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crippled-peeper · 29 days ago
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[ID: a very small cactus in a pot. /end ID]
This is my baby cactus! I grew it from seed and I think it’s about two years old now. It used to be right at the edge of the pot but then I discovered it wasn’t rooted very deep there so I just moved the clump of dirt it was in to the middle to give it more space and am hoping it is successfully rooting deeper where it is now.
That’s so amazing!!!! I’ve never grown cacti from seed before. What a cute little dude! I can’t believe how slow they grow. You must have a lot of patience 🌵
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aromantic-diaries · 2 months ago
how tall are you?
One spaghetti
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months ago
The Muderbot Diaries is a novella series
NOVELLA???? 👀👀👀👀
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trixierosewrites · 4 months ago
happy STS! Do you have a favourite character? Also… did Aidan kill wife number 3…? “mysteriously died young” is suspicious
Happy STS!! And definitely Emilia. No hesitation. I love her to pieces, I'm putting her in a jar and shaking her, I'm blending her to a fine paste, I'm buying her yellow lipstick. I love her. There's a reason she's the only character I've commissioned artwork for.
As for Aidan... well, this actually comes up in Memento Vivere:
Aidan was no stranger to the cruelties of abusing someone’s love for someone else. His third wife—of four, so far, and unlikely to be more if he couldn’t get out of here, which was looking less and less likely—had looked at him like he’d hung the moon, and had been twenty years younger than him, only eighteen when they’d married. He’d married her because she was easy, because she was beautiful, and because she’d loved him. She’d fallen into his arms, believed anything he’d said, and he hadn’t even had to try with her the way he tried to convince the country that he could do better, this time, and he deserved the seat of power he was planning on embezzling money from.
Her father was in Aidan’s first cabinet for his new party. He’d been seeking power, much like Aidan, and had gladly handed his own daughter over for the chance to curry his favour. Anyone with eyes knew that Aidan was going to win—again—and anyone with eyes also knew that Aidan flipped through wives almost as quickly as he flipped through political parties, and so Aidan married his barely-legal wife on a cold December day, rain spitting down about them like disapproval from the gods. Amy had squealed with delight when he’d kissed her for the first time in front of the small crowd, mostly of her father’s friends. Her mother wasn’t told and found out through the newspapers, but Aidan hadn’t cared that he’d married a teenager and split the family into three. He had a pretty new wife on his arm and in his bed and she’d hung onto every word he said, and it had been satisfactory. Later, when she’d caught him balls deep in Miriam Fucking Fischer, he’d talked her around, telling her that it didn’t matter, he’d been married twice before her, that she was pure and touched only by Aidan, and that it didn’t matter what he did with his cock, and she’d agreed, and then he’d talked her into killing herself as he fucked the prostitute beneath him. Ten minutes later, and he’d talked Mary Mayland into revealing her real name.
She overdosed, and he made it look like an accident (she was so tragically young, after all, only twenty-one by her death), and then he got married again because he's awful.
Thanks for the ask!!
And that was a huge ass Memento Vivere chunk so I'll throw the taglist on here: @callmelyrae, @planets-collide, @mthollowell-writes
Ask to be +/- from the taglist!
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aromanticofficial · 4 months ago
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
aaaa thank youu
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septimus-heap · 4 months ago
alright Septimus Heap THIS is what Canadians call Rockets and Americans call Smarties
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[ID: a plastic tube of colourful sugar tablets. /end ID]
Oh like fizzers??? Or love hearts. Or those other ones I can't remember the name of that r the same but bigger
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ID: same as above but a different brand /end ID
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theriverpointace · 4 months ago
Happy storyteller Saturday! Does your character have a favourite person? Are they also that person’s favourite person?
