#i mainly like examing his dynamic with the cast
chaosinterlude · 2 years
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well, diavolo, it shows.
let me start off by saying that while this post will be diving into diavolo’s more… questionable qualities, i don’t think he’s a bad person or has malicious intent. in fact i think his idealistic, optimistic and adventurous nature certainly have good sides as well - mainly in the way he seems eager to be involved with his subjects and is keen on taking care of their interests.
however. i also think he often acts very childish and naïve. what annoys me the most is how all of the characters let it slide, because of various reasons. aside from simeon and solomon, who both aren’t citizens of the devildom, belphie is the only demon in game who actively dislikes diavolo and went against his wishes - and that got him locked up in the attic. for good reason, because diavolo would have subjected him to punishment much worse.
so, basically, diavolo can act freely without repercussions. combine that with his sheltered upbringing and it quickly becomes an absolute mess.
season 2; solomon (something tells me simeon and/or barbatos were involved in this as well, but don’t quote me on that) urges diavolo to tell lucifer what’s going on. but he doesn’t listen. and then acts somewhat surprised when lucifer’s pissed off afterwards, not to mention that solomon actually wanted to tell mc (and lucifer) and lucifer actually started to doubt himself because of this. so much could have been avoided if diavolo just told lucifer, who is supposed to be the one he trusts most.
season 3; the whole karaoke mess. diavolo thought it was funny to worry the whole cast as a funny haha prank. to his credit, i guess he does apologize afterwards and promise not to do it again (and then proceeds to do it again in season 4. sigh.). don’t get me started on the storyline with belphie. the one person (in the devildom) who didn’t like diavolo, and was pretty open about it. and they made him make up with diavolo within a day. goddamnit.
season 4; honestly this whole mess pissed me the fuck off so bad. once again diavolo thinks it’s funny to put other people in danger as a consequence of his “pranks” or “jokes”, and doesn’t seem too concerned with fucking telling people what’s going on. and no one batted an eye! they dropped the whole thing within seconds!
in general diavolo just doesn’t seem in touch with other people and their feelings that much, no doubt due to the sheltered life he’s lived. he acts incredibly impulsively, without much regard for consequences for others, and more often than not gets away with it because he’s the prince and almost no one has denied him shit or directly stood up to him. again, he doesn’t do this with malicious intent, but it also seems like he doesn’t quite learn from his actions when they do bite him in the ass.
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Hello, hello, and happy sts, dreams~! I've noticed you have a lot of AU's of the Sky of Shards/Tears of Iron cast, and was wondering if you had a favorite and what makes it stand out to you? What storyline do you feel like each character shines the most in? Which one showcases their dynamics best? And which one has your favorite setting?
Haha that's a wonderful question, Ren, thank you for indulging me. These AUs have been on my mind a lot these days lol.
There are 4 AUs for Tears of Iron right now and each has something else going for them tbh. Hard to pick a favourite, it really depends on the mood and which one gets the focus at the time.
Who we are in the dark is my entry into urban fantasy, with mage gangs and machinations around the city's supernatural community's power. It doesn't have a steady storyline yet, and switches a lot between focusing on Zephyr as a reluctant leader, with inhereted right and power to lead his gang after his dad and brother and focusing on Skye who doesn't care about the mage gangs and their types until her being different from Zephyr starts to be a problem and so she decides to build her own. So it varies between focusing on Zephyr and then in turn on Skye, growing into their power and rivalry.
Season of my enemy has an interesting setting and focuses mainly on Zephyr building a somewhat reluctant conflicted friendship with an enemy, played by Leander. This story focuses mainly on their bond, differences and what makes them resonate together so well. Skye plays here a secondary role as Zephyr's wife and royal advisor, being a source of steady comfort with a flat character arc.
Where the sky ends is special because the story is ready to go in my mind, fully outlined. Combining my Tears of Iron cast with the Stormkeeper one is exciting and there are many very clear scenes for me, dealing with themes like outcasts, being torn between worlds and cultures, peace and war, etc. It focuses more on Zephyr dealing with his growing understanding of an enemy he is supposed to hate and serving as the middle way between three very different kingdoms. Skye represents one of those viewpoints, but it's Zephyr who combines them together.
