#i mean. tori didn’t fix beck and jade. beck just realized he didn’t like the other girl and then jade sang a song and fixed it
markedbyindecision · 1 year
S4E6 “Tori Fixes Beck and Jade”
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naturesapphic · 4 months
Jade West x reader where she gets together with y/n during the full moon jam (season 4 episode 6, Tori fixes Beck and Jade). Jade confesses after she sings her song. (if you could also add the part where Jade asks y/n to go to the full moon jam with her, which happens after the whole thing with meritive in the janitors closet)
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Tori fixes y/n and Jade
Jade west x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff and cussing
Me and Tori were by her locker when she was telling me how her sisters pants exploded and how her zipper ended up in some old ladies soup. When all of a sudden Meredith came up to us. “Hey Tori! Hey y/n!” She said gleefully as she takes out her earbuds to hear us. “Oh hey Meredith.” Tori said happily. “What’s up.” I said as I give her a friendly smile.
“Just trying to pick a song for the full moon jam.” She said as she puts her earbuds away. “Ahhh.” Tori said looking at me while smiling. “Okay…?” I said not realizing why she’s telling us this but she was nice so I didn’t mind. “So y/n…if you want, I was thinking maybe we could hang out later?” She said hopeful. “Um…” I said unsure of what to say but then she interrupted me.
“I could sing you a few songs and you could help me pick one?” She said smiling. “Yeah um…I-I would but uh…today is not good.” I said nervously. “Oh okay!” She said cheerfully but Tori have me a strange look. “What do you mean today is not good? What’s wrong with today?” She spat out confused. I didn’t know what to say with Meredith right in front of me so I just came up with something.
“Today I have a big jar of coins…and I have to count them.” I said stupidly. I wanted to smack myself for thinking up this stupid lie but Meredith seemed to believe me or just pretended too. “Oh okay! Well have fun!” She said cheerfully and tried to walk away but Tori stopped her by grabbing her arm gently. “Whoa whoa wait wait wait. What do you mean you have to count your jar of coins?” Tori questioned me.
“You know…I’ve just collected a lot of nickels and quarters. And now I need to count them.” I urged on to get Tori off my back. I know she was just trying to help but I really don’t want to sing with Meredith. The only one I would like to sing with is Jade and I don’t think she likes me very much but she doesn’t like anyone. “Um…I should really get to class..” Meredith said awkwardly. She said goodbye to us and Tori said bye back as I just stood there uncomfortable.
“I don’t actually have a jar of coins!” I spat out annoyed. Tori looked at me with a sarcastic look and tone. “Noooo.” She dragged out. “I don’t want to hang out with Meredith okay?” I explained to her. “Why not?” Tori said sadly. “She’s cute and she totally likes you.” She said and I was dumbfounded at the information. Meredith likes me? But why? I didn’t get to finish my thoughts before a arm grabs me and pushes me into the janitors closet.
“Jade? What are you doing here?” I asked blushing like crazy and she gives me a long stare that I didn’t recognize. “Do you like Meredith?” She bluntly asked and I gave her a questioning look. “No? Why?” I asked confused and titled my head at her. “Be my date at the full moon jam and that’s not a question.” She said and stormed out of room while I stood their dumbfounded. I’m going to be Jade west’s date! HOLY SHIT!
~ at the full moon jam ~
I just got here and it’s so crowded. I haven’t seen Jade yet since she had to be here early to rehearse before her performance. I was so excited to be here for her and to hear her sing. Andre came up on stage and greeted everyone “hey folks! What’s up y’all. All right. Everyone sit tight. We’re going to kick off this years full moon jam in just a few minutes.” He told everyone and then his grandma started cheering him on. He looked at her and just shook his head as he walked off stage with his head hung low.
“WILL YOU QUIT SCREAMING?!” Trena screamed at andres grandma. “What did you say to me!” She got in Trina’s face but she didn’t care. “Quit screaming!” She said again. “Are YOU trying to scream louder than me?!” Andres grandma threatened her and Trina shot back at her. “I AM SCREAMING LOUDER THAN YOU!” Trina screamed out. They continued their screaming match as almost everyone left but you stayed as Andre came back on stage. “Okay people, let’s heat things up for Jade west let’s go!” He cheered as everyone else did including me.
