#i love you bby i'm sorry
gwaedhannen · 9 months
[Excerpt from Sorrow Beyond Words: Collected Testimony of the War of Wrath, 2nd Edition; ed. Elrond Peredhel. Armenelos Royal Library, copy received SA 870]
“When we retook what must’ve been Nargothrond—with barely any fuss, mind you; only the dumbest and most desperate orcs wanted to stay near that dragon-stench—the one thing I remember most was the silence. The caverns stretched on and on and on; hall after hall after kitchen after dormitory after garden stretching into the hills. Not a soul in sight but us. Not a ghost but the ones we made up in our heads, to try and give the emptiness reason. Merynn whispered to me, afterwards, that there’d once been a hundred thousand elves living there. I’ve never had a head for numbers, so I can’t say if that’s the truth or not. But looking at that hollow city, and thinking of how few elves there were on Balar before the Host of the West arrived…you can’t help but feel sad. It was never supposed to be so silent. So dead. Wasn’t right.
“The High King—the Western one—was there, with one of the Vanyar captains—don’t recall her name, but she had a fierce spear-arm, and a singing voice like a warm hearth. They slipped away from the other scavenging parties while no-one was watching. Must’ve been looking for something. When they came back, we all politely pretended not to notice they’d been crying. I don’t think they found what they were searching for.”
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woorenergy · 3 months
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here comes the chihiro
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taegularities · 6 days
C&f jk do you prefer hugs or kisses from your kids? Also do you and oc plan how many kids and their gap or you’re just getting onto with it?
Jungkook: "I'd say hugs. Kisses are nice, but they're still young, so they're a bit messy with them. But it's so healing, having them wrap their little arms around my neck or crawl onto my chest when I'm on the bed or fall asleep in my arms. Even with ____, I guess I prefer hugs."
Jungkook: "Hmm, we plan but we also don't? In a sense that we actually try when we want kids, but not because of the gaps but because we want more. Hana was a pleasant surprise, but with the others, we tried harder. Other times, I'd often pull out."
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
You said that the spanish dub is racist towards Usopp. Forgive my ignorance, but what exatcly did they do to him that's so bad its racist? Did they give him a stereotypical accent or something else entirely?
Basically, the Spanish (Castilian) Dub takes many... License? Liberties? And for the most part, it is funny, but when it comes to Usopp's character... The Dub is extremely questionable. And by 'questionable' I mean straight-up racist. Basically, they use a very stereotypical Arabic accent and take too many liberties with his lines, often making him say things he doesn't say in the original- Especially in Skypiea when they have this talk about Gods and religion? In the Spanish dub he says something like "Allah is the only God I believe in!". And it's really fucked up, yeah. Turns out it was the idea of the voice actor and nobody told him it was wrong, in fact, they told him it was perfectly fine. They basically forced him to stop doing it at some point of the show because they were afraid it would offend some people (you could've thought about it before, but alright). If you know Spanish here's this part of the interview.
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peachyxxkeens · 2 months
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ahxiang · 9 months
imagine you're a member of a car racing team and you've been practicing sooo hard to finally race. money's tight so they haven't been able to send you to one yet, but you've been putting so much effort in and the boss promised you that as soon as he could, you would be the first person he'd send out. finally y'all get a sponsor and a teammmate's injury opens up a spot in your team's big race series. this is it. this is what you've been waiting for. all of that training has prepared you for this moment. the boss smiles and says you're in. your dream is coming true. AND THEN in comes your injured teammate proposing to replace you with this random twink he found who wears a cock ring on a necklace and the same three blue button up shirts despite him never having even touched a racecar until recently, all because he smells good enough to let him dick him down. also you live in the omegaverse. L's all around.
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anothermonikan · 7 months
I'll be on my puter and think about cuddling her and get all flustered over it and then realise I can literally do that in real life and then I do and the world makes a little more sense to me than it did before and I give her lil smooches and I'm no longer scared of the day ahead and gwahhhh. guys did you know I like. computers. did you know that.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 7 months
Tell you what, I deeply crave doing some short-form casual writing. And poking at this ballooning 30k WIP document isn't helping. So, time for
Feel free to send something in! At the moment the vibe is D&D and I'd focus on Baldur's Gate 3 (Act 2 is where my heart lives) and Curse of Strahd/Ravenloft. But, you know, it's always fun to see what folks come up with, asks are open.
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pesky--dust · 2 years
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cozyfaee · 2 months
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The ✨️boys✨️
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crystalflygeo · 11 months
That ending reminded me of angst flashbacks of other omegaverse headcanons, I can't exactly remember the term, but when an omega is said to be under constant distress and mood swings, then you add their alpha's rejection,,, well, they shutdown. Like they end up in something like a vegetative state, no eating, drinking or anything, just curled up and unresponsive. ANGST! POTENTIAL!!! I CANT!!!! 😭
You write so beautifully i can't take it— 😔
Anon honey.......... you got a crystal ball? >:3c
I love omegaverse not bc of the smut per se but all the deep connections and instincts and reactions like... the subtle ways mates and packmates communicate with sounds and scents?? The lil quirks like nesting and scenting and purring?? and all the worldbuilding around the dynamics, it's fascinating! and fun fact, I once said
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and that definitely stands... heh
Thank you so much tho aaaaaaaaaaaaa ;w; I'm forever in shock ppl like how I write dchbahjsbcska💕💕💕
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ghcstcd · 1 year
It's really unfair how much muse Sleep Token gives me for my OC Eden.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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he's officially escaped containment (dromund kaas)
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knightlyss · 4 months
"I don't love what you did laudna"
"I don't love what you did so we're even"
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What did you think of them bringing Kai back for a little bit in legacies?
