#i love wesker but he's doing too much in re5 lmao
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thealmightytrashdump · 23 days ago
If there was one thing I would change for re5 remake. Make Excella more something in the final half of the story. Like give her the Ada treatment in terms of girlboss and badassery.
Maybe flesh out her character via a flashback where Wesker does his schtick and its not working on her so he has to get more... intimate or something. Or she constantly busts his balls and like rightly so. And make it so, she knows that he's insane and that this would be insane to go through with, but have wesker convince her with like untold political power or some shit. Or convince her with his show of gain power from himself.
Like she meets her final end via uruboros but like give her more lines for the big betrayal and have her attempt to girlboss her way out of Wesker's batshit insane plan.
Like she says something like "I knew it!" And while injected with uruboros, she attempts to betray him and actually like super powerful like him and he genuinely struggles with her for a big before she begins to succumb to the virus. And she attempts to leave but only gets to the deck where chris and sheva is before she explodes into worms. And like Wesker planned for that somehow and just so happens to have bodies on deck.
Idk i mean i really liked excella lol
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feng-shui71 · 2 months ago
after RE5 if Jordan decide to date again (which she deserves), who would she like? my favourite crackship is Jordan x Ada (Adadan) , cause Ada is the type of woman who would love to pull up and sweep Jordan while stealing her from her ex boss. just imagine in hell, (if hes actually dead) Albert sits there having to finally acknowledge his actions only to find out his ex wife is not only dating but being treated 100% better by a girl who worked for him. like damn Albert, sit in that corner and remember to treat your wife with respect!
Every time I see you in my inbox I get so happy these asks are always so whhdhwhe teeeheee
Honestly after Re5 I don’t think Jordan would even want to go near the dating scene let alone consider taking an interest in another individual after Wesker considering how much he put her through and how much of it was a toll on her mental health, it’s just easier for her to move on and live life as a widow, nobody else to worry about or stress over, nobody else to tell her what to do, it’s exhausting. Might as well spend the rest of her life in peace, surrounded by friends and family.
Although if she did start to date anyone I think the most realistic option she’d turn to is Chris (Chrisdan? Jordfield? Jordfield.) I mean, Jill is better off as a friend, Barry is a married man and Leon? too young, and that’s essentially her little brother. I think it just makes sense, they’re both extremely close, share a lot of things such as interests (and trauma) and have a pretty good dynamic going on, besides that Jordan also thinks Re8 Chris is kinda cute. They definitely confide in eachother about their resentment for Wesker after too, it’s nice to have someone who knows what you’ve been through. Also the idea of her getting with Wesker’s literal archnemesis? the guy took away his plans AND his girl? yeah no that’s got him rolling over in that volcano he is absolutely seething. He is throwing a fit at the bottom of hell and coming back to haunt Chris’ dreams every single night. Otherwise I think besides Chris, the only other person she’d be willing to get with is like .. Luis but uhh, one slight problem is that he’s fucking dead.
But I can also see that too yeah, Ada stealing Jordan LMAO, they don’t interact much in canon, really only seeing eachother due to whatever is going on with Leon/Wesker, but this idea is golden. Two bad asian bitches ditching mid white man and running off to be together, performing mercenary work as a duo (that combo would be deadly btw). Ada flirting with her and leaving Jordan red-faced, Jordan’s presence in Ada’s life adding the element of unpredictability like hey Ada let’s light our feet on fire and see how fast we can put it out. I’m such a sucker for crazy extrovert and meticulous introvert couples.
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crazylittlejester · 10 months ago
Hi I saw in you pinned post that you like resident evil. My question is who in the chain do you think would play resident evil
- Time I think would dabble in it a bit, maybe he’s played some of the og games, definitely none of the remakes because he has no time to game anymore, but I think he’d listen to the others yap about it any nod along because he doesn’t know everything but he knows it’s important to them and has enough knowledge of the characters he understands what they’re saying
- Wars and Twi play together, not because they can’t handle it alone, but because they freak each other out more than the game and for them that’s fun. Like Wars will put his hand on the back of Twi’s neck when he’s creeping around in game and give him a heart attack, and Twilight will randomly scream and point at NOTHING to freak Wars out. Them playing re5 together was a disaster and there was a lot of screaming and there were fucking TEARS during the Wesker fight. Time came in thinking someone was dying but no, they were just playing re5 of all games. They did NOT make it through Biohazard without one of them having a legit breakdown (it was Wars). If you ask either of them what their favorite re game they’ll say re5 because they genuinely had so much fun playing it together, but Twilight will go crazy for re4r and Wars LOVES Village
- Sky wouldn’t touch the games with a ten foot pole, he watched those Village streams and got so stressed out watching streamers make bad decisions that he just can’t do it. He likes the lore though and knows enough about Village to hold a conversation. He’s seen all the movies and he likes Death Island a lot, his favorite character is Claire
- Legend is the kind of streamer that would send Sky into a coma because it’s not that he’s BAD at the games, he just will randomly Go For Things ignoring the fact that he’s making incredibly stupid decisions, and it’s a damn miracle he doesn’t die more in game because it comes SO close. His favorite game is Biohazard, and Wars actually hates him for it