Jade went up on stage and I felt my breath leave my body. Holy shit she was beautiful. She locked eyes with me as she started to sing.
“You think you know me but you don't know me
You think you own me but you can't control me
You look at me and there's just one thing that you see
So listen to me, listen to me!
You push me back, I push you back, harder, harder
You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-louder
I'm dangerous, I'm warning you
But you're not afraid of me and I can't convince you
You don't know me
You think you got me but you don't get me
You think you want me but you don't know what you're getting into
There's so much more to me than what you think you see
So listen to me, just listen to me!
You push me back, I push you back, harder, harder
You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-louder
I'm dangerous, I'm warning you
But you're not afraid of me and I can't convince you
You don't know me
And the longer that you stay, the ice is melting
And the pain feels okay, it feels okay, hey
You push me back, I'll push you back
You scream at me, I'll scream at you louder, louder
Louder, louder, louder, louder
Louder! Louder! Louder!
You push me back, I push you back, harder, harder
You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-louder
I'm dangerous, I'm warning you
But you're not afraid of me and I can't convince you
But I don’t have to, I think you know me…” she sang and I stood up and starting clapping with everyone else. She put her microphone back in the stand as she watches me. I go to the side of the stage and walk up them. She walks towards me as I walk up to her. “You were amazing tonight Jade and I wanted to ask you, why did you suddenly ask me out? Do you actually like me or were you just jealous and didn’t want me to go out with anyone.” I asked confused because yeah I like her but I don’t want her to use me.
Jade turned off her big scary look and turned it into a soft one just for me to see as she steps closer and pulls my waist towards her. “Y/n…I could never use you…I’m deeply in love with you and yes I was jealous and I do want you all for myself. Will you be my girlfriend?” She admitted and a big shit eating grin appears on your face. “FUCK YES!” You yelled out as She gives you a smile back and leans close to your lips and captures them with her own. You kiss her back and jump into her arms which she easily caught you. The both of you pulled away for a second and everyone started cheering for you which made you giggle.
Hearing you laugh like that mades jades heart skip a beat and she immediately placed her lips back on yours which you gladly recuperated. After a few moments she placed you back on your feet and took your hands in hers. You went over to your friends as they clapped and cheered for you. “I’m so happy for you y/n!” Cat and Tori said cheerfully as the boys give you a smile. You smiled and thanked them as Jade wraps her arms around your side as she guides you to the chairs. She sits down and makes you sit on her lap as y’all watched other people perform. This was the greatest night of your life.
A/n: I had to keep rereading the request to make sure I understood it correctly, I hope anon that you enjoyed and I hope the rest of y’all did as well. I got this mainly from the episode so copyright to Nickelodeon. Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all.
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hyperfocus-museum · 4 years
Tori Vega
As someone who is very new to Victorious, having just watched it for the first time at the end of February and nearing the end of a third re-watch now, I have a lot of thoughts about Tori. 
When I watched the show for the first time, I’ll be honest. I hated Tori. I went into the show as a Jade stan, having watched plenty of compilations and listened to others’ opinions on her which, as a very suggestible person, definitely influenced the way I saw her. Then I read a lot of stuff on both sides of the debate and decided to re-watch the show objectively. 
Tori Vega doesn’t deserve all of the hate she gets. She doesn’t deserve hate at all, as a matter of fact. This is going to focus in mainly on Jade and Tori since most of the hatred for Tori seems to stem from her treatment of Jade which, as I’ll show, has its’ reasons.
To start from the beginning: the stage kiss with Beck in the pilot. 
The first thing one has to remember is that Tori literally did nothing to Jade. She accidentally bumped into Beck and was trying to make up for her mistake by attempting to get the coffee stain out. Sure, she had a brain glitch at the cute boy smiling at her, who wouldn’t, especially when you’re touching their chest? 
Jade completely overreacted, as she often does; making Tori play a dog should have been punishment enough, but pouring coffee over the head of a new girl in her first minutes at a new school is just cruel and unnecessary. 
