#i made this bc i was irritated by my own gender dysphoria
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getting some feelings out there
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All the gay asks bc you made me do all of them
OWO thank you I love you1. describe your idea of a perfect dateAll of them??? Kakhiwkdkalgr walking around the beach or going to a bookstore or maybe a forest to chill or an abandoned place for a spooky date??? Movie date??? Ocean date??? Marriage date??? All good!!! Crab catching would certainly be on the agenda though. The oceans the best2. whats your “type”My type? Uhh anyone that’s nice to me lmao. Someone i can joke with and I know that cares about me. Quiet on the outside but like, nurturing and fun when you get to know em. Someone that doesn’t let people treat em like garbage because i yearn to be like that. On a side note I’m not sure why but most people i used to tend to have crushes on were ISFJs (or ESFJs) probably because they fit the criteria above. I don’t really like people that are totally my personality, and I think it’s important to not surround yourself with yes people or people that vehemently disagree with you. And communication! V important In terms of looks though? The kinds of girls I’m attracted to vary a lot actually. Buff girls soft girls tall girls short girls thin girls medium girls big tiddy little tiddy it’s all good. I guess I tend to prefer girls that aren’t white (not in a fetishistic way of course it’s just most girls that I’ve had crushes on or knew that were gay that were white just had really bad personalities and that brand of White Feminism™️ sorry if I worded this poorly) brown or black hair I guess? Just someone that doesn’t look like me adjnrujbslltgbk. Also someone I can squish and hug nicely. Of course I think there’s a lotta bullshit with people limiting themselves to only a few criteria and the racism or body type discrimination is total bullshit. Fetishisation is just as bad. There’s just so many cute girls out there why be a shitlord to people y’know? 3. do you want kids?Later on in life, if my partner would then yeah sure why not. I hate babies though so I would...4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?Adopt definitely. I’d personally prefer to adopt a kid that’s older, because they have a less chance of being chosen and I want them to be raised in a loving environment. 5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been onI’ve never been on an actual date ;v; but tbh any date I’d have with my gf would automatically top the list6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)I’ve never had sex so I got no gosh dang clue aside from fantasies, which I would be nervous as heck but ultimately want to be as adoring as possible and kisses everywhere7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?Mornings when you don’t have to go to things are amazing and beautiful but otherwise afternoon or night time gay. Anything that isn’t midday is good though8. opinion on nap dates?I’d be down for it. Sleeping is great, but cuddling and sleeping? Even better! Doesn’t matter for how long but yes! Good shit!!! 9. opinion on brown eyes?Only the most beautiful thing ever??? Brown and black eyes being ugly is a government lie, they are gorgeous. Black eyes just have that deep obsidian stare and like an adoring cat with dialated pupils you just want to hug, and brown eyes??? When the light hits them or you’re staring into them? Beautiful galaxies my dude. 10. dog gay or cat gay?I love dogs but I would never own one unless my partner wanted one. They’re just not a companion I prefer to cats. Cats are very good and fluffy and compact in comparison to dogs. Dogs are amazing though and I need to pay every one I see. 11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?Dude we already planned to live in a pseudo-barn to have crabs, rats, bats, cats and lizards 12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someoneSomeone who’s very ‘my way or the high way’. (My mum’s a lot like this and it’s caused me to try to constantly be appeasing. But with my mental illness I’ve gotten a lot more irritated by it.) Or someone that is a bit too mean I’m joking about people to the point where you don’t know if they’re serious. (I have this problem a lot with ‘friends’ and it leads to a lot of doubts and depression.) Also highly argumentative people who want to seem better than you and debate everything you say. (Just...ew.)13. what is a misconception you had about lgbt people before you realized you were one?I live in a homophobic family, so I used to think gay was a swear word lmao. I was told that we were unnatural, burning in hell, hypersexual, all that shit. Issues on trans people were even worse, and back when I considered the possibility of me being a trans man (while I experience dysphoria In my body I don’t think I would ID as a man- at the time I didn’t know what agender identities were) I was made to feel like it was the worst thing ever or that it didn’t exist that everyone was just straight and ‘normal’ 14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger selfDon’t pretend you’re aroace to hide who you are, you’re autistic but that’s okay just don’t overwhelm yourself, try to do things to the best you can. Also toxic feminity/masculinity is bullshit don’t feel guilty about wearing anything. You’re gay it’s so much easier now and don’t let people dictate of make you defend yourself 15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?Lmao nah. There is always that awkward moment when you think you see a hot butch but then he’s a twink. Bamboozled again. 