How black stars rise is nearest to me right now, cause I have been writing it and daydreaming it the most XD. I have made it into a self-indulgent experimental no pressure if this is tropy and cliche to the death story with a very dark tragic start. It's my first ever try at tragedy and sadness and character death and various grief reactions. I'm usually very much against reading and writing these kinds of stories, I want happy edings and major characters to have safe plot armor. Maybe this is me avoiding all these feelings getting a release that makes it special. It's new and weird and easy to write and a challenge all at once. I was a little lost after first 5 scenes (and having written 3 of those), thinking of ending it, but now I got some more ideas where this could go. Skye takes centre stage here as royal advisor and princesses with incredible skill in politics who gains alliances by teaching a foreign princess the ropes. It's all very tense, in the middle of ongoing war, though more about the thoughts and feelings than the actual violent acts.
Anyway, I'm treating all of these as short stories without pressure and to experiment and get to know the characters better. Each story is inspired by a different existing story I wanted to fix by inserting my characters inside, so that's where the new scenes come from before they get integrated into a new and hopefully original enough world and storylines.
This has always been my process, which you probably know XD, but I have never been this open and bold about writing them out, making them public and "official" and actually writing them out. So this is unsteady territory, but also very fun.
I need to get back into writing before getting to the main canon story of Tears of Iron after the exams in june, so these AUs seem like a good warm up at worst, and lots of fun at best.
Thank you for the ask!^^
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naveenkumarchandra · 5 years
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I have received multiple requests, thus, here it is, a comprehensive topic wise book list and strategy to prepare PSIR.
Hope it helps, Good Luck!
Now, let me first begin with congratulating you guys on your decision to prepare for this exam. Although it is definitely just an exam but I am sure that many of you must have taken some very tough decisions and sacrificed a lot to begin this.
Let me give a very brief introduction, my name is Naveen Kumar Chandra, did my graduation from IIT Roorkee, passed out in 2015, I will be joining the IAS through CSE 2017. I am already in service, that is civil service, the IRPS through CSE 2016. My optional is PSIR, I got a very decent 153 in paper 1 last year but my marks in paper 2 disappointed me, a lowly 93, this also led to a great slide in my rank and I missed the IAS. This year, I improved a lot in Paper 2, securing a good score of 150, it is an improvement of 55 marks, which could’ve given me IAS last year itself, but I took Paper 1 very lightly, not even read the entire thing once completely, my soccer thus, came down to 130, this again made me miss the top 100.
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I have over 2 years, come to develop a comprehensive way to study PSIR, which led me to score good scores in both the papers.
But, first things first. If you have opted for PSIR, I guess it must be due to some underlying reasons, like:
Overlap with GS
Scoring Nature
Now, if your reasons are first 2, then great. But, if your reasons are the bottom 2, let me clear a few doubts and bust a few myths. There is indeed a huge overlap with GS and it is also true that you might not need to study a lot of topics owing to your studying them for your optional. But, the answers demand different things, this was my mistake the first time around, as I didn’t join any test series, out of over confidence, of either mains or prelims, I didn’t realize that my optional answers and GS polity answers were similar, too deep for GS.
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Then, if you have are in due to the scoring nature and the recent good results, then, this is never ever a surety. The results of a particular optional can go up or down but yes, a good student is rewarded even in a bad year of his optional.
Let us now come to some generic tips which will help you in your entire optional preparation:
Don’t end up doing a research project, stick to your syllabus and UPSC demands, you don’t have that much time and neither is it required.
Too many books, too much trouble, just pick one book and follow it religiously.
Make your own notes if you have time, you will end up memorizing a lot of it.
Always practice answer writing, daily, without fail.
Don’t try to impress strangers, by buying books with fancy names, and becoming a collector. Even if you love books, I know it can be a temptation sometimes, it was with me, but you will have time later to read them.
I will now cover the syllabus, as comprehensively as possible:
Although there are 10 topics to be covered in this part, they can all be clubbed under 2 main headings,
Political theories and Ideologies: This would include the theory of power, equality, justice, state, democracy etc
Political Thought: This would include, both, western and Indian political thought.
First and foremost, let me be very honest, I would recommend you guys to get Shubhra Ranjan’s Notes, not that they are sufficient enough to score well but, they are a very good foundation, especially if you have never ever read the subject. The process would thus be, go through the topics from the notes, you are now good to add to your knowledge, fill the gaps and complete your preparation. You might feel a bit weird about this, but as I mentioned, your goal here is to clear the exam and not to write a PhD thesis.