- Hyrule gets forced to watch Wild or Legend play and leaves with tears in his eyes every time. He was one time handed the controller for the re4r el gigante fight and he did it in one shot somehow, but he did cry
- Wild will scream every time something grabs him and each time he does Hyrule loses one year off his life. Wild’s similar to Legend because he will just Go For Things but he doesn’t always narrowly escape like Legend does. His favorite is re2r, he’s a big Ada fan
- Four is the best re player out of all of them, he’s so serious about it too and his accuracy is INSANE. He played re5 on his own because he did the first section with Wild and Wild used up all his ammo and Four couldn’t handle such a huge waste of resources so he finished the game with the ai lmao. He did make Wild play re6 with him though because the re6 game play annoyed him So Much he almost had a stroke, and turning on friendly fire and kicking Wild was the only way he stayed sane through the game. He will short circuit if you ask him what his favorite re game is because he genuinely loves them all, but re1 is his comfort game so he’d probably say that. Four is on his hands and knees begging capcom for a Code Veronica remake
- Wind goes in screaming his head off and is not the best at playing but his enthusiasm makes up for it and he gets through the games eventually. He does better in the multiplayer games where he can follow someone around because he gets distracted and forgets where to go (he does NOT check the maps), but he got so stressed about the re4 waterway he had actual nightmares about it and woke up crying because it was absolutely impossible to beat for him, he spent hours on it. He ended up making Four do it for him. He does not fuck with Biohazard or Village, they stress him out too much, so he watched streams for those (he will NEVER let the others know this though)
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luckyythirteen · 6 months ago
Hello, I have a question, I hope it's not too stupid or annoying XD
What do you think about an AU where Wesker abducts Chris and Chris is the one getting controlled instead of Jill? And Jill and Sheva trying to save Chris?
If you don't really have an answer it's also okay! ^^
Never really put much thought into it, but I feel Wesker would be more ... quick to kill Jill and Sheva? It feels very much like Wesker just enjoys toying with Chris. I know a lot of people will joke it's because, 'he's in love with Chris,' but their relationship is very dynamic but also cut and dry to me.
Wesker sees Chris as a toy as something he can use to entertain himself or sharpen his mental prowess. Like most people with objects, they get bored or feel they've outlived their purpose, or maybe held onto them too long. Wesker expressed this in re5, saying, "I should've killed you YEARS ago, Chris." So I think if he had captured Chris, he would use him the same way he used Jill, but just wouldn't toy with her. He'd kill her quickly - or rather have Chris kill her. Eventually, he'd discard Chris or use him as an experiment most likely lmao. I 100% believe the only reason Chris won re5 was due to Wesker's tendency to "play with his food" when it comes to Chris, coupled with his weakened mental state & a touch of bad writing.
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access--granted · 1 year ago
It's 🖤 anon again lmao, but how do you think different RE characters would react to a depressive reader? I think it's interesting to think about how there's equal chance of comfort and clashing in regards to Leon, Chris and Claire imo. Damnation sort of addressed how Leon clashes and projects (onto Sasha at the end), but I'm iffy about using it for reference, I found him weirdly out of character in that whole film tbh. Either the makers didn't know how to handle him or he was off because he was at his lowest.
Hiii 🖤 anon!
It's always a delight to see you in my askbox! I see you're back at it with a very interesting question, and I live for it. (Also, apologies for always taking a bit to reply. When I get these kinda questions, I always need a bit to gather my thoughts coherently, lmao).
Anyways, this is something I never thought to consider until your question, and it got my creative mind flowing with thoughts.
My perception of Leon is always a bit muddled, and I think that comes down to how many different portrayals we've had of him over the years. Like, he's always the same in a roundabout way, but different at the same time. I don't know, it's hard to explain, hahaha.
I think Leon's behaviour around a depressive reader would be a bit of a mixture at first. If we're talking RE4make and onwards, he'll be a little awkward and act as if he didn't know what to do. But, as time goes on, he'd remind himself that he's been/is in a similar boat in terms of mental state and offer as much support as he possibly could. I feel like it'd be a situation where he and the reader would become each other's support system, whether either of them are seeking other help at the same time or not.
Damnation Leon always confuses the heck out of me, though.
Chris, on the other hand, I feel would be a lot softer. I feel like he's more in touch with his own emotions, so he could pick up on reader's much faster. I think he'd be pretty soft and all about comforting, making the reader feel safe - whether it's with words, listening, physical comfort, or any other gestures. He really strikes me as the gentle care type.
Claire one hundred percent strikes me as the tough love kinda type. Of course, she has a soft side, too. She's not stone cold and heartless in any capacity, but she'll have the no nonsense, "come on, you got this," kind of attitude. She'll use her support to try getting the reader to feel more empowered and less consumed by whatever it is they might be going through.
Jill is one I feel like I'd misinterpret the most on this. I love her, but I've never felt confident writing her. I think she'd come from a place of understanding, considering the trauma she ended up carrying from the Spencer mansion, being infected in RE3, then being Wesker's mind-controlled sidekick in RE5. She's been through a heck of a lot, and would offer reader as much advice and support as she could, but I think she'd stress how important it is to seek other help too.