16. who is an ex you regret?A few years ago I was forced into a relationship with some rude ass dude who ignored that I ID’d as aroace at the time. I guess at the time I had some comp het so I think that’s why I went along with it? It was kinda some toxic shit like nothing nsfw but he was just a huge dick that went off at the slightest disagreement and I’m glad I got rid of that trash lmao17. night club gay or cafe gay?Cafe gay by far!!! Well I’ve never been to a night club, but I’m someone who gets overwhelmed by loud noises and people, so it wouldn’t be the place for me. Cafes are relaxing18. who is one person you would “go straight” forNo one lmao, The only possibility of slightly me becoming straight is like a fictional character19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?Books and video game gay! There needs to be more gaymes, but books are good I just have less time to read them as opposed to gaymes which I can do whenever 20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)Probably RenMerry from Touhou! These two mean a lot to me, and got me into the series that helped me realise I was a lesbian! These two just work so well together that I strive to have a relationship like that- a slightly bickery old couple with the freshness of new adventure tied together with a love that will never fade away even as it transcends borders~21. favourite gay youtuberDon’t really have one. I’m not really into the British youtuber scene and the ones that I do sub don’t really talk about their sexuality or not (I think sailor j might be bi? But that’s about it) I usually watch comedy channels or vocaloid covers. Actually Oktavia’s Gay, yeah let’s go with her. Her voice is amazing and made me realise how much I love deep voices22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?Ahbkowejkboesh I’ve had crushes on straight people that I’ve wanted to hang out with but no of course not I’m too shy for that shit23. have you ever been in love?Yes! And I’m still doing so right now! 24. have you ever been heartbroken?While in a relationship? No. But like the whole ‘falling in love with a straight girl senpai and then everyone tells her that you have a crush on her which causes you to be distant to each other leading you to cry copiously at her graduation and never truly repairing your friendship which is all you ever wanted and never being able to talk to her again?’ ...y yeah 25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someoneHonestly I try to make a distinction between ‘people I have crushes on’ and ‘people I would date’ bc yeah someone might be cute but dating is another story. I’m someone who varies a lot in style (as someone who may possibly be gender fluid or agender but hasnthad the opportunity to explore that for family reasons) 26. favourite lgbt musician/bandUhhh Queen I guess? Idk I need more gay shit recommend me please. Queen is quality shit though 27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gaysDon’t ever feel the need to apologise or defend you being gay. Be happy even if other people aren’t about you. If you’re autistic chances are you’ll question your identity, don’t worry about it and just love who you love. If you’re a lesbian especially don’t apologise or feel you have to be in a certain role to ‘be truly gay’ and also please ask people out otherwise you’ll never get anywhere- all lesbians are useless and I got lucky shjgowkgowlgr. But above all, don’t feel guilty and have fun exploring yourself and fleshing our who you are, even if you can’t always show that out loud. 28. are you out? if so how did you come outI’m not out to any family member (I say that I’m aroace but they believe I’m straight despite jokes on the contrary) but pretty much everyone that isn’t a complete stranger knows. I can’t help but talk adoringly over my girlfriend so it just happens. Otherwise I go on some spheal about homophobic bullshit dropping hints that I’m gay before saying I’m gay. It’s led to some shittalking and other various bullshit but I don’t give a fuck anymore 29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have Believing I was aroace and my friends saying that i was in denial of being gay. I was like ‘lmao Domi’s just a friend I lowkey have a crush on her but she’s just being nice :^)’ then like a week later burst through the door like BITCH GUESS WHOS GAY FOR HER GIRLFRIEND 30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexualityEvaluate the consequences of coming out. While I live in a homophobic family, Australia is somewhat accepting and there’s no conversion therapy to my knowledge at least (there are highly fundamentalist Christian groups but I’m not sure if they include forms of violence) Especially if you are in an anti-gay country or an area where you could be persecuted, I think it’s important to be out to at least one person you know who supports you. It could be online or a friend that you know you could trust (if you don’t know if you could try subtly bring it up and see their reaction, but better safe than sorry.) because it’s hard to go through this entirely alone. While it’s important to be unapologetic of who you are, it’s more important to protect yourself- this doesn’t make you wrong, but the people who make you feel wrong wrong.
