#i love writing greek people that are supposed to be dead just SHOWIN UP in midgard to freak kratos out lmaooo
kraptos · 2 years
“Orkos,” he said, before he could think better of it. It could not be. He had killed him. Felt the give of his flesh under his own blade. Burned him in the house Lysandra and Calliope had called home. “Impossible.” He dropped his arms to his sides. Leviathan hung loosely in his grip.
“Orkos?” The boy spoke it slowly, testing the foreign name on his tongue. “You know him?” He stepped around his father, and Kratos stopped him, a hand on his chest, and gently urged him behind him again. “Is he from your homeland?”
Kratos, victim to his surprise, struggled to voice an answer. Finally, he said, “Yes.”
“Is he a god?”
“The son of one, yes.”
“Is he going to try to kill us?” He could hear Atreus notch an arrow, the string pulling taut. Orkos did not speak, but his eyes were on them. He watched, calm, calculating. He did not attempt to come any closer. He lifted a hand to pat the ram on its flank. His crutch dangled at his side from where it was looped around his elbow.
“No,” said Kratos, though he knew Orkos could use the ichor to come to them in an instant, quicker than either of them could react. He also knew he had no reason to. His death had been by his own wish, one Kratos had begrudgingly fulfilled. He had given Kratos the path to freedom, and in a way, he had freed Orkos as well. They had both been tied to Ares in unfortunate ways. “I do not think so. He was a friend, but we cannot be sure that he has remained one. Stay behind me.” He hesitated as he turned his attention to Orkos, knowing whatever he said would have to be in Greek. He had not spoken it in decades and had trained himself not even to think in it. Had shed it like snakeskin the moment he became proficient in the tongue of these lands. Orkos did not move from the ram’s side. Its breath rolled like fog across the ground. He put his weight back on his crutches. Kratos could not tell if his shaking was from the strain or the cold. “How are you not dead?”
fic request fill for my friend @transorkos!! thanks so much for the request, i am honored to deliver us all some sweet, sweet orkos content :]
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