#i may not be too familiar with guy but goddang i am shocked
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 2 years ago
Well fudge the guy that played Zavala in Destiny died
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Chapter 8: I’m a simple human, nothing more than that.
In which you almost cried in a friend’s house
*Your POV*
I had to go to the doctor to see if my injury wasn't anything serious.
Turns out it was.
He had to put twenty-five stitches on my fingers. Obviously not twenty-five on each of them, of course not. They were twenty-five in total...
Wow, you are such an idiot. Who the fuck punches a mirror?! You'll probably feel worse than before...
And that was true.
The doctor recommended me to avoid any activities involving my fingers. That practically is avoiding any activity at all. But I, being the stubborn woman I am, won't listen to this suggestion he made, although it sounded more like an order. Still, I can't quit my job just because I did something stupid.
So I arrived at my messy apartment, angrier with myself than before. I felt like trash. But, after seeing the pleased and happy faces of all those people, I feel like I can't give up. So I'll continue living...
For now, of course.
I changed into my pajamas and sat on the couch. I surely don't want to go to my room yet, remembering what happened yesterday. Or today. Whatever.
When I was scrolling through the channels my phone buzzed, and I took it without hesitation. I watched TV a bit before checking the notification but I got bored and decided to see it.
Sans: hey
Sans: can i ask u something???
Well, that was new. Sans had never messaged me before; or well, at least not in private. After all, he did say a few jokes and puns to me especially, but only in the chat group with everyone else.
You: Go ahead
I silently prayed for it to don't be something related to my past or my backstory. It's really complicated and hurtful to explain; maybe it wouldn't make me cry, but it would definitely make me uncomfortable.  
Please, not about me. Please, not about me. Please, not about me. Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.
Please, not about me-
Sans: i noticed an injury on ur right fingers today
Sans: wanted to make sure what happened
Still, I couldn't just tell this guy that I punched a freaking mirror. He would probably block me and stare at my soul whenever we would meet. And it was for a fact that I will see him more, so...
You: Oh, about that...
You: It was an accident
Wow, that didn't look suspicious at all.
Sans: really?
You: Yeah, pretty much me being stupid
At least you didn't lie this time.
Sans: oh
Sans: it wasn't somethin' serious, tho?
You: A bit
Sans: stitches?
Wait, why does he know about stitches? He doesn't even need them!
You: Actually, yes
Why did you say that?! You are supposed to keep it a secret!
Even if he was going to find out anyway...
Sans: oh shit
Sans: how many?
Well, it's not like it's there any point in lying...
You: Twenty-five
Sans: jesus, what did u do?
Sans: r u ok now, tho?
You: Pretty much
Sans: well, that's good, kiddo
I'm fucking twenty-
Sans: welp, that's all i wanted to know
Sans: srry if i bothered ya
You: Nonsense!
You: That's actually really nice of you!
You: I mean, to actually care enough to ask
Sans: eh, it's nothin'
Sans: i was goin' to ask ya there, but thought it would be better in...
Sans: private?
You: I understand; talking about someone's injuries it's not that great of a topic.
You: It would have been catastrophic if Mrs. Dreemurr or Mrs. Arial knew
Sans: yeah
Sans: welp
Sans: i should go by now
You: I bet
You: Have a good night, Sans
Sans: you too, (l/n)
It was quite a conversation, I must say. I mean; Sans called me by my last name at the end, which it's weirdly formal. And, out of all the people, he was the one who asked. Maybe he was the only one that noticed something odd on my hand, but I highly doubt it. It was visibly out of place.
Or well.
At least for a human.
It's hard to remember that we don't have the same problems, physically talking. Some of the monsters that confuse me the most are the skeletons and the fish-like. How could skeletons feel anything at all? One day I heard Arial complaining about how hot the day was, and that's... weird. How Undyne can breathe? She's out of the water! Unless she has lungs...
But wait- skeletons don't have lungs...
This is confusing as fuck.
How could Sans have noticed something odd to my hand, though? It's either he had seen it before on Frisk, or he actually researches a lot about humans. That would be weird as well. I mean, it would be like he had a human fetish. And that's scary.
I'm making him sound like he's a fucking rapist.
I felt shivers down my spine and quickly shook my head. It was disturbing to think like that, to say the least. I don't think someone like Sans could have such a guilty pleasure.
But maybe he's just like me.
I mean- not as a fetish! But more like... curiosity. After all, I do have my doubts about monsters. I just made some five minutes ago. So he has all the right to know about humans as I do about monsters. Or maybe we don't. But hey, how a freak can judge another?
Did I just call Sans a freak? I barely know the guy, for God's sake!
I felt worse, naturally. I would apologize to him, but he doesn't know that I called him a freak. He doesn't need to know, either.
