#i might be hcing that he was one of those children born with all black eyes and Gora had him 'fixed' only shortly after his birth
bolithesenate · 8 months
nonhuman traits/special characteristics Serennians exhibit*, in no particular order:
Normal vocal communication of Serennians often is accompanied by a number of supplemental clicks and chirps with distinct meanings.
Many exhibit a prey drive akin to predator species like Togruta. Young Serennian children have to be trained out of it.
Black hair and eyes are common characteristics and it is true black, not dark brown. In the case of eyes this interacts funnily with Chiss genetics sometimes, resulting in completely black eyeballs, which often gets 'corrected' surgically.
Their stomachs are strong enough to eat raw meat and are resistant to most common and several uncommon parasites. On the flip side most Serennians are very lactose intolerant.
Even in the grand scope of things they have a really low percentage of Force-sensitives when measured against their total population. Practically all Force-sensitives born on Serenno are from immigrant families, in fact.
Many have infrared vision, a boon from their Chiss heritage, but it causes a number of eye issues, especially as they grow older.
Generally a lot of eye issues lol. Eyes are easy to fuck up.
Roughly a third of the population sheds their sets of teeth three times, with a second adult set coming in roughly around 20 that has three sets of incisors and only one set of molars. Correlations have been found in a heightened red meat consumption in teenage years and the development of this characteristic.
Even with modern technology Serenno's native populace has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the Mid Rim, simply because the long tern effects of Sith Alchemy result in a lot of birth defects and stillborn. Many couples looking to conceive actually get themselves tested beforehand if there will be any heightened chance for genetic degeneration or other heritable issues. This issue (and the proximity to Mandalorian Space) have resulted in adoption being very popular. Or they marry outside of their planet.
* some of these are more common or more pronounced depending on the individual
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