#i may or may not go back to shawna and co.
tardytothesimspardy · 2 years
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or something
So yesterday in the tags I asked what the Brokes were getting up to, and I actually ended up visiting them once I realized that Ruby had aged up to a teen.
But before we see the Brokes again, things did happen to Shawna, Demi, and Ali (not so much Eva, she's just kinda there at the moment).
Demi is apparently a bro, and so she got wants to go to a bar and have drinks. Since she had completed all her homework and didn't have any classes to go to that day. So she went to the Willow Creek bar at like, noon or something.
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Very bro-ish.
When she was done with that, it was a spirit day for Foxbury, and since she's a member of that club (organization?), she attended it.
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Then she came across the Servo that came to Shawna's New Year's party and became friends with him.
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Meanwhile, Ali had been going through a bit of a crisis, between her non-existent social life and her steadily dropping grades. Shawna tried to help her through the crisis, and Demi helped Ali with her school project.
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Okay, now onto the Brokes.
When I saw that Ruby was a teen, I had to check how old Flat and Flo were, and I realized that I was on the edge of missing Skip's existence, and so I quickly made sure that Flo was pregnant with him, and settled in a bit with Flo, Flat, and Ruby.
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I wanted Ruby to have the Villainous Valentine aspiration, seeing as her Sims 3 counterpoint has the "Heartbreaker" lifetime wish, but apparently teens can't have that aspiration? So for right now, she has the knitting aspiration, since a few new hats or socks never hurt anyone, right?
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I'm currently trying to have Ruby make some friends, as I usually do with teen Sims, and just like every time I try to do this, I wish there was some designated lot for teen Sims in the base game or something. I made a lot with the teen hangout trait, it's tagged as a lounge so that Sims actually go in, and either my game is filled with elders, or lounges attract elders. Idk. It's just kinda annoying.
I also very briefly visited Buck and Mary Lu, and tried to brace myself to do What Must be Done, but in the end I just got sad while looking through pictures they've taken together, and so they're still fine too.
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Spectacle III.2
Inspired by our favorite hip hop couple, Offset and Cardi.
I was arguing with my best friend about what he did on her rolling loud set. I’m just gonna write this with Erik x OC (Black! OC);
@chaneajoyyy @theunsweetenedtruth
Erik is a rapper as OC is a rising star. They recently married and his indiscretions have been publicly known via social media, Erik makes multiple attempts to make up for it.
June, 2018:
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Erik Stevens, Stage Name: E. Kill. 31 years old. Married to Raelynn Stevens (Maiden, Johnson) They share one child, a 4 month-old Named Kire (Pronouced KYE-REE) Stephens.
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Raelynn Stevens, Stage Name: Rae. 29 years old. Married to Erik Stevens. She and Erik share a daughter, 4 month-old Kire Stevens.
December 17, 2017
“I’m Dr. King. Great to finally meet you Raelynn and Erik. I’d like both of you to understand that therapy will either bring you closer together, or it will help you conclude that you’re not meant to be together. Either way, I am here to simply mediate. So where do you wanna start?”
E and Rae looked at each other, hesitant to speak. Dr. King giggles, “It’s normal to feel nervous at your first session. Let’s just start at the beginning. When did you two fall in love?”
April 7, 2015
Paramount Recording Studios
“Hey deej, can you run that back for me?”
The bass heavy beat played back
Yeah, Rarri swervin’ lane to lane
Name not Erika, I keep the Kane
Be careful speakin on my name
Me & Kill’s bitches ain’t the same
I’ll change the nigga whole life
On one knee not thinkin’ twice
Lay it on em real nice
Hella bad, I’m sorta like his vice
Deej, Rae’s in house producer stopped the beat as Erik walked in. They were working on Rae’s second mixtape and her collaboration with E. Kill was the last song she had to finish before submitting it.
“Well, about time you joined us E. I was beginning to think I was gonna have to find someone else to do the track with.” he scoffed and side eyed his co star, “Girl please, they can’t kill it like me!” She shot him the same side eye, knowing that his statement was a double entendre, “Deej, excuse us for a moment please?” She rose out of her swivel seat, “I need a 10 anyway. I gotta call my girl and let her know I’ma be late, again!” “I’m sorry girl, tell Nonnie I’m sorry!” She waved Rae off making her exit.
