#i mean that's just the hype machine doing its thing it got everybody talking right?
thoughts-reasons · 2 years
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weebtarurights · 4 years
Itaru Chigasaki R (Taruchi Channel)
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--------This is a backstage story from Mankai Apartment event in which the story takes place in alternative universe and the boys addresses Izumi as landlord/landlady instead of director.
Story Title: “ Number of Views Goddess “
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 1˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Yuki: I bet it's about the topic of his videos. 
Banri: Must be it. 
Citron: Itaru will do punctual move for his videos. [1]
Tsuzuru: You mean, mutual love? 
Itaru: I haven't said anything yet. 
Chikage: Heh....Is it wrong?
Itaru: No, that’s not it.
Izumi:  Come to think of it, I haven't watched Itaru's videos. What kind of videos are you doing?
Itaru: I am mainly doing reviews on newly-released games, some hardcore and retros. I’m also introducing game goods too.
Banri: Game companies are totally sponsoring it from behind.
Itaru: That's right. I am receiving new games and goods from them.
Izumi: That's amazing.
Itaru: But lately, the number of views and channel subscribers  isn't increasing at all.
Itaru: So I'm looking for interesting video material.
Tenma: Wouldn't it be better if you just show your face?
Yuki:  It's the only way to make it work out.
Kazunari: That's gonna blast the number of subscribers.
Itaru: That’s doable  but I want to avoid showing my face. It's going to cause a lot of trouble.
That's why, I need you guys to suggest video materials that will increase the number of views. I've gathered so many diverse people here so there should be something, right? 
Izumi: Materials for video?
Tenma: How about making reviews about bonsai? There’s no else doing it and it’s refined. I think it’s good.
Chikage: Viewer’s average age will go up all at once.
Tsuzuru: That's way too hardcore.
Tsumugi: How about flower arrangement? It might look gorgeous in video.
Yuki: How about fashion code? Your style isn't bad either and it'll be interesting to wear different clothes.
Chikage: How about trying spicy foods from different countries. I'll lend you my secret special spicy sauce.
Izumi: I see. It might be nice to eat curry from different countries.
Tsumugi: Isn’t that our usual thing….
Banri: You, curry duo, do it somewhere else!
Citron: You can do 1 content a day! It’s virus marketing! [2]
Tsuzuru:  Viral marketing  is no good !
Itaru: Hmm... . My main goal certainly is to try something new. I wonder if it’s worth doing to earn more views.
Itaru: Fashion code and bonsai is all good...
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Next is, spicy curry review…Can I even do this? If only I had an absurd tongue. 
....None of them is good enough. Aren’t these way too strange? It's especially difficult to judge whether it’s interesting or not cuz the target audience is too small.
...Anyways, let’s up it for now…. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 2˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: (I need to buy detergent and toilet paper. Speaking of, we need to change the lightbulbs too.)
Chikage:  Is this supposed to be interesting? I don't understand anything at all.
Tsumugi: Uh...Hmm...
Banri: Isn’t this revolutionary in a sense?
Izumi: (Everyone's gathering around. I wonder what happened...)
Seems like everyone is getting excited. What's going on?
Kazunari:  Itarun made a video following our advice earlier !
Citron: Itaru did his best but it is kinda strange.
Tsuzuru: The comment section is different from usual too. Everyone is rather baffled...
Izumi: Eh? Is that so?
Comment 1: [Taruchi, what a sudden change of  direction.]
Comment 2:  [Why tho ? lol ]
Comment 3: [Somehow, it’s getting off topic, isn’t it?]
Banri: The number of views is also lower than usual.
Tsumugi: I wonder if giving him advice was the right thing.
Tsuzuru: What do we expect? They were suddenly shown a bonsai when they came to see a game live.
Chikage: I think a video about spices is good in its own way.
Banri: Stop being delusional.
Izumi: It's surprisingly difficult to make the number of viewers increase.
Kazunari: Ah, landlord-chan.  Are you going to shop for house supplies?  Can you buy sweets from the convenience store on your way home?
Citron: My manzai notebook is getting stiff too. I want to buy a new one.
Izumi: Understood. I'll buy them.
Izumi: (Seems like we're running out of equipment too. I might as well check the warehouse)
Itaru: It's Taruchi~.
Kniroun's new capsule toy was finally released~. 
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I splurge on 100 pieces this time  so let's start unboxing ~
First one is--- 
Itaru: So far,  I got 15 normal pieces, 3 copper pieces, and 1 silver piece. I got a silver piece so I think my pace is pretty good.
 Next, moving to our 20th piece.. Huh? This is....
-----(Door opening)
Izumi: .... Ah!
Itaru: ......!
Ahh Seriously?! I can't use this video anymore.
Izumi: A-Are you filming your video in this place?
Itaru: Sigh... HP-1 .
Izumi: I don’t really get it but I'm sorry...  Umm... How about editing it?
Itaru: But in unboxing videos, there's the feeling of joy and sorrow while opening the piece. Doing it in one go is my policy.
Izumi: Right? What is an unboxing video in the first place?
Itaru: It's a video where you open blind items one by one. You have no idea what's going to come out so there's a feeling of excitement.
I’m doing an unboxing video for 100 pieces everytime a new product is released.
The number of viewers for this series is stable. That's why it's solid material to earn an audience.
Izumi: It sure takes so much hard work, doesn't it? 
Ah, by the way,  I'll go shopping later. Can I buy new pieces in exchange for the ones you opened earlier?
Itaru: Really? I’ll gladly accept your offer then.
Izumi: Don't get angry if I don't get good ones, okay?
Itaru: It's totally fine! That’s what makes whaling interesting after all. [3]
Izumi: For tomorrow’s agenda, I have a meeting with Sakyo-san in the afternoon and--
Ah speaking of, I wonder what happened to Itaru's unboxing video?)
Kazunari: Haha! This is insane!
Banri: Ain’t this a godly pull?
Izumi: Everyone is lively today.
Citron: Oh ! You're just in time. Itaru’s number of views is footing up! [4]
Banri: You mean, shooting up! Landlord-san helped with the video without knowing.
Izumi: Huh? Ah, could it be the one earlier?
Chikage: This one. Aren't  the views about to reach 1 million?
Yuki: Compared to the hack's previous suggestion, the difference is heaven and earth.
Kazunari: The title is "Kniroun Capsule Toy Unboxing ~feat. Landlord-san". It's going viral! It’s crazy!
Chikage: Landlord-san, watch with us.  The merit goes to you in this one.
Izumi: I-Is it really that great?
Itaru: [The last 20  capsule toys are from landlord-san! Let's see-- Ehh?! Wait? Seriously?! Woah! ]
Itaru: [A super-rare gold Knight-kun came! ]
[Is this a sign for me to continue whaling? Landlord-san is too much of a cheat!]
Comment 1: [ Landlord-san is amazing.lol]
Comment 2: [Taruchi's so hyped. lol ]
Comment 3: [Maybe, landlord-san a goddess? lol]
Itaru: [That's the end of it.  Maybe I should have her pull the next gacha too?]
[Please look forward to my next video. ]
[Ah.. If you like it, don’t forget to  subscribe to my channel~ ! ]
Izumi: Uhh.. I'm glad I could be of help.
Kazunari: Landlord-chan just became a celebrity! Congrats!
Itaru: Ohh, everybody's been watching me? Didn’t it turn out well this time?
Citron: G'job on your video!
Chikage: That's the power of our landlord.
Kazunari: At this rate, the dream of breaking your record again might not be far away!
Itaru: Thanks to landlord-san's help, the numbers are looking good.  I’d love to do more landlord-san series so I’m counting on you.
Izumi: I-I don’t mind helping sometimes…?
Itaru: Thanks !
 Ah, everyone,  subscribe to my channel~! 
Yuki:  ...Just who are you talking to?
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1)Citron refers to"掃除相談” (Sōji sōdan) which literally means ‘cleaning consultation’. In which Tsuzuru tried to correct him to "“相思相愛” (Sōshisōai) which literally means 'mutual love’.
2) Citron used the term "人炎上" (hito enjo) which literally means 'flaming person.’ Tsuzuru corrected him and said “炎上商法” (Enjō shōhō) or Enjo Marketing, meaning ‘flaming commercial law’: an advertisement technique that aims to produce cliche content that are as shareable as possible.
3)Itaru used the term "ドブ" or "ドブる", a slang word for the act of throwing money on several pulls to get a high-rarity items/ cards from a gacha or capsule machines. In short, whaling.
4) Citron mistook  鯉のぼり(carp streamer) for"うなぎのぼり" (on the rise or skyrocketing).
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butcanijustnot · 5 years
Endgame Alternate Ending
Author: Crystalline / @butcanijustnot
Fandom: Marvel/Avengers Endgame
Tagging: @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 Here, have a thing.
Summary: I wrote an alternate ending because Natasha deserved better. It has a bunch of plot holes and there are bits that make no sense whatsoever but it doesn’t have to, really. I just has to be a bit of fun.
Word Count: 1900 words
Warnings: I mean Endgame spoilers but also not? It’s an alternate ending, so I’m not sure.
Steve had returned all the stones but one. Up until this point it had been reasonably easy, a simple conversation with the Ancient one and a short fight with the Asgardian palace guard. That being said, the last stone, the soul stone, was hyped up to be the hardest one. Clint has told him what had happened on Vormir, as well as giving him a heads up about who was guarding the place, and Steve had assembled something of a plan. Admittedly it was a pretty terrible plan, and counted on a fair amount of dumb luck. Whatever, it was a plan.
He’d made his way to the planet, steeling himself for what was coming. He made his way up the mountain, and finally he was formally greeted.
“Oh, son of a bitch!” Came the crackled voice of the Red Skull, who was so damn angry that Steve could practically see steam rising from him. The cowl he was wearing did nothing to hide the expression of awe, shock and disgust that he was wearing.
Steve put on his best glare as he stormed past him. “Great to see you again.” He mumbled sarcastically. Part of Steve didn’t believe Clint when he told him the Red Skull guarded the soul stone, maybe because he didn’t want to, but not he could see it with his own eyes and the proof was undeniable.
“If you’re here to look for the soul stone, it isn’t here. Two people came a couple of days ago. Only one left, burdened with the stone, its power and the knowledge of what he had to do to obtain it.”
“I know. They were my friends.” He said, opening the briefcase and removing the stone before continuing. “And I am here to return it….” He looked over the edge of the stone platform. He couldn’t see Natasha’s body, but for that he was slightly relieved. If he saw her, limp and lifeless at the bottom of the pit, he would break down completely and that was the last thing he wanted. Instead, he focused on the patterns adorning the ground bellow, reminiscent of Thor’s Bifrost marks. It was oddly beautiful. “How do I do that?” He asked the cowled crimson cranium.
Red skull shifted awkwardly, the closest he could get to a shrug these days. “Nobody has ever tried to return the stone. People who come here always want to take, always taking the power, never wanted to give it.” He monologued, floating closer to the edge to look where Steve was staring.
“Well then, I’ll be the first. Hey! HEY!” Steve yelled up into the fog that surrounded the mountain. Red Skull looked at him like he was insane, but made no effort to stop him. “I want to give this back, I want to make this right, but I want something back in return, just like you did! A soul for a soul, right?” He yelled, holding the stone in the air.
“You’re yelling at nothing.” Red Skull interjected, in a completely monotoned voice.
“I know!” Steve hissed. Was he desperate? Absolutely. Was he doing something that had almost no chance of actually working? Without a doubt. Was he prepared to stop? Not in the slightest.
“Natasha Romanoff. Do you remember her? She stood where I am now, and she gave her life so that her partner, her friend, could take the soul stone. Well, now I want her back, and in return you can have the stone, you can keep it, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure no more maniacs bother you for it again. Please, please. We…” He paused, swallowing the lump in his throat and fighting back the tears. “We need her.” He finally finished, shutting his eyes and shaking his head slightly, the words almost too much to bear.
“A beautiful speech, but I don’t think that’s how these things work.” The Red skull muttered.
Steve paused and then added. “And please, I’m begging you, please let him be wrong again, just once more. I’m an old man. I deserve that much.” He took pride in listening to how the skull growled and floated away.
Steve took a deep breath and threw the soul stone, watching it sail through the air and shatter on the dais below, and felt the mountain shake and roar. The last thing he saw before he slipped into unconsciousness was the sky erupt into a thousand shining colours.
“And coming back in three, two, one.” Bruce said, flicking the switches on the ‘time machine’. Sam and Bucky watched with bated breath.
A figure appeared in the machine, but it didn’t look like Steve. They stumbled a couple of feet and fell onto there stomach with an ‘oof!’ The helmet dematerialised and a sea of red and blond hair pooled out. It took everyone watching a moment to realise who it was and what was happening.
“Nat!” Bruce yelled, the first one to make heads or tails of what was going on.
“Bruce…?” Natasha mumbled, disorientated. Bucky bolted forward and pulled her from the ground, throwing her arm over his shoulders, motioning to Sam for him to do the same. Nat slurred, blinking and shaking her head.
“James! Sam!” She squawked, looking between the two of them. “You’re here! You’re not dead!” She exclaimed.
“Yeah. We did it. We defeated Thanos, thanks to you.” Bucky responded. “But I thought you died? Clint told us that-”
Natasha interjected “Yeah, I think I was supposed to, but Steve found a way to save me.” She said with a smile which Bucky reciprocated.
“Where is Steve?” Sam questioned, looking back at the now-empty machine.
Nat took a deep breath, shook her head and choked out “Sam, he’s not coming back. I’m sorry.”
Sam’s eyes softened and he barely whispered out “Why not?”
Natasha thought back to the last conversation she’d had with him, when he’d tried to explain everything.
The party was in full swing. Post-war 1945 really was a blast. Nat rolled the stem of the champagne flute in-between her finger and hummed along absentmindedly to the music playing in the background. A few feet away, people were dancing like mad, enjoying the victory still bussing through the air. Journalists were flocking like mad, swimming in-between the ecstatic couples like sharks in the hope of catching a glimpse of the illusive Steve Rogers, Captain America in the flesh and not nearly as dead as everyone had thought. Nat noticed one of the reporters getting too close for comfort and tapped her communicator. At the other end of the bar, Steve slipped away from the group he had been talking to so that he could move back to Nat’s table, safe in the corner. He could not hide the smile on his face as he watched the dancers, the singers, the musicians, all celebrating like there was no tomorrow.
“You’re having fun.” Nat stated the obvious.
“Yeah.” He mumbled with a nod. “Aren’t you?”
Nat rolled her eyes and downed the last of her drink in one gulp. “Oh, absolutely. I’m just wondering when you’re going to stop beating around the bush and go find her. We both know that’s why we’re here.”
Steve gestured in the air. “I’ve got time for that.”
Nat brushed the hair from her face and looked over at Steve, eyeing the time-traveling watch on his wrist with a concerned look. There wasn’t enough Pym Particles for both of them to get back to 2023, so Steve better have one hell of a plan here. “So, how are we getting home?” She asked him, trying to sound nonchalant.
“We’re not, Nat.” Steve said, the smile sliding from his face and his voice sounding slightly remorseful as he stared down into his drink. “You are. I’m staying here.” He took the watch off of his wrist and handed it to her, pressing it into her hand when she refused to take it.
Natasha eyes widened and she pulled back, shaking her head. “Steve, no… Are you sure about this?” She saw how serious he was, and knew he was past the point of rethinking now.
He nodded, still refusing to meet her eyes. “Yes. I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking a lot and talking to everybody who would listen, and the way I see it, the world has had enough of Steve Rogers. I’m needed here. I’m wanted here. I belong here, Nat. I was never supposed to make it to 2012, much less beyond that, and when I think about it, I’ve always wanted to come back here. I want to be back where I was always meant to be.”
That made sense. Nat hated how much that made sense. She only had one question. “What about Captain America? Doesn’t the modern world need - deserve Captain America?” She reasoned.
“Captain America isn’t just one person. He never was. He was always a symbol. First, he was a symbol of hope during the war, then he was a leader to fight with. Steve Rogers was Captain America, but Captain America was never Steve Rogers, and when it comes down to it, it really doesn’t matter who wears the costume, so long as they wear it honourably.”
Nat pursed her lips and hummed understandingly. “So, you’re going to hand the mantle of Captain America to someone else… Who?” She asked.
“Don’t suppose you’re interested?” Steve inquired playfully, chuckling at how she shook her head and wrinkled her nose.
“That suit does nothing for the ass.” Natasha quipped. Steve burst out laughing at that, thinking back to the good moments he had had with the Avengers.
Gods, he was going to miss the future.
He sighed and finally answered her question. “I’ve got that covered. I wanted to give it to Bucky, but we talked for a long time and he told me he wasn’t ready, so I was thinking...”
He nodded. “Sam.”
“That’ll be a sight. A red, white and blue blur flying through the sky, throwing that dinner plate around like a frisbee. He’s going to get that drone of his to play that ‘America, fuck yeah’ song he showed us. It’ll be great.” Nat chuckled softly.
“Yeah…” Steve said, a smile on his face but his eyes betraying his true feelings. “and don’t worry, I’ve got Bucky keeping an eye on him. The two of them are going to look after one another.”
“I thought they hated each other?” Nat said, confused.
“Not as much as everyone likes to think they do. They discovered they have more in common than they thought. They’re something of friends now.”
“What a miracle.”
“They’ll be okay. I’ve got you to keep an eye on them, right?” Steve asked, clapping her on the shoulder.
Natasha nodded, a sad smile gracing her face. It was a hard promise for her to make, but she made it none-the-less. “Absolutely.”
“He said… He said that he…” Natasha struggled to find the right words to explain what was happening, the path Steve had chosen to take. Luckily, she was cut off before she had too.
“Sam.” Bucky spoke, drawing the other man’s attention to the bench across the tree line. He knew who it was. He couldn’t explain how he knew who it was.
But he knew.
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sleepysandy · 4 years
kimi ni todoke s2 ep 7
this is so effort
ok so this is the same day
he brooding leave him alone
ryu thinking abt the time sawako confessed to him
pls he must be so confused rn
oof ryu experienced the same
ooh kurumi redemption arc
kurumi is tired of these two
yes smack sense into her!!!
everybodys in a bad mood today huh
they went home like that??
text him sis
or text her kazehaya
is this a real thing
or a setup
did her eyebags vanish
sad i liked them
her parents are so nice
no one calls pin sensei
no ones on kazehayas side lmao
wow pin said the right thing for once
i wish going to a friends house that easily
so are the boys chilling at ryus
ok so this is a real thing not a scheme
i rlly like the friendship and how open they are with their love
especially actually using words
since its not vry common to use words even irl
yes sis tell him
joe tension reliever king lmao
yes ryu my wise man
just text him sis
rock his shit aya
2 on 2 u can take them
yes kurumi did that
bitch uve known them for how many months
aya speaking facts
ep 8
these bitches cannot communicate
pin is gonna interfere now
the glances
lmaoo i thought he heard the convo outside
chizus bday!!!
so cute!!
aww ryu my type of man
ughhh hes so ugh
naurrr not the pic and fortune
hope they make money
get that coin sis
dont give that back girl
take your own advice
can this dude stfu and mind his own business
she is not listening
he is so annoying
jealous streak??? 😏
is this the first time he said her first name
since u became friends
yes sis get your man
i like kurumis pink vest
so much tension
their rooms far
ep 9
ok boy talk
does todoke mean please??
aww title cards
i think that was the first for s2
or i just dont register those
girl do it
yall cant open the door
they cant ig
kazehaya thinking this aint what i asked
period she said that
i rlly thought the ep was gonna end again
the musics hype
a hug!!!!!
this is what i wanted to see
oop they closed the door 😏 😏 😏
does pin think hes the only one that knows
the hugs getting long
ive bever hugged someone this long
wont that get weird
kinda weird to gaze into each others eyes for that long
joe u ruined it
they were abt to kiss
joe u fool
i cant believe
he did all that for snacks
yall got phones!!!
