#i mean usually i go the other way bUT HEY they'll be angsty enough
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Glee Musical Retrospective: Borderline/Open Your Heart
Sung by: Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson Original Artist(s): Madonna
Oh hey! It's a Finchel duet I actually like! As well as being a mash up that I think is incredibly underrated. These songs just flow together seamlessly, and I love it.
Story Analysis
As usual, this mash up completely serves the Finchel story. Rachel may be with Jesse, but her feelings for Finn are still very much near the surface. Meanwhile, Finn is not about letting go of his own feelings (even if he's still trying to figure them all out.)
Something in the way you loved me won't let me be I don't want to be your prisoner so baby won't you set me free
It's interesting that Rachel is singing these lines. The first line, especially, speaks to how Rachel is trying to push past her feelings for Finn, but they're still right there in the open.
Stop playin' with my heart Finish what you start When you make my love come down
Again, interesting lyrics for Rachel -- since she's the who's in a relationship now. I feel like this speaks to the previous episode -- where Finn dumped her and now wants her back.
Don't try to resist me Open your heart to me, baby I'll hold the lock and you hold the key
And then we get Finn's lines -- which are pretty straightforward. I mean, look at the intensity he gives off all during the song. He's zeroed in on her, and not letting that feeling go.
Something in your eyes is makin' such a fool of me
Again, a Rachel line! (even if it's repeated by Finn) - right now in her life, she may have found some one who is perfect for her (and, editorial comment -- he is) but the heart wants what the heart wants. And she still has strong feelings for Finn that she's going to have to deal with.
I see you on the street and you walk on by When you hold me in your arms You love me till I just can't see So you choose to look the other way Well I've got something to say... Open your heart to me, baby I'll hold the lock and you hold the key
They both sing this together... which is kind of where we're at with Finchel. Sure, it's going to take the rest of the season for the two of them to work their way back to each other but how they feel are not in question. And they'll continue to sing at each other until they work through the stuff they need to work through.
Technical Thoughts
Brad is smiling during this song -- what is even going on??
The thing about this song is that the mash up works SO. Well. The songs blend beautifully with each other -- and it makes such a catchy song that you can't help but bopping along to.
Madonna has this relentless energy. Even if this song is a bit angsty -- it's still so upbeat and poppy and driving. The camera work here is fast and whirling, following Finn and Rachel as they float around the school. It's kind of crazy (but so are Finchel) and it really kind of works for the song. The last shot around the piano is absolutely dizzying, but I think it works -- signifying how Finchel is dizzy for each other. (Also - notice they're in eye contact for nearly the whole song?)
So, when they're in the library -- Finn suddenly just starts grabbing books off the shelf and throwing them to the floor. It's so random that I crack up every time I see it. Why, Ryan Murphy - Why?? Also -- Cory is so much taller than Lea, he's half bent during this entire song, lol.
Anyway - here's an interesting thing to listen for. The original Madonna version is very 80s sounding in its use of synth. They've taken most of that out here -- but if you listen to the background, you can hear a little of that synth sound buried. It's kinda cool and a nice nod to the original source material.
Speaking of Easter Eggs -- probably the most fun part of the song are all the Madonna outfit cameos. I don't know enough about Madonna to tell you what is what -- but I do recognize them all, and it's just a ton of fun seeing them all peppered throughout the hallway.
Meanwhile - contradictory to me actually liking this one, I don't... actually like how either of them sound on the song? It's too high for Finn and not really a good style fit for Rachel. But I don't even care - the song is that much fun.
vs. The Studio Version: It's literally a cleaner version of the televised version. Exactly the same. Huh. Probably cause it's a mash-up.
vs. The Original Version: (Borderline / Open Your Heart): Ooff it's SO 80s! Lol. Something I noticed with Borderline - in the mash up they never use the Borderline refrain because they're using Open Your Heart for the chorus, but I think it has some interesting lyrics that fit the Finchel story -- 'you keep pushing my love over the borderline' -- and that's the thing with them. They keep pushing boundaries. Rachel pushed hard during the Front 13, and now it's Finn's turn to see how far he can get....
Meanwhile... what is even going on in the video for Open Your Heart?? You can tell this was a risqué thing back in the 80s. Anyway - comparatively - the Glee version updates the arrangement to make it sound a lot less 80s -- and, honestly, the whole thing really works. I kind of like when the show takes a song in a different direction and ends up making something that not only doesn't sound like a Kidz Bop track, but makes something engaging and fun.
