#i mean i do know why it's because it's really really incredibly kinnie based and that made it hard to post on the selfship blog.
caracello · 1 year
found out the day 'n' night song was in watchdogs and immediately wtarted having a moment about marcus. I love you i love you i love you forever.
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gentlebliss · 2 months
from the way you type in jp and your pics its really obvious you're a white kid with a poor understanding of how japanese people actually speak online. i know ur a kinnie but that does not make it okay to race fake
If you are going to accuse people of lying about their identities, basing it on how someone talks... no, types online... is not going to get you far. You cannot possibly tell what race someone is by the way they type or take pictures/photos they post (which one you mean is unclear but both are baseless). "You don't speak like Japanese people do" is incredibly out there; people aren't all going to talk the same because of their race, and if you genuinely believe that, I would check yourself.
Japanese is not my first language, which is something I am not dishonest about and never have been. I write the way I do in Japanese because I choose to, though there is nothing incorrect with anything I have written in the past. I am also not perfectly fluent in JPN, so if you are talking about something like errors or mistakes in my writing, it can't be helped. I never claimed to be in or from Japan, nor claimed to have it as my native language.
You do not know anything about me, that is clear. I appreciate that you explained why you feel the way you do upon my request, but if you send me anything further accusing me of something absurd like this, I will block you. I don't need to explain myself further, you can believe what you will about me. Thank you.
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ectodog · 4 years
it’s the 4th anniversary of the premier of vld which of course means i have assembled a rough timeline for my descent into voltron special interest hell. it goes something like this:
- june 10 2016: vld season 1 premiers. i am none the wiser
- january 20 2017: season 2 comes out. this fact is irrelevant to me
- august 4 2017: season 3 happens. still not entirely sure what a “voltron” even is
- mid-august 2017: one of my friends cosplays keith. that’s cool. who’s keith?
- october 17 2017: season 4 arrives. that’s fine i guess
- march 2 2018: season 5 has entered the building. i am vaguely aware that i have known people who watched it at some point. the fandom is apparently “terrifying” but i survived homestuck, so i scoff at the concept and go on with my life
- june 15 2018: season 6 drops. i see a bunch of cool gifs and pretty fanart. coupled with the hype i have absorbed from the lead up to it, i wonder if i should give the show a watch
- june 16 2018: i start watching vld. two (four) episodes in and i love it. i can already tell i’m a hunk kinnie, and this brings me no end of joy
- june 28 2018: within two weeks, i have caught up entirely. i am thriving in the post-s6 hype
- july 20 2018: at sdcc, the Big Reveal happens. shiro is gay. he is a disabled main character of of colour in a wildly popular show for kids, and he is kind and brave and the pinnacle of masculinity, and he is gay. no matter your shipping opinions, this is incredible news and it’s hard to Not ride the high, so why bother trying? they show a trailer and announce the release date for season 7, and within hours a bunch of booted recordings of s7e1 are floating around online
- july 23 2018: my interest level has gotten to the point where i need to make a separate twitter for it, so i do. (fun fact: as of today, less than 2 years later, said twitter has over 7300 posts on it. my main, 4x that old, has ~30k)
- august 10 2018: season 7 is online at 1am my time. im selling at an artist alley all weekend, starting the following morning. i binge half the season anyway before passing out, and completely avoid the internet until i can watch the rest later that day
- october 5 2018: at nycc, the trailer for s8 and release date are revealed. i immediately book the announced day off work because i know i will want to watch the entire thing at once the second it’s out
- mid-october 2018: “leaks” of s8 start appearing online. pretty much no one in the fandom believes them, because no one Likes them. they seem ridiculous. people start making “leakverse” fanworks to feed some of the finale anticipation into, including me. no one really thinks they’re plausible at all
- december 14 2018: season 8 airs. i post a quick but heartfelt fanart before gearing up for 1am. it starts, and i cry. the first time they form voltron, i cry some more. things keep happening, and i keep getting tears on my screen, and i have to pause and start it over and over, but i live tweet the whole thing anyway. the leaks were... real. i come out of it unsure how i feel, exactly, but i am exhausted from the marathon and so immediately pass out
- the same day, after some sleep: im upset and confused as to why the finale season was so hollow. i see im not alone. it’s a rough week, feeling like something i love so deeply let me down so much. i realize it’s only been 6 months since i got into it - but, clinging to a deep sense of betrayal, i cry some more anyway
