#i love when he joins the family early or time travels or some kinda shenanigans ensue
sreppub · 11 months
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this is my ode to tim-centric batfamily fanfics
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cinnella · 4 years
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Name: Eris Zaramoza (chosen name); Yin Abo (birth name)
Age: 26 years old
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthday: November 5th
Patron Arcana:
Death (Major); Queen of Cups (Minor)
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Occupation: Magician and Shopkeeper; Former Necromancer
Height: 5'7" (1.71 m)
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)
Sethos Abo - older brother
Nuwa Abo - mother (deceased)
Kek Abo - father (deceased)
Xié Dongmei - aunt (deceased)
Origin: Born in Venterre, but grew up in Vesuvia
Race: Half chinese, half egyptian
Powers: Blue (astrology) and purple (divination) magic. Also has an affinity for controlling and summoning water
Intelligence Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, she's a 7
She was born in a small home in Venterre. Her father was already dead at the time of her birth, her brother only 5 years old and her mother deadly sick.
Only two days after her birth, her mom passed away, from the lack of proper medication. Sethos knew that she was way too young for him to take care of, so he tried to seek out their aunt, who lived on the other side of the city.
That night, he sat under a makeshift shelter with his baby sister, but he was so hungry that he had no other choice but to leave her there and try to find some food. Eventually, Yin started crying, which a passerby heard and when they found her, they took her with them.
Sethos was utterly crushed when he came back and she was gone... He tried to look for her, but he was so exhausted that he passed out in the middle of the street. Luckily, he was found by a woman with children and brought to her place.
When he had woken up, he explained his situation to her. The next morning, the woman helped him travel to his aunt's home. But by the time he got there and told her what happened to his sister and mother, Yin was already on a ship heading towards Vesuvia.
There, she was brought to an orphanage, in the South End, where multiple kids and babies from different places had been found, to be taken care of by people whom founded the building. She grew up a rather lonesome troublemaker. The caretakers were kind people, but the kids were mean. So she had no friends.
Soon enough, the adults had realized that most of the kids had no names, couldn't remember them or never knew them. So they took to liberty to name them, but because there were about 30 children and 15 adults, there was a lot of confusion and mis-naming.
They decided to teach the kids to read and write when they were old enough to understand the concepts, and on their 7th birthday, they'd choose their definitive name, something that they felt represented them.
And so, Yin Abo became Eris Zaramoza.
On that day, she met two kids that both looked younger than her. One was small and frail. Porcelain skin, black hair, mismatched eyes. Her name had been Saiya. The other was slightly taller than her. Umber skin, magenta eyes, jet black hair. The caretakers often called him Sykes. They were both known troublemakers and apparently, best friends.
They offered her to become friends and although she'd been sketchy about it, she agreed. They were her first friends, after all.
Years later, the three of them became inseparable and two new children joined their group, both of them noticeably younger. One had skin the color of limestone, ashy blond hair and silverish eyes. The other had dark espresso skin, curly chestnut hair and jade green eyes.
They were often referred to as "accidental troublemakers" because they did naughty things without even realizing it. These four kids became her kin, her family. For years upon years, the five of them brought migraines to the entirety of Vesuvia with their shenanigans. They were known as "the southenders".
The orphanage had a set rule. Despite the caretakers doing their best and raising the kids as their own, by the time Eris reached her adolescence, the amount of kids had doubled.
The set rule was that, once the kids would turn 17, they'd have to seek a home of their own. Eris is the eldest between her and her friends, so she had to leave first.
Heartbreaking as it was, they'd anticipated this for months. They'd made plans to try to find their roots. Upon talking with the adults, the one who'd found her so many years ago told her she'd been born in Venterre, near the west-coast.
After a couple of tear-filled fair-wells, she promised to visit from time to time, and then left to find her bloodrelatives. A couple of days later, looking through her instructions and map, she stood in front of an old, small house.