Of course, this is all personal interpretation, but I like to think my thoughts are accurate on some level. Lmao 😂
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sapphire-weapon · 2 years ago
I would have loved to see what they had planned for Ada appearing in RE8 considering they had concept art of her for it. Her getting to be in a game where Leon had nothing to do with it would be so good for her character, and Chris possibly meeting her again post-RE6 could have been really interesting.
I think it would have probably been too much to put into RE8, because Ethan wouldn't have known who the fuck she was, and Chris would have to go through the whole "idc if you were framed in 2012 and I don't care that Leon trusts you, I don't" song and dance, which would've just confused the overall narrative (which was already confusing to begin with) to an absurd degree.
IMO, they need to make Ada a playable protagonist before they start putting her into other campaigns. She has to develop relationships with the rest of the cast on her own, because otherwise you end up with the clusterfuck that was RE6 -- and that became such a mess because Leon was literally the singular only person who even knew who the fuck she was LMAO
Bc like. I also got the sense that OG Leon always found ways to keep Ada out of his reports in an attempt to protect her (because, if she'd been in Leon's OG RE4 report -- which we know Chris has seen bc he says so in RE5 -- Chris wouldn't have even let Carla get close to his men in RE6 in the first place, because he'd know that Ada Wong had, at one point, worked for Wesker.)
So not only has she never really met anyone else, they don't even know about her through Leon, because he's been covering for her for decades.
Remake has a huge opportunity to change this, though, which would be exciting.
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tetras-stuff · 10 months ago
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oh boy I've pissed people off with this one huh. I'm not gonna get too much into it but here we go:
1) using the "it was supposed to be a b movie thing!" argument for the Barry thing is....also bad. dont get me wrong, i agree that it is supposed to be shlocky horror and i like re1 and its atmosphere, i just dont agree that this is an excuse for how poorly jill is written. like no, Chris was nowhere near as stupid as Jill. I didn't mention Rebecca but whilst we're on it, I firmly believe she is also written in a really sexist way because pretty much all the women in RE are badly written, its a sexist series and I don't think it's a bad thing to say that. I don't really get why this is controversial. Jill isn't supposed to be a rookie, they tell us all the time that she's legit the best at a lot of what she does (e.g. personally picked by wesker because of her disarming skills etc etc) and then show her not being able to shoot properly, having to be saved every 3 seconds by a man, and wandering around like a lost puppy waiting for men to tell her what to do. Like come on. It's ridiculous. you can criticise things you love. I love re1. I don't love how she's portrayed. being critical of media you consume is a good thing.
2) I'm not saying she was perfectly written in RE3R because she wasn't. Yeah, the stuff with the enemies is very sexualising and I never said it wasn't? Jill acts more like an actual adult with actual competence in RE3R, but that by no means takes away from the sexist parts of her writing. Im not a RE3R apologist, I just prefer the way she's written and portrayed in RE3R because she has more agency. is it perfect? no, but it's arguably better in some ways (and worse in others, sure).
3) the RE games can be campy and fun without being sexist???? like sure the stuff with Chris pushing boulders and whatnot is stupid, but Chris is treated VERY differently to Jill in all media. I mean for fucks sake, RE5 is a great example of that. She is brainwashed, sexualised, and treated like an object by Wesker and the writers themselves, and then just stands back letting Chris be the big hero???? why?? The women in RE5 are treated JUST AS poorly as RE1 (do NOT get me started on excella and sheva). The older games (yes including RE5) are sexist. Chris is treated as a campy silly guy, sure, but he isn't sexualised or treated as incompetent because of it. Weird comparison to make when it is so clear how differently these two OG characters are treated. You didn't cook with this, as you say
4) final point for this one, "you're just making stuff up" literally when??? I didn't say anything untrue lmao, I gave my interpretation of the games and the fandom. opinion can't be "made up"????
okay next reply omg I'm already tired
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1) you can love re1 jill if you want lmao I literally didn't say you can't. fandom is what you make it and if you like re1 jill, cool!! this post was aimed at sexist men hating re3r jill just because she has more agency and is treated like an actual adult. I don't like re1 jill but that's a personal opinion, you are free to like her as much as you like.
2) I don't like re5 in general but I don't like how she's portrayed especially, when I mentioned re5 in the post I meant a potential remake. I agree with you on this point!!
3) I really don't agree about the Barry thing. It's not "I don't want to believe this", he literally pulls a gun on her and she immediately forgives him and moves on. she is written as being so desperate for a male authority figure that she just believes anything and everyone (which can be well written and has great writing potential! they just don't deliver on it in any way imo)
okay final take:
everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, obviously. A lot of people are very quick to defend Jill as a character in every capacity and that's chill. my og post was out of frustration for how she is portrayed in re1 and frustration at how the fandom interprets it, because I've seen a lot of dudebros getting really mad about how "masculine" remake jill is and it pisses me off. if you disagree with my take, you do you. that's fine. I'm sure there are lots of things we disagree on, it isn't world shattering and I wasn't trying to "cook" anything with my post, just expressing an opinion.
