#i love you drawfee i miss you
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natjennie · 2 years ago
the fact that from the intro clips, it seems like there are unaired episodes of drawfee variety hour drives me to madness
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apple8ees · 11 months ago
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finally, the last of my bit-related @comicaurora tarot cards (cards 1 2 and 3 here). honestly probably the most appropriate i feel?? guys who don't even know the horrors. yet
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allthecastlesonclouds · 9 months ago
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whoa it’s the boy it’s the guy he’s in (limited) color
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vault81 · 8 months ago
move over fallout something much more interesting just happened
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yukine-sakamoto · 8 months ago
I saw drawfee’s announcement yesterday, and honestly I’m glad they’re letting themselves take it easy. I’ve been so impressed for the past four years at the amount of content they put out per week (2 ~40 minute videos, 2 hr live stream, patreon bonus content), but it’s also been worrying when they would occasionally mention how swamped with work they are. I mean I can only imagine the all the extra time that we don’t see that goes into behind the scenes stuff (rendering, editing, planning, business stuff, merch stuff, etc). I would much rather have a little less content so that the show can continue, be its best, and they can be healthy. Like I’ve really missed the speed draws. I love seeing the whole process, hearing how they made artistic decisions, and having more time to appreciate the renders, but those videos take more time to make. I would love to see them be able to take that time. Plus, I feel like with any content creators you can tell when they’re not having a good time with whatever they’re doing, and it’s way more fun to watch someone who’s enjoying themselves. It’s counterproductive to want quantity over quality. I just wanted to post something supportive since I feel like it’s hard for creators to make these kinds of decisions.
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monimolimnion · 10 months ago
Are you excited by the prospect of drawtectives season 3 soon. Bc ive been vibrating all day fhsjfhsjch
I'M SO EXCITED OH MY GOD. i know they've been sitting on the first few episodes for a little while and i've been biting things the whole time like PLEASE!! BRING MY CHILDREN BACK I MISS THEM TERRIBLY (but also im glad they took so long because i want julia to protect her damn wrists)
for anyone reading this that fucks w drawfee but hasnt seen drawtectives yet, please watch the supercut they just released, it doesnt have any major spoilers and it's a great taster of just what's so good about the show, including but not limited to:
found family
a nonbinary character cracking their egg in real time
improv storytelling and worldbuilding+callbacks that resolve satisfyingly (in a way similar to a D&D show) but told in a unique way with VN-style sprites
bisexual panic
drawing challenges that are beautifully stupid (i feel like people can be intimidated by the show - or at least i was - bc it doesn't seem like drawtectives will be very drawfee but trust me the DNA is all there and it's less of a buy-in to start watching than you might think)
plot relevant cat
please it's everything good about d&d shows and drawfee rolled together and i love it so much please watch it please please please
If you watched the supercut and still aren't sure, please watch the ep they did with ProZD that genuinely nearly made me asphyxiate it was so funny and doesn't require any context going in.
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oooooo you wanna 🅱eeze 🅱izza so bad ooooooo
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jancy-locator · 2 months ago
What is this blog?
Hi! Welcome to Jancy Locator, where I find PI Jancy True of Drawtectives fame in posts because I love and miss her and everything reminds me of her. This started as a distraction when I was dealing with some Stuff and had become just a fun little project I want to continue doing. So here's how it works!
Firstly: if I've reblogged your post and you want it removed, please dm me and I'll take it down as soon as I see your message!
Also, if anyone who comes across this blog has not watched Drawtectives, you should! It's a super interesting, engaging, and funny show made by the super talented Drawfee team, particularly the one and only Julia Lepetit. This post about it is great, plus @/unofficial-drawfee-publicist has some great posts about why you should check it out!
Moving on, my post requirements:
Ideally Drawtectives based, but will do general Drawfee if I run out of posts (this is to avoid annoying people who don't know what I'm talking about)
Does not actually have Jancy's name in the body of the post (this kind of defeats the purpose of the blog tbh)
The letters of Jancy's name are all in one paragraph (this is for a couple reasons: one is that I almost exclusively use the Tumblr mobile app and can only copy/paste one paragraph at a time. The other is that it can seem disjointed and I don't want to add a huge chunk of redundant text to the post. I'll sometimes make exceptions to this though, mostly just based on vibes.)
If you see a post that fits these requirements that I haven't posted yet, feel free to send it to me! If it's recent it's likely in my queue but I'm still happy to check.
My other relevant blogs:
@sherlocksnobody is my main blog! I like/follow from this URL and reblog all sorts of random stuff. This is also the best way to check if I'm still on Tumblr, as I sometimes take breaks from sideblogs but this one always stays active .