The stage kiss? Not Tori’s finest moment but it was her standing up to a bully. It was her way of telling Jade that she wouldn’t be pushed around and, if we want to point fingers, what about Beck? Tori owed Jade nothing at that point; nothing. She didn’t even know anything about her but her name and the fact that she was overly possessive of Beck. 
Beck, however, has been dating Jade for almost two years. He should know her insecurities, how jealous she gets, and he could have easily refused the kiss because he should have known that it would hurt Jade.
But instead, Jade and most of the fandom seem to lay all of the blame at Tori’s feet. I’ve only ever seen one person (publicly, at least) point out that Beck is really the one at fault in this instance and that’s really sad, honestly. And it’s a recurring problem throughout the series, people blaming Tori for things that either aren’t her fault or that she tries to make amends over as soon as she realizes what she’s done. 
In fact, there’s only one instance I can remember where she was in the wrong but didn’t apologize, and honestly, even it’s understandable. Let’s skip ahead and talk about Prome Wrecker, shall we?
Prome Wrecker is a really misjudged episode, in my opinion. People act as though Tori deliberately set out to ruin Jade’s performance, but she didn’t. Honestly, Jade sabotaged herself. Imagine being a playwright and gathering tons of supplies and putting loads of preparation into a performance, including printing out flyers, but not booking the space. 
Now, I’m not saying that Tori was in the right to insist on having her prome, but I’m sure we can all agree that the experience taught Jade something about responsibility. 
And, the truth of the matter is, sometimes Tori fights back and it’s usually when Jade comes in, guns blazing, demanding that Tori do something. Just off the top of my head, I can give you this episode and Brain Squeezers as an example. Tori has anger problems, this is canon. She hulks out sometimes and does things she’ll later regret, this is also canon. This episode is one of those times. 
Jade comes in, even more antagonistic than usual, and orders Tori to cancel her prome. Tori gets pissed and refuses and then Jade does everything she can to sabotage the actual prome.
Where am I going with this? Simple: the reason that Tori never apologizes to Jade about this is because Jade never gives her a chance to feel bad about it. Rather, Jade is constantly pushing the issue and stoking the flames of her anger without giving her a chance to settle down and think about it rationally. 
They’re both at fault here. 
Honestly, I could go on and on but this is probably long enough. 
But I do wanna say one more thing. 
Tori Vega coming to Hollywood Arts is the best thing that could have happened to Jade West.
“No one talks to me like that!” 
“Obviously someone should.”
The truth about Jade West is that, as much as she hates it, she needs someone to challenge her, to call her out on her bullshit and to fight back. 
She is surrounded by yes men; even her own boyfriend is frustratingly patronizing and lets her get away with murder. Everyone is too scared of her to fight back and so she stays bitter and cruel and mean and with no one she can really count on... until Tori comes along. 
Tori isn’t afraid to fight back; she doesn’t just sit there and take Jade’s abuse, but she doesn’t try to change her either. She accepts Jade the way she is but still believes she can be a better person. 
And that, my friends, is why it’s Tori that Jade chooses to go to in Jade Dumps Beck. She’s hurting and in desperate need of help and she chose Tori. Ever wonder why? Well. 
Tori is the only person Jade’s ever pushed who didn’t go. She’s the only person who fought back against her cruelty with kindness, who dared to tell Jade West that she could be nice to her sometimes. She’s the only person who hasn’t met Jade’s intimidation tactics with fear but with kindness and understanding instead, even when she has every reason in the world to hate her. 
Jade knows that she can go to Tori and be herself in a way that she can’t with anyone else because Tori’s proven that she can be trusted, whether Jade likes it or not. She can take off her mask with her and still feel safe. 
And, by the end of the series, the better person we see Jade becoming? 
That’s all Tori’s influence and encouragement and the way that she believes in her. 
Tori Vega is absolutely, 110% the influence Jade West needed in her life and the entire show really is about their journey. I’m just forever sad that it was cut short. 
