#i loved writing this commission and i'm so happy i got to do it <3
crescencestudio · 7 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #38 | 2.27.24 ๋࣭⭑
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How is it already almost March omfg.
Anyways Happy Valentine's Day month!!! This year, I was swamped with work, so I didn't get a chance to make Valentine's Day art. I did make a Valentine's piece last year though.
BUT we did have beloved @magunalafay make these Valentine's Day cards this year for the community!!! <3 If you missed it, well Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!
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She made these as a gift, and I love her very much. Maguna u r so talented
This month was pretty busy for me, but I'm super happy with the progress made this month ^^ I feel like I've started the year off in a pretty good groove after it being all over the place for a hot second, yay!!!
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This past month, Etza and Druk's routes. With the revamped demo finishing its revisions, it left a lot more time for me to focus writing on full route development.
If you missed the announcement, I FINISHED Etza's first draft!!! YAAAYYY!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!
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That means 4/6 routes are finished in terms of the base writing, which is so exciting to MEEEEE. I've always seen Etza's draft as The Milestone because with their route finished, it would mean the four Central routes are done writing. And to me, while there's a good chuck of writing left, we are nearing the end of it.
There's only two routes left and that means it's about ~100k words which is CRAZY compared to when I had ~300k to write (:cries:). Even if that sounds like a lot, once I start chipping away at those routes, that 100k goes into the "double digits" aka 90k...80k... etc. and that makes me want to pee my pants
We also finished editing Druk's route, yay!!! So we reached a lot of milestones this month ^^
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We are nearing the end of the Vui background commissions. It's very bittersweet; I'm so used to mentioning him in my devlogs now </3 There's only like 3(?) more BGs left for him to make, and then all of the BGs for the game will be finished. Very Wild! I think Alaris will have 25ish BGs, and they are all Stunning.
It's been a while since I showed you all a BG, so I'll give you all a preview of one I just got in!
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Isn't it cozy? Guess whose house hehe
I personally have been doing a lot of sprite work this month to finish the final art assets for the demo. I added some expressions to Druk and Aisa that I'd been procrastinating (I don't even know why I was procrastinating them). And I finally finished Mom and Kimura's updated sprites! Patreon already saw them, but I'll show the new versions here too ^^
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Preview of Mom (left) and Kimura (right) updated sprites. Now everyone's sprite styles are cohesive YAY!!
Aside from sprite work, much of my "art" time has been on finishing up/putting together the last of the screens for the GUI. Specifically, I got THIS BABY up and running. She is my crowning glory.
Memory Screen to Replay Unlocked Free Time Dates
Oh my god.... You all have NO IDEA how much of a pain this was to code. There is a transparency gradient going on in the left and right B&W previews (courtesy of community programming angel feniks/shawna).
And then the effort to have the Titles and Descriptions of the Previewed Date change tilted me on Multiple Occasions. But we finally got it to work thanks to bestie @siyo-koy pointing out I just coded one stupid "if" statement wrong LJAFSLIEFJIEJ. But the effort was WORTH IT because I'm so proud of her!!! I hope you all like it too as a way to relive Free Time Dates. I had a lot of fun with the Titles and descriptions.
I also put together the Stats and Affection Screens
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Preview of Personality Stats & Affection Screens
So I coded both of them a bit differently from each other. The Personality Screen shows you a breakdown of your traits so far. Think of it like a pie graph! So in the preview picture, your choices indicate you are 33% Brave, 16% Charismatic, etc. I felt like this was a more natural way to portray personality rather than how many bravery points you've collected so far!
And then for Affection, it works in a more traditional way, where it counts it based on how many you've gotten out of the total amount you can get. This way, as the story progresses, how close you are to the person reflects how much your relationship as developed!
I've also added little descriptions underneath each that change depending on the percentage. So for example, if you have gotten 82% of the affection points for Kuna'a, the description of your relationship might change as well hehe
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Other than that, I've mainly focused on getting the demo together. We released the beta demo earlier this month (? LOL). And the feedback has been so kind!!
A lot of this month was spent polishing so that the demo can be ready for early access and eventually public release. I updated sprites, made sure music crossfades with each other so that transitions between soundtracks feel smoother, I added/polished all of the screens I needed to (e.g., Memory Room, Full Credits, Cleaning Music Room, Adding Stats Screens), and I FINALLY as of yesterday added the Voiced Lines!!
One thing I added in the Extended Demo that I'm really happy with is the use of Extended Pronouns (courtesy of Angel Feniks). Below is a preview of how it works now!
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Preview of Extended Pronouns Function. Credit to Feniks
Basically, you can choose multiple pronouns for yourself, including custom pronouns (e.g., xe/xem, fae/faer, etc.). On top of that, you can choose how often you'd like the pronouns to alternate (e.g., every line versus every scene) and what kind of terms you'd like to be used for you (e.g., neutral vs. masculine vs. feminine)!
Overall, the demo is getting closer and closer to release!!! Early Access will hopefully be ready by the end of this week or next, so if you all would like access to it, please feel free to subscribe to my Patreon for this upcoming month! Available to Wyvern tier ($5) and up.
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I didn't have any time to really play any games this month because I was drowning in work LMFAOSLJIEF. I did play the Threads of Bay demo by @lavendeerstudios and it was GORGEOUS! Very cute game with lovable characters and charming visuals. Andrew, I will have your number
Every other section was really long, so I'm going to throw it here even though it's not market research. But Intertwine recently hit 600 ratings, which is crazy. Thank you for still enjoying that game even if it's not one that is my main focus anymore. I'm really happy people still like it :on the verge of tears:
Anyways, this has been a long devlog. Here's to continuing to Ball in March. Hope you all have a great rest of your month, and I'll talk to you soon! <3
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steelthroat · 7 months
Can you write a funny little TFA MegOP thing where they're already together. Lets say cuddling in their berth, and suddenly Optimus has a thought.
"How did we even get together?"
"No, I'm being serious. How did it happen? You are.. were? A war criminal. I put you in jail. How are we together right now?"
LIKE. IDK IT WAS FUNNIER IN MY HEAD. SO EITHER 1. Some otherworldly being (a fanfic writer) manipulated them and the world around them. Making them be together. But now the writer is gone after giving them their happily ever after.. But the characters revert back to how they were in cannon. Vaigely knowing what allowed them to get to this point, but not really understanding anymore how or why?
Or 2. Optimus forgot and wants Megatron's pov on how they got together. Either way, I know that even if you write little for this, it will still be hella entertaining :3
Ooooooh that's such a nice and cool idea tho! sadly, I'm not taking requests since I'm an INCREDIBLY slow writer, and life is also getting in the way ahahahah
Believe me, I would have done in other circumstances, and this idea has a LOT of potential! I am a sucker for the "how did we even end up here???" trope too, but you would either have to wait a long(immense) amount of time ahahah.
Hey if you want to write it yourself I could give you a couple ideas or advice if you'd like :3, otherwise I'd say see if there are other writers who take requests or commissions, I could redirect you to a couple of them :)
For now I can at best give you this little drabble for the second idea since it's really cute:
"It just happened"
"Wake up" Megatron felt someone flicking at his nose and then shaking him when the action gave no response.
"Wake up!" This time that someone went for the helm, the bang of the collision rang in the otherwise quiet room.
"What?" Megatron opened one optic and glared at his disturber, Optimus Prime.
"How did we end up together?" He asked with an almost accusing expression
"Huh?" What did he even mean by that
"You heard me" Optimus scoffed
"What like... you don't remember?" He started going back with his own memory banks and backups, He would have been more worried about Optimus apparent amnesia if he weren't struggling to find an answer to that absurd question.