@jancyyyyy is my Drawtectives sideblog! This is where I put everything Drawtectives- (and Drawfee-) related that doesn't involve finding Jancy, although she makes plenty of appearances there as well.
This blog brings me a lot of joy to run, and I hope you like it too! And have a lovely day <3
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andies-friend-shaped · 2 years ago
remember that time i made a 12 minute drawfee compilation video about eggs? well it turns out, there were a few moments i missed
i dont catch most streams because i work evening shifts so i was surprised to find just how many i missed! (+ im sure theres even more i didnt get) everyone was so kind in the comments, and it makes me sort of emotional because i love being a part of this community so much 🥹 so thank you so much to anyone that watched, liked, or commented, y’all mean the actual world to me 🫶
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asterlark · 1 year ago
felt like it was time to make an actual pinned about / tags post!
aster / rowan / r | late 20s | they/them | bi & nonbinary trans | autistic, chronic pain haver, holder of brain soup w various mental illnesses | white usamerican
this has been my main blog for the whole time i've been on tumblr (like... 12 or 13 years ;_;) so it's very multifandom/ has a wide range of content lol. list of common tags & read before following info under the cut!
currently i post a mixture of:
tv shows: ofmd, leverage, otgw, ted lasso, atla/ lok, abbott elementary, black sails (only on s2, still have tag blocked), & others
webcomics: check please, heartstopper, & farragone
books: general book tag, the murderbot diaries, the raven cycle, all for the game, truly devious, dungeon meshi
podcasts: the adventure zone balance (& mcelroys in general), the strange case of starship iris, wolf 359
movies: the old guard, itsv & astv, dnd honor among thieves, knives out / glass onion, pacific rim, & other ones i forgot
youtube: drawfee & drawtectives, occasionally dan and phil
basic tags: video, audio, music, asks, replies, posts with image descriptions
games: mostly stardew valley and acnh
me: #me, my posts, my writing, my fanmixes, my edits
reference: writing, drawing, useful, resource, save tag
random text posts/ things i find funny or interesting
other misc things: fanart, art, poetry, mental health reminders, mh toolkit (wip tag), autism tag, nonbinary tag / trans tag, disability tag, tag for noodle (my cat)
i do also reblog posts about leftist politics / involvement & solidarity w movements such as BLM, land back/ native sovereignty, free palestine, anti-racism, & dismantling oppressive systems such as ICE, policing, & the prison industrial complex. i don't always tag these posts bc tumblr loves to censor those who are speaking out against power, but i do try to tag big triggers. if i ever miss something/ unknowingly rb something against my values, please let me know.
you are not welcome here if you:
don't support anti-racist, decolonization, and anti-fascist efforts
don't believe in self-diagnosis & expanded rights & accommodations for disabled people
don't support sex workers' rights
are a terf/ transmedicalist/ don't believe in trans people's right to self-identify
believe that houseless folks "deserve" to be houseless/ that it's their fault, and/or that people struggling with addiction don't deserve support and rights
other links: antiracism resources, petitions, funds to donate to, & more | aesthetic blog | ao3 | pinterest | cohost
i am not afraid to use the block button <3 get lost!
please don't follow if you are under 18- i don't go through every single follower to enforce this, but i am an adult in my late 20s and i reblog nsfw / adult content that is not always appropriate for minors.
think that's about it \○^○/ welcome & enjoy ur stay!!
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[image description: noodle, a brown striped tabby cat with white patches, lays on a gray couch with her front two paws bent and touching, and her back paws wrapped around rowan's arm. rowan's hand is petting noodle's exposed belly, and noodle's eyes are closed. /end ID]
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nomaishuttle · 2 years ago
im guessing its probably a wifi thing but ive noticed that some of your original posts hsve been posting twice! you might have seen it but idk i thought that was interesting! also what other youtube channels do you watch, besides kurtis & dannys ones? i watch drew gooden, dankpods, d'angelo wallace (granted, he only started uploading again recently, but ive seen most of his new ones), and cs188, alongside many others (smiles)
OMG SO. i have different groups of yters i watch i watch danny drew kurtis dangelo jarvis jordan as well! in that same sort of genre i also dabble in chad chad... also of course eddy burback :] aside from that sort of griup i also like channels like maritime history, disaster breakdown, mentour pilot, brick immortar, big ol boats, casual navigation, geeen dot aviation, etc. ALSO i have a couple themepark channels like defunctland (Obviously), expedition themepark, el toro ryan, etc Sry for saying etc so much. n the of course fashion history bernadette banner, karolina zebrowska, etc :] RHATS MODT OF IT rheres a few more... KENNIE JD IS GREAT.. also i said jarvis and jordan which is true i 2atch them both seperate but i loveee sad boyz. pop culture detective is amazing and sometimes i watch j aubrey and tro.. i also like drawfee plus secret sleepover so YES. BUT MY ALLTIME FAVE IS MISS ASK A MORTICIAN MY BFF I LOVE HER VIDEOS
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natjennie · 2 years ago
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if drawfee wanted to make money for real I would be able to buy this shirt.