I love jill valentine and there is so much potential in her character. I hate that RE doesn't always capitalise on that potential and its sad what they do to her character just to gain male attention. There was so much good in RE3R which makes me excited to see where they go with her in future games such as a potential RE5 remake. I just don't fully trust them to do it since there has been such a huge backlash to her character because now she's "too angry". I stand by my original point.
okay omg I'm done now bye
I hate when people criticise the newer jill (remake jill) because it's just dudebros who are annoyed that she has agency now. they want re1 jill who was really stupid, naive, and behaved like a child instead of a full grown military woman because innocent childlike female character with boobs = hot. let jill have her agency. let her say fuck. let her be the one to take wesker down in re5 instead of sitting back letting chris do everything. don't be cowards.
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p4rasite · 2 years ago
Albert Wesker for the acrostic
A - Art - do they draw or paint? what about any other kind of art? what’s their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
i can definitely see wesker as someone who paints. i think he’d go for an extremely realistic style, and he’s very much a perfectionist about it. (it’s not his primary focus, though, and considering how little free time he has, he doesn’t paint much nowadays.) i’m tacking on a headcanon that i have here, too, but i can definitely see him doing ballet when he was very young. of course, with spencer’s grip on the wesker children, i don’t think that lasted long (god knows he’d probably have a meltdown about any of them being A Bit Fruity, which like. lol. look at wesker), but it was something wesker enjoyed as a child and didn’t speak much about as an adult. looking @ the insane high kicks he can do in re5, tho, i think it tracks LMAO. 
L - Language - what’s their love language?
mmm… i think wesker’s primary love language (in public for sure) is acts of service. he’ll go out of his way to do a lot of small things to make it clear that he’s paying attention and trying to make his partner happy. i think that physical touch is another love language for him, but he’s VERY particular about where and how the two of them show physical affection, including pda. (bratty.) 
B - Before - before you decided to make them your F/O, what did you first think of them/their source? 
ironically i didn’t know anything about wesker until he was being released in dbd, and initially when i read up on his lore i hated him LMFAO. but. i got won over by his silly little finger wag when he pulls someone out of a locker and the way he moves super bouncy when he picks someone up from a slam into an automatic carry and how GOOFY he looks when he runs around in his big stupid coat all hunched over. (i used to run wiretap all the time and i could constantly see him hauling ass across the map and looking so silly LOL.) i also got friendly wesker players who were a lot of fun and i finally just caved and played re1, finished re2r and re3r, and played re4 and re5. 
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest? 
wesker keeps everything very close to the vest, and feelings in particular are kept VERY quiet. he can’t have anyone perceiving any weakness from him, and any display of an attitude that’s anything other than strict and stoic is a detriment to his reputation. as a result it’s very difficult to know when he has feelings for someone or is fond of them— he’s a harsh person by nature, and that immediately chases a lot of people off. it’s little things he does that’ll tip a person off, though. when he’s fond of someone, he’s (generally) softer around the edges with them, and he’ll do little things for them that make it clear that he cares, even if he doesn’t outright say it. he’s also like a cat that wants to be in the same room as their person. even if he doesn’t necessarily want any direct contact or conversation, he generally wants to be near them, even if indirectly. 
R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
black, reddish orange, and a very particular shade of blue! black is bc of his outfit in re5 and ouroboros, reddish orange bc of his eyes after he becomes infected, the particular shade of blue bc of the shirt he wears in re1 
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
i think that wesker would teach vita more practical skills. resident evil AUs always end up w/ ppl having to shoot zombies so, like, he’s probably the one who teaches them how to shoot a handgun etc etc. (they’d also be interested in learning more about his work in biology/genetic mutation, if they were privy to it.) i think vita’s skill teaching would be more informal and would be more focused on soft skills/conversational knowledge/gauging meaning when people speak. i think wesker is often very literal (which lends to him seeming harsh/cracking down hard on people when they try to joke around), and vita’s not always the best at gauging meaning either, but they’ve figured out things that tip them off as to when someone is trying to joke. 
W - Weakness - what’s theirs? it can be a fun weakness like trashy romance novels or a more serious trait if you want
i have a lot of serious thoughts about his weaknesses/etc but if i’m going for something simple: i think he gets absolutely fucking destroyed if his partner bosses him around LMFAO
E - (above)
S - Story - if you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character? 
i do not know why this question is so impossible for me but i really can’t think of a fairytale that wesker would fit into LFJAFJ 
K - Kiss - give us any kiss headcanon you want. description, reason, location, who initiates it, etc. 
this one is going under a readmore bc i ended up writing basically a fic for it by accident bc i cannot control myself. also don’t @ me bc you can tell where i got lazy w/ it and and stopped fleshing it out as much lmao
hmmmmm. if we’re going with my main resident evil au (where vita works as an emergency medic w/ S.T.A.R.S., basically an EMT), i’m thinking abt their first kiss bc i think that there’s a LOT of buildup to it / admitting feelings. wesker is such a hardass and it’s hard to believe that he’s being legitimate when he “flirts” (aka dropping comments that are, like, actually positive/affirming and imply that he enjoys their company). i think wesker is also very careful, because he doesn’t want them to feel pressured or think that anything w/ their job could be impacted by whether or not they reciprocate feelings, because he doesn’t want something that feels forced; he only wants this if their feelings are genuine. 
