#i mean its good barca needed to work for once but not THAT much
thesunisatangerine · 8 months
i aged 11 years after watching that match
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internsinbarca · 8 years
Chapter 111: Revelation
Hey guys! I know its been a just under 2 weeks, I apologize, I had a HUGE EXAM that I had to study for!
I had just been walking around the city barely aware of what was happening around me. All I could think about was what Gerard had told me. I could not believe it. Or more I could but I didn't want to. All the time I had felt guilty, I thought she left her husband for me. I thought I was the problem, I thought I was to blame for the divorce but the entire time, it was her. She was the reason for her divorce. Not once did she ever set the record straight and now she was pregnant. With my child.
I shook my head at how I landed myself in this position. I just couldn't learn it seemed.
After hours, I knew I needed to go home. I needed to face her and get everything out of my system. I didn't know how I was going to focus on this game until I told her everything that I had wanted to say.
I took a deep breath before I entered my house and braced myself for her to shout at me. I opened the door slowly and was surprised to not see her in the kitchen. Maybe I was lucky and she was out.
Just then I heard a phone ring. It was hers, she left it on the counter. I walked towards it and saw the contact name of "Fertility Clinic" show up on the screen.
"Hello," I answered. Daniella has barely been telling me much about the state of our baby despite the fact that she would constantly tell me how she was doing me a favor carrying our child. I was thinking of calling the doctor myself to make sure everything was going well.
"Hi, this is Monica, calling from the fertility clinic. Is Daniella around?" she asked noticing it was not Daniella.
"Not at the moment," I said locking myself in a room, "But I am the father of the child."
"The child?" the lady asked confused.
"Yes, Daniella's child? I am the father," I told her but I had a feeling something was wrong.
I heard her stay silent for a while.
"Sir, I need to speak with Daniella," she said awkwardly. Something was not clear.
"Why can you not talk to me?" I questioned her, "I have a right to know about my child," I said clearly getting angry.
"Sir, please, I need to-," she said but I cut her off.
"Is she not pregnant!?" I asked harshly unable to stop myself. There was something that kept telling me she had been lying but a woman could not be that cruel. Or could she?
"Sir I-," she began to say.
"She has told me she's pregnant. I deserve to know the truth," I told her sternly but I was sure she could hear the anger in my voice.
"That is not for me to discuss with you sir," she said but by the tone in her voice, it confirmed it. I threw the phone against the wall not bothering whether it split into pieces.
Just then I heard knocking on the door.
"Cesc? Cescy why have you locked the door? Are you speaking to that hoe again?" she said getting irritated. It took all of my strength to not run to the door and shake her.
I was livid. I could feel my blood boiling. My hands were clenched, my knuckles white. Which woman in their right mind tells a man she is pregnant with his child when she is not even pregnant? Just how twisted was she? Making me feel guilty about all my actions, I could not believe how truly vile this woman was.
"Hello? Cesc?" she said annoyed but I ignored her.
After a few minutes of deep breaths and trying to wrap my head around everything, I approached the door. Before I could open it Daniella unlocked the it after she went looking for the spare key. She really was nuts. When I saw her face, I couldn't look at her normally. Any emotional attachment that I had to her was gone. All I could see was disgust. I didn't even know if I could even consider her human anymore.
"Cesc," she said unsure noticing my gaze.
"We're done," I said in a deadly tone and giving everything to not do something I might regret.
"But Cesc!" she whined desperately.
"Are you even pregnant!?" I screamed at her in rage and she knew she couldn't lie herself out of this one. For a split second, she looked scared.
"You disgust me,"I spat at her bitterly while I walked past her.
"This is that stupid girls fault!" she shouted back, "If she never came to Barcelona we'd be happy!"
I stopped abruptly and turned my head to look at her.
"No. We. WOULDN'T!" I screamed at her.
I was sick of her blaming this on Jade or anyone else for that matter. We had a problem, we just weren't a good relationship. She was not the person for me.
"Ever since she came-," she started up again but she knew it was a losing battle.
"NO!" I screamed at her as I walked towards her.
"She's not the problem, you are," I said and she could sense the pure rage in my voice.
