#i meant on pc woops
syrips · 7 months
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"yea yea yea! don't be such a buzzkill! only i can be one. and by that.. i mean... i buzz. and kill!"
-- my satyr pc bee-bardbarian, in a strahd must die-style 1-3 shot campaign 🐝
Vixous "Honey" Melliferous (she/they) (Vixxi Honey for short)
Queen Vi
other silly vixxi lines below (some for rage or vicious mockery):
"-laughs excitedly- ooohoohoohh, i'm feeling a sugar rush!!"
"i'm not a bee. -sarcastic playful- why would you say something so cruel!?"
"woops, my dipper landed hard on your head, i didn't mean to injure you, i meant to kill you! hooh!"
"oh! my Lord, no wonder your mother doesn't love you."
"how exciting! are you mad at me?? i thought i was supposed to be the one in a rage!"
"finally, i can marry her once i deal with you!"
"armor?? but that doesn't match my hooves at all!"
"-laughs- hold on, hold on. you're not done with me yet!"
"you seem a little lost. let me help you back into the grave!"
"-laughs- i can't wait to tell everyone you got beat up by a damsel in a dress!"
"-opens tome- ... -laughs without any context-"
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If Janna and Marco had a girl, I like the idea of their daughter being named Raven.
lmao i can see that i can also see a lot of “quoth the raven” and “nevermore” jokes
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beetlemancy · 3 years
March and Quen'pillar
March - Which of Sam’s many terrible ad-reads from this year live rent-free in your brain?
"I'M A CAT. Chris Pratt is Garfield? Weird flex, but no." Its the way he cups his hands and moves his shoulders for me. Its the way it awakened something in his husband for me. SAM: "You wanna see my butthole?" LIAM: immediately "Yes."
Quen'pillar -  Do you think we will get any PC/PC or PC/NPC romance in 2022? If so, who?
If Matt doesn't romance Liam again what are we even doing here?
No but really I love the idea of them exploring that possibility more, any and either of them, because they're one of the only D&D groups equipped to make it work logistically. Its a fascinating new aspect of the game and honestly I'm here for all the weirdness and timing and struggle to keep it working. I think they'll only improve! Edit: Woops! I meant PC/NPC romance, not PC/PC. By which I'm referring to how difficult it is to include 1 singular NPC into a game with the level of detail and commitment of a PC in order to do the romance justice without having a very regular schedule that is literally your job. Not that non-cr people don't attempt and do it well! just that CR is specifically set up to make it easier!
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how do you do that text editing shit :eyes:
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krillnit · 6 years
PGF Post-Mortem
- Our style guide stayed true throughout the entire process. Every team member was on board with how we wanted the game to look, and we all worked well together to maintain a cohesive aesthetic. This is true for models, UI and textures.
- We managed to use one penguin model, and adjust it with the rig to make it appear as though all four penguins were unique. If we had more time, individual models would have been ideal, but this was an excellent way to make our game seem ‘polished’ in time for PGF.
- Our core game mechanics were simple, yet effective. We did not over complicate anything, and focused on getting our main systems to a high standard. Although we had other mechanics that we were interested in implementing, we stayed realistic and only added more when the rest was ‘finished’.
- From mid semester on wards, we regularly communicated, mostly through Facebook, and at least once a week in person. There was rarely a day where Emperor Penguin was not discussed in some way. There were definitely some communication issues had, but at the very least we were all available to each other and willing to work.
- Our team was very enthusiastic about the project from the start. We all pitched in ideas when we had them, and every member was available every week, we all pulled our weight and nobody let the team down. I think this shows in our end product, because we were all willing to do tasks that we either didn’t know how to do, or we just weren’t keen on doing.
- This attitude lead to two of us ultimately learning how to script in Unity from scratch, and although it was quite rocky at times (not to mention frustrating) this ended up working so well for us, because when things went wrong, at least one of us would be able to figure out how to fix it. Over the semester, we were calling on the almighty Brad to save us less and less.
- We worked closely with our sound engineer, adding him into our group chat so that he was always aware of what was going on within the project. In the end, we got sounds for everything and they breathed new life into EP.
- Thanks to Daniel studying Graphic Design, he worked really hard to bring our UI up to a professional standard. He worked closely with Adam and Beth as they produced a lot of the graphics, and the end result earned us a lot of praise.
- Play testing was a blast. Even in our early days, when the penguins were just little cubes and you couldn’t do much but bump into each other, people were having fun and getting competitive. It felt good that people wanted to play our game even in it’s most basic form.
- For the most part, GIT was super helpful to us. Aside from a few errors, caused by us not really knowing exactly how git is used or how it works, we had no major issues.
- Trello seems like a very useful tool, however for our group and this assignment, we stopped using it a few weeks in. Git plus Facebook & in-person meetings turned out to be a much more effective form of communication for us.
- At times, especially early on, there were some miscommunication issues which resulted in team members doing work that either needed to be discussed first, or just wasn’t needed. This issue likely bled from our awkward handling of Trello.
- FMOD. This is the system we used to implement all of our sounds, but it ended up that the Unity project would only work on Daniel’s PC, or the university PC’s. This meant that any testing could only be conducted by Daniel, and put a lot of pressure on us for the final weeks. I (Vittoria) had to make and push script changes, which were then tested by Daniel. Rinse and repeat until the code was fixed. We worked around it, but I would prefer not to have to deal with that in the future.
- A few animation hiccups. None of us were really keen to do the animating so it fell by the wayside until the last couple of weeks, and as such we had rigging import issues and a few animation import issues. We did not end up with idle animations because of this, and so that’s why all the penguins look like they’re constantly skating on the spot.
- I know I just praised GIT, but sometimes it didn’t work. Apparently it is NOT a file sharing software. Woops.
- We wanted a recovery ability in the game, where if you fell off, you could smash a button and hopefully get back on the ice provided you had the energy for it. This never made it into the game, because we couldn’t figure out an efficient way to implement it. Ultimately, it was replaced with the jump slam ability, which is a super fun ability, so maybe this dot point belongs in the ‘this actually worked’ column.
- We wanted buffs and debuffs in the game. Sadly, they did not make it in time. We decided that a polished game was better than a semi-polished game with possibly broken power-ups.
- While communication was a plus for us in the end, at the beginning, it was pretty terrible. Nobody knew each other and we were tip toeing around issues. In the future, spending more time together as a team at the beginning of a project would help team members to feel more comfortable around each other.
- For about a month, there was only one member learning to code & applying it to the game. It would have been a lot less stressful in the beginning if two people were learning from the start, or even better, there was a programmer in the team.
- Every developing team probably says this, but if we managed to get our shit together earlier, we probably could’ve gotten the buffs and debuffs into the game. Coding prototypes can happen simultaneously with art concepting, we don’t need to wait for one thing to be finished before starting another (sometimes). I guess what I’m getting at is this: better time management as a group.
- Ensure everyone is on the same page about what tasks need doing, and which need to be done first. If any members are unsure of what to do next, they need to communicate with the team and find out before starting anything new. There’s nothing worse than putting in a bunch of effort only for it to be unused. This is another communication issue. Shocker.
- Animations should really not be overlooked. We thought it would be a lot quicker and easier than it was... have these 3 years at Murdoch taught us nothing?! If we did this project again, I know we would make sure these tasks got done a lot earlier than we did.
- We may not have used FMOD if we were aware of the issue sit would cause us. We’re still unsure if it was us or FMOD that was the problem, but the issues it caused were undeniable. Either we spend more time learning to understand how it works, or we just write the sounds into the code. Either way, something should change in how we handled that.
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