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For an Anon who requested (paraphrased):
Trans masculine Simmons, FitzSimmons & fluff.
FitzSimmons! Wow I feel like I hardly write those two these days. It’s nice to stretch the ol’ wings again. Brief context: Fitz is a post op trans man, Simmons is... happily Jemma-ing along, business as usual, for now.
Though the initial prompt uses masculine pronouns I’ve transitioned Simmons to neutral pronouns instead, as it felt more suitable for various reasons that I’m happy to explain separately. I hope the prompter (and everyone else of course) enjoys nonetheless!
Fluff (& a bit of hurt/comfort sentiment bc I’m a sap).
Rated T for some sexual/nsfw references & TW: mild dysphoria
Read on AO3 (~2200wd)
the more things change
Jemma stood in front of the mirror, and studied herself. She didn’t often do this, not since her younger days of body image issues had faded behind her, but lately, something felt off. Was she losing weight? Was she bloating? Had she only just noticed how short her legs looked when she stood flat, having grown accustomed to wearing boots and heels in her new administrative position? No, no, and no, it didn’t seem to be any of these things. Yet, her body felt wrong. Was she getting sick again, maybe dissociating? It didn’t feel quite like that, either. It was a mysterious strangeness, an out-of-place-ness, that had been hanging around her like a poltergeist the last few days – few weeks, maybe? – but, she recalled as she thought on it now, it only happened when she looked at or touched her own body.
She hummed, pensive and mildly concerned at this revelation, and Fitz looked up from his reading.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, a small frown furrowing his brow.
“Nothing,” Jemma assured him, but she turned in front of the mirror, examining her breasts and hips. Perhaps her proportions were different for some reason? They didn’t seem so, and her clothes fit as well as they ever had. She put a hand on her belly. It was a little bloated, but she’d recently eaten and it was nearing the end of the day. That was to be expected. She hummed again.
“You feeling okay?” Fitz checked. Jemma turned to face him.
“Do I look okay?”
“Beautiful, always,” he swore, and Jemma blushed a little, but rolled her eyes.
“I mean, do I look different?” she restated. “Something feels – weird, I don’t know. I don’t feel myself.”
“You look yourself,” Fitz promised. “Healthy and glowing as always. And I’m not just saying that. You know you look after yourself.”
Jemma shrugged, and sat down on the side of the bed, unsatisfied. Fitz cast his reading aside and massaged her shoulders gently.
“It’s probably nothing to worry about,” he assured her. “You’re probably just exhausted.”
“Come to bed, then,” Fitz beckoned. “An early night will be good for the both of us.”
With no better ideas, Jemma dragged herself back to their chest of drawers, and pulled out one of Fitz’s old Academy shirts to sleep in. Unfortunately, her body had other plans, and though Fitz turned off the lights and fell asleep soon enough, Jemma lay awake and stared at the ceiling for some time afterward. Her restless mind raised possibility after possibility. It was probably something she’d eaten, or a stressor that she’d forgotten about, but she couldn’t help but wonder – could it be hormonal? She wasn’t pregnant, was she? Not unless her IUD was defective, which was unlikely – but! There, nearby in her mind, was another thought that might be useful. She’d had this feeling at the beginning of a few periods, before.
“Oh, great,” she grumbled to herself, rolling onto her side in irritation. Just PMS and it had kept her up half the night. Half a night more than it deserved. Maybe she’d have to see about adjusting her contraception – but that, she thought with relief, could wait until the morning.
After that night, the issue was… well not dropped exactly, but, for a time, successfully ignored. Jemma intentionally avoided spending time in front of the mirror and adjusted her hormones and that seemed to do the trick. Only, she also went back to flats and tennis shoes, and she wore a singlet under her blouses even when it was quite warm, and she started signing her documents Dr. J. – instead of Jemma – Simmons, PhD. To the untrained eye, these were unconnected tweaks; minor and independent lifestyle changes in the name of health, comfort, and professional aesthetic. To Fitz’s very-much-trained eye, however, they were emblematic of a deeper change in Jemma; one that even she might struggle to access.