"I want you out of my life!" I said as I walked towards the door and slammed it as I left. There was only one person I wanted to see.
"So, Real Madrid huh?" Elena asked me. I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. It was too hard. I needed to talk about with my friends.
"I don't know what to do," I told her honestly.
"I feel bad because you guys-," I began saying but Elena cut me off.
"Don't feel bad," she said genuinely, "You're good Jade and it's nice that someone finally sees that. I'm really happy for you," and I could tell she really meant it.
"Yeah well I haven't made up my mind yet," I said still unsure of what to do.
"If it were me, I would take it, I wouldn't think twice," she said and I looked at her shocked.
"It's a shot of a lifetime and you could easily move back to Barca after 2 season or so," she said.
"You make it seem so easy," I said. She chuckled.
"It is Jade, you take the job. I mean after our internship, what else is left in Barcelona for you?" she asked. Just then there was a knock at the door.
"I'll go open for them," she said referring to Nate, Matt and Demi. I told her to call them over so I could discuss it with them. Matt and Demi still didn't know so I was going to tell them.
"Um, Jade, it's for you," I heard her say. I looked towards the door confused.
"What do you mean?" I shouted from the couch.
"Hey Jade," I heard Cesc say and my eyes went wide. I immediately scrambled to stand.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him in shock.
"I'll leave you guys," Elena said going towards her room, but I knew she would listen through the door.
"I came to see you and to tell you personally," he said pausing, "I broke up with Daniella," he said seriously and I was so sure I misheard him.
"Cesc not this again," I said not fully believing him. He told me this before and it was a lie.
"Jade," he said coming to stand in front of me, "I'm serious," he said and I could see the truth in his eyes. "She was never pregnant," he said with a sad chuckle.
"What?" I asked in shock. That woman really was evil.
"I just found out today, I spoke to the fertility clinic and-," he said but then said, "It doesn't matter."
"We can be together now," he said taking my hands in his. There was nothing more than to pretend everything was worked out but it wasn't that simple.
"What?" he said noticing my expression.
"Cesc, I-," I said not sure how to tell him, "I'm not sure I'm going to be here."
I saw that he heard me but he was trying to process it. I knew he wished I hadn't said that.
"What do you mean?" he asked me not fully understanding.
"Well the job-," I began saying.
"We agreed you won't take it," he said quickly. I looked at him surprised.
"We never agreed on that Cesc, you just told me that," I said dropping his hands. I know he didn't want me to take the job but I had to be the one to make that decision.
"Jade you can't be serious," he said but it wasn't angry this time, it was worry.
"I don't know what to do," I said taking a seat on the couch.
"Stay. We'll find a way to make you stay at the club and you can stay at my place till we work it out," he said sitting down next to me. I could see he was trying to solve everything, to find a solution. I gave him a small smile.
"I can't just put my life on hold," I told him.
"We'll figure something out," he said desperately, "Please," he said moving closer to me.
"You can't just leave me," he said sadly and broken while taking my hands in his. I couldn't help but feel my eyes begin to water.
"You think I want to?" I asked him with my voice slightly cracking, turning to look at him.
"You act like I'm doing something wrong but I don't have many options," I said.
"You're not doing anything wrong, I just-," he said not knowing what to say but I knew exactly what he wanted to.
"I know," I said. He was looking into my eyes and I was looking into his. Finally we could be together with no strings except that I might not be here in a few days. But right now, in this moment, I couldn't think about that. We kept moving closer and I couldn't fight it any longer. I was tired of fighting my feelings. I wanted to kiss him and finally there was nothing to stop me.
"What's the big news!?" Matt said running into the living room and I wanted nothing more than to kill him right there and then. He saw how close we were and in his eyes I could see it dawned on him that he screwed up.
"Oh," he said awkwardly, "I can come back later," he said.
"Why don't you ever wait? You just-," Nate said coming into the room but he stopped talking when he noticed Cesc there.
"Oh," Nate said, "We didn't know you have company," he said looking at me. I knew he was judging me slightly but it didn't make sense. Why would he do that?
"We can go if you want," Matt said.