[steampunk paris. because i think he and hellen are silly <3]
this is something that i think will probablyyyy? stay the same from the myths/my original idea: paris being deeply in love with hellen. and she's like "i wish you would go die."
and like. obviously not the whole time. hellen does like him, a little, at the start. idk if i'd go so far as to say he's her favorite person, but she likes him. loves him. maybe. likes him well enough to run away, so.
paris' favorite person is hellen because if she's there then he's not lonely. if she's there he's not alone. he's been alone for so long ... his childhood in the empty countryside, his recent years in the city so loud nobody can hear him.
hellen's favorite person is not paris. she hates the underside of ilium, misses her husband, her daughter, her life, her home. and sure, paris' family isn't so bad, at least considering they're the most powerful and dangerous group in the capital. her favorite person is probably menelaus.
thanks for the ask!! it's making me realize how much i still have to shape in this world haha 😅
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angleofmusings · 10 months ago
oh my god I've been reading your url as "angelofmusings" this whole time only to realize entirely by chance that I mixed up the l and the e and that's in fact a different word
oh no it was that until like a week ago you were reading it correctly
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lifeafterpsychiatry · 11 months ago
I hate when the "recovery" posts act like disability isn't a real thing in their efforts to "encourage" self care and productivity...
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Like the implication that the only reason why someone might struggle with self care is that they aren't making the right choices and are spending too much time on their phones? Fuck off with that shit...
[ID: underwater screenshot which reads: “These are not difficult tasks. If they are difficult for you, you’re not spending enough time with yourself. Put your phone down and get your life together [heart hands emoji].” /end ID] ID by @aromanticsky
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crippled-peeper · 21 days ago
happy birthday!!
Thank you 🖤🥹
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transmasc-wizard · 1 month ago
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hi I'm back enjoying acrylic markers again. here is my boy Arthur. ID in alt text
Arthur wip taglist @thecosmicsailor @multi-lefaiye @aromanticsky
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cepheusgalaxy · 10 months ago
Līs was a ritual sacrifice and is undead btw
wait what
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trixierosewrites · 4 months ago
how did it come to be that Aidan Whitney was prime minister four separate times?
Hii, thanks for the ask!
Aidan is, first and foremost, a prick. He first came to be Prime Minster as a Conservative (probably about twenty-three, twenty-four? AKA crazy young), so he was yet another Tory making promises he couldn't keep, yadda yadda. He held his four years, then Labour won, and so forth. Eight years later, Aidan had flipped sides and was making promises as a Labour member - he'd seen the error of his ways, he promised. He wouldn't be waylaid by Conservative policies. He really did fancy himself Tony Blair.
Unfortunately for Aidan, all his pretty words get him into power, but they don't keep him there.
After another four years he was voted out. This time he wasted no time switching parties, campaigning, the Liberal Democrats take power outside of a coalition for the first time; four years later he's voted out. Immediately makes his own party, lots of campaigning, wins with a hung parliament because there was a lot of infighting in the other parties, becomes PM on like, a 38% vote? I have the maths somewhere. It was pretty bad.
(For the timeline: if he's PM at 24-28 (Conservatives), there's then a Labour government for four years, then another Conservative government, then Aidan again at 36-40 (Labour). There's then four years of a Conservative government, then Aidan again at 44-48 (Liberal Democrats), then four years of Labour, then four years of the Whitneys with Aidan at 52-56, then a year with him out of power before the story starts, placing him at 57.)
(For anyone curious as to how this matches up with his marriage timeline, he got married for the first time at 29, divorced at 40, married the second time at 41, divorced at 46, married to an 18 year old at 48, she dies when he's 51, and then his final marriage at 54. Aidan, stop. Just stop.)
Aidan's whole thing is his ability to talk people into things, which works well for a career in politics. It just makes everything look stupid when you do the maths. And yes, his marriages are timed to redo his image, because he sucks immensely.
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seastarblue · 1 month ago
Author Ask Tag!
phew.. so I’ve been tagged quite a bit: thank you to @aromanticsky , @asher-writes , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @theink-stainedfolk , and @aalinaaaaaa for the tags!
my bad if I missed anyone who also tagged me I’m working on catching up with these ^^
I’ll be doing A Golem’s Guide for this one !
What is the main lesson of your story?
People are not 100% good. Nor are they 100% evil. If someone does something wrong, what matters is what they do after. If someone does something right, what matters is if they keep that up. (Very shaky but this is the general lesson idk lol)
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding?
My inspiration comes from a lot of things (music, things I read, stuff from dreams) but I never really committed to writing all of them down, lols
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, or help the reader grow as a person?