- the immediate aftermath: there are petitions and accusations of censorship and conspiracies about where the “real” s8 is. it’s hard not to get caught up in, or at least dragged down by, the lack of hype. no one who worked on the show says anything for days, weeks, months. fix it fanwork starts cropping up, and i surround myself in them. none of the excitement from before is there, not the same way it was. i start a new and highly ambitious piece of art out of spite. it’s left unfinished
- january 2 2019: lion forge releases the third volume of vld comics. no one really cares. i certainly don’t
- the intermediate aftermath: it becomes clearer by the day that the season was, simply put, a failure and a flop. no one liked it. kids cried over it and parents had no idea how to explain it to them. the fandom and community dim for a while, but i keep immersing myself in the trove of fanwork that already existed, and i start trying again to make some of my own
- may 29 2019: lion forge comics announces that they are not renewing their license to make more vld comics. that, coupled with the abysmally rated final season, seems to be the nail in the coffin for this iteration of the ip. there won’t be anything else official for vld. somehow, this sparks a renewed interest in me. despite everything, im more dedicated than ever before to preserve and proliferate my good experiences. i know this won’t be a blip in my history as a fan, so i’m determined to be happy with it, as best i can be
- the rest: is, as they say, history. as of now, i have something like 20 fanworks of my own in progress for vld. my ao3 bookmarks number in the 100s, and my to-read list is at over 250. ive made a concerted effort to be more active and engaged in the fandom, because it came so close to fizzling out, for me and maybe for everyone, but it’s brought me so much goodness that i cant and Won’t let that happen, not without a fight
it’s been just under 2 years since i decided to watch voltron on a whim. and it has honestly become a central part of my interests and identity in that time - but for the majority of it, it’s been because of fandom and fanworks, and that’s maybe what made it stick so well to begin with: the creative, varied, amazing parts of it that no network mandate could have offered on its own
this started as a way to catalog my journey into and through vld but honestly it kind of became a love letter to the fandom (at least, my corner of it). that’s what’s made these last years so special - what’s made them simultaneously fly by and feel like a solid constant. a dedicated, talented fan base who are capable of so much more than the constraints of the source material
it’s amazing to look back on, and incredible to keep looking forward to. we’ve all been told - “go, be great”
we have been, and continue to be. like the stars, and like my love for vld, it’s inevitable
so thank you all for the years of “great”. 🖤
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xveilofnightx · 6 years
warning about user lewdphobis
known users: @/lewd-phobis on tumblr, @/pprotomann on vent (previously @/LewdPhobos), @/lewdphobis AND @/phantom_racer on instagram, @/lewdphobos on twitter
name: harper
hey what’s up fellas. i’m aware that this post very much looks like a meme or something that shouldn’t be taken seriously, but please keep reading if you have interacted with this person or seen them around the webbernets. in order to keep petty conflict out of tags, i’ll be using slashes in the names. i don’t want this getting too much attention outside of people in this person’s reach. yes, i know the slashes look stupid.
this person is active in the N/S/P, T/W/RP, and Protom//en online communities. to summarize, this person is incredibly rude, straight up violates peoples’ privacy, and is an actual factkin. if you don’t know what the hell that means, you don’t have to pay attention to that part. it’s really just icing on the cake. 
below the read more link are screenshot receipts of their odd and dangerous behavior. 
alright so it all started when i saw some weird bull going on on the vent app, which, to be fair, should be a safe space where one shouldn’t be judged. but it’s really just as bad, if not worse, than tumblr with people oversharing information. and it’s still a very public sphere so there is really no excuse for the overshare.
the kinnie part is the first part, so if you don’t understand any of that you can skim through this or just skip it.
chapter 1: real factkinnie hours
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OK let’s be deadass about this. seeing this, before even opening the vents, is not a great sign. r/aul panthe/r is the lead singer of the protom//en. the protom//en perform with stage personas, but these personas are not characterized with anything other than an outfit and some very loose lore about robots. a very strong point about the band is remaining genuine while having a very loose lore. personas are not individually characterized apart from each band member themselves, and that has been made a point many times officially.
