#i mean fuck it i'm not gunna feel bad for posting shit i enjoy on my blog
adhdvane · 5 years
what if i just post random bits from the science fantasy dragon knights au with no context
"…Soo…" Vane fidgets with his jacket zipper in the passenger seat of the car.
Percival ignores him, keeping his focus on the icy roads. That is, if you could really call them roads, they were more like trails. God, Percival hates his brother's taste for remote private properties. The nearest town was an hour and a half away. Oh but that's no problem when they've got everything they could possibly need already on site. Percival is starting to remember why thinking much about his privileged childhood (after the death of his mother) makes him feel sick to his stomach.
"You're brother's a satanist, huh?"
Percival chokes and slams his foot on the break causing the car to come to a slippery stop. He sharply turns his head, mouth agape, giving Vane a look as if, well, as if someone had just called his brother a satanist.
"Vane, what the fuck." It wasn't a question.
"He's not a satanist. He's a magic practitioner, it runs in the family."
"Okay… but… he literally tried to open a portal to like… hell…"
Percival pinches the bridge of his nose, shuts his eyes, and takes a deep breath.
"It's not—" Percival raises a finger. "The Otherworld—Look. The study of the Otherworld Key and it's power has been in our family for centuries. When our father passed he inherited it's sigil and—"
"Ohhhhh, so you're from a long line of satanists who were gifted magic and power from the dark lord himself. I gotcha."
Percival opens his eyes, ready to kill a man, and catches the sight of the smirk stretched across the freckled blond idiot sitting next to him. This fucker is doing this just to get a rise out of him. The expression on Percival's face drops and he turns back to the steering wheel, starting to drive again.
"I'm filing for a divorce."
[in the kitchen during which aglovale and vane aren’t entirely sober] vane: hey, so like aglovale i have a question. aglovale: hm? vane: so... like... if you were opening a portal because you wanted to see your mom... like... and she was a good person and stuff... why did you open a portal to hell??? don’t you think she’d be like... somewhere nicer???? aglovale: ... percival: (vane what the fuck?!) oh god please don’t listen to vane, he’s a fucking idiot. i’m so sorry. aglovale: ... vane: hey, it’s a legitimate question. why would your mom be in hell if-- percival: VANE aglovale: oh god... PERCY. MOM IS IN HELL AND WE HAVE TO SAVE HER. FUCK. I’LL GO GET THE THINGS TO MAKE A SUMMONING CIRCLE. YOU TWO CLEAR THE TABLE. percival: jfc is that wine bottle empty?have you been drinking straight from that--AGLOVALE COME BACK vane: aw come on; i wanna see him go to hell percival: NO ONE IS GOING TO HELL. DON’T YOU REMEMBER WHAT FATHER USED TO SAY, AGGY? DON’T DRINK AND DARK MAGIC. aglovale: god percy, when did you become such a bitch, if you’re not going to save mom i’ll just do it without you. vane: yeah, he’ll do it without you! percival: STOP ENCOURAGING HIM. AGLOVALE MOTHER IS NOT IN HELL. THE OTHERWORLD IS NOT HELL.
"Honestly Percy, look at him." Aglovale clumsily gestures at Vane, nearly spilling from his glass. "He's tall, he's handsome, he cooks—" he's counting on his fingers as he speaks. "he's got a heart of gold, he's strong, and he's got a great ass. Explain to me how you haven't put a ring on this man's finger, you're not going to be young and beautiful forever dear little brother. You've got to seal the deal while you still have something going for you."
Percival fucking chokes, sputtering back into his wine glass.
"Technically he already did." Vane sings into the empty glass in his hand.
"What?" Aglovale sets down his glass. Percival tries to muster a reply but he's still coughing, trying to regain his ability to breathe.
"Mmm, yup." Vane leans back, titling his chair recklessly on its back legs. "I think that was a few months ago."