As much as I wanted to avoid it, I had to enter my bedroom eventually. This night, though, I decided to take a sleeping pill. And just like that, I was knocked out on my bed, forgetting that my daily dose should be a quarter of a pill.
Good thing I have an alarm, or else I would have been on dreamland forever. Well, I don't remember what I dreamed, but that's not the point. The thing is that I have work to do, so I can't sleep all day.
And so I got ready and went to work, taking the subway like every day. And, for my surprise, I saw a family of monsters hanging out on the subway station. I smiled, knowing that now they can take public services.
I arrived and went straight for a cup of coffee and a mini donut. Miracle there was any food to eat with the coffee; good thing they actually had coffee and not water. I need my drug to start the day. Always.
Such a coincidence I was listening to that song: 'Always' by Bon Jovi. Such a nice and romantic ballad, cheesy and totally different from what I use to hear. But hey, whenever it's a rock classic, I have a reason to listen to it. Especially if it is a ballad of Bon Jovi. They are just unique.
Fun thing: I was listening also to a song called 'Unique', by Lenka. It's not a classic; it isn't even Rock N' Roll, but I like the calm and cheery tone it has. The lyrics have a direct and almost literal meaning, and it's really positive.
The group of monsters arrived, then we headed out of the building.
Work wasn't in my office.  
Everyone took their money and belongings with them. We went to a near bank and I made all the changes in their currency to make them dollars. We had agreed that every 'Gold' would be a dollar. 1 for 1. (I remembered a song again. I shouldn't be talking about my whole playlist)
They ended up with a good amount of money. Well, a lot. Some of them had sold their houses in the Underground, so they had even more money. Now, who bought their houses? God knows- that's the answer.
So some of them bought a house. Like, today. This totally surprised me, considering how much time I spent searching for a new place to live, that it's a small apartment. And now they have houses. HOUSES, FOR GOD'S SAKE!
Calm the fuck down, (Y/N) (L/N).
That kinda reminded me about my conversation with Sans. I glanced down at him and saw that he was talking to an excited Papyrus.
"You look happy" I bluntly said, facing towards him. I froze but quickly relaxed, watching his smile growing bigger.
"aren't i always happy?" he answered, winking an... "eye".
"I mean, for real" I muttered, but I was conscious that he heard me since he stared at me in shock "Shit, I'm sorr-"
"you could say i feel happier. i, after a long time, have a bit of hope about the future-"
He isn't that positive, huh? We may be really similar, then.
I could see why he was more positive, though; he got a house for his family, and that feeling is simply amazing. Well... I suppose it must be incredible. I haven't bought a familiar house, but when I got the keys to my apartment, it sure felt great. It must feel similar, if not better.
But he was eager about something else as well, noticing the look he gave to a bookstore. That really caught me off guard, not seeing him as the type to read a lot. Maybe I shouldn't be judging the poor guy just yet. He seems nice to this point, and that's it.
We finished our journey at the new and huge house of the Dreemurr family, everyone feeling like little kids. And with everyone, I include myself. I honestly forgot my problems for a bit and I was hoping to see how these guys reached their dreams eventually.
It's just a matter of time.
"How about if you stay as well, (Y/N)?" Frisk asked with a smile, snapping me back at reality. Wait, WHAT?!
"S-stay?!" I asked amazed, not believing what my ears were hearing. Why would they want me to stay?!
"YEAH! WE WILL HAVE A HUGE SLEEPOVER IN WHICH EVERYONE WILL PARTICIPATE!" Papyrus exclaimed, eyeing Sans and Dr. Gaster there for a second.
"Uh... I don't know..." I started, trying to dismiss the topic. And as expected, I failed.
"it's really late now, kiddo. from what you have told me, it's not good to leave at this time. less if you're a girl" Sans cleverly argued, using my words of that telephonic conversation.
Goddang it, Sans.
"...are you sure?"
"Well, if you really want me here..."
Everyone smiled, even that freaking flower (though I bet he won't admit it). I felt a nostalgic wave hit me, but I hold the tears.
You can always cry at night, (Y/N)...
Except that tonight you can't, if you plan to stay.
Shit. If I had grabbed along my pills, it would have been easier. Hopefully, this so-called sleepover would last until morning. Maybe then I'll pass out.
That means no coffee, though.
However, it wasn't as bad as I thought. All of them were super nice, and even shy Napstablook opened up once in a while. I felt really welcomed by most of them, making jokes and thanking me for what I've done.
Even if it was really nothing.
"So (Y/N)..." The sassy robot asked, making a fake hum of curiosity... that makes me feel curious as well. "How is your love life, darling?"
I don't think I should tell this guy I'm lonely as fuck...
"Pretty much dead, honestly" I simply answered, trying not to get into details.
"Oh. Did a bastard just left you?"