"Do you?" Optimus crossed his arms
Megatron stayed silent for a while... he couldn't pinpoint the exact moment they had become a thing. Centuries, no, millennia of circling around one another after signing the peace treaty, spending more and more time together, fighting, bantering, provoking each other, speaking about personal topics, binding while annoying each other to death had, at some point, led them to fall in berth together.
They had kept falling into each other's berth since then... and now they were here.
So there wasn't really an answer to that question, not a typical one at least.
Megatron cleared his vocalizer "I... I guess it just happened" he answered at last.
Optimus seemed to reflect on this answer before humming "are you happy with this?"
Megatron though about it, he really was, sure there were invisible limits they never actually crossed but at this point they lived like a conjunx couple, minus the status and the spark merging... but Meagtron found the though of Sharing his spark with Optimus not to be as dreaded as he anticipated... he almost- longed for it.
"Yeah..." he said smiling softly and bringing the smaller mech closer to him "a lot" and his servos started shifting over his lover's frame delicately almost in worship.
"Do you want more?" The question could be interpreted in two different ways and Megatron wanted to answer yes to both.
"When it comes to you I always want more" he answered looking at Optimus, his lover's gaze was so bright and full of love he felt like it would melt the metal of his frame.
"I... also want more. Everything." he whispered with his lips ghosting over Megatron's.
Megatron closed the distance between them and kissed him. "And you will receive it"
I hope you like it, it's incredibly short :)
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zhongrin · 9 months
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🎁 ᴢʜᴏɴɢʀɪɴ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ᴡʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ 🫶🏻
ー just a little thing i wanted to make as the year ends 💗
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𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐲 💍
① 👑 zhongli 👑 ✼ best husband, best comfort f/o, best everything. my ultimate blorbo 🧡
② al haitham 🌱 & wriothesley 🐾 ✼ he's such a silly guy. i love him so much. ✼ who's a good puppy! who's the goodest boy! yes you areeee~! <3
ⓧ runner up // neuvillette 🦦 ✼ his en voice almost made me simp. almost. damn you ray chase /lh
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𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 🎶
ー✼ the ebg back in february and october! so so so so much chaos fun! both took all the creative juices and sleep i had, but it was all so worth it! i got to connect with more people and interactions were off the charts for the whole week. and coviello... my precious babie <3 i'm pretty sure i'll join another ebg next year given the opportunity.... or perhaps even host one, but with a twist-
ー✼ got matched up T W I C E (well, thrice in total) with mr. i am here's alternate universe selves al haitham. thanks @/ansy-tea / @/kopidense 👍🏻 i shall endeavor to make an effort to discombobulate and fool the silly sprout man in 2024 if there are any other matchup events open lmao
ー✼ teyvatweets! it was so much fun compiling everyone's tweets and coding the website hehe it didn't really blow up or anything due to how 'personal' that project was, but i think about it from time to time. such a fun lil thing!
ー✼ that 1 pity c0 al haitham who came right after ayato.... thanks dad for gracing me with your birthday luck 🙏🏻
ー✼ finally treating myself and indulging in all the selfship commissions. i'm grateful i have the ability to indulge and i'm hoping to do the same next year. and the way everyone just gifted me things for my birthday made me feel so so loved. i couldn't celebrate it with anyone since i wasn't at home, and it was on a weekday meaning my friends were all busy - so it felt like a mini-party... truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much ;w;
ー✼ personally, i'm super happy and kind of proud of getting very comfortable with sharing my art and improving on it! i used to go back and forth whenever i'm trying to post art, but now i'm confident enough to not think too much about it! naturally i have lots to improve and i'm nowhere near 'good' but that's fine with me! i owe it all to yall's support and lovely comments <3
ー✼ all the anon drabbles and charanons!!!! always such a nice sight to wake up to. they're like surprise gifts whenever i open tumblr because i don't have notifications on, and i adore them so much! big big big shoutout to @/floraldresvi, @/crystalflygeo, and @/soleillunne yall are amazing ;w;
ー✼ all the super sweet messages all of you left in my christmas tree.... i'm cradling all the wishes and silliness and messages from my f/os so close to my heart!! ceo!haitham tho. bruh you're still making me work LEAVE ME ALONE- /silly
ー✼ that zhongli birthday celebration series... they're not much, and even with all posts combined they have way less notes than a random vent drabble i dropped in the middle of it lol but i had lots of fun writing, designing, and inserting all the 'golden threads' across the fics nonetheless!! i'll highlight them later so the people who have been following the little series can go 'OH' lol
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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 🫂
@ainescribe ❀ @silentmoths ❀ @crystalflygeo ❀ @moraxsthrone ❀ @floraldresvi ❀ @sheepmc ❀ @zhxngii ❀ @localplaguenurse ❀ @mysnowmanandmebaby ❀ @the-travelling-witch ❀ @watatsumiis ❀ @kurikurikurisu ❀ @leftdestiny-posts ❀ @kaeffeinee ❀ @queen-belial ❀ @abyssmal-skies ❀ @dawndelion-winery ❀ @yinyinggie ❀ @silkjade ❀ @dustofthedailylife ❀ @scarasmood
@euniveve ❀ @soleillunne ❀ @faesther ❀ @ansy-tea ❀ @vennnnn-diagram ❀ @navxry ❀ @celestetalkstoomuch ❀ @minhosairfryer ❀ @xeraeus ❀ @pearlywritings ❀ @ryuryuryuyurboat ❀ @mochinon-yah ❀ @asoulsreverie ❀ @xiaosonlybeloved ❀ @mooncreates ❀ @jingyuansbird ❀ @tearskillstardust
i love you all and i'm so so glad to have made a connection with you! be it knowing each other from mutual friends, from a drawing/writing commission, or even if we just stumbled onto each other randomly by pure chance - know that i appreciate you! every single one of you are so talented and so wonderful. thank you for being the threads that shaped the comfy sweater that is 2023 for me <3 ps. and for my former moots who are minors but have respected my boundaries, i'm sorry i didn't tag you but i had fun befriending you lot. my best wishes for you in the years ahead too! pps. some of you might know me from my main @/meimeimeirin instead! i separated the list into 2 paragraphs bc tumblr isn't letting me have that many texts in one block apparently hsldfjsd also, if you're not in the list i either 1) forgot, bc i have the memory of a goldfish, or 2) remembered, but felt like it would be intrusive for me to tag you <- (more likely tbh) 😔
@/jjovin3221, @/starffox, @/syrenkitsune, @/finleyrambles, @/dr-birb, @/smokipoki, @/1117sblog, @/virdiaura, @/lawnfei, @/lady-alexis-salt, @/local-ragamuffin, @/the-knaves-world, @/alhaithams-fanfic-stash, @/interpretpages, @/magicalink, @/starlingcore, @/lyralibra, @/crazyrichdaughter, @/winterhuntsman, @/ladycoleigh, @/bettybeako
ALSO, HUGE SHOUTOUT to the people who frequent my notifs. i can't remember most of yall's handles accurately (and for some of you i remember by your pfp instead hskdhskd) but whenever your username pops up, know that i always go "!!!!!" and my imaginative dog ears perks up and my metaphorical tail just starts thumping on the floor <3 thank you so much for your continuous support!! (and i know some of you wrote in my tree so thank you for that too hehe) note: that wasn't an exhaustive list, but more like the blogs i remember seeing a lot on top of my head!!
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 🧡
thank you for such a lovely 2023! thank you for being here and for always supporting my works, my silliness, and myself as a person. here's to more fun shenanigans ahead, and i hope 2024 will be a year that makes us all a better person <3
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ꕥ xmas dividers © cafekitsune
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animelover28sworld · 3 months
Telling the Genshin impact boys/men your pregnant. Pt 3 female reader
Characters: Zhongli, Itto, neuvillette, ayato, and Heizou, I was debating on putting Aether in this one but I decided not to but if you want me to just tell me and i will do one for aether.