“Why are you late?” Erik looked up as if he was in deep thought, “If I recall correctly, I went out on a date with a lovely woman. You may know her, Raelynn? Yeah. She finally let me wine and dine her fine ass after three months of begging and pleading!” He tugged at Rae’s sweat strings until she closed their distance by the switchboard before he continued, “And after one too many glasses of Rose, Raelynn and I went back to my place and made love all..night..long.” Rae laughed at Erik’s silly rendition of humping his last three words. “She wore me out. I woke up about a hour ago.” Rae finally rested her arms on his chest, “Oh so I wear that ass out, huh?” “That, you do. Damn girl, what am I gon do witchu?” They rested their foreheads together, “I’m sure you’ll think of a thing or two.. or a few.”
Erik tilted Rae’s chin up and kissed her, slowly yet with intent. He reached in her pocket, “Call Deej. Tell her she can go home. I know she missin’ her wifey and I need some time with mine.” “Wait, but I’m not your wi--” “Shh. You don’t know what you are to me. I told you I love you last night. I meant that shit.” They stared at each other for a few minutes, for Rae memories shot through her body of the night before. How all of the rumors she heard about E being a rough and ruthless lover in bed fell through when he laid her down gently and stroked her body delicately, covering every inch of her body in kisses before doing so. His voice echoed in his brain, “I love you Rae.”
“Deej, hey. Take the night off. Yeah, we got it. We may even finish both of our verses tonight. I got the studio time, don’t worry about it. Thanks for the beat though. Yeah, come back tomorrow so we can mix and master it. Alright. Bye.”
They spent the first half on that night making love all over the studio. Tagging each area with their bodies, they fucked up all of the levels on the switchboard, they smeared the glass in the recording booth, they finally finished on the couch and love seat where he said it again, “I love you Rae” her storm washed over her hearing him say it exactly how he did the night before, “I love you too E!” He grinned at her, “I told you last night baby, call me N’jadaka.” Her body was still going into refractory when she asked,  “I thought your name was Erik?” He wiped the sweat off her brow, “It is. For people who don’t know me.” She held his body tightly and close, “Okay Rae bae, we been going for two hours! We gotta finish this song. When we get done, we can go again.”
Dr. King stared at the couple, talking hand in hand, “Wow. You two had a whirlwind kind of love. It happened sort of fast!” Rae nodded her head, holding her belly with her free hand, “Without that, we wouldn’t have her so, I don’t care how fast it happened.” Erik kissed her forehead, “Me either.” Dr King wrote in her pad, slightly grinning, “I think there’s some hope for you two..”
June, 2018
This is TMZ news, the show with the latest in celebrity news.
Just five months after reconciling, E. Kill was caught cheating.. once again. Text messages surfaced after a rap beef between two women, Kyleene and Jae Doe went south. One of Jae’s friends outed Kyleene and claimed that Ky and her now former friend Xena tried to set up a threesome with E. Kill. After Ky denied the allegations, Xena came forward and leaked screenshots of messages between E. Kill and her, as well as messages between her and Ky, trying to confirm dates for the meet up. Although Xena never confirmed if they met up or not, it’s clear that E was trying to set that up.
Just a couple of hours ago, Rae went on her live and set the record straight for her fans:
“Hey faves, how ya’ll doing out there? First and foremost I’d like to thank all of you for supporting me and my music.  (Pauses) I’m sorry if you all hear Kire in the background, she’s a baby so..you know she’s gonna be cooing and whatnot. Anyway, as all of you know, my relationship has been in the public eye for about 6 months now. I’ve played everything about it real close to the chest since we got together because I thought it was the only thing I should keep to myself. For the past 6 months, N-Erik and I have been trying to reconcile our marriage for the sake of Kire and the love our relationship was built on. But now, I just think it’s time for us to go our separate ways. My husband and I love each other so much and we’re family, always and forever, but I think this separation and ultimate divorce is what’s right for us. I just ask for the fans who love us, continue loving us, continue supporting us in our future endevors. Love ya’ll! Bye.”
After Rae’s statement she finally posted adorable 4 month old Kire Genevieve Stevens
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The employees awed at Kire’s cute little face, “She looks like a baby doll! Aww! E and Rae did that! E may not be sh*t, but they did that!” Raquel Harper clutched her heart, marveling at the baby. Harvey Levin smiled at the screen displaying her picture, “She is adorable. Which leads the question to E, with a hardworking and fine young woman at home like Rae and an adorable baby to go home to, why go back to your old ways that almost lost you your wife, again? I don’t get it!” Van Lathan stood up from his desk, “I hope he gets Rae back man..” “You think he can, Van?” Van scratched his head, “I don’t know Harvey but if he can, I say he goes for it. He made a beautiful family I hope he doesn’t let Rae go because every guy’s gonna try to scoop that up. I’m team love and he really loves her.”
