#i may start going to gay bars but i think im going to trick the boos into going to like the eagle at some point lmfao
bibleofficial · 3 months
deleted grindr bc everyone sucks & also the app itself sucks like a) the adverts b) the bugs like the cutting off of bios d) the ui is also shit c) the paywalling of prev free tools/filters like what’s the point 😭😭
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jewpacabruhs · 5 years
also do the "wanna go out w me sometime" one for kyman thanks sis
nah thank you bb :-) ok im doin this one first to get the writin juices flowin heh
yay drag cartman…. lil bit inspired by lais fic ;)
When Kyle agreed to help Cartman break up Stan and Craig, South Park’s newest and strangest young couple, he hadn’t thought it would turn into a fiasco. Maybe he should’ve had the foresight to anticipate Cartman’s antics, but as it was, when Cartman had bitched about Craig and Tweek being soulmates and Craig being an entire idiot for dumping him, and Kyle had agreed that Stan deserved better than being a rebound for some aloof alternative space nerd like Craig, and Cartman had proposed they break them up, Kyle had immediately accepted without much thought. Cartman was good at schemes like that; surely he could find a way to split them easily enough. 
Kyle was an idiot for that, because Cartman could never do things “easily enough” - he just had to turn a simple little mission into a completely over-the-top and often disastrous performance, with unnecessarily extravagant costumes and everything.
So that’s how he ended up in a booth in the nicest restaurant in town, wearing his finest suit, which he hasn’t touched since his cousin Eli’s bar mitzvah last May. Thankfully it still fits, though it’s a little restrictive. Across from him is one Eric Cartman who is, of course, inexplicably in drag; a floor length deep blue evening dress, sparkly silver makeup, and a sleek blonde wig. He looks amazing, and Kyle resents him for it.
“We’ll be noticed less if we look like your average straight couple,” Cartman had explained, when Kyle had picked him up from his house and given him a look of barely contained annoyance and contempt. Then he’d said, “Oh, this almost feels like prom!” and tried to get Kyle to escort him to the car, and eventually got his way by saying, “If this is how you treat women, I can see why none of them wanna date you.” Kyle had grudgingly linked arms with him after that, and walked him down to the car - even opened the door for him, though Cartman didn’t even really need help; he could walk perfectly fine in his heels, he just liked to be irritating.
So now they’re in the booth, and Kyle’s leg won’t stop bouncing. Craig and Stan are two tables away, both wearing suits and looking like they’re playing dress up. Stan’s blabbing enthusiastically about something, and Craig looks a little bored, but he’s nodding along, prodding at a salad. Cartman had anonymously left a free reservation - how he’d acquired it, Kyle was scared to ask - in Stan’s mail box: “Congratulations! This is a ticket to a free dinner for two on Saturday September 7th, at 8 PM at our fine eatery!” as well as some finer print details, including the lie that it’d been won from a randomized lottery. It’d been addressed to Stan himself, because Cartman figured Randy might try to steal it for him and Sharon. Stan had gushed about it at school, about how he wanted to treat his mom to dinner as a late birthday present, and while Kyle thought that was immensely sweet of him and felt pretty bad about it, he’d had to dissuade him from taking her. “It’s a romantic type of place,” he’d said, feeling like a real shitty friend. “People are gonna think-” and then Kenny had helpfully pitched in, “-that your mom’s a cougar, bro!” That was all it took for Stan to decide he’d take someone else, and from there, Kyle had gently planted the idea that Stan should take his new boyfriend. 
So there they were, at a table for two.
“Dark and dark don’t go together,” Cartman’s saying, frowning disapprovingly. He keeps eyeing the bread sticks, but he hasn’t touched them, probably for fear of messing his lipstick up. “Craig needs Tweek, for, like, contrast, you know? Blonde and black. It works. You can’t have two yangs.”
“The yin is the black one,” Kyle says boredly, just to correct him, though he doesn’t know for sure. “What about Token and Nichole?”