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You and AYATO was actually aiming to have a kid, not because he needs someone to take over the Yashiro Commission when he's gone it's because you two actually wanted kids, and when you told him he was happy.
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Okay he is a detective, so you know HEIZOU would catch on, he did but he wanted you to tell him yourself. Which you did "I know." He told you. "How?" You asked him. "Honey, I'm a detective don't you think I would catch on?"
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You walked into NEUVILLETTE'S office while he was doing paperwork. "So neuvillette I got some news..." You told him. "Yes what is it love?" He asked you. "I haven't been feeling that well for the past few weeks so I went to the doctor's office." "Are you sick?" "No, I'm not sick I'm just pregnant." You told him with a big smile on your face, you swore you never saw Neuvillette's head whip up so fast.
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ZHONGLI noticed that your behavior has changed and was going to the bathroom more frequently in the morning. "Is everything okay Y/N?" Zhongli asked you. "yeah, everything's perfect, because I'm pregnant" you told him with a smile he lifted you up and spun you around in his arms. (To be honest it was kinda hard for me to write for him)
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You told ITTO alone and when he found out he said "yahoo! I'm gonna be a father!!" Then he hugged you really tight, but then realized that it probably wasn't good for the baby so he quickly let go. Then told the gang who which congratulated you.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
This weekend was an absolute dream come true! Everything I had hoped and dreamed for my very first convention. And I'm incredibly grateful that I got to be there with @ghoulgeousimmaculate @bloodsuckingfiends & @silvermaplealder (and his friend Jess). Everyone was so kind and fun to be around. I'll give the rundown of who I met in this post and I'll add another post later on with more pictures!
The first day Ghoulie and I checked in early and got all dolled up to meet Alex Winter first. I got both an autograph and a photo op with him. He seemed a little tired/out of it and I assume that's because he JUST got back from the U.K. and went straight to the convention. His photo op was super quick and I was only able to pose next to him, not with him.
But still, he was super cool and was very happy when I told him how I introduced my fiancé to the Bill & Ted trilogy. I also showed him an art commission I requested of Ricky Coogan! He was a nice dude overall 😄
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The second day Maple and I dressed up as David and Michael! I even got the honor of doing his makeup to make the cosplay extra authentic. He gave me some of his amazing, homemade stickers as a "thank you"! He was hands down the best looking David cosplayer in the whole convention.
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I got to get an autograph from Heather Langenkamp before doing a selfie with her. I was the last one to see her before she left for photo ops. She was an absolute delight! I talked about listening to her episode on the Dead Meat podcast and we had a bonding moment over that. When I posed with her, I did a peace sign and she copied the pose.
Then she said "that's such a coincidence because I wear THIS every day!" and she pulled out a necklace with a peace sign charm. She was just so delightful 😊
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Billy was an absolute dream. He has the most warm, caring look in his eyes and was very interested when I talked about how The Lost Boys got me back into writing. I was getting a little emotional, and I could tell he was on standby if I needed some help.
I had a photo op with him later, but I paid an extra $10 for a selfie with him. My hand was trembling from my nervousness and he was kind enough to hold it steady so I could take the picture. He made sure I was comfortable the whole time I interacted with him. 🥰
Also, I picked out a picture of Paul and Dwayne to be signed as a way to honor Brooke. When Billy saw it he said "awww I love this pic! 🥺" I was fighting tears ngl.
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Kiefer was an incredible guy!! I decided just to do a photo op and not an autograph because people were lining up at 3 IN THE DAMN MORNING and I wasn't about to do that lol. He loved the outfits that Ghoulie and Maple wore, and it was such a delight seeing his smile. He was so kind with me. Very welcoming and didn't hesitate to shake my hand or wrap an arm around me for our picture! I think he was still is a great mood after seeing Maples perfect cosplay lol
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The last celeb I met was Jason, and I gotta say, I think he was my favorite. Jordyn wasn't exaggerating when she said he was so nice. He was by far the kindest person I met at the whole convention (and that's saying something considering everyone was a delight to meet). I felt like he truly cared about meeting every single fan and was genuinely listening with interest when I told him the story of how @michael-after-hours got his name from Michael Emerson.
When I tell you his face LIT UP when he saw my cosplay. He was so overjoyed and it made me even happier to be dressed as Michael. The joyful energy was just so infectious. 🥰
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I'm so incredibly lucky to have met all of these wonderful icons in horror. They truly did care about their fans and made the whole experience extra special. I would do it all again in a heartbeat if I could.
@hypocriticaltypwriter @ria-coolgirl @fallingthruspace @silvermaplealder @britany1997 @leiasolo77 @starlahuskyz @vampirefilmlover @charlizekkelly @charlottieellis @ghoulgeousimmaculate @michael-after-hours @legal-lost-boy @unethicallysourced @auntvamp
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theskeletonprior · 3 months
Emergency Commissions!
Greetings and salutations! I'm opening up some emergency commissions because times are hard and money is tight. I'm sorry to do it, when I'm not the only one in need, but I've lately been subject to some intense Paypal-related fuckery, which here means I need to work, and urgently. If you'd just like to help, my ko-fi is right here, but if you'd like some reciprocation, well... Enter Tav Tales.
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Do you have Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot? Do you love your OC so much and wonder why the fanfic isn't writing itself? Do you like to support queer writers trying to make ends meet (that's me!)? I got you, buddy.
My commissions are open, so come tell me about me your Tav! (And their love-interest/favored companion, et cetera. Bring me your unromanceables!) I especially like to write rare pairs, hurt/comfort, and polyamory. If you'd rather the tale be companions only, I'm also happy to do that. While I don't mind writing intimate scenes, I don't accept graphic NSFW requests, non-con, or underage. When in doubt, just check in with me before you donate! Pricing starts at $15 CAD for a tale of 1k words.
Price List (CAD)
1000 words for $15 1500 words for $25 2000 words for $35
If you’re looking for a longer work, feel free shoot me an email at [email protected] and we’ll chat. Words are what I do.
Work Samples
You can read all my Tav Tales to date here on AO3, but here are some of the highlights.
Pheasant Raid (1.5k Tav/Karlach)
“Hey, soldier, got a letter.” Karlach tosses it on the bed, reaching out to grab a hold of Niri’s toes, give ‘em a good wiggle. “Look alive, we’re a going concern!” Niri sits up sleepily; and no surprises there, they’ve been running like it’s the Hells for weeks with no sign of slowing down. “What’s the concern?” She rubs at her eyes, pretty as emeralds, and stifles a yawn. She’s the sweetest thing that Karlach has ever seen. “No, no, we’re a going concern. Means people want to talk to us now. Check it out. We’ve got ourselves a formal invitation.” Karlach pulls off her boots, clambering up into bed beside Niri and hoping to fuck that Niri’s not about to tell her that it’s a follow-up letter from Gortash. She can’t help the sigh of relief that leaves her when it turns out to be some noblewoman in the know who just wants them to come by to a little get-together because she’s heard all about the raid on Moonrise Towers. She looks at Niri sidelong, and as she so often is, finds herself surprised that her partner can get any sweeter than she already is. Gods, she’s pretty. Prettier when she looks so excited.