“Once again, our well wishes are with the Stevens’ family in this difficult time.”
July, 2018
New Orleans
Essence Music Festival
Rae was set to co-headline the Saturday night set at the Dome with Mary J. Blige, this was her first major headline at any music festival. The only time her and N’jadaka spoke was when he’d facetime, and that was barely speaking, she’d only say hello to make sure he was connected before panning the phone to Kire’s face to babble to her father. It had been like that for over a month. Rae was halfway through her set before her DJ stopped, she looked around, “DJ, What the fuck?” Next thing she knew, E came out with a huge bouquet of flowers and a Mic. 
Rae was fuming, and she couldn’t hide the look on her face. She was shaking her head before he could even get to her. By the time he did get to her, he looked confused, covering the mic, “Baby, I’m sorry! Just hear me out!” Rae responded, “No! I have a show to do! What are you doing?” “You not talking to me! What else was I supposed to do?” She folded her arms, completely mortified at his public display. He got on the mic, “Rae, I love you baby. I’m sorry!” He hands her the flowers she was still not on the mic, “How did you even get up here?” Shawna walked on stage and retrieved the flowers, “Shawna..” “I’m sorry love, he was desperate.”
Rae finished her set in a blast of applause, “Thank you NOLA! I LOVE YOU!” She rushed to her green room where her entire team met her with congratulations. When Erik entered the room, it went completely silent, “Ya’ll go out and enjoy Mary! Ya’ll are off for the rest of the weekend!” Her make up, hair and wardrobe team cheered as they exited the room. Leaving Rae with Erik and Kire. Erik remained at the door until the last person walked out. He locked the door behind them.
“Rae, I’m sorry baby.” “You’re sorry for what? Getting caught?” Erik strutted over to her vanity, “I’m sorry for entertaining them, for embarrassing you and betraying you again.” “N’jadaka, we were supposed to be working on us. What the fuck! Is this my fault? Is it because I’ve been working since I got cleared after the baby?” “No baby please don’t go thinking this is your fault. It’s all me. This industry is tempting as fuck bae. I’m turning down bitches from left to right. Kyleene slipped through the cracks, claiming she wanted to do a collaboration. I mean, maybe she really did.. I don’t know. We really didn’t talk much. Her friend got my number through her and told me that Ky wanted a threesome.. I didn’t go through with it but I shouldn’t have entertained it.” Rae held her index finger up to his face, “That’s the most honest thing you’ve said in a month-- You shouldn’t have. You’re supposed to be my husband. What happened to talking through our shit like we learned at the beginning of our relationship? Like we re learned in therapy?” He opened his mouth to speak, yet Rae continued.
“What happened to us maintaining our family front, for Kire.. For us?” “Rae I can count on my hand how many times I’ve seen you in the past four months since your six week check up after having Kire. Five. I get it baby, we’re artists. We have to work to get paid. We’ve both been busy since then. We both lost sight of that. I can take my accountability for it. I am here trying to salvage our relationship.” “No, you’re here because you wanted people to feel sorry for you.” “Rae that’s bullshit!” “NO, N’jadaka that’s real shit!” Their bickering match was interrupted by Kire crying at their outburst. Rae pushed Erik out of her way to pick up their child, “We’re not about to yell in front of my child--” “Our child, Rae.” Kire reached for her daddy, he grabbed her. “You right though. We’re not. But that’s BS, you know it. I went up on stage to publicly apologize because my shit came out publically.” Rae still marveled at Erik and Kire’s blooming relationship. She rubbed his face as he was poking his daughter’s belly tickling her, “N’jadaka, you wanna know why I really forgave you the last time?” “Why?” Rae puckered her lips to the side, “Because, you came to me. You didn’t respond to anyone asking you every question under the sun about what I was gonna do or even about when I beat your ass.” They both chuckled at the memory of her destroying half of their old home.