Once you have thus read the first part(a) as mentioned above, then, you have to refer to the respective chapters in the book, ‘Introduction to Political Theory by O.P. Gauba’. You don’t have to read the entire book, as many topics have indeed been covered quite comprehensively by Shubhra maam. The areas you need to focus on are, theory of state, justice(apart from rawls, especially his criticism), equality and affirmative action amd concept of legitimacy and authority.
You have to make additions to the notes or you can either decide to take up the topic from zero. I would suggest that, even if you are using Shubhra Ranjan’s notes, you would need to add a lot to them, thus, it is better that you make your own notes, in the process you will memorize a lot by writing.
Now, for part (b), western political thought has been covered beautifully by her. You would only need to read a book to get a new perspective and add a few scholars and their views but even if you don’t want to, you can do that. The book I would recommend is, ‘Western Political thought by Brian Nelson. It’s a beautiful book, I love it and its not that heavy a read either, if time permits, you must read it and fill in the gaps in these areas, J.S. Mill, Bentham, Rousseau and Marx.
Now, for Indian Political thought, you must read, V. R. Mehta, reason being Indian Political thought is not that well covered by her.
Also, you must develop a way to correlate certain thinkers from the same and opposite parts of the world, example, Machiavelli and Kautilya, Gandhi and Marx, Gandhi and Ambedkar, Ambedkar and Marx, Plato and Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, Hobbes and Locke, Bentham and Mill etc. Must make a note of the similarities and differences in their core philosophy.
This part is again divided into 11 topics, I would again like you to club them into 3:
Indian Constitution and Government
Indian Polity
For, 1st topic, you must get P.M. Bakshi, it is the bare text of the constitution, develop a habit of carrying it with you and reading it whenever you get a chance. Then, other very small but useful book to get a head start is S.C. Kashyap’s OUR CONSTITUTION.
After that, you can go through Shubra Ranjan maam’s notes, once you are done, you can add and fill gaps by referring to B.L. Fadia.
For the next part, which is mainly about the peculiarities of Indian Political system, like caste, communalism, regionalism, ethnicity etc, you can rely on her notes, she has covered it quite extensively, after that, you can buy Oxford Handbook. It has some beautifully written chapters, on these areas.
This paper, the first one, is more of what we call a static nature, that is, it contains mainly things and concepts which might not change. What you have to make sure is that you get the views of some contemporary as well as some classical commentators and experts.
The second paper, part A is divided into 11 topics, I clubbed them into 3 major ones:
Comparitive politics
Theory of International Relations
Major Groupings
The first topic here is the most neglected one by Shubra Ranjan maam, maybe she took it lightly or maybe she has covered others better, whatever be the reason, you can’t rely only on her. For this part, the best source is IGNOU BA study material. Quite surprisingly, they cover the topics exactly as given by UPSC in its syllabus. One very great book that I would recommend you must read is Global politics by Heywood, it is an excellent work and would supplement the entire syllabus beautifully, don’t read all the chapters though, stick to the syllabus.
For the second topic, you can rely completely on her notes, she has done a great job in covering them. But for one topic in particular, the changing nature of international political order, you will again have to refer IGNOU material.
For the third topic, you will again have to go through both the notes and the IGNOU material, especially for SAARC, ASEAN, NAFTA, UN, NIEO and CMEA in particular.
This is again a part with 8 points, divided by me into 2:
Foreign Policy
International Relations
This is perhaps the most dynamic of all the 4 parts. You will have to make sure that not only are you going to refer the standard books but some innovative mediums as well. Some very excellent sources are, apart from following foreign policy commentators and columnists in the Express and the Hindu, the website of MEA, you get some brilliant lectures and videos there and RSTV’S India’ World.
For the 1st topic here, you can read, apart from her notes, ‘Does the elephant dance’ by Malone.
For the 2nd topic, you will have to more heavily rely on her notes and the artices in the newspapers, you can also read one or two issues of foreign policy magazines. Although here, you will make, note of some country and region specific scholars and commentators, like retired ambassadors, UN representatives, Foreign Secretaries etc.
