.
“..is there anything specific I should take along with me?” You start, when Jungkook cuts you off.
“I’ll help you pack your stuff-“ he starts, when something clattering is heard. “what?”
“Jungkook you dog, it’s four in the morning!” Yoongi whines. “You’re going to wake up the whole pack!” He complains, when a door is heard opening. “see? Now Jimin is awake and that means the entire woods know about it!”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!” the new voice argues, before he laughs. “I’m just curious, you’re acting like spies in here.”
“did you- Jimin, you left the door open!” Yoongi complains. “and the stupid kid left his phone here too..” he sighs, while you can’t help but laugh.
“Well, at least she’s having fun.” Jimin giggles along.
“For now. Wait until she finds out Jungkook snores in his sleep.” Yoongi teases.
“Hey, it’s not that bad!” Jungkook complains, making them laugh as their voices fade into the background, the wolf having taken back his phone after having grabbed the car keys. “I’m gonna come over now, and we can either nap first and pack later, or pack first and nap later.” He tells you.
“Its.. thank you.” You tell him.
“No problem.” He answers easily.
“you’re not alone.”
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leviscolwill · 1 year
bad idea right ?
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pairing: ex!jude bellingham x fem!reader
genre: girl making bad decisions, suggestive (no actual smut tho)
warnings: possibility of questionable grammar, a bit toxic sorryyyy
summary: meeting up with your ex after one too many drinks, what could possibly go wrong ? (wc: 1,2k)
note: based on olivia rodrigo's song,, it's just so good i had to 😪
now playing: bad idea right ? by olivia rodrigo (guts)
you did a good job at ignoring jude's constant calls and messages up til then, you really did. but the few shots you downed threw all these efforts away.
it was over, and you knew it when you replied asking for his new address that he sent you almost instantly, also adding a little "already ordered a uber for you :)"
"i need to go"
you knew your friends would kill you if you told them where you were actually going, so you kept that part to yourself.
"what happened ?"
"something came up, my roommate needs me home like right now."
"nothing bad right ?" you could feel a bit of worry in your best friend's tone so you tried to reassure her.
"nothing too bad, our washing machine is just acting up" you surprised yourself with your newfound ability to come up with lies so easily.
but no, it was truly nothing too bad, just about to meet up with my ex you guys hate.
there was a small part of you that wanted to tell them where you were actually going so they would convince you not to, but a bigger part wanted nothing more than to be at jude's right now.
after hugging your friends goodbye and hopping on the uber, you still had to fight a mental battle against the part of your brain that was still somewhat rational about this whole situation.
nothing good would come out of you meeting up with him, and deep down you knew it, you'd fall head over heels for jude again after you did such a good job at pretending to forget about him.
but at the same time, maybe you read the signs wrong, maybe he just wanted to catch up and nothing more. and there was nothing wrong with being friends with your ex, matter of fact, a few of your friends were still friends with their exes and it was never a synonym of a bad idea.
you were still debating whether or not seeing jude was a bad idea when you felt the car come to a stop.
you hopped out of it and jude opened his door right after like he'd been waiting for you for a while. he had his stupid smirk attached to his face, like he knew you would come back eventually. his attitude would have irked you, but in this very moment you didn't care, you walked in front of his door with a smile on your face and stars in your eyes.
jude wasted no time with greetings and let you in his living room while he went to his kitchen.
when he came back he was holding two glasses of water and he handed you one.
"i figured you might need a bit of water after tonight" he said with a tentative smile.
he was right, in a way, except you were pretty much sober by now and fully aware of where you were and the possible consequences of your actions. you thanked him and took a sip looking at your knees from the way he watched you intently.
you heard him chuckle and looked up at him.
"why did you want to meet up ?" you asked finally breaking the silence full of tension.
"i just don't like the way things ended between us." you rolled your eyes at this, it didn't have to be this way, but jude decided to break up with you and found a new girl a bit too fast for your liking, making things awkward after your breakup.
but he kept talking. "i know i haven't been the best boyfriend but i really want to fix things between us." the look he gave you made you weak in the knees, he grabbed the hand that sat on your thigh and started stroking his thumb on its back. "we can just take things slowly, one step at a time".
but you didn't want to take things slow, and neither did jude. there was no doubt left, it was wrong and you'll always end up hurt. and you believed jude could read your mind by the way his gaze changed, like he could tell that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. in this very moment you didn't care if it didn't last once again, you needed to have him for a night, a week, a month... it truly didn't matter.
jude tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and you felt his breath closer to your face, exactly what you wanted.
when you felt his lips against yours, you forgot to kiss him back for half a second as your mind started running laps. but when you kissed him back you poured out all those months of pent up frustration from ignoring him and his stupid texts. he grabbed your jaw deepening the kiss and you could feel jude's smile against your mouth when your hands wandered down his chest to his abs.
his mouth trailed down your neck where he started kissing at your skin while you gave him more space to do so, he took the opportunity to lick and bite your sweet spot, the action making you whine in return. you knew by the way he was sucking at your skin that it would leave a mark but your lucidity was long forgotten at this point, you would deal with this mess in the morning.
just as he started unzipping your dress, jude asked "do you really want this ?" with a yearning tone. you nodded fervently, hoping for him to give you something more. but instead he stopped kissing your sweet spot, much to your dismay. you looked up at him with confused eyes. "i need words princess, do you want this ?". of course he wanted to tease you as much as he could, but you didn't feel anything but desire so you simply complied. "i want this, i want you... jude please".
you could feel jude's look change after your words as he took your hand to lead you to his bedroom, both of you no longer caring about the intangible line between right and wrong, only needing to feel each other like you used to.
"is your roommate the one responsible for this ?" you didn't look where your friend was pointing, because you didn't need to. she was talking about the obvious purplish mark on your neck that even concealer couldn't hide away.
"no i just... spent the night at someone's." you felt your cheeks reddening by the minute thinking back to the night you spent at jude's after leaving your friends. you didn't even fully regret it, because as much as this idea sounded terrible you had a good time and your hopes were up once again that things might have changed.
"do i know who ?" you already knew she'd ask this question but you still couldn't find a believable lie so you just looked at your shoes that seemed like the most interesting thing on earth right now.
"no, don't tell me you spent the night with him."
but you did, and she could most definitely tell.
"i didn't mean to, i just tripped and fell into his bed i swear."
i'm always looking for new ways to improve my writing !! feel free to leave some feedback xx
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mistypsych · 1 year
/ yoongi / suga / agust d /
summary: as a doctor you never expected to be dragged into “the criminal life”, nothing and no one seems to be true anymore, your whole world turns upside down after you save him.
pairings: yoongi mob boss x f.reader x non idol bts members.
warnings: smut, guns, knives, stabbings, blood, gore, murders, drugs, criminals, gang life, medical emergency, illness, abuse, swearing, angst, dubcon, gang violence, corruption, manipulation, lies, cheating - 18+ minors dni.
Note: Hi! This is an attempt of writing a fanfic long after writing anything at all. Please also keep in mind English is no longer my first language and it might be a bit rusty and odd at times but I try my best. The story is a non idol BTS fanfic with Suga being the main character. The first chapter or so there might not be a lot of Yoongi but I want the backstory to be clear. The next chapters there will be way more of him I promise! If you want to be on the tag list let me know!
You slowly stepped into the on-call room, sighing while rubbing your aching nape. The painful muscle tension was starting to turn into a headache. You sat down on the big couch and leaned your head back, instantly feeling your body loosen and sink into the soft cushions. Today was a rough day for the ER unit. The hospital was dealing with multiple trauma victims due to a horrendous bus collision. Some patients were barely banged up others unfortunately were looking like they might not make it threw the night. You were already dreading the moment you would have to talk with their family members in case the worse was to come.
The weight of the hour-less intense work and surgeries was starting to rub off on your whole body. As you were almost about to doze off, the doors slammed wide open. “What a fucking trip…” Jungkook stopped mid sentence when he saw you glare at him from under your hooded eyelids. “How many energy drinks did your pour into yourself Kook?” you said in a bit agitated tone. You were tired and running on fumes. He seemed way less strained.
The on-call room was called so for a reason. It was supposed to be a safe heaven for peace and rest. It seemed as tho people like your long time friend let those facts slip their mind. “Sorry Y/N. I did not think you were about to sleep… You looked on fire there!” scoffing a bit under your breath you mumbled “Sometimes I really doubt your capability to think at all… and yes I was lit because I had to at the moment plus I had tons of adrenaline pumping in my system. Now it’s all wearing off”. Running his tattooed hand threw the thick and shiny locks of hair he sighed in defeat. He knew your were right. At times he was way to energetic and high maintenance.
“Still good for tomorrow?” he changed the subject not wanting to get into a war of back and forth bantering. Nodding your head you hummed in agreement.
Both of you usually made plans on your days off to go out and give medical attention to those who were less fortunate. You took care of the homeless, drug addicts and poor elders that were embarrassed to seek help at the official medical institutions. Many times it was also the lack of insurance that could get very high. The two of you saw it as charity and giving back to society.
You met Jungkook at med school in the USA. He was a scholarship student that worked his way into getting the opportunity to study overseas. You were the only person at your year that was able to speak Korean due to the fact you went to Seoul during part of your high school years. So of course you were more than happy to help Kook who at times struggled with the more difficult English terms during the lectures.