To Live in Infamy (2k Durgetash)
The morning, Enver is lucky enough to have pants on. The Slayer snaps his chains as it comes screaming into the daylight, barrelling out of the bed. The force of Infamy’s awakening sends Enver rolling onto the floor, narrowly missing being crushed by the bedframe. He’s tangled in their sheets, and already lamenting that they’ll need to be replaced. This silk had come all the way from Waterdeep. That’s his first thought, even with his heart pounding in his ears. He struggles to free himself, but the Slayer isn’t coming for him. There’s the acrid smell of half-cast sorcery, and then the screaming starts. When something warm and wet splashes onto him, soaking through the sheets, Enver hopes it’s blood. The crunching of bones and the smell of bright copper gives him a little hope that it’s not something worse. It wouldn’t be the first time a would be assassin emptied their stomach or their bowels in terror before the Slayer. Enver unrolls himself at last, leaning back on his elbows to enjoy the show, even as the blood—and thank goodness it is blood—soaks through his nice sheets. The mess quite nearly defies description.
In the Spider's Parlor (3.5k Tav/Kar'niss)
She peers over her shoulder at him and then rolls her head, exposing more of her neck. Suddenly his need, that wretched appetite, is not as hideous as it has been, he feels no disgust for what he wants, for the curse that makes him want it. There’s only this moment. He nips lightly, slipping his arms around her, embracing the warmth. He reaches out with his forelegs, feeling her, holding her securely as he had done that first time. He’s heard the sound she makes when letting blood, and now he knows it for what it is. Pleasure. His purr rumbles low in his chest, but he never bites, lapping softly at the thin rivulet of blood that wells from where he’s nipped her, one delectable drop at a time. Solinore reaches up, one hand tangling in his hair, relaxing in his grip. “What you ask of me, is yours,” Kar’niss says, applying pressure to the nick he’d made to stop what little bleeding he’d caused. “You sure?” she asks, playfully. “I could ask for another ride on your back. Or...” He knows what that smirk implies. “What you ask of me,” he says again, “is yours.”
No Matter What (5k Tav/Karlach)
“I just... I wanted to make sure you’re feeling right about all this,” Karlach says. “About going back. It’s easy for me to be excited, but the way I move through the world’s same as ever, you know? Sometimes someone’s gonna be a prick about the ol’ horns.” She knocks on her good one. Depending on where you go, even that’s an understatement. “But it’ll be hard for us to travel in the open. The world won’t be so accepting, even if we don’t have to kill a dozen orthons every other tenday.” We cannot stay here, Sil says. I am not afraid of the world. We will be together. But... I am changed. I cannot be who I was before we fought the Netherbrain. I wonder if it is possible to grieve for such a thing . If you feel such grief, or our friends. Sil’s posture curls somewhat inward, and she lowers her head. Karlach takes her by both hands. “I miss that pretty face, sometimes,” she admits. “But you know what I think, soldier? I think the soul’s not the only place where all your feelings live. I believe it when you say you love me, and not just ‘cause that’s what I want. I think our friends will see what I see. And I’m not above fisticuffs in your honor.” Karlach watches for that telltale curl of the tentacles, and smiles when she sees it. “If you feel like you need a soul to run a little hotter for you, you can hold onto mine. Don’t you ever worry. C’mere.” Karlach gathers Sil up into her arms and holds her tight. “You ‘n’ me, no matter what, okay?”
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tulipsie-art · 1 year
today marks one year since i left full-time art behind to work as a computer person and i think i can say for sure now that it was the right decision for me
it pains me to admit it because i fought against the idea for so long and was so dead-set on being a career artist but, i'm a lot happier now, not because i'm drawing less (trust me, i'd love to draw and work on stuff i'm passionate about all day), but purely because my work is so much less stressful. i had people telling me that because i'd got 25k or 30k followers on twitter that i'd "made it", that i'd hit the holy grail and could now easily make a living from my artwork, but that was so, so far from the truth lol
i was barely scraping by off commissions with a tiny stipend from patreon, and i would have new artists coming to me asking for advice on how to "make it", how to turn their art into their career, and like, how do you turn around to these bright-eyed artists who are making great work, who see you as their goal and say "i put years of hard work into building this following, got a few huge lucky breaks and i'm earning less than £400 a month from doing it full-time", that fucking sucks man
i don't write this to say "don't follow your dreams!" or "don't bother", i love making and posting art and i've met some of the most wonderful people doing it, but i think my thoughts mirror a lot of youtubers you see who give advice to new youtubers and say "for the love of god do not make this your career" - the unfortunate truth is the whole "social media artist as a living" thing, except for a very select lucky few, is a very rocky business model at best, and if i haven't already mentioned, can be extremely bad for one's mental health for a whole bunch of reasons
it's a career path i see glorified a fair bit and a lot of people aspire to it, but having tried to walk that path and been ostensibly "successful", god damn is it tough, if not impossible
i guess my other point, if there is any, is that artists on the whole have it really fucking tough, and if you have an artist you love and it is within your means to support them, please do so. i guarantee they're struggling out there - most artists with similar or even bigger followings that i've spoken to have had experiences that pretty much mirror my own, so i don't think i'm an isolated case
thanks for reading if you did, and i do want to say, i really, really appreciate you all <3 i don't get to draw much these days, but i do get to draw whatever i want, and to post it here and still get such wonderful positive reactions makes me very happy :)
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starrysimps · 1 year
Could you do a Childe one for the Pregnant reader like Venti’s?
Maybe One Day We’ll Be A Big Happy Family [Childe x (f)PregnantReader]
A/N: I’m so glad I got this as a request, I planned on writing more of those but I was stuck at which characters I should write for. This Fanfic has a little bit of angst at the beginning and then comfort at the end. Also I changed a little bit from how I made the last one, I made the child to where you can choose the gender. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Let me know what you guys think.
C/n: Child's name
Pairing: [Childe x (f)PregnantReader]
Word Count: 1.1k
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 "Maybe we should break up if you're so worked up about it!" You yelled, trying to hold back your tears that were threatening to spill. "Fine then! Maybe we should!" He yelled, anger clearly shone through his tone of voice . You couldn't do it anymore. You ran out of your shared home and let the tears spill over as they pleased. You went to go stay with your best friend [favorite character]. 
     The days after that were mostly lonely. [Favorite Character] was trying so hard to comfort you and make you feel better, but nothing seemed to be working. You took on more commissions and did other things to do to keep your mind off of things for a while. It made you want to cry every time you thought about it.
     For the last two years Childe had been the best thing that ever happened to you. But now it was all gone. It would be a lie if you said you didn't love him, but it would be foolish of you to go back to him. After all, you were the one that suggested that you two break up. Childe meant so much to you, but you couldn't bring yourself to go back to him.
     A few days later, you found out some interesting news. It meant that you would have to quit your job as an adventurer. You decided that it would be best to move away from Liyue. 
     You were pregnant.
     You were unsure of how to feel at first. You were going to have a baby that was going to be Childe's. Soon enough, you got used to it. I mean there was really no going back now. You moved in with [Random Character that doesn't live in Liyue]. They offered to help you for the time being. You were going to raise the baby there.
It was long, hard, and unbearable at times but your child was still your pride and joy. 
One day, you decided to take your now 3 year old (son/daughter) to visit Liyue. They had reminded you so much of Childe, they looked as if you made a clone of him but a smaller one. You wanted to show them the beautiful sites from when you once had lived there.
     You decided to go to a small spot near the Harbor. They had a place for the children to play on a ship. You had taken a seat to watch (him/her) play with the other kids that were there.
     That's when you spotted a familiar face in the distance. It was Childe.
You hoped that he wouldn't see you. You were going to get c/n and leave, but before you could, Childe had already you. "Y/n? Is that you?" He asked. You sighed, and sat back down on the bench that you were seated on before. You were smiling as you watched c/n] play, which Childe noticed. "Y/n?" Childe asked again, bringing you back into reality. "O-oh hey." You said.