"I hope you were planning on telling me soon. When is the ceremony? If you haven't decided on a location yet, we have an estate on the beach that's absolutely gorgeous. Oh, I should just give you [name]'s information. She planned my wedding with my ex and it was flawless." Aglovale slaps his hand on Percival's back maybe a little too roughly and pours Vane another glass.
"Huh?" Vane leans back forwards. "Oh, we already got married."
Vane smiles stupidly and Aglovale sits there in silence as the glass begins to overflow. He forcefully sets the bottle down and sharply turns to Percival.
"I'm offended you didn't invite your own brother to your wedding, Percy. Let alone even let me know you were getting married in the first place." Aglovale crosses his arms. "Well, at least show me the ring. I need to know how poor of a job this traitor did."
"I already ate mine." Vane giggles.
The room is silent.
Percival finally manage to catch his breath.
"It's not—"
"I think Percy lost his in the couch."
Aglovale looks at his brother absolutely stunned, trying to process what he's just been told.
"It was made of candy." Percival blurts out.
Aglovale is not sure how that even makes it better.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"It was a ring pop!" Vane chimes in trying to lean over and sip from the overfilled glass sitting on the table without spilling it.
"Look, Aggy. It's not what you think."
Vane scooches right up next to Percival and wraps and arm around him, grinning. "I married him for his health insurance."
It stays silent for a bit.
Percival pinches the bridge of his nose and tries to push through the haze of alcohol.
"Vane's previous provider counted 'enmity gear' as a preexisting condition and use it as a loop-hole to refuse to cover a majority of medical bills. With the nature of the work Vane does, and unfortunate string of events, there were some medical bills that were piling up. So… we got married so he'd be covered by my health insurance. As long as he was being treated by the hospital I work at or one of it's partners, he'd be covered. That's why I didn't rush to the phone to call you I was marrying one of my boyfriends so he wouldn't continue to be buried in expensive medical bills."
Aglovale gently rests a hand on Percival's shoulder and smiles softly. And then it quickly fades.
"Did you say… one of… your boyfriends?"
It's quiet.
"Oh fuck Percy. I thought we weren't going to tell him about Lancey 'cause you thought coming out to your brother as gay and poly was too much at once." Vane whispers to Percival; except it's not exactly whispering so much as it is words loudly dribbling out of his mouth with the slight indication that Vane thinks he might be much quieter than he really is.
Percival puts his face in his hands. He's pretty sure even if Vane had been sober this mess would have still found a way to come spilling out.
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Hi! I am pretty sure Tumblr ate up my ask from a couple weeks ago and I just wanted to say that I love Triaina Academy and the demo was killer. L and E are my current favorites (whenever one of them blushes it makes my heart melt)! A while back I was looking through the Archive and saw an ask about the Place of Paradise ROs being trapped in a closet with the MC and I just have to know how that situation would play out with the LIs from TA. Thanks and hope you are having a great day!
I’m sorry, it was probably just my fault for not answering it because of time constraints. Let’s see haha
You both hear the subtle shift of something dropping outside the closet, jamming the door shut.
E: Despite the low lighting, you can clearly sense the heat radiating from E’s face like a furnace as they’re pressed against you. Their voice comes out as a whisper, “D-Don’t move, okay...?” They delicately shift around you in an attempt to get to the door until they accidentally trip, and in your attempt to catch them you grab their inner thigh. A violent wind almost whiplashes you as E reactively hits the brick wall beside the door, creating a sizeable hole through it.
R: They release a long sigh that brushes softly against your cheek, before you feel them noticeably relax, “Well, just my luck, huh? I guess we’ll be here a while.” You sense them shake their head in resignation, and feel them shift their body to pull something out of their pocket. The dim light of a phone offers you a small solace, though it more clearly emphasizes how closely the two of you have managed to situate yourselves. R gives you a slim smile, “If you’d like to confess your love, I suppose now is a good time for it.”