Ooof! I have so many mixed emotions about Kai coming back for legacies. On one hand, I was glad to have him back; on the other, I was scared because I don't have the highest opinion of legacies. Of course, though, I watched his couple of episodes and it was more or less as expected.
So first, I liked the build-up, starting with Penelope learning about the merge. I liked the three second shot of Kai on a video camera that MG needed to use. And, I liked Josie finally learning about her "crazy uncle Kai," while Ric was trying hard to hold back this rather significant information from his daughters.
But then all the build-up went nowhere; there was no crazy reveal, nor outburst of emotion, it just smoothed itself out very gently, and certainly, very un-Gemini like. We saw some sassiness out of Josie towards Ric, but not much at all out of Lizzie. Josie actually meeting Kai was probably the opposite of what was expected. She was calm and teamed up with him over her own father, despite fearing the man for what her father told her about Kai and her biological mother (Jo). Kai, of course, was fully entertained by Josie's decision to trust him, and he toyed with her a lot, which was very in-character. He was less violent, however, and rather underwhelming.
Josie, at this point, had already met Jo, and greatly cherished the short bit of time they had together. So why would she team up with Kai, knowing what he did, as told to her by her father? It was just odd to me.
As for the Jade relationship part, that was also strange. I was already weirded out by Jade and Josie having a thing, despite her being Josie's babysitter. Kai didn't seem to have any attachment to Jade whatsoever; he was bored and curious, she was too, and they had nothing else to do in that prison world. I mean, good on him for finally losing his virginity, but it just seemed like filler detail. The whole hunger games concept was kind of cool; the fact that they hunt each other for sport, for fun. Because what else is there to do in an empty world where you can't die? That part was in-character, which I appreciated. And it's nice to know he's had some entertainment in his eternity of hell.
Shifting the topic, though, to the Malivore plotline... I already think the whole Malivore thing is stupid; Kai jumping into the pit and everyone forgetting who he is (but then somehow remembering again) was so terribly annoying, I didn't even want to finish the episodes. I'm glad he got out of the prison world, I just wish that whole plotline didn't exist, and I think he would've been smart enough to find an alternative method. However, I did like him giving Josie the ultimatum to "go dark" or to forget her options on getting out. I feel like Josie was on the path to darkness already - those two twins are both more like Kai than they'll ever know - and he just gave her a little push. Bitter, tired of being in prison worlds, bored Kai would 100% set his niece (whom he tried to kill twice) up in such a tricky situation and then bail, and I love that for him.
Despite me being stale about the Malivore inclusion in Kai's eps, I continued watching.
His bit of showing up to the Salvatore school was funny. I had really missed his instigating and banter with the people around him. The bits about Ric's wedding and the ascendant having a specific tune made me laugh, as did him taking his father's name to put up the act. Also, the careless beheading of the teddy bear. 😂
The following scene, however, when he fought Hope, was upsetting. Hope is strong, but not coven-leader-heretic strong, so her taking him down with little to no effort bugged me. Granted, it's somewhat untrained tribrid vs unsocialized heretic, so they both have advantages and disadvantages, but seeing how big and bad Kai was in season 6, taking her out should've been no problem. Kai with access to magic plus being undead would've made him stronger than he was just as a siphon witch, but they made him almost incapable in Legacies.
Furthermore, he didn't even seem that vengeful, which is wildly uncharacteristic. Post-1994 and post-1903, he raised absolute hell, but post-2018, he just seemed a little bored. If they were going to keep him as a villain and continue to revoke a redemption, they should've made him a real, fear-worthy villain. Not a less-than-intimidating "crazy uncle" with mismatched socks. (I adore his mismatched socks, but they only contributed to making the scary tvd villain into a watered down version that was appropriate for the younger-aged viewers that Legacies had.)
now, spoilers
At the end, when Ric kills him off for good, it was a hard watch. It was bad enough to watch him die the first time, so this time was even worse. I just felt that it was so uncharacteristic for him to get caught and get killed again. I mean, he's spent years fighting to survive in prison world after prison world, there's no way he'd be that easy to take down after the third escape, and especially now as a heretic. Bonnie getting an advantage on him in season 8, yes, because he had a weakness for her. But his nieces + Jade + Ric? No way.
So, in summary, I was glad to see him, but didn't like what they did to his character. Kai was so much more than the again, "crazy uncle" that Legacies made him out to be. Legacies' viewers, including some of the actors, I feel, don't get to see the side of him that was seen in TVD, where he was a neglected and isolated kid that became driven by a need for revenge (and to prove himself). His backstory isn't really brought up at all, and for someone who studies and adores his character like myself, it's upsetting. It seems like they just wanted him back as another enemy to take down in a day and move on, or to close a plothole that TVD had somewhat left open. It didn't feel like there was any purpose to bring him back other than for entertainment, especially for those who didn't like him or didn't know him at all.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, or I'm too attached to him, but I wasn't a fan of it. I liked seeing him, that was it. But TVD itself was much better at crafting its villains and dividing its fans between "the good side" and "the bad side," (i.e. Damon vs Stefan in s1; Katherine vs the Mystic Falls' gang; Klaus, or Silas vs everyone). Legacies, on the other hand, feels like it pushes for [Saltzmans + the student body] vs [a handful of wacky monsters], and Kai got pulled into the mix. I haven't watched any further episodes since Kai's, and I don't plan on continuing the show. It doesn't measure up to TVD or TO at all, in my opinion.
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spring-lxcked · 8 months
what does william canonically text like in the SB au whenever he first gets access to a cell phone?
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