On the porch, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, was seated there. She called to him, asking if he could help her out. When he looked up, shock was written on both of their faces.
He had grey-ish short hair and sapphire blue eyes. His skin was just a little bit lighter than hers, scars on his nose and lips. Same round nose, same almond eyes, same strong eyebrows. The resemblance was groundbreaking, almost like looking into a mirror.
Though she never met him, she knew, deep down, that they were related. He was utterly convinced he was dreaming but she reassured him he wasn't. They didn't hug, for they barely knew each other, but they both cried. She was invited in his home, where their aunt had been preparing dinner. Eris' presence brought her to tears.
In the next few hours, while they dined, she learned that their names were Sethos and Dongmei, and that they were her older brother and aunt, respectively. She learned of her parents and their unfortunate fate, of the night Sethos lost her.
It was a relief to learn all this, and although she wanted to head back to Vesuvia, to her friends and find a home, she spent a couple of days with them. Dongmei mentioned that she had an abandoned magic shop in Vesuvia from her youth, close to the center of the city. Giving Eris the key, she told her to make her home there.
Once back home, it was time for Count Lucio's yearly Masquerade. There, she met Asra, whom she soon became close with. When she learned that he was an orphan, and had no place to stay, she offered him to live with her in the shop. It needed some repairs and a lot of cleaning but it was a start.
Years passed and they became closer. Unspoken feelings hanging in the air, but something stopped them from confessing. The Red Plague had arrived and it was taking anyone it could grasp. Eris and Asra, while discussing the situation one night, had an argument.
In the years he'd taught her magic, she'd also taught herself necromancy and wanted to help the plague doctors with the dead, possibly reverse their fate. But Asra didn't agree, "magic isn't supposed to work that way" he said.
So she ran away, found Julian and became his apprentice.
Soon died from the plague...
And the rest is history.
Personality: curious, caring, bold, kind, polite, calm, patient, self-less, motherly, gentle, open-minded, truthful, loyal, trustworthy, out-spoken, honest, stubborn, too forgiving and can never hold grudges for long
Interesting facts:
The small scars on the right side of her jaw, left collarbone and left shoulder are all from fainting while trying to get back her memories. Every time, she had the unfortunate luck of hitting something and scarring her skin.
She has a huge scar on her left thigh but she doesn't remember how she got it.
She also has an "apple of discord" tattoo on her right shoulder.
God forbid you ever make her wear gold, she cannot stand it. She only wears silver.
Although she's an ambivert, she leans towards introvert.
Hates lying and liars in general.
HAAAATES Lavender. Do not put her near those flowers.
Appearance: Sienna skin tone, wavy waist-length silver-white hair, bright ice blue eyes, pear-shaped fit body, B cup breasts.
Familiar: Kage, a sarcastic silver fox that can actually talk.
Voice claim: Margot Robbie
Full sprite:
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Lmao sorry for the backstory being so long but.. My inner writer kinda jumped out. 😅
By the way, HUGE PROPS to my lovely beyotch @sahana-anand for giving me her bio template, it helped me SO MUCH. Thank you, love, couldn't have done it without you!
Hope you'll show some love to my girl Eris!
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goldenworldsabound · 6 years
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Little biographies of each of my SIs below - post inspired by @benobiships​!