Arbor’s main goal throughout the story is to figure out who he was, and figure out if he can be redeemed for what he’s done. My goal, simply put, is to finish the damn story (/hj), but inspiring and entertaining others is always a plus to me!
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Uh. Next question? (I don’t know yet.)
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original! And I think I’ll finally make an AO3 for it too.
When did you start writing?
I remember getting a letter in fifth grade to join a poetry club (I kept a notebook on me and scribbled sometimes) (I didn’t end up going). I’ve only started taking writing seriously since about last January, so a year or so.
Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr? What other writers do you follow?
If something doesn’t seem to work out, be it a plotline or an arc or just something, take a step back and come back to it with fresh eyes. Works wonders, trust me. As for the lovely people I follow… well there’s quite a bit but I’d like to pass the mic to a few in particular (in a no pressure way ofc); @write-with-will @sunflowerrosy @thebookishkiwi @abiteofhoney @corinneglass and @vesanal !
and I think I’ll also…
taglist time! no pressure as always <3
@sableglass @dioles-writes @viridis-icithus @allaboutmagic @paeliae-occasionally
@astor-and-the-endless-ink @vsnotresponding @nightlylaments @ancientmyth
@thebookishkiwi @verdant-mainframe @threedaysgross @fifis-corner @bamber344
@seafloor509 @viwritesthings @abiteofhoney @rumeysawrites @pizzamanstan
oh and also open tag!
Blanks under the cut!
What is the main lesson of your story?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, or help the reader grow as a person?
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
When did you start writing?
Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr? What other writers do you follow?
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septimus-heap · 11 months ago
I got my little sister reading Septimus Heap. I am staying one book ahead of her while I reread it and she reads it for the first time. She is really enjoying it!
You said she had no taste, but I just had to wait until the Time was Right.
I'm not sure if I did say that?? Bc I don't remember hearing abt this before but SO TRUE I'm glad she likes it!!!!! :O
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asher-writes · 1 month ago
Author Ask Tag
Big thanks to @the-inkwell-variable for this tag!! Follow them!!
I suppose seeing as I'm posting The Anthology of Cardinal Sins, I'll talk about that!
What is the main lesson of your story? Why did you choose it?
So I was raised catholic, and the thing about being raised catholic is that it's like being dumped into a vat of guilt as a young child and then spending the rest of your life trying to make sense of the things you now have to unlearn.
I thought about how we learn that good is someone without sin, and I thought about how I think good people do bad things and try to do better. And then I wrote some stories about good people who do bad things, sometimes because they were just making bad choices, or trusted the wrong people. Sometimes because they thought they were doing the right thing. I also write about bad people who couldn't be worse, for the sake of it.
Ultimately, it's an examination of how goodness doesn't - and shouldn't - present itself as something squeaky clean and "without sin." Bad people are bad because it's easy for them. Good people do bad things, and they learn from them.
It's also about gay polyamory and love <3
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding?
If I say I hallucinated most of it from a Hozier album, would you believe me? I also take big inspiration from Ghibli for the CS and Sleep of a King world. Other than that, different mythologies, mainly Christian and Greek.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, or help the reader grow as a person?
I have a few MCs, but I'd say most of them are just trying to figure out how to be happy and do their jobs. I want people to forgive themselves, mostly. Nobody can be perfect.
How many chapters is your story going to have?
*is running away*
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original content and I am posting it on Substack!
When did you start writing?
...I was a very lonely child. Despite being basically blind until I got my glasses, I was telling and writing and somehow reading from the age of 3. The optician could not understand how I was doing this as I had massive spot thingies at the back of my eyes. I don't know how I was doing this either.
Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr? What other writers do you follow?
There are some days when I am so wrapped up in loathing of my writing. These are the days that you should post something.
I follow many, many other writers, but here's a list (pls take this as an invitation to do this tag):
@tc-doherty (fantastic YA author) @did-i-do-this-write (absolute MVP) @winterandwords (Recommend so highly I could combust), @oh-no-another-idea (Urban fantasy writer - which always has me by the hooks). @aromanticsky (Aromantic stories <3) @seastarblue (fantastic worldbuilder) and that's all I've got, but I Know I'm forgetting people.
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