#i mean i also love to hate jason and angela but damn they were fun antagonists
byebyler · 2 years
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found this st character sorter and had to do it immediately uwu
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Fun fact: I flipped between both my blogs multiple times because for some reason I thought I started this post and then abandoned it halfway through or something but no, I hadn’t started this episode at all. So on that promising note, here’s season 4 episode 3.
1.) Ruth, Nevada actually makes sense as a location thing to pop up. Like I know there’s a lot of jokes about PARIS, FRANCE popping up but I’ve literally never heard of Ruth, Nevada before. But also, I don’t particularly care about Sam Owens.
2.) Oh, Sam Owens got fucking fired? Damn. Also, the military blaming scientists for this shit is a little hilarious. Like yes, scientists did it, but they did it FOR the government and military FOR military operations. So to now be like, “DAMN, I CAN’T BELIEVE Y’ALL DID THAT SHIT” is hilarious.
3.) “He’ll lead us right to the girl.” Did y’all fucking check the yellow pages? Because I don’t think Joyce has hidden that she moved to California. Like how are y’all not able to find her going to public school in California? Unless you mean a different girl. Regardless, that line is fucking stupid.
4.) Man, Angela’s really milking this injury.
5.) Jonathan and Argyle are so fucking high and are not helping. They are right that ‘blip’ is a funny word though. Actually never mind, it’s not funny anymore. They ruined it.
6.) Oh, Murray’s cooking, that explains the opera music. Also, Joyce and Murray are being so weird. Lmao Joyce is a terrible liar.
7.) I’m not actually sure the Duffers have ever been high.
8.) Oh, my god, I just realized they gave Angela that stupid cut on her fucking face just so it could mirror Brenner’s injury even though that’s still not fucking how a goddamn skate would injure a person if it’s being smacked against your face.
9.) I’m sure Vecna is terrifying if you’re 14 or really terrified of even the slightest horror thing, but these glimpses of him in the upside down are just funny to me.
10.) Does the basketball team just like, live in an abandoned building?
11.) I hate Jason Carver’s goddamn face.
12.) Steve’s gay little wave at Eddie was so cute.
13.) This team of kids is definitely not reassuring Eddie.
14.) Fred’s body looks slightly less funny than Chrissy’s did but like, still cartoonish.
15.) El really is going through really normal puberty angst. But also Mike is so stupid. Just say love, dude. You do love her. Even if it’s probably not romantic, you do love her.
16.) Oh, I’m betting 5 bucks those cops aren’t real and they’re arresting her for nefarious reasons. Also, Mike, how the fuck are you gonna fix this?
17.) I love that Murray’s like, “Listen, it’s fine that we lied to them. At least two of those kids are gonna spend this time getting high and fucking. And by two of them, I mean Jonathan and whoever the fuck his friend is. I don’t know who he is, but I think they’re narsty.”
18.) But also fuck you, Joyce, don’t talk about that plane crashing.
19.) Manual labor in the snow. Also, since when does Hopper speak Russian? Oh, he’s learning from Enzo? Oh, his name is Antonov. I think I’ve only ever seen fans refer to him as Enzo which is hilarious.
20.) “They were at the game and the trailer park.” Steve, being aware for once: HEY, WE’RE AT THE TRAILER PARK. ARE WE GONNA FUCKING DIE?
21.) I really really think Steve was just being the Protective Friend of the group when he asked to go with Nancy. But also Nancy and Robin are cuuuuuuuute.
22.) That gate was Delayed. Like chop chop, ugly. Next time eat a cop or two.
23.) Vecna has Guilt-O-Vision. And it found Patrick. One of the two black guys the basketball douches will actually hang out with.
24.) Damn, Lucas, Jason just went full on batshit against guys who literally do not know where Eddie is. Lucas, you’re being a real traitor. But also, narratively, having the only black member of the kids be part of his little hunting party feels…bad. And Gross.
26.) “She wasn’t even trying to help.” No shit, Jonathan. She’s a cop. Cops don’t help.
27.) Goddamn, Hopper. Honestly, Hopper getting his leg fucked 6 ways to Sunday is so far the most horrifying thing this season and it’s not even shown really.
28.) Robin is autistic. Source: Me. I’m autistic.
29.) Dustin is and idiot sometimes. Steve literally doesn’t have a thing for Nancy anymore. Also, Steve’s not blushing.
30.) Max would rather be anywhere other than in a room talking about her feelings about her dead douchebag stepbrother. I also love that Ms. Kelley keeps her keys very well labeled.
31.) Lucas, I swear to God, if you tell them where Eddie is, I’m gonna crawl into the screen reverse Samara style and kick your ass.
32.) with her hair like this, Millie Bobby Brown looks so much like Winona Ryder.
33.) Oh, nvm, cops were being cops earlier. Now she’s being taken by the feds.
34.) Hi, Sam. You fuckin’ dweeb.
35.) Can we talk about how Alaska DOES have spring. Like, the Duffers know that, right? Right?????????? Actually hold on, gonna confirm with my roommate who grew up in Alaska.
36.) Okay apparently actually the weather question is very complicated and if they flew into Juno or Anchorage then no, they wouldn’t be having very heavy snow, but further north it’s still late for a ton of snow but not impossible. And as for Russia’s weather, IDK.
37.) I googled Nome, Alaska. That’s a coastal city and according to my roommate wouldn’t be getting this kind of snow in March.
38.) Okay I have gotten my silent question of ‘why not just get him to hit the chains’ answered by the guards checking his chains. JESUS HIS FOOT LOOKS BAD. But for real that looks way worse than the fucking corpses do. Oh my god. I’d rather rewatch that goofy ass Vecna murder compilation than to ever see that foot wound again. But also FUCKING NARROW DOWN WHAT KIND OF SHOW YOU ARE. OH MY GOD.
39.) Platonic with a capital P.
40.) A DEMON!!!!! Nancy and Robin are both geniuses.
41.) how did it take the kids 2 fucking hours to talk to Ms. Kelley and then break into the school
42.) Hey how is Hopper doing pushups on that fucking foot?
43.) “What if I told you there was a way, a way to bring them back?” I’d say prove it, asshole.
44.) “My friends, in Hawkins, are you in danger.” Oh no, cutting to Max as she figures out she’s a target.
45.) He could have at least let her take those waffles to go. I’m not saying it’d be a good idea to eat those in a moving car, but if the fate of the world rests on a child’s shoulders, she can eat messy waffles in the back of a car as a treat.
46.) TICK TOCK. THE PLOT IS COMING. And it’s coming for MY GODDAMN DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that fucking Vecna douchebag so much.
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