#i might eventually run out and start recycling quotes but im pretty sure some of them are old enough you wouldnt have seen them anyway
bi-demon-ium · 1 year
🌺 favorite poetic quote from a published work
🍌 favorite funny quote from a wip
⚡️ wild card: dealer’s choice of quote from a completed work
🫐 a line from a published work that you’re proud of, but no one’s mentioned yet - or if you can’t think of one, an underrated line in general
🌈 asker’s choice of wip: request a quote from a wip (a certain wip? a certain character? a certain emotion or trope if it’s there? up to you!) Do you have any Executives stuff?
No pressure at all! But I love when people are confident enough to do Ask Games, and, as I said, it's neat to see what they think of :)
no no please i promise it won't get annoying i love asks so much
favorite poetic... hmmm i have so many published works that this will just be off the dome probably but.. okay this is a big one but it's what came to mind so rip
(One night Milligan quietly, slowly asks him do you think I was a bad person? and he looks so honestly shocked, surprised even at the idea.
Milligan looks out the window after that, won’t meet his eyes, and continues, what if I was? I can do so much harm, and I don’t know why.
And then even softer: What if I hurt people?
And Mr. Benedict says, equally softly, you have a gentle soul, Milligan. I doubt you have ever been a bad person. But even if that were true… he sighs. It matters who you are now, and what choices you make now. We aren’t defined by our pasts.
He winces at that, realizing what he’s said, but Milligan only chuckles slightly. I do need to know mine, he says, after a moment. And he finally looks back at Mr. Benedict, at Nicholas, who watches him with dark, sad eyes, and says, But what if it’s something I regret learning?
Mr. Benedict looks sad—understanding, but sad—then after a moment, rather abruptly, says, You know, you’re also an excellent cook.
Milligan blinks at him, slowly.
And yes, you are exceedingly adept at martial arts, but I’ve noticed, Milligan, you only ever incapacitate.
I could do worse, Milligan says, before he can stop himself, and Nicholas smiles.
Yes, you could, he says. But it’s not your first instinct. But you don't.
When Milligan only stares—unsure what to say—he sighs again, softly.
You are who you are now, he says. And you, Milligan, my friend, aren’t a bad person. And your hands, whatever you think—he lays his over Milligan’s—aren’t only for hurting.)
-- from "keeping out the cold"
funny wip quote... im pretty sure ive posted this somewhere before but its so funny im gonna do it again
the onyl context im giving you for this is they are all literally kidnapped rn mr benedict has launched himself out of the kidnapping to attempt to murder his brother with a pillow
“The whole buff lumberjack thing, wow—”
Milligan blinked, utterly not expecting this turn in the conversation, and Mr. Benedict launched to his feet, and, having snatched a pillow, threw at him as hard as he could.
Curtain dodged it, cackling.
“SHUT UP,” Mr. Benedict all but screeched, grabbing another pillow, “You jerk, I was literally hypnotized, you jerk, you absolute dick—”
“Tall, long hair, bisexual fisherman chic,” Curtain crowed as Mr. Benedict all but charged him, swinging the pillow with the force of someone trying to smash through a brick wall. Behind them, Milligan self-consciously looked down at his hair. “Like the cover of a ro—”
His sentence was cut off by a loud OOF as he was walloped extremely hard with a pillow directly to the face.
“STOP HITTING ME,” Curtain shouted from the floor. Mr. Benedict did not stop.
“YOU! JERK!” he said, punctuating each word with another hit. (“stahppit!”) “I’M! GONNA! KILL YOU!”
i just thnk them activating each other's cain instinct while they're still like. fully enemies. everyone else is tied up at metaphorical gunpoint rn and nicholas is just like IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU YOU JERK YOU SHITHEAD YOU ABSOLUTE GODDAMN BASTARD [ATTEMPTS HOMICIDE VIA PILLOW]
dealer's choice from published work
this bit from "kind cruelty" (written before or during s2 so speculation for the hypnotism without seeing how it worked in canon yet) still kills me
also im just doing super long quotes for this one rip everyone reading this
"I'm not--I'm not guilty. I'm not sad, or angry--" his voice broke a little, but he continued, "I'm not tired all the time. I can sleep, and I can sleep without nightmares. It doesn't hurt. Please, Milligan. I'm so tired of hurting."
He sounded so small, the confession soft and tired, and Milligan desperately wanted to either hug him or shake some sense into him.
"Why should I give that up?" he asked. "Why?"
"Because it's not real," said Milligan quietly, and he stepped closer, nearly chest to chest with him now, and squeezed his shoulder just a little. "It's hurting you, Nicholas."
Nicholas's lips trembled a little at that. "...What if I don't care?" he said at last.
Milligan exhaled softly through his nose, and gave in. He pulled him into a hug, and Nicholas didn't fight it, but didn't return it, either.
"Then I have a cruel answer for you," he said finally, soft and low and resigned, staring past him at the wall. Nicholas said nothing, only waited. Milligan squeezed him a little tighter, and said quietly, "Because I've asked you to."
Nicholas didn't move.
"Please," Milligan whispered over his shoulder, fingers curling to rest between his shoulder blades.
Nicholas let out a breath and leaned forward, forehead resting against Milligan's shoulder. "Okay," he said, voice tiny and thin, breathing shuddering out of him. "Okay."
underrated line/line no one's mentioned yet
this one's always hard bc sometimes you have the perfect thing in mind but if you dont youre fucked lmao. i don't so i'm just going to go with something from an underrated work, "the midnight waltz"
Milligan spun him around, and although he wasn’t thinking of it, that thrum of joy was ever-present in the background, disbelief and love and joy, and he felt happier than he’d felt in a very long time indeed.
He, of course, at that very moment, tripped, ankle twisting as he stepped on a stick at the wrong angle, and a surprised yelp escaping his lips rather involuntarily.
This could have been an unpleasant knock to the head, or even just something else to laugh at, but—well, when he wasn’t getting pulled down with him, Milligan had quite a lot of practice in catching a falling Nicholas.
So instead of lying on the ground, whether bruised or giggling, he found himself instead in what very much resembled a dip.
Milligan, whose face was very close to his, blinked. “Can we say I did this on purpose?” he asked.
hmmmm i don't think i have any executives stuff on hand but. well i do have a little martina? somewhere? or i did, i'm not sure if lost it to the Great Hard Drive Implosion of 2023.
.....okay i can't find it so i'm just. here hang on. [ten minutes of loud sustained offscreen construction noises and unfaltering weeping]
Jackson and Jillson are really more like Jackson-and-Jillson, a unit, a pair in the way scissors is a pair. They’re really one thing, not two, for neither feels whole without the other.
This front they present is not entirely a lie. They are a pair, a unit, an inseparable creature; they are a fearsome and unnerving Orthrus.
But despite being platonic soulmates in the purest, most traditional sense (Platonic, not so much platonic) they are, in fact, two people, whether they like it or not.
okay i just spent like fifteen minutes writing some jackson and jillson content bc i love them and most of it is garbage but i liked the opening so here it is
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