This is the entire book and material wise strategy. You must make sure that you have at least 10-15 scholars on your tips, for the entire syllabus, many of them, classical ones like Gandhi, Ambedkar and Nehru are very useful in Paper 1 Part A, while many contemporary ones like P.B. Mehta, C. RajaMohan, Suhas Palshikhar, Shashi Tharoor etc have written on a variety of subjects and thus can be used very intelligently in the entirety of the syllabus.
Again, you must also make it a point that theoretically static answers cover the core points first and the periphery is indeed the periphery, not the centre.
It must also be kept in mind that your answer must be a very healthy mix of static and dynamic.
Now, a few tips on how to approach answer writing, here, you must concentrate on the following points:
Be precise and to the point
Quote scholars
Write in paragraphs
Try to write in a good hand writing and underline important points
Make it a point to include the recent events wherever possible, especially in IR
I would now like to conclude, it’s a great subject and would fetch you great marks, some would say that they read it for 3 months only, that too only Shubra Ranjan maam’s notes and they succeeded, that might be even true but it’s an exception and their sheer good luck, there is no guarantee that they would even get a 100 marks if they wrote again, same is true for this approach as well but it surely does one thing, it minimizes your risk and you should always try to be sure then sorry.
I wish you luck, if you guys still wanna ask something, you can on quora, I write there regularly.
Thank You
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blueeyeswhitegarden · 6 years
Arc V and My Hero Academia for the anime ask meme!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V:
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching| might watch | currently rewatching| dropped| hated it | meh| a positive okay| liked it| liked it a lot!| loved it| a favorite
don’t watch period| drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes| give it a go, could be your thing| 5 star recommendation
fav characters: There are so many characters in this series that I love. Yuya is still my favorite character in the franchise, Yuzu’s determination is terrific, Yugo is always fun, Reira’s development was a wonderful surprise, Reiji is a wonderfully refreshing rival, Serena is cool and tough, Gongenzaka is just an awesome best friend type of character, Zarc is still my favorite final villain and Dennis’s development is both interesting and emotional. I could just go on about all of these characters even longer since they’re all so likable and interesting.
least fav characters: I think it would be Yuri. It’s mainly because he was just the hammy over the top secondary villain for most of the series. That does make him entertaining, but it didn’t make him too interesting. His backstory helped, but it felt a bit too little, too late. It also probably doesn’t help that they him defeat a ton of characters within a relatively short amount of time in order to hype him up further for his duel with Yuya.
I didn’t care much for Sawatari either, although I think I’ve warmed up a bit on him. I just didn’t like how self-centered he was. He came off as a cocky jerk and it showed in his dueling. He wanted to entertain the crowd, but he wanted the attention all for himself. It also didn’t help that people got on my case for preferring Yuya’s Entertainment Dueling over Sawatari. Not to mention they kept saying that his development made him automatically better than other characters. People getting on my case for liking or disliking a character in this series is practically a theme onto itself. I’m somewhat surprised that didn’t happen with Yuto, especially when my feelings for him changed as the series progressed. I still like Yuto, but he went from one of my favorites to just okay partly due to how overhyped I think he was. People were acting as if he was the main character instead of Yuya, calling Yuya the Standard Yuto and even claiming that the outcome of the series would somehow be better if Yuto absorbed Yuya instead and just flat out became the main character. I still generally like Yuto, but that kind of attitude does impact how I see him too.
fav relationship: I love Yuya and Yuzu’s relationship so much. Whether you see their relationship as romantic or platonic, I think that it’s clear that they do love each other. The group friendship between Yuya, Yuzu, Gongenzaka is so great. Yuya, Yuzu and Sora’s friendship is so wonderful too. Yugo and Rin are my second favorite pairing in the series. I love Yuya and Jack’s friendship so much and how they grow to respect each other. Yuya and Ed’s friendship is pretty great too.
fav moment: There are so many great moments in the series, but I’d still have to go with Yuya vs. Jack round two. That was just such a fantastic duel. Whenever I think about that match, Yuya getting the crowd to duel alongside him, Jack happily accepting defeat with a smile and raising Yuya’s arm as the victor at the end, I can’t help but feel happier inside and out.
headcanons/theories: I still like the idea of the original Zarc being within Yuya. There wouldn’t be enough of him to where Yuya could talk to him, but he’d still get more of his memories over time. The Zarc in Reira is kind of another fragment of his demon self with traces of his original self. If Zarc was split apart into four pieces the first time, he could be split into five pieces the second time around.