Over the years you two grew close and he was the one to say you should once again go to Seoul and take up your internship there. Being an adventurous young woman the mere thought of it seemed a great idea. So here you were years later already after your internship with a secured position as one of the junior trauma surgeons and planning charity work with your friend. You already scheduled some “appointments” with your long term patients.
To be honest you preferred this type of work more than the big shot tasks at the hospital. For you medicine should focus more on helping people. The world showed you many times that if you were less fortunate or simply made some bigger mistakes in life, the cruel reality was that usually there was no way to afford medical attention and insurance. Sometimes it was also the cost of meds themselves. Those could be unbelievably high, especially when it came to rare or terminal illnesses.
You and Kookie worked with official charities that did their best to find funds for some crucial medication for the poor. Not once did you also end up saving lives of some addicts that overdosed. Usually people just let them lay on the streets and did not care to help. You could not blame them tho. The less nice areas of the city were also full of con artists and people simply did not want to risk their own lives. At times it was also the mentality of “they did it to themselves, now they need to bear the consequences”.
You were not there to judge. How could any of you know what these people went threw in life? What pushed them to “self medicate”. So you kept focused solemnly on helping those who seemed like they needed it.
You closed your eyes again trying to ignore the fact that Jungkook was rustling around with some food wrapping. “If I am to survive the last two hours of this hell shift and be of any use tomorrow I would greatly appreciate you stop making a ruckus and let me rest!” you huffed angrily, not even bothering to open your eyes. Once the room was filled with silence, a content smirk spread over your lips. At last the well deserved quiet. Sweet darkness of dreamland slowly took over your mind.
*** *** ***
Getting to your apartment after ending a difficult day at the hospital always filled you with relief. It was close to 8 p.m. Not having to work the night shift this time and having the day off tomorrow made you really happy. As you walked deeper into the hallway your nostrils got hit with a mouthwatering smell of delicious food cooking, it instantly made a smile spread on your lips. The sizzling sound coming from the kitchen meant that your fiancé was already off work as well.
He was one of the best criminal detectives in the city. You both worked hard and sometimes very long hours, but you somehow managed to keep your relationship flourishing threw all the years. Walking towards the sweet and sour smell, you saw his slim frame hovering over some pans and stirring their content. His wide slim shoulders moving under a simple black t-shirt. They matched so well with his thin waist shaping his figure into a perfect triangle.
Resting against the door frame you stared at him in awe. “Are you gonna keep looking or do you plan on saying hello?” he said in a joking tone and turned to you with a big grin that reached to his eyes. You always wondered how he could keep such a sunshine attitude while working a job full of murders, death and gore.
Pushing your back off the frame you walked to him humming and wrapping your arms around him. You rested your chin on his shoulder, breathing in his fresh scent. “Hoba… you are too good to me…” you murmured and kissed him behind the ear. The fact that after a surely long day of work for him, he was there making you both a nice late dinner made your heart squeeze.
You really appreciated having him in you life and that somehow you both were deeply involved despite having hectic and difficult careers. The saying - where there is will there is a way - always made you think of your relationship with Hoseok.
After finishing dinner and basically licking your plate clean, you turned to Hobi with a smile “I’ll take care of the dishes” you said taking the plates from the table and making your way to the kitchen. As you were about to dry off the last glass you felt slender fingers creep up your back. You turned your face a bit a small smirk twisting the side of your lips.
“I was thinking of desert…” Hoseok said in a deep voice staring straight into your eyes. “Oh yea? You want me to run down to the store and grab something?” you teased, being well aware that was not what he had in mind. The twinkling of your eyes giving away how much you were enjoying this. But your fiancé was not the type to put up with games for too long so his only response was rolling his eyes, grabbing you and lifting you up. Wrapping your legs around his waist you kissed him desperately.
Lately both of you were so busy with work, you barely had the time or strength for even watching a movie together, so you excitedly welcomed the attention he was giving you. Not bothering to make it to the bedroom you ended on his lap on the couch. Your kisses were getting wild and messy. Just as you started to grind against his growing member, your breaths getting fast and uneven, you heard the loud ring of your phone.
If it were any other signal you would chose to ignore it completely, but the ring tone suggested is was Jungkook from his “special” number in case of an emergency. “Foooor fucks sake!” you growled trying to wait out the call, still kissing and moving your hips over your fiancé. If it was just a couple rings you could try and tell yourself your friend was piss ass drunk messing around.
Much to your dismay the phone kept on buzzing “I need to take this…” you said sadly looking at Hobi who was trying to even out his excited heartbeat. “It’s ok babe” he said, he knew he could not be angry about it, usually it was him being called into some crime scene. You walked away to answer the call “You better be almost dead or something close to that to have a reason for calling me at this hour!” you hissed into the speaker.
“Y/N! This is serious. A guy needs help… he can’t get into the hospital and the wounds are beyond my expertise. I am downstairs waiting for you. I really need your fucking help. I will explain everything later” his voice was shaky and full of what seemed like fear, so you stopped your ranting right away.
You quickly ran to grab your coat “I am coming down!” closing the door on your way out you told Hoseok you might have a very late night and maybe he should not wait up for you. Taking quick strides down the stairs of your apartment building you once again were thanking the universe for the most understanding man to have chosen to exist in your life.
*** *** ***
You quickly got into Kooks car throwing your medical bag onto the back seat. “I brought all my suturing stuff in case it was really that bad…” you said under your breath still a bit irked at the fact you were driving somewhere instead of getting frisky with your lover. “You will need it. Trust me…” is all your friend said.
Turing to finally look at him you saw he was pale, his hair was messy and his forehead was beaded with sweat. He was clutching the stirring wheel to the point his knuckles were white. You never saw him so nervous, not even at the hospitals ER unit.
Driving in silence for some time you finally snapped out of your trail of thoughts and realized you made it into the shady outskirts of Seoul. Even when working on your charity missions you both never made it into the really dangerous corners of the city, so you were very surprised and felt a shiver run threw your body.
You let your questioning gaze fall to Kookie, you were about to blurt out a “what the fuck man?” but before you could, he was out of the car grabbing your bag and walking to your side. Seeing your face full of questions, he opened the car door for you looking at you seriously “It’s fine… we are fine… we need to go there” he pointed towards a dark building that looked like a hangar.
Your body involuntarily shook at the sight. You immediately thought of all the crime scenes and stories Hobi shared with you from time to time when you asked him about work. But instead of listening to your panicking mind, you decided that surely Jungkook had to know what was going on and since he said it was fine it had to be, right?
You cautiously walked behind him letting him carry your bag. Usually you would always rip it out just to show what a strong and independent woman you were. Once you walked into the building you could hear the soles of your shoes clank on the hard floor. It all started to feel like some thriller movie, the type with a bad ending. The beating of your heart was so loud you could swear Kook had to hear it. The adrenalin was rushing in your system and you were starting to feel in flight mode.
Before you could panic more, an unknown voice broke you out of the cycle “Fucking bout’ time!” a tall and strong built guy growled at your friend and then eyed you top to bottom. “This is that great surgeon? She is supposed to be better than you?” he scoffed, a look of disbelief forming on his face. “For your information I am fucking better at surgical work than most!” you snapped. You were freaked out and now some dude that looked like a typical thug was trying to insult you.
“You better not be just running your mouth hun” he smirked grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you to the next room. He basically shoved you inside and tossed your bag at you. You didn’t even know when he managed to take it from Kook. The sight in front of you was gruesome. A young male about your age was laying on some banged up table. Blood was oozing out of his stomach. His pitch black long hair was sticky, his skin pale as a sheet of paper.
“Bloody hell…” you whispered walking up to the man. You turned to look at your colleague giving him the “what do you expect me to do?! make a fucking miracle happen?!” stare. You bent over the man and checked for a pulse. To your surprise he was still alive.
Looking at his slashed abdomen you thought to yourself there is now way you can do anything in these conditions. Even if by some chance you were to manage to stitch him up, the place was far from sterile, so he would die of sepsis anyway. “He needs a fucking hospital!” you say and take your phone out to call up an ambulance.
Suddenly your cell got knocked out of your hands and fell to the floor with a loud thud. Just as your were about to scream your head off, you saw it, the end of a gun pointing straight at your forehead. “No hospitals” the tall male snarled. Now you were sure, you got into some gang business and this was not gonna go the way you want.
tag list: @wobblewobble822
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
the cullens with reader who is a VERY popular movie star, but only plays in horror movies as the killer (and she makes them watch her movies)?
The Cullens with a Horror Movie Actor
Thank you for requesting!