L: They seem to noticeably shake against you as you’re pressed together, and upon your inquiry they seem to stiffen substantially. Though there’s no light, it’s easy to tell the heavy embarrassment seeping into their voice, “I-I apologize, I just...Have not really been this, um, intimately close. W-Wait! I didn’t mean it like that! I-I’m not attempting to touch you anywhere! Er, sorry, what am I saying...I should be thinking of methods to escape.” L seems to calm themselves substantially, though you can still feel the occasional hint of a shiver whenever the two of you move.
V: They push you against the far wall of the closet with their body, the darkness accentuating the feeling of their hair brushing against your face, their legs pushing against yours, their shoulder turning against you and a keen sensation of metal, “Cover your ears.” Two ear-blistering gunshots echo in the confined space, followed by the feeling of V using you as a platform to kick down the door with both feet. You exit the closet with the keen smell of gunpowder and a newfound deafness.
P: They shift around forcefully, annoyance heavy on their voice, "Damnit, what the hell did you get us into this time?!" As you return the violent seething with an quick explanation, P brushes against you and remarks loudly, "Watch where you're touching, Dumbass! If I even think you're getting frisky, I'll use your fucking head as a battering ram." You content yourself to raising your hands in the air as P scours for a method of escape until you feel something brush against your ass. "Did you just—" "Shut the hell up! It's dark as shit in here!" P's voice cuts you off eagerly, a mild tone of urgency now lacing it.
M: Though neither of you can see anything, you can sense the smile slowly rising on M's lips as they realize what's happened, "Oh no…We've been locked…in a closet…" The gears of their brain begin turning audibly as they shift closer, continuing in a shallow whisper, "Also I'm…claustrophobic…and…afraid of the dark…Oh no…The fear is…paralyzing…Help me…" They press into you with a tight hug.
Ra: A giddy giggle bounces around the room as Raven shifts closer, "Oh, you locked us in a closet! How romantic!" Once you explain you didn't set it up and you are, indeed, locked within a closet, you feel Raven shrug next to you, "I'm sure it'll be fine! This must be just another sign that we're meant to be together!" Another ghostly giggle echoes around the room as the permanence of the walls seems to solidify around you.
S: They noticeably tense upon hearing the noise, "Oh, shit, that's kinda bad, ain't it? How're we gunna— Uh oh." You tense, "What?" S shifts carefully, "Ya probably don't wanna hear this right now, but I really got a go to the bathroom." "Are you serious?" "Ah…Nevermind." "WHAT?" You begin shifting urgently before a loud laugh bounces around the room. "Just pullin' your leg! Damn, I wish I coulda seen the look on your face, ha hah! Ah, but uh, I wasn't jokin' about the first part, I'm pro'lly gunna piss myself soon if we ain't outta here."
F: Every movement you make and every shift you do sends urgent warnings to your brain as the silent figure next to you tenses with icy rigidity. Eventually, you opt to stand as still as you can, until you feel cold fingers wrap themselves tightly around your jaw, and a level voice remarks, "Did you enjoy yourself? I hope you did. Your fifteen minutes in heaven has expired, and I will make certain the return to earth is a far and fatal drop."
Thank you for the ask! I’m always happy to hear someone is enjoying my work haha. I’m sorry for being bad with progress and posting lately. Hopefully the work I do and future updates I make are considered worth the wait haha
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shitneytears · 7 years
taking stock of where I'm at
long ass ugly ass post but I'm just thinking about a lot of things rn so I'm just gunna vomit it all out here and deal with it………. never
if you know me irl feel free to read this y'all know I'm an open book anyway idc.