“That’s different.” Cartman waves a hand. “Craig and Stan - have you heard that thing about white gays, uh, dating their own lookalikes? That’s - yeah, that’s Craig and Stan.”
“They don’t look alike,” Kyle frowns. “Craig’s all angular and, like, lithe, or whatever, and Stan’s kinda softer and - and wider, like. He’s sturdy. Different body types, dude. Their faces are super different, too.”
“You sound gay as fuck right now, and I’m the one in drag.”
“Shut the hell up, Cartman. You didn’t have to be in drag, that was all you.”
Cartman quirks an arched brow at Kyle - if the redhead knew anything about makeup, he’d know that Cartman had glued his own eyebrows down, put foundation over them, and redrawn higher arches to achieve the alluring look he wanted; he’d learned a lot from all his hours of watching Drag Race. Kyle, however, is ignorant as hell, so he’s dumbfounded as to how Cartman pulled the look off, but incredibly irritated by how it’s impressive and almost endearing to him, that Cartman’s so good at passing as a girl. He’s a pretty one, too, all soft angles and gentle curves, his naturally pouty lips even poutier with the help of overdrawn lip liner and the pale pink of the lipstick he’s got on.
“I like being pretty,” Cartman explains simply, and Kyle scowls at him because of course he knows how good he looks. Smug bastard.
Kyle’s facing away from Craig and Stan’s table, because Cartman doesn’t look anything like himself from far away, but Kyle’s not wearing anything to disguise himself, other than the uncharacteristic suit; he’d be instantly recognizable if they saw his face, so he can’t risk it. So though he occasionally risks glances back, he’s mostly watching Cartman watch them, as he pretends to look at his menu - and no, Kyle’s not grateful for the excuse to stare at Cartman. He’s getting more and more anxious the longer he looks at him, because he looks like a very pretty girl and it’s confusing Kyle indefinitely. It’s still Cartman, he tells himself firmly. 
He’s so busy convincing himself that he absolutely can’t find Cartman attractive, that he almost misses the panic in his eyes. 
“What?” Kyle asks, starting to turn, but Cartman reaches out and grabs him, press-on red nails digging into Kyle’s forearm.
“They’re walking over here!”
“Quick, kiss me!” 
“What? No!”
“They’ll recognize us from this close, Kahl!”
Kyle wants to argue, wants to come up with an alternative, anything but pressing his lips to Cartman’s, but they’re getting closer and he doesn’t have time - he grabs Cartman’s wrist and pulls him closer, tilting his head to the side and kissing him as chastely as he can - he refuses to let this be remotely passionate. The softly curly bangs of Cartman’s wig fall over both their faces, which is good; it’ll hide them. 
Kyle tries to count in his head - ten seconds, he thinks, that should be good, they’ll be gone by then and I can pull away - but he gets to three before he becomes hyper-aware of the way Cartman’s lips feel against his own. He doesn’t want to think too hard about it, he really doesn’t, but it’s hard to ignore the glossy feel, how he smells faintly of strawberries, how his lips are warm and plush, just like the few girls Kyle’s been lucky enough to kiss. But this isn’t a girl, this is Cartman - and yet, somehow, when it’s been far longer than ten seconds, Kyle can’t bring himself to pull away. Part of him, the pre-installed horny teen that sits in the back of his mind and yells at him constantly for being more focused on school than getting laid, wants to deepen the kiss, wants to move closer to Cartman, who’s overwhelmingly soft and warm and pretty - but then someone clears their throat and Kyle pulls away, wide-eyed and disoriented.
It’s Kenny, and he’s grinning like a mad man. “Oh man,” he says merrily. “Oh man! Fuckin’ incredible!”
Kyle wants to ask what the hell Kenny is doing at a fancy place like this, but the waiter outfit he’s wearing answers his unspoken question. “Don’t tell anyone,” he says instead, quietly, glaring hard so Kenny knows he means business.