     "I didn't think I'd ever see you again." He said. "How is your family?" He asked. "I'm not sure, I haven't been by to visit them in a while." You replied. Childe looked confused. Then you realized what he had meant. "O-Oh no, I'm not with anyone it's just me and C/n." You replied. Childe found it strange, but didn't push it any further. C/n then came running to you. " Mommy! I think I saw a whale! You said daddy liked whales! I want to be just like daddy!" C/n excitedly told you. "That's amazing." You told c/n. "Can we bring daddy here one day when he comes home?" C/n asked you. "That would be a great idea sweetheart." You say. C/n runs back to go play with some of the friends they made. "How old is C/n?" Childe asked out of curiosity. “(He/She) is three years old." 
     Childe's eyes widen as he realizes something. The two of you were together at the time. He liked whales, and so did c/n's dad. He started to piece the puzzle together. It would explain why c/n looked so much like him. He looked at you as you sighed. "I'm guessing you've already figured it out by now, am I right?" You asked. "A-am I...? Childe started. "You're c/n's dad." You said. "Really?" Childe asked. "I didn't think you would want to see me much after what happened so I didn't tell you and I just left..." You said. "Y/n I did. I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ending things. It was a stupid fight. I can't even remember what we were fighting about, it was so stupid. I was looking everywhere for you once you left. By the time I figured out that you had left Liyue, I figured that you didn't want anyone to look for you. That's when I stopped looking for you, but not a day went by without me thinking about you and how much I missed you. If you would have told me about c/n, I would have loved to help raise (him/her) even if we weren't together." He said. "I- I don't know what to say... Really though, I should be the one apologizing. I said we should end things." You said. 
"Well Y/n, I really missed you." He said. "I missed you too Childe." You replied. Childe looked at you. "Can I tell (him/her)?" He asked. "Give me one second." You said as you got up and walked over to c/n. You whispered something in their ear, and soon a big smile appeared on their face. They went running towards Childe. "DADDY!" They yelled, running to Childe with their hands out to give him a big hug. C/n jumped into his arms. Childe was surprised to be accepted that quickly, but the child was just three years old so it was reasonable. You smiled at the two. 
You felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of you. 
     "Y/n?" Childe asked. "Hm?" You replied. "I was thinking, we ended things off stupid. Do you think you could  give me another chance to start things over?" He asked, looking a little nervous. "Hmm. I guess you're right. But it won't be that easy this time. We have a kid now." You replied. Childe smiled. "We have a kid together, and we'll be a happy family." Childe said with a smile. You smiled at his words and you hugged him with c/n in between the two of you. 
Maybe one day you really would be a big happy family
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dangerousdan-dan · 3 months
IT'S MISCHIEF MONDAY, time to send anonymous drabbles! (Although this isn't going to be very anon because. Well. I'm sure you know exactly who it is. XD)
“You said you had a cat,” Damian prompted impatiently as Steph finished meticulously applying bandaids to his scrapes. (Was it strictly necessary? No, and frankly she was shocked he had continued to sit still for it. But they had little Superman logos on them, and she was pretty sure new-shorter-younger-Batman would appreciate it.) “I do!” She smoothed down the last bandaid and went to let Taxi out to say hi. Because Taxi had exactly two brain cells (one for food and one for love) he immediately made a beeline for the new person to see if they would pet or feed him. Damian scooped the big orange furball up to hold on his lap; his face went weird and soft in a way Steph was absolutely sure he did not realize he was doing as Taxi started purring loudly and butted his head against Damian’s chest affectionately. “His name is Taxi,” Steph offered, which made the kid start scowling again. “That’s a terrible name.” “Short for Tax Evasion.” “That is not an improvement. He should have a more dignified name.” “He’s a cat. An orange cat. He has no dignity.” Damian was still scowling mightily at her. Steph pretended to consider it for a moment and then grinned. “Okay, okay. Maybe a fancier car? How about Fur-rari?” she asked. She got the sourest, most unimpressed look she’d ever seen on a fourth grader and immediately lost the fight to keep from laughing. “Oh! I know!” she continued. “BuCatti!” “A pun is not an improvement,” Damian said. “Nope, that’s his name now,” Steph declared, leaning over to smoosh Taxi’s face; he purred louder. “Tax Evasion BuCatti Brown.” “That’s not-” “Esquire.” “Your cat is a lawyer?” Damian said flatly. “Well yeah, how do you think he got away with the Tax Evasion?”
I knew it was you @cephalog0d from the moment I read "You said you had a cat" xD
You have no idea how happy this drabble made me.
Damian with Superman bandaids and holding Taxi is the cutest image ever. Tax Evasion BuCatti Brown Esquire is so precious to me. I'm so, so tempted to commission art of this little scene (if you're fine with it).
I'm holding your writing close to my heart, as always <3
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
i have two one shot ideas, one of which is a song fic and the other is a royal au, both with mammon and my mc *head in hands* also I'm getting a commission of the scene where me and Solomon accidentally gang up on mammon akskfj
where was i?? MOVIE THEATER. okay obviously Solomon bought the tickets, so I feel like me and Mammon would probably fight to pay for snacks. Either Solomon pays when we're distracted, or Mammon snatches my card and sticks it in his wallet with a declaration of "I'm paying tonight."
when we go to find our seats, I immediately claim the aisle seat. The idea of having to climb over someone and be an inconvenience is mortifying. Cue Mammon taking the middle seat and claiming he'll be there to protect us both when we get scared. So it goes, Solomon, Mammon, then me.
Throughout the movie, Solomon is completely tuned in, he's so invested. Aside from the occasional yelp from Mammon, and me jumping in my seat, the two of us are holding it together really well !!! Until a really big jump scare, and me and Mammon turn to cling to each other, only to smack our heads together when we try to hide our face in the other's shoulder. Ouch </3
Solomon nudges Mammon to switch seats with him, which Mammon reluctantly does. Solomon places his arms on the armrests, palms facing up as an invitation to hold hands and comfort us, but he's got the biggest grin on his face. The next jump scare has Mammon grabbing Solomon's hand and squeezing it like a lifeline.
I'm more hesitant. It takes me a minute to instead link my arm with his, basically clinging to his bicep as I stare straight ahead without acknowledging what I'm doing. I occasionally hide my face against him when I think another jump scare will happen, but curiosity is cruel because I'm definitely peeking one eye to catch what happens. Catch me having nightmares </3
Solomon is living his best life. He's doing amazing. He can die happy. But it also really cements it for him that oh, he really does have an attraction to these two people. Being able to be their protector is really making his heart warm. The way the two of them are seeking comfort from him in their own ways. First 'Oh. Oh.' moment for Solomon. He's already scheming proper dates.
After the movie ends, Mammon is in full denial mode about how scared he was. Yet, even as we're walking out of the theatre, he still hasn't let Solomon's hand go. Not until we get back to the car. And it's already almost 1:30 in the morning, but we're still reluctant to turn in for the night. And that's when I suggest checking out this 24 hour diner that I swear has the best milkshakes ever known.
diner scene is gonna be so fun and then the sleepover!! This wasn't as good because I'm half asleep but work ended on a sour note (i definitely could've handled a situation better, imposter syndrome is hitting hard aaa I've never experienced that). But I needed to cheer myself up and what better way to do that than by thinking about my silly little story !! I got the wip sketch back from the artist and it made me so giddy. I'm slowly getting closer to actually writing. Soon !! I just need to be bullied into it lmaoo
Also the new ax merch 😭 what am i gonna do with a light stick? absolutely nothing. Am i still gonna hunt it down on eBay if it's not available online? Absolutely. OKAY HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT AND FIND A LUCKY PENNY ON THE GROUND !! I CAN'T SAY STAY HYDRATED BC I DON'T EVEN KEEP MYSELF HYDRATED OKAY BYEE
- ✨ anon
Oh? You need some bullying?? Listen, admittedly I'm not very good at bullying... I definitely go more for the positive encouragement, but uh here's my attempt. *ahem* WRITE THAT STORY. OR ELSE!!