I need to go to a dentist p bad now, my teeth have been fine my whole life like pretty straight and healthy jus a lil stained but thats fine whatever I'm not after hollywood white anytime soon; but atm I'm noticing they look like they're slowly moving and starting to misalign and look BAD and i want to deal with it before it gets too bad. I don't mind if i have to have braces (even tho i cant afford that l o l) but i DONT want braces on for next summer because if i have to graduate and have my grad pic taken with braces in i will fuckin end everything i cant i caNT have that. Also i want a hygienist to scrape all the shit off my entire mouth and like, polish and blast it back to neutral bcus even when i am cleaning my teeth atm they're just… they never LOOK clean which is starting to……… get me down??? not rlly but its just another thing I'm thinking about.
my DIET fuck ME. It was fine when i started it and it was a LOT of hard work for me to try some new foods but I've done it and proud of that, like iKNOW thats a huge step for me! but now the initial novelty is worn away I'm very very over it. I've learnt there are some veg i don't mind eating, but they're not \GOOD/ they're just there, and id always rather cook a recipe without them, the things that are new that aren't veg are the only things I've tried that id want to adopt into my actual normal eating habits??? like I'm enjoying sushi, sea bass, and steak too! (yeh I've never had steak before I'm fucking poor we don't buy nice meats so fuck off) couscous is very dependant on what you add to it but hey it is good sometimes! carrots are evil and sweet potato is just not the same as normal potato its nowhere near as good stop pretending sweet potato fries are good they're weird. I like yoghurt lots and should buy it more often tbh. anyway its just another thing I've got to think about and I'm TIRED of having to think about so many things
on a related note to that, it is having good results! i am loosing a lil bit of weight and can see a difference and I'm enjoying seeing my arms and legs looking a little more defined even after just 3 weeks!!!1! but my workouts are starting to have a lot less energy and I'm finding it VERY hard to find the mental and physical energy to drag myself to the gym at the moment. I mean i also do rlly miss going with michael bcus those few weeks were like the gym golden times honestly. so much fun.
i keep just sleeping, then spending like 3 hours slowly dragging myself to the gym nd doing breakfast and stuff and getting back home with my food for the day to cook off. its just. a lot. then i tend to just sit on my phone doing NOTHING until going to bed… I'm just so sleepy and low energy its shiIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT
The house maintanence is ridiculous too, we are so nearly done, i NEED them to replace that awful carpet and ill be good, its become such a huge mental block for me i cant SETTLE in my own home because its not quite done yet which is yet aNOTEHR task
dont ask me about my dissertation don't ask me about it i want to work on it but i feel like I've got no time even tho i clearly do its just something i cant face when I'm this low on energy truly
men are all evil idiot babies so jot that down
helping nathaniel in london is still fun and even tho it takes a whole day away from my own life I'm really enjoying it and its a positive in this GLOOMY time!
i am SO grateful for the energy I'm getting from rebecca in this time honestlyyyyyy laughing and getting coffee with her so often is getting me THROUGH and my convo with amy last night uhhhhhhhh i miss me graphics buddies
i wanna be back at uni making work again, really bad, and i don't want that to end! and also balancing my work with my studies is gunna be hard but i wanna get back into my roles on the board and hopefully course rep again.
i just wish i wasn't so POOOOOOORRRRRRRRR, honestly its such a real thing being in uni and going through this experience I'm very clearly not from the same place as most of these people and I'm doing the very stereotypical gay thing of having to EXCEL in EVERYTHING to prove I'm worth being here whilst some of the other richer people can just waste away their days and squander the whole degree its so frustrating they have that sense of entitlement to their space here when 100000 working class people would happily take that place and work harder with it.
having to be UR OWN male role model is exhausting but i gotta keep going, even if i need a 4 month break, gotta keep pushing as hard as possible all the time, because i gotta prove to my family that studying art wasn't a waste of money and time and i gotta be the positive male energy my brothers need so bad that i didn't have.
