#i lowkey rushed this cuz i need to work on bots still -w-;
baby--b4t · 2 months
hihi!! fishie anon again with yet another minifc idea :3
m!reader who still hasn’t come to terms with the fact he regresses, so he tries to push the feelins away until it backfires, leaving baizhu, his s/o to babysit a rlly upset and pouty bb
oh. my. goodness. FISHIE YOURE KILLING ME WITH THESE CUTE ASKS /pos. baizhu taking care of his baby boy that is in denial of being his baby boy?????? BAIZHU WHO CONSTANTLY REMINDS SAID BABY BOY THAT HE IS, IN FACT, HIS BABY BOY-
i love this. have a minificヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ
Things felt so hard and for no reason. It was like you were a toddler incapable of doing the most basic task, and you hated it. You told yourself that you wouldnt regress, that you wouldnt succumb to that, but your mind has other plans.
Baizhu had been organizing some recent deliveries when he stopped and listened, noticing it was oddly quiet. He usually never minded the quiet but today you had come with him to the pharmacy. It shouldnt have been silent like this.
“Darling?” Baizhu called out as he began wandering around the pharmacy, looking for you. Thats when he found you sitting behind a counter, your cheeks wet from crying and a book not too far from you. You had been trying to read and relax but the words on the page suddenly werent making sense. You got irritated and threw the book down in front of you.
Baizhu saw how upset you looked and it broke his heart. He gently crouched down in front of you and tilted your face to meet his.
“Whats the matter, dear? Why have you been crying alone?” Baizhu asked, wiping some of the wetness from your face. You felt your lip tremble as you told him everything. The regression, the book, and how you hated it all. He was patient and let you get all of your words out before responding.
“I see.. Why would you want to push away your regression, dear? You know its there because your brain needs to relax.” At this point Baizhu had coaxed you into his arms, the two of you sitting on the ground with each other. “If youre actively pushing away something your brain is giving to you as a sign of exhaustion, then it should be expected that youre going to get overwhelmed.”
You tried to hide your face in your hands, feeling like a shy toddler in your partners arms. Baizhu noticed this and chuckled softly.
“Is someone feeling a little shy?” He teased, lifting your chin so he could see your face. “Dont hide from me, sweetheart. Youre safe here.” A small kiss was placed on the side of your head, Baizhu letting you go back to hiding away in his arms. Eventually he had to get you to stand up and move somewhere more comfortable, but he was more focused on getting you to calm down.
“Sweet boy.. You know this is perfectly fine, right? Theres no shame in letting yourself heal.” Baizhu softened his voice, hoping it would help ease your mind a bit. All he got as a response from you was some angry whining. He let out a sigh that turned into a small laugh. “Youre such a stubborn little thing, you know that?” He teased.
The two of you finally got up and moved over to a more comfortable spot. He set you on one of the beds he usually used for his patients, but business had been a bit slow today. He just wanted you to feel like you could relax and what better place to do that than in a bed? Baizhu quickly learned the answer to that. The best place to relax was in your lovers arms.
You laid on his chest, head buried in the crook of his neck as he idly stroked your hair. Baizhu had set Changsheng down for a while and let her take a break from being with him all day, allowing you to take up the space she normally did. He smiled as he watched you calm down from your upset mood earlier. It melted his heart a bit to see you so sleepy cuddled up with him like this.
“Youre just my baby boy right now, arent you?” Baizhu mumbled softly, moving a few stray hairs out of your face. You whined and tried to hide your face from him, wanting to deny what he said forever. “Come now, you cant possibly cuddle with me like this and not be my baby boy! You look too sweet to deny that fact.” He added on with a slight giggle. He felt you huff against him, pouting as you didnt want to seem so small to him.
“Perhaps my baby boy should take a nap, hm? Crying and feeling all frustrated can make someone like you quite tired.” Baizhu gently pulled a blanket over the two of you. It wasnt an amazing blanket, but it was something nonetheless. He wrapped it around you slightly and held you closely. It was almost like he was trying to swaddle you without actually moving you too much. He just wanted to place you in the blanket like a cocoon, making you feel secure and safe.
“Rest now, my dear. Theres nothing that you need to worry about except relaxing.” Baizhu murmured, placing one last kiss on the crown of your head. His hand rubbed small circles in your back in an effort to coax you into sleeping. Even though you tried to hide it from him, he could see all of your exhaustion now. He was going to make sure his baby boy got the rest he needed.
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