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justsalpals · 2 years ago
There are two wolves inside me.
One has seen how utterly unbearable the yttd fandom gets, mostly about shipping. I try to cut them some slack, because I'm pretty sure the fandom is mostly teenagers and I've been an awful fandom teen myself, but dear lord.
The other wolf still genuinely loves the characters, and has been basking in three year old comments on my fics because they're some of the most thoughtful and flattering praise I've ever received. Honestly, I recognize that those comments are 100% of the reason I gained the confidence to write consistently and get into rp again. I read those old comments while twirling my hair and giggling. Someone called me an ancient god of suffering, which did damn wonders for my ego. That fic got three different pieces of fanart, a fic writer's highest honor. I genuinely miss my two bastard men.
yes this was absolutely sparked because Julia and Jacob Drawfee started playing yttd on secret sleepover society.
shin my beloved, my sopping wet feral cat of a man, are you still with me?
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fine-fletchings · 2 months ago
I love what trolls the Drawfee cast were about the stairs! Thank you for filling in the... missing scene
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Gma doesn’t remember the second flight of stairs?? Couldn’t be me
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alikestory · 27 days ago
okay. not sure it looks like a straight line between my last post about hazbin hotel and this but. it isn't. hold on i need to remember the name of this comic in order to justify my actions. :v
right it's sad girl space lizard if you read any of the words in this post let it be those
so i was reading that in the airport bc i have it on my phone and was like, it would be fun to draw smut in a cartoony style like that. (there's only one brief sex scene in that comic btw. let's set some expectations. :v )
which is. i think i mentioned that line of thinking before re: hazbin hotel but i don't remember specifically what i was saying about it. ANYWAY. the point of this post (all that was the prologue. "david foster wallace, WHERE is the sex???" we're getting there.) is that i have come up with a storyline for some angel/husk doujinshi which has almost no plot. shocking for me to have any idea without a long and convoluted plot attached to it. i even thought i should add one and then was like SHUT THE FUCK UP.
would i actually draw such a thing. well. let's look at the facts.
i don't draw in a cartoony style. not like i'm the master of Real Human Anatomy but i've gotten into drawfee lately and am an enjoyer of the running joke(?) in which julia cannot draw any cartoon character, which is funny because of how good she is at drawing generally. and i'm like. would that be me. oh my god WOULD THAT BE ME. i'd walk into the ocean never to be seen again. in general i hate drawing fanart bc i'm like. i can't make them hot enough. although (tangent) in 2019 and/or early 2020 (when we still had hope in our hearts) i started a tokyo babylon doujinshi that i stilllll want to one day finish (there's also a longer one that i had an outline written for that i really like) and i'm like. in general i like what i drew so far except I Could Make Seishirou So Much Hotter Now. u____u
this is all a lie. have i watched Masquerade more than ten times? YES. small tangent (i could go on a waaaaayy longer one you have no idea but i won't) CHARLIE IS SO FUCKING CUTE. back when i was in [hometown, redacted] we were watching some episodes in the background while playing board games and even though Z and Fox had been telling me about this show for ages actually seeing some of it is what finally got me to watch it. Specifically Charlie's song in the first episode (A Happy Day In Hell or w/e) because she's SOOO CUUUUTEEEEE. she's so precious ;___; and hopeless ;____; AND DOING HER BEST AND I LOVE HER SO MUUUUCHHHHH.
that wasn't what i was going to say. :v so i got. this job(?) i've been wanting for YEEEEEARSSSSSS. (shortbox comic fair) I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. HONESTLY. I FLUCTUATE WILDLY between being so hype and i SHOULD BE and i WANT TO BE and i really like the comic i'm doing for it. but it's so long and i have a couple other comic projects i've committed to and even if i hadn't
i won't have time to work on Blackout City until it's done
unimaginable levels of Homesick At Summercamp vibes from me. (i was thinking "wait isn't that the name of a song" and it's space camp and it's by fall out boy but that's NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT)
anyway should i draw angel and husk from hazbin hotel fucking
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geeese420 · 8 months ago
summer 2024 fandom check:
favorites atm (in no particular order)
lmk if we have any mutuals!!