unpopular opinion: I think that Yuzu doesn’t get nearly enough credit for effectively saving the world. I can understand people being upset that she didn’t get a duel in the third season. That was a disappointment for me too, but I feel like people also overlook that she still had an important role in the storyline and had significant impact on other characters even without dueling. It’s also one of the reasons why I hate it when people say that she became a plot device character. In my experience, plot device characters usually only have one important relationship with another character. While the show focused more on Yuya and Yuzu’s friendship once they were separated, she still affected other characters like Sora, Serena and Yugo. Her relationships with them, along with Shuzo, were pretty important too. I understand that people want more proactive female duelists in this franchise. We don’t have a lot of them, but I don’t think that’s the only way a character can contribute to the storyline.
how’d you find it: I’ve been watching the franchise for years and I watched it right after watching Zexal. I never made it passed the first season of the dub since I didn’t care for most of the voices or changes and I’d rather not get the two versions mixed up in my mind too.
random thoughts: I love this series so much. Even with the fanbase being problematic to say the least, it doesn’t affect my love for Arc V. I love so many characters, so many duels and so many moments. It celebrates the franchise while providing its own story at the same time. Arc V makes me appreciate that I’ve been a fan of the franchise all these years. It is a terrific series, easily my favorite series in the franchise and quite possibly my favorite toyetic series. I love Arc V so much.
My Hero Academia:
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching| might watch | currently watching| dropped| hated it | meh| a positive okay| liked it| liked it a lot!| loved it| a favorite
don’t watch period| drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes| give it a go, could be your thing| 5 star recommendation
fav characters: Midoriya is so likable and you pretty much instantly want to root for him. Urarka is so sweet and I love her bubbly personality. Iida is pretty fun and his role in the Hero Killer arc made him more interesting. Todoroki is pretty cool and I like how his development was handled. All Might is just such a great likable mentor figure. Aizawa turned out to be a lot cooler than I expected, mainly due to his fight during the USJ attack in the first season.
least fav characters: Mineta is the obligatory answer, but that sexist pervert is indeed the worse. He might be the most one note character in the cast and Hagakure’s gag is being invisible. While I don’t think he’d be one of my least favorite characters anymore, my initial reaction to Bakugo was not good. I knew that he’d be the bully rival character, but I wasn’t expecting him to tell Midoriya to commit suicide in the first episode. His attitude in the first season in general, especially in his first fight against Midoriya, also hit a nerve. I’ve dealt with bullies who treat you like emotional punching bags and hit harder when they think that you’re better at them in something, which is basically what happened during that first combat training match. He does fortunately become more interesting as the series progressed and he was always surprisingly smart, but that initial negative reaction was still pretty intense.
fav relationship: I love Midoriya and All Might’s student/mentor relationship. It’s probably one of my favorite things about the series since they become like a father and son so quickly. I’m happy that I finally get all of the Dad Might jokes I would hear about before watching the series now. Their connection feels so genuine and sweet. The group friendship between Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida is wonderful. Their group dynamic is so great and sweet. Midoriya and Totoroki’s friendship is pretty great. While it feels a bit one-sided, I grew to like Bakugo and Kirashima’s friendship. Kirashmia’s concern over Bakugo when he was kidnapped and Bakugo paying him back afterwards made it a lot sweeter than I expected.
fav moment: I still love All Might telling Midoriya that he could become a hero. No matter how many times I see that moment, Midoriya crying is still so emotionally effective. The final blow during Midoriya and Todoroki’s fight in the Sports Festival was just amazing. The fight against the Hero Killer was pretty awesome. All Might hugging Midoriya after the fight against All For One was so emotional and touching. I wanted to see them hug since the Sports Festival arc and it finally happened, but at such a price.
headcanons/theories: I’m not sure if I have any at the moment. I still need to finish season three, so I might some once I finish that up.
unpopular opinion: I don’t really like the Midoriya and Bakugo pairing. I can kind of see why people would like it, but it just doesn’t appeal to me. I usually don’t like pairings where at least one of the characters don’t like the other one. Plus, after seeing Midoriya help Bakugo pass their final exam against All Might, I think that Midoriya is way too good for him.