From left to right
Fandom: Breath of the Wild - with a few modifications. Unbeknownst to most people (my SI included) the Champions didn't die - they got put into resurrection chambers, complete with puzzles to unlock and discover them. Is She Me?: This is one of my SIs who is a bit more of an OC than exactly being me, as far as personality goes. Like me, she thinks she's kind of clever (and to a degree she is), she's silly, she can come off a bit clumsy sometimes, and is sometimes lacking in the commonsense department. Her interests are pretty different than mine - she's fixated on the old Sheikah tech that's around, and desperately wants to get into a shrine. She's fairly in tune with the spirits and other mystical beings in Zelda-verse, because she's a Chosen One like Link/Zelda (though her role is much smaller). She's also hilariously weak like myself and doesn't know when to quit (also like myself). She can become easily hyper-fixated by ancient things, which is not so much like irl me. Role: My SI grows up in Kakariko Village. While people are nice enough, and Impa kind of takes care of her, she always feels like an outsider. She is not a Sheikah herself, and that is obvious. She often goes to visit the other Sheikah out in Hateno and Akkala, to learn about the tech and everything. However, she becomes frustrated with not being allowed to research certain things ("the shrines are for the Champion, don't touch them"), so she runs away. Impa knew that she was a Chosen One, part of the legend, and panics a bit that she's run away. But unfortunately, Kakariko cannot spare to send anyone to find her, with the Yiga Clan's returned presence. And thus begins her journey to ultimately resurrect all the Champions (starting with Urbosa, followed by Mipha, Daruk, and Revali). She later meets Link (and Zelda once the world is saved). F/O(s): Romantically, Urbosa and Mipha (sometimes as a polyamory, but typically a V if anything). Platonically, Daruk, Revali, Link, Zelda.
Tags: Modern History (Urbosa x Wendy), Rainfall in the Ruins (Mipha x Wendy), botw aesthetic, Urbosa, Mipha
Fandom: Star Trek TOS Is She Me?: Very literally. She is me but through time travel shenanigans she ends up in the future (Star Trek is the future!!!) on the USS Enterprise. She even used to watch the Star Trek tv show! Very literally me. Over time as she becomes a science officer and computer specialist of the future, she diverges from me a bit, as her time on Vulcan helps her calm her emotions, and she learns to defend herself a little bit. And Starfleet grows more discipline in her. Role: Once she orients herself to being spontaneously transported to the future and gets through the grieving of losing everything, she starts trying to learn and grow on the ship, with the story that she is McCoy's niece (Everyone kinda knows this isn't true but opt not to question it). Kirk and McCoy take it upon themselves to take care of her while she acclimates, and Spock gets roped in as well. He kind of knows she has a crush on him, but he doesn't really know what to do about it or how he feels, although over time he figures out both of those things. He helps teach her about technology and science in the future, and she is kind of like his apprentice. Eventually they confess their feelings to each other. After some time, it is decided that it is too dangerous for Wendy to stay on the ship long term. Now that she has acclimated to being in the future, they want her to go to school on Vulcan and properly train for Starfleet/Science Officer duties. She is super scared to be away from everyone but ends up doing it. She and Spock bond before that. She goes to school, makes some friends, some shenanigans happen (including a traumatic event of someone else trying to break her bond with Spock), and then the Enterprise comes back to pick her up after some time. F/O(s): Romantically, Spock. Platonically, Kirk and McCoy (who waffle between familial and best friend depending on the day tbh), and the entire bridge crew. Amanda and Sarek are her in-laws and she loves them like family.
Tags: Love is Fascinating (Spock x Wendy), Uncle Kirk, Uncle Bones, Spock, Star Trek Aesthetic
Fandom: Fantasy setting Royalty AU - an AU entirely of my own creation, in a fantasy setting that allows for magic, different sentient species, etc. Crossover with all faves and their verses. Is She Me?: She looks like me, but in fancy dresses. Our personalities are fairly different though. She's a very magnanimous Princess, who is very brave and very selfless, and also has a really amazing magical power. She speaks politely and well. She is physically weak like myself, and despite her interest in learning to defend herself she is not permitted such things. We both really like to read and learn, even if that interest turns out just to be a hobby. Notably, she is a great diplomat and speaker, though she doesn't really enjoy the former (I wouldn't say irl me is GREAT but is okay, though I do not enjoy it also) Role: She was an orphan as a child, taken in by the Sheikah, who make up the elite royal guards. Once it was noticed I had an amazing magic power, to make massive unbreakable shields, the King and Queen scooped me up and I became the Princess. I grew up and was trained, and eventually I chose for myself four elite guards, who also became my secret lovers. It was an unusual move, but being beloved by the people, it was allowed. The King and Queen clearly think of me more as a pawn than as their child, so it was important I surround myself with people who really cared about me. My power has protected the city on numerous occasions, and the elite guard I chose have protected me even more times than that. F/O(s): My elite guards and primary lovers are Spock, Urbosa, Akabayashi, and Shizuo, as a polyamorous clump of sorts, centered primarily around me. Impa is a secret romantic lover as well (childhood friend who became leader of the Sheikah tribe), though outside of that group. Mipha is a Princess from another Kingdom who I am publicly romantically involved with - while we both consider it temporary (as in we won't get married), it's great fun and keeps away the other suitors. She sometimes engages with my elite guard as well. There will be platonic faves appearing as well.