"It's okay," Cesc said to them standing up. They nodded but I could tell he was not okay.
"Cesc?" I asked wondering where he was going.
"I, uh, I need to go meet Gerard," he said but I had a feeling he wasn't being completely honest.
"We'll talk tomorrow, just please make the right decision," he said staring into my eyes and I knew what was the right decision for him.
"Matt, Nate," he greeted them as he walked to leave.
I knew there was no point of going after him, he already made up his mind to leave.
"We were just told you have big news," Matt said looking at me "And from what I saw," he said raising his eyebrows up and down.
"Ugh I hate you!" I said throwing a pillow at him. Did he have to ruin it? This was the second time!
"Whoa," Matt said surprised at my actions.
"He's making you wild," Matt said. Nate looked at me surprised.
"What?" I asked him annoyed.
"Nothing," he said but I knew he wasn't being honest.
"You're lying," I told him.
"Just, did you think about what I said. Think about your decision?" he asked me his one eyebrow slightly higher than the other.
"Yeah I still haven't decided," I said sighing.
"Seems like you did," he said softly and I knew he was referring to Cesc and I but it didn't make sense.
"So?" Matt asked me.
"Nate already knows," I said to Matt.
"Oh okay, well you can tell Elena, Demi and I," he said.
"Elena knows too," I said.
"Wow, I feel loved," Matt said.
"It wasn't intentional," I said honestly.
"Okay okay, I'm here," Demi said coming into the room.
"And did I just see Cesc leave?" she asked giving me a look.
"You missed something else," Matt said shrewdly.
"No she didn't because you ruined it, again!" I said shouting at him annoyed.
"So emotional," Matt said mocking me.
"Ruined what?" Demi asked me but she picked up on my body language.
"Tell me later," she said which was code for when they leave, "What's the news?" Demi asked.
"Well I'll tell you both, I got offered a job-," and before I could carry on, the two of them were attacking me with hugs.
"Ahh, we're so happy for you!" Demi said.
"Of course they will hire my friend," Matt said.
"You guys, did not let me finish," I said and they both looked at me expectantly.
"It's at Real Madrid," I said and I saw Demi's face fall.
"Oh," Demi said sitting next to me.
"I don't see the issue," Matt said after a while taking a seat on the coffee table.
"Really?" Demi asked him sarcastically.
"It's Real Madrid, aka the enemy?" Demi said as if he was crazy.
"I know that, but when else will wel get this opportunity?" he asked seriously.
"I said the same thing," Elena said now joining us.
"But it's Real Madrid!" Demi said as if they didn't hear her the first time.
"Nate help me out?" Demi asked turning to look at him.
"I think choose what will make you the happiest," Nate said to me but I knew he wasn't just talking about this. He was referring to Cesc as well but who else could he be talking about? The only other time he spoke like this was the other day in the cafeteria.
It then dawned on me what he meant and I tried my best to get it out of my head but now the idea has been put into my head.
He was talking about Leo.  
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
if he moves, how do i talk myself into supporting a club i explicitly dont like and now despise because of the dirty and corrupt way they are taking away neymar from the club i love? how can i cheer and root for him while hating the club he plays for?
That’s what I also been thinking about…
Let’s just wait and see what happens and try to push these thoughts away… Tho I also have them… 
Anonymous said:idk why barca even let him go to china and record stuff for the team when he’s about to do his medical for psg the day after…
Anonymous said:Al Khelaifi (PSG president): “Negotiations for Neymar are going well. I’m very confident.” So yeah that’s that
Anonymous said:Neymar going for a medical with PSG??? I’m sorry did I miss something when was this confirmed??? Last time I checked we are still awaiting his decision!!! Stupid Barca App
Nothing is official. Let’s hope he isn’t, but tomorrow and Wednesday gonna be crucial… 
There’s also rumors Pai told Barca he doesn’t know what to do yet… 
Anonymous said:those ney shirtless videos i mean can he stop being so hot .. i just need to jump on him and start kissing him and beg him dont leave ney dont leave bae plzzzzzzzzzz
Deffo way to many hot videos from today
nonymous said:meanwhile, Neymar out there today still following brumar pages and liking brumar quotes about his great love no one understands, jesus!! what a 14 year old! I don’t wanna insult anyone but I’m starting to think this guy is not the brightest in the bunch….