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alright so when you open this baby’s shell you see some weird shit straight off the bat, and i don’t mean “hey don’t kin that character” i mean “hey don’t kin these real mf people.”
not only are there about 2.5 protom//en listed here, but real people, like, y’know, guy-manuel, a real french musician who has no characterization connected to a persona besides a performance look. 
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this bit here, you may not see a great problem with, but its still weird, and is important for this next part.
so i made this post on vent that was basically just “wow someone out here really kinning protom//en huh......crazy....” (if you want the exact post, message me or scroll through my vent, idc)
and then i get this lil blip on my vent notifs and its this, from arthur (harper’s partner)
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at first i’m reading it and i’m like. alright seems reasonable. but i’ve come not to buy it. to begin with, harper has been in the kinnie community for longer than they’ve been active on vent. second of all, this @ was a month after the original post about kinning r/aul p/anther, and i’d really like to say that that kin list didn’t pop out of thin air in those few days. i responded.
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i don’t know about you, but if i were new to a band i wouldn’t assume the band members are “characters”. other than that, seems like an alright message, so i just point that fact out. i do regret the tone of this next part, rude on my end.
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once again, my response was pretty rude. but they also don’t know if i was truly vague-posting. about harper. if harper didn’t know what factkin was, arthur certainly did know, by the way they replied. once again, my response here was pretty rude. guess i was fired up by someone kinning a grown man with a family and friends, i don’t really know.
arthur/homophobos changed usernames to T/WRPb/and (you can scroll through their vents or DM me for proof) and then posted this
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the snake emoji refers to harper. i think its weird they’re trying to pull it as ironic here, since the initial posts were not ironic. they continue to make jokes like this and shit until the real stupid shit comes along.
chapter 2: real bullshit hours
harper and arthur are soon making some of the weirdest jokes i’ve ever seen by people who have just been corrected that these people are people and not characters or made up jokes. if their fan bases were bigger, i could understand there being people like this. but for a tight-knit fan base, this is kind of ridiculous to see, and its clear why it should be rid of this kind of behavior. 
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this post, though from before everything happened, is still super odd considering its about a real grown man. 
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this came afterward. this joke would be a whole lot different if the person were 100% fictional, or even if the person was into internet humor. but that just isn’t the case. who makes jokes like this about grown men? scratch that, what kind of people make jokes like this about grown men?
chapter 2.5: bullshit, but this time it’s personal
harper followed a friend of mine who does local band stuff around nashville. i don’t like posting DMs (especially without consent, when they see this, they’ll probably kill me too). but there is no reason why a casual fan, especially someone “new to the band” should be following this particular person. there are rarely, if at all, any traces to public tags from this person. 
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so um. Yikes! security concern. haters will say Why Not Private Account, yadda yadda? because people like harper are not even their target audience. and i don’t think there’s ever a situation where liking someone’s old candid photos, when you previously have not even seen that person in this way, isn’t creepy. 
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this one’s just weird. look at any of harper’s social media. seriously. and i don’t care if harper sees any of this because they straight up lied to someone who they were previously creepin’ on. lol. 
also this is one of their friends who is just weird as shit lol. no real connection to the specific situation, but this is really the type of people they are. 
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these are really kids publicly posting about a 30-some year old man with a family like this. and they’re teens, there’s really no excuse.
if the anonymous friend would like their DMs taken from this post, I’ll comply with that. i’ve also never typed out one of these before, sorry if it was all over the place. 
i’ll post arthur’s usernames too:
@/homophobos on tumblr, @/tw/rpcore on twitter, @/tw/rpband on vent app (previously @/homophobos)
if you have any questions, message me. love you. stay safe.
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