“Even that bad time of our relationship, our friendship. It was just us. What you did out there, was for you. You were seeking validation from me, after betraying my trust, again. Thinking that some flowers and another apology was gonna win me back. It’s not. Like I told you and Dr. King, I’m not tolerating disrespect. You’ve disrespected me yet again. I don’t know if I can recover from that. I damn sure don’t know if you’ll do it again.” “Baby, I’ll never dishonor you or Kire ever again. I swear. I’ll retire if I need to.” Rae giggled at the suggestion, “Nigga, you’ll still be E. Killapussy to these hoes. Retired or not. Them bitches don’t even know what the whole Kill is in your name.” “Nobody does baby, only you.” She rolled her eyes, “Yeah yeah. Whatever.” “Babe, let’s take some time off. Let’s just enjoy each other as a family.” Erik’s puppy dog eyes were just irresistible, “That’s a start, Stevens.” They spent the remainder of the concert in the green room cuddling and coddling with Kire more cordial than they’ve been since before Kire arrived.
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writerspanel · 5 years
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Happy New Comic Book Day! 
A (ahem) killer Comic Book Commentary today with modern master of the medium, Ed Brubaker. When I first started writing comics back in 2012, Ed was one of the first people I looked to for advice. And his advice was brilliant, practical, cynical, and perfect. Everything you want from Ed Brubaker. His work, particularly his collaborations with Sean Phillips, is a genre unto itself: crime and nostalgia and, above all, huge heart.
Ed and Sean’s new book is BAD WEEKEND, out today from Image Comics. It’s a crime story set at a comic convention. Just in time for San Diego Comic Con! Ed provides an insightful, funny, and dark Comic Book Commentary, well worth your time.
Get the podcast via itunes or via not-itunes.
I’m going to San Diego Comic Con, July 18-21!
Please come by to either of my signings. I’ll be giving away exclusive (read: bootleg) HEX WIVES pins to anyone who brings anything for me to sign.
You can pre-order the collected Hex Wives now via Amazon. CLICK.
Here’s my schedule:
Friday, July 19
1:30-2:30pm: signing at the DC/WB Booth 4545. Bring anything with my name on it, and I’ll sign it! A partial list of my comics credits is below.
4-5pm, Room 25ABC: Writing the Rules of Magic panel – This was an idea I had when conceiving of Hex Wives: There is more science fiction and fantasy on TV and in the movies than ever before, and while these genres may seem like opportunities for a writer’s imagination to run wild, in fact their stories benefit from rules and parameters. These help to ground a writer’s fancies and create a recognizable world for the characters. But coming up with the rules of magic and science fiction is more difficult than it seems. These professionals, who have created detailed, grounded worlds, tell how they did it. Panelists: Deric Hughes (Arrow; The Flash), Jose Molina (Magic: The Gathering; The Tick), Gennifer Hutchison (Breaking Bad; The Strain), Kieron Gillen (The Wicked & the Divine; DIE), Julie Benson & Shawna Benson (Wu Assassins; The 100), Sarah Kuhn (Heroine Complex), Chris Dingess (Doom Patrol; Agent Carter), Adam Rogers (Wired magazine).
Saturday, July 20
1-2pm, Marriot Marquis, Grand 12: Next Gen Nerds – Moderating this panel with The Adventure Zone/My Brother My Brother & Me’s Travis McElroy and Clint McElroy, Malik Forte (Overwatch League), Courtney Enlow (SyFy Fangirls), Brian Brushwood (Scam School), and Riley Silverman (SyFy Fangirls) about the challenges and responsibilities of influencing the next generation of nerds, as both parents and creators.
Sunday, July 21
11-12, signing at the DC/WB Booth 4545 with Team Hex Wives! I’ll be joined by artist Mirka Andolfo and colorist Marissa Louise. Should be a blast!
Wondering what to bring to have signed? Here are some of the comics I’ve written and co-written. *my favorites
Hex Wives #1-6 (DC/Vertigo)*
The Thrilling Adventure Hour original graphic novel*
Star Wars: Storms of Crait (Marvel)
Star Wars: DJ: Most Wanted (Marvel)
Weapon Hex #1-2 (Marvel) Deadpool v Gambit #1-5 (Marvel)
Wolverine: Savage Origins (ogn) (Marvel)*
Death Be Damned #1-4 (Boom!)*
The Thrilling Adventure Hour #1-4 (Boom!)