Kenny grins at him cryptically, winks at Cartman, then walks away with a joyous spring in his step.
“You’re a bastard,” Kyle says to Cartman, who looks, for once in his life, genuinely at a loss for words. “Kenny’s gonna tell everybody, and every kid in school will know you and I kissed - hell, it won’t take long for our parents to find out! Everyone will think I’m gay, and they’re gonna think I’m gay with you of all fucking people - you know how pissed my mom is gonna be? Not ‘cause I’m gay, and I’m not! I - I don’t even know what I am, but now people are gonna assume I am, and I won’t even get to have that to myself - fuck, my mom’s gonna be pissed because it’s you. Of all the eligible bastards, she’ll think I wanted you.”
Cartman’s looking at him with a strange mix of confusion and something akin to desire, freaky as that is. “You, uh - okay, bad timing, but do you wanna go out sometime?”
Kyle raises his eyebrows at him. “Are you fucking insane?”
“For you, babe, probably,” Cartman says smoothly. He pushes a curl of hair out of his face and bites his lip, trying for seductive, and Kyle’s genuinely angry that he has some irritating horrible terrible absolutely and completely subconscious desire to kiss him again. 
Kyle looks away before he can get more upset. “We didn’t split up Stan and Craig, and now Kenny thinks we’re dating. This night couldn’t have gone any worse, and it’s all your fault. Why do you have to do things so outlandishly? We could’ve done literally anything else to get them to break up. But no, you just had to trick me into going on a date with you-” Then it dawns on Kyle, that that’s what this was all about in the first place. Craig and Stan were an afterthought; Cartman wanted an excuse to be with Kyle.
Cartman seems to realize that Kyle’s figured this out, because he has the nerve to look embarrassed. “It was perfect, Kahl,” he says quietly. “How was I supposed to pass up an opportunity like this?”
Kyle feels a rush of different and harshly conflicting emotions - irritation, a flash of hatred, betrayal, irritation again, anger, then something like desire, and passion, and that damn urge to kiss him again.
He squeezes his eyes shut and takes a few deep breaths. Then he stands up quickly and says, “Let’s go. We’re leaving.”
“Wait, now that my lipstick’s already smudged, I want some bread sticks-”
“Let’s go,” Kyle repeats, tugging on Cartman’s arm.
Cartman lets Kyle pull him to his feet, briefly rocking back and forth in his off brand Louie V heels. Now devoid of a reason to hide his crush on Kyle, he smiles happily and says, “You’re lucky I like it rough. Any other girl might slap you for being so rude.”
“You’re not a girl.” Kyle throws a tip down on the table, despite not having ate, and starts pulling Cartman toward the exit. He doesn’t know where Stan and Craig went, or even why they left, but he’s not thinking about them right now.
“No, I’m not, and that scares you, doesn’t it? Poor widdle baby Kahl, having his first gay panic-”
Kyle turns on him and bares his teeth, ignoring the fact that they’re being stared at. “I would shut the fuck up if I were you,” he growls, without thinking about it, but immediately regrets it when Cartman’s eyes go half-lidded. He can handle homoerotic overtones with a rival - but not with someone who so clearly is into him and who, terrifyingly, Kyle’s admittedly hot for himself.
Cartman goes silent, though, blissfully, as Kyle leads them out of the restaurant. 
Once they’re outside, where it’s fairly empty other than an extended family in the parking lot saying their goodbyes, Kyle turns on Cartman. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Cartman grins at him. He looks like the cat that got the cream - and he looks like that a lot, he’s a smug asshole who gets his way far more often than he deserves to, but this time, things are different, and worse yet, this time, Kyle wants to kiss that self-satisfied smile right off his stupid face. 
But that’s what Cartman wants, and Kyle won’t let him have it. 
So instead, he says, “Are you free this Friday?”
Cartman smiles. 