In conclusion, now that this has turned into my usual ADHD mess of a ramble, Tori Vega is no angel but she doesn’t deserve 99% of the hate she gets for being the protagonist of a kid’s show. She makes mistakes, sure, but she almost always apologizes and tries to fix them. So much of what she gets blamed for is misplaced blame at its’ worst and it feels like Jade blaming her for them getting locked behind the lasers in Wanko’s Warehouse to me. 
Try watching Victorious through objective eyes next time, paying extra attention to Tori. She just might surprise you. 
And, all of this being said, if you just don’t like her because you think she’s boring or any other reason, that’s fair. This post isn’t directed at you.This post is for the people who will see Beck kiss a girl in front of his overly jealous and possessive girlfriend and blame the girl. This is for the people who think Jade West can do no wrong even though she almost (and should have, realistically speaking) killed Tori over a stupid lead in a play. 
I love Jade, I really do; she’s my favorite character but she’s a terrible human being. I’m just sick of her getting away with all the shit she does to Tori and the second Tori fights back, she’s getting hated on. It’s not fair. 
Victorious isn’t made up of perfect characters, far from it. Tori has her faults as much as the rest of them, but somehow she gets all of the hate and I just had to say something. 
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, please help yourself to cookies and Wahoo Punch on your way out.
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jadecarringtonwest · 8 years
Promise by Rose-Aki  TV » Victorious Rated: T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, Jade W., Beck O., Words: 3k+, Favs: 3, Follows: 1, Published: Nov 24, 2016 3 A/N: Welcome to my second Victorious story, I hope you enjoy it :) It had been a week since Jade's and Beck's break up and quite a few things had changed within the group. Jade had distance herself from them and even Cat's attempts to talk to her were harshly denied. Everyone might thought that Jade was only angry, but the main emotion she was feeling was hurt. She had read the group's the slap posts after she left and clearly she wasn't important enough to any of them to go after her, instead they just played cards. What hurt the most along Beck's rejection was Cat's and Andre's behavior, she had thought that she could really call these two her friends, but they had played cards all evening as well like nothing had happened. Jade sighed exhausted when she left Beck's RV with her things in a big bag, confirming to herself and him that their break up was final. When Beck came home from school he found his RV open. Confused he entered his home, only to find the spare key he had given Jade on his desk along with a few things he had left over at Jade's house when he spend the night there. It was strange that she had actually used the key and not kicked in the door like she used to. It only showed that she no longer felt comfortable entering his home and being here. Looking into what used to be her wardrobe in his RV he saw that all her stuff was really gone. The meaning of all of this didn't hit him until he picked up her necklace. Beck's heart squeezed painfully at the small jewelry in his hand while his other clenched the matching necklace still around his neck hidden by his shirt. Seeing his RV so bare of her things and the necklace she wore so close to her heart in his hand, he realized that this time she wouldn't come back to him. Before he knew what he was doing his fist connected with the bulletproof wall of his RV. He was not violent by any means but he would do anything right now to distract himself from this pain in his heart. He had never felt anything like this before. Sure Jade and him had broken up before but it never felt so final. Never had she returned the necklace which was a present from him to her for their first anniversary. She had told him it was too cliche and sappy to wear matching necklaces and that he couldn't seriously think that she would wear it. However two days after he had given her the necklace she had worn it often and he was sure she had only done that because she loved him. With his hand hurting the pain and guilty in his heart still didn't lessen. He knew Jade better than anyone and he knew just how much not only he had hurt her but their friends did as well with their behavior. Jade knew betrayal from her father and back then she hadn't taken it too well. Beck knew for sure she never really forgave her father and he was sure Jade was reminded of his betrayal with his and their friends behavior. How could he have done that to her, knowing how bad she would take it? He was an idiot for letting the best thing that eve happened to him go, but how could he fix this when she refused to talk to him? The next morning at school Beck was surprised to see Andre talk to Jade. She had ignored any of them for a week and now she was talking casually to Andre? It didn't make any sense, so as soon as Jade went to class he cornered his best friend. "Why did Jade speak to you?" "We have to