As any good scientist would, and as Jemma would expect and would, no doubt, find comforting should his theory prove correct (or at least, interesting if not), Fitz compiled several months of evidence. He grew ever more sure of his intuitive conclusion, and began to complement it with updated and accredited research and personal accounts. It began to build a picture, and while it was only one picture – only one potential explanation for Jemma’s feelings – he began to feel such a strong passion for it that he had to remind himself how likely it was that he could be wrong. The goal was to help Jemma feel like herself, Fitz repeated, and this just seemed the best way, at this point, to do that.
Only once he was prepared both to be right, and to be wrong, did Fitz bring the subject up with Jemma. It was a night not unlike the one that had started him thinking, except that the mirror was half-hidden and covered up these days, out of use, and it was Jemma in bed reading as Fitz uncovered it.
“Jemma?” Fitz requested. “Come over here.”
“Why?” Jemma got up, but eyed the mirror uncertainly.
“I want to try something. Put this on.”
“Are those – Speedos?”
Jemma narrowed her eyes. She couldn’t see where this was going. Was it a prank, perhaps? But there was something in Fitz’s eyes that made her trust him, and pull on the underwear she’d never seen before in her life. Fitz passed her another garment. A white button-up shirt. Not tailor-cut, but too small for any of the guys on base, that she had seen anyway. Fitz watched intently for her reaction as she buttoned it up and pulled it flat, but aside from mild confusion and mild satisfaction, she wasn’t sure what he wanted out of her. He followed the shirt with her own pants and belt, and finished off by presenting Jemma with one of his own ties. He did it up for her because – well, he seemed to know where he was going with all this, and Jemma didn’t. But when he stepped away, out from between her and the mirror, she blinked in astonishment.
“I look different,” she said, and her voice was not tainted with melancholy this time, but flavoured with a spark of hope; of excitement.
“Still yourself,” Fitz offered. “If you feel okay.”
“I do! But I don’t – I mean, I don’t understand,” Jemma said, confused. “You didn’t change anything, I already basically dress like this, why –“
She met his eyes, and the depth of his suggestion that she had somehow missed before began to sink in.
“I changed the cut of the shirt,” Fitz explained. “That changes the shape of your body, which might be why it’s more comfortable to look at your reflection now. And, just a point of interest, that belt you’ve been wearing for years is a man’s belt, too.”
“Men’s belts are just better,” Jemma pointed out. “But the shirt, I - I’m not sure I get it. Change the shape of my body? Why?”
Fitz had been hoping the physical sensations of the new outfit would do a lot more of the explaining for him, but since that apparently was not to be, he took a deep breath and let it spill.
“You remember that night, about three months or so ago, you said your body felt different and wrong and you weren’t sure why? That’s called dysphoria, and it’s a common sign of – well, of being… transgender. Other common things you’ve been doing are, wearing men’s clothes - although admittedly that’s a weak one, wearing a singlet - which can mean a desire to bind your chest or even get rid of your breasts - and showing preference for a neutral rather than gendered name and pronouns.”
“A what-now?”
“It’s hard to notice because people don’t often talk about you in third person when you’re present, but think about it. Like, for example, just off the top of my head: you hate being called Miss or Jemma. You’ve always preferred Doctor, Agent, or Simmons. You even introduce yourself to your friends by your last, gender-neutral name.”
“So do you!”
“That’s a point to me, though.”
Jemma pouted, her logic thwarted.
“I like it when you call me Jemma,” she retorted.
“Yes, because it’s your name. You also don’t have a screaming desire to have a penis, as far as I’ve noticed, but – look, just think about it, okay? Obviously, I can’t tell you what’s in your head, but I’ve got a pretty unique lens to view this stuff through and I thought it was worth a mention.”
“Is that why you stuffed my pants with – what is this, socks?” Jemma stuffed a hand down her pants and tossed them away. “I’m happy with my – my lower half just how it is, thank you. And isn’t the penis, you know, sort of the point? Not that I think you’re right. I’m just curious.”
Fitz snorted. Not that I think you’re right was always a good sign, if not a dead giveaway, and after all their years together he still wasn’t sure whether Jemma even noticed that she said it.
