#i love you more than a fucking paris-brest
portergage · 2 years
You are my favourite, the light of my life, a wonderful human with talent to rival the literary greats, my best friend, my inspiration đź’ś
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rainybubbles · 10 months
How COD men say the first "I love you"
Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Rudy, Keegan
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC.)
for more context (you don't need it to read) : here how you met them
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-He confessed with Gaz covered by whipped cream.
-Let me explain.
-After your first meeting based on a pregnant Shrek cake to his base and a misunderstanding, John became a regular of your bakery.
-So obviously for confessing his love, he thought of baking a cake.
-During the afternoon on the base, he tried to bake.
-Yes, he could have bought a cake with "I love you” on it. But John liked doing this on his own when it came to gifts.
-He liked the old-fashioned way of doing gifts himself.
-However, as the dough turned an unexpected purple hue, he wisely sought the expertise of Soap, a proficient pastry enthusiast.
-"Cap...your dough is..." Soap hesitated, unsure of how honest he could be.
-"Horrible, you can say it, son," John acknowledged.
-"I just wonder how you managed to make it turn purple?"
-"I used beetroot."
-"For a cake?"
-"Sugar is derived from beetroot."
-"Yeah, but in a Paris-Brest, you don't have beetroot."
-"...how can I fix this?"
-"Well, call Gaz. By three, we could finish the pastry in time," Soap suggested with a knowing smile.
-The collaborative baking commenced, yet Soap overlooked a crucial detail—Gaz sucked as much as Price when it came to bake.
- Entrusted with the delicate task of preparing the crème au beurre, Gaz inadvertently neglected to secure the mixer's lid.
-Chaos ensued as the cream erupted, spilling on the surroundings.
-Soap tried to stop it, but he slipped on the floor.
-Gaz couldn't see because of the cream, and John was looking at them reconsidering his life's chouce.
-Obviously, you decided to come back home at this moment.
-Yo were greeted by the sight of Gaz adorned in whipped cream, Johnny sprawled on the flour-strewn floor, and John enveloped in a cloud of flour.
-"I...is this a kinky food party, or did I miss something? Because usually, people are naked when they use whipped cream," you quipped.
-"I can explain, love," John offered.
-"Okay, what happened?"
-"I wanted to bake for you."
-"You know I don't need cakes or pastries; that's my job. If I crave a sweet tooth, I have plenty of cakes, honey."
-"I know, but this one was special. It was supposed to be a heart-shaped Paris-Brest."
-"Paris-Brest aren't heart-shaped."
-"Not when they're not employed for confessions."
-A moment of realization dawned upon you.
-"Fuck, you...you wanted to say 'I love you.'"
-"Yeah, but it's clear I messed up."
-"No, no. I mean, sure, Gaz covered in whipped cream, Johnny on the flour, and walls adorned with flour was not what I pictured, but it's perfect."
-"Good because I don't plan to cover Garrick in whipped cream every time I want to say it."
-A shared chuckle ensued as you joined Gaz and Soap in the aftermath, each contributing to the cleanup while John beamed with contentment.
G A Z :
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-He confessed with a vocal.
-After your meeting and your teasing when you found out Gaz listened to your spicy ASMR as a streamer, you noticed him.
-He was a regular, one of the fans who always leave a comment under each post.
-He became more than just a familiar username.
-Your bond deepened as you sought his counsel on scenarios for your streams and videos, a virtual confidant in the ever-expanding realm of online content creation.
-As time unfolded, your relationship transcended the digital realm.
-The spark between you two ignited, an intangible force that fueled your creative musings.
-Swiftly, meetings materialized whenever Gaz found a fleeting moment of respite from his duties.
-When he was on long deployments, you sent him exclusivity audios so he could be distracted from the horror he did or saw, offering a temporary escape from the grim realities he faced.
-Your voice became a comforting melody, a beacon in the darkness, ensuring that Gaz could find solace even amid the harrowing experiences he encountered. 