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adhdvane · 3 years
Anon back again, don't worry about delay in answer! I'm not expecting you to reply in a matter of seconds and I'm patient anyway! (●'◡'●) (and yeah, tumblr's notification system kinda suck so really, not your fault haha)
I understand your struggle with fics all too well lol I'm sure a time will come when it just clicks and you can write the good stuff ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ And no need to feel bad if you haven't posted a lot on ao3! You don't have to have 1000 fics or 200k word-long fics for your works to be enjoyable!! Even little ficlets and drabbles are good to have around ♥
It's good of you to have taken time for yourself if you needed it ♥ And yeah, completely understandable to hesitate and come back to fandom in general with the current state of things (a couple years ago I made an IE/Go sideblog and I'm still terrified that someone is going to come up and yell at me for shipping the characters lmao And that's without counting the Problematic™ fics I wrote when I was 16 lmao)
Regarding your tags, I'm just sitting there like starry-eyed because YES TenKyou. I'm DELIGHTED to know that's your preference because that's mine too for the ship asklhjkh
As for Todd and Prof Mirror, that's a tough and personal question, so good luck! (I'm thinking Todd topping's nice but does it make the prof kink better or not is the question!! ALSO in the french version, I know there's a line from Todd going like "Mirror was already being called Professor before he was a professor" so maybe he's not the only one with a prof kink, just from a different angle, hah)
(you say sorry for rambling, but joke's on you, I ramble too! Sorry for clustering your blog though woops Have a good day! (´・ω・`) )
rip, okay, once again i apologize about this one being even later, mostly bc i saw it early, but i haven't been able to sit down and respond to it. this week was the last week of the month so i actually had a lot to do at work and was able to go in every day (as opposed to 1 - 2 days bc business is still so slow). but at the end of the month i do invoicing for inventory charges for that month for each customer. though i was able to actually get a lot of it done sooner than usual (bc i actually started the process on tuesday instead of thursday), there were still three big ones i couldn't even do until thursday bc they had several orders in production that didn't get shipped until thursday. I was going to finally get to this ask on friday when i got home (we only work half days on friday and close at noon)… but the new gbf event had started… and uhg… a sho centric event. g od.
rest of the word vomit under the cut
before i just—IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT THIS GBF RAMBLING FEEL FREE TO SKIP BELOW TO THE END THE GBF OF RAMBLE—this event askjdsjkdfslkdjsdjg talk about giving the antag his redemption art event. the emotional growth in sho. so many new assets to save… there are fricking 6 different versions of his character labeled _painful (_painful, _painful2, etc.), and like so many zoom in's that basically every one of his images has an _up version (the battle ones ((the ones of him on his gearcycle)) also have a bunch of _up2 versions that are zoomed in between the default and _up close up) anyways these in particular kill me.
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sho "i'm-not-going-to-cry-or-show-expresions-of-gratitude" awkwardly smiling and crying in this event (while also repeatedly getting the shit kicked out of him/getting hurt. having a moment of breaking down from exhaustion and pain, in the rain, before deciding he has to swallow his pride. every single english word that comes out of his mouth, cv: taniyama kishou is a gift (on a side note i can't believe he fucking played alpha in chronostone. like thats fucking hilarious a va and voicalist capable of such range and drama voicing alpha and his serious monotone ass). Sho (@tsubasa): You showed me the light before—[…] Tsubasa: Wait, what? Whaddya mean I showed you the light? ((you mean when he punched you in the fucking face at the end of the previous event of this series?))). I mean I already shipped bc of the their last event, how can you not ship the guy screaming he's going to kill the protag w/the protag esp after getting punched in the face by the protag at the end makes him calm down and be like fine i guess you win i'm not going to try to kill you know and our gangs don't have to fight. also they're both like 16 (or at least tsubasa is canon 16 (a yeas totally looks like a 16 year old) and sho is at least still in school and at least confirmed to be a minor (not age of majority, which idk what that is exactly in universe, could be 18, could be 20, bc it is fantasy, but it's also japanese, thoguh japan's age of majority is actually lowering from 20 to 18 next april (2022), drinking/smoking/gambling age will still be 20, and the comment in this event was about we're still minors