Probably bc she opened her mouth about them in an interview… All of a sudden I also saw many Brumar things on the suggested page by INsta xD 
Anonymous said:Next thing you know PSG are also buying Gabriel Jesus and Countinho and the rest of the Brazilian starting team 😂
Let them leave my baby Gabi with Pep!!! 
Anonymous said:Neymar looks very good in Barcelona’s shirt❗❗❗❗❗❗❗just in Barcelona shirt .
Real Talk!!!! 
Anonymous said:I seriously cannot understand how Dani thinks it’s “brave” for Neymar to leave Barca. It’s stupid to leave the best club in the world, not brave. What would be brave is to stay and face all the fans he has disappointed!
Dani only says that bc he wants Ney to come. He can stfu. 
Anonymous said:Who is that Amanda girl Marcelo and Ney were having a photo with??
Some YouTuber apparently 
Anonymous said:velvarde said some positive things about neymar, that he has some hope that neymar will stay.
Let’s hope so. I hope he makes the right decision: stay!
Anonymous said:Omg i know you’re not neymar i just wrote what i think because this whole thing makes me so aggressive we all don’t know what is 100% true and what not
Oh ok! hahah. Since you addressed it to Neymar I thought you thought I was him hahah. (That happens sometimes so thats why haha). 
Anonymous said:neymar signed the contract at barca knowing about leo’s role there. he should take some notes and realise leo worked and earned his way up to his position. now when the first offer of so much money comes along he takes it because he can be a team leader? no a true leader climbs his way up to the top, and earns his way. he has iniesta as a captain and an influence, if he didn’t learn anything from them or the team, can’t say i wouldn’t be hugely disappointed because i will be. let’s just see :/Maybe he sees that Leo is gonna be a leader for so long stlll and wants to be that too, but knows he won’t be at Barca for a while… I mean I could understand if he went to another team for that growth, but not P$G… That’s just a stupid decision. Anonymous said:Feels like Suarez and Messi were angry against Neymar yesterday… kind of disappointed with this, I expected them to be closer especially if it was Ney’s last match. Note (before people misunderstand my ask) : i’m not throwing shade at Messi and suarez
Didnt quite get that vibe, but maybe that’s just me :) 
@msn-forever​ said:Hi! Will Neymar really do that China thing? Or wasn’t it cancelled? Please do still post about him even if he’s a …u know player! I would hate to see him leave, only the thought about it is killing me, but I could never stop loving him! So please post about Barcelona and Neymar, whatever will happen. I also don’t know what to do about my name MSN-FOREVER…if the N wd get lost…😢😢😢
Hi, sorry for the late reply, but as you’ve seen Ney really did the China promo thing. (He also confirmed it on one of his INsta pages he was gonna go). 
Let’s hope he stays. There is still a small chance… 
Anonymous said:Neymar is an example of modern footballer love the work not ur company. He loves futbol he hasn’t attached any extra sentiments to the club. It’s just how it is. He is practical that’s it. Something leo messi isn’t if he was he wouldn’t stay at one club his lifetime given his quality once in a lifetime footballer he should’ve actually gone to different leagues&hence increase his brand value show he can do it anywhere which we know he can but still actually doing it makes a difference
I love players with club love. Love it. Since it’s so rare these day. I love how Luis still talks about Ajax with love. It’s the same here as an Ajax-fan we would welcome Luis with open arms again. 
Nothing wrong with club love and staying where you were made into a champ. Leo started at a top club and he made it to the top and still is the best. I think the argument that he should went to other leagues is so overrated. If you see how long he’s been at the top that answers the whole question. No other player accomplishes that. 
@naleyforever​ said:No it really wont be wrong because even if they are paying the money they are doing so for a job he is doing for them thats becoming the face of WC after that its his money not qatar loaning money, that happening wud get them into direct problem. Offcourse if people want to contest this as violation they can but in the long run nothing will comeout. Qatar as a gift is also going to give him an island.
