#i mean its ultrakill but just in case lol
hmmbo · 1 year
could you draw v1 if that's okay.. no specifics or anything because i can't think of much but a v1 would be nice :)
i actually just finished a pretty detailed piece of them that im planning to post tomorrow! i still wanted to do something separate for this ask tho so here's a lil thing based on a sketch of them i had lying around. the v models are very fun to draw
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crowcryptid · 1 year
A bad tutorial on how to rip the models + animations from ultrakill and put them in blender
Note: Im using a blender addon to import the models, this is because fbx import is kinda broken by default in blender. The addon Im using is called better fbx importer and exporter. Its paid, but there are other ways to get it. Try without the addon first. If it doesnt work, DM me for a link.
This is NOT a blender tutorial. k? pls dont ask me blender questions.
You will need: Blender (free), AssetStudio (free), and if you want to make gifs, some sort of program like photoshop. I'm not explaining how to render things or make gifs.
ok. Begin.
Go to your install of ultrakill and copy the file path.
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Open asset studio and click LOAD FOLDER. Not any of the other ones. Paste the path to your ultrakill FOLDER. Not any of the folders inside that folder, just use the whole thing. Then. Wait. If you dont have enough ram, this wont work. If your pc isnt great this will probably freeze up. If that happens, sorry not much I can do.
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Once its all loaded, go to "asset list", then under filter type select "animator" and "animationclip". Search for what model you want. In this case, theres a lot. I dont remember which one i used but most of them should work. Some may have extra stuff attached, like swords.
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right click the animator and click "go to scene hierarchy"
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Select it. Again, this isn't a blender tut so the model you grab may be incomplete, for ex: sisyphus and minos have separate parts for their hearts/veins and sisyphus has a unique head made of 3 parts. Im sorry I wont be explaining all that :p This is just a basic guide. Experiment and you'll get it eventually.
BTW you can grab his weapon models but I havent figured out how to include them with the animations yet. If its even possible, idk.
Now for the annoying part. Finding the animation. If you just search for gabriel, you'll notice only 3 come up. I suggest sorting only by "animationclip" (do not use the search bar) and trying to find one. If you grab an animation for someone else, it wont work. This is just trial and error. For ease, I will be using the one called ZweiCombo (not ZweiDash despite the pic, i fucked up lol), I know this one belongs to gabe cause he is the only one with swords, well besides swordsmachine but you get what I mean..
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Ok, now create a folder somewhere and name it.
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Under model, use "export selected objects (merge) + selected animationclips" and export it all to the folder you made.
Now open blender and import the fbx file. If you press spacebar you should see something move. If it doesnt work then um.. you either grabbed the wrong animation, wrong model, or the fbx import got fucked. Trial and error. The textures also may be missing but again, this is not a blender tutorial. You can search that up, but to find textures if they didnt export at all, use filter type "texture2d" and search the character, you should be able to find all their textures. Some exceptions tho. For ex: gabes wings are named like "t_wings.png"
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done :]
There are other ways to grab the model, by grabbing the "mesh" not the "animator". I think works both ways, as far as I can tell?
EDIT: Forgot to mention that, as far as I know, you can only have 1 animation attached to the model you exported. This is why we made a folder. So if you want 5 animations from the same character, create 5 folders and export the model 5 times with a different animation selected each time. If an animation doesn’t work, I recommend just deleting everything you exported and starting again.
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heaven-said · 17 days
♕ — What does leading a ‘good’ life mean to your muse? Are they satisfied with the choices they make?
♡  — How would your muse define love? Do they believe in soulmates? Do they believe this definition of love is achievable?
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❇ life philosophy headcanons.
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♕ — {{ This one is very different in Hazbin Hotel, because his job is actually not just to obey orders and it hasn't been for a very long time-- now he has to make them. He is, effectively, one of the councilmen in this universe. He is beneath, literally in terms of pecking order, ONLY Sera and Michael. And even Michael is more of a checks and balances kind of system, they "stand beside each other at the throne of God", like balancing scales.
So instead of simply following orders, now he's saddled with the struggle of trying to interpret God's word. Usually, from ages ago, unless its a verse with an active Father muse. He's the messenger, he's the Will of God ( executive branch ), he's the record keeper, the miracle worker, and the one who decides the End of Days.
So to him to be "good" in his context, to put it simply, is to do his job well enough that people don't get hurt because of him!
Hazbin!Gabe also said " I want to be good " when he was first created, but his summarizing quote specifically here is I think " I want to be someone worth having faith in. " reflecting his existence as a real life religious figure who many people devote themselves to in this world. Unlike Ultrakill, this is THE Archangel Gabriel who delivered a messiah, who told the prophets what to do and where to go, who brought comfort to saints in their dreams, etc etc. People believe in him!
And I think this is why Hazbin!Gabe has a much stronger focus on living up to responsibility and taking responsibility for your own actions, which he then projects onto how he perceives sinners and their redemption.
♡  — Oooouugh this one is interesting lol
Because... I think its fair to say that God's concept of the word "love" is often extremely different from a human perception of it.
There's a painting I'm obsessed with, its called "Divine Love Conquering Earthly Love" and this painting was painted over the top of a painting of Michael slaying Lucifer. That alone is poetry, especially for the Hazbin world, and I like to think Gabe has this painting in his office with all his other religious artwork-- but what this means is that divine love is this unattainable, purely selfless, and often strangely detached since of compassion. Its almost an oxymoron-- its detached affection. But of course, its useful because its morally good, it avoids deliberate spite, but it also doesn't stop an angel from wanting to let bad fates happen to people. An angel MUST practice divine love just to function. You cannot love humanity, in a human way, but also let it hurt itself.
And so when Gabriel was made, this was the only kind of love he knew how to give. Gabriel had to LEARN "Earthly Love", selfish love, genuine interpersonal attachment. And that took centuries of trial and error lmao. Especially because he resisted it, because its potentially dangerous.
He can't pick favorites. He can't. He has a responsibility to the world and he cannot have favorites.
But... the older he's getting, the more... sentimental he's evidently becoming.
Case in point, Lucid lmao-- }}
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