dont say that to pin sis
actually dont say anything to pin at all
ok whys he suddenly being nice recently
is he gonna run to kazehaya now
im right
yie textmate
yall got no sewing machines
how ominous
i do not want to receive that message
just realized that blondie does not help with festival
ep 10
chizu is me
chizu suddenly waking up for gossip
why are they asking her lmao
ayieeee shet
all night thinking of u lmao
not the ok
sis is a dry texter
chizu fell in love too
ryu my man
why aint ryu in costume
ooh she looks so cute
ryu is so cute
i like kazehayas pins
good luck naman dyan
shet bakit naman ganon sis
they made ryu pull the float 😭 😭
this is kinda like a lipsync for your life
walang second third place
pin ure so dumb
i like chizus hair
👀👀👀 all of you 👀👀👀
blondie u do not deserve a slow mo
0 notes
sandyfeetshshop · 4 years
I'm A Mom And Soldier Nothing Scares Me Floral Soldier Mother Gift T Shirt
Anyway into consideration into the character price fell about letting five days line guy with a I'm A Mom And Soldier Nothing Scares Me Floral Soldier Mother Gift T Shirt man movie takes place in the world what I 11 comment about a man being against the heights scanning it’s kind of a no brainer as far as sure I mean I get it I like the clarification that happens after just to say we have one of them coming out obviously set way before the events of all the DCUand so we can have in the Superman we know what happens there so it can be interesting because now my mind goes to Justice leagueand Aquamanand Jason Imolaand what is his story how we can get clinical the origin of Aquaman so I’m interested that is a little bit more interest in Justice league as far as his character as I get to see what his origin story if there’s gonna be one what his arc isand then what a great shared universe as it is doing sets at the next movieand cannot case it can be Aquamanand so I’m really excited see what is that mean for Superman if he could be back in just as we don’t know that yet what’s Batman’s part in this our weaknessesand cameos set up for Aquaman after just to seek such exciting here the thought process from Charles Roman of what he’s thinking as far as the DCU so it just adds to the hype for meand before I was really surprised wonder one of the four refreshing approach to finance only babysat actually never brought to release my wonder woman the four superstar which is capable I’ve written a really interesting start out character to rape her moment in the finance industry works well at one wanting to see it seems like they are making sure that the DVR I just referenced character James the scripts that I James wine that my nose when you going to pretty hokey when I hear something like thatand I really excited now for Justice league before the three because he is trying to captureand gave it the way to another really strong selling movies out this yeah beware problems like one is totally lost you we know what to manage a complete mask anyway on day Abby horrible said the course of the insane we visitedand dude is drowning in water everywhere knows what’s happening most of the corner crying yet before or after everything accepting the noiseand playing guitar in their reading the script underwater we did every page is loading from movie man coming soon up on happiness that I’d like you said is lean times out it’s so weird that every time I talk by justly Aquaman is my the thing I’m most excited about which I would never if he told me three years ago be like every time you talk about justly like Matt Aquaman looks badass this or that is like the guy talks that this was a joke literally three years ago that everybody does some real diehard Ockham advancement globally everand things of super friends when they think of Aquaman now I don’t not think of like a weird bearded long haired badass as Aquaman is coming picture of Jason knowledge is literally what Conan should’ve looked like to me that what they should’ve done when Mama was kind necessary like a man drag on it up I’m bringing my badassand bring a little bit of that server thing to itself it’s in out that characterization just from the trailers alone from justly made me really want to see justly more than I thought I didand it’s because of Ockhamand so that the teams wanted doing this Aquaman movie bringing in so many of the cool elements from the maria trench all the different things that only want to be like let’s bring in all those freaking monsters from you know this these comic book episodes are I can’t wait to see what he does is write the origin story of Aquaman is secondary in my opinion to the origin story of where we came from when I commanding this cultural gag if you will like from super friends there’s a great bit on the sketch of the state about on family Guy got to today when I unfrozen my gym memberships I can start training in times the Aquaman for Halloween 2018 if you there eventually I love this idea. ABOUT 72 ARE CONCERNED WITH VIOLENCE IN MAJOR CITIES 62 STATE AFFECT THEIR VOTE SO I THINK THIS GOES ALONG WITH WHAT TRUMP IS NOW PRESENTING AS THE SILENT MAJORITY THAT I THINK THAT 62 REALLY REPRESENTS THAT SILENT MAJORITY NOW THAT’S BEGINNING TO MOVE AND SHIFT AND THEN TAKE MOVE FORWARD AND TRY TO PUT DOWN SOME OF THESE CRAZY THINGS THAT ARE GOING ON NEXT AS THIS IS REPARATIONS THE BLM CHICAGO DEFENDS LOOTING HOLDS RALLY FOR PROTEST FOR HOLDS RALLY FOR PROTESTERS ARRESTED IN SUNDAY’S RIOTS SO WHAT YOU’RE SEEING NOW IS THE POLICE DEPARTMENTS THEY ARE LETTING GO OF ANY PROTESTERS THAT ARE ARRESTED BY THE POLICE THE DAS IN AND ANYBODY CONNECTED INTERNALLY THEY’RE LETTING GO OF ALL THESE PEOPLE LIKE MAD PRESENT SO IT’S VERY DEFEATING. The Song Is One Was like Self Is so Does Some Favorite Jointsand on 12 42 Store Did Not Know How to Move in You Will Help Me in the Chapel Must Show the Turnaround Spot Pricing Is No I Know You Evening I Turned around They like You You in My Most Lovely Something so I Saying As I Remember Some Allocation Animal Was in Vegas Somehow Shayna Pox Try Coming up I Was Innocent within the Body Was Definitely a Workforce Love the Story Only Not What God It Was Really like to Listen to Songs like That Coming out Is like Wasand No One Has the Light since 1992 Harley Was Working As a Almost 20 Yearsand Still Got Focus on the Nameand Her Family He Worked His Answer on the Roads I Told Them That Most People Is Viewed As a Great Rest of Our Time Because He Had a Futuristic Exercise Role the Future Told the Story of What Is Going to Be As Opposed to Waitingand Now Is Not so Much Some People Some Level so I Just United so That I Can Continue This Industry This Posture Is More More like the Sound Is Will the Theme When He Said I’m Not As As I Did A Lot Of Shows with Pot I Went on a Roll with MISand We Did the Movie We Were Pretty Cool We Never Had One Fucked up Incident When I Was a Seminal Situation That He Should Avoid It You Know Gangbanging Is Going Back to Me Stemming Lattice Success Come from Monism but Only Got One Wing You I Want to Put to Say I Guess but Generation This Generation Wayne Is like You Know like When Hughes Inspired Know A Lot A Lot Of Things Came from Wayne Is Not A Lot Of Stuff but Tupac Is a Slight Different Sums of Money Bring a Pot to Me This Is Submitting a Sixand I Had Back in a Day like Really like 93 Maybe I Need to Show I Can Inject the Rapid Yo Yo like Uncle Load Some Help Enoughand I Had a Picture He Had a Pistol Packing Is the Backdrop of the past with the Strongest Reasoning from Items or Monitor Tray Is Finally Reading Themand I Was like Knowing Him He Already Had a Pot Segment Patient
Source: I'm A Mom And Soldier Nothing Scares Me Floral Soldier Mother Gift T Shirt
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project-afterman · 8 years
I've been accumulating a lot of thoughts on the Bionicle fandom, fan works, and the nature of creative projects as a whole. I was hesitant to post them because I feared that I would be seen as rude or abrasive, but honestly at this point I do not give a shit. There is a dearth of creativity in media right now. Movies, TV shows, video games, comic books, and animation are all in a slump. There are very few original stories coming out, and a glut of remakes, sequels, adaptations, and reboots. No one wants to take risks anymore, it has to be a guaranteed money maker. Executives and producers greenlight shitty remakes of classic movies shows and games, hoping that an audience will flock to it based on the name alone. Childhood nostalgia has been appropriated by the cynical marketing machine. The reboot of Bionicle is also part of this trend. Lego gave it a bare-bones marketing budget, hoping that nostalgic fans would promote the line for them. Just give people their member berries, and you won't have to actually try to make anything new. Nostalgia is not inherently bad. Everybody has fond memories of something they used to like when they were younger, and it can be nice to occasionally look back on those things. However, if you rely on nostalgia too much you start living in the past, thinking that the best days are behind you and that nothing fun or exciting could ever come out now. All fandoms are by nature derivative, since they are a group of people creating art, writing, and other media based on an already existing IP created by someone else. And a lot of them are based in nostalgia to a degree. But the problem with the Bionicle fandom is that member berries is all we are. There is no new content, and in fact most Bionicle fans don't actually want new content; they just want to relive their childhoods, writing and drawing the same things over and over again, trying to evoke a time where we weren't so world weary and cynical. Hence why the only Bionicle fanart that gets popular outside of our tiny circle is the original characters from Mata Nui. When the reboot came along, a lot of us were really hyped that Bionicle would finally get some new life breathed into it; but ultimately it delivered nothing of substance. And now that it's been canceled, and Bionicle won't come back for a long time if ever, the fandom has degraded into shitposting, Facebook tier memes, and nostalgiafagging/member berries. The MLP fandom gets a lot of shit for being autistic and or creepy, but they are a productive group. They make loads of fanart, fanfic, fan music, plushies, cosplay, game mods and more. MLP fans have taken the world and characters of the show and gone in so many different directions. They don't need Hasbro to make official content, because the fandom is an entire universe of its own. If friendship is magic got canceled, the fandom would have still have enough original content to sustain itself for quite a while. And that's what I wanted to do with Afterman. Something inspired by Bionicle, but also its own thing. Something that people with tons of ideas for what Bionicle could have been could bring their fanfics to life. Something positive and constructive to work towards, rather then just lamenting that Bionicle is over and holding our breath for a second reboot that will never come. I am very frustrated that not a lot of people seem to understand this fairly simple concept. I know life can get in the way. People have jobs and school, I get that. But honestly, if you take a look at this Tumblr, send me a message saying "I don't think this project is going to work out, I won't bother contributing" and then make a whole bunch of posts talking about how "man Bionicle was so great and it sucks that it's over, if only there was a way to bring it back somehow" you're part of the problem. Those people talk the talk, but they can't walk the walk. If you have enough time to shitpost on Tumblr, you have enough time to contribute. Do I know what I'm doing? No. Am I a talented artist and writer? No. But I saw how so many things were stagnant, and thought "something needs to be done about this, we can't fade away into nothing. We need something constructive to overcome apathy." There are times where you see that something needs to be done. But no one else is going to do it, so it's up to you, regardless of whether you're actually qualified. I never wanted to be a leader, I don't like bossing people around. But nobody else volunteered. If you think that you would be a better leader, by all means let me know and I can give ownership of the blog to you. People who disregard this project because of a few surface details they don't like really piss me off, because the entire reason I made this in the first place was so that multiple people could contribute. Don't like the title Afterman, or the names of the characters and places? Suggest some new ones. Don't like the plot outline that I have so far? Write up your own version of what should happen. Don't like the art style or character designs? Submit some sketches of how you think the characters should look. You get the idea. Of course, I can't make anyone do anything. But don't refuse to help this project in any way and then complain that Bionicle is dead, wasting time on what might've been but isn't and will never be. Take initiative and stop waiting for someone else to do it.
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seekingseven · 4 years
Mephibosheth Ch.4
Chapter 4 of my Undertale fanfic! You can also read it here on AO3 :D 
Long strings of keratin clung to Chara's face and neck. Fat drops of sweat trickled into his sweater. Drenched cloth gripped his skin with the desperation of a dying man.
This wasn't exactly the nicest way to wake up.
Blinking rapidly to get the bleariness of his eyes, Chara took quick stock of his surroundings. They were on a boat - he remembered docking on the strange ferry with Asriel just after leaving Grillby's - and it was very, very hot.
"Tra la la. Wash your eyebrows twice a week."
Purple cloth swished in the corner of his vision. Ah, that was the Riverkid. Chara remembered that much. They were much less interesting than Asriel had hyped them up to be; cryptic maxims and a weird dog-boat didn't precisely fit Chara's definition of "fascinating." The human was getting used to his companion's hyperbolic tendencies.
"Thank you so much, Riverkid." A familiar white blur - oh, must be Asriel - wafted towards Chara. "Glad you got some shut-eye, dude. We're in Hotland now, it'll only be a few minutes until we're home. Ready to go?"
Chara nodded, blinking again as the wet air blurred his vision, and grabbed his Grillby's takeaway bag. Still heavy. Part of him was surprised that nobody had made any advances on his lunch.
The boat bobbed downwards as Asriel stepped off and rocked gently as the human stood up. Chara grasped the goat's paw as he crossed from boat to dry land, waving the Riverkid a half-hearted goodbye as he did so. The two giggled as the little ship grew a set of legs and quiet literally skipped back the way they came. It seemed like this place was always full of surprises.
Asriel started walking down the dark corridor in front of them. Chara followed hastily, not used to being left behind. "Golly," the Prince muttered to himself, "sometimes I forget how hot this place is. My dad named it Hotland for a reason, I guess." Chara chuffed in agreement, digging through his bag for the chocolate bar. His fingers pressed into something suspiciously soft and vaguely rectangular; a wave of grief crashed over him as he realized the heat had already liquified his sweet treat. He pulled it out anyways - solid or liquid, it was still chocolate, and he was going to eat it.
The pair stepped outside the corridor and were greeted by an astonishing expanse of red. The color was everywhere. Colonnades of crimson stone rose from the pulsating magma beneath, melding together to create the floor the two stood on. The proud obelisks reached towards the ceiling and cradled a labyrinth of buildings and houses between them. Lava trickled from the steppe-like sides of the cavern; the shadow of a massive machine loomed in the distance. The whole place smelled like burnt earth and fire.
Chara brought the packet of liquified chocolate to his lips and sipped as he stared. He stopped his observations for a split second to appreciate how delicious the chocolate was; it didn't even leave the sugary grit on his teeth most chocolates did. Probably something to do with weird monster magic.
"-and that's the lab that the Royal Scientist and his assistants work at. They're going to bring down the barrier one day." Asriel pointed to a massive white building on the right with the words 'LAB' painted haphazardly over sliding doors. Masters of science, clearly, but not aesthetic.
The human nodded thoughtfully to himself, wordlessly criticizing the weird white box of a building, and found his gaze captivated by a massive, rectangular shadow in the distance.
"Azzy, what's that?" Chara directed a single, slender finger to the grey structure in the distance. Was it an extension of the LAB? It looked much bigger and decidedly cooler.
"Oh. That's the CORE," Asriel replied, the apathy thick in his voice, "it's some weird machine the Royal Scientist is working on...I don't really get what it does, but it's supposed to be a big deal. Something about magical electricity? Dunno."
"Magical electricity?" the human queried as the two squinted at the shadow, "don't you guys have that already? Snowdin Town had lots of lights. And how would the sliding doors of the LAB open up without power?"
The fur on the back of Asriel's neck stood up as he became acutely aware of his intellectual inferiority. He didn't understand the CORE despite his mother's best attempts to explain and couldn't see why everybody else was so excited about it. Like Chara said, they already had electricity - right? He tried to swallow the bitter taste of frustration and blinked away the water already building in his eyes.
With a nonchalant huff, the Prince shrugged and said everything wasn't as complicated as it looked. He explained that the CORE had been running for years even though it wasn't finished (he was pretty sure this was true) and that there was no reason to be hung up on it because it honestly wasn't even that important (that part wasn't). He sighed a silent breath of relief when Chara turned his head away from the CORE and towards him.
"Let's keep going then, alrighty?" Asriel suggested with a poorly hidden sense of urgency. The human nodded, and he relaxed.
A wave of heat washed over the two as they passed the LAB. Chara made an offhand comment about weather in the Underground being on the extreme side, to which Asriel said something about Waterfall and rain.
"Waterfall?" Chara quipped absent-mindedly through a mouthful of chocolate goo.
"Oh, yeah. It's another place down here. We passed it on the ferry, but you were asleep, I think. I don't go there often, but it's this huge place, all blue, you know, with stars and rain and waterfalls. Boy, is it gorgeous! Much nicer than Hotland." Chara raised his eyebrows in casual surprise, and Asriel, emboldened by the reaction, continued. "I'll make sure to take you there sometime. But we gotta go home first, you know. Let me guess...you want to take the short way?"
Chara nodded vehemently. For all the earthly beauty of Hotland, its name encapsulated the reason why it was so unbearable. The thought of relief outweighed the desire to explore.
"Haha! I thought so. Follow me." Asriel sprinted off towards a thin pathway in front of him, forcing Chara to toss his packet of chocolate sauce back in the bag and hastily lick his fingers before following the goat.
Ahead of them, the soprano sparkle of electricity accompanied a dull metallic clink. Asriel reached the end of the red stone path and stopped abruptly; a sudden rush of self-awareness on Chara's part the only thing saving him from face planting into the former's back. With a comical flourish, the Prince stepped aside to reveal a shimmering, bullet-like contraption. It looked vaguely like an elevator, and, with the exposition Asriel supplied, confirmed to be so.
"This bad boy'll take us right to the biggest apartment building in the Underground." Asriel explained as the two stepped inside the strange contraption, "from there, we can take another elevator straight to New Home. That's where my parents live and where you'll, uh-" A robotic chime cut off Asriel's short explanation, which had already begun dying off for some reason. The doors swung open, and the pair stepped outside.
A tall, blue building whose only shape could be described as obscurely octahedral greeted them. Despite being nowhere near as proud as Hotland's stone columns, it carried its own self-important sense of confidence. Flashes of domestic life could be seen through the windows: a bunny monster rocking a child to sleep, a dragon child drawing cautious shapes on their bedroom wall, and a family of what seemed to be anthropomorphic volcanoes scampering around a dinner table.
"This, Chara, is the biggest apartment complex in the Underground. A-and believe me, considering how many of them are in New Home, that means a lot." Chara raised his eyebrows, a now obligatory gesture, and made a movement towards the glass doors.
"W-wait!" Asriel cried.
Chara froze. Had he done something wrong?
"Uh, s-sorry to scare you. But considering the time, there'll be a lot of monsters in the lobby. J-just stay close to me, and you'll be fine." The Prince's eyes grew cloudy all of a sudden, and his voice dropped. "You won't need to worry about crowds when you're with me. They, uh, typically go away when I'm around. I call it the 'Asriel Effect.'"
If the epithet was intended to be a joke of sorts, the only indication of it was a lame laugh on the speaker's part. Asriel blinked quickly and grasped Chara's hand, opening the door with his unoccupied paw.
The scene in front of them reminded Chara immediately of Grillby's. On their right, a small family of bunny monsters chatted with a group of what Asriel called 'Temmies.' A disembodied fox head gossiped with an equally disembodied hand. A little man made entirely of fire clutched a tiny green ember to his chest and shouted endless expletives at the overwhelmed receptionist. What looked like a cross between an alligator and a toddler scrambled past, shouting greetings at a small cat-monster with a heavy prairie-girl inflection.
Chara's earlier anxiety melted away. Something magical bloomed in his chest - fiery, soft, delicate - that drenched the scene around him in pink. A rush of gratitude flooded his veins. With the faint vestiges of religion still in his blood, he thanked an unknown god for sparing him long enough to see such a sight.
It was at that moment that Chara realized that he was irreversibly and impossibly in love with monsterkind.
An empty part of the human suddenly felt whole again.
Intermingled scents of cleaning products and cold tile wafted up Chara's nose as Asriel guided his human through the rapidly-dispersing cloud. The "Asriel Effect" had been surmised excellently by its namesake; monsters young and old hastily stepped out of their way and proceeded to stare at them with quiet looks of awe. Awkward small talk was made with a little jello monster that spoke entirely in wiggles and with the busboy who'd taken great pains to shoo everybody except for "His Majesty and His Majesty's friend" out the Capital-bound elevator
Another ping, another swish of mechanical doors, and another scene. New Home revealed itself in front of the human. Traces of gasoline and pollen pirouetted in the air and settled into their clothes. Asriel guided Chara down a twisting and turning grey pathway with much less commentary than before, a strange change of pace from his earlier talkativeness. Idly licking the foil of the now-nonexistent chocolate bar in hopes of another drop of ebony goodness, Chara twisted his head this way and that to get a full view of the Capital. On his right, monochrome apartment buildings fraternized with the clouds above. Faint shards of gossip and chit chat could be heard in the distance; the loud vibrations of city life made the exact subjects impossible to discern, however. A look to the left revealed a scene identical in color palette and structure.
"You live here?" Chara whispered.
Asriel flinched in surprise, rudely awakened from whatever melancholy train of thought he had been conducting, and cast a quick glance at Chara. The question only seemed to register after a few seconds of awkward staring. Quickly stuttering out an explanation, the Prince elucidated that yes, he technically lived here, but not in an apartment building. Chara's unreadable expression prodded Asriel to continue, and he laid out the hasty verbal blueprints of his house, tracing a finger through the air to make an impression of the path from the living room to the bedroom.
In all honesty, Chara wasn't paying much attention to Asriel's explanation. Soon enough, he would see the place for himself; all this gesturing and waving and stuttering was a little bit excessive. Ruminating on these thoughts, Chara pulled out a paper napkin from the takeaway bag and ran it over his fingers and mouth, cringing when he saw the copious amounts of melted chocolate that had been smeared on his face for at least the past half hour. His brain slowly processed Asriel's endless stream of words as he pressed the corners of the ruined napkin together and tossed it back in the bag. Dark, unreadable eyes focused themselves again on Asriel.
"Hey, Azzy," Chara began, cutting the Prince's detailed description of his toy box in half, "why are you so nervous?"
"Nervous?" The Prince giggled painfully. "Aha, gosh, can't say I know what you mean."
Something furious flashed across Chara's face - just long enough for Asriel to swallow his words but not enough for any nonverbal threat to be communicated. Taking the silence as his cue to continue, Chara opened his mouth and said, "Asriel, there isn't really a point in lying. You're nervous. What for? Is it me?"
Asriel's eyes widened in horror, and he shook his head vehemently. Multiple attempts at answering the question were made, all dissolved into a shambling mess of malformed syllables. Finally, the Prince steeled himself and drew in a huge breath. He gave Chara a pointed look.
"I'm scared, Chara."
"Scared?" The human rolled the word around on their tongue like a marble, "Scared of what?"
"O-of what we're about to do."
"What do you mean? Are we doing something wrong?"
The goat boy shook his head and gestured to the little yellow house standing in front of them. The meticulously cut front lawn was a bright green that stood in friendly defiance to the Capital's grey; tiny purple morning glories, elevated by a web of vines, pressed their heads against the yellow brick. Brilliant buttercups cushioned by shy clusters of baby's breath lay like a garland around the little cottage.
A tinge of cinnamon and butterscotch hung in the air.
Asriel grasped Chara's hand and gripped the human's shoulder with his unoccupied paw. His eyes sparkled with an amalgamation of sorrow, anticipation, and pure joy.
"Chara, our lives are about to change forever. You know that, right?"
