#i may (hehe) end up posting the full thing on a03 at some point and will likely line and color all the images eventually
May's Strip Game
Whispers and Rumors circulate in all manner of conversation today. Talk of the Royal Beth. Another Red and Gold Gala? No, someone clarifies. The Manager, it would seem, is running a publicity event.
[>Go, for the Scandal and Drama of it all.] [>Go, because of... personal investments.] [>Go, for curiosity's sake. ] [>Go, for lack of anything better to do]
[<Perhaps not.]
Red and Brass. You arrive at the Royal Beth, and are directed to a side room by the staff. As they usher you in, you are handed a small, monogrammed notepad, and a sharpened pencil. Several of the staff, you notice, are giggling. Several more are gossiping. You begin to wonder where the Manager is, that he would permit such behavior, and then you see him.
He stands, tall, if not proud, upon a small, raised stage. There are item tags, visibly attached to his articles of clothing. A quiet, papery rustling indicates there are more, hidden from sight. You decide to take a seat, where you can get the most of whatever spectacle he is going to turn himself into. A fundraiser? He wears the expression of someone who made a decision which they are beginning to suspect they will regret. His smile is tighter than usual, and his eyes held wide as more guests swarm into the windowless room.
"Ahem. Esteemed Guests, I have an announcement." His voice sounds as though a quiet whisper from just behind your ear, rather unusual for a speech given to a crowd this large. "Tonight, The Royal Beth will be hosting a campaign to help with the alleviation of certain costly strains. You, the participants, are to," his voice falters, and he moves to hide his hands behind his back, before regaining composure. "You are to vote upon which articles of clothing of mine you wish to remove. Write your number matching the label for the clothing article on your notepad, and Staff will come to collect."
You notice his articles of clothing. The only visible labels at the moment are a #1 upon his Stovepipe Hat, and #2 upon his Frock Coat.
"Voting may begin."
[>Ask about how you are meant to pay]
Is he certain? "No, no, we don't accept your currency here."
The rules of the game: This is a strip game! I'll draw art of the Manager, you pick which article of clothing you want to see removed from this man, and in 24 hours the vote will conclude! I draw him minus that article of clothing, and a new round of voting will commence! I'll let him get pretty naked, but I'll likely be keeping his drawers on, and one or two other things. No color or ink for the first few days because. I still don't have lining pens yet.
Enjoy, Delicious Friends!
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{Part Two>} {Part Nine >>>}
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