#i mean. the anti feminists overlaps REALLY HARD into transmisogyny obvs its not all clear cut
elftwink · 7 years
junonureyev replied to your post: i think im literally going to have to cite the...
Well fandom is a huge reason, but honestly I think most of us are in fandoms because we’re queer so that’s maybe not that helpful
I KNOW JKSHGDKJHGSHJKH its a very big overlap. i’m citing both fanbases and and the lgbt+ community briefly bc thats. why i use it. and also tbh the things tumblr is well known for outside the site (well, more loosely social justice, but when people talk social justice & tumblr their go-to example tends to be “tumblr invented 9282 genders” which falls under lgbt+ community) even if its. portrayed as a bad thing by them skhjdghhk
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