How was that? You're totally gonna write it now, right?? LOL!
Anyway, I say write all the stories!! One shots, too! Sometimes it's fun to do lil one shots because they don't take quite as long!
I loved you and Mammon smacking your heads together lol I'm sorry but that's just soooo cute!
AH SOLOMON stepping in to be your protector alds;kfjdlkfj. I LOVE IT. What a schemer, I love him so much! I also love that this is his oh moment lol. YESSSSS realizing your feelings!!
Ah but I'm sorry work ended badly! Imposter syndrome is a bitch, but it's also a big fat lie. I find the best way to deal with it is to ignore it as much as possible! Or replace it with true mantras that usually helps for me, too!
I haven't seen the ax merch! But you know, sometimes it's about having the item and displaying it, you don't have to use a light stick for anything! Hmm. I feel like I'm starting to sound like Levi lol.
OKAY let us both work on hydration then lol!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night as well!! I wait for the next scene with anticipation!!
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suddencolds · 2 months
my favorite writing reflection buddy, thank you so much for your help with putting that list together 🥰 truly appreciate all the chances we’ve had to be thoughtful about the process together and all your insight over the years! Ok without further adieu..
💘🤧💦🌞 (i’m limiting myself to 4 but i would ask you everything)
AHHH THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!! I was holding back on sending you the whole list truly KFAJKJFKH
Thank you for all the writing convos we've had after all these years!! I've always seen myself in your appreciation of literary fiction/prose and your thoughtfulness when it comes to writing process :') I feel like I've learned so much from you!!
Okay! Onto answers:
💘 - What are some of your favorite things you’ve written and why?
I've thought about this a lot :')
Bad Timing - an allergy fic (crazy for me, I know), ft. two characters I've never written together ever again? haha. I particularly like the last scene here; I think the caretaking I write is usually more tender. Rosaria's response is neither tender nor sadistic—just detached :') The novelty of that was refreshing to me.
Pretense, pt 1 and pt 2 - This one did not get as great of a reception at the time of posting, I think because part 1 is a little boring LOL. I don't have much to say, except that it's lighthearted and fluffy!
Untrustworthy - Diluc at the scene of the crime again 😭 This was a commission for someone, and it's also one of the few fics I've cross-posted to ao3. Honestly, I write a lot of stuff like this (i.e. similar in tone & character dynamic), but within the niche of what I'm most familiar with, I especially like this piece in terms of execution.
Fool Me Twice, Part 3 - quite possibly one of my favorite things I've written of Yves and Vincent, ever (and it came so early on in the series, too!) There's a certain character moment in this one (iykyk) that I'm particularly proud of :) And stylistically (as in... prose), I think I'm happy with it too.
Foreign Home - for a oneshot, this is long, but I do like the heart-to-heart I wrote at the end of it.
The Worst Timing, part 1 - this got me through the slog (jk, it was fun when it was going well LOL) of writing the 4 subsequent parts. The entire TWT mini-series is 28k words long 😭 Part 1 I think is a solid opener; I honestly have not worked up the courage to reread much of the rest.
🤧 - What’s your process for writing spellings?
I'm embarrassed to say that I've written soooo much snzfic in my life 95% of the time spellings are just something I write something from memory. 😭 That said, I sometimes reread other people's snzfics and with special attention paid to their spellings to expand like, my mental repository of consonant placings & pairings.
When I'm writing 2 different characters, I usually have to explicitly think through how their spellings might differ from each other before I can write them! I can suspend my disbelief if two characters from two different fandoms have similar spellings/snz archetypes, because I'll never write them in the same fic 😭 But if the characters exist in the same universe, in my head, their spellings have to have some level of distinctness/non-overlap.
💦 - Are your favorite snz tropes to read also your favorite ones to write? Elaborate if you want!
AHH I love this question!! Thank you!!!
I think the most memorable snzfic I've consumed has been snzfic that has surprised me, either in terms of tropes or execution. When I'm reading original fic or fanfic for characters I'm not familiar with, I like reading things that feel very different from my own work—sharper, bolder in execution, unexpected in terms of direction, etc. :')
I think I have a decent sense of what I am already familiar with writing. I like seeing other people operate outside of that niche... so long as there's still some overlap with what I personally find hot. (So in that sense, it doesn't align exactly!)
That said! There are some tropes which I write frequently which are soooo hot to me that I could see them written 90580923 ways and not tire of them (eg caretaker catching the sick character's cold?? sign me up please!) 😭😭 I also think I don't care as much for trope novelty/new execution if I already really like the characters.
🌞 - Do you need a specific environment to write? Like music, a certain time of day, a certain type of place?
The one non-negotiable aspect for me is that it needs to be very quiet :') I absolutely can't write with music on (despite being a huge music enjoyer + songwriter). I'm not good at tuning out 'unimportant' audio stimuli, so I'd rather not have music/sound fight with writing for my attention.
Aside from that! I think I do most of my writing in my room btwn like, 7pm-12am (in part because I'm a bit of a night owl, and in part because the house tends to be quieter during those hours).
[ Question List ]
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tojikai · 3 months
Satoru, I know that’s your mother but really???? She just happened to be around an amusement park at the same time Y/N and Yui were there with a friend? Literally ONE interaction with his mother and already there was stress. He should’ve arranged something the second his mother tried to force her way into Y/N’d apartment if he couldn’t be there himself.
That woman has proven she’d allow her son to be assaulted if it meant keeping him away from Y/N, did he not expect her to do something traumatic to Yui to hurt Y/N? Because her actions to me throughout the entire story says that she cares more about hurting and removing Y/N from their lives more than “protecting” her family.
Being a grandparent is a privilege, not a right and he allowed his own personal feelings to endanger his daughter. Satoru really let them down by not taking precautions IMO. His mother is clearly unwell and because of her, he lost his family. AGAIN.
Is this canon to the Sundered series? Or is this more of a “what-if” scenario? I know you haven’t said there’d be a part two for this in the post, so I’ll treat it as an open-ended ending. The universe managed to reunite Y/N and Satoru again, he better not fuck it up because I WILL make him remember chapter 236 if he keeps this shit up 😭
Now that I’m back on my essay shit, Kai I really missed you and your beautiful brain. It’s been so lovely to see you active on my timeline lately and I hope that life has been kind to you. I hope that isn’t too much but seeing you on my feed definitely brightens up my day so I hope that you’re also getting that kick of happiness from the things that you enjoy as well ❤️
Thank you for this chapter and another thank you to the person who commissioned you to write this, otherwise we wouldn’t have this at all. Hope you’re both doing well 🥰
the only way to contain Satoru's mom is to jail her LMAO if he let it happen when she almost got him assaulted, it wouldn't have come to this😭 tbh Satoru's mother just wants Y/N out of their lives, it's really fucked up. and Satoru, no matter how hard he tries, he has to accept the fact that if he wants to keep his family, he cannot keep his mother around them. with the kind of brain his mother has, oh NO. his father doesn't even want to be with his mother😭 as for canon or not, idk, i mean i can see this happening once his mother's restraining order's lifted soo you guys can look at it like its a part of the main sundered series.
i missed your essays sooo much😭 i missed answering asks and just generally being back here and writing🥺💕 i am always grateful to you and to everyone here who support my works, y'all are angels !! so far, life's been getting better. bit by bit, but it's still progress. thank you so much for your kind words, and yep, my commissioner, thank you for trusting me and my writing, it helped a lot too<3 anwayss, i'm happy to hear from you again, i enjoyed reading this !! i hope that you're doing well~!! ♥
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otomiyaa · 10 months
Top 23 of 2023
Top 23 of 2023 on Tumblr is out and it made me remember something....!!! For those who also remember, I started this game last year and I just thought it would be nice to do it again. For reference, my post is ofc long gone, but here's Mia's~~
Tagging: @ticklygiggles & Everyone who wants to do it lol
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Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: Red, White & Royal Blue, Honkai Star Rail
02. Favorite new ships since this year: Henry x Alex (RWRB) Sampo x Gepard (HSR), Ballister x Ambrosius (Nimona)
03. Favorite anime/TV shows of the year: Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen, Our Flag Means Death Season 2, Niehime to Kemono no Ou
04. Favorite movies of the year: Red White and Royal Blue, Nimona
05. Favorite characters of the year: Furina!!!! (Genshin Impact), also Gepard Landau (Honkai Star Rail), Miguel O'Hara (Across the Spiderverse), and a big honorable mention to the Fontaine gang in Genshin Impact (especially Freminet and Neuvillette)!