i think that on that particular night, several of the folks from the team go out to a bar a few blocks away from the station after a particularly grueling shift so they can blow off some steam. wesker gets dragged along because chris threatens to pick him up and haul his ass over there himself, and while he’s annoyed, he knows chris isn’t joking, either, and he doesn’t want to deal with the fight if he tries to hang back. (he’ll just dip out early.) vita gets dragged along, too, despite trying to politely decline the offer. they get a strawberry daiquiri with vodka instead of rum. wesker gets a whiskey, neat. he mainly sits back and listens to the conversations between people up at the bar, only really speaking if someone specifically engages him. once he’s on his second drink, though, he moves over to take a seat next to vita, shaking his head at the drink in front of them and talking about how he doesn’t know how they drink that without getting sick. they laugh and say that it’s fruity, just like them. without missing a beat he mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like “sweet, too, i suppose.” and goes for another sip of his drink while vita nearly chokes on theirs. 
eventually vita says something (totally not scripted) about how they forgot their keys at the precinct, and they’ll need to run back to get them, and it’s getting late, anyway, so they should probably head home after they grab them. jill and leon look disappointed that they’re leaving so soon, but they get it, it’s loud and noisy and can be overwhelming after a difficult day. wesker says that he’ll accompany them back. jill shoots a particular look to rebecca over her glass as she takes another drink. chris, meanwhile, is much more brash, taking a pause from throwing darts to tilt his head back, making eye contact with wesker and wolf whistling, a grin wide on his face. wesker replies with a sharp “watch yourself, redfield. i’m just looking after my own.” he pauses. “and don’t overdo it tonight. you’re to be in at 6 sharp tomorrow morning, and i won’t hear any excuses because you drank yourself into a stupor.” chris barks a laugh at the tough act, rolling his eyes and throwing him a “don’t worry, i’ll make sure you get to see me bright and early tomorrow since you insist, captain” and winks before he goes back to throwing darts. wesker looks irritated, but he’s not willing to engage in a petty argument (not right this moment, anyway). he doesn’t dignify chris with a response, instead joining vita at the exit, leaning over them to push the door open as cold air cuts through both of them. 
they’re mostly quiet on the way back. vita thanks him for walking back with them since it’s late, and he gives them a curt response about how it’s not an issue, and they fall into a comfortable silence, the crunch of snow under their boots accompanying the intermittent whistling of the wind around them. wesker eventually pulls a cigarette from his pocket, flicking his lighter as he cups his hand around the flame, protecting it from the wind as he lights the end. his face is cast in a warm light for just a moment before he flicks the lighter’s cap and extinguishes the flame. his eyes remain hidden the entire time. 
vita realizes that they’re watching far too intently, and they avert their eyes, instead focusing on the storefronts they’re walking past and the soft buzzing of the lights illuminating the shop names overhead. 
“terrible habit, i know.“ their eyes cut back to him almost immediately, drawn to the puff of smoke rising from his lips as he exhales. they try not to stare. “well, we all have our vices, don’t we?” they laugh. “i don’t mind.” he looks at them, and they swear they see the ghost of a smirk on his face, though his mouth is quickly obscured again as he takes another drag.
“you didn’t leave your keys here.” it’s a statement, not a question, and as they stand at the gates in front of the station, vita looks to wesker inquisitively. “…your lanyard is in your pocket. you don’t ever take your keys off of it.” ah. they had forgotten to tuck the lanyard ribbon into their pocket completely, hadn’t they? a small loop of it was visible from their front pocket, though it was impossible to see unless you knew where to look. they shrug. “well, i gave you an excuse to dip out early, didn’t i?” 
he snorts. “oh, i’m not complaining. i’m saying we don’t have to go inside, unless you’d like to get pulled aside for a side conversation by whoever’s at the desk the second you walk in the doors.” they wrinkle their nose at the thought. “yeah, no thanks.” 
wesker shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “are you very far from here?” vita shakes their head. “no, not at all. i’m actually over on west flower street.” wesker nods. “right. let’s go, then.” he starts taking strides in that direction, though his steps halt when he sees vita hesitate for a moment. “…if you’d prefer that i don’t walk you back, i’ll call a cab for you instead. it’s too late for the buses to be running. i don’t want you walking back alone— it’s not safe.” his tone is firm, a clear indication that they were going to choose one of the options he’d set out before them and that weaselling out of this was not an option. they sigh internally. lord, for all of his bravado and the tough, unapproachable, cold act he put on, he was a mother hen through and through. 