write and record a song together for one of our classes." Was Andre's simple answer, but when he looked at Beck's expression he continued. "She did only tell me to met her after school in the music room so we could I quote 'get it over with so that she can go back to ignoring my existence'." Beck sighed. He should have known that Jade wouldn't come back on her own, she was clearly too hurt to even consider spending time with any of them voluntarily. "Can you try and talk to her for real when you meet her later?" Andre saw how much Beck really suffered from the break up. It was no secret that they had a long relationship but not everyone knew Beck and Jade as well as Andre. He knew that both of them genuinely loved each other and took the break up harder than they let on, so he would help them if he could. "I don't think she will tell me anything, but I'll try my best." "Thanks man." Beck did his best to manage a smile. He still hoped that Jade might open up to Andre, after all she had always considered Andre a friend before that evening. Later that day Andre waited for Jade in the music room just like she had told him to. When she finally entered he could see that she meant business. "Let's get started. I take it you already have a melody in mind." She sat down on the chair next to the keyboard, her expression cold. For an hour they worked on their song before Jade told Andre to record her. Andre was shocked when he heard her sing. Her voice, that made him fall for her in the first place and he admitted only to himself that he still had feelings for her deep inside himself, was so different. Back when they wrote their first song together her voice had held emotions and was just so beautiful, now it was cold and distant. She still sang it technically perfect, but gone was the passion it normally held and it pained Andre to hear her sing like that. Until now Andre never realized how deeply hurt Jade must be. When they finished recording the song Jade stood up without another word and went over to the door to leave. "Jade wait." "What?" Her tone was harsh when she turned back around to face him again. "I'm sorry." "For what? It's not like you broke up with me." "I'm sorry for not going after you and seeing if you are alright. I'm sorry for not being there for you after your break up with Beck. I'm sorry for being a bad friend." Andre saw her soften for a moment before her eyes hardened again. "It's not your fault I thought we were friends. I should have known you were Beck's friend and not mine all along. I should have never made the mistake of really considering you a friend when obviously you only put up with me because I was Beck's girlfriend." With that she turned back to the door. "Jade that's not true, I-" "Shut up. You all made your decision that evening and I made mine. Don't ever talk to me again outside of a school project." With that she left. The next day Andre was reluctant to meet Beck. He knew his friend hoped that he had talked to Jade and maybe ever got through to her, but all he had found out was how much they all really broke her heart. Seeing that Beck was already waiting by his locker for him he took a deep breath and walked over to him. "What did she say?" He had been right, Beck was more than concerned for Jade and couldn't wait to hear how it had gone. "Listen to the song and I think you'll know." Andre knew Beck would pick up the difference in Jade's voice immediately and know how she was feeling without him having to say it, so he pulled out his phone and quietly played the song from yesterday . After the first few seconds he could already see Beck's appalled look. "Who is singing that?" Cat suddenly asked, appearing with Tori behind Beck and Andre. "That's Jade." Andre answered her and saw her eyes widened. "She sounds so different." "I don't now what you mean, for me she sounds like always." Tori spoke up. "You don't know her. Her voice never sounded so emotionless before." Beck said turning away from his friends. Jade had always laid all her feelings good or bad in her songs. One of the things he loved most about her was that she lived out her emotions in her songs or when writing a play. Jade loved her art and was passionate about it, but hearing her voice on this song he couldn't hear any emotions. What had he done? Andre knew from Beck's shaking voice that he didn't need to tell him anything else about his meeting with Jade yesterday. He himself didn't want to talk about it. Jade's words had hurt, but the worst part was that she was right. The one thing he had promised his grandma not to be he had become, a bad person, moreover a bad friend for the girl he secretly held more feelings for. Music, which had always been the root of their connection was gone. Jade had made that more than clear when she refused to sing with emotion for him yesterday. Later in Sikowitz's class the oppressiveness hadn't left the group. Jade sat as far away from them as the small classroom allowed her to. "I have an exciting announcement to make. I have a new play and you all can get a role in it. Auditions are starting now." Sikowitz took a sip out of his coconut before