Tags: Royalty AU, Royalty Aesthetic
Fandom: Durarara!! (x2 focused) - in this AU I am part of the yakuza as well. Is She Me?: She is the most like an OC of any SI. She is an outlet for feeling powerless - she is angry, she is strong, and she gets shit done. She swears a lot (which is true to me irl) and talks shit, and delivers on those promises to hurt them when people wrong her. She's the aggressiveness that I feel inside me, but that irl me would never consider executing. She's terrible at introspecting and talking about emotions (not like irl me at all). However, she does have a secret love for Poke'mon and plushies (irl me loves Poke'mon and plushies...). And also magical shield powers that she has weaponized. Role: She was an orphan American child who somehow ended up in Japan - she was adopted by the head of a small yakuza that co-existed with the Awakusu-kai in Ikebukuro. While she considers herself Japanese and Japanese to be her first language, she does speak English, and she is often accused of being a foreigner because she looks that way. Her adopted grandfather (she sees him that way, not as a father) does not force her into the yakuza - she joins on her own. She loves to fight, and being his granddaughter is given a lot of free reign to do what she wants within the boundaries of the small yakuza. She goes to high school at the same time as Izaya/Shinra/Shizuo/Kadota. She catches a lot of shit for being a woman, but she kicks enough ass that eventually she makes a name for herself - the Crystalline Angel. In addition to just being badass at fighting, she discovers early on that she has a special power - to generate shields. But she learns that she can form these shields into any shape, including razor sharp blades. When she's serious about using those powers, it's hard to beat her. Her primary job in the yakuza is to watch over prostitutes and make sure no one is causing them trouble, and if they are, she kicks an entire ass. Ultimately, her grandfather passes away, but he cuts a deal with the Awakusu-kai (who he was on good terms with) to let her join them. The other executives don't take her seriously for a while, but she shapes up and proves herself to them. There's a lot of shit talking, and she falls for Akabayashi almost immediately - and he falls for her instantly too. F/O(s): Romantically, Akabayashi. Platonically, Shinra and Celty, and sort of Izaya. She would really not call them friends, but they have a storied history and she wouldn't say she hates him either. Platonically also all of the Awakusu-kai execs - Aozaki, Shiki, and Kazamoto. She and Kadota were friends in high school, but haven't spoken since then.
Tags: Sharp Lines and Soft Edges (yakuza!SI x Akabayashi), yakuza si, yakuza aesthetic, durarara aesthetic, Akabayashi
Fandom: Durarara!! Is She Me?: Yes, with a few modifications. She is me, but after I graduated college I moved to Japan to work there. And I speak Japanese relatively fluently. This means I discard a lot of the life experiences irl me had. Personality wise, we're generally pretty similar - kind and smart, but ready to lay down some sass at my friends. A little absent-minded at times. Differently, my SI here learns to fight fairly well, and also has magic shield powers. Role: She moves to Japan and almost immediately runs into trouble (depending on which F/O she's with, the trouble varies). She quickly learns that the city is full of bad people and unusual people, and finds herself making friends with the unusual people. In the verse where she dates Shizuo, she helps calm him down, and Izaya takes an interest in messing with her to mess with Shizuo. Things got complicated very fast. In the verse where she dates Akabayashi, she doesn't much learn to fight, as the yakuza protects her once her relationship with Aka is serious. In that verse she joins the Dollars before she finds out Akabayashi is in the yakuza, which is how she discovers her shield powers, despite not really knowing how to fight. F/O(s): Romantically, Shizuo or Akabayashi (not ever in the same verse). Platonically, Celty (BFF!) and Shinra are big friends of hers, as well as Anri being like a younger sister to her. She's also on good terms with the van gang in both verses.