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scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin Prediction Machine, Ethereum Is Property, Bullish On Crypto & Binance Mining Pool
Hello, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. The price of bitcoin goes up and down and where we’ll be tomorrow. Nobody knows, but Boston based nomics is fine tuning its price predictions with machine learning, the company which provides cryptocurrency market cap and data pricing or pricing data. Kind of the same today added 7 day price predictions to its Web site and market data. AP I The data aggregator generates cryptocurrency price predictions using machine learning. Retail investors everyday people can access the pricing and predictions on the firm’s Web site for free. Nomics charges a fee to users, primarily institutions, funds, exchanges and fin tech apps to access its data programmatically. OK, but CEO Clay Collins gosh and other predictions are not intended as investment advice. And I will tell you right now two things. First, understand that these are just predictions. This is not where the prices are going to go. Second, you bet your bottom dollar. We are going to have a lot of people within the cryptocurrency space who are going to be using these as actual predictions of where things are going to go. And a lot of people are going to be very upset when they start pricing their bets on where this A.I. is, telling them to move them on. You know what’s gonna happen? There’s only five people out there who are gonna be like, well, I mean, their predictions. So they have to be right, which is going to lead to some interesting situations in the next couple of months, he says. We are not saying buy or sell. We are simply showing what our machine learning model predicts it will be. And they should be used as one of several factors to inform opinions about future price movements, as Colin explained. There are many factors the model can’t account for. For example, there could be some catastrophic or bullish event, such as if a large exchange were to get hacked or the security of a popular blockchain where to get compromise. That’s why the company includes a 30 day average error and its price predictions. So what user can see how close or how far off the predictions have been in the preceding weeks? There are times when we are on in times where we are off. We just wanted to be totally transparent and people should take that into consideration. But I promise you, people will use this as their actual method of price discovery for the future. This news was out of all over the place. I mean, it was incredibly popular, if you will, whenever a company comes forward saying that they have some type of artificial intelligence to be able to see the future of prices. It kind of makes headlines. I only have two tabs up here simply because it didn’t feel like having the 14 other tabs on there as well. Fascinating. And I’m pretty sure that they’re not the only ones who also have something like this as well. These last couple of weeks, I’ve seen a major uptick in the amount of interest in the words not only bitcoin, but bitcoin having bitcoin price, bitcoin future price, bitcoin price predictions. It’s kind of a. Everyone’s interested to see exactly where all of this is going to go, especially as this is now the one of the most trying times that we’ve had in recent history. And as other markets around the world are not performing very well, a lot of people are wondering if Bitcoin will take it upon itself to perform better than other assets, even during the. Downturned, let’s say, anyway. Yeah. Nomics now has an A.I. driven weekly price prediction for cryptocurrencies. The weirdest part and I’ll tell you as well as if some of these predictions actually end up being true, they end up getting like a good amount of them to be true. That would be. I don’t say the word intresting would be more like a lot of people would start to use them simply based off of that. Because we’ve also seen there were a couple of other people before who’ve made charts years ago talking about where prices would go. Some of them were fairly correct. Not saying exactly on the exact number, but they’ve become quite popular because of their predictions. And this is why the stock to follow guy has been at the forefront of news over the last couple of weeks anyway. Yeah, there’s a new a high price prediction service method, computer price future. Next up, in a recent write-up, a defendant named Lee was convicted of theft for having stolen cryptocurrency from his previous company following his firing, so he was angry. Lee had resigned from the company on the thirty first of May due to underperformance after a probation period. The defendant used his knowledge of the private key and payment password from his previous companies. I already star project to complete the theft. The crypto currency that Lee stole was mainly the companies in token wallet. Lee took three ether in four million. How these coins on the 20th of June 2019. About a month later he stole 0.4 ethe. Who’s who steals that little? He still zero point. I feel like it’s almost not worth it to just take zero point for either. Even the three either is kind of like a. He tries with the cryptocurrency and how would he tokens to his accountant? OK, smart. Not only did he steal them, but he transferred them directly into his cryptocurrency accounts, which probably have tons of KYC AML or his phone is linked to it in some sort of way. Very intelligent. The assess damage of the amount of damages was six thousand Chinese yuan, and after the crime, Li was asked to return all the stolen coins to his previous company. He was in sentenced to seven months and a fine of two thousand Chinese yuan, according to the case documents the crypto asset represented by ether as economic value as real property. Since they can’t be traded publicly with a demonstrated bull market value. While not the most exciting news story that we’ve had in recent history, this is significant because in a world where China does not exclusively apparently really care about cryptocurrency assets except for the one that they are trying to release as a central bank digital currency, there’s been a lot of push back by China and their government as far as to what is legal, what is allowed and what people can kind of have buy, sell, hold and trade significance being for those of you not looking at the screen. This is an article from October 2018, a much simpler time says Chinese Arbitration Court Rules. Bitcoin is legal property. After this happened, the price of bitcoin went up a little tiny bit because this was the first time or rather, I put it this way. The fact that Bitcoin had a. I don’t say a legal status had a concrete status as something with inChina became very significant, especially after all the news that we got that Bitcoin had been banned within the country. And then, of course, a couple of months later, we figure out that it wasn’t actually banned at all. Just you simply can’t traded and or use it as a currency, but you can still hold it and buy it. What have you and sell it over the counter. So the significance being is that a theorem has also received this classification as property, meaning in in no uncertain terms. If someone steals it from you, it is your property and therefore you can get it back without rulings like this. Or rather, if the court had never ruled in favor of something like this and someone had stole it and said it’s not property is simply just numbers on a screen. Well, then there, you know, people can kind of steal from you as much as they want because it is therefore not your property is not anyone’s property. It is belongs to the person who was able to secure it the most. So, yeah, that is, like I said, not the most exciting. You won’t get your jollies from that news is just more so the actual classification of it and also the I guess the big elephant in the room that it still hasn’t been banned in China despite the soon to be release of said central bank digital currency. And I think they’re going to ban it. If anything, they probably have plans for it, but that’s just kind of how my brain has been looking at things. Let’s move on. Tieing nearly directly into what we just spoke about, according to multiple estimates based on mining factors and approximately 20 days. Bitcoin will see its next block reward reduction with this twelve point five coin reward that is minted as each block is mined will drop to six point to five coins and yadayada that. I suggest that the hype around the bitcoin having is on the rise in the crypto market stands to benefit from this trend, according to Molly, the former head of Bitcoin magazine’s China operation. The Chinese term for Bitcoin having has recently gone viral on Weibo, Weibo, Weibo, as we both also call that China’s Twitter. The topic was the sixth most searched in the past 24 hours, showing real interest in the event, despite China effectively banning the purchase of Bitcoin through yuan. I think you have to get Teather and then I think you have to use Teather to buy. It’s just nonsense. Why? Why make it so difficult? Just. Just let people buy the thing. Here’s the chart right here. It’s a similar sight around the world. Google Trends data indicates that last month global Google users surged. Bitcoin having more than any month before the search engine, also projects that in April, Bitcoin having we’ll be searched 2 times more than last month, which was already a new all time high. This is bullish because it appears that a primary reason why the cryptocurrency market has been relaying rallying as of late is due to the hype around the having. Indeed, according to Google data, the search terms by bitcoin and bitcoin having like I was just saying, like it’s really you can see the actual charts and the momentum behind people who are actually searching this. And even I think hashtag Bitcoin having is also a a a very popular hashtag on Twitter right now have trended in tandem since the year began growing and shrinking and step. The correlation isn’t perfect, but it’s clear that they’re affecting each other. Here’s the actual chart right here once again from Molly showing that Bitcoin having or I guess Bitcoin itself is number six. Keeping in mind that that is a very large country. Nearly everyone in that country is also using the same exact apps. We spoke about that before. I don’t have to really get into it. However, the point is, in a world where they have been discouraged from buying, holding, selling, trading, especially using as a currency or buying anything with it or speculating on its value, it’s fascinating that it is the number six topic out of anything else that could have possibly been popular at that time. Once again, we also know that it is legal within China to actually buy and hold it. You can’t trade it, but you can hold it. And this also, what was the news that we had a couple of days ago as well? I think there was also something else. So Google itself is banned with in China, but I think you can get VPN and some other things. I forgot exactly how it was explained, but they’ve also seen these search terms for these things on actual search engines. Also rising within China as well. The dare I say, the the H-word, the. The hype is definitely there. Everyone is very curious as to what’s going to happen. I still think we’re going to see a price like a strong movement upwards. I think the last two days have shown us that. I think that’s probably probably a bit of it. I think we’re going to move up and I think once that. Height in the air has gone. I think we will see a movement down. Look forward to tons of news. After the prices have gone down from tons of analyst who said while I was predicting the price was going to go down, no one listened to me. I think we are in a. An unknown hype cycle. And I say unknown because a lot of people have no idea what the having actually is. They are in it because they are trying to make a quick couple of bucks. A lot of people are going to sell off their bitcoin, in my opinion, and then they’re going to be very angry when prices go back up. But that’s just part of the game, isn’t it? This happens all the time. People always sell. I’ve seen. I mean, I’ve seen people in the comments section who sold because their friend or someone told them that the price was going to go down. The price went up by eight hundred dollars. And they were like, man, I just sold yesterday. Anyway, the significance of a country with over a billion people. I mean, you have to understand, like the actual significance of this, especially all the other news that we’ve been getting in many other countries where that aren’t even as hardly what as Ana is even strongly hit economically badly, are also buying up tons of bitcoin. The countries that are really hard hit have been also buying up Bitcoin as well. And one can only assume everyone else who’s been buying Bitcoin before is going to buy up. But when that demand remains. And the amount of bitcoin coming out of the machine is cut in half. It’s going to have an effect on the price. But I think a lot of people really don’t get it yet, but they will. That’s just how things are. Here it is. Once again, I find this like if you don’t find the significance in this, it’s absolutely mind boggling to think like imagine I can’t even think of a like like scenario or a story to tell you. Like Bitcoin has effectively been thrown down the steps multiple times by the Chinese government. And yet it’s still number six and trending topics like imagine if the government had obviously or had never said anything negative about it, it would probably be number two or number three. And then also you have to understand also if the government had ever come out in support of or said that it could potentially be used as something, it would probably be know if it would be number one and number zero anyway. And let’s move on. Deutschebank has long been bullish on crypto assets like Bitcoin and the culture has spilled over into the company’s executives. One of the bank’s veterans and former F X Japan managing director is even launching a crypto trading desk of his own set to launch this coming May twenty twenty right before bitcoins having is expected to drive significant interest in the. I’m so excited for this like you. I just I just wanted to happen already. Like I’m so I. Every time I read an article and I read like thirty eight more days. Twenty seven more days, twenty like it. My heart starts racing faster because I there’s so much energy around this one day like this absolute insanity. How much energy there is just on this one event. It is bonkers. There is no denying that crypto assets like Bitcoin, Imperium, SRP and more are high risk. Thank you for writing that high reward. OK. High reward. High risk. High reward. I got it. But their future and potential are so promising. That is true. It’s difficult not to be bullish on the digital currencies and at least consider them as part of a well diversified, diversified, well diversified portfolio that I will agree with. I. It hurts sometimes how bullish I am on the space like. I think it’s affecting me as an actual person with like I think about crypto almost nonstop, like it’s a real problem. That kind of engulfs my entire life. I think about the future, I think about the prices, I think about accumulating more. I think about where things will be in four years and five years. Think the next having I think about the people on the world who don’t have cryptocurrencies, the people who missed out on some of the opportunities that they could have had before, the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now is just a lot. It’s always a lot going through my head. That’s exactly toe moves on knishes, ticket to driving success in his up and coming bitcoin trading desk named Ethics Coin Limited with the former Deutschebank managing director is launching in May. In an interview with Bloomberg, Onishi agreed that while there is no asset that’s absolutely safe from the recent recession and 19 chaos, he asserts that he is a bull on virtual currency prices, which he expects to rise in the coming months. This is now. This is also the one thousand three hundred and eighty fourth person who we were, who we’re talking about, who is bullish on the price is once again, you have to understand. I view things differently in a certain light. While I may not. How do you say this? I find that fascinating whenever rich people talk about something or when rich people openly talk about that, they’re putting their money into something, it means if they have a lot of money into it and usually when they tell other people that they’re going to be launching something like this, it’s because the other people are also being told. ER:Did moved towards also putting their money into the market as well. So, yeah, that’s. I find I find the rich movement of money like, you know, the term like follow the money. It is incredibly true because if you keep paying attention to what all these rich people are talking about and where they’re putting their money and how bullish they all are, it all kind of lines up. The launch of this platform will coincide with what could bring more interest to the cryptocurrency space since Bitcoin 2017 bubble. And it would be the upcoming block reward having. Here is the actual article right here from Bloomberg. I am I mean, I I’ve I’ve said it more than enough. I’m so excited for this. Like it’s it’s the weirdest thing in the entire world. I just want to see what the aftermath of this is because as it stands right now, it is looking likely that we are going to continue seeing Tumblrs and traditional markets. And if the demand for Bitcoin remains the same and or continues to rise over the next year, one might say, as a lot of this stuff is going to continue happening. Therefore, one would assume that the price of bitcoin would go up. We have had a multitude of people, and it’s not even just the the Richie riches of the space. Just everyone is kind of bullish. And everyone keeps saying that we are on the cusp of having a bull run. We are at the beginning of a bull run. We are going to have a bull run. And they all kind of set the same exact time frame. It’s literally between now and the end of the year and also apparently. So a lot of people say the entirety of twenty twenty one, which then leaves us on that. On that cusp of. Watch out for twenty twenty two when everyone. You you also may have noticed no one has really said anything positive about twenty twenty two. So I assume that’s gonna be the drop year and I guess. Anyway. Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t really have much more to say. How many people from banks themselves are bullish on crypto, which is something that should also be causing your ears to perk up a little bit? The fact that they are understanding or have realized a while ago that the stock market would not do very well. A lot of them left the market before the market was even done doing very well. And just how much attention? I mean, it’s so follow the money. Just follow the gosh darn money. Anyway, that’s the bank. Veteran crypto currency trading desk launching before the bitcoin, having news. Let’s move on. Next up, finance has launched the beta version of its mining pool and apparently offers the lowest fees amping up the competition in the space. Chong Ping sÃ, the CEO of Bine and said the first block ever minted by the Buy NANCE pool still in closed beta. Going live soon, as always. Lowest fees of any mining pool. The confirmation of the Bynum’s mining pool was made at the start of the month by itself as media reports on it. Working began circulating around the Web. Currently, the average mining fees on popular mining pools are around zero to 4 percent. It varies according to the mining rewards and payment schedule. Currently, the distribution in mining pools is led by F to pool BTC dot com pullin and and pool. There’s a little chart right there. I guess the news being without really having to go much further by Nance’s once again in the news. I like they there’s there’s also other Beinart’s news. I just decided to not have 15 tabs open about bilats at the exact same time. So Bynum’s has staking and now Bynum’s is also going to have mining pools, which is going to be very fascinating to see exactly how much, how, how. Like, I mean, I imagine if you could have the entirety of your passive income coming directly from cryptocurrency exchanges. I keep getting what’s the word I keep getting recommended these things on YouTube. I don’t know how they are getting into my feed at all. As far as like from traditional investment people, everything I click on is either like family guy, American dad cryptocurrencies or like property. I’m not exactly sure. I guess maybe some the algorithms at some point threw it towards me. The point is there was one of them last night before I was going to go to bed and that popped up and I was like, Oh, OK, cool, I’ll watch it. It was some guy talking about how he, like, invest in dividends and stuff like that. And like even during the like the downtrend of the markets, how he’s still getting paid from his dividends. And I was like, that’s gonna be a very big thing within the cryptocurrency space. We know that while not all the cryptocurrencies will make it, there is going to be at least a good 10 to 15 that are gonna be around for at least five to 10 years. I’m not saying that Bitcoin will be the over dominant Lord relatively soon, but I think there are many coins and have a very good good 5 to 10 year span. If these coins, they are going up dramatically in price if you are able to simply have bought them now. And over the years, the price goes up and you can imagine is being able to mine Bitcoin proof of snakey theorem and proof of stake, any other coin that’s kind of out there directly through by Anan’s or O’Casey X or Coinbase or wherever you decide to do your stuff. And that’s how you make your money. Isn’t that insane to think about that all of this is like it’ll be completely passive. Like there’s no real need to actually do anything. You just keep your money. And I guess is what passive income is. But it’s still this like. Do you understand how insane all of this is, like if we are actually at the forefront or the beginning or have made it in years in years before. Millions of billions of other people even decide to try and get into the cryptocurrency space and you end up making I mean, like absolute bank from the money that you have currently in crypto. And every single year, like just from the interest or just from this taking or just from the mining on these other platforms. You’re making a good like made five figures, if not six figures from me. It’s I find it very cool. The point is, yeah, by NANCE is opening up a mining pool. No one should be shocked by any of this. They’ve been they’ve been doing it. I’m certain at this point, I think everything that exists by NANCE is going to try. I think they’re going to try and be like Amazon. For those of you who don’t know, Amazon did the exact same thing. Amazon tried to do everything. They tried to have a not a gaming platform. But I can remember all this stuff. Amazon tried to do tons of things. A lot of them have failed, but a lot of them have kind of stuck. This is why Amazon is so popular. So I assume they’re going for that same goal anyway. Yeah. So this is something else to look forward to. I give it three weeks. Four weeks. Five weeks for weeks when they’ll announce that is this is completely up and running and then we’ll see tons of people mining, I assume Bitcoin and other currencies like going on finance. Absolutely insane. And to finish things off, Bitcoin is trading at almost twice its current price in an economically hit Lebanon peer to peer bitcoin marketplace, local bitcoin is dot.com shows people selling the cryptocurrency for as high as twenty two million L.. BP per token, which is roughly around fifteen thousand U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, people who are looking to liquidate Bitcoin for local currency are demanding as much as eleven thousand dollars per token. Exchange rates coming out of Lebanon’s cryptocurrency marketplace are strikingly higher than their global counterparts. Data aggregator Mazari shows that Bitcoin’s price shows Bitcoin’s price a little above 70 percent. Yes. Yeah, I was right. Seventy five hundred and seventy five hundred thousand seventy five hundred. Almost half. Then what is the Lebanese traders are? Is that one? What is the. Okay, that’s it. That’s right or wrong? Not me, anyway. Bitcoin hits its price premium price levels in Lebanon as the country grapples with its most severe economic crisis in decades. The Lebanese pound has crashed by almost 50 percent from its dollar peg value since October 2019, sparking inflation, fuelling social unrest and locking Lebanese people out of their U.S. dollar enabled bank savings. We spoke about this a couple of months ago as well, when things were like just starting to really, really get really bad. Had it told you I was having dinner with a couple of friends who are from Lebanon? And they told me that I think the restriction was I think you could take out or hundred dollars per week from your account. And part of the problem was that she knew this guy who had been saving his entire life. He had millions of dollars in his bank account and he could only take out sixteen hundred per month. And then I got to the point where I think they lowered that to two hundred. Per week, and then the last time we spoke about Lebanon, I believe it was one hundred dollars. I think every two weeks or per week or so, which is still terrible, like imagine having a million dollars and you can take out four hundred per month. Also, there’s tons of, um, like like geolocate restrictions. So you can’t transfer your money out of the bank. I think you can’t transfer stuff inside of it. You can’t buy cryptocurrencies. You can’t buy all this other stuff. So I assume even what it says around here, yearago and Lebanon E payments are blocked and geo restricted. Bitcoin still traded by over the counter only and rarely to find someone who knows about altcoins l.o.l. So you have a situation where you can’t take your money out. You can’t really move it to another bank. You can’t really do anything with it. I guess people are probably tons of people are probably taking out cash and probably looking for people to be able to. Hey, can we swap some currency that’s worth nothing for some bitcoin? It’s incredibly fascinating. Even more so. geo-blocking and G.O. restricting should not be a thing. This is why Bitcoin exists. This is why Bitcoin is bitcoin and this is why I think Bitcoin already is on its way to taking over the entire world. Can I want to say, can you imagine? But it’s happening. You have money in the bank that you need to get out because you and your friends and family are terrified and your money has already lost half of its value. Can imagine someone telling, you know, you can’t move around Bitcoin, it doesn’t make any sense like we know. This is why Bitcoin is good because it works 24 hours a day. No one can stop it and no one can tell you not to use it or where to send your money. It’s insane to think about that this is actually taking place. So I guess this was kind of the the the next step. This is not the first time that this has happened with Bitcoin. We had the same exact situation. This actually preceded the actual movements up in price in two thousand seventeen. You can find the articles. There were tons of countries that were kind of. Going through it and what ended up happening was that before even the South Korean kimchi premium took place, there were a couple of other countries. I think with Bitcoin it was around six, seven thousand. I think there were countries that were selling Bitcoin for around 12000 thousand. I can I can remember, though, it was about three to three, four different countries that had this like premium on the price. And mean was like, that’s non sense. It’s already over ten thousand. And then by the time that bit bitcoin itself in real price had actually gone above ten thousand, that’s when the other places were like selling it for like sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand. And that’s when we as a market itself started moving up. I assume the I mean another big catalyst for this could actually be prices like this. It shows that there’s actual demand. And if people in any way, shape or form are prepared to pay fifteen thousand for a bitcoin, it means that the demand is actually there. I mean, I would love a world where everyone just started buying Ely’s fragments of bitcoin to be able to move money around by themselves, like having like. And the issue is that this is just going to continue all over again like this. This is not going to be the last time that the world or a country is gonna be