I don't think I should tell this guy I've always been lonely as fuck.
"Eh... sure"
"That didn't sound too believable, (Y/N)!" Frisk pouted, getting into the conversation without anyone minding her opinion.
...that was rude.
"YES HUMAN! YOU DIDN'T SOUND TOO CONVINCING!" Papyrus exclaimed, making my heart skip a beat for a second at how loud his voice is. I need to get used to this. "...OR DO YOU RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT IT?"
It would have been useless if I lied, knowing how little experienced I am about the topic. They would find out sooner or later that I was a fat ass liar, just trying to fit in and failing miserably. So instead of taking that risk, I decided to take another.
"Actually... my love life has always been dead..."
Mettaton almost choked in the glass of... an unknown drink he was... drinking?
How does he fucking drink, though?
"Darling, what the hell?!" He exclaimed with a remarkable tone of indignity in his voice, gaining the attention of the others in the room... who weren't paying attention before. Oh my god, why?! "We need to get you a date! Like, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Eh... what about no?" I answered, trying my best to escape. And, as expected...
I failed.
"WHAT ABOUT YESSSSSS??????????????????????????" He snapped back annoyingly, making me feel like the stupidest person on Earth. Maybe I would have really lied if I knew he would be like this about my non-existent love life.
"Me-mettaton" Alphys intervened, with an instant look of regret after spitting out that word. Please save me. "I do-don't think you should judge her that easily. I mean, everyone has their reasons. I bet she does as well"
"...fine!" He sassily exclaimed, faking their annoyance "Just don't say that I, an expert in love lives, didn't try to help!"
"...sure thing, Mettaton" I sighed, mostly in relief "Sure thing"
And so the night continued, not without me being able to avoid all their questions. I was okay with telling them about the surface, but my life... now that's another thing. People say I should be proud of what I've done, either in school and work, but it's hard for me to see it that way. And so my pride is substituted by doubts and insecurity, feeling not good enough. Because maybe if I tell them too much about me, they would not like me anymore (if they ever did, in the first place). And even if it's really selfish, I enjoyed their company more than anything in ages.
And I didn't want it to stop.
My time there was pleasant until it was 1 am. Frisk and Papyrus were seemingly tired, and Sans added that "his brother would get cranky without his bed story" or something like that. I felt a rush of panic hit me like a brick, realizing that it would be impossible for me to sleep at this hour.
And knowing that I couldn't do my nightly shenanigans made me feel worse.
Panic, then, was starting to get mixed up with anxiety, while the others were discussing who should get the couch-
wait a minute.
"Uh... I can sleep on the couch if you want me to" I interrupted, hoping that this would be a good idea.
A lot of the people arguing told me countless times I shouldn't take the couch since I was "the guest", but my insistence and my insecurities were way stronger than all of their goodwill combined.
Or maybe not, but the point is that I won.
Everyone went to sleep, some of them even hugged me before leading to their temporary rooms. I smiled, feeling happy...
Wow. Never thought I would use that word again.
Don't get me wrong, my life it's not that shitty. I mean, if we get ourselves more reasonable, at least I'm not in the middle of nothing dying from starvation and from having a fucked-up mind. That's something I should really feel thankful for, except for that last part, since my mind it's actually a huge mess.
Still, I can't consider myself being happy. Or more like... satisfied? Yeah, that must be. I've always been exigent with myself, feeling the pressure of keeping people's expectations high. I don't want to fail them. I don't want them to see me how I see myself. That's why I smile, I laugh and even cry when I don't want to.
To feel more human.
To feel sane.
To keep moving on.
Because I know that other people might need my help in, well, anything! I just can't give up if people in worse situations haven't. That would just make me look and feel worse.
But it's really worth living just for the others and not for myself?
I mean, it's not like I'm completely selfless. I consider myself really selfish at some points. Because I also do things to keep myself sane, to keep myself out of trouble, and hell, to even keep myself out from the death list.
I'm scared of death, no doubt about it. I'm scared of letting go before I find someone that truly cares about me...
...maybe I should listen to Mettaton. But a broken heart would be unbearable to me. Falling in love is a risk I can't take, less if I'm in this state.
I mean, look at me! I've been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and a high fucking IQ which I'm not proud of at all! I question reality often, I doubt how capable I am to do even the simplest of tasks, and I can't even establish a normal conversation without freaking out! I sometimes even ask myself if I don't have schizophrenia, for God's sake!
My mind went blank when I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. That warm and familiar feeling made me want to scream and punch a fucking mirror again. I contained myself, though, when I see in the darkness the green couch I was laying on.
I couldn't make them worry about me.
I just couldn't.
And so I softly removed the tears from my face and shut my eyes, not before noticing a blanket that, as far as I could remember, I never grabbed...
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