Tags: Street Signs and Snuggles (Shizuo x Wendy), Red Devil’s Honey (Akabayashi x Wendy), durarara aesthetic, Shizuo, Akabayashi
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booksandtea · 6 years
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31 Horror Movies in “31 Days”| #Blogoween For the month of  October I have planned to watched 31 horror movies!
This is the last blogoween post you’ll see from me, I had to post a day late to give me time to complete this challenge, particularly as I’ve been away since the 17th.
Keep reading to find out the last 9 movies I watched for this gigantic task! I can’t believe I successfully watched 31 even with how busy I’ve been.
If you missed earlier parts, you can read them here: one | two | three
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PIRANHA 3D (2010): “Each year the population of sleepy Lake Victoria, Arizona explodes from 5,000 to 50,000 residents for the annual Spring Break celebration. But then, an earthquake opens an underwater chasm, releasing an enormous swarm of ancient Piranha that have been dormant for thousands of years, now with a taste for human flesh. This year, there’s something more to worry about than the usual hangovers and complaints from locals, a new type of terror is about to be cut loose on Lake Victoria.”
Jon, my boyfriend, decided we should give this a watch as he’d seen the original and had heard this was pretty funny too and y’know what, I’ll give him that it was funny.
The poster I’ve added for this movie is a clear indicator of what you’re going to get from this so if youre down for nudity, piranhas, and some bad acting from the guy who plays Jeremy in The Vampire Diaries give this a watch.
Letterboxd tags this as Comedy | Horror IMDB tags this as Comedy | Horror | Thriller
THE LOST BOYS (1987): “A mother and her two teenage sons move to a seemingly nice and quiet small coastal California town yet soon find out that it’s overrun by bike gangs and vampires. A couple of teenage friends take it upon themselves to hunt down the vampires that they suspect of a few mysterious murders and restore peace and calm to their town.”
After writing up my post about Vampires I just knew I had to rewatch The Lost Boys and honestly I enjoyed it even more this time around. I LOVE THIS MOVIE and the aesthetic is awesome too.
Letterboxd tags this as Horror | Comedy IMDB tags this as Horror | Comedy
LOST BOYS: THE TRIBE (2008): “The sequel to the 1987 cult hit The Lost Boys takes us to the shady surf city of Luna Bay, California, where vampires quickly dispatch anyone who crosses their path. Into this dark world arrive Chris Emerson (Hilgenbrink) and his younger sister, Nicole (Reeser). Having just lost their parents in a car accident, the siblings move in with their eccentric Aunt Jillian and become new prey…” I want to be as enthusiastic about this movie as much as the first one but uh its uh not great. The acting is terrible all around but I still enjoyed it though that mostly might be for Corey Feldman.
I’ll happily rewatch it again but I might be the only person who would do so.
Letterboxd tags this as Crime | Drama | Horror | Thriller | Comedy IMDB tags this as Comedy | Horror | Thriller
JACOBS LADDER (1990): “A traumatized Vietnam war veteran finds out that his post-war life isn’t what he believes it to be when he’s attacked by horned creatures in the subway and his dead son comes to visit him…” I picked this up after Tim Lebbons recommendation and I can definitely see why!
This movie was a wild ride and jumps all over the place with a very nightmarish atmosphere. I agree with the recommendation for this movie for sure.