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Spider’s Thread [Reverse AU]
Possessive Red Xiao x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Commissioned for: @profoundwitchsalad
Art Credit: @ruoyeahs
Warning: Unhealthy relationships.
“You’ve ruined my life because I have a warped idea of what love is and I can’t live without you. But now you’re trying to leave me and I won’t allow that. You left me alive. You have a duty to live for me and by me. I’m not letting you go.”
Xiao Semi Series
[ Friendship ] [ Falling in Love ] [ Cuddles ] [ Protective ] [ Affection ] [ Jealously ] [ Opposites Attract ] [ String Of Fate (Soulmate) ] [ Fainting ]
Link to original posts: [Red! Xiao.] [Reverse AU]
Alatus was once told a story by his Master. A sinner who falls into hell is rewarded for his only good deed, choosing not to kill a spider. As his reward, a thread is lowered down for him to climb out of Hell. In the end, the sinner remains in Hell because he kicks aside others and the thread breaks. Alatus doesn't remember why his Master told him this story but he still empathizes with the sinner. He would have done the same or asked for this 'saviour' to extend their hand down instead. That way he could pull them down.
"Xiao? Are you okay?"
He slowly opens his jade eyes to see you hunch over, peering down above him, eyebrows furrowed together in concern as you reach down and softly tap his temple. He allows you to take a moment to do whatever you want with his face before he reaches up to grasp at your wrist gently, holding back on his want to rub circles into your skin. His reminiscing can wait for now.
"What is it?" he asks curtly, sitting up and resting his elbow on his raised knee. You pout at his curt tone but shrug it off as you take a seat next to him and lean your shoulder against his. You dig into your bag and pull out slips of commission papers and hand it over to him to read through what needed to be done today. A few Hilichurl camps needed to be taken care of, sabotaging a slime balloon, all tasks that seem mundane to someone who fought in a war. As he's preoccupied, you take a moment to look at Xiao's face. He's just the slightest bit unnerved whenever you do this because you always seem to know what's bothering someone.
"Were you dreaming of her again?" you ask quietly. The silence is a good enough answer but you nod understandingly. You never knew his Master personally but you did fight a long strenuous battle against her. From one look you could tell she was a manipulative and cruel woman. While it may not be very kind to say, you were glad that with her passing, Xiao would be free from her physically. But mentally...there were still some things to work out. But Xiao was a very reclusive person, especially with his emotions, so pushing him any further would only make him irritated and closed off.
"Venti and Zhongli are joining our party for a bit if that’s alright. They'll help out a lot with our commissions and travelling. I like Liyue a lot but climbing mountains stresses my shoulders out," you laugh as you change the subject to something less depressing. Standing up as you dust your clothes off before turning to Xiao and holding your hand out for him to take. He stares at it hard for a few moments before huffing and reaching over to clasp your hands together.
It has been so frustratingly peaceful since the war ended. He's not used to it and he can still feel the lick of cutting winds and the heavy pressure of rocks against his body when he sees the bard and funeral parlor consultant just on the horizon. If it were up to him, he wouldn't play nice with these two Archons but they're important to you so he bites his tongue until he tastes blood. He knows the Archons do the same. As soon as the two of them spot you both, Venti is already rushing and tackling you to the ground in his excitement.
"Traveler! I haven't seen you in ages. You need to come and visit Mondstadt more," Venti cried into your shoulder as you awkwardly patted him on his back. Always with the dramatics but you cared about Venti all the same. Xiao scoffed before flicking his jade eyes to meet gold as Zhongli stared down at him cautiously. Since the war ended, everyone seemed to have this warped idea that Alatus had some vendetta against the Gods and Celestia but he was fighting because he was told to.
"Xiao. It's good to see you again," Zhongli said to him. Xiao just nodded in acknowledgement. Even with this new mortal form, Morax never bothered to change his eyes. His gaze alone held the weight of the mountains he had thrown. If Xiao hadn’t been under one of them before, he might have crumbled under the pressure.
"Alright alright, Venti. I promise I'll drop by sometime this month but we still have commissions to do!" you laugh as you haul the bard onto his feet and swat his cape down from the speckles of dirt. He grins cheekily at you, linking pinkies with you to seal your promise, before suddenly lighting up as if he just remembered something.
