#i may have another 17th may thing queued later today
sn0wbat · 1 year
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SF] What if Aliens Just Like Fishin'?
Hi all, I recently watched a couple JRE videos related to UFOs and felt compelled to write this. Any help with tightening this up would be appreciated. I'm grateful for anyone who reads it! (Some of the formatting may be off. Please forgive me.)
June 18th, 2024
Aron University District, Tansant. Zeta Reticuli III.
“Zimp, are you watching? Look how handsome your father looks!”
Now for headline story of the evening. Has Aron Corp. overstepped Tansant protocols with their extraction teams? CEO of Aron Corp is with us now, it’s a pleasure to speak with you Magnate Xolon.
Zimp embedded an H2O onto the base of his new tank and slid it next to the one marked l̷͗̈́͌̕l̵̛͆̌̀́̃̿́̈́͝. “Yes, mom, I’m watching…” Zimp covered the receiver of his device before the magnetic whir of his tank stabilizer could be heard.
It’s a pleasure to be here, Laax. Let me start by saying that Aron Corporation has not had a single hostile encounter with…
“Have you bought your H2O specimen yet? I’ll have to come by and see it!”
That’s very true, Magnate, but detections of Aron Corp. vehicles have risen tenfold over the....
“Not yet, mom. You know, I have a lot of SNC homework that I need to get to. I’ll talk to you-”
… and for example on Wek III they’re not even aware of what they’re seeing so it behooves…
“SNC? Oh, look how assertive he’s being, Zimp!”
“Synthetic Nano-Cohesion, gotta go! Bye!”
Cloaked SNC nets are expensive devices, Laax. We can’t simply...
Zimp began scrambling out of his apartment on a collision course with his Cleaner. The machine predicted the encounter. In a single motion the Cleaner picked up the Tansantian robe and darted upward out of the way.
Jumping into his AGV and holding back a smile Zimp asked his device “How much will an H2O specimen cost totally optimized for my setup?”
“1,354 Aron; 2,136 Kezk; 85-”
“Stop.” Zimp said as his vehicle detected the elevation for arrival. Zimp was queued several stories up. As his vehicle descended the queue, he would occasionally be greeted with an Aron Corp. meeting that had put their exterior wall to transparent. He’d quickly peek inside the lavish meeting rooms between the chromium walls. Inside were Karkons, Blexoids and Tanizars assessing the ongoing operations of various planets.
Zimp looked at the spectacles as they came, but each reminded him of the path he took to be an engineer. “That is what my father does,” he thought, “I’ll be the one who improves the ships that go there... ” He expanded his device remembering his SNC homework.
Eventually at his destination, Zimp entered Aron Corporation Exotic Friends Depot. The walls were packed with tanks full of various compounds and the Curators maintaining them. Zimp ran straight to the H2O section and found a Curator. He swiped his device back to the details of his H2O setup.
The Curator didn’t mind the small delay. It was able to adjust the temperature and inject some Base Food Components into the tank as his sensors and systems detected an impending inquiry. “Hello, sir. Please let me assist you when you are ready.”
Lucky for Zimp, no other Tanizars were around to see the smile he wore as he waved his device over the Curator. The Curator processed his request and hung for a moment to ensure the Base Food Components were assembling properly. They formed inside the Base Food Tray to look like a Wek III consumable for this specimen. A tiny, scaled, many legged thing. Its exterior a dull gray.
“This specimen here would suit you perfectly, sir! It is one of our newest inventory. Taken from Wek III just last Lune!”
Zimp quickly looked at the creature within the tank. It was fascinating. Like a large black oval combined with a serrated hemisphere at the end opposite its large brown eyes -- with no lids! It had a faint blue tinge to its front and… Zimp almost sucked in his limbs with excitement. There was something orange attached to its side… Something… Synthetic. Something not removed… Something created by a primitive of Wek III?!
He quickly swiped his device over the Curator once again.
“Very good, sir! Please wait as the delivery box forms.”
Water poured out of the thousands of small holes on the inner sheathe as it shrank down to a carriable size, bringing the H2O specimen with it. When the final size was reached the holes filled and a box containing his new specimen was released.
“Enjoy the remainder of your Rise, sir!” The Curator hummed before returning to its tasks.
The excitement of a new specimen -- one containing a primitive’s handywork no less! -- colored his world vibrantly. Zimp gazed out at the two yellow balls of fire that his little homeworld of Tansant orbits. The Twins. He thought on all the different species he’d learned about in his Extronomy courses. Wek III, he tried to remember, it’s... 70% “H2O”?
His vehicle arrived in the queue and he was back at his apartment a moment later. Hurriedly placing his new specimen into his tank, the box expanded to fit his tank. From up close, Zimp could even make out the individual scales of this creature. He froze the tank for a moment and looked at what was injected in between its gleaming scales.