In your request you mentioned “she” but I hope you don’t mind that I changed it to be more gender neutral
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
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He thinks it's pretty sick tbh
I feel like he might have wanted to be an actor at one point
So seeing you living out your dreams is huge for him
You wouldn't need to force him to sit down to watch your movies
However I feel like he'd get a little in his own head about you being a killer
If you're still human he'd probably start that line of thinking where if he turned you you'd become a real-life killer, how your characters are just fake people but that's like the real him, blah blah
Just cut him off with a big 'ol smooch
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Again, very supportive
She'd make a whole day of it every time one of your movies releases
Of course, you would need to bring her as your plus one to the premier
She might give you pointers tho tbh
Even though they're not really for you
"Blood doesn't actually spurt like that, it's more of a stream"
As if you control the sfx
Either way she loves it
Thinks you are the most talented actor/actress ever
She would buy posters of your movies and frame them
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He gets a little freaked out tbh
First of all, don't go to the theater with him
All of the people getting scared at the same time in such a concentrated group absolutely fires his brain
The sight of human blood (fake or real, on the screen or not) triggers him juuust a little
He also gets a little put off if your character seems to really enjoy the horror they cause
It reminds him of the way newborns love to hunt and kill
He's gonna need some one-on-one time with the real you after watching the movie
Just to remind him how you really are
Don't worry, it's not that he doesn't like what you do or that he doesn't like the movies
It's just the fact that it unsettles him a little thinking about what you could be if he ever turned you
He will watch them though
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She thinks it's badass
Hands down she loves it
I mean she went around killing and torturing her abuser in a wedding dress
That is so horror movie material
And even though that isn't her anymore, I feel like she'd love a good horror movie
And with you as the star? It's her new favorite
Instantly the whole movie is switched around for her
Who cares if you're "supposed" to be the bad guy
Those hitchhikers MUST have done something bad to deserve this
She will gladly sit down and watch them with you
She might even turn them on herself a couple of times
#1 Fan
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Don't invite him to the movie premier
He'll show up in a shirt that says "I love my partner even though they're a psycho murderer" of smthn
In all honesty though he loves it
He loves seeing the people around him be strong and brave
He LOVED it when Bella was able to crush the rock and jump super high and hit Jacob
So I feel like he'd get a kick out of you in a mask with a chainsaw
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I feel like she's not too into horror movies
Absolutely shocking take I know
She just gets enough blood and guts and suspense in her daily life yk
But she will watch it for you
She won't say anything but she also gets a bit unnerved by you being the villain
I feel like she sort of has that underlying feeling of being a monster
So seeing the stuff that she has to do to survive dramatized on screen and played out by none other than her partner
It strikes a chord deep in her heart
She will also need some one-on-one time with you afterward to remind herself that that is not you on the screen
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I actually think he'd be quite the horror lover
I feel like he has a fascination with the way sfx and prosthetics are made for movies
Unironically I think one of his favorite film franchises is Saw
So he would be more than happy to sit down and watch your movie
He has absolutely no issue with you being the villain
The only thing he cares about is talking specifics
He's like Alice but worse
He points out every set error
He's like those old YouTube videos of people pointing out every error made in *insert movie here*
"Look there's one of the boom mics"
"That blood is a bit too pink, and runny"
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Vampire! Bella:
Again, she thinks it's badass
She's only recently gotten a handle on being an agile killer
So in her mind she's still that clumsy girl sometimes
Seeing her partner on the screen being a badass killer makes her so proud
Unfortunately another one you shouldn't take to the premier
She is wearing one of those god awful dresses with one bad image of your face printed all over it from redbubble or smthn
And no she won't take it off or change
She already had to sneak out of the house without Alice seeing it
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bl00dst41ned · 1 year
*.·:·.✦ my little secret (jude bellingham 'series' pt.2) ✦.·:·.*
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pairing: jude bellingham x female oc (Mariah)
summary: in which jude finds out what he's missing
author's note: part 2 is out, part 1 is here. taglist: @everlyjay, @barcagirly (don't know if you wanted to be tagged but didn't know what you meant with your repost) you can still ask to be tagged.
series masterlist
word count: 696
It was another day at St Georges’ Park. The English team was back for the international break. Jude sat at lunch, Trent at his left and Marcus and Bukayo in front of them, in the middle of a conversation.
“Aye, Jude, you remember Mariah ?” Marcus started as he kept his eyes on his phone.
Jude’s head rose, confusion written on his face.
“The girl you disrespectfully dumped after cheating on her” Trent described with no facial expression.
Even though Jude was his friend, he never forgot to remind him how wrong he was in this situation.
“Oh, umm yeah why?”
Marcus turned his phone around showing them an Instagram post.
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mariahsworld Self care day to celebrate Tamara’s five months of living. Thank you for choosing me as your mom, I love you 💕
Within a second, Jude had gone on her account via his spam since she had him blocked on the main page and viewed the post. He then went to click on her story seeing even more pictures and videos of her and her baby.
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Jude kept his eyes on the screen as if he was hypnotized.
"Waow, I didn- just waow" He mumbled, lost of words. "She definitely turned a new page"
He kept scrolling as Mason and Declan sat at their table. The two instantly noticed Jude’s concentration since he didn't even noticed them.
"Jude what's wrong?" Declan asked as the young man finally noticed them.
"Nun- his ex he threw away for a one night stand now has a baby" Bukayo cut him off with a teasing smile on his face, ruining Jude's attempt to change the subject.
"Mariah?!" Surprise was laced in Declan's voice at the mention of the girl. "This cannot be real"
Declan went on Mariah's page, seeing all the posts with the little girl on it.
"Five months...."
"Tamara is a such cute name" Mason intervened.
Declan had noticed a detail about the little girl's date of birth that rose his attention.
"When did you guys break up already ?"
"A little over a year ago, maybe a year and a month"
Declan's eyes widened as it all came together in his head. If little Tamara was five months, then Mariah had to get pregnant a year and two months prior. And if they broke up a year and a month ago...
"Mate," Jude nodded his head indicating he was listening "Is that your daughter?"
"Wh- No, i-it can't be, she didn't tell me anything"
As unbelievable as it sounded to him, Declan's theory had intrigued Jude. He stared at the picture of the baby while thinking. Not able to get his mind right, Jude needed external advice.
*sent an attachment*
bro look at this
Mar had a baby ?!
waow didn't expect that
jobe, this might be my child
stop playing I almost believed you
I'm being serious
How serious?
As serious as serious can be
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ooh tell me all about it
stop joking pls I'm in deep shit
so Dec did the maths
the baby is 5 months
plus the nine months so we have 14 months right ?
Good you can do basic maths
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we broke up around 13 months ago
therefore ?
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mum's gonna burn you into ashes
and throw them in the bin
you're dead asf
no shit 🙄
but it's not what's important rn
I need confirmation
for what exactly ??
you're the cheater from what I know
who knows ?
bro you're nuts
she would not have done that
but looks like I'm an uncle 😝😝
jobe please be serious
you sound like liyah rn
she's getting into your head
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what did you just say about my girlfriend?
you can't fight me
for my girl ?
I'll beat you tf up 😍🥰🔪
your potential daughter looks so cute tho
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we are digressing
what should I do ?
text her
she blocked me
okay ??
if you actually care, you'll find a way
why is everybody so rude with me ?
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you're becoming just like your girl
as I should
Jude exited his conversation with Jobe going to DM Mariah on his spam.
yo it's Jude
i think we need to talk
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like and repost for support (hope you enjoyed it)
masterlist for more
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d34dlysinner · 1 year
🙇Hi yes hello very self indulgent request or whatchamacallit. But the Kings esp Beezlebub and lucifer, my bbygs, (Stolas too if possible 👉👈) first overall needing to asbord demon Lust event, with an afab me. Mc is kinda nervous and unsure about havin sex lmao, it doesn't repulse her or anything, but it follows the phenomenon of touch starved people wanting affection but when It comes to intimate moments they kinda freeze and get unsure. Totally not callin myself out rn
(Let's assume that MC doesn't instantly need demon essence)
Satan crawled on top of you. Eager to finally have you like this. He lined himself up with you and planned to push himself in until he noticed how stiff you were. He halted what he was doing and sat up straight on his knees.
"You're as stiff as a plank right now. Are you okay?", he asked. His actions and words really made you wonder whether he's really the great demon king of wrath. It made your heart melt seeing how he worried for you. He settled for holding you for a while. You could smell the scent of cat fur as he embraced you. He was just waiting until you were calm enough to relax before he dared to do anything.
"We don't have to do anything if you don't feel up for it..."
Mammon does the thing he always does with every partner he had. He waits and sees if they're prepared enough to take him. One of his hands was feeling along your sides. Rubbing up and down in a comforting way as he felt you freeze.
"If you're scared, we don't have to continue.", he says as he finishes with a promise that he will be careful when you both do continue.
He would wait until you're ready. If you're not ready at all he wouldn't even blame you. He can always settle for holding you once more.
Leviathan somehow knew that you were going to freeze as he pulled away from your neck and sat straight.
"I knew that this was going to happen. It's somehow weird how you can eye upon my frame with such lust and then chicken out the moment we're actually trying to do the deed."
He seemed harsh and very honest. It made you feel worse in a way and regret starting this. It wasn't until he noticed how hurt you were that he changed his demeanor. He started to hold your hands as his thumbs rubbed circles on the top of your hand. He kissed them before he decided to lay down and wait with you.
"We can continue when you feel like it... sorry.", he said that last part quietly. How you managed to make this king apologise. You'll never know. He probably did care a lot for you.
Beelzebub was kissing, biting and licking all over you before he decided that you were ready enough for him. He planned to push into you when he noticed that you almost stopped breathing. He halted what he was about to do as he checked up on you first.
"Are you okay?", he asked as he was drawing circles on the inside of your leg. He would lean in and give tiny kisses over your face as he waited for a response. When you tell him that you're not ready he'll lay down beside you and offer to watch some sort of movie to keep your mind of off things.