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raccoonpatriotism · 6 years
Random, Useless Headcanons | Accepting
i like how i keep labeling this meme as “accepting” when i have…. 260 of these right here.
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1: Has he driven a car before? Yes. Should he be allowed to keep driving? No.
2: You know that “I’m washing me and my clothes!” vine? That’s Jane. It’s efficient.
3: If you gave him Cat Food he’d say it’s the best thing he’d ever tasted.
4: Before going to Poland to serve his time, he hired a sex worker. Her touch would be the last non-violent physical contact he would feel for the next 9 or so years.
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6: He donates a healthy sum of his paychecks to wild animal and veteran charities. 
7: Jane’s ‘friendship’ with Merasmus is the longest relationship he’s ever held.
8: Jane doesn’t believe in the number 8.
9: He doesn’t have any titty mags, but he does have tasteful pin-up for the inside of his locker.
10: He’s an excellent swimmer - but will sometimes forget to hold his breath. 
11: Getting Jane to imprint on you like a baby bird is really easy. Be strong, be patriotic, be funny, be determined. 
12: He trusts everything he’s told from someone he views as a friend.
13: He’s been on BLU before - it was brief.., a WAR! got started and ended. A few years went by and he was balanced to RED
14: Continuation of 13, it was… very easy to get him to believe he was always on RED team.
15: He loves fighting robots - but nothing compares to the feeling of a neck snapping in his hands.
16: He taught himself how to use every weapon he came across in Poland - it took a few years before he ran into a rocket launcher…. His life was changed from that moment onward.
17: His knowledge of the US military comes from tv and stories from veteran home he was forced to work at through his older years at the orphanage. (Outdated or complete bullshit.)
18: The liveliness of America is just one of the innumerable reasons he loves the country. Even things he hates (like.. war protesters/hippies) have this determination in them that makes him proud.
19: He’ll pick ear wax out of his ear, sniff it, grimace, and happily hold the finger out to somebody near him.
20: He only wants the best for you.
21: Getting him to realize he’s actually ended civilian’s lives is a conversation that would take over an hour. His brain has the wildest, irrationally rational excuses ever. (”Officer Miss Pauling, what I am about to say will SHOCK you; I was framed” will never make me not lose my mind. ilove him)
22: His moral compass is, admittedly, terrible, but he genuinely wants the best for people in the world.
23: Helping people, serving his country, that’s his goal. That all he wants out of life. He’s a cog in the machine of war and he loves it.
24: Consequences don’t exist in Jane’s world.
25: He’s so fucking bisexual. This headcanon is not useless at all.
26: Jane snores like a chainsaw - and will then be absolutely silent for spaces of minutes.
27: He never covers his face when he sneezes.
28: He’s very touchy feely - A way to make up for what he so clearly craves.
29: But god this man wants to be touched.
30: As much as Jane holds back on admitting to weakness, he’s also just a genuinely honest guy so simple prodding usually gets him to spill.
31: Jane has never purposefully manipulated someone in his life.
32: He’s only ever seen one movie. Well, more like registered he always zones out at some point. Sometimes starting the movie in a day dream and zoning back in to catch the ending. The movie he’s fully seen was watched through 3 separate sessions.
33: War films, what he does catch, always make him cry.
34: With everyone he meets; Jane immediately thinks of two things. How to kill them. And what to say when holding their guts into their dying corpse and crying to the sky.
35: He has no idea he’s beautiful.
36: Jane doesn’t have a self-effacing bone in his body.
37: He chews with his mouth open, and speaks with his mouth full. He’ll also snap at someone else to stop talking with their mouth full, it’s disrespectful.
38: Jane had a dream where he beat Communism and thought it was true for a whole year.
39: He’s not dumb on purpose. He has nothing to gain by making people think he’s an idiot, as far as he’s concerned. He acts like himself 24/7
40: Jane invented that song Fifty Nifty United States song that’s song in elementary schools.