He waved his device, transcribing the black text onto it: 0016.
“I wonder what it means…”
June 15th, 2024
Narragansett, Rhode Island. Earth.
Another beautiful day in Narragansett. John took a look at his little white house: chipped paint, the discolored step on his porch, his hose that hadn’t worked in a couple years. “Future projects…”
He slammed shut the door of his ‘97 pickup and started down toward his Skipper’s house. The bright orange light of sunrise reflecting off the dew on the jalopy’s hood. Before he could even get the radio to a good channel he was at his destination.
A skinny man in a Stormbreaker shivered, cautiously traversing his damp yard.
“Can’t believe you’re still driving this thing, man.” The Skipper quipped as he shut the door.
“What do you mean ‘this thing’, there, Skip?”
“I heard you used to have a Porsche. Why you driving this thing around?”
“It’s all a bucket of gears, Skip. Just a box that gets me from one place to the next.”
“Yeah, yeah, but it ain’t a Porsche, Captain.”
“Look, at least I got a car!”
Skipper looked over at John with half a smile and shook his head. “That’s a whole other thing, man. Anyway, you heard about that ‘AAV’ siting up in Maine?”
“AAV? What are you talking about?”
“It’s basically UFOs. Started calling ‘em ‘AAV’s back when the Navy confi-”
“Skipper… Look, you’re a great man on ship but sometimes…”
“I’m serious! They confirmed ‘em back in like 2019 or 2018.”
John begrudgingly looked over at the Skipper. “I mean, I definitely think there’s something else out there… but if they could fly here, why wouldn’t they also just be invisible?”
“I don’t know, Cap. They keep seeing ‘em around the ocean. They even got protocols for ‘em for the fighter pilots and stuff...”
The rest of the ride to the harbor was shared quietly. John waved to another crew setting up for a lobster run when they got there.
Skipper rolled down the window. “Catchin’ some Black Sea Bass today, boys!” One of the younger guys from the other crew let out a hollar in return.
The captain of the crew waved John to park near him. When he pulled up the captain started yelling toward John’s window. “Hey, John. URI is tracking some of the bass…”
“Thanks, Phil. I’ll be sure to let ‘em know our counts.” John said as he stepped out onto the weathered parking lot.
“Heard they got some new GPS they’re putting in the ones they tag. Guess they’re tracking migration or something...” Phil heaved a netted sack over around his shoulders.
“That’s interesting. Wonder if they’ll share that with us when they’re done.”
Phil huffed. “Probably not. You know how they feel about us.”
The two shared a knowing nod.
It wasn’t long until they were out on the sea. Skipper seemed to be more focused than usual, the weather was a nice overcast, and no big ships were going to be passing by all morning. Even the beers were still cold from the last run. It was a bit foggy, but he knew these waters well enough.
John lit up a smoke, cracked a beer, and settled in for a couple hours of smooth sailing.
An hour into the trip, John was halfway through redesigning his house’s plumbing when he could hear the Skipper scrambling around at the front of the vessel.
“Hey… Captain… John!” The Skipper was pointing starboard with a look on his face he’d never seen in him.
“What? What’s over.. there.”
John saw it. Right at their destination, he estimated. A white ovoid. Hovering like a star. Was it a star? That wouldn’t explain the breakers around it… It was too big to be a star… It wouldn’t overlap with the ocean like that.
“A. A. V. Motherfucker!” Skipper wildly punched the air, keeping his eyes and ears toward the strange object.
John couldn’t get out a word and just looked onward.
He looked closer… Is that some kind of... Net around a… Cube?
“Is it sucking up fishes?”
John looked away from its center and could barely make out over the seafoam some small, black dots being brought up through the weird white net around the cube.
“What in the world am I looking at?”
Then, instantly and without a sound, it was gone.
The two looked at each other. Skipper’s mouth was agape. He unsuccessfully tried to say something but his jaw wouldn’t allow it.
“I just can’t beli-” John’s words were cut short by something ricocheting off the vessel’s railing, hitting him right on the temple.
June 17th, 2024
Kingston, Rhode Island. Earth.
Nicole didn’t know who to call. Kingston Police? The Environmental Protection Agency? “This is just such absolute… Bullshit!”
After all those meetings with her advisor, writing that entire proposal, finally getting the grant. Her entire PhD was about to be undone by some losers shooting, of all the fish in the Atlantic, her fish out of some kind of cannon? She looked at the GPS trajectory again on her laptop, tracing the upward trajectory and rapid horizontal acceleration, before smacking the table.
Some guys drop this off claiming that it was “shot out of a UFO.” Nice. How’s that homeless problem, Kingston? She looked at her tagging gun and stack of foy tags. She shook her fist toward the ceiling.
“0016, I will avenge you!”
submitted by /u/mumike [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2pMQWFc
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