"We might aswell watch something interesting.", he says as he puts on a screen and allows you to scroll
Lucifer is one who would love to taste your tears again. He would abuse the situation you're in right now if he didn't fear you hating him. It also goes against what he wants to do with you. He said multiple times that he'd rather make you cry out of happiness and love. Sometimes he can't help it and he causes it with fear. He'll feel shitty afterwards, but always makes sure to make it up somehow. Not by apologising tho... that's too much for him.
He decided that it's best to stop at that moments as he takes a book to read. He'll read it for you if your interested enough.
Stolas himself would also get nervous when this is happening. So he sort of understand where you're coming from. It's not like he has absolutely no experience, but the connection he feels to you makes him scared to mess it all up. So he just stopped what he was doing when he saw you tense up and freeze.
"Look... We don't need to continue now... we can do it any other time if you're still up for it."
The only thing he hopes is that he's atleast allowed to be the one you're doing it with when you do feel up for it. He doesn't know what he'll feel or do when he hears that you just straight up went with another demon to do this with.
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tikvin · 6 months
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Durge girlies infodump ✨
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Bard+vengeance paladin (I call it "got her powers out of sheer hate". Also dialogs of those classes are most fitting for her. She's also not classic Bard tho, doesn't have instrument either)
Is one of the most uncanny looking durges, but you only notice if you look at her for more than a moment and think about it more than a minute. The more you look at her the more strange things you start to notice. The streaks on corners of her mouth with time will reveal to be a wide mouth, unhinging jaw. Hair color and eyes that are not natural for drow. Slightly longer limbs, all that.
However she's a very charismatic person and averts the attention from the details easily enough. She's cunning, knows when to observe silently and when to speak. She's not a prying type, but very perceptive of emotions of others.
Eshra is in romance w/ Astarion, and Eshra detected his lies very soon, but kept quiet about it, playing along and waiting to see where it goes.
Eshra doesn't have anything against killing, however the real joy she gets is from killing those who think they are the shit. Bringing down prideful and strong chars to pathetic death (favourably in most dishonouroful way) is quite the delight of her life. She tries to avert her urges from the unreasonable (to anyone sane) targets to someone strong. She's also smart enough to dig for reasons to kill, Kahga being the best example. Eshra had an urge to just watch the little girl die.Fotr the fist time such urge concerned her, the itch of the urge would not stop if she just ignores it, so she redirects it to someone "bad" in the room, that being Kahga. She digs for reasons to kill and does so, without even trying to make Kahga change her mind.
Eshra also at first "saved" Lae'zel only to wait and dig for a reason to kill her. Eshra attacks Minthara almost instantly, because Minthara is smart and quickly notices something isn't right with her, and Eshra feels thretened by Minthara's prying. She would prefer her to stay silent, silent for eternity.
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Wild magic sorcerer
I headcanon her to be a very masterful before the amnesia and losing the control after, requiring help of Gale to try and control it (and that's how they get married lmao). She actually might have turned a bit dumber after amnesia.
Jericho is the most determined to stop the urges and most disgusted by her deeds among my durges. She's also a bit cowardly when it comes to her past, so she doesn't pry too much into it, afraid of what she might find. She also the one to believe Emperor. She's a bit wary, but doesn't see Orpheus helping them (the mountain pass was skipped on account of lore reasons, absence of Lae'zel, cuz after reading the discs of Orpheus there's just no reason keep Emperor alive. I will be playing again with Lae'Zel present, so Jericho would free Orpheus, cuz she'd trust Lae'Zel. Which one is canon I will decide after)
After the game events she recognizes her cowardice, and now feeling much more secure in loving and peaceful environment, she does her best to research bhaalspawn and everything about it to help prevent tragedies. Also the only girlie who is a bit bummed that she must avoid having biological children, but she's dutiful enough to recognize that responsibility.
Also the softest among durges, maybe because she got hit in the head the hardest lol, the one who truly starts a completely new and different life after the incident.
Oh, and she's 100% sure Tara doesn't like her, if not hate her
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Assasin rogue+fighter.
Very much not a real githyanki and avoids actual githyanki, while simultaneously pretending to be one when it's convenient. With her I'm planning multiple play throughs btw, current one is without Lae'Zel, other will be with her and another with her being Tav.
She's also not concerned much with her urges, or her memories ("eh, I'm a rogue, I doubt I had much to care about anyway"). Obnoxiously smart mouthed, nonchalant, sometimes unintentionally rude. "Heh, yea, I'm a swamp elf". She hides her face usually, pretending to be whatever other race people might mistake her for.
Much like Eshra, Thalissa enjoys killing those who are oh so full of themselves
But she also actually enjoys being around "goodie two shoes" characters, because she likes to poke fun and make them just a bit annoyed, also secretly hoping their "goodiness" will rub off on her a bit, to quiet down the bloodlust.
Thalissa as a Tav is still the "chill and easy going gith". A githyanki who escaped strict military life and lives in material plane, because she enjoys it way more, even if often faced with prejudice.
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Very temperamental, openly rude, but not in an elegant way like drows are usually, more barbarian like actually. She might have a bit of a anger issues and it's relatively easy to set her off.
Not the smartest one, not book wise at least.
Not very concerned for cultural things either. "Blah blah blah, balance, rules, boooring, are we fighting or what?"
She is also the one who gets concerned only when her urges start targeting children, but brush them off to kid being annoying and the urge being an intrusive thought. She genuinely tries to be "the friendly drow", but the moment she hears something rude with "you're a drow" reasoning she just can't keep her tongue back, which then doesn't help her making her case lol. You get approximately 3 sentences to make her like you, cus that how long it takes for her to decide (however, in certain cases she might get mad that you don't like her and make it her mission to make you her friend)
She's also not too concerned about memory loss, she undermines her "condition" until it takes grave turn, then she's scared, but too prideful to admit it, until, yet again, it gets in dangerous area (act 2)
That would be it for now, just a bit of general info about the girlies. If you have your favorite, feel free to ask about them, I'd love to answer, I've been keeping the lore for a long time
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pixiesndberries · 2 years
𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 , 𝐫. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
; regulus black x ex wife!reader
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, he truly loves his daughter and after she was born to this earth regulus couldn't be so much more happy. She was so fragile when regulus first felt her in his arms , still covered in little blood. He felt warm and comfortable around her and he instantly thought that this beautiful human would changed him.
─ you gave birth to regulus black's daughter even tho at that same moment and time you guys aren't doing as well. You aren't even going home to the house he provided for you and the family he was expecting and dreaming for. He was there living alone but your mother told you , this child isn't only yours but to regulus' too. You agreed that you should give birth to "his" house , just for the child.
The moment you saw him holding the beautiful creature you and him made together , you can see in regulus' eyes how happy he is ─ you can't help but to tear up. Like regulus believe on himself , you thought this might be a change for regulus. This man has alot of emotional baggage that you can't handle making the relationship tough to handle together , things already ended when you were two months pregnant. He begged but you thought it was enough , your suffering is enough.
Things changed as time flies by , your daughter grew up quickly. She can walk and mumble words already ─ things changed , you find someone else and regulus respected that. Deep inside for regulus of course it hurts seeing you pick up the child from his house with your new partner that isn't him. But he needs to accept the truth and left the delusions he have whenever you spend your time at his house with your kid.
, "see darling that's a star" regulus smiled pointing at the glowing star from the ceiling "a stah ?" regulus chuckled at the words of her , he can hear the exact accent from you. "yes darling a stah !" he laughs mocking the child playfully , her also laughing ─ And you watched them from afar you were peacefully waiting for your child to sleep before going home , she won't leave because of the reason ; "i don't wanna go ba- bye mama!". She don't wanna leave his father's side.
"where's mama?" regulus whispered fixing the child's hair , the child quickly looking at you and smiled. Unexpectedly she stood up and quickly walking towards you , "mama" she mumbled holding your finger with a puppy eyes "yes my love?" you replied caressing her cheeks "mama , bed please" she was asking for you to lay in the bed with her. "Oh.." you whispered , regulus was laying there as well though he didn't ask for you to lay there , your child does. "darling , mama is there ok she won't leave" regulus assured her so you don't have to lay down near him. "Bu-but mama" she looks like she was about to cry , "it's fine reggie" you replied standing up letting the child take you to the bed.
when regulus heard the name , reggie. God his soul almost left his body not hearing that for a very long time and hearing it again made him feel alot. He felt what he felt again when you called him that for the first time ; it feels like a bucket of butterflies are setten free inside his stomach , a warm feeling covering his body.
"you should go sleep now darling.." you smiled cuddling your daughter , "you too reggie" you laughed. You knew this kid would sleep only if regulus sleep ; just like before , he would only sleep if you are already asleep. "ye-yes ma'am.." he chuckled insured what he would reply , this is the delusions he was talking about - thinking this what it feels like to have a complete family with you and it feels so so good.
"goodnight darling" regulus whispered kissing his daughter's forehead , looking at him. Insider of his mind he could've said you want one too? but he felt like if he said that and say it was a joke , it would be awkward for you. You thought , he looks so gorgeous - always been gorgeous. "Goodnight reggie." You whispered and god forbid you don't know why did you even said that. Regulus proceed to pretend he didn't heard what you said , but lord he loves you so much it brings so much joy and pain to him that he couldn't just pull you for one kiss atleast.
The moment he knew you have felled asleep , "i love you." That's all he can say. He truly loves you and this child , if he could turn back time he wished he could've fixed everything. And you truly love him aswell.