in a situation where their money gets locked up. They don’t trust their government. The government steals money from them and their money becomes hyper devalued. Like you would assume that this would have opened up everyone’s eyes and they would have been like, well, we’re a neighboring country. Maybe we should try and get things together as well. No, because everyone only focuses on the now. Everyone only focuses on this very exact moment. This is why so many people don’t invest. People don’t invest because they only see how many people I know who make X amount of money per month. That is that is that an astronomical amount like they may just be making about the end of the month, like, okay, we’re good at making it. They expect that patient to come in the next month. They have no money saved. They have no assets. They have no desire to put any money away because they keep thinking. People only think in the now it’s only just right now what’s happening. There is no future like tomorrow. I’ll worry about what happens tomorrow. And then you don’t realize that they’re not they’re also not worrying about five to ten years down down to the five to ten years in the future like that. That isn’t even a thing to wear. Their mind is going, which is terrible because at some point we’re all gonna get older, we’re all gonna have aches and pains. We’re all going to do so like we’re all going to have these things. We are going to happen to us. You have to make sure that you preparing for the future right now. But there’s so many people who don’t. Not that I’m blaming the people of Lebanon for what their country has done. It’s just more like a I wish other countries paid attention to the actual news of what’s happening in other countries, because if you think at any point your government is going to try and take money from you, halt your bank account, stop you from moving around stuff, take your assets, you’re wrong. They’ve all done it at some point or another. It’s just like actual history. You could look through it every single country has done or they’re currently doing it right now. We would live in a completely different world if everyone was like, oh, crap, that’s terrible. Let me buy a tenth of a bitcoin. Let me buy five percent of a bitcoin just to make sure. Just in case I can still move some type of money around. Not only even not even the aspect of Bitcoin’s price skyrocketing. That’s something completely that something amazing on its own. But the fact that if prices did go up, people would not only have more money, they’d be maybe more secure in their money. No one could tell. You know you can. Can you? People being told you can’t take your money out of your freaking bank account. You know what that would do to someone’s mind mentally? Can you imagine if you had saved your into. Imagine you had saved for 20 years you and you had saved up and had worked hard and had half a million. Yet a quarter of a million dollars in the bank. And one day you tried to take your money out and someone said, no, you can have 400 for the entire month. Mentally you would crumble, you’d be really upset. So for the sake of me not rampaging on, this is what’s happening. Like I said, this has happened many other times before, as many other countries and governments of garbage do. I mean, it’s just they don’t know. It’s so it’s so sad. I don’t understand why the policies are never really there to actually protect the people. Like, imagine a situation where you didn’t try to bail you, your friends or your banks out as opposed is helping the people who are in the actual country like you. You can’t argue with me about this like it has nothing to do with the actual economics of rent a deal like what the aftermath will be because these countries keep going through the exact same things. They keep crumbling, they keep falling apart. New people get into office. They do well for about a year and a half because people can’t see the cracks in the wall yet and then the whole thing falls apart all over again. It’s nonsense, it’s absolute nonsense. So thank goodness that we have found out that there is a way to transfer money, control our own money and do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whenever we want without any third party or intermediary telling us that we cannot do so because this is how decentralized cryptocurrencies work. And this is why it is very important to be inside a decentralized cryptocurrencies because of things like this. This is why it’s very worrying that a lot of cryptocurrency changes are getting banking charters. And while they’re asking for your information, while they’re asking you for your phone number, while they’re asking for all this, why do you need all my information when I’m trying to send my own money around? It is kind of nonsense. So the point is, I think the next couple of months are going to be very fascinating. In more ways than 10. The over printing of money around the world, not even the U.S. dollar. The demand for Bitcoin. That’s even what I said before. We’re seeing a continuously like a rising demand in Bitcoin before the having has even taken place. This demand is still continuing because other countries around the world. Their leaders can’t get it together. So imagine if this continues. I imagine the more the places continue to have economic fallout and people like we need some type of Bitcoin, some type of something to be able to transact back and forth in. It is very fascinating to be alive right now. It is incredible there. The history books are going to be writing about these moments. I hope, you know, I mean, the real you should know that 19- is tearing the world like it’s showing it’s exposing exactly what the world is. It like in all that and I can’t talk more about that one topic, we just it’s one thing. Imagine if multiple things were happening to the planet. I know it’s one thing. One. And it’s showing how fragile everything is. Anyway, that’s the Lebanon news and everything else I was ranting about, I blacked out again anyway. Yeah, it’s nonsense. It’s just complete nonsense. It’s it’s absolute insanity. So I do hope that people in these countries. I’m sorry, you are in sad situation. However, understand that there are ways out. Ish. I mean, there are other avenues for you to be able to. Economic stability in your life? Yeah. A very special thank you to my Patriot supporters, Professor Wildy from Gunbower University, yoshihara audy Movement. Hi, Sarpy The Pot Head to Joshua Viniar, Martin Storya Josh Gorcyca Tongala an old song. No, no, no, no, no. My mom. But it all went wrong. John’s Arsen The Enema Reader A Biblio Phobia everybo- barebones mining town of Marlies. And I’m Grayslake Mohammed Oney Mass Adventures in Thailand. Buddy Neal Jared Nido Wise Night Owl Two for Two to the World Krypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Krypto Artist Called three-D Nicholas One with One Piece One Love Damien setsuna Nick Conni Whichyou Which Athird Vlad the Impaler kripp Numbers Ship May Pack Cesnik Manjula Voting Anthony Charles. Jim Garner Jemmy Fox. Menton COIN’s Miller Hachette’s. Everyday and concepts like the Yes to Krypto. But to me but Faith Anytown Fitness Moscona Staff Artomatic 17. Bake Me a cake take about Muchow NESA on Krypto with Lino Crail of Michelle. You are Elle and hold on, I have to sneeze. Thank you very, very much for your support. Thank you to every single person who is a member of the channel and thank you to everyone who is a clicker of the affiliate links below. The prices are kind of weird by now or go. So in theory, I’m shot up in price. No real reasoning as to why it was very close to $200 dollars. It could be once again the the two-point O hype. As you see, a theorem is currently higher than Bitcoin. I assume as the day goes on, we may get news as to why this pop up happened. However, it seems like prices are going down, are trying to go down, bitcoin looks like it’s going down and therefore the rest of the cryptocurrency market is also following suit. We’ll see how this plays out, if you will. Yep, stable coins are definitely being pushed up at the moment. Anyway, yeah, it is quite fascinating to see all of this taking place if you don’t think that any part of this is fascinating. You are not paying attention. I mean, you can see. Everything crumbling, I see everything like actually falling apart. It is fascinating to see how. This has shown. Once a true colors, that that’s not the phrase I’m looking for at all is just more like a just how fragile everything actually is. I do hope you all enjoyed. I do hope you all are having a great day. A great morning. A great afternoon, a great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that is absolutely fantastic. Thank you all. Every single one of you once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-prediction-on-crypto-binance-mining-pool/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/bitcoin-prediction-machine-ethereum-is.html
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin Prediction Machine, Ethereum Is Property, Bullish On Crypto & Binance Mining Pool
Hello, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. The price of bitcoin goes up and down and where we’ll be tomorrow. Nobody knows, but Boston based nomics is fine tuning its price predictions with machine learning, the company which provides cryptocurrency market cap and data pricing or pricing data. Kind of the same today added 7 day price predictions to its Web site and market data. AP I The data aggregator generates cryptocurrency price predictions using machine learning. Retail investors everyday people can access the pricing and predictions on the firm’s Web site for free. Nomics charges a fee to users, primarily institutions, funds, exchanges and fin tech apps to access its data programmatically. OK, but CEO Clay Collins gosh and other predictions are not intended as investment advice. And I will tell you right now two things. First, understand that these are just predictions. This is not where the prices are going to go. Second, you bet your bottom dollar. We are going to have a lot of people within the cryptocurrency space who are going to be using these as actual predictions of where things are going to go. And a lot of people are going to be very upset when they start pricing their bets on where this A.I. is, telling them to move them on. You know what’s gonna happen? There’s only five people out there who are gonna be like, well, I mean, their predictions. So they have to be right, which is going to lead to some interesting situations in the next couple of months, he says. We are not saying buy or sell. We are simply showing what our machine learning model predicts it will be. And they should be used as one of several factors to inform opinions about future price movements, as Colin explained. There are many factors the model can’t account for. For example, there could be some catastrophic or bullish event, such as if a large exchange were to get hacked or the security of a popular blockchain where to get compromise. That’s why the company includes a 30 day average error and its price predictions. So what user can see how close or how far off the predictions have been in the preceding weeks? There are times when we are on in times where we are off. We just wanted to be totally transparent and people should take that into consideration. But I promise you, people will use this as their actual method of price discovery for the future. This news was out of all over the place. I mean, it was incredibly popular, if you will, whenever a company comes forward saying that they have some type of artificial intelligence to be able to see the future of prices. It kind of makes headlines. I only have two tabs up here simply because it didn’t feel like having the 14 other tabs on there as well. Fascinating. And I’m pretty sure that they’re not the only ones who also have something like this as well. These last couple of weeks, I’ve seen a major uptick in the amount of interest in the words not only bitcoin, but bitcoin having bitcoin price, bitcoin future price, bitcoin price predictions. It’s kind of a. Everyone’s interested to see exactly where all of this is going to go, especially as this is now the one of the most trying times that we’ve had in recent history. And as other markets around the world are not performing very well, a lot of people are wondering if Bitcoin will take it upon itself to perform better than other assets, even during the. Downturned, let’s say, anyway. Yeah. Nomics now has an A.I. driven weekly price prediction for cryptocurrencies. The weirdest part and I’ll tell you as well as if some of these predictions actually end up being true, they end up getting like a good amount of them to be true. That would be. I don’t say the word intresting would be more like a lot of people would start to use them simply based off of that. Because we’ve also seen there were a couple of other people before who’ve made charts years ago talking about where prices would go. Some of them were fairly correct. Not saying exactly on the exact number, but they’ve become quite popular because of their predictions. And this is why the stock to follow guy has been at the forefront of news over the last couple of weeks anyway. Yeah, there’s a new a high price prediction service method, computer price future. Next up, in a recent write-up, a defendant named Lee was convicted of theft for having stolen cryptocurrency from his previous company following his firing, so he was angry. Lee had resigned from the company on the thirty first of May due to underperformance after a probation period. The defendant used his knowledge of the private key and payment password from his previous companies. I already star project to complete the theft. The crypto currency that Lee stole was mainly the companies in token wallet. Lee took three ether in four million. How these coins on the 20th of June 2019. About a month later he stole 0.4 ethe. Who’s who steals that little? He still zero point. I feel like it’s almost not worth it to just take zero point for either. Even the three either is kind of like a. He tries with the cryptocurrency and how would he tokens to his accountant? OK, smart. Not only did he steal them, but he transferred them directly into his cryptocurrency accounts, which probably have tons of KYC AML or his phone is linked to it in some sort of way. Very intelligent. The assess damage of the amount of damages was six thousand Chinese yuan, and after the crime, Li was asked to return all the stolen coins to his previous company. He was in sentenced to seven months and a fine of two thousand Chinese yuan, according to the case documents the crypto asset represented by ether as economic value as real property. Since they can’t be traded publicly with a demonstrated bull market value. While not the most exciting news story that we’ve had in recent history, this is significant because in a world where China does not exclusively apparently really care about cryptocurrency assets except for the one that they are trying to release as a central bank digital currency, there’s been a lot of push back by China and their government as far as to what is legal, what is allowed and what people can kind of have buy, sell, hold and trade significance being for those of you not looking at the screen. This is an article from October 2018, a much simpler time says Chinese Arbitration Court Rules. Bitcoin is legal property. After this happened, the price of bitcoin went up a little tiny bit because this was the first time or rather, I put it this way. The fact that Bitcoin had a. I don’t say a legal status had a concrete status as something with inChina became very significant, especially after all the news that we got that Bitcoin had been banned within the country. And then, of course, a couple of months later, we figure out that it wasn’t actually banned at all. Just you simply can’t traded and or use it as a currency, but you can still hold it and buy it. What have you and sell it over the counter. So the significance being is that a theorem has also received this classification as property, meaning in in no uncertain terms. If someone steals it from you, it is your property and therefore you can get it back without rulings like this. Or rather, if the court had never ruled in favor of something like this and someone had stole it and said it’s not property is simply just numbers on a screen. Well, then there, you know, people can kind of steal from you as much as they want because it is therefore not your property is not anyone’s property. It is belongs to the person who was able to secure it the most. So, yeah, that is, like I said, not the most exciting. You won’t get your jollies from that news is just more so the actual classification of it and also the I guess the big elephant in the room that it still hasn’t been banned in China despite the soon to be release of said central bank digital currency. And I think they’re going to ban it. If anything, they probably have plans for it, but that’s just kind of how my brain has been looking at things. Let’s move on. Tieing nearly directly into what we just spoke about, according to multiple estimates based on mining factors and approximately 20 days. Bitcoin will see its next block reward reduction with this twelve point five coin reward that is minted as each block is mined will drop to six point to five coins and yadayada that. I suggest that the hype around the bitcoin having is on the rise in the crypto market stands to benefit from this trend, according to Molly, the former head of Bitcoin magazine’s China operation. The Chinese term for Bitcoin having has recently gone viral on Weibo, Weibo, Weibo, as we both also call that China’s Twitter. The topic was the sixth most searched in the past 24 hours, showing real interest in the event, despite China effectively banning the purchase of Bitcoin through yuan. I think you have to get Teather and then I think you have to use Teather to buy. It’s just nonsense. Why? Why make it so difficult? Just. Just let people buy the thing. Here’s the chart right here. It’s a similar sight around the world. Google Trends data indicates that last month global Google users surged. Bitcoin having more than any month before the search engine, also projects that in April, Bitcoin having we’ll be searched 2 times more than last month, which was already a new all time high. This is bullish because it appears that a primary reason why the cryptocurrency market has been relaying rallying as of late is due to the hype around the having. Indeed, according to Google data, the search terms by bitcoin and bitcoin having like I was just saying, like it’s really you can see the actual charts and the momentum behind people who are actually searching this. And even I think hashtag Bitcoin having is also a a a very popular hashtag on Twitter right now have trended in tandem since the year began growing and shrinking and step. The correlation isn’t perfect, but it’s clear that they’re affecting each other. Here’s the actual chart right here once again from Molly showing that Bitcoin having or I guess Bitcoin itself is number six. Keeping in mind that that is a very large country. Nearly everyone in that country is also using the same exact apps. We spoke about that before. I don’t have to really get into it. However, the point is, in a world where they have been discouraged from buying, holding, selling, trading, especially using as a currency or buying anything with it or speculating on its value, it’s fascinating that it is the number six topic out of anything else that could have possibly been popular at that time. Once again, we also know that it is legal within China to actually buy and hold it. You can’t trade it, but you can hold it. And this also, what was the news that we had a couple of days ago as well? I think there was also something else. So Google itself is banned with in China, but I think you can get VPN and some other things. I forgot exactly how it was explained, but they’ve also seen these search terms for these things on actual search engines. Also rising within China as well. The dare I say, the the H-word, the. The hype is definitely there. Everyone is very curious as to what’s going to happen. I still think we’re going to see a price like a strong movement upwards. I think the last two days have shown us that. I think that’s probably probably a bit of it. I think we’re going to move up and I think once that. Height in the air has gone. I think we will see a movement down. Look forward to tons of news. After the prices have gone down from tons of analyst who said while I was predicting the price was going to go down, no one listened to me. I think we are in a. An unknown hype cycle. And I say unknown because a lot of people have no idea what the having actually is. They are in it because they are trying to make a quick couple of bucks. A lot of people are going to sell off their bitcoin, in my opinion, and then they’re going to be very angry when prices go back up. But that’s just part of the game, isn’t it? This happens all the time. People always sell. I’ve seen. I mean, I’ve seen people in the comments section who sold because their friend or someone told them that the price was going to go down. The price went up by eight hundred dollars. And they were like, man, I just sold yesterday. Anyway, the significance of a country with over a billion people. I mean, you have to understand, like the actual significance of this, especially all the other news that we’ve been getting in many other countries where that aren’t even as hardly what as Ana is even strongly hit economically badly, are also buying up tons of bitcoin. The countries that are really hard hit have been also buying up Bitcoin as well. And one can only assume everyone else who’s been buying Bitcoin before is going to buy up. But when that demand remains. And the amount of bitcoin coming out of the machine is cut in half. It’s going to have an effect on the price. But I think a lot of people really don’t get it yet, but they will. That’s just how things are. Here it is. Once again, I find this like if you don’t find the significance in this, it’s absolutely mind boggling to think like imagine I can’t even think of a like like scenario or a story to tell you. Like Bitcoin has effectively been thrown down the steps multiple times by the Chinese government. And yet it’s still number six and trending topics like imagine if the government had obviously or had never said anything negative about it, it would probably be number two or number three. And then also you have to understand also if the government had ever come out in support of or said that it could potentially be used as something, it would probably be know if it would be number one and number zero anyway. And let’s move on. Deutschebank has long been bullish on crypto assets like Bitcoin and the culture has spilled over into the company’s executives. One of the bank’s veterans and former F X Japan managing director is even launching a crypto trading desk of his own set to launch this coming May twenty twenty right before bitcoins having is expected to drive significant interest in the. I’m so excited for this like you. I just I just wanted to happen already. Like I’m so I. Every time I read an article and I read like thirty eight more days. Twenty seven more days, twenty like it. My heart starts racing faster because I there’s so much energy around this one day like this absolute insanity. How much energy there is just on this one event. It is bonkers. There is no denying that crypto assets like Bitcoin, Imperium, SRP and more are high risk. Thank you for writing that high reward. OK. High reward. High risk. High reward. I got it. But their future and potential are so promising. That is true. It’s difficult not to be bullish on the digital currencies and at least consider them as part of a well diversified, diversified, well diversified portfolio that I will agree with. I. It hurts sometimes how bullish I am on the space like. I think it’s affecting me as an actual person with like I think about crypto almost nonstop, like it’s a real problem. That kind of engulfs my entire life. I think about the future, I think about the prices, I think about accumulating more. I think about where things will be in four years and five years. Think the next having I think about the people on the world who don’t have cryptocurrencies, the people who missed out on some of the opportunities that they could have had before, the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now is just a lot. It’s always a lot going through my head. That’s exactly toe moves on knishes, ticket to driving success in his up and coming bitcoin trading desk named Ethics Coin Limited with the former Deutschebank managing director is launching in May. In an interview with Bloomberg, Onishi agreed that while there is no asset that’s absolutely safe from the recent recession and 19 chaos, he asserts that he is a bull on virtual currency prices, which he expects to rise in the coming months. This is now. This is also the one thousand three hundred and eighty fourth person who we were, who we’re talking about, who is bullish on the price is once again, you have to understand. I view things differently in a certain light. While I may not. How do you say this? I find that fascinating whenever rich people talk about something or when rich people openly talk about that, they’re putting their money into something, it means if they have a lot of money into it and usually when they tell other people that they’re going to be launching something like this, it’s because the other people are also being told. ER:Did moved towards also putting their money into the market as well. So, yeah, that’s. I find I find the rich movement of money like, you know, the term like follow the money. It is incredibly true because if you keep paying attention to what all these rich people are talking about and where they’re putting their money and how bullish they all are, it all kind of lines up. The launch of this platform will coincide with what could bring more interest to the cryptocurrency space since Bitcoin 2017 bubble. And it would be the upcoming block reward having. Here is the actual article right here from Bloomberg. I am I mean, I I’ve I’ve said it more than enough. I’m so excited for this. Like it’s it’s the weirdest thing in the entire world. I just want to see what the aftermath of this is because as it stands right now, it is looking likely that we are going to continue seeing Tumblrs and traditional markets. And if the demand for Bitcoin remains the same and or continues to rise over the next year, one might say, as a lot of this stuff is going to continue happening. Therefore, one would assume that the price of bitcoin would go up. We have had a multitude of people, and it’s not even just the the Richie riches of the space. Just everyone is kind of bullish. And everyone keeps saying that we are on the cusp of having a bull run. We are at the beginning of a bull run. We are going to have a bull run. And they all kind of set the same exact time frame. It’s literally between now and the end of the year and also apparently. So a lot of people say the entirety of twenty twenty one, which then leaves us on that. On that cusp of. Watch out for twenty twenty two when everyone. You you also may have noticed no one has really said anything positive about twenty twenty two. So I assume that’s gonna be the drop year and I guess. Anyway. Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t really have much more to say. How many people from banks themselves are bullish on crypto, which is something that should also be causing your ears to perk up a little bit? The fact that they are understanding or have realized a while ago that the stock market would not do very well. A lot of them left the market before the market was even done doing very well. And just how much attention? I mean, it’s so follow the money. Just follow the gosh darn money. Anyway, that’s the bank. Veteran crypto currency trading desk launching before the bitcoin, having news. Let’s move on. Next up, finance has launched the beta version of its mining pool and apparently offers the lowest fees amping up the competition in the space. Chong Ping sÃ, the CEO of Bine and said the first block ever minted by the Buy NANCE pool still in closed beta. Going live soon, as always. Lowest fees of any mining pool. The confirmation of the Bynum’s mining pool was made at the start of the month by itself as media reports on it. Working began circulating around the Web. Currently, the average mining fees on popular mining pools are around zero to 4 percent. It varies according to the mining rewards and payment schedule. Currently, the distribution in mining pools is led by F to pool BTC dot com pullin and and pool. There’s a little chart right there. I guess the news being without really having to go much further by Nance’s once again in the news. I like they there’s there’s also other Beinart’s news. I just decided to not have 15 tabs open about bilats at the exact same time. So Bynum’s has staking and now Bynum’s is also going to have mining pools, which is going to be very fascinating to see exactly how much, how, how. Like, I mean, I imagine if you could have the entirety of your passive income coming directly from cryptocurrency exchanges. I keep getting what’s the word I keep getting recommended these things on YouTube. I don’t know how they are getting into my feed at all. As far as like from traditional investment people, everything I click on is either like family guy, American dad cryptocurrencies or like property. I’m not exactly sure. I guess maybe some the algorithms at some point threw it towards me. The point is there was one of them last night before I was going to go to bed and that popped up and I was like, Oh, OK, cool, I’ll watch it. It was some guy talking about how he, like, invest in dividends and stuff like that. And like even during the like the downtrend of the markets, how he’s still getting paid from his dividends. And I was like, that’s gonna be a very big thing within the cryptocurrency space. We know that while not all the cryptocurrencies will make it, there is going to be at least a good 10 to 15 that are gonna be around for at least five to 10 years. I’m not saying that Bitcoin will be the over dominant Lord relatively soon, but I think there are many coins and have a very good good 5 to 10 year span. If these coins, they are going up dramatically in price if you are able to simply have bought them now. And over the years, the price goes up and you can imagine is being able to mine Bitcoin proof of snakey theorem and proof of stake, any other coin that’s kind of out there directly through by Anan’s or O’Casey X or Coinbase or wherever you decide to do your stuff. And that’s how you make your money. Isn’t that insane to think about that all of this is like it’ll be completely passive. Like there’s no real need to actually do anything. You just keep your money. And I guess is what passive income is. But it’s still this like. Do you understand how insane all of this is, like if we are actually at the forefront or the beginning or have made it in years in years before. Millions of billions of other people even decide to try and get into the cryptocurrency space and you end up making I mean, like absolute bank from the money that you have currently in crypto. And every single year, like just from the interest or just from this taking or just from the mining on these other platforms. You’re making a good like made five figures, if not six figures from me. It’s I find it very cool. The point is, yeah, by NANCE is opening up a mining pool. No one should be shocked by any of this. They’ve been they’ve been doing it. I’m certain at this point, I think everything that exists by NANCE is going to try. I think they’re going to try and be like Amazon. For those of you who don’t know, Amazon did the exact same thing. Amazon tried to do everything. They tried to have a not a gaming platform. But I can remember all this stuff. Amazon tried to do tons of things. A lot of them have failed, but a lot of them have kind of stuck. This is why Amazon is so popular. So I assume they’re going for that same goal anyway. Yeah. So this is something else to look forward to. I give it three weeks. Four weeks. Five weeks for weeks when they’ll announce that is this is completely up and running and then we’ll see tons of people mining, I assume Bitcoin and other currencies like going on finance. Absolutely insane. And to finish things off, Bitcoin is trading at almost twice its current price in an economically hit Lebanon peer to peer bitcoin marketplace, local bitcoin is dot.com shows people selling the cryptocurrency for as high as twenty two million L.. BP per token, which is roughly around fifteen thousand U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, people who are looking to liquidate Bitcoin for local currency are demanding as much as eleven thousand dollars per token. Exchange rates coming out of Lebanon’s cryptocurrency marketplace are strikingly higher than their global counterparts. Data aggregator Mazari shows that Bitcoin’s price shows Bitcoin’s price a little above 70 percent. Yes. Yeah, I was right. Seventy five hundred and seventy five hundred thousand seventy five hundred. Almost half. Then what is the Lebanese traders are? Is that one? What is the. Okay, that’s it. That’s right or wrong? Not me, anyway. Bitcoin hits its price premium price levels in Lebanon as the country grapples with its most severe economic crisis in decades. The Lebanese pound has crashed by almost 50 percent from its dollar peg value since October 2019, sparking inflation, fuelling social unrest and locking Lebanese people out of their U.S. dollar enabled bank savings. We spoke about this a couple of months ago as well, when things were like just starting to really, really get really bad. Had it told you I was having dinner with a couple of friends who are from Lebanon? And they told me that I think the restriction was I think you could take out or hundred dollars per week from your account. And part of the problem was that she knew this guy who had been saving his entire life. He had millions of dollars in his bank account and he could only take out sixteen hundred per month. And then I got to the point where I think they lowered that to two hundred. Per week, and then the last time we spoke about Lebanon, I believe it was one hundred dollars. I think every two weeks or per week or so, which is still terrible, like imagine having a million dollars and you can take out four hundred per month. Also, there’s tons of, um, like like geolocate restrictions. So you can’t transfer your money out of the bank. I think you can’t transfer stuff inside of it. You can’t buy cryptocurrencies. You can’t buy all this other stuff. So I assume even what it says around here, yearago and Lebanon E payments are blocked and geo restricted. Bitcoin still traded by over the counter only and rarely to find someone who knows about altcoins l.o.l. So you have a situation where you can’t take your money out. You can’t really move it to another bank. You can’t really do anything with it. I guess people are probably tons of people are probably taking out cash and probably looking for people to be able to. Hey, can we swap some currency that’s worth nothing for some bitcoin? It’s incredibly fascinating. Even more so. geo-blocking and G.O. restricting should not be a thing. This is why Bitcoin exists. This is why Bitcoin is bitcoin and this is why I think Bitcoin already is on its way to taking over the entire world. Can I want to say, can you imagine? But it’s happening. You have money in the bank that you need to get out because you and your friends and family are terrified and your money has already lost half of its value. Can imagine someone telling, you know, you can’t move around Bitcoin, it doesn’t make any sense like we know. This is why Bitcoin is good because it works 24 hours a day. No one can stop it and no one can tell you not to use it or where to send your money. It’s insane to think about that this is actually taking place. So I guess this was kind of the the the next step. This is not the first time that this has happened with Bitcoin. We had the same exact situation. This actually preceded the actual movements up in price in two thousand seventeen. You can find the articles. There were tons of countries that were kind of. Going through it and what ended up happening was that before even the South Korean kimchi premium took place, there were a couple of other countries. I think with Bitcoin it was around six, seven thousand. I think there were countries that were selling Bitcoin for around 12000 thousand. I can I can remember, though, it was about three to three, four different countries that had this like premium on the price. And mean was like, that’s non sense. It’s already over ten thousand. And then by the time that bit bitcoin itself in real price had actually gone above ten thousand, that’s when the other places were like selling it for like sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand. And that’s when we as a market itself started moving up. I assume the I mean another big catalyst for this could actually be prices like this. It shows that there’s actual demand. And if people in any way, shape or form are prepared to pay fifteen thousand for a bitcoin, it means that the demand is actually there. I mean, I would love a world where everyone just started buying Ely’s fragments of bitcoin to be able to move money around by themselves, like having like. And the issue is that this is just going to continue all over again like this. This is not going to be the last time that the world or a country is gonna be in a situation where their money gets locked up. They don’t trust their government. The government steals money from them and their money becomes hyper devalued. Like you would assume that this would have opened up everyone’s eyes and they would have been like, well, we’re a neighboring country. Maybe we should try and get things together as well. No, because everyone only focuses on the now. Everyone only focuses on this very exact moment. This is why so many people don’t invest. People don’t invest because they only see how many people I know who make X amount of money per month. That is that is that an astronomical amount like they may just be making about the end of the month, like, okay, we’re good at making it. They expect that patient to come in the next month. They have no money saved. They have no assets. They have no desire to put any money away because they keep thinking. People only think in the now it’s only just right now what’s happening. There is no future like tomorrow. I’ll worry about what happens tomorrow. And then you don’t realize that they’re not they’re also not worrying about five to ten years down down to the five to ten years in the future like that. That isn’t even a thing to wear. Their mind is going, which is terrible because at some point we’re all gonna get older, we’re all gonna have aches and pains. We’re all going to do so like we’re all going to have these things. We are going to happen to us. You have to make sure that you preparing for the future right now. But there’s so many people who don’t. Not that I’m blaming the people of Lebanon for what their country has done. It’s just more like a I wish other countries paid attention to the actual news of what’s happening in other countries, because if you think at any point your government is going to try and take money from you, halt your bank account, stop you from moving around stuff, take your assets, you’re wrong. They’ve all done it at some point or another. It’s just like actual history. You could look through it every single country has done or they’re currently doing it right now. We would live in a completely different world if everyone was like, oh, crap, that’s terrible. Let me buy a tenth of a bitcoin. Let me buy five percent of a bitcoin just to make sure. Just in case I can still move some type of money around. Not only even not even the aspect of Bitcoin’s price skyrocketing. That’s something completely that something amazing on its own. But the fact that if prices did go up, people would not only have more money, they’d be maybe more secure in their money. No one could tell. You know you can. Can you? People being told you can’t take your money out of your freaking bank account. You know what that would do to someone’s mind mentally? Can you imagine if you had saved your into. Imagine you had saved for 20 years you and you had saved up and had worked hard and had half a million. Yet a quarter of a million dollars in the bank. And one day you tried to take your money out and someone said, no, you can have 400 for the entire month. Mentally you would crumble, you’d be really upset. So for the sake of me not rampaging on, this is what’s happening. Like I said, this has happened many other times before, as many other countries and governments of garbage do. I mean, it’s just they don’t know. It’s so it’s so sad. I don’t understand why the policies are never really there to actually protect the people. Like, imagine a situation where you didn’t try to bail you, your friends or your banks out as opposed is helping the people who are in the actual country like you. You can’t argue with me about this like it has nothing to do with the actual economics of rent a deal like what the aftermath will be because these countries keep going through the exact same things. They keep crumbling, they keep falling apart. New people get into office. They do well for about a year and a half because people can’t see the cracks in the wall yet and then the whole thing falls apart all over again. It’s nonsense, it’s absolute nonsense. So thank goodness that we have found out that there is a way to transfer money, control our own money and do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whenever we want without any third party or intermediary telling us that we cannot do so because this is how decentralized cryptocurrencies work. And this is why it is very important to be inside a decentralized cryptocurrencies because of things like this. This is why it’s very worrying that a lot of cryptocurrency changes are getting banking charters. And while they’re asking for your information, while they’re asking you for your phone number, while they’re asking for all this, why do you need all my information when I’m trying to send my own money around? It is kind of nonsense. So the point is, I think the next couple of months are going to be very fascinating. In more ways than 10. The over printing of money around the world, not even the U.S. dollar. The demand for Bitcoin. That’s even what I said before. We’re seeing a continuously like a rising demand in Bitcoin before the having has even taken place. This demand is still continuing because other countries around the world. Their leaders can’t get it together. So imagine if this continues. I imagine the more the places continue to have economic fallout and people like we need some type of Bitcoin, some type of something to be able to transact back and forth in. It is very fascinating to be alive right now. It is incredible there. The history books are going to be writing about these moments. I hope, you know, I mean, the real you should know that 19- is tearing the world like it’s showing it’s exposing exactly what the world is. It like in all that and I can’t talk more about that one topic, we just it’s one thing. Imagine if multiple things were happening to the planet. I know it’s one thing. One. And it’s showing how fragile everything is. Anyway, that’s the Lebanon news and everything else I was ranting about, I blacked out again anyway. Yeah, it’s nonsense. It’s just complete nonsense. It’s it’s absolute insanity. So I do hope that people in these countries. I’m sorry, you are in sad situation. However, understand that there are ways out. Ish. I mean, there are other avenues for you to be able to. Economic stability in your life? Yeah. A very special thank you to my Patriot supporters, Professor Wildy from Gunbower University, yoshihara audy Movement. Hi, Sarpy The Pot Head to Joshua Viniar, Martin Storya Josh Gorcyca Tongala an old song. No, no, no, no, no. My mom. But it all went wrong. John’s Arsen The Enema Reader A Biblio Phobia everybo- barebones mining town of Marlies. And I’m Grayslake Mohammed Oney Mass Adventures in Thailand. Buddy Neal Jared Nido Wise Night Owl Two for Two to the World Krypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Krypto Artist Called three-D Nicholas One with One Piece One Love Damien setsuna Nick Conni Whichyou Which Athird Vlad the Impaler kripp Numbers Ship May Pack Cesnik Manjula Voting Anthony Charles. Jim Garner Jemmy Fox. Menton COIN’s Miller Hachette’s. Everyday and concepts like the Yes to Krypto. But to me but Faith Anytown Fitness Moscona Staff Artomatic 17. Bake Me a cake take about Muchow NESA on Krypto with Lino Crail of Michelle. You are Elle and hold on, I have to sneeze. Thank you very, very much for your support. Thank you to every single person who is a member of the channel and thank you to everyone who is a clicker of the affiliate links below. The prices are kind of weird by now or go. So in theory, I’m shot up in price. No real reasoning as to why it was very close to $200 dollars. It could be once again the the two-point O hype. As you see, a theorem is currently higher than Bitcoin. I assume as the day goes on, we may get news as to why this pop up happened. However, it seems like prices are going down, are trying to go down, bitcoin looks like it’s going down and therefore the rest of the cryptocurrency market is also following suit. We’ll see how this plays out, if you will. Yep, stable coins are definitely being pushed up at the moment. Anyway, yeah, it is quite fascinating to see all of this taking place if you don’t think that any part of this is fascinating. You are not paying attention. I mean, you can see. Everything crumbling, I see everything like actually falling apart. It is fascinating to see how. This has shown. Once a true colors, that that’s not the phrase I’m looking for at all is just more like a just how fragile everything actually is. I do hope you all enjoyed. I do hope you all are having a great day. A great morning. A great afternoon, a great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that is absolutely fantastic. Thank you all. Every single one of you once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-prediction-on-crypto-binance-mining-pool/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/616554421930885120
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Prediction Machine Ethereum Is Property Bullish On Crypto & Binance Mining Pool
Hello, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. The price of bitcoin goes up and down and where we’ll be tomorrow. Nobody knows, but Boston based nomics is fine tuning its price predictions with machine learning, the company which provides cryptocurrency market cap and data pricing or pricing data. Kind of the same today added 7 day price predictions to its Web site and market data. AP I The data aggregator generates cryptocurrency price predictions using machine learning. Retail investors everyday people can access the pricing and predictions on the firm’s Web site for free. Nomics charges a fee to users, primarily institutions, funds, exchanges and fin tech apps to access its data programmatically. OK, but CEO Clay Collins gosh and other predictions are not intended as investment advice. And I will tell you right now two things. First, understand that these are just predictions. This is not where the prices are going to go. Second, you bet your bottom dollar. We are going to have a lot of people within the cryptocurrency space who are going to be using these as actual predictions of where things are going to go. And a lot of people are going to be very upset when they start pricing their bets on where this A.I. is, telling them to move them on. You know what’s gonna happen? There’s only five people out there who are gonna be like, well, I mean, their predictions. So they have to be right, which is going to lead to some interesting situations in the next couple of months, he says. We are not saying buy or sell. We are simply showing what our machine learning model predicts it will be. And they should be used as one of several factors to inform opinions about future price movements, as Colin explained. There are many factors the model can’t account for. For example, there could be some catastrophic or bullish event, such as if a large exchange were to get hacked or the security of a popular blockchain where to get compromise. That’s why the company includes a 30 day average error and its price predictions. So what user can see how close or how far off the predictions have been in the preceding weeks? There are times when we are on in times where we are off. We just wanted to be totally transparent and people should take that into consideration. But I promise you, people will use this as their actual method of price discovery for the future. This news was out of all over the place. I mean, it was incredibly popular, if you will, whenever a company comes forward saying that they have some type of artificial intelligence to be able to see the future of prices. It kind of makes headlines. I only have two tabs up here simply because it didn’t feel like having the 14 other tabs on there as well. Fascinating. And I’m pretty sure that they’re not the only ones who also have something like this as well. These last couple of weeks, I’ve seen a major uptick in the amount of interest in the words not only bitcoin, but bitcoin having bitcoin price, bitcoin future price, bitcoin price predictions. It’s kind of a. Everyone’s interested to see exactly where all of this is going to go, especially as this is now the one of the most trying times that we’ve had in recent history. And as other markets around the world are not performing very well, a lot of people are wondering if Bitcoin will take it upon itself to perform better than other assets, even during the. Downturned, let’s say, anyway. Yeah. Nomics now has an A.I. driven weekly price prediction for cryptocurrencies. The weirdest part and I’ll tell you as well as if some of these predictions actually end up being true, they end up getting like a good amount of them to be true. That would be. I don’t say the word intresting would be more like a lot of people would start to use them simply based off of that. Because we’ve also seen there were a couple of other people before who’ve made charts years ago talking about where prices would go. Some of them were fairly correct. Not saying exactly on the exact number, but they’ve become quite popular because of their predictions. And this is why the stock to follow guy has been at the forefront of news over the last couple of weeks anyway. Yeah, there’s a new a high price prediction service method, computer price future. Next up, in a recent write-up, a defendant named Lee was convicted of theft for having stolen cryptocurrency from his previous company following his firing, so he was angry. Lee had resigned from the company on the thirty first of May due to underperformance after a probation period. The defendant used his knowledge of the private key and payment password from his previous companies. I already star project to complete the theft. The crypto currency that Lee stole was mainly the companies in token wallet. Lee took three ether in four million. How these coins on the 20th of June 2019. About a month later he stole 0.4 ethe. Who’s who steals that little? He still zero point. I feel like it’s almost not worth it to just take zero point for either. Even the three either is kind of like a. He tries with the cryptocurrency and how would he tokens to his accountant? OK, smart. Not only did he steal them, but he transferred them directly into his cryptocurrency accounts, which probably have tons of KYC AML or his phone is linked to it in some sort of way. Very intelligent. The assess damage of the amount of damages was six thousand Chinese yuan, and after the crime, Li was asked to return all the stolen coins to his previous company. He was in sentenced to seven months and a fine of two thousand Chinese yuan, according to the case documents the crypto asset represented by ether as economic value as real property. Since they can’t be traded publicly with a demonstrated bull market value. While not the most exciting news story that we’ve had in recent history, this is significant because in a world where China does not exclusively apparently really care about cryptocurrency assets except for the one that they are trying to release as a central bank digital currency, there’s been a lot of push back by China and their government as far as to what is legal, what is allowed and what people can kind of have buy, sell, hold and trade significance being for those of you not looking at the screen. This is an article from October 2018, a much simpler time says Chinese Arbitration Court Rules. Bitcoin is legal property. After this happened, the price of bitcoin went up a little tiny bit because this was the first time or rather, I put it this way. The fact that Bitcoin had a. I don’t say a legal status had a concrete status as something with inChina became very significant, especially after all the news that we got that Bitcoin had been banned within the country. And then, of course, a couple of months later, we figure out that it wasn’t actually banned at all. Just you simply can’t traded and or use it as a currency, but you can still hold it and buy it. What have you and sell it over the counter. So the significance being is that a theorem has also received this classification as property, meaning in in no uncertain terms. If someone steals it from you, it is your property and therefore you can get it back without rulings like this. Or rather, if the court had never ruled in favor of something like this and someone had stole it and said it’s not property is simply just numbers on a screen. Well, then there, you know, people can kind of steal from you as much as they want because it is therefore not your property is not anyone’s property. It is belongs to the person who was able to secure it the most. So, yeah, that is, like I said, not the most exciting. You won’t get your jollies from that news is just more so the actual classification of it and also the I guess the big elephant in the room that it still hasn’t been banned in China despite the soon to be release of said central bank digital currency. And I think they’re going to ban it. If anything, they probably have plans for it, but that’s just kind of how my brain has been looking at things. Let’s move on. Tieing nearly directly into what we just spoke about, according to multiple estimates based on mining factors and approximately 20 days. Bitcoin will see its next block reward reduction with this twelve point five coin reward that is minted as each block is mined will drop to six point to five coins and yadayada that. I suggest that the hype around the bitcoin having is on the rise in the crypto market stands to benefit from this trend, according to Molly, the former head of Bitcoin magazine’s China operation. The Chinese term for Bitcoin having has recently gone viral on Weibo, Weibo, Weibo, as we both also call that China’s Twitter. The topic was the sixth most searched in the past 24 hours, showing real interest in the event, despite China effectively banning the purchase of Bitcoin through yuan. I think you have to get Teather and then I think you have to use Teather to buy. It’s just nonsense. Why? Why make it so difficult? Just. Just let people buy the thing. Here’s the chart right here. It’s a similar sight around the world. Google Trends data indicates that last month global Google users surged. Bitcoin having more than any month before the search engine, also projects that in April, Bitcoin having we’ll be searched 2 times more than last month, which was already a new all time high. This is bullish because it appears that a primary reason why the cryptocurrency market has been relaying rallying as of late is due to the hype around the having. Indeed, according to Google data, the search terms by bitcoin and bitcoin having like I was just saying, like it’s really you can see the actual charts and the momentum behind people who are actually searching this. And even I think hashtag Bitcoin having is also a a a very popular hashtag on Twitter right now have trended in tandem since the year began growing and shrinking and step. The correlation isn’t perfect, but it’s clear that they’re affecting each other. Here’s the actual chart right here once again from Molly showing that Bitcoin having or I guess Bitcoin itself is number six. Keeping in mind that that is a very large country. Nearly everyone in that country is also using the same exact apps. We spoke about that before. I don’t have to really get into it. However, the point is, in a world where they have been discouraged from buying, holding, selling, trading, especially using as a currency or buying anything with it or speculating on its value, it’s fascinating that it is the number six topic out of anything else that could have possibly been popular at that time. Once again, we also know that it is legal within China to actually buy and hold it. You can’t trade it, but you can hold it. And this also, what was the news that we had a couple of days ago as well? I think there was also something else. So Google itself is banned with in China, but I think you can get VPN and some other things. I forgot exactly how it was explained, but they’ve also seen these search terms for these things on actual