DISCLAIMER: if any of these are problematic I either didn’t know that or like the art and not the artist. this is just for me to look back at and see what stays and to find people with mutual interests
rock (including subgenres. don’t come for me):
three days grace
arctic monkeys
better than ezra (more pop/rock)
cali reggae:
dirty heads
cosmo sheldrake
gregory and the hawk
chappell roan
sabrina carpenter
conan gray
olivia rodrigo
(don’t make me choose 😭 this will be a long one)
soap by melanie martinez
unknown phantom by ricky montgomery
lonely dancers by conan gray
espresso by sabrina carpenter
FMRN by lilyisthatyou
I love the stars by the orion experience
love is embarrassing by olivia rodrigo
speed drive by charli xcx
lady hear me tonight by modjo
me and michael by mgmt
super bad mantra by JAWNY and christian blue
smile by lily allen
1980s horror film II by wallows
move by saint motel
my type by saint motel
softcore by the neighbourhood
anthony kiedis by remi wolf
after midnight by chappell roan
december 1963 by frankie valli and the four seasons
cali reggae:
indigo by dirty heads
sloth’s revenge by dirty heads
you’re gonna get it by 311
oxygen by dirty heads
down by 311
kingston by faye webster
come along by cosmo sheldrake
state lines by novo amor
treehouse by alex g and emily yacina
paranoiac intervals/body dysmorphia by of montreal
little dark age by mgmt
dorothy by her’s
stone wall, stone fence by gregory and the hawk
harpy hare by yaelokre
fast car by tracy chapman
I miss the misery by halestorm
lonely day by system of a down
home by three days grace
airhead by honey revenge
teenage dirtbag by wheatus
can you feel my heart - mothica version by MOTHICA
echo chamber by northlane
crash and burn by maggie lindemann
recognize by better than ezra and dj swamp (more pop/rock)
she keeps me up by nickelback
porn star dancing by my darkest days et al
miss murder by AFI
rag doll by aerosmith
why’d you only call me when you’re high by arctic monkeys
hip hop/rap:
deal with it by ashnikko and kelis
worms by ashnikko
lemon by n.e.r.d. and rihanna
wet vagina by doja cat
manners by ashnikko
dna by kendrick lamar
DEAD RIGHT NOW by lil nas x
tv shows:
bob’s burgers
adventure time
midnight gospel
rick and morty
arrested development
the community
summer camp island
over the garden wall
attack on titan
youtube channels:
moriah elizabeth
dan and phil
ethan nestor
jarvis johnson
chad chad
try guys
drew goodwin
danny gonzalez
kurtis conner
love 4 a walk
everything is fine
crimson peaks
saw series
child’s play
baby driver
scott pilgrim
fantastic mr fox
beautiful mind
brain leak podcast
gretel lusky (instagram artist)
sonic the hedgehog
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butwhatisit · 2 years ago
Aaaaaah! @knitting-in-the-shatterdome tagged me! I love them so much, we were in LSG together and we have gamed together and there was a while there where I played minecraft with their brother and it was very good and chill and I miss it and anyway answers
Last song listened: According to my phone, the last song Spotify played for me was MAMMAMIA by Måneskin. I have been kinda fixated on them lately, for both me and OC reasons.
Currently watching: I have some Drawfee streams on in the background, but I don't think that counts, really. I'm not really watching, you know? Before that I was watching/not watching Mayday: Air Disaster, and Secret Sleepover Society, and Fascinating Horror. Probably the last thing I actually watched was the latest episode of Drawfee, Drawing Barbies Based Only on Their Names.
Currently reading: I kinda don't ever have a "currently" reading, because if I stop reading something I lose momentum and never go back. I can tell you that the last book I read was Strange Love by Ann Aguirre.
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I recommended it to my mother and didn't warn her about the weird alien fingering sex. Surprise, Mom.
Current obsession: Organizing my calibre libraries. I don't know why. It could also be argued that I'm obsessed with purchasing dumb shit online, though that is really more of a very bad coping mechanism. Though honestly, why not both?
Mostly I've been buying rocks. (I know the auctions call them crystals. It amuses me to call them rocks. See also: my roommate scolding me that it's not dirt, it's soil. Sorry, now it's dirt forever.)
If you want to be tagged, you are! If you do not want to be tagged, you are not!
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