"Actually! Before we start anything, I need to speak to Mr. Zhongli and Xiao. Super important archon things, you know?" Venti nodded to himself as the two mentioned people stared at him with varying levels of confusion. But Venti just waved their worries off and linked his arms with both men as he dragged them off to a more secluded corner with a surprising amount of strength, “We’ll be right back!”
"Do what you need to do but don't take too long," you called after the trio as you trailed off to the side, messing with your bag of commission papers and gear. Xiao hated that. He knows that these two Archons are your...friends.. but shouldn't you be a bit more cautious? Just because they have mortal forms doesn’t make them human, it doesn’t make him human either.
"Hey, there's no need to look so scary. There really is something important I wanted to talk to the two of you about," Venti speaks up as soon as you're out of earshot. It still gives Xiao whiplash whenever he drops the persona and switches back to Barbatos. "Since Morax is the only Archon I trust with this information and, while I don't trust you one bit, you're the one that's with her all the time you should also know. She's ascending to Celestia."
Barbatos gauges both of their reactions. Morax seems visibly surprised, his eyes slightly widened a fraction, while Xiao has no idea what that means. His Master didn’t exactly give him a history lesson on Celestia or Archons, just pointed to who was his enemy and dealt punishments when he failed.
"And what the hell does that mean?" Xiao asks as he crosses his arms. Venti appears for a second as the bard pouts before continuing.
"It's like I said. A mortal who performs great, heroic feats can ascend to Celestia and achieve godhood. Where they will watch over their people from above. I've only seen this once before so it took me a while to recognize the signs. But 1000 years ago, I helped a woman named Vennessa with her ascension and with the traveler's recent actions with winning the war. Well, you don't need me to explain the rest," Barbatos finishes. Zhongli simply hums as he cups his chin and absorbs what's just been heard. He doesn’t seem troubled by the news at all.
"Have you told her about this?" Zhongli questions as he looks towards the direction that you left. Venti shakes his head. “That would mean that she would vanish from this world."
“I know she loves this world. Whether she wishes to ascend or not isn’t my choice but I want her to continue her travels with that beloved smile on her face. But if she does choose to ascend, she will need our help," Venti stares at the two of them in a mix of pride, sadness, and determination. "Can I count on you two for your help?"
It's a complete white noise in Xiao's ears as his surroundings fade out. He thinks he can see Zhongli nod to Venti wishes, the ever calm smile on his face to match the cheery grin on Venti’s. What, now you want to become a God? Leave this world behind? That’s not funny. You made him give up everything. While in your eyes, your blinded hero syndrome, you think you've liberated him from a soulless conquest but he still has nothing. You still took everything away from him and your only compensation was to have him by your side until he left himself. But now you want to leave without a warning? That’s not fair. You don’t get to take back what you owe. He won't allow you to leave him behind.
“Did something happen? Did Venti say something unnecessary again?” you ask out of the blue. Zhongli and Venti had returned to their respective regions once your commissions were all finished. Since the three of them disappeared to talk Archon business, Xiao had seemed even more tense and aloof than usual. As if he was out of it? You knew that everyone was still suspicious of Xiao and they were angsty to leave you alone with him, but you knew Xiao would never do anything to hurt you. When he doesn't answer, you slowly reach over and you subtly nudge his head up onto your lap and look at him curiously. Before reaching down and cupping his cheek. He leans into your touch before turning his face into your palm and leaving a soft kiss. It makes you giggle at the ticklish feeling as you look at him so softly. It annoys him.
"You were never connected to the war and yet you fought against us anyways. Even when I killed so many people, why did you choose to spare me?" he asked as you blinked at him before giving it some serious thought. He went on a rampage and almost destroyed the world. It was fun. He doesn't have any regrets at all because he hated humanity. His own Master was human after all. But then you appeared and stopped him. A random outsider that wanted to play the hero. He thought it was cute. Perhaps he had underestimated the lengths someone would go to to save the world they loved but when he fell defeated at your feet. He said that this wouldn't change a single thing. He would still scorn humanity and what they did to him. He was so sure he would die there but you chose to extend your hand down to him instead despite what your companions felt. Even when the war ended and he had nowhere else to go, you offered him to travel with you. Nothing changed about his mentality, every person that chose to talk to him was quickly scared away with piercing eyes. Every conversation started would end in silence. Every touch would be met by the tip of his spear. But you would link your hands together with his and smile brightly, and he would always end up forgetting his trauma for a moment. You’ve... become precious to him.