41: You know those kiddie leashes? You could put one of those on Jane and he wouldn’t be, like, “Okay.” Try and run off and be like “What contraption is holding me here?!?!?!”
42: The answer to life, the universe, and everything is American Apple Pie
43: i just realized im gonna get to answer a headcanon 69 and got excited. UHH jane likes the color red.
44: Jane likes the color blue.
45: Jane likes the color white.
46: Jane loves all skin colors, anybody can be American.
47: Has he retained any American history? Haha. Ha. No.
48: Jane was taken out of elementary school for bad behavior, lack of attention, and general ruckus.
49: His orphanage never tried to send him back to any schooling. 
50: Jane was born July 4th, he doesn’t know that, despite claiming it.
51: He’s not an amnesiac - he’s never had a strong sense for long-term memories. 
52: God, he loves bread.
53: And also he loves taking everything Engineer says literally. He’s such a wise American.
54: Jane would absolute trollface and say “Problem?”
55: He would never say a slur.
56: Jane does not use fuck as a curse ever. He’ll say it, but like, to mean, y’know.
57: He’s a follower, don’t tell him that. He’ll get offended. 
58: Jane is convinced the President is the most powerful being in the world, and is also granted special powers.
59: Jane is progressive, baybee. He thinks dogs should vote!!
60: UNLESS IT HAS TO DO WITH WAR. Then he’s, like, a total bootlicker.
61: He’ll beat up racists in bars.
62: Jane really came alive during Grey Mann’s first robot attacks - for the second time he felt like he was protecting America and not some Very Important American Gravel. 
63: If Jane ever got sentenced to prison, he’d just serve his time.
64: He has Lawyer Powers given to him by magic, and he is not afraid to use them.
65: Besides Scout, he has represented himself, Lt. Bites, and the state of Tennessee in court.
66: He was a bad roommate, he genuinely thought Merasmus was an even worse roommate. 
67: Extreme Cold is a surefire way to trigger his PTSD. He doesn’t act all that different verbally, but he becomes entire still. Not even moving to shiver. It’s like he automatically transfers to late stage hypothermia.
68: Jane may have never played baseball, but he’s briefly been on a bowling team.
69: ayyyyy. Jane always returns the favor, if ya know what i mean.
70: I can’t tell you how much he can lift because I know nothing about fitness, but it’s a lot. And it’s impressive. 
71: Jane practices unsafe workout routines! It’s a miracle lifting without a spotter hasn’t killed him yet.
72: He makes up for his genuine stupidity with Pure Luck.
73: He’ll kill, he’ll maim, but he won’t assault. 
74: Jane’s favorite chocolate is Hershey’s.
75: He’s convinced Milton Hershey, founder of Hershey’s Chocolate, was a President despite him being alive in Jane’s lifetime.
76: Jane isn’t afraid of gay thoughts, never payed attention to period typical homophobia going on around him therefor never got a chance to develop it.
77: Jane would totally be the type of guy to see one of those Fireman Calendars and zone out staring at some dudes pecs and someone asks him if he’s okay and he’s like “I’m ogay.”
78: It’s a miracle, the first time Jane rocket jumped, his legs weren’t blown off. He was injured from the fall, surprised he’d gotten air at all. It was an accident and, while he’d never go to recreate it during his time in Poland, when he’d gotten hooked up to respawn and he saw all the high perches, the trick reoccured to him.
79: He loved Tavish so much
80: He was born in Tennessee, although he grew up in Wisconsin.
81: He’ll make odd little sounds - aborted sentences, thoughts lost to the depths of his brain. You can point them out and he’ll have no idea what you’re talking about.
82: He could have a possum mixed in with his raccoons and think it’s a raccoon.
83: He takes his Ranger Job very seriously. Just as serious as he does all his jobs. (So, you know. Not… very.) He is very enthusiastic at least!