Letterboxd tags this as Horror | Drama | Mystery IMDB tags this as Drama | Horror | Mystery
APOSTLE (2018): “In 1905, a man travels to a remote island in search of his missing sister who has been kidnapped by a mysterious religious cult.” I almost gave up on this movie but after seeing good reviews for it on Letterboxd I gave it a second chance.
This is a slow starting movie but its worth it once the supernatural elements start happening more. I think the whole look of the Goddess and her cage was great.
Letterboxd tags this as Mystery | Fantasy | Thriller | Horror IMDB tags this as Drama | Fantasy | Horror
THE WITCHES (1990): “A young boy named Luke and his grandmother go on vacation only to discover their hotel is hosting an international witch convention, where the Grand High Witch is unveiling her master plan to turn all children into mice. Will Luke fall victim to the witches’ plot before he can stop them?”
THE ADDAMS FAMILY (1991): “Uncle Fester has been missing for 25 years. An evil doctor finds out and introduces a fake Fester in an attempt to get the Addams Family’s money. The youngest daughter has some doubts about the new uncle Fester, but the fake uncle adapts very well to the strange family. Can the doctor carry out her evil plans and take over the Addams Family’s fortune?”
GHOST STORIES (2017): “Professor Phillip Goodman devotes his life to exposing phony psychics and fraudulent supernatural shenanigans. His skepticism soon gets put to the test when he receives news of three chilling and inexplicable cases – disturbing visions in an abandoned asylum, a car accident deep in the woods and the spirit of an unborn child. Even scarier – each of the macabre stories seems to have a sinister connection to the professor’s own life.” I put these three together because one I’m still jetlagged and two I watched all these on the plane to Seoul. It was long and tiring.
The Witches holds a place in my heart as its my favourite Dahl book and the adaptation is spooky but fun too.
The Addams Family is one I could’ve sworn I’d seen before but it really didn’t ring any bells as I watched it. I loved the design, humour, and story of this. Definitely recommend.
Ghost Stories was an odd one for sure. Its 3 short stories kinda that all relate and end up with a surprise ending. It was executed pretty well and its worth giving a try for its atmosphere.
Letterboxd tags The Witches as Adventure | Horror | Fantasy IMDB tags The Witches as Adventure | Comedy | Family Letterboxd tags The Addams Family as Horror | Comedy | Fantasy IMDB tags The Addams Family as Comedy | Fantasy Letterboxd tags Ghost Stories as Horror | Drama IMDB tags Ghost Stories as Drama | Horror
CARRIE (2002): “Carrie White is a lonely and painfully shy teenage girl with telekinetic powers who is slowly pushed to the edge of insanity by frequent bullying from both classmates at her school, and her own religious, but abusive, mother.” As I watched the original and had seen the newest remake on release I thought it only fair I give this one a watch too.
However I’m not so sure this was a good idea. It was fun to see a lot of actors I recognised but mostly I didn’t have a good time and felt like I was watching this for 8 hours…
Letterboxd tags this as Drama | Horror | Tv Movie IMDB tags this as Drama | Horror | Sci-Fi
THE POSESSION (2012): “A young girl buys an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl’s father teams with his ex-wife to find a way to end the curse upon their child.” I’m currently watching this as I type up this post but it’ll finish before midnight on the 31st so yup that means I’ve done it!! 31 Horror movies in 31 days (shhh forget I started early to make up for my time away).
So far so good with this movie, I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy it as I don’t have any complaints so far.
Letterboxd tags this as Thriller | Horror IMDB tags this as Horror | Thriller
I hope you liked this post, I do tend to watch a lot of movies so this could become a regular thing if people are interested.
& thank you for joining my on my little challenge!
Have you seen any of these movies?
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31 Horror Movies in 31 Days (4) 31 Horror Movies in "31 Days"| #Blogoween For the month of  October I have planned to watched 31 horror movies!
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