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: Genshin Impact - Fontaine soundtrack and the Our Flag Means Death Season 2 soundtrack
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: The Work Love Balance manhwa, and RWRB which is older but I discovered it thanks to the movie coming out.
08. Favorite games of the year: Genshin Impact, still my fav^^
09. Highlight of this year to remember: Bowuigi trending as a ship.
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Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2023: Tickletober with the very own list Mia and I created, and even though it was a negative thing at first - getting swarmed with kind words from you guys after I lost my blog. I'm a mere humble person but you guys seriously made me feel a little important for a moment there ^///^
11. Favorite fan art of the year: Hard to say, but I'll say this sampard piece I got from Val baby for my bday, and this Ukatake commission by @dokidoki-muffin, this spiderdads commission by @giulscomix, and this Ittorou commission by @chibimochii have also stolen my heart!
And ofc all other commissions of this year (the bowuigi one fs;ijogij; and miguel one omggg, the pokemon commission so CUTE). And *wiggles fingers* I have more on the way....
12. Favorite fic of the year: Hard to say but I've been enjoying a lot of the Tickletober works specifically by @lovelynim and @ticklygiggles, and also this Nimona fic by @bambinella has become a fav, and all RWRB fics by @kourtniwritesagain!!!!! I still need to reblog them here.
13. Favorite ask game of the year: I can't remember which ones I played, but I remember there was a time I had reblogged "post your anonymous confessions" or something, and it resulted in the most interesting asks and conversations with you guys^^ I liked that.
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: If I'll be around in a year, this won't be 'writer' but 'blogger', but for this one as a writer, it'll again be completing all 31 days of tickletober right on schedule despite a minor intervention.. :"D
15. My own best fic/post of the year: I have no idea! But if I ask AO3, it answers that my best fic of this year is my bowuigi fic mahahaha (based on kudos btw).
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Let's give that award to these 2 poor Tickletober fics (which I enjoyed writing a lot) that were not reblogged by anyone meaning they are no longer on Tumblr since my account loss:
Day 21: Horns/Fangs | Sariphi x Leonhart, King of Beasts (Niehime to Kemono no Ou) 
Day 23: Party | Momose x Shirosaki (Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen) 
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: My comeback post! The comments, likes and even reblogs, I couldn't have ever imagined.
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: You tell me 😂 No but besides the whole blog change, another change is that I got over my embarrassment and was brave enough to commission a couple of artists this year. Me and my money are now in a happy place!
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Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: A fic recommendations/faves post (from other writers). Wonder if I'll ever get to it, since my reading and fic reblogging is already not what I like it to be, meaning that every fic I reblog would probably belong on that list lol. But alright, I'd like to make a faves of the faves list then.
20. Goals for next year: Read more...!!! Read more books, more manga, more webtoons, more tickle fics. I love them, so I should read more! My truest ambition.
21. 2024 releases I look forward to the most: Every single update for Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, and also: Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, Inside Out 2, Deadpool 3, Venom 3, Kimi ni Todoke S3, and Beastars Final Season!
22. Something else I look forward to next year: Traveling to Japan with my boyfriend! Also: receiving more tickles cuz why not. And last but not least, seeing Taylor Swift live at the Eras Tour in Amsterdam!
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Part 4: Spreading Love
23. Shoutouts to people who made my 2023 a better year: I know, and you might know, I didn't do so well last time since I tagged a bunch of friends but also forgot to mention some... not because I didn't care about them but because I am a flopper. So to prevent this embarrassment I won't mention any names this time.
I especially would like to thank everyone who is still around, who is reading this, who followed my new blog. To be honest, on my old blog I felt flattered to have so many followers but I was also aware it was the effect of being active for 7 years in a ton of fandoms, and that it didn't say anything about the accurate number of people appreciating what I was posting.
But to be at already almost 500 followers on this blog? Where I only post shit? Now that's a compliment I will gladly accept. Thank you to all of you for the support!
Last but not least, special shoutout to the friends I talk to on Discord sooo much now, you know who you are!
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Question list for copy paste below!
Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year
02. Favorite new ships since this year 
03. Favorite anime/TV shows of the year 
04. Favorite movies of the year
05. Favorite characters of the year
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year
08. Favorite games of the year
09. Highlight of this year to remember
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2023
11. Favorite fan art of the year
12. Favorite fic of the year
13. Favorite ask game of the year
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger
15. My own best fic/post of the year
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year
20. Goals for next year
21. 2024 releases I look forward to the most
22. Something else I look forward to next year
Part 4: Spreading Love
23. Shoutouts to people who made my 2023 a better year
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chubbening · 5 months
OH MY GOD OKAY HEY so me and a popular artist friend who shall not be named recently got into your fic Calories and Kink and IT IS SO HOT AND SUCH A HUGE INSPIRATION!!!! I literally started my own fic bc of it and I'm trying so hard to do my own things based on my own tastes and not lift too much inspiration xD
I just wanted to ask if any of your characters (Alexa, Reggie, or anyone else) has references? We may or may not be doing gay fanart for your adorable fat lesbian comfort fic.
Also I was stoked to find you're trans (us too)!!! Happy for you, also just learned you're a system!!! You both rock, keep up the good work, you got some real fans here :D
I think you just broke Ava's part of the brain lmao (she'll be fine) but thank you so so so much!! We've gotten so much lovely feedback on this story, and it means so much to us that what started as a kinky little side project has so engaged folks in our corner of the internet <3 Best of luck with your fic! One thing about writing is no one else is gonna do it like you, so even if you take inspiration, it'll still be your own.
It's funny you ask about references, because we've been thinking about commissioning some art for a while, just haven't gotten around to it (*coughcough* $$$). So like, we don't have ref sheets or anything. But (speaking of lifting inspiration) Reggie was originally inspired by one of NekoCrispy's characters, Astrid. Specifically the energy of this piece sparked something. Obviously we made Reggie a maned wolf and very much our own character, but we still think of her shape as similar to Astrid's (while compensating for NekoCrispy's more stylized hips), but 6' tall and with bigger arms ;)
For Alexa, shape- and vibe-wise, we go to https://www.tumblr.com/littlestpigletann. She's been posting since she was a lot smaller, so it's handy to dig back (on various platforms) and get a sense of Alexa at various points in the story. Although, Alexa's probably a bit lankier than Ann, who if I remember is 5'1" (Alexa's 5'6").
Feel free to DM us with any questions (about this stuff or w/e), we love chatting with folks! Honestly feels surreal to have people calling themselves fans and talking about doing art of something we created, like… Obviously no pressure to follow through, but we'd love to see what y'all come up with!!
Woo, trans! Honestly if we had a do-over, the one thing we'd change is making one or both of the MCs trans. We were just at a weird place with our dysphoria when we started writing it, and by the time we got comfier with things, there wasn't enough support in the story to retcon that. That's probably why we started doing more with Ash, tbh.