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abiiors · 8 months
VEEEEEEE, i messaged you a few days ago that i was at work and thinking many thoughts of ross and i am once again at work and thinking many thoughts of our big beautiful man…
IN PARTICULAR idk why this is the scenario on my mind but ROSS HAVING A CRUSH ON YOU 🤭🤭🤭 and being sosoooooo smitten and soft for you…. (gnawing at my enclosure) like in this scenario i keep thinking about, it’s ross waiting for you to show up to like an intimate gathering of friends and you’ve met the boys and everyone before through charli cause that’s bestie (need her expeditiously) and you and ross really hit it off!! his head is full of nothing but thoughts of you!! so he’s clearly distracted until you get there then he’s all smiles and laughs and gentle touches (need to be institutionalized) but ALSO until you get there he’s all impatient and antsy asking charli if you let her know what time you’d be there but he asks it more than once so everyone starts teasing him for having a crush and then they tease him even more once you get there cause his whole demeanor changes i’m thinking many normal thoughts 😍😍😍
OH MY GODDDDDDD ANON YOU'RE IN MY HEAD BECAUSE THIS IS LITERALLY A SLEEP SCENARIO FOR ME!!!! i love the whole dynamic of having a crush so much, it's just SO. SOFT. 😭😭
yes, absolutely, you've been introduced to their friend group through charli because she is the fucking coolest and makes an offhanded comment like "hmmm you know what now that you're single, there's someone i wanna introduce you to" (that someone being ross obv) and you do absolutely hit it off but maybe you're both a bit shy at first to ask each other out immediately. like you like each other a lot and worry that the other might not feel the same but oh lordddd he is so down bad.
he's quite good at hiding it though, or maybe he thinks he's quite good at hiding it 🤭 like he won't go up to charli and directly ask her when you're coming. he'd instead just casually be like "oh, thought your friend was coming too, isn't she?" all cool and aloof as if he doesn't care, he's just 'curious' but charli instantly clocks it and smirks at him like "well, aren't you curious!!! she's running a bit late don't worry. she'll be here in 15, i just got a text from her."
and he spends the next 15 minutes trying not to hover near the door so he can be the one to open it once the doorbell rings. anyway, he isn't the one to open it--george is. and you go around saying hello to people and hugging both george and charli before you shyly wave at ross and fix your hair a bit (self conscious, it was kinda windy outside and ross finds it so adorable that your hair is all unruly and messy in a very effortlessly sexy way)
charli immediately hooks her arm with yours and pulls you towards ross and goes "so ross is really good at making cocktails and you were saying how you were gasping for a good martini!" and then she sorta pushes you both together towards her home bar and says "go ahead, use whatever you like"
while your back is turned she also throws a wink at ross who rolls his eyes and mouths a silent thank you (she really is a good wingwoman) and well turns out he is really good at making cocktails. you even comment on it and he's like "come on i'll teach you." so you hold the shaker in your hands a bit unsure until you feel him right behind you and so close that you can almost feel the heat radiating off him. his cologne is mouth-wateringly good and you fucking want to turn around and pull him into a kiss.
he is no better tho--his heart is fucking hammering in his chest because he really does fancy you so much and you're so fucking close to him. so he does the second best thing which is wrapping his hand over yours under the guise of teaching you how to make a martini.
your hand is so small and soft in his and it's like the first time he's ever properly touched you so he feels like he's fucking sixteen again. no one is paying attention to the martini, you're both just busy blushing and being idiots in general. <3
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azlan-snow · 3 months
Broadcast Husbands
Chapter Thirteen: The King Of Hell
(Told from Lucifer’s POV)
As I head to the hotel, I begin to make a list of all that I need to apologize for to Charlie. I didn’t realize how much damage I’ve done to my poor girl. But, she’s all about redemption, right? Right? Facing Charlie is the hardest thing I need to do, so socializing will be a breeze, right?
I enter the hotel, greeting Charlie with a large smile.
“Hi Dad!” She hugs me, knocking my hat off my head in the process. I go to pick it up when it disappears.”
“There you are, your Majesty. Nice and visible.” 
I see the red demon from last night, holding my hat and placing it on my head, adjusting it accordingly.
“Who’re you?”
“Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure.”
“It’s a pleasure to be meeting you as well.”
“And this is Vox, Alastor’s husband!”
“Happily married, your Eminence. It’s a pleasure to be meeting the First Fallen and King of Hell.”
I wince at the last statement, hurt by what he said.
“I meant no disrespect, My King,” Vox says, kneeling on the floor. “It was truly a compliment!”
“It’s fine,” I say, trying not to feel hurt. “Who are the rest of your friends?”
“This is Angel, Husk, and Niffty.”
I instantly freeze at the last name. Ons I could never forget. I see the small girl run towards me and grin once she reaches my feet. But she doesn’t say anything. She just stares at me, her singular eye baring holes right into me.
“Don’t mind her, your Excellency. It just means she likes you,” Alastor says, a similar sadistic smile on his face. 
“Uh huh.”
“Dad. Guess what?”
“What, honey?”
“Al, Husk, and Vox are all Overlords!”
“What?! You befriended Overlords? Why?”
“Vox and Al liked my idea of redemption and Husk was willing to give it a shot!” 
I turn to look at the three, smiles sincere except for Husk, who looks exhausted.
“Nice ta’ meet’cha, Short King. The name’s Angel Dust.” The skinny fellow offers me his lower right hand, his gold tooth sticking out like a sore thumb. 
I notice his pink smoke chain before asking as I shook his hand, “Who owns your soul? I noticed your chain.” Angel seemed caught off guard by the question, releasing my hand and shivering.
“Valentino. That fuckin’ moth does.”
“Who’s he?”
“An overlord. Known for his adult films and prostitution, I’m afraid,” Al answers, disappointment on his fence.
“His sin’s lust, huh?"
“I believe so.”
I turn back to Angel, who’s look has saddened drastically. “Would you like to be free?”
He looked down at me, eyes filled with desperation, before filling with worry. “I don’t want anyone here to get hurt. He might think it was Charlie and come afta’ her.”
“I’ll handle that. Do you want to be freed?” 
He paused once more, giving it more thought, before answering “Yes. I do.”
“Okie Dokie!” I grasp Angel’s chain and squeeze it, shattering it to a million pieces. Angel looked at me, relieved and in tears, hugging me tightly, picking me up and squeezing, in tears. “Thank you,” he mumbled into my shoulder. “Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?” he asks, putting me back on solid ground.
“No biggie! I’m just glad I can help!”
“Dad,” Charlie says, thankful for my help, “This is my girlfriend, Vaggie.”
“Girlfriend?” Charlie nods in agreement. “Put er’ the re, Maggie! It’s lovely to meet my daughter’s lover!” 
“It’s Vaggie, sir. And it’s lovely to meet you as well,” she says while shaking my hand. As soon as they meet, I could tell she was like me: Fallen. She could too. My smile softens at something I am able to relate to, and she grins knowingly. We release, and I turn back to the other residents. “Shall we get this tour started?”
As Charlie and Vox show me around, I begin to notice how much has changed since I gave Charlie the building. The way she looks at her friends, like family, how she connects to the other people so well, because she too, is imperfect. Because of me. All her hurt and pain that she’s masking, is because of me and Lilith. If we hadn’t done those things, we would still be closer. But I can’t  undo the past. I need to make up for it now.
“Yeah Dad?”
“I want to apologize.”
“ What for? You haven’t done anything.”
“That’s exactly what I need to apologize for. I haven’t done anything for you in the last couple of centuries. I shut myself away, hoping that your mother would come back, when I already knew that she wasn’t.”
“What are you tallking about, Dad?”
“ She left us because of me, not you. I want you to know that none of this is your fault. It’s mine.”
“Dad, none of this is your fault.”
“It’s not yours, either, Charlie.”
“I know, Dad.”
“I’m so sorry, Charlie.” I burst into tears, crashing to the floor in front of Charlie, begging for her forgiveness.. She knelt beside me, embracing me tightly.
“I forgive you, Dad. I know it wasn’t your fault. It’s going to be okay.” We sit there for a solid minute or two as I released the guilt that I had been holding onto but was never man enough to admit it. 
“I’m going to do better, Charlie. Maybe even stay here.”
“You would move in?!”
“Only if you want me to.”
“That would be amazing!”
“Okay then!” I turn to the TV man, who’s just been listening to us sob and cry for a solid 10 minutes.
“My good man, would you be so kind and accompany me to a room that I can claim?”
“Of course, sire.” He leads me down to a large suite, unlocks the door and displays the empty room. “My room is next door if you need me or Al, your Majesty.”
“Vox, hold on. I’m not done with you yet.”
“Oh? How may I be of assistance?”
“Charlie. And Angel. They are friends, correct?”
“Yes. Angel was the first resident and has stayed here for a year.”
“I just can’t figure out why Charlie didn’t free him herself.”
“She has the capability to do that?”
“Of course she does! She’s my daughter!”
“She might be unaware. She’s never dealt with a soul contract, from what I can tell.”
“Good. No one should even be able to wield her soul in the first place.”
“Why would that be an issue?”
“Charlie’s half angel, half human. She’s the only one of her kind and has the strength to cripple Heaven if she desired. But her soul is too pure to even achieve such a thing.”
“But this will stay between us, yes?”
“Of course, your Grace.”
“Thank you.”