"I love this world and everyone in it. You are a part of that world even if you tried to destroy it. It...didn't seem fair to leave you behind when you've suffered just as much," you finish but it only seemed to spark a wave of deep anger inside of Xiao. He quickly lurched up, almost knocking your forehead with his, before grabbing the scruff of your shirt collar and yanking you forward.
"Cut it out with that "love of everything" crap. It's revolting. So you're saying the people I killed weren't worth avenging? Do you think I'm so weak that I need protection? It's one thing to try and please everyone but at least have some awareness would you?" he snarled as he pushed you to the ground. He knew he was being harsh on you and you had every right to walk out and abandon him but you didn't. Of course, you wouldn't. You needed him as much as he needed you. You just reached over and tenderly reached your hand and placed it next to his. Damn it, why is he always the one stuck worrying about you.
"Then you want to protect me, right? Then don't break your promise. You left me alive which means you have a duty to live for me," he takes your hand in his and squeezes hard. Digging his nails into your own until crescents appear and tiny specks of blood appear so you know he's serious. He doesn't care how you interpret his words, just so long as you never leave him.
"Don't die on me, Hero."
It's been a few hours since the conversation so it's pitch black outside but Xiao was never one to sleep. Even if he could, his mind is too loud to fall asleep too. He's startled when you melt against him fully asleep. Honey smooth as you curl up to his warmth and cling to him like moss to a rock. He can feel his cheeks start to flush as his heart begins to pound against his chest. He can't breathe as his world is filtered through each beat that drums against his ears. He's not sure if there's actually something wrong with him or if it's just been a while since someone got so close and his instincts haven't left.
He's just realized it. He's feeling pain. The feeling in his chest is black but he can't claw it away. It's strange in a way that he can't explain it, that he's never felt before, that he's never felt the need to experience. His life had been warped by battle and a constant push to submit to his Master. They are all things he knows but the gentle words that come from your mouth, the bright eyes that hold the world, the horrible ice-hot feeling inside of him is so foreign yet too easy. He doesn't like it.
It makes him feel...clean in a way. Enlightened perhaps? His Master is long gone and it's like you said. He's free now. Free to make his own decisions and live his life how he wants to. He carefully turns over so as to not startle you away as he really looks at you. You look so peaceful in his arms, eyelids shut without worry, face slack without nightmares, breathing so softly against him. If you weren't so close to him that he couldn't feel the rise of your chest, he wonders if he would think you were dead. He stares at the lock of hair swaying back and forth with each breath like a starved man. The strange feeling doesn't stop. He hates it. It's everything that goes against him and what he knows and everything he should want. He's supposed to be the villain in your story, he should kill you right now-
"Xiao..." he hears you mumble beside him as you lean further into his arm. Damn it. How low is he going to go?
“What are you thinking about now? You just need to think about me. Don’t think about anything else...but me” Xiao sighs before he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him until you're snug against his chest. Close to him, where he can touch you, where you belong. Not with Morax or Barbatos. Not with humans but beside him. He closes his eyes and nuzzles his head into your hair and he stares off into the distance. The feeling never leaves him for the remainder of the night.
"Ah! There you are. I was running around crazy looking for you," he turns his hair to see your flushed form pulling yourself up onto the mountain cliff, "When I woke up I couldn’t find you anywhere! You gave me a scare there."
He hates you. He hates you.
Words of his previous master ring in his ears, almost as if her very soul is wrapping around him as she whispers in his ear how weak he is. Ones with power that refuse to take what they want because they rather live in the comfort of nothing. Be greedier, take what belongs to you.
"Xiao?" you say as his piercing eyes stare directly through you. His Master always told him that she loved him. Even if he hated her he still clung to that false love. Of being wanted. Isn't love for a single person vile? Would feeling such emotions for one person instead of "everyone" bring you down to reality? It's not fair that you've crawled your way into his heart while you walk along in bliss. Now that he thinks about it. It was so simple. He just needs to monopolize your thoughts and love. This time it won't be as friends.
"I love you."
He'll pull you down to where he is. You extended your hand down to hell so it's your fault. He'll drag you down kicking and screaming if he has to. You left him alive. You have to live for him and by him. He's not letting go.
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The L word
Pairing: Spike x Reader, sort of Spike x Buffy
Warnings: none really, kinda angsty ig??