84: He’s not empathetic at all, however energies at Large in a room really affect him. Chances are, if everyone’s in good favor, he’ll be really happy and relaxed - even if previously grumpy.
85: Jane can be really grumpy, that’s when his drill sergeant personality shines through - more often than not, he’s just a good natured loud patriot rolling with the punches of life.
86: He believes in the Judeo-Christian God, but also… believes the president is stronger than God? Sometimes? Depends on the situation. What is blasphemy haha?!?
87: Jane always wanted a puppy - meeting Bites, future Lieutenant, was like a dream come true to him.
88: Plus, he’d always liked raccoons - often responsible for tipping over dumpsters at his orphanage to help the little critters.
89: Jane can and will eat out of the garbage if not stopped.
90: He’s very passionate and strict about what he knows are fact (the issue is, facts can change pretty easily in jane’s head.
91: Good thing he has a helmet because Jane’s puppy-dog eyes are the sort that are clearly un-practiced and unintentional and thus made all the more soul-wrenching. 
92: He’s always surprised by doorbells.
93: Jane would never smoke weed of his own volition, but under the influence, everything would make So Much Sense to him.
94: I’m talking the wildest stoner sayings, that always are so structurally sound it’s scary.
95: This man loves cashews.
96: “Mm crunchy things.. good.” - Shared thought by Jane and Lt. Bites.
97: Lt. Bites likes to curl up on Jane’s stomach when he’s sleeping. Jane often wakes up with his face covered in scratches and fur in his mouth. Much like the Soldier, the Lieutenant isn’t quite a sound sleeper.
98: Fuck, like, he loves cashews so much? The texture is amazing.
99: Jane has no illegitimate or legitimate children.
100: Jane loves his team almost as much as he loves America.
101: IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR scroll back up and read everything, LOSER otherwise… wow………you love soldier. me too…… 
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wandering-bitch · 4 years
2020 review tm
Since this is, technically, my writing portfolio blog, let’s look at the year!!!
I don’t talk about it here but I did do a lot of development for a weird fucky vampire live action game. I might even finish it! But it’s definitely on the backburner until, say, it’s not dangerous for me to invite ten of my friends to my house.
Since April 5 (when I finally started posting shit on ao3) I have published 7 works, 6 of which are complete, and 78,000 words, holy shit! That’s more than gatsby and lord of the flies and h*rry p*tter and the philosopher’s stone. holy shit
Data analysis of my fics!!! i love math!!! Falling in love is the most-read with 2300 view.... but which is the most popular??? 
If we divide kudos + comments by hits, we get a (rough) measure of how many people, upon reading a fic, were moved to engage further (via comments and kudos. 
Kudos: first flaw: the kudo value will be too low on multi-chapter works, as you can only kudo once and ppl hit the multi chap works multiple times. so it’s a measure of engagement, but commenting is slightly better. (people don’t comment on every chapter of a fic tho, so it’s not perfect). 
But anyway: Technically Blood in the Cut is my most popular work kudos-wise, bc of the 7 whole people have read it, 4 were moved to hit kudos. More realistically though:::: Tricks and Feathers is the most-appreciated! over 20% of the people who read (or rather, hit) it decided to hit kudos! Wilde!!! Knowing it is Impossible, Do It Anyway and Expectant Smiles are close behind, with 21% and 17% of hits resulting in a kudo, which, like, duh. they’re the jc fics and i did do a good job on them. (read: i actually waited to post them until beta had read and edited)
Falling in Love and I Have Always loved the door have much lower view-to-kudos ratio (7 and 9%, respectively), which makes sense, since they’re the big multichap babes
Comments: A slightly more reliable view of engagement/enjoyment! I Have Always Loved the Door earned comments 3.7% of the time, which makes hella sense. I had like three people commenting every chapter. it was great. also, the wlw in this fandom are so starved that we feel the need to comment and help each other out. 