Okay, last anecdote here, the system thing is so funny in relation to Calories & Kink, because we didn't know we were plural when we wrote most of it, but we 1000% wrote Alexa and Reggie as individual self-inserts. When one of our partners started reading it, she compared us (still unaware) to Reggie because I fronted more during sex, but Ava, the more frequent fronter at the time, was like, "What? No, I'm way more like Alexa."
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this message <3 We'll be giddy all day now ^^
Promise we'll work on the last few chapters soon--we really do want to give this thing a proper ending.
Take care,
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
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This is the artwork that I commissioned from the talented @mjpens🧡
Stay In Bed has truly been one of my favorite things to write, I am genuinely so emotional over this series and my own relationship with it. I'm still surprised by the feedback and the love, so I would also want to thank everyone for their undying support and enthusiasm for it 🧡🧡🧡
This is from one of the scenes I wrote for chapter 6 and I can't stop staring at it. Thank you Maia for making this come to life, this made me beyond happy 🥺🧡
(I would also like to emphasize that in the story reader does not have a physical description whatsoever. I went the self-indulgent route and asked for it to be a self-insert <3)
the written scene is below the cut for those who are curious 🤭
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“How do you like your coffee?” 
“With milk,” you answer. “A lot of it, preferably.” 
“So milk with a dash of coffee,” he grins, amused. “Got it.” 
It’s been a couple of days since you moved in with Joel and Sarah. It was much easier to live with the father-daughter due than you initially had thought. Tommy came over in the mornings, dropping you off to work and Sarah to school, and the brothers went to do their own thing after that. 
With Joel’s back turned to you, you look down at your sketchbook and add another line to what is supposed to be his unruly hair. He really needs a haircut. 
Surprisingly living with him isn’t weird at all. He made you feel welcome. No awkward glances, no awkward touching. Just neighbors helping each other out. He places the steaming mug next to you and leans on his elbows. He looks at what you’re drawing and raises an eyebrow. 
Joel brings the mug to his lips. 
“You’re paintin’ me?” 
“I’m sketching you,” you answer. “You’re a lovely specimen.” 
“Is that so.” 
The scent of coffee fills your lungs. Lifting your gaze, you observe his facial structures. You see the imperfections, take in the sight of his eyes, his bushy eyebrows, and the bald patches in his beard. You want to touch the small beauty park right in the corner of his eye that’s impossible to see unless you’re an inch further away. 
 If he knew how you saw him—if he knew how big he was in your mind— Joel would be terrified. 
“Do you like art?” you ask, taking him by surprise. He takes a sip of his coffee and your gaze drops back to your sketch.  
He hums, fingers thrumming the kitchen counter. “I like your art.” 
“I should take you guys to an art gallery or something,” you say, smiling. “If you like mine, you’re going to go nuts over the things that are out there.” 
Joel pouts and you roll your eyes. “What are you looking at me like that for?” you ask.
“I like your drawings. They’re—They feel close. I don’t know how else to describe it.” 
It’s because it’s you who I think of when I create them. 
“Do you know Salvador Dali?” you ask, then quickly add. “Or Dorothea Tanning?” 
“Sweetheart, the only artist I know is Da Vinci and I’m not even a hundred percent sure he is one.” 
“He is,” you affirm him excitedly, looking back up. “I love surrealism. It’s when everything gets really weird basically. So—wait let me show you. I think I have a couple of pictures between the pages.” 
You miss the way Joel’s lips slowly curl up, adoration and fondness adorning his face, softening the edges. He comes closer. Your pulse quickens as your fingers rush to find the images, and when they do you basically rip them out from between the pages 
All of them are images from Dali’s artwork. Mainly butterflies. Joel observes them carefully, touching them as if fearing he might stain them. You urge him to take a closer look by placing one between his thick fingers. It’s The Butterfly Rose. 
“Never thought you would do homework for a hobby.” 
“It’s not—” You let out an exasperated sigh, cutting yourself off mid-sentence. “Do you think I want to work at the coffee house forever? It’s not just a hobby. And of course, as an artist, I look at other art to be inspired. They make me feel things.” Seeing the startled expression on his face, you add, “Don’t you get like…shivers or something when you see a very nice wooden table?”
Oh, you made him uncomfortable. You sense that in an instant. His fingers trace the image of the painting, looking down, you notice the crease between his brows deepening with concentration. Was he concentrating on the image? In your words? You have no idea—the only thing you know is that this man concentrating on art is making your insides clench with a need. 
“Sorry,” he grumbles. “I didn’t mean it like that. I do think you’re a serious artist. It’s just…fuck that came out wrong. I just didn’t think you would put in this much effort to somethin’ I said,” he shakes his head. “Shit, I’m bad at this.” 
That undeniable need to touch him comes rushing back. You bite the inside of your bottom lip instead. “ I think I might’ve overreacted after hearing the same thing from my brother all the time. It’s all good. You might be the only one that takes me seriously so it was unfair for me to jump to conclusions like that.” 
“He don’t support you?” 
“He does…” you trail off. “In his own way, I guess.” 
“That doesn’t sound like support,” he answers, clicking his tongue. “And just FYI I like your butterflies better, sweet tea.” 
“Sweet tea?” you ask, lips curling with amusement and eyes widening with shock. 
He shrugs. “You said you liked Dorothea…somethin’---” 
“Tanning.” you quickly say. “So Sweet Tea as in…the last syllable of her name?” 
“Would you rather I call you Tea?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“Nope!” you grin, your heart elevated. “Sweet Tea is perfect.” 
With a soft smile, Joel places the picture in front of you and gently taps on it. 
“Well then, Sweet Tea,” he says. “Tell me more about this surrealism thing.” 
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cowboysandpilots · 1 year
Buck and Eddie had always known that being parents was not easy. They had already been through a lot with Christopher, but nothing had prepared them for the day when Christopher got sick.
It started with a cough, just a small one, but it didn't go away. Soon, Christopher had a fever and was feeling very weak, not even wanting to use his crutches or do everything independently as he normally would. Buck and Eddie were worried, but they tried to remain calm and take care of their son.
They made sure Christopher had everything he needed - medicine, water, a cozy blanket - and took turns watching over him. Buck read stories to him, while Eddie cooked his favourite soup. They both stayed by his side, checking his temperature and making sure he was comfortable.
Buck never got tired of hearing Chris call for him, using the name "Dad," even if it came from an exhausted, gravelly, wreaked voice. It made him throw a smile Eddie's way even though it made him feel guilty. He shouldn't have been happy when Chris was so miserable.
As the days went by, Christopher's condition got worse. His cough turned into a nasty cold, and he was barely eating anything. Buck and Eddie were getting more and more anxious, but they didn't want to show it in front of their son.
Finally, after a week of taking care of Christopher, his fever broke. He started feeling better, and his appetite returned. Buck and Eddie were relieved but exhausted. They had been so focused on taking care of their son that they hadn't had much time for themselves.
As they tucked Christopher into bed, Buck and Eddie looked at each other and smiled. They knew that parenting was not easy, it never would be, but taking care of their sick son had brought them even closer together. They both loved Christopher so much, and they were grateful for every moment they got to spend with him. They were a family, and they would always be there for each other in sickness and in health.
A/N- Hi, I'm so happy you're here. :) If you would like to support me and my writing, please remember to hit the reblog button, as Tumblr has no algorithm and likes (while appreciated) do nothing to get creators work seen. Since Tumblr is hiding all my posts with my Ko-Fi link, THIS is a list of things I need/want while I'm away at Uni if you would like a commission or just to support me. It is beyond appreciated but, of course, not required. ❤️ If you would rather just donate to my Kofi ($3), you can find the link to it through this link. Again, not required but more appreciated than you will ever know. 💕
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