#i may be here for to.ma amn.esia but even i have been tempted to start watching pp because of chris</3
dangaer · 2 years
🍒 + yeonban ( since it was just their birthday! )
cherries for positivity ( no longer accepting! )
ft @yeonban !
chris has honestly been such a delight to follow since the moment i first had the opportunity of seeing him on my dash! through every headcanon, thought or reply he writes, you can really tell just how much depth he’s developed for all his muses, no matter how long or little he’s been able to write them! it’s always a blast to see him online because you know you’re going to get a post that’s either a.) well thought out and inspiring, or b.) something that never, ever fails to bring a smile to everyone’s face.  writing can be so, so hard when you have so many other commitments in life, but whatever chris puts out is nothing short of absolutely beautiful. it’s clear how much time and thought has gone into every reply, and the sense of realism in his settings is something i honestly cannot help but admire more than anything. it’s so clear how he writes his characters so human, while giving every writing partner he has something both fun and beautiful to work with. i, for one, could say i would wait 1000 years for a reply, because honestly? they’re just that good! 
as for out of character things, chris has got to be one of the sweetest people i have the pleasure of following, especially considering just how interactive he is with his own mutuals no matter what. he’s always one of the first to support both old and new mutuals, those who he may be close to and those he may not, which makes his blog such a positive and inspiring place to be around. there have been times where i have been so, so excited to see his icon pop up in my notifications, whether that’d be through a like and an ask, and he always takes whatever has been written to him with so much care it’s absolutely beautiful. being such a creative person and also basking in others creativity is such a lovely trait to have, and it really shows just how kind of a person he is. 
i hope you had a lovely birthday, chris and that you got to celebrate your 21st with all the fun and care in the world, because you deserve it! ♥
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