#i loveee reading theories about it because ive actually been hoping theyve been related since around cbt3
yurieater69 · 2 months
One of the things I love about Soldier 11 that I love is the HUGE LORE POTENTIAL she has for the story. I SWEAR she will have some huge stuff getting thrown her way in the story. (if you will allow me to ramble for a quick second) It's obvious that Anby and Soldier 11 are related to eachother, Soldier 11's character teaser prominently shows Anby in a mentor type role TO Soldier 11. It *could* be that Anby formerly held leadership of the Obol Squad before she disappeared/left/whatever happened to her to leave; this made Soldier 11 resentful of Anby, seeing it as a betrayal and THUS why she hates people who betray their own, and then being saddled with the responsibility to head this Squad that Anby formerly led. I am sold on the crackpot theory that Anby and Soldier 11 are clones somehow. Maybe Soldier 11 is the clone of Anby, maybe they're both clones, who knows, but I LOVE THE IDEA OF THAT! It's honestly kind of heartbreaking when you think about it: Consider that you've admired this person, they've taught you *everything* that you've known, they always preach about loyalty, always holding your back, training alongside you. They were cold, distant at time even but that's the cost of being in this group, you get the short end of the stick because you're...not original. You're disposable, but your mentor keeps you grounded, makes sure you're better than what *they* believe. You're far from the perfect soldier, but you'll make it there, so long as you have your mentor guiding you through all of this. ...Then, one day, you never see them again. You hold out hope that they return some day, that they're saddled with some operation that you don't know about. You take over in their absence, regardless of how underprepared you are; you stay loyal to the mission, you devoid yourself of emotion, you do not back down because *that is what they taught you to do.* And every day, that feeling of resentment just gets worse and worse, this bitterness in your chest that seems to stain the past more and more because you *believed* in them, you aspired to BE like them and then they just *leave?* All you've known since you've been trained is that you are lesser than, you are the 2nd option. And every day, it seems like *she* believed that too; were any of those lessons even *supposed* to help you, or was she simply keeping her guard up? Giving you useless lesson after useless lesson because she knew they could replace you. Those moments of coldness, neutrality... This hatred stains you. Regardless of what the true reality is. It stains and does not stop until all you remember is to hate these lessons. Until all you can see is somebody who betrayed you. You'll forever label yourself as some defective, younger version that does *everything* in her power to be that model that you once respected, to be everything that they WEREN'T. To spite her and walk your own path; clone or not be damned. Anyways sorry for rambling in the asks here LMAO as you can see Soldier 11 has occupied my whole BRAIN.
did you know soldier 11 and anby also have the eame face model? like exactly , which leads to the clone theory as everyone in ZZZ has different meshes and models
aside fromt he huge lore i find it funny that if they are clones why is soldier 11 just slightly taller like damn they rlly did do anby dirty 😭
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