- In fact you could record yourself spelling a list of grocery and he would find it awesome
-Yet, despite the kisses shared and the intimate moments experienced, Gaz had yet to formally ask you out or declare those three potent words: "I love you."
-One night, as a gentle breeze whispered through the window, he turned to his friend Soap for advice, a hint of embarrassment lingering in his tone.
-"Hey, mate, can I ask for advice?" he queried, his eyes seeking guidance from Soap.
-"Sure," Soap responded, welcoming the opportunity to lend an ear.
-"How... would you confess to someone you've been flirting with for months?" Gaz inquired, his apprehension palpable.
-"Tell them," Soap replied matter-of-factly.
-"No shit, I wanted something special. They're... they're awesome, and I really want to make the thing memorable, you know?"
-Soap smirked, teasing Gaz.
-A playful shoulder bump ensued as Gaz protested, "Shut up, mate. I just... I feel like they're the right person, you know? I mean, they saw me during my lowest moments, and for people like us, it's hard sometimes to find those who can handle a lover with PTSD."
-"Yeah, I feel that," Soap acknowledged. "Well, maybe use your first meeting or something they love. If they're into soccer, bring them to a big match and confess during it."
-"But, you know, during a match, everyone screams? It's kinda dumb."
-Soap paused.
-Gaz looked at him.
-"Well, it sounded like a good idea at that time."
-Gaz's eyes widened. "Wait, you did that?"
-"Listen, it seemed like a good idea."
-"Oh my gosh, what happened?"
-"She didn't understand what I said and answered, 'You're such a good friend.'"
-"But it doesn't mean it'll be the same for you."
-"I know. I just think about things they love. I... can't confess by ASMR, honestly. It'll be cringe."
-"Maybe send an audio? No need for ASMR," Soap suggested.
-"Yeah," Gaz agreed.
-As Gaz found himself in his room, armed with his phone and ready to send a heartfelt audio message, he hesitated.
-The recorded voice sounded foreign and awkward to him, far from the eloquence he envisioned.
-Discouraged, he abandoned the attempt.
- Upon his return from deployment, sensing your unusual behavior, he confronted you about it.
-"You... sent me a vocal, but it only said 'Fuck you,' so I didn't know if I did something or not," you confessed, puzzled by the unexpected message.
-Gaz paused, the realization dawning upon him. He had forgotten to delete a frustrated attempt at confessing that slipped through the cracks.
-"No, it was not against you. I... I tried to do something, but I messed up. So I was mad at myself, and at the same time, I was recording a vocal for you," he admitted, vulnerability coloring his words.
-"Can I ask what was this thing?" you inquired, curiosity dancing in your eyes.
-"I... gear. I couldn't take off my gear," he lied, attempting to divert the conversation.
-"You're a bad liar," you chuckled.
-"Okay, I wanted to confess to you. And I tried to record something like you do, but it sounded horrible."
-"You know you could have texted?" you suggested with a playful smile.
-"Yes, I... I didn't think about it. I was so focused on voices and the perfect confession."
-"I reciprocate, if you ever wonder," you reassured him.
-A smile broke across Gaz's face as he squeezed your hands, grateful for the understanding that transcended words.
S O A P :
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-He confessed by drawings.
-After drawing you like Gollum because you flustered him, Soap, determined to prove his artistic prowess, pursued every opportunity to capture your essence on paper.
- Despite attending each modeling session and receiving your compliments, he couldn't quite capture the nuances—those wrinkles when you smiled, the sparkle when you ate, the delicate mole that graced your visage.
-Unyielding, he embarked on a mission of his own, drawing you ceaselessly between military duties, on the pages of his diary, and during leaves.
-Training, a familiar concept to a soldier, became his artistic discipline.
-You willingly played muse.
-The drawing sessions evolving into intimate conversations, forging a connection that extended beyond artistry.
-As your bond deepened, so did Soap's frustration.
- The elusive perfection he sought in his drawings continued to elude him, and he longed to express his feelings through his sketches.
- One day, returning to your darkened apartment, you discovered a trail of candles illuminating your path.