AN: takes place in 4x09, also I’m in love with spike and proud of it
“Summers what did you do with my boyfriend?” You yell as you make your way to the living room of Giles’s home.
She looks up with an eyebrow raised, clearly un phased by your anger.
“Aren’t you supposed to only come out in the dark?” She asks boredly.
You groan, anger seething through you.
“Slayer, I mean it. Where is he?” You ask again, looking her dead in the eyes.
She sighs, standing up and walking over to you.
“He’s not here. Why would he come over here at all? We all want him dead, remember?” She explains again with a sigh.
“I don’t know! Where is he? I haven’t seen him in days. I thought... I thought maybe he’d come here to take something but I just... I don’t know!” You whine, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
“He probably ran off to hunt some sorority girls or something.” She responds with a smirk.
You roll your eyes, looking back at her with daggers of a stare. “You’re cruel, you know that? You think I don’t believe that he’d jump some whores bones behind my back? Or go back to Drusilla in a heartbeat? Not that the two are any different...” You mutter with a bitter tone. “But I do. I fear that every damn day I’m with him but that doesn’t stop me from staying with him always, which brings me back to my initial question: where is he?” You repeat, looking to her desperately.
“I don’t know. I tend not to keep tabs on the non threatening enemies.” She responds.
You huff a sigh, rubbing your eyes tiredly. “Fine I’ll just find him myself.” You mutter, storming out the door and into the warmth of the setting sun.
You walk your way home, laying defeatedly in your bed, patting at the side where Spike would usually be.
After a lot of worrisome hours, you finally fall into a less than peaceful sleep.
The next day is spent wandering around, hunting for Spike. You’re restless and you know you probably look crazed, wandering around the town of Sunnydale in your sweats and tank top, your hair a frizzy mess and your eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep.
You wander mindlessly towards Buffy and Willow’s dorm, stopping outside as you see her familiar curly head of hair. Your breath hitches as you see the familiar white head of hair suddenly appear next to her, racing across the lawn, not caring in the slightest how he ended up there. Just that he was there was enough.
You notice the conversation the two of them had started since he appeared but don’t care, jumping onto his back, your arms wrapped securely around him as you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck desperately.
He lets out a grunt in surprise, chuckling a bit as you place a kiss on his cheek, ignoring the rest of whatever crazy conversation he’d started with Buffy.
“Hello pet.” He hums, smirking as he helps you off his back, pulling you into his side.
“I was so worried.” You whisper as he breaths in the scent of your hair.
“I’m fine, I promise.” He responds, nipping at your ear playfully and making you giggle.
Buffy rolls her eyes, moving to push you out of the way. You whimper as she shoves you to the ground, watching as Spike fills with anger, going forward and punching her in the nose, only to cry out in pain and hold his head.
Buffy punches back, making him wince.
“As touching as this moment was, I have business with you.” She growls, grabbing Spike and tying him up easily.
You try to protest but every time she manages to fight you off, threatening to knock you out the next time you tried anything.
You trail after them, not wanting to lose his whereabouts again no matter what it took.
You follow her all the way into Giles’s house again, watching in horror as she tosses him to the ground.
Spike lets out a grunt. “Hey! Watch it!” He growls, glaring up at her.
“One more word out of you, and I swear...” She threatens, pointing at him with a dangerous look in her eye.
“Back off Buffy!” You warn but she gives you the same look, somehow making you back down.
You feel weak and helpless but she manages to scare you. You can’t put your finger on why, more than likely the aggression but she’s a force to be reckoned with and you know you fighting her would only end in your death.
Spike rolls his eyes again, looking bored.
“Swear, what? You're not gonna do anything to me. You don't got the stones.” He says with a small grin, making you feel slightly better yourself.
Buffy scoffs, looking at him in disbelief. “Oh, I got the stones. I got a whole bunch of .. stones.” She responds defensively.
Spike laughs, grinning to her tauntingly. “Yeah? You're all talk.” He challenges fearlessly, his tone almost bored. You giggle a bit yourself, glad he’s not completely miserable.
“GILES! I accidentally killed Spike. That's okay, right?” Buffy shouts, glaring daggers in his direction.
“Lay another hand on him and I’ll kill you myself!” You threaten, jumping in front of your boyfriend quickly.
She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. He on the other hand, looks at you, a look of pride strong in his eyes, making you grin and blush a bit.
“Uh um just a minute...” Giles calls back, sounding confused.