save the smoking for when you're an adult). sho could arguably be 18 or 19 and still believably in school and be considered a minor legally (if in universe gbf follows japanese laws) considering the time he spent in juvie he could easily have been held back. gbf will probably just make him tsubasa's age if a canon age is release. but thinking about sho being 19 and tsubasa being 16 would make some ppl upset and that brings me joy. (also just how funny it could be thinking about (bc everyone is perpetually the same age) how later when sho a year older and legally being able to drink, and tsubasa not, and despite the fact sho being like i will break the laws about physically assaulting a guy but underage drinking, smoking, and drugs is a no-no is fucking hilarious. (the app is rated t so i guess there's only so much you can do…) (oh and one last note, a character in the event asking if sho enjoys the pain and is a masochist, to have other character be like dude you can't just ask someone that. sho saying no he doesn't enjoy the pain. only for later when they are escaping, a character noting "You look rather happy about all this. Now I'm sure youre a masochist." gbf first crushing my sho masochist headcanon and then building it back up in this event, thank u gbf). anways, rip that was a lot and not even everything, as you can see i have been… distracted by this event. apologies
oh god worry about ppl like that in ina like, there really people out there who don't want you shipping ficitional children?????? and the main ina cast is roughly between 12-15. and got i started watching ina in 2013 when i was 19. which apparently for some people is like bad uwu because it's a show for young teenagers (like lol too bad i'm 27 and even though i haven't kept up with aries i still love ina and all the little babies and wont stop shipping). i didn't even know there was people out there who get UPSET AT AGING UP??? like wtf???? sorry i want them to be old enough to marry, adopt children, have a job, and also f.uck. the dpk au is my lifeblood (and has a lot of Problematic™ content that's never even been posted online anywhere bc it used to be an rp. my favorite is that out of all the relationships in the au, tenma and kyousuke's is probably the most unhealthy bc of kyousuke's mental health. some very bad things happened to fei (per request of my rp partner) (part of vanfeny and garsha's revenge on saru as they were sent to megun while saru walks around ''free'' (what exactly is free is a whole other lore mess in itself that i wrote up about post chrono stone future). and that just lead to more bad things fei then did to himself. problematic™ content 9492347 in the dpk au, shipping ozrock and lalaya. (even worse, bc of lore planning i did for the au and decided how their species worked, lalaya is about 6.5 cycles (faram obius years) or roughly 130 earth years and biologically similar to 13 year earth years, and ozrock is about 48 Ixal years roughly 48 earth years and biologically similar to 24 earth years. so like even a worse ship. i mean just ignore cultural norms would be different on an alien planet and also she's royalty and has an obligation to be wed even younger and is probably socially more mature than a human 13 year old. rip sorry i just like alien stuff. a lot of this was also because wouldn't it be great for lalaya to have a really long lifespan so the human friends she makes get older faster and also die way before her :) ina's gunna hurt me with the bug aliens then i'm going to… continue to hurt myself with more alien life span stuff.)
Anyways, With TenKyou, idk I think it's easy to paint tenma as the innocent ~pure baby~ and kyousuke as ~bad boy~ bc of the first inago… and seed kyousuke was a little bastard man (affectionate). which would idk explain the default to kyouten. but like kyousuke chills the hell out in chrono stone and galaxy. and just bc tenma is a dumbass with a heart of gold obsessed with soccer doesn't necessarily mean he's has to be ~innocent baby 受け~ trope. (not that these are the only tropes that decide) (maybe it's bc i sort of like messing with what it must be like to be the main protagonists best friend and watch him continue to overcome everything and be in the spot light and how everyone praises him. kyousuke with self-esteem issues, looking back at all the problems he's caused, tenma has flaws but they're either negligible or something to love about him and mine have only hurt others. disregarding his own goddamn plot armor in the past. complex, emotional, suffering kyousuke is how i like my kyousuke. need we even get into how god eden was canonically revealed to be physically/mentally abusing seeds and that whole can of worms) (also just "nervous baby i don't know how to approach tenma" kyousuke, "cheeky little shit doesn't have any regards to personal space and boundries" tenma) at least if anyone starts giving me shit about an ina ship or problematic fictional ina content, i can always respond with something i drew back in 2015.