- Recognizing Soap's expertise with fire and explosives, you followed the flickering lights until the room burst into brightness.
-There, on the wall, an intricately arranged collection of sketches painted a portrait of your shared moments—coffee spills, date nights, and more.
-Overwhelmed by the domestic warmth of the scene, you couldn't help but murmur, "Shit, it's so cute."
-"I hope so, because I love you, baby. I want these sketches to continue, to wake up to you every morning, to draw you, to see you, to kiss you," Johnny confessed, closing the distance between you.
-A tender embrace and a heartfelt kiss followed. "I love you too."
-"Good, because it would have been hard if you said you hate me after I spent five hours gluing these sketches," Soap admitted, a playful smile gracing his face.
-Laughter filled the room, echoing the joy of two hearts entwined in love.
G H O S T :
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-He confessed with a monkey wrench.
-You were tired.
-The life of a mechanic on the base demanded a toll, and today, that toll felt almost unbearable.
- Fatigue etched lines on your face as you toiled among the clattering tools, your hands weaving intricate dances of repair.
- The camaraderie with your coworkers, usually a source of solace, had soured into an unbearable weight on your shoulders.
-Amidst the clinks and clanks, a sudden snap echoed through the air, drawing attention like an unwelcome spotlight.
-Your favorite monkey wrench, a faithful companion in countless repairs, lay shattered in your hands.
-A surge of frustration coursed through you, and against all reason, tears welled in your eyes.
- It was an odd vulnerability, shedding tears over a broken tool, but the accumulation of stress had reached a breaking point.
-Then, there he was—Simon, the enigmatic connection born from his bad driving skills and your repairing of his vehicles.
- Your eyes met, and the vulnerability you felt intensified.
-"Don't pity me, please," you whispered, a plea tinged with embarrassment.
-"I don't pity you, love," Simon responded, his voice a balm to your wounded spirit.
- He knelt beside you, his presence a comforting anchor in the chaos of the workshop.
-"I... I must look ridiculous?" you stammered, seeking reassurance.
-"No, you look quite stunning crying on the dirty floor with a broken monkey wrench," he teased, a glimmer of humor in his eyes.
- Your tears mingled with laughter, a cathartic release in the midst of chaos.
-"Yeah?" you asked, a hint of uncertainty lingering.
-"Yeah," he affirmed, his gaze sincere.
 -"Then Soap is the most stunning with his mohawk full of mud."
-"Hm, he can't beat you with your grease on the cheek," Simon remarked, using his gloved hand to wipe away a smudge.
-A quiet settled between you, broken only by the sound of tools and distant chatter.
-Simon extended his hands, a silent offer of support, and you accepted, rising from the dirt-strewn floor.
-"Thanks for... being here," you said, gratitude coloring your words.
-"I'm not always here, love," Simon admitted, a touch of vulnerability in his gaze.
-"But you're here when it counts, Simon. That's all that matters to me," you confessed, and with those words, you retreated to the solitude of your barracks.
-As you left, Simon watched you, and in that moment, an unfamiliar warmth enveloped him.
- It was the realization that he was enough—enough to be there for you, enough to be loved.
-The following day, a surprise awaited you in the form of a brand-new monkey wrench.
-A note accompanied it, bearing Simon's distinctive scrawl: "I hope to buy you more in the future."
- A subtle promise, a declaration beyond words.
- You smiled, for you understood—it was more than a tool.
-It was the promise of a connection that transcended the clangor of the workshop, a sentiment that spoke of a desire for something deeper. And for you, that was more than enough.
K E E G A N :
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-He confessed with Happy Meals.
-After all, it was how you met. Keegan ordered 20 happy meals, and you were a worker for McDonalds.
-( Even though you began to write an essay about how happy meals and military men seem to be an issue)
- Keegan and you became close.
-Since you saw him each night during his leave after your shift.
-At first, it was because some teenagers were here, threatening the employees after their shift, so Keegan proposed his help.
-And after that, driving you back home became a routine when he was on leave.