The two bicker back and forth while you wait, uttering threat after threat.
She grabs him, shoving him into a chair harshly. You glare in protest, making your way to her to stop her rough movements but Spike makes eye contact with you, tilting his head in a way that tells you not to try anything.
He sneers at her with anger in his face. “I get this spell reversed, they'll be finding your body for weeks.” He growls, making your face twist in confusion.
“Spell?” You ask, ignoring the heat of the moment.
“Long story babe. You’ll hear all about it when we blow this popsicle stand.” He says with a smirk, glancing at Buffy menacingly.
“Oh please, make a move. I’m dying for a good slay.” Buffy glowers back, stepping closer to him angrily.
Suddenly, the tension dissipates between them and Buffy is untying him, as he stands he allows her the seat, barely giving you a second glance.
“Spike?” You ask, confused.
He ignores you, getting down on his knees.
“Giles!” You cry out in alarm, watching with wide eyes at the scene before you.
As Giles enters the room, you watch the moment continue, frozen in your spot against your better judgement.
“If the two of you could just remain civil long enough for-“ He starts but then he gets a picture of what’s happening.
“It’s just so sudden!” Buffy says with a small, gleeful smile. “I don’t know what to say.” She adds.
“Just say yes, and make me the happiest man on earth.” Spike urges, smiling at her with her hand held in his.
You feel tears brimming your eyes, blurring your vision slightly.
“But- but I thought I made you the happiest man on earth...” You mumble, looking to him longingly. Again, he’s too enthralled with Buffy to give you the time of day.
“Oh Spike! Of course it’s a yes!” Buffy squeals, embracing him in her arms.
A second later, their lips are pressed together, moving in sync and you feel your heart shatter inside your chest.
The feeling of emptiness sinks in as you feel the tears running down your face.
Finally, spike looks at you, a frown taking over his face.
“Oh y/n, it’s nothing personal. I did love you but Buffy and I are just meant to be. We’ve got so much history, it’s only right that something comes from it.” He explains, Buffy draped over his lap.
He reaches to give your hand a sympathetic squeeze but you jerk away, cradling your hand defensively as more tears form.
“D-do not touch me.” You growl, backing away from them and hiccuping between sobs.
“Come anywhere near me again and I’ll stake you myself.” You whisper, looking to him in a haunted daze.
The happy couple quickly gets too involved in each other to care, shrugging and distracting themselves with wedding details as you back out the door, your mind whirling with the memory of seeing them together like that.
You always doubted yourself, knowing Spike could probably find someone much better than you. But you’d never dreamed that of all the women he could get with, the one he’d want would be Buffy the slayer. He’d always hated her and her friends with a passion so strong, you never imagined that passion would go into something other than hatred.
You make your way back to your place like a zombie, your head too heavy with sorrow to think of anything else.
You let your tears roll down your face as you enter, grabbing your things as quickly as possible and shoving them all into a duffel bag, ignoring anything you see that belongs to Spike. You sniffle as you make a small accidental glance at the Polaroid you’d taken of the two of you together not long ago.
It usually made you laugh when you looked at it, seeing as it was you kissing the air considering the whole no pictures thing. Spike had hated taking it but you’d insisted and when you laughed at it you always saw a small, hesitant grin come to his face.
You collapse to the floor in tears, clutching the picture to you desperately. You longed for his touch, the cool fingertips that would send goosebumps over your entire body and warmth all at the same time.
You sit there feeling useless for what feels like hours, the ripe vision of Spike and Buffy sucking face fresh in your mind, taunting you.
Composing yourself, you rise to your feet, dragging yourself back outside.
“I will not let him unravel me like this.” You promise yourself, taking a deep breath.
You pull a hoodie on over your tank top, walking out into the cool night air and off towards the graveyard, needing to clear your head. For some reason the graveyard was oddly calming to you in a sense, the constant quiet and sense of aloneness comforting for you.
Suddenly, you see the scoobies fighting demons out of a crypt. You roll your eyes, turning to walk away but letting out a sigh as you decide to be a bigger person and help.
You run over, grabbing one of Buffy’s weapons and throwing your anger at her and Spike into fighting off one of the demons in front of you. You stab it, making it shrivel to the ground and die. You feel oddly liberated and refreshed, which makes you go after another, then another, then another. Next thing you know, you’ve killed all the demons in sight.