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back to the matter of new snap though… that line is so familiar (im pretty sure it's in the eng txt, i have it set to jpn audio tho). i recently started keeping a log of the messages that pop up on the camp, lab, and map screens (but haven't saved too many bc i get distracted or at least i know i'm missing quite a few i have vague memories of). (also idk why my first thought to that line was mirror responding with "That was because you were the one calling me that.") there actually were a couple messages i saved initially that would be useful for fic writing:
Todd: "The professor used to be kinda reckless back in the day. I suppose after 10 year he must've calmed down a bit."
Mirror: "Todd's calmed down since I last saw him. Or maybe he's just acting mature because you kids are around…"
possible implications from these that I'm deciding to consider for headcanons:
both reckless and wild in their early 20's but that's not unusual, so they were acting like reckless young adults when they were 20. makes sense.
because mirror mentions the last time i saw him (which is definitely implied not 10 years ago since todd had a research team pin so obviously he's been around a bit since the lab was established) meaning todd is potentially still a chaotic bastard but is just trying to act like an adult in front of the kids. beautiful.
and on that note another wonderful Tood message:
Todd: "I never invited Phil to be my pupil—he just declared himself my "number one student" and started tagging along! But honestly…I was kind of flattered."
the possibility that when todd showed up in game, after that cutscene he went to talk to mirror like "this 10 year old just started following me and wont go away, pls help. what do i do?????"
this unsupervised 10 year old just followed a ~30 year old man into the wilderness and somehow just declares todd is mentor (and took the research team pin from todd to ''borrow''). this is a hostage situation. todd is the hostage.
the idea that perhaps todd just got back from a long expedition and was glad to be back and spend time with mirror, except this kid started following him around and wont leave him alone or go away, and then when he got to the lab there were two more kids there. how the fuck am i supposed to get it on with mirror when we have little alone time and when we finally do we're constantly at risk of being interrupted and/or walked-in on. (that last part was mainly the premise of the fic i wanted to write. "these kids are a handful how are we supposed to have intimate time. especially bc they're all so young and have child energy levels and when they go to bed i am already fucking exhausted." i'm thinking it might work better as like a drabble collection, that way i don't have to adhere to a plot line and can pick and choose scenarios to write because i keep winding up with more scenario ideas that i can nearly piece together into a coherent timeline anymore.)
(also a bit that rita becomes suspicious that they are 100% fu.cking even though all that happened was mirror wasn't asleep up in his bed above the lab and fell asleep in one of the bungalows w/todd and then tried to cover it up like haha what no, i was checking on todd he's not feeling well uh… what? where are my pants? oh. oh i can't believe i just totally got out of bed and left the lab without my pants haha.) (todd and mirror just trying to keep their relationship a secrete out of fear of rumors spreading and it affecting the lab's funding, even though rumors definitely started ages ago but neither of them realize). (also todd doesn't trust phil to keep his mouth shut and doesn't like the optics of the random 10 year old who started following him (UNSUPERVISED) just blabbing to his parents about how his cool mentor is dating the professor at the lab like yikes that could end badly worst case scenario.)
(i like the idea of mirror playing along with todd's ki.nk, albeit a little awkward sometimes (not very good at being intentionally 'sexy' about it, but that's not what todd wants anyways bc it's already inherenty sexy for him). Phill has a message "I barely get half the stuff the professor talks about. Do you?" and i can only image if he said that to todd
todd: (人*´∀`)i know it's hot
phil: what)
anyways i hope you don't mind me rambling even more on your asks like this. last time i totally just cut chunks out to be smaller but this time… i'm going to leave things in rip.
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