-And when one night you decided to ask him to drop you somewhere else, and it ended up being a restaurant, he realized you were asking a date subtly.
-Slowly, it became flirtatious.
-Even though you still didn't know how he could flirt when you were covered in grease-smelling potatoes.
-But Keegan had rizz even at 1 AM.
-He could say the more cheesy lines while you're covered in cheddar and coke.
-That's why he wanted to confess in a cool way, the same way, his flirt could make you smile through the worst shift.
-At first, he thought of a Happy meal where the toy could be a letter saying "I love you" with a selfie of you two.
-But he wanted something fun, as fun as when Ghost ordered 40 Happy Meals just to have all the skeleton toys.
-So during one of his missions, he used his phone and ordered food for your flat.
-Surprised, you opened the door to the delivery guy, saying you hadn't ordered anything. But you noticed it had your name on it.
-You sighed and took the bags.
-The 4 bags.
-Which surprised you because, hell, you won't eat all of that.
-And then you opened the bag to see happy meals.
-20 happy meals. Like Keegan used to order.
-You chuckled.
-It was a good prank.
-You sent him a text.
-"Okay, good one, I'll take revenge, I swear"
-But then you notice the Happy Meal is empty.
-Except for one who had a little toy.
-A heart toy.
-You squeezed it like it said on it
-And the little toy spoke with a horrible voice. "I love you".
-The cheesy smile you had when you realized it.
-"fuck, you got rizz even miles away, uh ?"you texted.
- "of course" he answered.
-"well, Mr Rizz, I can't send you Happy Meals, but I love you too."
-"thanks, love"
R U D Y :
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-He confessed with books. 
-After meeting Rudy in the library and realizing he was one of the few readers following your books. You ended up meeting with him when he was on leave so he could be your beta reader.
-He was a good help, he was not always saying "good", he had good remarks and ideas.
-He was the one bringing coffee during your late writing sessions.
-Even when duty called him away on missions, he sent texts 
-Texts traversed the ether, connecting your worlds despite the miles that separated you.
-In response, handwritten letters, carefully penned with the knowledge of his penchant for tangible memories, sailed back to him, becoming anchors of shared moments in his turbulent sea of duty.
-Thanks to his comments and ratings on sites, you slowly became more famous as an author, and you now live by it.
-Yet one day when you were writing, you were searching for one of the books you wanted to inspire your fight scene for, but...
-"I didn't order my library like that," you whispered.
-Your books, usually standing sentinel in perfect alignment, bore witness to an intrusion—an inexplicable disorder. 
-But you had this habit of putting in order books in a certain way. But it seemed someone messed it up.
-And it would be so strange for a stalker to just break into someone's house in order to...mess up their library ?
-What kind of shitty villain could do that ?
-You sighed.
 -The only one who could come in  your flat is Rudy, and it couldn't be Rudy since the guy was kind of obsessive with it too.
-Not a soldier for nothing, after all, being clean is part of it. 
-His library was impressive, he even gave advice to his local library about archives.
-So slowly, you pulled out one book, in order to put it back where it was supposed to be.
-You sighed, knowing it would take your night to do all the books.
-Until you noticed it.
-The letters.
-The first letters of each title were aligned.
-You stepped back, and you rode it.
-"I love you"
-You bite your lips and smiled.
-'Fucking idiot", you whispered, and you sent him a selfie with you and the books aligned.
-"Me too." you had texted.
-"I had thought you would never find it."
-"What do you mean ?"
-"It's been six months, it's like that."
-"What, no"
-"Fuck, you-"
-"I thought you didn't want to address it before I realized you just haven't seen it."
-"I'm so sorry; fuck, you must have been stressed."
-"Not really"
-False. He cried to Alejandro one month after he did it, and you didn't answer. But you would never know that.
-"Well, now you know it's reciprocated."
-"Thanks, love"
-"Have a good night, honey".
He smiled. It'll definitely be a good night, now he knows you said I love you.
If you want more : my COD masterlist
And my whole masterlist
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