search engines. Also rising within China as well. The dare I say, the the H-word, the. The hype is definitely there. Everyone is very curious as to what’s going to happen. I still think we’re going to see a price like a strong movement upwards. I think the last two days have shown us that. I think that’s probably probably a bit of it. I think we’re going to move up and I think once that. Height in the air has gone. I think we will see a movement down. Look forward to tons of news. After the prices have gone down from tons of analyst who said while I was predicting the price was going to go down, no one listened to me. I think we are in a. An unknown hype cycle. And I say unknown because a lot of people have no idea what the having actually is. They are in it because they are trying to make a quick couple of bucks. A lot of people are going to sell off their bitcoin, in my opinion, and then they’re going to be very angry when prices go back up. But that’s just part of the game, isn’t it? This happens all the time. People always sell. I’ve seen. I mean, I’ve seen people in the comments section who sold because their friend or someone told them that the price was going to go down. The price went up by eight hundred dollars. And they were like, man, I just sold yesterday. Anyway, the significance of a country with over a billion people. I mean, you have to understand, like the actual significance of this, especially all the other news that we’ve been getting in many other countries where that aren’t even as hardly what as Ana is even strongly hit economically badly, are also buying up tons of bitcoin. The countries that are really hard hit have been also buying up Bitcoin as well. And one can only assume everyone else who’s been buying Bitcoin before is going to buy up. But when that demand remains. And the amount of bitcoin coming out of the machine is cut in half. It’s going to have an effect on the price. But I think a lot of people really don’t get it yet, but they will. That’s just how things are. Here it is. Once again, I find this like if you don’t find the significance in this, it’s absolutely mind boggling to think like imagine I can’t even think of a like like scenario or a story to tell you. Like Bitcoin has effectively been thrown down the steps multiple times by the Chinese government. And yet it’s still number six and trending topics like imagine if the government had obviously or had never said anything negative about it, it would probably be number two or number three. And then also you have to understand also if the government had ever come out in support of or said that it could potentially be used as something, it would probably be know if it would be number one and number zero anyway. And let’s move on. Deutschebank has long been bullish on crypto assets like Bitcoin and the culture has spilled over into the company’s executives. One of the bank’s veterans and former F X Japan managing director is even launching a crypto trading desk of his own set to launch this coming May twenty twenty right before bitcoins having is expected to drive significant interest in the. I’m so excited for this like you. I just I just wanted to happen already. Like I’m so I. Every time I read an article and I read like thirty eight more days. Twenty seven more days, twenty like it. My heart starts racing faster because I there’s so much energy around this one day like this absolute insanity. How much energy there is just on this one event. It is bonkers. There is no denying that crypto assets like Bitcoin, Imperium, SRP and more are high risk. Thank you for writing that high reward. OK. High reward. High risk. High reward. I got it. But their future and potential are so promising. That is true. It’s difficult not to be bullish on the digital currencies and at least consider them as part of a well diversified, diversified, well diversified portfolio that I will agree with. I. It hurts sometimes how bullish I am on the space like. I think it’s affecting me as an actual person with like I think about crypto almost nonstop, like it’s a real problem. That kind of engulfs my entire life. I think about the future, I think about the prices, I think about accumulating more. I think about where things will be in four years and five years. Think the next having I think about the people on the world who don’t have cryptocurrencies, the people who missed out on some of the opportunities that they could have had before, the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now is just a lot. It’s always a lot going through my head. That’s exactly toe moves on knishes, ticket to driving success in his up and coming bitcoin trading desk named Ethics Coin Limited with the former Deutschebank managing director is launching in May. In an interview with Bloomberg, Onishi agreed that while there is no asset that’s absolutely safe from the recent recession and 19 chaos, he asserts that he is a bull on virtual currency prices, which he expects to rise in the coming months. This is now. This is also the one thousand three hundred and eighty fourth person who we were, who we’re talking about, who is bullish on the price is once again, you have to understand. I view things differently in a certain light. While I may not. How do you say this? I find that fascinating whenever rich people talk about something or when rich people openly talk about that, they’re putting their money into something, it means if they have a lot of money into it and usually when they tell other people that they’re going to be launching something like this, it’s because the other people are also being told. ER:Did moved towards also putting their money into the market as well. So, yeah, that’s. I find I find the rich movement of money like, you know, the term like follow the money. It is incredibly true because if you keep paying attention to what all these rich people are talking about and where they’re putting their money and how bullish they all are, it all kind of lines up. The launch of this platform will coincide with what could bring more interest to the cryptocurrency space since Bitcoin 2017 bubble. And it would be the upcoming block reward having. Here is the actual article right here from Bloomberg. I am I mean, I I’ve I’ve said it more than enough. I’m so excited for this. Like it’s it’s the weirdest thing in the entire world. I just want to see what the aftermath of this is because as it stands right now, it is looking likely that we are going to continue seeing Tumblrs and traditional markets. And if the demand for Bitcoin remains the same and or continues to rise over the next year, one might say, as a lot of this stuff is going to continue happening. Therefore, one would assume that the price of bitcoin would go up. We have had a multitude of people, and it’s not even just the the Richie riches of the space. Just everyone is kind of bullish. And everyone keeps saying that we are on the cusp of having a bull run. We are at the beginning of a bull run. We are going to have a bull run. And they all kind of set the same exact time frame. It’s literally between now and the end of the year and also apparently. So a lot of people say the entirety of twenty twenty one, which then leaves us on that. On that cusp of. Watch out for twenty twenty two when everyone. You you also may have noticed no one has really said anything positive about twenty twenty two. So I assume that’s gonna be the drop year and I guess. Anyway. Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t really have much more to say. How many people from banks themselves are bullish on crypto, which is something that should also be causing your ears to perk up a little bit? The fact that they are understanding or have realized a while ago that the stock market would not do very well. A lot of them left the market before the market was even done doing very well. And just how much attention? I mean, it’s so follow the money. Just follow the gosh darn money. Anyway, that’s the bank. Veteran crypto currency trading desk launching before the bitcoin, having news. Let’s move on. Next up, finance has launched the beta version of its mining pool and apparently offers the lowest fees amping up the competition in the space. Chong Ping sÃ, the CEO of Bine and said the first block ever minted by the Buy NANCE pool still in closed beta. Going live soon, as always. Lowest fees of any mining pool. The confirmation of the Bynum’s mining pool was made at the start of the month by itself as media reports on it. Working began circulating around the Web. Currently, the average mining fees on popular mining pools are around zero to 4 percent. It varies according to the mining rewards and payment schedule. Currently, the distribution in mining pools is led by F to pool BTC dot com pullin and and pool. There’s a little chart right there. I guess the news being without really having to go much further by Nance’s once again in the news. I like they there’s there’s also other Beinart’s news. I just decided to not have 15 tabs open about bilats at the exact same time. So Bynum’s has staking and now Bynum’s is also going to have mining pools, which is going to be very fascinating to see exactly how much, how, how. Like, I mean, I imagine if you could have the entirety of your passive income coming directly from cryptocurrency exchanges. I keep getting what’s the word I keep getting recommended these things on YouTube. I don’t know how they are getting into my feed at all. As far as like from traditional investment people, everything I click on is either like family guy, American dad cryptocurrencies or like property. I’m not exactly sure. I guess maybe some the algorithms at some point threw it towards me. The point is there was one of them last night before I was going to go to bed and that popped up and I was like, Oh, OK, cool, I’ll watch it. It was some guy talking about how he, like, invest in dividends and stuff like that. And like even during the like the downtrend of the markets, how he’s still getting paid from his dividends. And I was like, that’s gonna be a very big thing within the cryptocurrency space. We know that while not all the cryptocurrencies will make it, there is going to be at least a good 10 to 15 that are gonna be around for at least five to 10 years. I’m not saying that Bitcoin will be the over dominant Lord relatively soon, but I think there are many coins and have a very good good 5 to 10 year span. If these coins, they are going up dramatically in price if you are able to simply have bought them now. And over the years, the price goes up and you can imagine is being able to mine Bitcoin proof of snakey theorem and proof of stake, any other coin that’s kind of out there directly through by Anan’s or O’Casey X or Coinbase or wherever you decide to do your stuff. And that’s how you make your money. Isn’t that insane to think about that all of this is like it’ll be completely passive. Like there’s no real need to actually do anything. You just keep your money. And I guess is what passive income is. But it’s still this like. Do you understand how insane all of this is, like if we are actually at the forefront or the beginning or have made it in years in years before. Millions of billions of other people even decide to try and get into the cryptocurrency space and you end up making I mean, like absolute bank from the money that you have currently in crypto. And every single year, like just from the interest or just from this taking or just from the mining on these other platforms. You’re making a good like made five figures, if not six figures from me. It’s I find it very cool. The point is, yeah, by NANCE is opening up a mining pool. No one should be shocked by any of this. They’ve been they’ve been doing it. I’m certain at this point, I think everything that exists by NANCE is going to try. I think they’re going to try and be like Amazon. For those of you who don’t know, Amazon did the exact same thing. Amazon tried to do everything. They tried to have a not a gaming platform. But I can remember all this stuff. Amazon tried to do tons of things. A lot of them have failed, but a lot of them have kind of stuck. This is why Amazon is so popular. So I assume they’re going for that same goal anyway. Yeah. So this is something else to look forward to. I give it three weeks. Four weeks. Five weeks for weeks when they’ll announce that is this is completely up and running and then we’ll see tons of people mining, I assume Bitcoin and other currencies like going on finance. Absolutely insane. And to finish things off, Bitcoin is trading at almost twice its current price in an economically hit Lebanon peer to peer bitcoin marketplace, local bitcoin is dot.com shows people selling the cryptocurrency for as high as twenty two million L.. BP per token, which is roughly around fifteen thousand U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, people who are looking to liquidate Bitcoin for local currency are demanding as much as eleven thousand dollars per token. Exchange rates coming out of Lebanon’s cryptocurrency marketplace are strikingly higher than their global counterparts. Data aggregator Mazari shows that Bitcoin’s price shows Bitcoin’s price a little above 70 percent. Yes. Yeah, I was right. Seventy five hundred and seventy five hundred thousand seventy five hundred. Almost half. Then what is the Lebanese traders are? Is that one? What is the. Okay, that’s it. That’s right or wrong? Not me, anyway. Bitcoin hits its price premium price levels in Lebanon as the country grapples with its most severe economic crisis in decades. The Lebanese pound has crashed by almost 50 percent from its dollar peg value since October 2019, sparking inflation, fuelling social unrest and locking Lebanese people out of their U.S. dollar enabled bank savings. We spoke about this a couple of months ago as well, when things were like just starting to really, really get really bad. Had it told you I was having dinner with a couple of friends who are from Lebanon? And they told me that I think the restriction was I think you could take out or hundred dollars per week from your account. And part of the problem was that she knew this guy who had been saving his entire life. He had millions of dollars in his bank account and he could only take out sixteen hundred per month. And then I got to the point where I think they lowered that to two hundred. Per week, and then the last time we spoke about Lebanon, I believe it was one hundred dollars. I think every two weeks or per week or so, which is still terrible, like imagine having a million dollars and you can take out four hundred per month. Also, there’s tons of, um, like like geolocate restrictions. So you can’t transfer your money out of the bank. I think you can’t transfer stuff inside of it. You can’t buy cryptocurrencies. You can’t buy all this other stuff. So I assume even what it says around here, yearago and Lebanon E payments are blocked and geo restricted. Bitcoin still traded by over the counter only and rarely to find someone who knows about altcoins l.o.l. So you have a situation where you can’t take your money out. You can’t really move it to another bank. You can’t really do anything with it. I guess people are probably tons of people are probably taking out cash and probably looking for people to be able to. Hey, can we swap some currency that’s worth nothing for some bitcoin? It’s incredibly fascinating. Even more so. geo-blocking and G.O. restricting should not be a thing. This is why Bitcoin exists. This is why Bitcoin is bitcoin and this is why I think Bitcoin already is on its way to taking over the entire world. Can I want to say, can you imagine? But it’s happening. You have money in the bank that you need to get out because you and your friends and family are terrified and your money has already lost half of its value. Can imagine someone telling, you know, you can’t move around Bitcoin, it doesn’t make any sense like we know. This is why Bitcoin is good because it works 24 hours a day. No one can stop it and no one can tell you not to use it or where to send your money. It’s insane to think about that this is actually taking place. So I guess this was kind of the the the next step. This is not the first time that this has happened with Bitcoin. We had the same exact situation. This actually preceded the actual movements up in price in two thousand seventeen. You can find the articles. There were tons of countries that were kind of. Going through it and what ended up happening was that before even the South Korean kimchi premium took place, there were a couple of other countries. I think with Bitcoin it was around six, seven thousand. I think there were countries that were selling Bitcoin for around 12000 thousand. I can I can remember, though, it was about three to three, four different countries that had this like premium on the price. And mean was like, that’s non sense. It’s already over ten thousand. And then by the time that bit bitcoin itself in real price had actually gone above ten thousand, that’s when the other places were like selling it for like sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand. And that’s when we as a market itself started moving up. I assume the I mean another big catalyst for this could actually be prices like this. It shows that there’s actual demand. And if people in any way, shape or form are prepared to pay fifteen thousand for a bitcoin, it means that the demand is actually there. I mean, I would love a world where everyone just started buying Ely’s fragments of bitcoin to be able to move money around by themselves, like having like. And the issue is that this is just going to continue all over again like this. This is not going to be the last time that the world or a country is gonna be in a situation where their money gets locked up. They don’t trust their government. The government steals money from them and their money becomes hyper devalued. Like you would assume that this would have opened up everyone’s eyes and they would have been like, well, we’re a neighboring country. Maybe we should try and get things together as well. No, because everyone only focuses on the now. Everyone only focuses on this very exact moment. This is why so many people don’t invest. People don’t invest because they only see how many people I know who make X amount of money per month. That is that is that an astronomical amount like they may just be making about the end of the month, like, okay, we’re good at making it. They expect that patient to come in the next month. They have no money saved. They have no assets. They have no desire to put any money away because they keep thinking. People only think in the now it’s only just right now what’s happening. There is no future like tomorrow. I’ll worry about what happens tomorrow. And then you don’t realize that they’re not they’re also not worrying about five to ten years down down to the five to ten years in the future like that. That isn’t even a thing to wear. Their mind is going, which is terrible because at some point we’re all gonna get older, we’re all gonna have aches and pains. We’re all going to do so like we’re all going to have these things. We are going to happen to us. You have to make sure that you preparing for the future right now. But there’s so many people who don’t. Not that I’m blaming the people of Lebanon for what their country has done. It’s just more like a I wish other countries paid attention to the actual news of what’s happening in other countries, because if you think at any point your government is going to try and take money from you, halt your bank account, stop you from moving around stuff, take your assets, you’re wrong. They’ve all done it at some point or another. It’s just like actual history. You could look through it every single country has done or they’re currently doing it right now. We would live in a completely different world if everyone was like, oh, crap, that’s terrible. Let me buy a tenth of a bitcoin. Let me buy five percent of a bitcoin just to make sure. Just in case I can still move some type of money around. Not only even not even the aspect of Bitcoin’s price skyrocketing. That’s something completely that something amazing on its own. But the fact that if prices did go up, people would not only have more money, they’d be maybe more secure in their money. No one could tell. You know you can. Can you? People being told you can’t take your money out of your freaking bank account. You know what that would do to someone’s mind mentally? Can you imagine if you had saved your into. Imagine you had saved for 20 years you and you had saved up and had worked hard and had half a million. Yet a quarter of a million dollars in the bank. And one day you tried to take your money out and someone said, no, you can have 400 for the entire month. Mentally you would crumble, you’d be really upset. So for the sake of me not rampaging on, this is what’s happening. Like I said, this has happened many other times before, as many other countries and governments of garbage do. I mean, it’s just they don’t know. It’s so it’s so sad. I don’t understand why the policies are never really there to actually protect the people. Like, imagine a situation where you didn’t try to bail you, your friends or your banks out as opposed is helping the people who are in the actual country like you. You can’t argue with me about this like it has nothing to do with the actual economics of rent a deal like what the aftermath will be because these countries keep going through the exact same things. They keep crumbling, they keep falling apart. New people get into office. They do well for about a year and a half because people can’t see the cracks in the wall yet and then the whole thing falls apart all over again. It’s nonsense, it’s absolute nonsense. So thank goodness that we have found out that there is a way to transfer money, control our own money and do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whenever we want without any third party or intermediary telling us that we cannot do so because this is how decentralized cryptocurrencies work. And this is why it is very important to be inside a decentralized cryptocurrencies because of things like this. This is why it’s very worrying that a lot of cryptocurrency changes are getting banking charters. And while they’re asking for your information, while they’re asking you for your phone number, while they’re asking for all this, why do you need all my information when I’m trying to send my own money around? It is kind of nonsense. So the point is, I think the next couple of months are going to be very fascinating. In more ways than 10. The over printing of money around the world, not even the U.S. dollar. The demand for Bitcoin. That’s even what I said before. We’re seeing a continuously like a rising demand in Bitcoin before the having has even taken place. This demand is still continuing because other countries around the world. Their leaders can’t get it together. So imagine if this continues. I imagine the more the places continue to have economic fallout and people like we need some type of Bitcoin, some type of something to be able to transact back and forth in. It is very fascinating to be alive right now. It is incredible there. The history books are going to be writing about these moments. I hope, you know, I mean, the real you should know that 19- is tearing the world like it’s showing it’s exposing exactly what the world is. It like in all that and I can’t talk more about that one topic, we just it’s one thing. Imagine if multiple things were happening to the planet. I know it’s one thing. One. And it’s showing how fragile everything is. Anyway, that’s the Lebanon news and everything else I was ranting about, I blacked out again anyway. Yeah, it’s nonsense. It’s just complete nonsense. It’s it’s absolute insanity. So I do hope that people in these countries. I’m sorry, you are in sad situation. However, understand that there are ways out. Ish. I mean, there are other avenues for you to be able to. Economic stability in your life? Yeah. A very special thank you to my Patriot supporters, Professor Wildy from Gunbower University, yoshihara audy Movement. Hi, Sarpy The Pot Head to Joshua Viniar, Martin Storya Josh Gorcyca Tongala an old song. No, no, no, no, no. My mom. But it all went wrong. John’s Arsen The Enema Reader A Biblio Phobia everybo- barebones mining town of Marlies. And I’m Grayslake Mohammed Oney Mass Adventures in Thailand. Buddy Neal Jared Nido Wise Night Owl Two for Two to the World Krypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Krypto Artist Called three-D Nicholas One with One Piece One Love Damien setsuna Nick Conni Whichyou Which Athird Vlad the Impaler kripp Numbers Ship May Pack Cesnik Manjula Voting Anthony Charles. Jim Garner Jemmy Fox. Menton COIN’s Miller Hachette’s. Everyday and concepts like the Yes to Krypto. But to me but Faith Anytown Fitness Moscona Staff Artomatic 17. Bake Me a cake take about Muchow NESA on Krypto with Lino Crail of Michelle. You are Elle and hold on, I have to sneeze. Thank you very, very much for your support. Thank you to every single person who is a member of the channel and thank you to everyone who is a clicker of the affiliate links below. The prices are kind of weird by now or go. So in theory, I’m shot up in price. No real reasoning as to why it was very close to $200 dollars. It could be once again the the two-point O hype. As you see, a theorem is currently higher than Bitcoin. I assume as the day goes on, we may get news as to why this pop up happened. However, it seems like prices are going down, are trying to go down, bitcoin looks like it’s going down and therefore the rest of the cryptocurrency market is also following suit. We’ll see how this plays out, if you will. Yep, stable coins are definitely being pushed up at the moment. Anyway, yeah, it is quite fascinating to see all of this taking place if you don’t think that any part of this is fascinating. You are not paying attention. I mean, you can see. Everything crumbling, I see everything like actually falling apart. It is fascinating to see how. This has shown. Once a true colors, that that’s not the phrase I’m looking for at all is just more like a just how fragile everything actually is. I do hope you all enjoyed. I do hope you all are having a great day. A great morning. A great afternoon, a great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that is absolutely fantastic. Thank you all. Every single one of you once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-prediction-on-crypto-binance-mining-pool/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-prediction-machine-ethereum-is-property-bullish-on-crypto-binance-mining-pool
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Prediction Machine, Ethereum Is Property, Bullish On Crypto & Binance Mining Pool