“Woah! Can someone say rage, party of one?” Xander jokes. No one laughs and you remain sulking, crossing your arms and ignoring the couple kissing in the corner.
The gang continues fighting demons as they come. You’re having fun for a while but then you watch as Spike gets attacked by one of them and you jump, surprised by what’s happened.
“Spike!” Buffy and you shout at the same time, both running to him. But Buffy’s faster, grabbing him in her hands and making you feel green with envy.
A second later you’re absolutely seething, watching her kiss him in a moment of worry and passion again. You bite your lip, trying to prevent yourself from saying or doing anything.
A few moments and many excruciating kisses later, a bolt of lightning crashes across the sky. You don’t think anything of it at first, but then Spike and Buffy jump apart as though they couldn’t possibly be anywhere near each other ever again.
“Oh ugh.” Buffy groans, looking at Spike as if he had bit her.
“Oh bloody hell!” Spike cries, his lips curling up in a show of absolute disgust.
The both of them wipe their lips, rubbing at their tongues like they’re on fire. Spike gags and Buffy pretends to tremble in disgust.
“Spike lips! Lips of Spike!” She bellows, shuddering.
“I happen to think you’d be lucky to kiss those lips.” You murmur hoarsely with a sad smile. Spike looks to you in shock, clearly knowing what all had happened.
“Y/n baby...” He says but you turn away, starting to walk away while rubbing your arms for warmth.
“Go away.” You sigh, making your way out of the graveyard quickly.
“Y/n!” He calls after you, running to catch up.
“I don’t want to talk to you Spike.” You say weakly, not even convincing yourself that it’s true.
He runs a little faster and gets in front of you, grabbing you gently by the shoulders to keep you where you are.
“C’mon pet... I would never do that to you, you know that.” He promises. You sigh, looking at him for the first time in the past few days.
“That’s just the thing Spike; I don’t know that. You still pine after Drusilla so I know you’d leave me for her in the blink of an eye. You still chase around college girls, even if you can’t feed off them. And now you’ve gone for Buffy. The slayer. The girl you’ve hated since day one.” You ramble, needing to get everything out in the open. “I’ve always been here for you but you will always put them first Spike and that kills me, it breaks me. But I live with it because I love you. But even with that, I’ve had enough of this whole focus on what you want all the time. It’s... I can’t do it anymore Spike. I’m tired, I’m so tired.” You cry, tears flowing out of you like a river once again.
Spike holds you in his arms, rubbing a hand over your back unsurely. “There there...” he says hesitantly, clearly unsure what to do in this situation.
With his minimal efforts of help, you recompose yourself and dab your eyes, waiting for him to start talking.
“Listen to me alright? That thing with the slayer was not real. Drusilla hates me and I want nothing to do with her either. The sorority girls? Just entertaining and good to take out my aggressions. You’re nothing like any of them. You’re better. You’re better because you’re you and you’re mine and because I love you damn it!” He exclaims, his tone one of desperation and desire as he’s meeting your eyes through his entire speech.
Your eyes open wider as you look up at him, sucking in your bottom lip.
“Y-you love me?” You ask quietly with a soft smile.
He nods, smirking and taking in a sigh. “Yes, I bloody love you with every piece of me.” He promises, running his hand over your hip while the other cups your face.
You stay stunned for a second. He’d never said the L word with you before. It was implied, it was shown through actions and gestures but never actually spoken. The words being directed at you from his lips though, that was the sweetest sound you could ever hear.
“I love you too Spike.” You say with a smile, closing the tense gap between you with an electrifying kiss. You both feel it all through your bodies, the connection binding itself once and for all.
He growls into your lips, making you smile.
“That slayer had nothing on you pet.” He promises, holding you close to him in an almost possessive way.
“Really?” You murmur doubtfully.
“Without a doubt.” He confirms roughly, digging his fingers into your hair.
You let out a moan and without hesitation, he hoists you up, your legs wrapped around his waist. The two of you stay glued to each others lips as he carries you back to the cavern you live in where he shows you just how much he loves you and only you.
#imagine#imagines#fanfic#fanfiction#imagine fluff#fluff imagine#fanfic fluff#spike btvs#btvs spike#btvs fanfiction#btsv#btvs imagine#btvs x reader#btvs spike imagine#spike x reader#spike imagine#spike fic#btvs fic#spike fanfic#buffy btvs#buffy the vampire slayer#buffy x spike#spuffy#spike x buffy#tv: btvs#show: btvs
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