Knowing it is impossible is the second most beloved by the comment gods, despite only having 675 words, because of the 400 views, almost 3% decided to comment. hell yeah, soft gentle content for the win.
Expectant Smiles Shining In My Eyes actually lost the comment war! So many people read it but only 24 decided to comment! honestly that’s ok with me because if one more person asks who jiang liu is going to fuck im going to cry. 
I think Falling in Love with Love my favorite work right now, as I actually planned themes and structures for it, though Blood in the Cut has some fun as hell visuals/tension/misery for a sexy vampire boi. 
what’s next year???
I wanna finish Falling in Love. I wanna figure out the overall shape of Thus a Bastard (i say just the shape bc i may decide it’s just something that updates periodically, idk man). I want to write a proper outline for Corpse Pier Laozu, so I can just post that and have y’all get mad at me for never writing it. I wanna hit 100k words in 2021 (is this a low bar? yes. i want to reach my goals ok). i want someone not my spouse to fully absorb one of my headcanons as theirs. 
i have an original work I wanna get halfway through. Maybe even finish that damn vampire game.
I wanna write some fic for jwqs or ruzhui or legend of yunqian, bc wlw need some goddamned food
thx for being here for me, a gay clown who loves swords and poison!! here’s hoping 2021 is good for toxic sword gays!!!
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chimepunk · 7 years
thoughts on tnt’s will
lets start with cons
pretty slow, at least for the first two episodes. i read somewhere that the plot doesn’t really pick up until episode 4 which is kind of a bummer but i’m willing to wait it out to see where it goes
overall the attempt to mix periods and styles works well but there are certain moments, mostly regarding dialogue that fall waaaay flat
this is still somewhat unclear but it looks like they may be heading towards a queer villain trope which is unfortunate
forced het romance with alice burbage. i like her character but the romance is #boring
not particularly historically accurate, even barring costuming etc. like while its quite possible that kit marlowe was gay i find it highly unlikely that he had what amounts to a homosexual den of sin and openly flirted with men all over the place
speaking of historical gays our dear william seems not super into kit being gay. hey @ tnt hes bi. let him kiss men and be chill about it!!!!
really could do without the periodic graphic torture scenes
diversity! def could do more with the main cast but the streets of will’s london are packed with people from all parts of the world and all walks of life
as :/ as the queer villain trope is if they go there, i do quite enjoy marlowe flirting with men and being as openly gay as one can be in elizabethan england
kit and will kiss!! let will be bi you cowards
i really love jamie campbell bowers’ marlowe. he’s hard to describe, but he’s definitely slippery and is already shaping up to be a big player in the narrative. i sincerely hope they continue to develop his and will’s relationship
alice shutting down misogyny left and right
alice going out in drag to hang with the men in the pub and absolutely no one there questioning her. like yeah that’s alice she wears pants sometimes. it’s all cool someone get her a beer
catholic shakespeare!!! will struggling with his faith and his dreams and the difficulties that come from trying to live with both of them
and in that vein - southwell!! the catholic resistance! i think its a neat way to connect the historical subject, and i’d hopefully like to see will get more involved as the show progresses
as debatable as it may be, i really do love how this show takes long discussed shakespearean theories and runs with them
the fucking kid robbing a gross old man by tricking him in drag
color! s o many period dramas are dull and washed out and this one is not at all
im also really digging the punk costuming on the theatre folks. it reminds me a bit of great comet
also the punk soundtrack! in some spots it feels kind of jarring and out of place but other times it works wonderfully. the opening sequence of will seeing london for the first time while the clash played was fantastic
laurie davidson is really pretty tbh that’s also a big plus
the period equivalent of a rap battle??? fuck em up billy
“you can’t just make up words” “well someone has to!”
will is so earnest about his art it’s so endearing
“hold a mirror to nature”
overall it’s not a masterpiece by any stretch and can definitely work on some things but i liked it a lot. you’re doing great with the punk rock and catholic plotline but give me more gays tnt
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