continuing. " Everyone that wants a role stay, the rest out of my classroom." A few students left, but when Jade stood up all eyes turned to her. "Aren't you auditioning?" Sikowitz asked surprised. Jade turned back around facing her improvisation teacher with a cold look. "Of course I would be more than happy to be an understudy again." Her voice was sarcastic before turning distant. "But I have better things to do." Without looking back for a reaction she left the classroom. Cat looked after Jade, shock clearly written on her face. Sure Jade had refused to talk to her for a while, but she would calm down and everything could go back to normal right? That had been what she had thought until now, but having heard Jade sing so unemotionally and seeing Jade refuse to take part in a play were bad signs and slowly she realized that this time Jade wouldn't come back to them. Two days after the occurrences in Sikowitz's class Jade stopped coming to school entirely. Three days after her disappearance Beck and the others asked Sikowitz if he knew where she was. He only answered them that her mother had called and said it was a family emergency and that Jade wouldn't come to school for two weeks. Worry was written on their face the moment they heard that, so Tori suggest they all should go to Jade's house and see for themselves. In the evening Beck and the others found themselves in front of Jade's house, ringing the doorbell. To the surprise of Tori and Robbie a boy, who couldn't been older than ten, opened the door. "We were looking for Jade. Who are you?" Tori asked confused. Totally ignoring the rest of the group the small boy turned to Beck with a bright smile. "It's so great to see you again. Jade told me you were too busy to come over anymore. Are you here to play with me?" Before Beck had a chance to answer they could hear Jade's voice. "Who are you talking to? How often do I have to tell you that you shouldn't answer the d-" Jade stopped mid-sentence when she entered the hall and saw who stood in front of her door. "Isn't it great that Beck came over." Unaware of the shock that his sister tried to hide the boy continued. "Can I play the new racing game with him now? Please?" "I'm sure he is only here to bring me my homework. Next time you can show him your game." Jade forced her voice to stay calm. "Maybe on the weekend when you are working?" He asked hopefully. "You promised your friend to stay over at his place. Remember what I told you about breaking a promise?" "That it's worse than cheating. I would never break a promise or cheat on a test." Andre who had followed the exchange between the siblings was sure with cheating Jade didn't mean cheating in a test, but he was sure Jade wouldn't tell her little brother what she really meant. Beck knew what Jade was talking about. Promises had always meant so much to her and she had told her brother often enough about it in front of him. He had made a promise to Jade as well, that he had partly broken with their break up and he felt even more guilty because of that. "Alright now go upstairs and do your homework. I'll call you down when dinner is ready." "Okay. Bye Beck." When Jade heard the door to her brother's room close her demeanor change. She had acted if everything was alright for her brother's sake but now that he was out of earshot she couldn't hold her anger back. "What do you want here?" "I didn't know you had a brother." Tori said still surprised. "What a surprise because haven't I always told you everything about me." Jade said sarcastically. "And I didn't knew you work." Robbie spoke up. "If you must know my mom is over at my grandma's in New York helping her out because she broke her wrist and because my mom's boss couldn't get a replacement at such short notice I have to work in her place until she gets back. Now get the-" "You didn't told him we broke up?" Beck's voice interrupted what was surely going to be an insult. It seems that only now he had taken in what Jade's brother had said. Jade eyes widened before her eyes glared angrily at her ex boyfriend. "Should I tell him that the guy that he, for reasons unknown to me, adores like a role model turned out to be just another jerk? That he just like our father left when things got difficult and were not only unicorns and rainbows anymore. I might be mean, but I don't want my little brother to stop having faith in people like I did. Do you have the heart to tell him we broke up then go right ahead, you know where to find him." Beck stayed silent and broke their eye contact, only to averted his eyes in shame. He had hurt her so much, she always had little trust in relationships because of her father's behavior, but she had once told him in a silent moment when they had been alone that she believed in their relationship, that was also the first time she told him she loved him. She was right, he had left when it got difficult just like her father had and that made the guilt all the worse. "Thought so." He heard Jade whisper, before her voice got loud and harsh again. "Now leave, all of you." With that and without warning she shut the door in their faces. The weekend turned out to be