Well UEFA will officially look into it and whatever happens or where he gets the monet from that company in Qatar can’t be affiliated to PSG otherwise they will breach the FFP. Or they will have to sell players hence why they probably are offering us Di Maria and other players we dont need. 
Anonymous said:So ney’s large group of friends not one of them can offer advise to him?! Gil is 28/29 one of the oldest in the group and he can’t even guide his younger friend because he foots all their bills?! I just don’t understand how they can all sit back and let their friend ruin his career and reputation like this.Ney is easily influenced that much is obvious so I am sure if any of them talked to him he will listen/at least consider their view but it seems they’re a bunch of yes men to Ney &his father!
I have no ideaaaa. I hope they slap some sense into him and tell them how much they LOVE barca and spain in general. They all made friends, speka the language etc… 
Anonymous said:To the anon: Carol and Davi living in Barcelona won’t stop Neymar from going to Paris. It’s a 2 hour flight from Barcelona to Paris. I bet they won’t move to Paris with Neymar since they have their lives settled in Barcelona, but they can always go to Paris.
@ anon. 
Anonymous said:hot lips yes they are so hot .. but they stole your tag idea them lips
HAHAHHA, Damn right they stole my lips from me! I thought of it as well xD 
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
until now i thot Ney@PSG was just a way for him (and his pai) to get more money/advantages from barca by using PSG as a pressure point ... But now, after what Geri and Masche said, he apparently really considering leaving ... It's not just a mind game with barca's direction, he is actually serious. I still don't know what to think about it ...
Anonymous said:“Do you wane be someone who we hear of when you play in the CL only or one we also wants league matches live?” This got me thinking, maybe PSG could bring him a little more peace. Less media exposition, less pressure. On a personal level, i think it could be good for Ney … On a professional level, Barca is way more competitive of course. I understand why he take his time to truly think about it even if for the fans it is a hard time.
He wants to win the BdO. If he wants to win it in France he or has to score 40+ but especially win the CL. That will be historical. 
Anonymous said:I want him to leave. I think he needs it for his growth. But not like this and not PSG 😭
@imahighfunctioningdisaster​ said:I just really don’t see what’s appealing in going to PSG. (Except maybe for the money, but that what’s interest NSr, not NJr.) Ligue1 is so bad, like there is nothing spectacular or interesting to play in french football. There aren’t good opportunities or way to make yourself more famous, no good club (bc PSG is not a good club, not at all). (And it’s coming from a french person who doesn’t follow la Ligue 1 because of how bad it is.)
I dont see the appeal either tbh. I really dont see it. STAY!
Anonymous said:Neymar, it doesn’t get any better than Barca. You are a part of the best trio in football. You’ve won cups & you get praised for how incredible you are. But you’ll throw it away for money? A Brazilian friend persuading you too? If he leaves to PSG he goes to a shitty league with no competition. No one will care how many goals he scores. He won’t be alongside some of the best players in the world. But at least you got that money right? What a disappointment. Even if he stays, I don’t care.
Anonymous said:Ney will be hated by the fans bc of thinking about leaving. Ofcourse he’s thinks about leaving his dad wants him to go to psg. But I think Ney should man up and tell his father what he wants for once.
Anonymous said:I’m mind blown at how his father is sitting back and letting all this backlash happen, why is he ruining his sons reputation. Money is great and all but as a father your child should come first, his happiness should come first always.
Anonymous said:The damage is done already, Cules don’t want Neymar to stay even the once who really liked him are turning their backs on him. At this point he might as well just leave. I don’t know if he’s even aware of it. But he will be when the Camp Nou welcomes him with boos and whistles.
Exactly, it doesn’t get better than Barça and hell to the no at P$G…
I hope he stays. I’m keeping positive. I hope tonight will be a good came again and maybe some stay Ney chants and he will see what he can achieve with this team. 
He will just have to make up a lot with the fans. 