“I shall leave you to your room then.” Vox leaves, shutting the door behind him gently. I begin to shape the room like my workshop in the palace, covered in rubber ducks, but organized. Charlie would have my head if it wasn’t. They lie on a shelf, each one in order of creation date. A bed large enough, even though I’m rather small. My wings take up most of the space. A table, filled with bits and pieces for making rubber ducks, and pictures of my beloved daughter. Once I finish, I lay on the bed, exhausted from the entire day. I hear small four knocks on the door. I open it to see Angel, standing tall above me. “Can I help you?”
“Your Majesty, I wanted to thank you. For freeing me. I made this for you.” He hands me a knitted portrait of Charlie and I, showcasing her beautiful smile, and our signature clown cheeks.
“Thank you, An-”
“Anthony. I am finally free from that name: Angel Dust. I can use my actual name now.”
“Then thank you, Anthony,” I exclaim, sincerity in my voice as I begin to cry once again. I know, I’m a mess. 
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s happy tears, Anthony. Tears of joy. This is the first gift I’ve had in a very very long time. And the most considerate, too.”
“Oh.Thanks, your Majesty.”
“Call me Lucifer. It’s the least I can do.”
“You’ve done so much. Charlie hasn’t stopped smiling since you said you would move in. She’s also gone a little stir crazy from the last few days.”
“That’s my girl. If you’re not crazy, you shouldn’t be down here.” Angel laughs wholeheartedly at my joke before speaking again.
“Also, Charlie wants me to tell you that it’s time to eat.”
“I’ll be right down.” Angel walks away, waving at me to hurry up as he continues. I rush to change, putting on a more casual outfit, and head downstairs. 
At the table was a whole different breed of crazy. Everyone was talking and eating. My seat next to Charlie was chill, thankfully. She only asked the occasional question of if I liked the food Alastor made. He’s an impressive cook, I’ll give him that. But I plan on making Charlie my signature pancakes. The only thing I can cook, and cook well. But today was a good day after all.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
Also what if when the Red Haired and Strawhat pirate crews finally meet. They meet in a populated area and celebrate meeting each other: Shanks and Luffy bond while Usopp and Yasopp are actually doing well together and bonding too. And Sanji (even tho being in a relationship) still fawns over the village girls every once in a while when he's there (not intensely but y'know). And Yasopp sees him and don't think anything of it until Usopp introduces him as his boyfriend. Which quickly pisses him off after seeing how he acts. Which results in Yasopp not liking him, bc well okay, makes sense, but then it leads to him saying he's not allowed to date his son as if he has any control over his life. Which leads to Yasopp and Sanji hating each other and arguing. But also Usopp hating both of them (Sanji for looking at other women still and Yasopp for dictating his life) and refusing to be around them for a while until Sanji and Yasopp realize they were jerks and apologize to him once he calms down.
This been on my head for a long while and I couldn't help but spill since you brought up Yasopp.
Let me kiss your brain. Please. Like. Come here right now and let me kiss your forehead. This is- This is so- Okay. I NEED A MOMENT. I need a moment. Let me breathe. Just a moment.
Okay, I'm done breathing. This is AMAZING. And now you have to deal with me talking about it!!!
I think Sanji and Yasopp would not get along because of what you just said. Sanji would still simp for girls everywhere (like, that's something that will never change. And it's not like he tries to sleep with them, he's loyal to Usopp. He's just very, uh, sexually attracted to them an insane amount. Usopp should have permission to bonk him with a hammer every time he does that tbh) and Yasopp would instantly think that he's not good for his son. Which is, you know, understandable, but who is he in Usopp's life to talk about his future? Or at least that's what Sanji would say, complaining about how he doesn't have any right to decide if he's good for his son, keeping in mind that he has never been around.
Yasopp left, but he still cares for his son and he wants to have a good relationship with him. Seeing Sanji like that makes him think about Shanks and Buggy's relationship and that's just not what he wants for Usopp (Shanks, baby, I love you but you're so not beating the cheater allegations). And Sanji... Sanji doesn't have a good relationship with father figures (obviously this is about Judge and not Zeff. Zeff, I love you) and men in general, so tbh I think he would already be a bit resentful towards Yasopp even before meeting him. He would try to hold back, of course, be friendly for Usopp's sake and all. But it doesn't work out.
I find this concept amazing because they care and love Usopp so much that they actually forget about what Usopp truly wants. Overprotective much?? I think they would end up bonding over that, too!!! Usopp would get angry at both of them first, though:
Usopp: What do you mean he's not good for me? You don't know him! Yasopp: But I'm sure he would love to know every girl around here, wouldn't he? If you know what I mean. He's going to end up breaking your heart, kiddo, I know people like him. For fuck's sake, Shanks is like him! Shanks: I'll have you know I am a very stable individual and your captain and a little bit of sexual freedom never hurt anyone! Yasopp: Tell that to your ex-boyfriend. Shanks: Ouch. Unnecessary. Usopp: You don't know him! And for starters, you don't even know me! He's wonderful and perfect for me and even if he weren't, you shouldn't have a say in my romantic life! If you wanted to act like a dad, you should've started years ago! Sanji: Thanks, mon trés- Usopp: And you. Don't you dare mon trésor me right now! My dad might not be allowed to say shit like this about you, but I am. I've gotten used to you flirting with every average-looking girl you see, but I'm sick and tired of you acting like a dog in heat with them. Especially when I'm around. It's- I thought I could just deal with it because I'm not a jealous person, but you need to get your shit together, Sanji. Both of you need to get your shit together. And if you excuse me, I'm going to have a drink with the others because I need a long, long break from you two. [...] Zoro: Now you've done it, curly. Told you you'd fuck this up someday. Sanji: I'm going to murder you. [...] Shanks: And you say I'm the bad father. Yasopp: You still are. Shanks: Maybe, good point there, but I'm not the only one. So that's a relief.
And then they would end up talking things out, of course, because Usopp is the most important person in their lives. I would like to see them bond over that, realizing that they both care about him a lot and that's why all of this happened. Sanji tells Yasopp that, even if he's pretty much obsessed with women, he would never be disloyal to Usopp. Usopp is the one for him. If he says he wants to get married to him one day, Yasopp is the only one who hears it. Sanji just needs to control his urges a lot, tbh. And Yasopp says that he knows he's not allowed to decide who his son should or shouldn't date, but he just wants to be a good father and enjoy the time they have together without some guy breaking Usopp's heart. He doesn't know how to be a dad, but he's willing to try for him.
So I think they end up getting along! Sanji cooks for both crews, of course, and Yasopp is delighted to taste his food. They spend the time laughing and talking about Usopp and Sanji won't stop explaining every adventure they've had together. Usopp, on the other hand, isn't as angry anymore (after talking to Nami about it) and watches from a distance how friendly they are now. This raises the question:
Usopp: God, are they going to be like that now? Nami: Is there an issue with that? Usopp: I don't know. Maybe? It's just weird. Robin: Maybe they start talking about all of your dirty secrets and embarrassing memories :) (<- Super friendly and not at all scary smile) Usopp: I want to die.
At some point, Sanji brings Usopp food and Yasopp comes along. They both apologize to him and, well, it's not as scary as Usopp thought. And they might be stupid and flawed, but they're still two of the people he loves the most.
Gonna have a whole breakdown over this now, thank you. I'm gonna think about this all day long. And tomorrow too. I'm sobbing. I have a lot of thoughts right now. Thinking about Sanji asking Yasopp for Usopp's hand because he's just classy like that and Yasopp accepting and Sanji like: "Okay, cool, because I was going to marry him anyway even if you said no. Glad I didn't have to kick your ass."
I'm gonna cherish this ask forever. Thank you. <3
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wormswurld · 8 months
hey dude! i love love love your posts! I dont wanna come across as pushy or anything but i loved the ftm oliver headcanons, and i would love to see how felix helps him and such! Not to mention, i know a lot of people love asshole felix, but I physically cannot get over sweet and loving felix oml its amazing!! thank u sm!! 🩷🩷
you're not pushy at all!! i've actually been meaning to write more ftm ollie but ive been so swamped w schoolwork and different asks / projects etc but i got u!! also sweet love-y dovey felix is my fave felix, he is a big sweetie when it comes to his ollie 😇💖 !!!!!!!!!!!
- after felix finds out abt ollie being trans everything goes pretty smoothly! he helps ollie w his t-shots, bandging him up and disposing of the needles in the sharps bin etc,, tho one time ollie forgets to take his t-shot and he gets his period and he feels Awful... absolutely isolating himself from felix and hiding in his room as felix, fairleigh, and venetia enjoy the hot summers sun outside of his window...he just feels too dysphoric to go out of his way to talk to anyone let alone felix (the literal love of his life he came out to yet still feels obligated to keep him uninformed abt the things that happen to him etc...)