Hello, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. The price of bitcoin goes up and down and where we’ll be tomorrow. Nobody knows, but Boston based nomics is fine tuning its price predictions with machine learning, the company which provides cryptocurrency market cap and data pricing or pricing data. Kind of the same today added 7 day price predictions to its Web site and market data. AP I The data aggregator generates cryptocurrency price predictions using machine learning. Retail investors everyday people can access the pricing and predictions on the firm’s Web site for free. Nomics charges a fee to users, primarily institutions, funds, exchanges and fin tech apps to access its data programmatically. OK, but CEO Clay Collins gosh and other predictions are not intended as investment advice. And I will tell you right now two things. First, understand that these are just predictions. This is not where the prices are going to go. Second, you bet your bottom dollar. We are going to have a lot of people within the cryptocurrency space who are going to be using these as actual predictions of where things are going to go. And a lot of people are going to be very upset when they start pricing their bets on where this A.I. is, telling them to move them on. You know what’s gonna happen? There’s only five people out there who are gonna be like, well, I mean, their predictions. So they have to be right, which is going to lead to some interesting situations in the next couple of months, he says. We are not saying buy or sell. We are simply showing what our machine learning model predicts it will be. And they should be used as one of several factors to inform opinions about future price movements, as Colin explained. There are many factors the model can’t account for. For example, there could be some catastrophic or bullish event, such as if a large exchange were to get hacked or the security of a popular blockchain where to get compromise. That’s why the company includes a 30 day average error and its price predictions. So what user can see how close or how far off the predictions have been in the preceding weeks? There are times when we are on in times where we are off. We just wanted to be totally transparent and people should take that into consideration. But I promise you, people will use this as their actual method of price discovery for the future. This news was out of all over the place. I mean, it was incredibly popular, if you will, whenever a company comes forward saying that they have some type of artificial intelligence to be able to see the future of prices. It kind of makes headlines. I only have two tabs up here simply because it didn’t feel like having the 14 other tabs on there as well. Fascinating. And I’m pretty sure that they’re not the only ones who also have something like this as well. These last couple of weeks, I’ve seen a major uptick in the amount of interest in the words not only bitcoin, but bitcoin having bitcoin price, bitcoin future price, bitcoin price predictions. It’s kind of a. Everyone’s interested to see exactly where all of this is going to go, especially as this is now the one of the most trying times that we’ve had in recent history. And as other markets around the world are not performing very well, a lot of people are wondering if Bitcoin will take it upon itself to perform better than other assets, even during the. Downturned, let’s say, anyway. Yeah. Nomics now has an A.I. driven weekly price prediction for cryptocurrencies. The weirdest part and I’ll tell you as well as if some of these predictions actually end up being true, they end up getting like a good amount of them to be true. That would be. I don’t say the word intresting would be more like a lot of people would start to use them simply based off of that. Because we’ve also seen there were a couple of other people before who’ve made charts years ago talking about where prices would go. Some of them were fairly correct. Not saying exactly on the exact number, but they’ve become quite popular because of their predictions. And this is why the stock to follow guy has been at the forefront of news over the last couple of weeks anyway. Yeah, there’s a new a high price prediction service method, computer price future. Next up, in a recent write-up, a defendant named Lee was convicted of theft for having stolen cryptocurrency from his previous company following his firing, so he was angry. Lee had resigned from the company on the thirty first of May due to underperformance after a probation period. The defendant used his knowledge of the private key and payment password from his previous companies. I already star project to complete the theft. The crypto currency that Lee stole was mainly the companies in token wallet. Lee took three ether in four million. How these coins on the 20th of June 2019. About a month later he stole 0.4 ethe. Who’s who steals that little? He still zero point. I feel like it’s almost not worth it to just take zero point for either. Even the three either is kind of like a. He tries with the cryptocurrency and how would he tokens to his accountant? OK, smart. Not only did he steal them, but he transferred them directly into his cryptocurrency accounts, which probably have tons of KYC AML or his phone is linked to it in some sort of way. Very intelligent. The assess damage of the amount of damages was six thousand Chinese yuan, and after the crime, Li was asked to return all the stolen coins to his previous company. He was in sentenced to seven months and a fine of two thousand Chinese yuan, according to the case documents the crypto asset represented by ether as economic value as real property. Since they can’t be traded publicly with a demonstrated bull market value. While not the most exciting news story that we’ve had in recent history, this is significant because in a world where China does not exclusively apparently really care about cryptocurrency assets except for the one that they are trying to release as a central bank digital currency, there’s been a lot of push back by China and their government as far as to what is legal, what is allowed and what people can kind of have buy, sell, hold and trade significance being for those of you not looking at the screen. This is an article from October 2018, a much simpler time says Chinese Arbitration Court Rules. Bitcoin is legal property. After this happened, the price of bitcoin went up a little tiny bit because this was the first time or rather, I put it this way. The fact that Bitcoin had a. I don’t say a legal status had a concrete status as something with inChina became very significant, especially after all the news that we got that Bitcoin had been banned within the country. And then, of course, a couple of months later, we figure out that it wasn’t actually banned at all. Just you simply can’t traded and or use it as a currency, but you can still hold it and buy it. What have you and sell it over the counter. So the significance being is that a theorem has also received this classification as property, meaning in in no uncertain terms. If someone steals it from you, it is your property and therefore you can get it back without rulings like this. Or rather, if the court had never ruled in favor of something like this and someone had stole it and said it’s not property is simply just numbers on a screen. Well, then there, you know, people can kind of steal from you as much as they want because it is therefore not your property is not anyone’s property. It is belongs to the person who was able to secure it the most. So, yeah, that is, like I said, not the most exciting. You won’t get your jollies from that news is just more so the actual classification of it and also the I guess the big elephant in the room that it still hasn’t been banned in China despite the soon to be release of said central bank digital currency. And I think they’re going to ban it. If anything, they probably have plans for it, but that’s just kind of how my brain has been looking at things. Let’s move on. Tieing nearly directly into what we just spoke about, according to multiple estimates based on mining factors and approximately 20 days. Bitcoin will see its next block reward reduction with this twelve point five coin reward that is minted as each block is mined will drop to six point to five coins and yadayada that. I suggest that the hype around the bitcoin having is on the rise in the crypto market stands to benefit from this trend, according to Molly, the former head of Bitcoin magazine’s China operation. The Chinese term for Bitcoin having has recently gone viral on Weibo, Weibo, Weibo, as we both also call that China’s Twitter. The topic was the sixth most searched in the past 24 hours, showing real interest in the event, despite China effectively banning the purchase of Bitcoin through yuan. I think you have to get Teather and then I think you have to use Teather to buy. It’s just nonsense. Why? Why make it so difficult? Just. Just let people buy the thing. Here’s the chart right here. It’s a similar sight around the world. Google Trends data indicates that last month global Google users surged. Bitcoin having more than any month before the search engine, also projects that in April, Bitcoin having we’ll be searched 2 times more than last month, which was already a new all time high. This is bullish because it appears that a primary reason why the cryptocurrency market has been relaying rallying as of late is due to the hype around the having. Indeed, according to Google data, the search terms by bitcoin and bitcoin having like I was just saying, like it’s really you can see the actual charts and the momentum behind people who are actually searching this. And even I think hashtag Bitcoin having is also a a a very popular hashtag on Twitter right now have trended in tandem since the year began growing and shrinking and step. The correlation isn’t perfect, but it’s clear that they’re affecting each other. Here’s the actual chart right here once again from Molly showing that Bitcoin having or I guess Bitcoin itself is number six. Keeping in mind that that is a very large country. Nearly everyone in that country is also using the same exact apps. We spoke about that before. I don’t have to really get into it. However, the point is, in a world where they have been discouraged from buying, holding, selling, trading, especially using as a currency or buying anything with it or speculating on its value, it’s fascinating that it is the number six topic out of anything else that could have possibly been popular at that time. Once again, we also know that it is legal within China to actually buy and hold it. You can’t trade it, but you can hold it. And this also, what was the news that we had a couple of days ago as well? I think there was also something else. So Google itself is banned with in China, but I think you can get VPN and some other things. I forgot exactly how it was explained, but they’ve also seen these search terms for these things on actual search engines. Also rising within China as well. The dare I say, the the H-word, the. The hype is definitely there. Everyone is very curious as to what’s going to happen. I still think we’re going to see a price like a strong movement upwards. I think the last two days have shown us that. I think that’s probably probably a bit of it. I think we’re going to move up and I think once that. Height in the air has gone. I think we will see a movement down. Look forward to tons of news. After the prices have gone down from tons of analyst who said while I was predicting the price was going to go down, no one listened to me. I think we are in a. An unknown hype cycle. And I say unknown because a lot of people have no idea what the having actually is. They are in it because they are trying to make a quick couple of bucks. A lot of people are going to sell off their bitcoin, in my opinion, and then they’re going to be very angry when prices go back up. But that’s just part of the game, isn’t it? This happens all the time. People always sell. I’ve seen. I mean, I’ve seen people in the comments section who sold because their friend or someone told them that the price was going to go down. The price went up by eight hundred dollars. And they were like, man, I just sold yesterday. Anyway, the significance of a country with over a billion people. I mean, you have to understand, like the actual significance of this, especially all the other news that we’ve been getting in many other countries where that aren’t even as hardly what as Ana is even strongly hit economically badly, are also buying up tons of bitcoin. The countries that are really hard hit have been also buying up Bitcoin as well. And one can only assume everyone else who’s been buying Bitcoin before is going to buy up. But when that demand remains. And the amount of bitcoin coming out of the machine is cut in half. It’s going to have an effect on the price. But I think a lot of people really don’t get it yet, but they will. That’s just how things are. Here it is. Once again, I find this like if you don’t find the significance in this, it’s absolutely mind boggling to think like imagine I can’t even think of a like like scenario or a story to tell you. Like Bitcoin has effectively been thrown down the steps multiple times by the Chinese government. And yet it’s still number six and trending topics like imagine if the government had obviously or had never said anything negative about it, it would probably be number two or number three. And then also you have to understand also if the government had ever come out in support of or said that it could potentially be used as something, it would probably be know if it would be number one and number zero anyway. And let’s move on. Deutschebank has long been bullish on crypto assets like Bitcoin and the culture has spilled over into the company’s executives. One of the bank’s veterans and former F X Japan managing director is even launching a crypto trading desk of his own set to launch this coming May twenty twenty right before bitcoins having is expected to drive significant interest in the. I’m so excited for this like you. I just I just wanted to happen already. Like I’m so I. Every time I read an article and I read like thirty eight more days. Twenty seven more days, twenty like it. My heart starts racing faster because I there’s so much energy around this one day like this absolute insanity. How much energy there is just on this one event. It is bonkers. There is no denying that crypto assets like Bitcoin, Imperium, SRP and more are high risk. Thank you for writing that high reward. OK. High reward. High risk. High reward. I got it. But their future and potential are so promising. That is true. It’s difficult not to be bullish on the digital currencies and at least consider them as part of a well diversified, diversified, well diversified portfolio that I will agree with. I. It hurts sometimes how bullish I am on the space like. I think it’s affecting me as an actual person with like I think about crypto almost nonstop, like it’s a real problem. That kind of engulfs my entire life. I think about the future, I think about the prices, I think about accumulating more. I think about where things will be in four years and five years. Think the next having I think about the people on the world who don’t have cryptocurrencies, the people who missed out on some of the opportunities that they could have had before, the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now is just a lot. It’s always a lot going through my head. That’s exactly toe moves on knishes, ticket to driving success in his up and coming bitcoin trading desk named Ethics Coin Limited with the former Deutschebank managing director is launching in May. In an interview with Bloomberg, Onishi agreed that while there is no asset that’s absolutely safe from the recent recession and 19 chaos, he asserts that he is a bull on virtual currency prices, which he expects to rise in the coming months. This is now. This is also the one thousand three hundred and eighty fourth person who we were, who we’re talking about, who is bullish on the price is once again, you have to understand. I view things differently in a certain light. While I may not. How do you say this? I find that fascinating whenever rich people talk about something or when rich people openly talk about that, they’re putting their money into something, it means if they have a lot of money into it and usually when they tell other people that they’re going to be launching something like this, it’s because the other people are also being told. ER:Did moved towards also putting their money into the market as well. So, yeah, that’s. I find I find the rich movement of money like, you know, the term like follow the money. It is incredibly true because if you keep paying attention to what all these rich people are talking about and where they’re putting their money and how bullish they all are, it all kind of lines up. The launch of this platform will coincide with what could bring more interest to the cryptocurrency space since Bitcoin 2017 bubble. And it would be the upcoming block reward having. Here is the actual article right here from Bloomberg. I am I mean, I I’ve I’ve said it more than enough. I’m so excited for this. Like it’s it’s the weirdest thing in the entire world. I just want to see what the aftermath of this is because as it stands right now, it is looking likely that we are going to continue seeing Tumblrs and traditional markets. And if the demand for Bitcoin remains the same and or continues to rise over the next year, one might say, as a lot of this stuff is going to continue happening. Therefore, one would assume that the price of bitcoin would go up. We have had a multitude of people, and it’s not even just the the Richie riches of the space. Just everyone is kind of bullish. And everyone keeps saying that we are on the cusp of having a bull run. We are at the beginning of a bull run. We are going to have a bull run. And they all kind of set the same exact time frame. It’s literally between now and the end of the year and also apparently. So a lot of people say the entirety of twenty twenty one, which then leaves us on that. On that cusp of. Watch out for twenty twenty two when everyone. You you also may have noticed no one has really said anything positive about twenty twenty two. So I assume that’s gonna be the drop year and I guess. Anyway. Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t really have much more to say. How many people from banks themselves are bullish on crypto, which is something that should also be causing your ears to perk up a little bit? The fact that they are understanding or have realized a while ago that the stock market would not do very well. A lot of them left the market before the market was even done doing very well. And just how much attention? I mean, it’s so follow the money. Just follow the gosh darn money. Anyway, that’s the bank. Veteran crypto currency trading desk launching before the bitcoin, having news. Let’s move on. Next up, finance has launched the beta version of its mining pool and apparently offers the lowest fees amping up the competition in the space. Chong Ping sÃ, the CEO of Bine and said the first block ever minted by the Buy NANCE pool still in closed beta. Going live soon, as always. Lowest fees of any mining pool. The confirmation of the Bynum’s mining pool was made at the start of the month by itself as media reports on it. Working began circulating around the Web. Currently, the average mining fees on popular mining pools are around zero to 4 percent. It varies according to the mining rewards and payment schedule. Currently, the distribution in mining pools is led by F to pool BTC dot com pullin and and pool. There’s a little chart right there. I guess the news being without really having to go much further by Nance’s once again in the news. I like they there’s there’s also other Beinart’s news. I just decided to not have 15 tabs open about bilats at the exact same time. So Bynum’s has staking and now Bynum’s is also going to have mining pools, which is going to be very fascinating to see exactly how much, how, how. Like, I mean, I imagine if you could have the entirety of your passive income coming directly from cryptocurrency exchanges. I keep getting what’s the word I keep getting recommended these things on YouTube. I don’t know how they are getting into my feed at all. As far as like from traditional investment people, everything I click on is either like family guy, American dad cryptocurrencies or like property. I’m not exactly sure. I guess maybe some the algorithms at some point threw it towards me. The point is there was one of them last night before I was going to go to bed and that popped up and I was like, Oh, OK, cool, I’ll watch it. It was some guy talking about how he, like, invest in dividends and stuff like that. And like even during the like the downtrend of the markets, how he’s still getting paid from his dividends. And I was like, that’s gonna be a very big thing within the cryptocurrency space. We know that while not all the cryptocurrencies will make it, there is going to be at least a good 10 to 15 that are gonna be around for at least five to 10 years. I’m not saying that Bitcoin will be the over dominant Lord relatively soon, but I think there are many coins and have a very good good 5 to 10 year span. If these coins, they are going up dramatically in price if you are able to simply have bought them now. And over the years, the price goes up and you can imagine is being able to mine Bitcoin proof of snakey theorem and proof of stake, any other coin that’s kind of out there directly through by Anan’s or O’Casey X or Coinbase or wherever you decide to do your stuff. And that’s how you make your money. Isn’t that insane to think about that all of this is like it’ll be completely passive. Like there’s no real need to actually do anything. You just keep your money. And I guess is what passive income is. But it’s still this like. Do you understand how insane all of this is, like if we are actually at the forefront or the beginning or have made it in years in years before. Millions of billions of other people even decide to try and get into the cryptocurrency space and you end up making I mean, like absolute bank from the money that you have currently in crypto. And every single year, like just from the interest or just from this taking or just from the mining on these other platforms. You’re making a good like made five figures, if not six figures from me. It’s I find it very cool. The point is, yeah, by NANCE is opening up a mining pool. No one should be shocked by any of this. They’ve been they’ve been doing it. I’m certain at this point, I think everything that exists by NANCE is going to try. I think they’re going to try and be like Amazon. For those of you who don’t know, Amazon did the exact same thing. Amazon tried to do everything. They tried to have a not a gaming platform. But I can remember all this stuff. Amazon tried to do tons of things. A lot of them have failed, but a lot of them have kind of stuck. This is why Amazon is so popular. So I assume they’re going for that same goal anyway. Yeah. So this is something else to look forward to. I give it three weeks. Four weeks. Five weeks for weeks when they’ll announce that is this is completely up and running and then we’ll see tons of people mining, I assume Bitcoin and other currencies like going on finance. Absolutely insane. And to finish things off, Bitcoin is trading at almost twice its current price in an economically hit Lebanon peer to peer bitcoin marketplace, local bitcoin is dot.com shows people selling the cryptocurrency for as high as twenty two million L.. BP per token, which is roughly around fifteen thousand U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, people who are looking to liquidate Bitcoin for local currency are demanding as much as eleven thousand dollars per token. Exchange rates coming out of Lebanon’s cryptocurrency marketplace are strikingly higher than their global counterparts. Data aggregator Mazari shows that Bitcoin’s price shows Bitcoin’s price a little above 70 percent. Yes. Yeah, I was right. Seventy five hundred and seventy five hundred thousand seventy five hundred. Almost half. Then what is the Lebanese traders are? Is that one? What is the. Okay, that’s it. That’s right or wrong? Not me, anyway. Bitcoin hits its price premium price levels in Lebanon as the country grapples with its most severe economic crisis in decades. The Lebanese pound has crashed by almost 50 percent from its dollar peg value since October 2019, sparking inflation, fuelling social unrest and locking Lebanese people out of their U.S. dollar enabled bank savings. We spoke about this a couple of months ago as well, when things were like just starting to really, really get really bad. Had it told you I was having dinner with a couple of friends who are from Lebanon? And they told me that I think the restriction was I think you could take out or hundred dollars per week from your account. And part of the problem was that she knew this guy who had been saving his entire life. He had millions of dollars in his bank account and he could only take out sixteen hundred per month. And then I got to the point where I think they lowered that to two hundred. Per week, and then the last time we spoke about Lebanon, I believe it was one hundred dollars. I think every two weeks or per week or so, which is still terrible, like imagine having a million dollars and you can take out four hundred per month. Also, there’s tons of, um, like like geolocate restrictions. So you can’t transfer your money out of the bank. I think you can’t transfer stuff inside of it. You can’t buy cryptocurrencies. You can’t buy all this other stuff. So I assume even what it says around here, yearago and Lebanon E payments are blocked and geo restricted. Bitcoin still traded by over the counter only and rarely to find someone who knows about altcoins l.o.l. So you have a situation where you can’t take your money out. You can’t really move it to another bank. You can’t really do anything with it. I guess people are probably tons of people are probably taking out cash and probably looking for people to be able to. Hey, can we swap some currency that’s worth nothing for some bitcoin? It’s incredibly fascinating. Even more so. geo-blocking and G.O. restricting should not be a thing. This is why Bitcoin exists. This is why Bitcoin is bitcoin and this is why I think Bitcoin already is on its way to taking over the entire world. Can I want to say, can you imagine? But it’s happening. You have money in the bank that you need to get out because you and your friends and family are terrified and your money has already lost half of its value. Can imagine someone telling, you know, you can’t move around Bitcoin, it doesn’t make any sense like we know. This is why Bitcoin is good because it works 24 hours a day. No one can stop it and no one can tell you not to use it or where to send your money. It’s insane to think about that this is actually taking place. So I guess this was kind of the the the next step. This is not the first time that this has happened with Bitcoin. We had the same exact situation. This actually preceded the actual movements up in price in two thousand seventeen. You can find the articles. There were tons of countries that were kind of. Going through it and what ended up happening was that before even the South Korean kimchi premium took place, there were a couple of other countries. I think with Bitcoin it was around six, seven thousand. I think there were countries that were selling Bitcoin for around 12000 thousand. I can I can remember, though, it was about three to three, four different countries that had this like premium on the price. And mean was like, that’s non sense. It’s already over ten thousand. And then by the time that bit bitcoin itself in real price had actually gone above ten thousand, that’s when the other places were like selling it for like sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand. And that’s when we as a market itself started moving up. I assume the I mean another big catalyst for this could actually be prices like this. It shows that there’s actual demand. And if people in any way, shape or form are prepared to pay fifteen thousand for a bitcoin, it means that the demand is actually there. I mean, I would love a world where everyone just started buying Ely’s fragments of bitcoin to be able to move money around by themselves, like having like. And the issue is that this is just going to continue all over again like this. This is not going to be the last time that the world or a country is gonna be in a situation where their money gets locked up. They don’t trust their government. The government steals money from them and their money becomes hyper devalued. Like you would assume that this would have opened up everyone’s eyes and they would have been like, well, we’re a neighboring country. Maybe we should try and get things together as well. No, because everyone only focuses on the now. Everyone only focuses on this very exact moment. This is why so many people don’t invest. People don’t invest because they only see how many people I know who make X amount of money per month. That is that is that an astronomical amount like they may just be making about the end of the month, like, okay, we’re good at making it. They expect that patient to come in the next month. They have no money saved. They have no assets. They have no desire to put any money away because they keep thinking. People only think in the now it’s only just right now what’s happening. There is no future like tomorrow. I’ll worry about what happens tomorrow. And then you don’t realize that they’re not they’re also not worrying about five to ten years down down to the five to ten years in the future like that. That isn’t even a thing to wear. Their mind is going, which is terrible because at some point we’re all gonna get older, we’re all gonna have aches and pains. We’re all going to do so like we’re all going to have these things. We are going to happen to us. You have to make sure that you preparing for the future right now. But there’s so many people who don’t. Not that I’m blaming the people of Lebanon for what their country has done. It’s just more like a I wish other countries paid attention to the actual news of what’s happening in other countries, because if you think at any point your government is going to try and take money from you, halt your bank account, stop you from moving around stuff, take your assets, you’re wrong. They’ve all done it at some point or another. It’s just like actual history. You could look through it every single country has done or they’re currently doing it right now. We would live in a completely different world if everyone was like, oh, crap, that’s terrible. Let me buy a tenth of a bitcoin. Let me buy five percent of a bitcoin just to make sure. Just