“No, the penis isn’t part of it for a lot of people. Some people don’t even bind their chests, or even want to. Or they do some days and not others. Bodies and genders are weird and complex. You know that.”
“I do.” Jemma sighed, and studied her reflection again. There was a long moment of surprisingly heavy silence, and Fitz almost offered to leave the room from the sheer weight of it, except that Jemma reached out for him.
“Actually,” she said. “Do you think – could we try that binding thing after all?”
With this new knowledge, experimental though it was, Simmons roamed through her life in a new way. Reading Fitz’s notes, and remembering and discovering new feelings and new inconsistencies along the way, she became they, as the landscape of gender shifted before them. Through slips in conversation, Jemma turned back into Simmons, for the most part, and the little J. became a friendly reminder of this discovery of self. They researched gender, and gender dysphoria, and found a whole slew of anxiety symptoms that coincided with gender dysphoria and could have hidden it for so long. They were especially relieved to find that many of these symptoms abated beyond what they’d thought possible, the more they settled into themselves.
For his part, Fitz was ceaselessly supportive. He rolled with Jemma’s feminine days, Simmons’ masculine ones, and the ones in between as best he could. He brought ties and unpinched shirts, and a man’s watch that he thought wouldn’t be too ridiculously huge on Simmons’ relatively small arm. This, he presented to them for their birthday, along with a proper binder that was safe and supportive. He helped them put it on and together they both stood in front of the mirror once more.
“It’s beautiful, Fitz, thank you,” Simmons said, admiring their figure. The singlet-like binder itself didn’t look anything special, but it felt like a hug, and when they put a shirt on over it – even one of their more feminine blouses – there was something about it that felt right. They smiled, and turned to lean up on their toes and kiss Fitz.
Pulling away, though, their smile dropped a little. Fitz caught their hands, frowning with concern.
“What is it, love?” he wondered.
“I was just thinking,” Simmons said. “I think it’s time to tell the others. I’m not sure how they’ll take it. What it’ll mean.”
“I think you forget that our best friend is an alien superweapon,” Fitz pointed out. “The team can probably handle a little gender shake-up. And as for what it’ll all mean – well, to me what it means is you might not be my beautiful wife, but my handsome partner instead, and that as well as being in love with such a wonderful, intelligent, kind and powerful person, I have the privilege of knowing that I helped them become more balanced, more content and better at one with themselves in the world.”
“You already should have known that long before all this, Fitz. You’ve made me happier since the day I met you.”
“I beg to differ.”
“I was talking overall net increase.”
“Okay. I’ll let you have that one. Or is it myself I’m letting have..?”
Laughing, Simmons knotted their fingers between Fitz’s and swung their arms apart in a wide circle, opening a gate through which they could lean forward and up on their toes again to kiss Fitz’s teasing smile off his face. They leaned on his chest for a while, and eventually Fitz untangled their fingers and wrapped his arms around them. They looked up at him, eyes sparkling with hope and love and Fitz thought he must be looking back with rather the same expression. Simmons smiled at him.
“I’m serious, Fitz,” they said. “You make me eternally happy. Especially these last few weeks; thanks for helping me find my feet in this mess. You’ve been incredible. So knowledgeable and supportive. Really, I can only dream to one day repay the favour.”
Fitz snorted softly, too fondly to be derisive, and Simmons knew what was coming before he said it:
“You already have.”
#fitzsimmons#fsfic#thefitzsimmonsnetwork#aosficnet2#trans!simmons#trans!fitz#prompt me stuff#clara's fic tag#happy pride!