how’d you find it: I heard about the manga and anime for awhile, but I didn’t watch it until it was on Toonami. I loved it pretty much from the first episode, watched it weekly through the first season and then I binged watched season two and most of season three within four days. I was enjoying the series too much to just watch it weekly when I could watch more right away. Plus, I didn’t want to accidentally spoil anything while looking up what to reblog, especially when a lot of people had already seen the first couple of seasons at least.
random thoughts: My Hero Academia is really good. It is definitely a shonen series and I don’t know if it breaks a lot of new ground compared to just executing familiar concepts really well, but either way, it is a lot of fun. The characters are likable, the fights are solid, the powers are cool, the setting is unique and the emotional moments are well earned. It is a great show and I’m glad that I finally started to watch it.
Thank you for asking. ^_^
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indygotcha · 7 years
Wondering a ton about Denki Kaminari
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Now and then I find it bit humorous that Kaminari gets quite, if not most swimmingly along, with Mineta, already cemented as most hated character in the series due his pervertic tendences, some which Denki was also shown to have back in Sports Festival Arc due the Cheerleaders-stunt he and Mineta pulled on the 1-A Girls. 
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Since then it’s been pretty much a norm to pair Denki with Mineta as a duo of pervertic losers in various fanworks, if not subtly in the series due Denki already being possibly a hopeless womanizer (OVA 2, if non-canon but still accepted as fanon depiction) and bit of a perv, whom most of the class doesn’t take liking off naturally and treat him almost as dismissively as Mineta due how well he and Mineta get along with their negative traits (if not for his loser tendencies).
This of course doesn’t apply as much to when Denki’s being part of Bakusquad, but again, even there he sticks out being the idiotic bum of the group.
At some ways, such a pair-up makes me wonder if it’s intentional in this faux-selfaware way on stabbing at the shallow character archetype that Denki’s represents, being the typical “loser comic relief” that’s been done to death by this point of in whole spectrum of animation medium and not usually done anything new or fresh with, like in case of Sokka from ATLA or Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill - because how just straightforward this archetype is in means of how you have to write it, and exists in this spectrum away from main cast that implies they’re not to be taken seriously compared to the other characters.
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Since they’re not treated with much respect or depth as other characters, they come off as highly irritating and shallow over time, and never are treated much well by most, if not everybody. These tend include the authors themselves because how they view this role/archetype the comic relieves are written for, and results in the comic relieves coming off too sympathetic for the audience to find much comedy off over time, as shown in this bit infamous copypasta showcasing Yohei Sunohara’s overall role and involvement in CLANNAD.
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Now I get it, I’m sure ton of people don’t mind characters like this since they can bring in good sum of humor to the series they’re in.  But over time I’ve come to notice more and more how these kind of comic relieves just stick out jarringly from others, due just how formulaic and shallow these characters just get as series’ progress. 
Mainly this is because they’re not given much depth and chances for character development that allows them to mend up their former tendencies or poor dynamics with rest of the cast, giving us some showcase that they are also believable characters capable of growing. Even worse is that when they do develop, they’d compensate out their comedic traits in the process to show they are to be taken more seriously among others, kind of enforcing that comic relieves are actually bad/awful kinds of people that none’s gonna like until they become “reformed” completely into less haughty and respecting of others, usually shedding off the “comedy relief” part of themselves as it mainly stems from them being too self-centered and egoistic/haughty of themselves.
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Now how this all pertains to Denki, I know he’s had some great moments as of now (especially his big moment in Hero License Exam Arc)  but I guess him still being kind of dismissed by some characters (mainly girls) because what he’s like, implies to me that Denki has to still develop bit further to not become actually irritating to them over time, or I can’t really take him as seriously as other characters, due how much more depth other characters are, and will get compared to him.
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On that end, when Bakugou was able to tap better on Denki’s comedy relief tendencies better than Denki himself even did, and show it as part of slow character development he’s been having - that’s bit of bumming to Denki’s character he’s meant to represent as a whole, since he wasn’t allowed to take advantage of that for the better mood of the class after rather grave series of events.
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I guess I might be saying this too early or taking this too seriously, who knows what’s in store for the Denki as he’s still trying to find his Whey. But if to be really honest with myself, I wanted to vent this out for good after dealing with too many characters resembling what he’s been like, and getting tired off how they don’t feel as believable characters, or are treated as such.
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