#i mean ill be fine but also aaaahhhhh
Me: *gives my parent exactly what they asked for*
My parent: *still finds a reason to be upset*
Me: 🙃🙃🙃
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sparklingpax · 4 years
Okay while I Very much know the feeling of being worried that people will think your sickfics are weird or even creepy, I can thankfully tell you that-- well, at least in my experience? That's not really... a Thing That People Think, in general? Maybe it's not some people's cup of tea, but that's fine. Many fic writers cover some pretty dark stuff and that's not my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean I think it's weird to write about scary things. Why would making your characters vulnerable through illness instead of mortal peril be bad? I would SO love to read more of your ideas, like SO MUCH👀 (Not trying to MAKE you write anything, of course-- this is just what I remind myself of when I'm afraid of being Cringe, and it does help me.) Also that part in your fic where Optimus just-- started cryiNG?? 🥺😭💕💕💕 IT GOT ME RIGHT IN MY CHEST, I C A N ' T the poor bot has so many feels trapped inside him and he's sTILL THE SWEET SHY BOY HE WAS BEFORE ALL OF THIS HAPPENED AND AAAAHHHHH😭 Seriously I can't tell you how much I loved that bit, I had to stop reading and hug a stuffed animal because I was having TOO MANY EMOTIONS AT ONCE and, well, I couldn't really hug Optimus like I wanted to in the moment😂 Thankfully Ratchet had that covered!
Hi! Did you get any other asks besides the ones you've already posted? I just wanna know because I'm afraid the one I sent never got through.
OHHHH ok sweet im glad you (probably) got the ask! Take all the time you need, of course! If I don’t see an ask after a few days I miiiight get suspicious that Tumblr ate it and you never got to see it, but please know that if I do send a “did you get it” ask, it’s just a lack of faith in Tumblr and not impatience. (Goodness knows I take an incredibly long time to tanswer my own asks.) Also: pancakes.
Ahh hello hello! ^^’’ 
You are a very sweet anon <3 Thank you for gracing my inbox 😻😊😇✨🥰
I’m so sorry I took so long to respond >///< But...I’m glad you can understand ^^’’ 
Sjsdjksdjsdj wait really?? O//O I--I mean I can see how these kinds of fics are ok and there are certainly worse fics out there so it’s not necessarily weird or bad in itself....but I guess I just keep thinking about some stuff this one friend I had a long time ago said,,,,she kinda scared me lmao ^^’’ then again, she said a lot of things I’ve found to be mostly untrue.........
I think I’ll take your word for it :3 
Sometime when I get to a good writing flow and everything, I just might write some more of my ideas.....I just hope the rest of y’all will be ok with it ^^’’ 
Thank you so much for your encouragement anon!! ^//w//^  💕💖💓💗😊
And don’t worry one bit about sending other asks to make sure I got your first one! In the years before I had an actual tumblr, I was a tumblr lurker and constantly did that kind of thing :’) Idk if I annoyed any of the blogs I would send asks to, but please know you won’t ever annoy me! 
And this goes for anyone in general who is worried I never recieved your ask! If you wanna make sure, just send it again, send an ask asking about it...whatever makes you feel ok! 
I’m fine with literally anything coming through to my ask box! Except if you’re trying to start a fight with me, or insult me, or....those kinds of mean things :’/
So all that aside, AHHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED THAT PART!!!! THAT WAS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE PART TO WRITE!!! ANd....I had been hoping someone would read it and say something about it ^^’’ I just felt like after all that had happened to everyone in such short time, it would only make sense that Optimus finally reaches a visible breaking point,,,I mean that never happened in the show but you know what I think about that! Op should not be forced to bottle his emotions up all the time! Not with me he won’t, anyway. 
uwu and so thank you for coming to my inbox and I hope we can talk again sometime! <3 I hope you have a lovely day! (or evening ^^’’) :3 
Ahhhh yes, and: P A N C A K E S ! ! (They are very very good owo I do love me some good pancakes~ ^//w//^) 
-Kuni :3
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