Anonymous said:Hi i’m sorry to bother but why would JB fans be mad at him? Did something happen? Again sorry for bothering youHi, you don’t bother me. I just dont remember what I said about JB… Anonymous said:hey ash well am a madridista but i wanna say that i really wish ney to stay although this will harm and threaten real Madrid but i want him to stay bec i love him and if he stays within a couples of years he gonna be the best player in world and 2nd its amazing to see such a unique talent in la liga :) am sorry if i interfered in barca issue while i am a Madrid fan good night all xoxox
Aaawh thank you! Thats very nice of you to say! I didnt know RMA fans visited my blog, but your words are too kind! It;s great to see how you appreciate him
Anonymous said:I feel like Geri messed up, meant positive about Neymar, but some things he said come out negative, he made him sound like incompetent child who can’t think for himself, and made it sound like he’ll never lead club cuz he’s not Messi. Not a good msg to send out there. I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that but it came out like that. We all know Ney is still under influence of his dad but he made big choices against him in the past and hes not a compete idiot, I think ppl underestimate him too much
Geri spoke his mind and the truth. I know what Geri means with the child comment and it isn’t as negative as it may seem. I thought he said some interesting stuff in a time where the subject of all this drama isn’t speaking. 
Anonymous said:watching stories from Neymars friends pisses me off even more, they really are such fucking parasites! he does all the work, in the middle of this hot mess they’re just fucking around, partying in messy hotel rooms, all just follow him around and live of of him and his success like leaches, they are no use. How can he be grown up surrounded with ppl like that 24/7?? Are they gonna still sit in his living room when they’re 50? pathetic….
I hvae no idea. I hope they tell him fucking stay at Barca idioto.
Anonymous said:If its abt leadership eventually ney will leave cos lio is the undisputed leader here&he fought his way to be here. Its not like he randomly became the leader over the years he has cemented his place. At the start it was a struggle even for him and right now tbh it would be extremely disrespectful and wrong to ask leo to step down because why should he he isnt declining? Or has shown any signs of it either even at the juve game both goals he was the starting point of it his inch perfect passes
True. He knows Leo won’t step down and is the natural leader. That;s why he might wanna  leave. 
Anonymous said:It’s not lio imposes himself on others infact last season he played in the midfield and became Europe’s top scorer he didn’t exactly took away chances from others but rather he is that good he can play in all positions. He by his talent is the natural leader of the squad. He is the best player in the world. Some people try to make it look like lio is a dictator hence ney is going& nobody acknowledges that even messi on his part sacrificed his play to suit msn. He isnt exactly self centered
Exactly! Leo shouldn’t even be brought into this discussion. Every player knows to what team they go to and who the natural leader is. Leo is a team player, not selfish but everyone respects him as the leader. 
Anonymous said:Sorry…. he said that his making this very clear he loves Neymar more then Barca and better then being with the best player in the world and that he won’t find this somewhere else, and that he needs to enjoy the team, the city which is Barca and he won’t find it anywhere elseAnonymous said:Nah Neymar has massively dissapointed me! Is he really that stupid that he will lose whatever goodwill he has left with fans even his teammates for carrying this on WAY too long. If it was a silly brumar rumour or something to do with Bruna he would be the first person calling out the journalist or posting some silly posts to end the drama but with HIS own life and career and the integrity and respect for a club that has done their best to accommodate him he keeps mute! He should leave tbhAnonymous said:Okay bye Neymar 👋🏽😒!!! I’m sorry if he really wanted to stay as Barca he would have said something by now, which just shows that his actually considering leaving Barca for a club where he’ll only be recognized in the Champions League?! I’m done he has strung everybody along far too long! I’m disappointed in him!!
I get the disappointment because same, but I still want and hope he will stay. Lets hope he makes the right decision. 
Anonymous said:I’m soooo tired of this Neymar drama. Thank God for Lewis, at least one of my faves is treating me right.
Well Lewis also has a lot of drama surrounding him always haha. 
Anonymous said:Neymar’s father did the impossible…Congratulations 👏👏👏*sarcasm* A majority of FC Barcelona fans (90%) now hate Neymar.he Can’t really say anything??This situation is so annoying.If he wants to leave, he need to SAY. EVERYONE is tired of this waiting.
It’s such a mess… 
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