- soon enough felix has enough of being shut out by ollie so he goes to confront him but he finds ollie curled in a ball on the bathroom floor :( poor ollie is probably crying as he grips at his stomach his cramps are unbelievably painful and he feels so stupid that he forgot to take his shot,, obviously being worried felix instantly rushes to ollie's side, petting his hair and softly hushing him as he inquires what's wrong..."oh ollie, ollieollieollie what's wrong mate, you okay? you hurt?" and all ollie can do is nod his head as he just clutches his stomach harder curling more and more into himself until he is fully in fetal position..."hey, what is it? what's hurting ollie, can you show me?" and ollie just mutters out the words "period" and felix completely understands,, he's grown up around venetia so hes definitely semi-well versed in this sort of thing
- opening his mouth to then quickly close it felix nods his head in silent agreement "right, right, yeah" he says now rubbing small circles on the small of ollie's back, he's seen his mom do this to venetia all the time whenever she would have her cramps so he figured this could do the trick, at least in this very moment...."okay ollie, im gonna run and get some things from venetia i'll be right back okay? i'll just be a second mate" and felix plants a little kiss atop ollie's head as he quickly sprints out of the bathroom, loud footsteps being heard as he makes his away around the house,, soon after he comes back to the bathroom holding two large boxes of pads & tampons in one arm and 5 different kinds of pain medications in the other. and ollie can do is smile because he's never had anyone care about him like this. "i didn't know which ones you used... o-or if one was better than the other so i just brought the whole cabinet with me" felix chuckles as he sits down, now situating the items he brought with him next to ollie's curled up form
- "i-is this okay? i can always go run back and get-" and felix just gets cut off by ollie throwing his once curled arms around felix's middle holding him as tight as he could as if this might be the last time he'll ever see felix again,, and ollie just starts to cry because his hormones are going crazy but seeing felix so caring and eager to help him makes his heart melt !!!!! hes never experienced love like this before and its so new and foreign to him he doesn't know how to react !!!!! but its as if felix read his mind because he starts to caress ollie's wet cheek, slowly prying him away from his damp shirt so he could hold him in his lap..."ollie, its okay, you're okay with me yeah? this doesn't make me think any less of you alright? you're still my ollie, my boy, and nothing's gonna change that" and felix just brushes ollie's tears away before softly kissing him on the lips.
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satninroses · 1 year
Your neighbor/friend elvis is fixing/working on something that requires him to be laying on the ground. You are sitting watching him just hanging out. He asks if you can give him a hand and hold up a part of the thing he is fixing (maybe motorcycle, a car or something like that idk lol). The thing is heavy so to get a solid grip you have to stand up your with legs on either side of his body that is laying on the ground on his back. You have a bend in your knees slightly squatting over him honestly struggling to hold said item up. He happens to glance up and you are standing right over his line of sight (in a dress). But for some reason reader doesn’t have any panties on today. So here we have the reader is squatting legs spread directly above elvis. He definitely slows down fixing this on purpose to have you hold it longer. You finally say you can’t hold it any longer. Maybe he says something like “don’t you feel a breeze darlin” and reader instantly realizes. Screaming but she can’t go anywhere because she is still holding item up. Elvis chuckles at her squirming around before he tells her she can let go. She instantly moves away and is humiliated. Elvis definitely didn’t mind tho
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(A/N): I’m trying out new formatting! I might tweak it a little bit over the next few posts! Please let me know what you all like!
Pairing: Mechanic! Elvis Presley x Reader
Word Count: 2,068
Warnings: SMUT! MINORS DNI! Swearing, Reader is NOT wearing undies, teasing, embarrassment, Elvis being an ass, Implied smut
June in Tennessee was absolutely ridiculous. Unless you were wearing next to nothing, there was a good chance that you overheated. Unluckily for you, your car had decided to take a different route and bust up on you while you were trying to leave your house. It was hot. You were frustrated. There was absolutely nothing that could have made the day better.
Except for you sexy mechanic boyfriend.
You met Elvis almost 2 years ago when the same thing happened to you. The only difference is that it was August and you were on the freeway. You walked almost a mile towards the outskirts of Memphis in search of a little body shop you spotted on your way out of town. Things with Elvis just clicked instantly and you were happy to call him your own.
You slammed your hand against the steering wheel and got out of the car. You stomped back inside your house and slammed the door. “Stupid car. It’s so hot WHY IS IT SO HOT!” You couldn’t tell if you were more mad at the heat or the car.
You pulled the phone off the receiver and dialed the body shop Elvis worked at. It rung a few times before Elvis’ deep sultry voice answered.
“Presley Body Shop. This is Elvis speaking how can I help you?”
“Hi baby!” He perked up at the sound of your voice. His heart was pounding in his chest like a fool while he smiled boyishly from the other end.
“Hey Doll. Whatsa’ matter? Care givin’ you trouble again?”
“You know it. I tried to run some errands but the universe had other plans. Can you come pick it up?” You smiled as you spoke. Knowing Elvis and his talent with cars, it would be a quick in-n-out.
“Well, I’m about to go on break. Why don’t I just come there? I’ll take the truck and bring some tools.”
“Oh, but it’s your break! I wouldn’t wanna bother you!” You pleaded.
“Baby, trust me. Any time away from here is a good time. I’m on my way girlie. Sit tight.” You two exchanged goodbyes and you hung the phone back up. You slipped off your shoes and ran down to your room to change. It was miserable out and you were sweating. You could at least make yourself look a little more presentable for him.
You peeled off the shorts and shirt you had been wearing in exchange for a little white satin slip dress. You knew it was a little risqué to be wearing it outside but it was only gonna be in front of your boyfriend. You also decided to forgo underwear as you deemed it way too hot outside to be trapped under so many layers. You teased your hair a little bit and applied a layer of some pink lipstick. You rushed downstairs and slipped on a pair of white heels.
Right as you were getting ready to go out and wait for him, there was a fast knock at your door. You opened it to reveal Elvis. He had one one of those mechanic jumpsuits and a pair of boots. He was covered in grease and sweat.
‘God I want him to fuck me right now!’ You clenched your thighs together slightly and smiled at him. “Hi baby! I missed you!” You gave him a little kiss on the cheek and he smiled back at you. “Missed you too yittle. Now, what’s the issue with ya car?” You giggled at his sudden nonchalantness but nonetheless, told him what was up.
“Well, I was trying to go to the store and when I started my car, the engine popped! The A/C when out too. I’m not sure what’s wrong with it.” You spoke to him. He nodded along with what you were saying to show he understood and he was listening.
You grabbed your keys and walked out to the garage with him. “Let me show you what I mean.” You turned on the ignition. For a moment, it almost sounded like it was gonna start. However, it sputtered a few times and the headlights went off again. “See! I dunno why it’s doin’ that!”
Elvis looked at the car perplexed. He knew that you had just ran around town a few days ago with him and it sounded just fine. What was so wrong with it now? He walked towards the hood of the car and popped it open. He took a long time examining it before sighing and closing the hood.
“Baby, I think Imma need to look under your car. I got a tool box in my truck, can you go grab it doll?” You nodded and sent him a sweet smile before skipping off to the truck. Meanwhile, he stationed himself under your car and began to skim around to find the issue.
You had returned with the tool box barley in your hand. It was hot and it was also heavy. The swear forming in your hands caused it to keep slipping out of your hands. You rushed your way through your garage and dropped it in front of him.
“Woah! Coulda’ hit me there doll! Whatsa’ matter?”
“It’s so heavy! And it was slipping out of my hands.”
He chuckles while you purse your lips. “You better not be laughing at me E!” He lets out a hearty laugh and smiles at you. “Never baby!”
You roll your eyes and pull of a folding chair to sit on. Elvis had returned back to the underside of the car to look for the culprit to your issues. “Baby, can you hand me the flashlight to your left?” You nodded and bent down to give it to him.
For a while, this cycle of sitting down, getting up to hand him things, and sitting backdown continued. Elvis was obviously working hard while you just sat there and looked pretty. You were no car mechanic, sure, but you still wanted to be of some help to him.
“Elvis, is there anything I can do to help? I just don’t wanna sit here and do nothin’.” You rose from the chair and stood over him. He pushes himself out from under your car to answer. As soon as he’s fully out from under, he looks directly up at you. However, instead of your face, he’s met with your pussy.
His eyes widen and he opens his mouth, only to close it right after. His pupils are blown wide and a blush is evident on his face. “W-what did ya s-say? I ain’t hear you is all.” He stumbles pitifully over his words.
You cock an eyebrow up and look down. “I asked if you needed any help. Are you ok?” You asked. Your lips pursed as you studied the look on his face. He looked like he didn’t understand what you asked and just kept staring at you.
“Uhh… Earth to Elvis? What’s wrong?”
At your question, he finally snaps out of his trance and looks you in the eyes. A grin that slowly turns into one of his lopsided grins is evident.
“Nothin’ baby. If you want, you can hold my tool box for me so I don’t have to keep getting up to grab tools.” You says in his sweet molasses accent. You smile and nodded.
You bend down to pick up the tool box and hold it in your hands while still standing him. It was heavy - ridiculously so - but you wanted to help out seeing as you were the one who got yourself into this mess.
For close to 10 minutes, Elvis would emerge and re-emerge from the underside of your car with a bolt or a wrench. He would swap them out for a different tool. However, before he would go back under, he would look up at you and stare into space for a while. At first, you smiled at him under the false pretense that he was looking at you and not your cunt but, after the first 5 times of doing that, you began to get skeptical.
“Elvis, you keep looking at me with that look. Is there something on me?” You spoke anxiously. What if you had bug on you or a stain on your dress?
“Eh.. lack-there-of baby.” He spoke smugly. You turned your head to the side and stared down at him, confused.
He got a big dopey smile and pushed himself back under the car too continue working again. There was a deep rumble coming from his chest that sounded a lot like him laughing. An pang in your chest rang out through your whole body as you watched his lower body vibrate with a laugh. You felt tears well up in your eyes and you sniffled- rather loudly.