even more worse for Jade than she had expected when she found herself standing in front of Beck's RV. Her brother's friend was ill, so her brother couldn't stay at his place while she worked. Out of other options on short notice and her brother's constant pleading she had agreed to at least ask Beck if he had time to look after her brother. Annoyed she knocked on the door of his RV. When Beck opened the door that Saturday morning he was in for a surprise when he found his ex girlfriend and her brother in front of it. Before he could say anything Jade spoke up. "Have you time to look after my brother? I have to work and he wouldn't shut up about wanting to spend time with you again." "Please Beck, we can play my new racing game." The little boy looked hopeful. "Of course come in." Beck smiled. "Remember to be mean and don't miss me too much." Jade said smirking at her brother. Beck knew it was her way of saying she loved her brother. The small boy only nodded smiling brightly before entering Beck's RV, leaving his sister and Beck alone for a moment. "Take good care of him. My universal threats apply if you don't." "Trust me I will." Jade only rolled her eyes at the trust part and Beck knew the reason for it all to well. "Look Jade I-" "Beck are you coming? I already started the game." Jade's brother interrupted them. "Anyway I have to go to work. I'll pick him up as soon as I get of work. Bye." With that Jade left and Beck sighed. Stepping inside he saw that the boy had already plugged in his console in his small TV and was waiting for him to join him. "So how have you been?" Beck asked when they started the game. "Good." The boy smiled brightly, before looking thoughtful for a moment. "But Jade isn't as happy as she used to be. Not that she is all smiley and such because she is my sister after all and that's just not her." Beck had to smile slightly at that before focusing back on what was said. "I think she is really sad for a reason, you know she spends hours locking herself in the bathroom and doesn't come out and this time I don't feel like she is doing that to annoy me." If even such a small kid realized that Jade wasn't herself it was really bad. Of course did her brother knew Jade, but Beck knew that Jade always tried her best to not upset her brother after her parents divorce. He knew the reason why Jade was sad and he promised himself that he would finally tell her what he felt since their break up. "You know I made a mistake but I'll fix it so Jade is happy again." "Promise?" "I promise." Beck told the small boy seriously. "You know Jade always says you have to keep a promise." "She is right and I'll keep it." This time he would keep his promise, to Jade's brother and especially to her. He wouldn't let the best thing that ever happened to him walk away a second time. Jade sighed when she came closer and saw Beck sitting on a quite familiar bench near the beach. He had called her and had told her she should come to the beach after work, because he went there with her brother. "Reminds you of all the times we three came here when your mother had to work, doesn't it? Kind of like old times." Beck finally broke the silence between them after Jade sat down. "Back in the old times this wasn't only for show. You know how much I hate playing happy family." Jade said annoyed, watching her brother in the distance. "And what if we are not playing it, but be it again?" Beck asked softly and lay a hand over hers. Jade tensed at his touch and pulled her hand away before facing him. "You broke your promise once, why should I believe you?" Both of them knew which promise she meant. The promise to never hurt her, to never leave her and to always love her. "I made a huge mistake. I can't take back what I said and I can't go back in time so I can open that damn door." Beck ran his hand through his hair. "You're right I broke my promise to you, I hurt you and I left you, but I never stopped loving you. I never broke my promise to love you because I always have and always will." Seeing her eyes widen a little he took one of her hands in his. "Please believe me." Beck thought it was a good sign that she didn't pull her hand out of his this time, but he saw doubt in her eyes. He knew she was hurt by those around her one too many times to easily forgive him, so he spoke up again. "I won't give up on the best thing that ever happened to me. Let me prove to you that I love you for a lifetime." Jade allowed a small smile to show on her face. "You're still a sap." "And still in love with you." Beck said seriously, every word coming from his heart. "We're not back together, first you have to prove to me that you can keep the whole promise not only the most important part of it." Jade finally said. "I will and I'm starting with buying you coffee and cooking for you when we get home." Beck smile for the first time since their break up. Jade returned the smile and called her brother over, who immediately took Jade's and Beck's hands and pulled them to the ice cream shop nearby. This time Beck would keep his promise and love her for a lifetime. THE END
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