The Thrilling Adventure Hour #1-4 (Image)
Flash Gordon #1-4 (Dynamite)
Thunderbolts #27-32 (Marvel)
Thunderbolts Annual #1 (Marvel)*
Deadpool Annual 2013 (Marvel)
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delkios · 7 years
*singing* It’s the end of the year fic review as we know it and I feel slightly headachey but fine~
Dog Days (DC TV, Mick, Len, Lisa) Monitor Duty (Transformers Rescue Bots, Chase, Heatwave) A Sight to Behold (DC TV, Len, Mick) Something of Your Own (DC TV, Mick, warning: animal death, trauma) Extra Credit (DC TV, Len, Mick) Date Crasher (DC TV, Barry, Len, Mick) Another Interruption (DC TV, Barry, Len, Mick) Fightstarter Karaoke (DC TV, Len, Mick, Lisa) Future in Our Hands (DC TV, Len, Mick) Date Night at the Aquarium (DC TV, Len, Mick) A Place to Rest (Mortal Kombat, Kuai Liang, Hanzo) Something Wonderful in You (AO3 link) (DC TV, Mick, Shawna, Mark, Hartley, Len, Lisa, warning: child abuse) The Weight of My Mistakes (Transformers, Blast Off, Onslaught, warning: taking advantage of mind violation/manipulation) The Shovel Talk (DC TV, Lisa, Len) Tropical Contact High (DC TV, Len, Lisa, Mick) LoT Rewrite: Riots of New York (AO3 link) (DC TV, S2!Legends) Best Served Cold (DC TV, Mark, Clyde, Len, Lisa) Untitled Shower Reblog Fic (DC TV, Mick, Len, S1!Legends) Take a Chance on Me (DC TV, Lisa, Mick, Len) Rest Your Tired Body Next to Mine (DC TV, Len, Mick, Lisa, warning: mildly-NSFW) Show for Me (DC TV, Len, Mick, warning: NSFW) A Secret Well Kept (DC TV, Mick, Len, Lisa) The One that Got Away (DC TV, Leo, Mick)
Overall Thoughts:
This year my emotional state was incredibly erratic, often for extended periods of time which made it difficult to create.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? In comparison to previous years, it’s about average or a little less but I think I might’ve had more longer works than I normally do.   
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Onslaught/Blast Off has been a low key ship of mine for YEARS and honestly I’m not sure why as I normally Do Not Like superior/subordination relationships (hook/scrapper is an exception as i see them more as a partnership in part because i don’t see the constructicons as military but that’s a different thing).  So when Til All are One happened, that ship was like a slap in the face because messed up is probably the only way it COULD happen in canon. What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Best Served Cold may be my favorite because I think the premise of it is HILARIOUS.  Thinking back on it now, I still kind of shake my head and go, “You very pretty idiots”.  Also just about anything with Lisa.  I love Lisa. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I guess that episode of the Legends of Tomorrow Rewrite I co-wrote.  It was a very ambitious project, the scope of which (writing-wise) I don’t think I’d been part of before.  Plus writing with someone I didn’t know was rather daunting on its own but I’m very happy with how it turned out! From my past year of writing, what was… My best story of this year: I would probably go with either Fightstarter Karaoke or Take a Chance on Me. My most popular story of this year: Fightstarter Karaoke. Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Best Served Cold, maybe.  I’d say The Weight of My Mistakes but that’s kind of a niche audience anyway. Most fun story to write: Hard to say but I’m very fond of the ColdWave Role Playing Date Trilogy.  I’ve been thinking about doing another entry in it but haven’t done more than figure out a vague idea. Story with the single sexiest moment: Rest Your Tired Body Next to Mine.  If only Lisa didn’t interrupt *shakes fist* Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: Something of Your Own.  I don’t know if I feel worse for what I did to Mick or the rats. Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: I don’t think any story really did that for me this year.  The closest would be The Weight of My Mistakes which, really, was me thinking about what could be done with mnemosurgery and what Airachnid would have to do to make this plan work.  I already loved the concept of mnemosurgery in Transformers (i’ve played around with similar ideas in fics before) but the thoughts that led to this fic really cemented how horrifying it could be to me. Hardest story to write: Either Something Wonderful in You or Riots of New York.  The latter because, again, ambitious scope and writing with someone I didn’t know, the former because the idea exploded and I had no idea where it was really going. Biggest Disappointment: I didn’t really have disappointments this year.  Everything came out more or less (and some soooooo much more) as I planned. Biggest Surprise: Something Wonderful in You for getting away from me as it did and A Place to Rest for being an unprompted Mortal Kombat story. Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
I think the fact damn near everything I wrote is either fluff or fun is telling enough.
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