Sensing some kind of distress, he quickly pushed himself out and again and stared into your eyes. “Baby what’s wrong?” He looked at you with sad eyes.
“You keep staring and laughing at me! Is there something wrong with me? And what does ‘Lack-there-of’ even mean!”
You looked at him through damp eyelashes while sporting an irritated face. He smiled again and let out another hearty laugh.
Anger bubbled in your stomach like boiling water, just ready to spill over the edge. Before you had the chance to set the tool box down on the ground, he sat up and gripped your thigh.
“Don’t you feel a breeze?”
You stood for a second, very confused, as you looked at him. “Elvis, what do you mean?”
“You ain’t go panties on baby.”
Your eyes widen and your heart sinks. You thought back to that morning when you had decided against panties because of the heat. If you thought it was hot before, it was whole hell of a lot hotter now.
You gasped and stared right down into his pretty blues. A smirk was trained in his face while he let out a low snicker. Your mouth hung open, almost detached from your jaw.
“I-… Elvis… I-I can’t-“ You stumbled out. Your cheeks turned a bright shade of red and the horrifying reality finally set in. ‘That’s why he kept looking at me. That’s what he was looking at.’
Your grip on the toolbox almost loosened completely and fell on Elvis’ stomach. His snicker turned into a full on laugh. You closed your jaw and gave him an almost murderous look.
“Stop looking you pervert! Why didn’t you tell me what you saw!” Your normally soft temper was amplified tenfold. How could he just sit there while you embarrassed yourself? How were you getting so turned on from this?
“Elvis! Please let me go put some panties on!”
“No baby, I’m almost done. Just stay like that for a few more minutes and afterwards, I’ll show you how sorry I am.”
At the sound of this deep sultry voice commanding you, the wetness that had slicked up your thighs had dripped down your legs. The cocky look on his face only grew once he had seen what he was doing to you.
“Well. Ain’t that a sight.” Your red face turned even MORE red at his smug and mocking tone. You whimpered and attempted to close your legs a little bit. His hand shot up and held your mid thigh.
“No. Keep ‘em open. Wanna see my pretty girl.” You gulped heavily and nodded. You spread your legs open a little bit and continued to hold the toolbox.
The next 5 minutes continued in a sort of system. He would emerge, and stare right up at your pussy for a moment whispering sweet nothings up at you. He would lazily look for his next tool and slid back under the car. Finally, he had finished and came out from under the car fully.
You stepped back and set the tool box down on the ground, pouncing on him and holding him on the ground. You gave him an annoyed glance and squinted your eyes.
“You’re an asshole Elvis.”
“I know. But I’m your asshole, ain’t that right doll?”
You huffed out and picked yourself back up and off of him. You stood and offered a hand to him on the ground. He pulled himself up and smirked down at you. He pressed his lips against yours and held your waist in his big mitts. He released you from the kiss and took on a seductive look.
“Baby, let me treat you to an apology, please?”
(Faves!!: @gracerose68 @presleyenterprise @elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @ccab @18lkpeters @myradiaz )
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thoughtsofatransboy · 23 hours
dave mustaine transforming the reader into his little pillow princess pls (smut, fem reader)
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Well, now seriously: Thank you SO much for your ask. I'm sorry that i took so long to write it (seriously, this ask is from April) Probably writing mistakes, take into account that english is not my first language
Anyway, it might be bad because it's my first time writing in months, but i still hope you like it.
Warnings: F!reader x Dave Mustaine, selfish Mustaine mention, p in v, oral f!receiving
You and Dave were dating for a while. A cute couple, he was your sweet boyfriend and you were his nervous little doll. Nothing to complain about, right? Well, not exactly… Sex was something to complain about. Don't get the wrong idea, sex was not bad but he was surprisingly selfish, not much of your liking.
You never thought he noticed your unsatisfsction tho. And surprise! You were wrong. Since you wanted his dedication, he was up to give you his dedication and you weren't going to deny it.
Dave have been noticing that you weren't cumming often when fucking. Well, he had to admit it, he was selfish when it comes to sex: Fucking at his pace, eating out lazily and not taking too much time to excite his partner. Last time he had his way with you, you accidentally admited that you were sexually frustrated, but you tried to dismiss the topic almost instantly. He decided that today, was the day to change things.
Another boring saturday night, your body almost fusing with the couch, when your adorable boy approached you. Without any words, he started to kiss all over your face and obviously, you were giggling a lot.
"Darlin' what you're doing?" You said between your giggles, Dave just smiled and continued to kiss your skin. Now, his kisses were more concentrated on your neck. Suddenly, he sucks on the sensitive area, causing you to moan. That's when his intentions were clarified, and reciprocating his actions, you pull him into a kiss. The kiss that not so slowly turned into a making ou session.
His hand starts caressing your waist, then your hips and it goes down until his fingers reach your pants button. Your mind was a little foggy from your horniness, so you didn't pay attention to Dave undressing you little by little. You only fully came back to your senses when you noticed that both of you were naked.
He kissed you more, while you adjusted yourself in a comfortable position. He whispered in your ear, with a deep but warm voice. "I gonna make you so happy today, sweetheart". With that, Dave makes his way to your pussy, kissing all the way. Your neck, your belly. He teased your inner thighs with kisses, sometimes sucking on the skin.
When his mouth finally got to your special place, you felt in heaven, he didn't eat you out just like a starved man, he was literally starving for your cunt. He slowly inserted a finger. Fingering you slowly but deep, he sucked on your clit softly.
It didn't take much time for you to cum, with a loud moan escaping through your lips. Dave's smirk was noticeable from your view. "What you're smirking at?"
"Your cunt", you and Dave chuckled when you slapped him playfully on the arm for his answer. Your chuckles were instantly dead when he turned you around without hesitation. We smacked each asscheek, still with his silly smirk. He gave his cock some lazy strokes while lining himself with your entrance. "Shhh… Now it's only about you, ok?" Without any more words, his shaft entered you. Instead of what you were used, he gave you sometime to adjust to him. When you nodded your head, he picked up the pace, slow and deep.
Your eyes were staring at his, your bodies moving perfectly to each other. Such a sight for sore eyes. He gave your neck some lazy hickeys and your lips recieved quick pecks. It didn't take much for you to squeeze his cock with your walls, a sign that your climax is near.
After some more minutes, your orgasm crashed into you, your muffled whine didn't let any doubt. Dave didn't took so much to orgasm either, you decided to let him cum inside, just this time. He took you on his arms as soon as he got down from his high, caressing your hair and asking if you were ok. He got you a cup of water and cleaned your bodies.
Dave sat next to you, with his hands caressing your shoulder. "Did you like that?" You only nodded. "No more selfish sex, deal?", "Deal". You couldn't be more satisfied.
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venusandlotus · 3 months
Omg Oomi ur readingz are addictiveeeeee
Can u plz plz plz make tarot post on Heeseung (enhypen) how he acts around his crush and how he pursues them😻💛
How Heeseung acts around his crush -
10 of cups , five of pentacles, page of wands
So first of all he gave me a simp vibe tbh its likely that he might even fall for smone at first sight but then later on these remaining two cards were telling that he might even rethink his decisions. Like he might fall for smone instantly but after some hours he rethinks like - ah maybe its just my hormones , that person wasnt even that much attractive i was just stunned bcoz it was our first time meeting eachother ,etc but he rethinks about that person like are they really even worth it? In relationships he might be a loyal person but before committing to smbody and before even having crush upon smbody he logically rethinks . He is quick to like pretty people and he is quick to act like a lover boy or a flirt at that present moment but for crushes i think he doesnt sticks to one person all the time , its likely that he may have multiple crushes ( its not a bad thing tho as long as he isnt keeping anybody waiting ) and he is quite quick to even get detached from any crush as soon as that person shows anything negative maybe bcoz he knows there are quite alot of people who would be wanting him and spending his time and energy on only one person isnt worth it, his this way can change in future but for now things may be like this for him its like bro knows how to jump from one place to another . If he wants a person he quickly becomes a simp / gives off lover boy vibes but he is quick to change his mind while Jay , Sunghoon and jake all gave me one sided / committed to their crush only vibes . It maybe even bcoz of the attention he is getting , he is enjoying all that and i also feel like deep down he knows how to use his charm against anyone he wants. So overall its like - when smone catches ur eye at airport or some streets and later on u just forget them , thats the vibe he is giving and i dont get anything from him regarding his crush maybe bcoz he isnt into that thing of feeling too deep for right now.
How he may pursue his crush -
Two of swords , temperance , two of wands
okay so as I mentioned Jay may think about possible scenarios before confessing or making move , he is same as Jay, this guy will rethink about his decisions and he will even question himself that “are they even worth it ?” Its like his ego or idk what to call but smthing comes into him before he gives himself away and even if he confesses to a person its likely that he might not let anybody know about whats happening between his crush and him , in sunghoon’s reading that guy literally asks for advices or how to approach smbody to his dear ones but this guy will try to keep things away from his circle even if he lets his frns know that he likes smbody he wont even let anybody know that today he is going to confess . This reading is more like i m picking up things about how he does his stuff rather than how he pursues his crush and i also picking up that even if his crush rejects him he is likely to be okay and move on quick idk but i feel like this man is having his time and enjoying his life more
Please take this reading with a grain of salt , my readings arent intent to harm anybody.
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