in case I can still move some type of money around. Not only even not even the aspect of Bitcoin’s price skyrocketing. That’s something completely that something amazing on its own. But the fact that if prices did go up, people would not only have more money, they’d be maybe more secure in their money. No one could tell. You know you can. Can you? People being told you can’t take your money out of your freaking bank account. You know what that would do to someone’s mind mentally? Can you imagine if you had saved your into. Imagine you had saved for 20 years you and you had saved up and had worked hard and had half a million. Yet a quarter of a million dollars in the bank. And one day you tried to take your money out and someone said, no, you can have 400 for the entire month. Mentally you would crumble, you’d be really upset. So for the sake of me not rampaging on, this is what’s happening. Like I said, this has happened many other times before, as many other countries and governments of garbage do. I mean, it’s just they don’t know. It’s so it’s so sad. I don’t understand why the policies are never really there to actually protect the people. Like, imagine a situation where you didn’t try to bail you, your friends or your banks out as opposed is helping the people who are in the actual country like you. You can’t argue with me about this like it has nothing to do with the actual economics of rent a deal like what the aftermath will be because these countries keep going through the exact same things. They keep crumbling, they keep falling apart. New people get into office. They do well for about a year and a half because people can’t see the cracks in the wall yet and then the whole thing falls apart all over again. It’s nonsense, it’s absolute nonsense. So thank goodness that we have found out that there is a way to transfer money, control our own money and do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whenever we want without any third party or intermediary telling us that we cannot do so because this is how decentralized cryptocurrencies work. And this is why it is very important to be inside a decentralized cryptocurrencies because of things like this. This is why it’s very worrying that a lot of cryptocurrency changes are getting banking charters. And while they’re asking for your information, while they’re asking you for your phone number, while they’re asking for all this, why do you need all my information when I’m trying to send my own money around? It is kind of nonsense. So the point is, I think the next couple of months are going to be very fascinating. In more ways than 10. The over printing of money around the world, not even the U.S. dollar. The demand for Bitcoin. That’s even what I said before. We’re seeing a continuously like a rising demand in Bitcoin before the having has even taken place. This demand is still continuing because other countries around the world. Their leaders can’t get it together. So imagine if this continues. I imagine the more the places continue to have economic fallout and people like we need some type of Bitcoin, some type of something to be able to transact back and forth in. It is very fascinating to be alive right now. It is incredible there. The history books are going to be writing about these moments. I hope, you know, I mean, the real you should know that 19- is tearing the world like it’s showing it’s exposing exactly what the world is. It like in all that and I can’t talk more about that one topic, we just it’s one thing. Imagine if multiple things were happening to the planet. I know it’s one thing. One. And it’s showing how fragile everything is. Anyway, that’s the Lebanon news and everything else I was ranting about, I blacked out again anyway. Yeah, it’s nonsense. It’s just complete nonsense. It’s it’s absolute insanity. So I do hope that people in these countries. I’m sorry, you are in sad situation. However, understand that there are ways out. Ish. I mean, there are other avenues for you to be able to. Economic stability in your life? Yeah. A very special thank you to my Patriot supporters, Professor Wildy from Gunbower University, yoshihara audy Movement. Hi, Sarpy The Pot Head to Joshua Viniar, Martin Storya Josh Gorcyca Tongala an old song. No, no, no, no, no. My mom. But it all went wrong. John’s Arsen The Enema Reader A Biblio Phobia everybo- barebones mining town of Marlies. And I’m Grayslake Mohammed Oney Mass Adventures in Thailand. Buddy Neal Jared Nido Wise Night Owl Two for Two to the World Krypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Krypto Artist Called three-D Nicholas One with One Piece One Love Damien setsuna Nick Conni Whichyou Which Athird Vlad the Impaler kripp Numbers Ship May Pack Cesnik Manjula Voting Anthony Charles. Jim Garner Jemmy Fox. Menton COIN’s Miller Hachette’s. Everyday and concepts like the Yes to Krypto. But to me but Faith Anytown Fitness Moscona Staff Artomatic 17. Bake Me a cake take about Muchow NESA on Krypto with Lino Crail of Michelle. You are Elle and hold on, I have to sneeze. Thank you very, very much for your support. Thank you to every single person who is a member of the channel and thank you to everyone who is a clicker of the affiliate links below. The prices are kind of weird by now or go. So in theory, I’m shot up in price. No real reasoning as to why it was very close to $200 dollars. It could be once again the the two-point O hype. As you see, a theorem is currently higher than Bitcoin. I assume as the day goes on, we may get news as to why this pop up happened. However, it seems like prices are going down, are trying to go down, bitcoin looks like it’s going down and therefore the rest of the cryptocurrency market is also following suit. We’ll see how this plays out, if you will. Yep, stable coins are definitely being pushed up at the moment. Anyway, yeah, it is quite fascinating to see all of this taking place if you don’t think that any part of this is fascinating. You are not paying attention. I mean, you can see. Everything crumbling, I see everything like actually falling apart. It is fascinating to see how. This has shown. Once a true colors, that that’s not the phrase I’m looking for at all is just more like a just how fragile everything actually is. I do hope you all enjoyed. I do hope you all are having a great day. A great morning. A great afternoon, a great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that is absolutely fantastic. Thank you all. Every single one of you once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-prediction-on-crypto-binance-mining-pool/
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theysoofunny · 6 years
Good, Funny and Dumb from Mike Epps & Kevin Hart
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Mike Epps, Kevin Hart & Nick Cannon. So we have good news, funny news, and dumb shit, but not in that order. The dumb 'ish is well (we really hate to do this, with Kevin Hart having ALL THE JUICE), but the dumb 'ish comes courtesy of Kevin Hart. Yes, the man, the myth and the biggest money making machine urban comedy has ever seen. Why? Because he went straight for his feelings when Mike Epps made a Mike Epps-esque comment. The good and funny, Mike Epps and Nick Cannon are comics-comics. They know social media is all fun and games, and we appreciate that. 47-year-old Mike Epps and 39-year-old Kevin Hart have a history of feuding. It seemed things were cool when Epps uploaded an Instagram video with Hart last year. The caption for that clip read, "Nothing but love @kevinhart4real." However, this week saw the two stand-up comics clashing once again. Epps hopped into the IG comment section for a Comedy Hype post covering him saying everybody is funnier than Hart. This led to Epps and Hart exchanging words on the social media platform. Kevin wrote: All I can say is that your a sad individual. I talked to you several times face to face in attempts to put the B.S behind us. I even reached out to u like a man and tried to get to the bottom of your bitterness. When will you realize that my success has nothing to do with you or your journey. Unlike you I want to see you win...I'm actually a fan champ. I'm praying for the day that you will realize that so many of us entertainers have a crabs in a barrell mentallity. You are the biggest crab I know...I will continue to shine and continue to make history and continue to do comedy at the HIGHEST level. If that makes u sick then so be it....I will hand u a throw up bucket because this next year that I'm about to have will be my best Mr bitter.....While u worry about this Grown Little man please know and understand that all I am worried about is SUCCESS!!!! #CatchUp Epps fired back by stating: you still starving to be a victim? I said it “wasn’t press worthy” and here you go as usual trying to show the world how great you are because people pick on you. Gtfoh! You have a long line of sh-t to clean up before you can hand me a MF bucket. I’ve been doing this sh-t 25+ yrs Mr. Victim. Don’t get too cute lil brother. This sh-t is a lifetime achievement. & stop following my comments around the World Wide Web. How do you find this sh-t? I talk about everybody but you always take it personal. The whole internet talk about you, so don’t stop here you got a lot of responding to do. And for everybody reading this me and Kevin been knowing each other too long so this is not a beef. If it was I would have never responded. Again, like I told you face to face Congrats on everything man. You seem to be a great person... but I stilll don’t think yo ass funny. Wild 'n Out creator Nick Cannon also felt the need to express his thoughts on the situation: “OMG Back Back!! N-gga you too good with these words, make them N-ggas Back track!!!” LOL Which one of y’all is Meek and who’s Drake?? Y’all both funnier than me but both of y’all UGLY AS SH-T!!! Yeah I said it!! Now go to sleep on them expensive ass pillows!!! Epps replied to the 37-year-old actor: nick getcho 7/11 hat wearing ass back Then the beef played out in the Shade Room comments section too. Cannon stated: Lions don't lose sleep over he opinions of Sheep!!! Kings don't Bicker!! We too strong and beautiful to highlight hate!!! It's enough of the white mans money to sprinkle around to make us all giggle Epps again responded to Nick: if you don't shut yo drum line teen age forever lookin ass. Shout out to Nick for being humble, AND funny, AND diffusing a situation. To the good brother Kevin Hart, YOU'RE THE FRICKING MAN! No need to 'clap-back' from a place of emotional distress. You make hit movies, your stand-up is hilarious and we can't turn on a tv and not see or hear you. And we completely believe Mike when he says, "if it were a real beef" he wouldn't have said anything. #OldSchoolRules. Mike Epps, Kevin Hart & Nick Cannon, can't well all just get along? I mean, its comedy. Laugh, get along and make money, or call Al Haymon to schedule a fight and make even more money. Can you imagine the PPV numbers to watch these two fight for ten rounds, mic'ed up? Mike holds Kevin's head with the left hand, while jabbing with right, a knock-down comes quickly. KEVIN: "noooo, I wasn't ready." MIKE: "too bad chump" (break-dances into a James brown slide then talks smack to the crowd) REFEREE NICK CANNON: Gives Kevin a standing 8 count, then pushes him towards Mike, who's flexing for the audience. KEVIN: Eh, HELLO. HELLO. (trying to get Mike's attention from the crowd) Mike. Mike Epps. Mike turns around to a charging Kevin Hart, who hits Mike below the belt, cause that's all he can reach. Mike doubles-over and spits out his mouth piece, his dentures plop out as well.. . See, instead of making it dramatic and full of emotion, it can all be SoFunny.  Somebody call HBO.   Read the full article
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twilightpony4 · 7 years
Ola Americano... Turtle?: 5. Send it in a Text
The moment they felt the wheels of the plane retouch the Earth, the reality set in. Raphael, whose eyes were clamped shut, continued to slow his breaths as well as channel his fear of flight. The rest behaved as children: shoving their faces into the small window in hopes to soak in the new tropical world they’ve landed on. From a TV stance, they were hoping for hot sunshine to bask in upon their faces, but with an almost set sun, only the city lights illuminated the tropical beauty.
The door from the cockpit opened. Behind it, the reserved woman stepped through with utmost care in her standing. The mutants quieted to see what she was about to say.
“I recommend staying on board for another hour so you can sneak off with minimal sightings.” She spoke in a quiet, authoritative voice. “Closest place to hide is along the Corcovado mountain just this way.” She ducked down to meet the level of one of the windows on her left side. Mutants who were on their left crawled over to the right to see what she was pointing at, sitting with their neighbor. The sky was a grey-blue, but there was orange light just creeping underneath it. With it, they can make out the rolling mountains in depth and an enlarged statue. With the recognizable pose it was standing with, it was not hard to guess who it was.
“We’re going to Jesus?” The orange banded turtle’s voice was bubbly and high pitched. He asked with such a big grin; glad that he could make a cheap joke.
“It’s a tourist hot-spot, but once you get past that, hide in the Tijuca National forest. Again, tourists but they only follow specific routes and the park rangers check the park at sunset because the wildcats come out only at night.” She continued without hesitation. This was a mother they were speaking to. A mother of sons as well. She’s been through the ropes.
“Good thing Jesus will be there. Fighting pumas and cougars and tigers…” Mikey whispered to himself exclusively. Wielding off big cats, although awesome, was not something he particularly looked forward to. He then let his mind be carried away, daydreaming about possibly waking up with a lion chewing on his leg like a piece of chicken. Stay close to Raphael. He’s slower at a run, so they’ll pick him off first. That and there should be more than enough for those cats to feast off of.
“I wish you best of luck.” The pilot saluted and jiggled on the door to open it.
“How come you can’t stay with us? Wouldn’t that be easier?” Donatello asked, standing and with a hand raised. She stopped short under the doorway.
“My son is recently out of surgery.” The officer’s predicament sent a wave of uncomfortable shifting and sympathy. Yet, she delivered much like a mother in order to keep the teens from feeling out of line for asking. “I’ll be about the airport to make it seem normal. I will check this compartment before I take off to insure you’ve left.”
“Thanks, Officer Warren.” Mona Lisa bowed. The officer gave her a nod from her respect and descended from the plane’s staircase.
The light from the sunshine was missing in the place of an enlarged moon. Everyone was anxious to leave but not so much as Michelangelo. After numerous “what time is it?” ‘s, Donatello quieted him by adding a countdown for an hour to keep him in the loop from his shoulder cams. Meanwhile, the family spent their time to stretch and prepare for their night. After being stuck in a small aircraft for so long, 6-plus foot teens need to get their blood flowing before going on investigations. The time did not come soon enough when Donatello announced that their time was up. In single file, each mutant emerged from the plane and settled underneath it until each one was off. After Donatello got off, they ran towards the shadow of the nearby forest in seek of refuge. The purple clad turtle began to track their position. The other mutants tried desperately to find a better view after the glimpses of colored lights drew them in. Finally, the planes and buildings gave way to Brazil’s true beauty. The airport was on a hill that looked down upon a colorfully lit town. Colored lights brightened the sands that touched the moonlit graced waves.
“Can you say ‘paradise’?” Venus exclaimed. Her lime eyes could not be deceived. Seeing New York for the first time was amazing, but now bright lights on nature? No contest. It was absolutely magnificent. She turned to flash a quick and assuring smile to whoever was behind her. It just happened to be Leonardo.He caught her gaze and smiled back. In a blink, she looked out to the scenery.
“Sure could!” Michelangelo pushed his way up to her side. “Where my Brazilian girls at?” He pretended to lick his hand and smooth his ‘hair’ back in order to prepare himself for the ‘female hype’ always talked about in Rio.
“In your dreams.” Mona lay her forearm and her head on his shoulder. “Come on, Mikey, we need to stay on topic.” She lifted herself on him and playfully tapped him on his arm. “Where’s the lab?” Her question directed more towards Donatello.
“The coordinates are searching… searching…” He kept his neck craned down on his tablet. “Ok, we need to move west. We’ll pass a few factories on the way there. Surveillance assured.”
“Travel by rooftop.” Raphael nodded.
“I cannot calibrate whether or not the buildings will actually be close enough together to jump…”
“So until then, we travel underground.” Leonardo finished, bringing the group together in a collective circle around him.
“Aw man! I did not come to to see tropical sewers!” The orange clad turtle whined, throwing his arms in the air. “We also didn’t come here to scope out Brazilian women.” Donnie raised a brow as well as a knowing smile.
The family burrowed up from the underground system.With Donnie’s guidance, finding ‘Laboratório de Biomecânica TCRI’ was not too hard. There was barely anyone out on the streets and the manhole that they entered through was just outside the main section of the city. The drain that led up to the silver room was incredibly large that it was a size they'd never seen. It took Raphael and Donatello to hold it up high enough for everybody to filter through. Then when they were above, all four of them lifted it up higher for the bigger members of the pack to crawl out of.
Donatello wasted no time checking his tablet to look at the facilities even though he was in a large scale lab. There was no time to lose (and he'll check it out as they go). The family, however, formed an involuntary circle around him as they scoped out the landscape and high walls.
“Stay frosty. More than likely there's different types of alarm systems.” Leonardo warned. The announcement sent pairs of eyes scanning the floor beneath them out of caution.
“There sure are.” Donatello pressed on his tablet and the cameras on his shoulder presented a hologram of what he was viewing. He put his device aside and messed with the graph before him. The grid was green and there were blue boxes and red dots scattered on it as he roamed around it. “My computer should be able to detect them, but tread carefully.”
“Gotcha.” Michelangelo whispered, winking with both of his thumbs up. “Stealth mode.” he spoke through the depths of his throat. An added “twinkly” fingers and descend into the background were definitely necessary. Mona, the body of the background, overlooked him. Her shoulder rolled forward to be more comfortable and “push” the young turtle to the back before beginning to wander around.
The facilities were dull and colorless. However someone could be happy with the chrome and bright lights was beyond the lady turtle, but she guessed the science conducted underneath it was intriguing enough. There were no lights but the faint ones coming from small or blinking lights from machines and terrariums of plants. In all honesty, they had no idea where they were going. With all the lights off, the lab was definitely closed for the night but they knew better. Donnie’s room when dark or late at night did not mean he wasn’t in there working. It can’t be too different from these professional scientists. Heads were on a swivel; one hand on the side of their hips as they tiptoed, following Leonardo and Donatello in the front of the pack. Donnie’s sole purpose was to make sure no one tripped up while Leonardo covered him for his head was continuously down.
With every few steps, a mutant swept across the floor to hide behind a structure. Hiding was a little harder considering that their machinery was an awkward size in which it was too short (causing one to crouch) or thin that the one behind it felt awkward and exposed. With each beep or industrial noise that sounded out of nowhere did not help calm them any more when they were caught in such positions. Covering a single floor took too long for one to count the amount of hasty steps and hitched breaths. At the moment, Michelangelo was gliding over behind Leonardo. The leader was disbanded from Donatello’s side and was hiding behind a wall. The rest of the family hid on other spots behind him, watching his back and sides as his muzzle peeked out from the side of the wall. His youngest brother was close, pressing himself onto his side with a hand cupping a side of his mouth and forcing his lips very close to the leader’s ear.
“How long you think we’re going to be doing this?” Barely could the blue banded turtle understand it but it was unacceptable ( and his hot breath so close made him shake from the awkwardness). Leo put a large hand over his mouth, scowling at the young terrapin when shaking his head. The leader removed it, but then the turtle shrugged quite confused. Leonardo put a finger up and reached for his pocket. The bright light of the phone was masked by his other hand and was dulled down by its settings as he kept the light close to his body. Michelangelo, who was sparked by the idea, hastily reached for his pocket and brought out his phone. His fingers typed away and as soon as he was done, he turned it off to make sure the little light left on it won’t be seen by someone who may be around. Then, there was a tone that echoed and haunted the walls of the facility. Everyone’s subtle gasps could be heard for they feared they had been caught. It was when Michelangelo, who cringed. He picked up his phone and read the message sent to him and others in the group from Leo. With guilt and a single eye, he read: “No one makes a sound. Communicate through text.” After he read his orders, Mikey tried to lighten the mood by making a comical frown, pointing at the phone and nodded. He looked up to see Leonardo, but he was all but unamused by his younger brother’s incompetence. Seeing his look of disappointment, Michelangelo nodded for one last time and proceeded to turn his phone’s sound off like everyone else. Just when he was done, he received a text through the chat.
“Why is ur freakin phone on?!?” from Raph. Mikey thought up quickly and began to type furiously. The rest of the group got it when he sent : “Because I wanna get caught!” Raphael peeked his head out from the desk he was behind. When Mikey saw him, he shrugged sarcastically with a “duh!” expression. The larger turtle shook his head and descended back behind the desk.
Leonardo began typing again, doing so with both his head and phone peeking behind the wall.
“Floor’s clear. Traps anywhere?”
“None from where we are.” In came another text from Donatello. “Go forward and make a left at the Synthesizers.”
“What is a Synthesizer exactly?”
“A what?”~ Mona
“Is it that the thing with the claw?”~Leonardo
“No. It’s the station next to it.”~Donnie
“The thing in front of me?”~ Venus
“That’s used for nanotechnology.”~ Donnie
“Just follow me!”~Donnie
The purple banded turtle emerged from his hiding spot and walked on in the front. They noticed he carried a somewhat irritated tension while he moved. Was it their fault they did not know what he was talking about? The blank floors were now covered in 6 foot shadows as they moved in Donatello’s direction.
“What happens if we do not find him?” ~Venus
“We try again at an earlier time.”~ Leonardo
When he sent it, something nearby vanished between stations. Leonardo was quick to look up when the black shadow disappeared and light showed in its place. A sudden jerk of his head alarmed Raphael who was right behind him and halted the followers behind him. The others were oblivious to what happened and believed they were just stopping out of precaution. Raphael couldn’t tell what was wrong, but the way Leo put an arm up and dipped his head low, it meant something. He hoped his head position would help him hear. His breathing stopped just to hear distorted footsteps. Following the sound, he slipped between the machines and saw a shadow turn to the right towards the exit. The chase was on.
Without hesitation, the leader bolted off. Raphael felt only the incoming of air he left behind as his brother took off. Getting a feeling in his gut, the red banded turtle slipped between the machines and followed.
“Hey! You! Stop!” The group left behind was stunned when they heard their leader scream after almost an hour of silence. It seemed like five seconds was a while until their collective, blank stares pushed them to run after them. Leonardo was in hot pursuit. He couldn’t tell exactly where the shadow was. When he lost its trail, he took the time to stop and try to listen. It was hard over the pounding in his ears and Raphael following up behind him. His sais were out, but he did not know the reason why. Not too long, four more mutants came running by his side. “Something’s running.” was all he could let out.
“You could have sent that through the group chat!” Michelangelo yelled. Raphael, violently, grabbed his brother by the chest and gagged him with his hand. How stupid of it was for him to shout out and tell the thing of their distance? He picked him up off his feet so pushing him down on the ground would be easier. Mona and Venus stepped over the brawling brothers. They knew Raphael was mad but now was not the time to act childish and fight. Now, they needed to track down that shadow and quick. Leo crouched down to breath and keep the sound of his breath away from the two girls. The lizard girl stuck her nose in the air to listen for feet as a way to filter out the noise underneath and behind her.
“I got movement!” Donatello called.The family turned (even Raphael who was holding Michelangelo in a headlock) to see him with his goggles on.Through infrared, a human heat source was tip toeing and checking behind itself every few steps. When Donnie called, the person began to run again. That was all Leonardo needed to start sprinting in the direction in which Donatello was facing. Venus was right behind him with Mona beside her, then gaining more ground than the turtle. Raphael pushed the young terrapin aside and gave chase. Stumbling, Mikey followed. Leo not dared to unsheathe his katana because the slight turn will indeed slow him down when he was so close. The shadow kept turning, so when he could see a lick of him, it would disappear. He couldn’t afford losing this person. Not only would they be tipped off that something is after them, but they could be a crucial piece of evidence in their case. From this point, there was no distinction from the sound of feet coming from the shadow or his team behind him. Only instinct drove him forward and would also lead him right into the path of the runner.
“Leo!” He could barely hear Donatello through his pounding heart.
“Leo!” That was the sound of the entire family. He was so close, but with their screams he began to slow to a trot. When he turned around, something was rushing after him. His skin crawled until he was grabbed from behind. The terrapin was ready to fight when he saw that it was Mona. Both of their heavy breathing kept them from speaking as he looked into her dark eyes with shock. Instead of talking, she pointed to the ground. Leo glared down and saw nothing in front of him. He stared at her with confusion and anger that she stopped him. Soon, Donatello caught up and brought up a hologram from his tablet.
“You’re running into a restricted area.” He showed him the screen. Instead of little red dots, the entirety of the floor was red. “Lasers; to set off an alarm.” he further explained.
“The shadow just ran through there. Can’t there be a glitch on your end?” He asked, distraught and irritated.
Soon, bright red flashing lights and loud alarming sounds showed their presence in extremity. A once dark room was now lit up with light and haunting sounds.
“I… DID NOT… DO IT!” Michelangelo made it all clear with enunciation and outrageous movements to ensure no one tries to chew him out or beat him down for such events to take place. Everybody blames him; not this time. Leonardo growled and ordered:
“Clear out!” He yelled over the alarms. Not only the feds will show up, but there could be a camera activation. They did not need that. The family began to sprint towards the direction they had walked into. All except for Michelangelo.
“Mikey, the other way!” Venus shouted. The young turtle realized his mistake over the confusion and followed his family towards the exit, huffing and puffing.
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