“it’s not about you walking me back. that’s not what i’m worried about. i just… don’t want to inconvenience you. i’m sure you were trying to sneak back here to finish some work. i don’t want to take away from time you could be spending on more important things.” 
he scoffs at that. “i’ll decide what is and isn’t important to me, lovett.” his voice is unintentionally sharp, and vita flinches slightly when he pulls the last name, usually a sure sign that he’s growing irritated. their mouth presses into a hard line, angry that they’re being snapped at over because— god forbid— they don’t want to waste his time. he seems to catch himself, though, and he sighs, his hardened expression softening around the edges. to their surprise he takes off the glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose. dark circles shadow the hard lines that cut deep under his eyes, as if he hasn’t slept properly in a long time. his gaze meets theirs. 
“vita. your safety is important to me.” his voice is much lower and much less harsh this time, as close to apologetic as they’ve ever heard him. “i don’t want anything happening to you. my work can wait.” 
their anger fizzles out when they see the concern in his expression, and their tensed shoulders drop. fine. “…well, come on, then.” they began walking in the direction of their apartment complex. “try to keep up, old man.” he looks amused as he falls into step with them. if anyone else tried that, he’d be livid, but there’s something about the way they look him dead in the eye and bite right back at him that’s entertaining, like a rabbit spitting in the face of a fox. it reminds him of the way he and chris banter, though sometimes chris pushes his luck a bit too far. 
“you know, for someone who acts like such a hardass, you soften up pretty well.” they give him a wry smile, and the smirk returns as he chuckles. “well. it’s not an act, but if that was a backhanded attempt at a compliment, thank you.” vita scoffs indignantly, feigning excessive offense, as if he’d just spit on a beloved family member’s grave. “backhanded? what do you mean? that was genuine.” 
“well, don’t get too used to seeing it. i don’t soften up for just anyone, you know.” vita laughs. “oh, am i special, then?” they say it in a joking tone, but there’s no hint of laughter in his voice when he replies. “…very.” 
“this is mine.” vita pauses in front of a small stairway, only about five steps tall, leading into the landing area of their building. wesker stops, too, close enough to brush their shoulder with his own as he nods. 
he seems like he has something he’d like to say, but he’s quiet for a long time, as if he can’t get the words to form in a way he’d like. eventually he settles on resting his hand on their upper arm in a gesture that’s surprisingly soft, coming from him. “have a good night, vita. get some rest.” 
they nod in response, and his hand drops back to his side as he begins to step back. before he moves away completely, vita cuts in. “hey— wesker.” he pauses, and they take the opportunity to step closer. maybe it’s the booze, maybe it’s a sudden strike of boldness, but they stand up on the tips of their toes, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. “thank you.” 
he’s completely still, and for a terrifying moment vita thinks they may have misunderstood his intentions. they step back, catching how red his face is under the dim streetlights, and they start apologizing, rambling about how they must have gotten the wrong idea, they’re sorry, they didn’t mean to act inappropriately, they-
they’re interrupted when he presses his palm to the side of their face, cupping their jaw as he presses his lips to theirs in a careful, gentle kiss. they can taste the slightest hint of whiskey on his lips, masked overwhelmingly by smoke and nicotine. it’s sudden, and brief, but that doesn’t stop the way their head spins, their legs suddenly weak. 
wesker pulls away, though he stays close. he strokes vita’s cheek with his thumb, watching them fondly in a rare moment of intimacy while their mouth wobbles into a tentatively excited smile, eyes shining. their hand moves to cover his, and they press their cheek more firmly into his palm, enjoying the touch. 
they stand there for some time, enjoying each others’ company, though eventually wesker breaks the silence. “i should let you go up, get some sleep. today was difficult.” their shift earlier seems so far away, like it happened a century ago. they nod, though, turning their head to press a kiss to his palm. he responds by pressing a kiss to their forehead, stroking their hair with his other hand. he looks… happy. his expression isn’t flat, or tired, or irritated or annoyed or stressed. he seems content. 
“good night, vita.” 
E - (above)
R - (above)
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hidingoutbackstage · 3 years ago
infodump to be about resident evil handsome <3
Ohhhh my gosh where to start.
Honestly I'm just gonna talk about my favorite characters and why I like them, and also the problems I have with them
It'll be under the cut, for those who don't care lol
Gonna start with Rebecca because she's the fave that I have the most issues with. I really like her character, she's smart, she's strong, she's a good fighter, and she's witty, and for all of those reasons she's fun to watch and play as. My issues with her are that Capcom has absolutely no clue what to do with her. She's a side character in the first game that doesn't get to do much except get told to stay out of the way, in her own game, RE0, she's literally the main character but ends up feeling like a supporting character for Billy's arc, and holy fuck is she nerfed in Vendetta. She has that scene at the school making the antidote in the lab, and has a good scene where she fights off some zombies before hiding and getting rescued. She tells Chris what she knows and they go find Leon before she gets kidnapped and gets to do absolutely nothing else for the rest of the film. She's a damsel in distress, is almost forced to marry the villain because she looks like his fridged wife, and is infected with the virus and rendered immobile until Chris and Leon rescue her. Like that entire scene she's just sitting on the table writhing and moaning makes me so uncomfortable. Capcom made a great character, they just didn't know what to do with her (and apparently STILL DON'T considering she's not even in Welcome to Raccoon City) Also, can she not be older? It's impressive that she graduated from college at 18, it shows her incredible intellect, but that doesn't mean she has to be 18 in the first game, does it? Can she not be more adult-like? Idk
Next is Claire. Claire is great! Claire I have less issues with, considering the franchise has been nicer to her character recently. Obviously the peak of her character was in the RE2 remake, but she had other great moments too, I liked her a lot in the darkside chronicles, but also like Rebecca, it seems like the game doesn't always know how to use her character, or end up sidlining her for the male characters. Example, Code Veronica, she's fine, but she's way too broken up about Steve imo (maybe I just hate him) and once she's reunited with Chris she's kind of a player 2 to him. And in Revelations 2 she's kind of just a catalyst for change in Moira. And holy fuck don't get me started on how nerfed she was in Infinite Darkness. She is TOTALLY the B story to Leon's A story and even has her damsel in distress moment with the acid. I liked the ending of ID and I liked the story but I just wish there'd been more Claire.