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Social Justice is so fucking IRRITATING
Seeing this bullshit everywhere is really starting to get on my - and everyone else's - nerves. There's a set of fucking rules, is it really that hard to follow them?? For example, Racism is hate against another race, NO MATTER THE COLOR. It isn't exclusive to anybody at all. PERIOD. That's the DEFINITION. Isn't that easy to follow? And, isn't it easy to realize that hate against any race is wrong? Oh, but no, you SJW fuckers have to take it and make it your own definition, your own PERSONAL PROBLEM that you probably don't even experience! I'm gonna rant about separate issues that SJWs have corrupted since 2016; Islam isn't peaceful. Period. You claim it to be, and sure there are those muslims who have their morals, but the laws in Saudi Arabia are absolutely horrid. You can't defend their beliefs, their treatment of people - how they stone women who don't follow the laws. They murder people who don't follow their laws. And that's peace to you? There are biologically only two genders - including transgender. Trans isn't a separate gender - it's still either male or female. You can't be nonbinary because you still have either more or less of estrogen or testosterone - and if you genuinely think you have dysphoria, then by all means, get tested! But don't go crying if you don't, bc 'ur invalidating me!1!!1!1!' You have to have dysphoria in order to be trans. Because it's a medical condition. Not an outfit or a personality. Period. Not that you fuckers will acknowledge science, but i can try my best. Feminism isnt needed by anybody in first world countries. Third wave feminism is ridiculous. Us women have all the things we want - we can vote, we can get a job, we can literally do all this stuff and all that's stopping you is your own 'oppression'. You guys claim yourselves as victims so everything is easier. You don't actually want to work, you don't actually want to do anything but laze back and gain gender superiority. Newsflash - work for yourself or you're not getting shit. Period. Black lives matter - oh, god, do I have quarrels with BLM - You guys are a fucking CULT. Y'all crash other people's parties, protest for something so minuscule it isn't the LEAST of anyone's worries, and beat up white people for WHAT? I say racial superiority. Why? Because god damn, saying a simple fact - 'Blacks get killed by blacks moreso than whites kill blacks' - gets you all riled up because, oh my god! We can't actually help our community! We gotta be a dick to the whites! AND ONLY THE WHITES? For what? BEING WHITE! And then you blame your racism on 'But ur ancestors owned slaves, and discriminated!1!!' Actually, you dumb cunt, my ancestors probably didn't own shit. Also, your ancestors probably had just as many slaves as the Chinese. Why? Because the majority of slave owners weren't WHITE! [In fact the first slave owner was black owning a white man - Anthony, an Angolan]. But when I present this to them they brush it off as 'Uh, U don't know ur history! Get the facts right!' Honey, YOU get your facts right, because do you really think something so economically significant at the time would be looked over by most of the population? Do you REALLY think, that it was all because 'hurr durr whites are evil'? No, everyone at the time saw it as a financial gain. (Is slavery wrong? Yes! But that's no excuse to blame a single race [and none others] for something that no one alive today has done!) The worst part, is that because I'm white, y'all will look over what i said and go 'UR RACIST SEXIST MYSOGYNISTIC OPPRESSOR!! DIE!1!1!' Gay pride, or moreso, the LGBT community in general. You guys have so many issues, it's ridiculous. Granted, y'all aren't as bad as BLM, but for fucks sake you guys need to clean up your own shit. There's so much sensitivity in this area that it's ridiculous - and then they blame others for their own hurt feelings that THEY THEMSELVES can control. Yo, lgbt folk - stop treating 'straight white cis male' as bad. Stop treating transtrenders as acceptable. Also, stop making up genders and sexualities! Jesus christ! Also, if your sexuality or gender is all you talk about and it's seriously the only thing interesting about you, then you have issues. for real get a hobby jfc Cultural Appropriation. This issue is so fucking flawed it's ridiculous. 'Ohhh ur wearing a hairstyle that somehow makes me triggerd bc it's in my culture ! YOU CANT WEAR IT BC UR WHITE!' Do you realize how dumb this sounds? Saying a white person cant wear dreadlocks because it offends YOU PERSONALLY is so fucking sensitive. ITS A FUCKING HAIRSTYLE! Y'all don't complain about Blacks wearing straight hair, and that isn't appropriating white culture, you only care about POC! What happened to the freedom of speech law - that you can wear literally anything you damn well please? It's a fucking costume, it's a fucking hairstyle. Nothing more, nothin less. DEAL. If i want to wear Dreadlocks bc they look good (not that they actually do, imo) then I fucking will because it's my hair, my choice, and it's just a fucking hair style so fucking hell get over it. Overall, social justice has turned into an overall cult. I'm not the only one who's tired of this. I'm gaining hope for the future because, the Social Justice Warrior population is dwindling, from Laci Green finally converting to accounts on this hellsite being made to fight this cult behavior.
#sjw#social justice#feminism#anti feminism#blm#anti blm#it's just so fucking retarded#i'm done okay#i needed to rant
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