Leon is fine, I love his character arc from RE2 to Vendetta and all the bits in between, I just think because he's so popular it gets exhausting lmao like Capcom knows how popular he is so they milk it for all it's worth and with there being so many fans there's obviously going to be a lot that I don't like/don't agree with. That's probably splitting hairs though, I do think he's the best-written and best handled RE character Capcom has by far
Jill Valentine my sweet summer child you deserve so much better. She's never been overly sexualized (if you don't count whatever the fuck was going on in RE5) which like. The bar is on the floor but something about Capcom's treatment of her character always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. The character herself is fantastic, do NOT get me wrong, I just wish Capcom had done things differently like not make her version of the RE1 playthrough "easy" mode or not incapacitated her for days in RE3 making her totally useless (not that I don't mind playing as Carlos, mind you) her popularity is well earned, I wish there was less fanart that sexualized her but whatever, and I love her friendship with Chris, definitely one of my top 3 platonic RE relationships.
Chris needs to stop being in so much RE content or I'm gonna go insane. There rlly was no reason to include him in RE7 other than to connect it more to the other games, but his "not a hero" dlc is pretty alright. Obviously his inclusion in 7 led to his role in 8 and oh my g-d I cannot forgive that ridiculous plot point of not telling Ethan about Miranda impersonating his wife. It's so dumb. His rivalry with Wesker never felt earned, but it was always entertaining to see. His rivalry with Arias was fucking stupid and completely unearned (I know they only had one movie to make it happen but still. I love that movie and hate it all at once) Also RE5 is unforgivable except for giving us Sheva so y'know Chris is a mixed bag for me.
Ada is a great character that gets treated like absolute shit. I love morally grey characters, and Ada is a great example of one, and the fandom almost always ruins her somehow, or Capcom finds ways to use her that I typically just personally don't like (like honestly that Ada clone shit in RE6 is ridiculous and totally unnecessary) She's done fantastically in RE2 remake which I love, and I'm honestly glad Capcom somewhat knew to pull the reigns when it came to the idea to have her in RE8 that was ultimately scrapped (it would've made no sense, it was ridiculous, I would not have liked it) so Ada is also another mixed bag for me. I also wish she had more of a connection to this stuff than (for the most part) Leon. Her mission doesn't always involve him, but she's only ever really there when he is, and it irks me.
Ethan Winters sucks and I don't like him and don't care about him and the whole RE7&8 fandom is wrong for liking them and yes that includes my boyfriend
Sorry about that. He's a fine character, he's a protagonist you wanna root for, especially in 8, but man do he and his story get on my nerves.
Alcina was just fanservice and gamerbait and for that reason I can't bring myself to like her, sorry guys. Same goes for Heisenberg even though he was less fanservice-y and a little more interesting than Alcina
Yeah that's all I got, if you read through all this, I am kissing you on the mouth
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skyisover · 4 years ago
ANYWAY. do u hv like a list of fave wesker scenes or smth. how deep does this go atlas
wouldnt you like to know weatherboy. yeah i do lmao. i’ll give you my top ten
1. “unfortunately, it’s too late for you.” the pre-excella boss battle cutscene on the ship. re5
2. both betrayal cutscenes in the chris campaign of re1; functionally the same but super homoerotic. “chris, you’ll never understand. it’s magnificent.”
3. re5 airship fight with wesker, chris, and sheva, specifically the part where wesker throws himself off of the ceiling and does that gay little triple kick attack that shoots chris across the room.
4. re5 pre-airplane hangar boss battle “things are really getting interesting now, eh chris?” because he giggles in that cutscene and i love him very much.
5. re1 chris campaign bee shooting cutscene
6. his death.
7. the flashback scene in re5 where he murders spencer. it shows exactly why he’s become the way he is and it shows his arrogance. “only one truly capable of becoming a god deserves that right.”
8. re4 separate ways— i can’t remember the exact context but the one where the camera zooms out and he crosses his legs on that dumb hi tech dentists chair he uses.
9. “chris, grab a piece of the action” re1 pre-lisa boss battle. he’s just cute in that scene
10. this wouldn’t be a top ten wesker scene list without the end cutscene of assignment ada with his evil laugh. my beloved
edit: HONORABLE MENTION the scene where chris and sheva inject him with that serum in re5 and he starts whining and writhing around like a little bitch who’s about to cry
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thecodeisveronica · 4 years ago
Issy I don’t know if someone asked you but...Albert Wesker and Jake for the character ask? 👀👉🏻👈🏻
Hehe thanks Karen I’ve actually been wanting to do these two >:) 💕
How I feel about them:
Albert: Whew, where do I start. Ok, so I can honestly say without any shame that I LOVE ALBERT WESKER. Yeah, he’s a dick but that doesn’t mean I can’t love him 😔 Not even kidding but when I was 12 I wrote a whole story about his childhood because something about young Wesker interests me soooo much. Spencer was the one that fucked him up and I actually feel quite a bit of pity for him (I meant, the poor dude was brainwashed as a kid and forced to do terrible stuff ;-;) He’s badass, super hot, and he’s got that old-school villain personality which I just love so much. His calm and collectedness (obviously pre re5) has always been something I’ve gushed over because, I don’t know, there’s something about stoic villains that just sends me, ok? 💕 Also, his fashion sense is impeccable.
Jake: I’ll be honest with this one. At first I didn’t like him. I was pretty young when I first played 6 and didn’t really care about him (I was more into his dad lmao) Played 6 again and I can honestly say that I now love Jake Muller to pieces 🥺💓 He’s badass, he’s cool, he’s a jerk but super charming in his own way. I love the fact that his morals are very grey to begin with — being a mercenary, he’s only in it for the money and it was nice to watch him slowly develop as the story went on. Also the fact that he has hand-to-hand combat as one of his weapon selections just hhhhh omg he’s such a badass 😩 I just honestly love him and his character so much and I wanna know what the hell he’s been up to!!
Who I ship them with romantically:
Albert: Oh damn. Love is definitely a tricky thing to describe with Wesker. I think the closest he’d get is either respect or fascination (definitely obsession if he was ever with an SO). He was with Jake’s mum in what, the early 90s? So we definitely know he is or at least was capable of sexual attraction. I think there was possibly something with Excella (nothing he really cared about but just saw her there and perhaps used her as stress relief? He’s a selfish dude so he’d totally do it). Like I’ve said, I’m not a huge re shipper but there’s something about him and Chris back in their S.T.A.R.S. days 👀 maybe even Jill too.
Jake: No-brainer — Sherry. Not only does their dynamic work but they were clearly fated to be together or something. I mean, their dads worked together and created the virus/blood- types that they both carry in them. I loved watching them flourish over the course of the game and watch Jake slowly start caring for Sherry 🥺💞 (you CANNOT tell me that this man isn’t an awkward softie when he wants to show affection) Basically, I just love them together and the fact that their history is so closely related just makes it even more special.
My non-romantic OTP for them:
Albert: Hmm probably William. Mainly based hcs and the true canon but these two men clearly respected eachother. They were even described as rivals back at the training facility and given nicknames — scholar Will and practical Al (I love that hhhh). Especially in that manga with them together, I just love them 🥺 (I never stop thinking about Al with the juice box omg 💓) Maybe calling them friends is a push but Will was clearly the closest thing that Wesker ever had to one ;-; 💕 (high-key wanna hug him 😔)
Jake: Ooh I think him and Leon could work well. They both respect eachother thanks to Sherry and they have a lot in common. Jake kinda reminds me a bit of re4 Leon (cocky but caring) so maybe Leon sees a bit of his younger self in Jake? Jake and Piers are an interesting duo too. They hate eachother’s guts but it would’ve been nice to have them properly work together or something ;-;
Unpopular opinions on them:
Albert: I hate what they did to him in 5 😔 He went from being cool, calm and collected to a completely unhinged psychopath in a space of just years and it triggers me so much. Capcom basically turned him into a stereotypical villain that wanted to take over the world and went mad ajdjdjd. How could they massacre my boy like that? 😭😭😭
Jake: Not really unpopular but I wish we could’ve seen more about his mother :( I wanna know if she ever spoke to Jake about Wesker or if she genuinely loved him while they were “together”.
One thing I wish would happen:
Albert: I wish he didn’t die (a part of me thinks he maybe be alive thanks to Umbrella Corps soooo). His death was stupid, comical and just cheap. A volcano,,,with rocket launchers,,,really??? Wesker was the main villain of the franchise and deserved a WAYYYY better death smfh 😤 I ALSO WANT A PREQUEL ON HIM SO BAD!! Whether it’s in Umbrella or S.T.A.R.S. or both! Just something 😩 Omg just imagine a game where you can play as him and Birkin in the different facilities hhhhh 💕
Jake: I wanna see him with Chris again. I need to know if those can ever work together properly or smooth things over. I’m sure they’ll forever be love-hate but I just wanna see how they’d act together 👀 Another thing I wished we could’ve seen was Jake confront Albert!! Yeah his dad is dead (possibly 👁👁) but seeing the two interact would be so interesting, especially since Jake feels so conflicted about his dad. (Also imagine them doing normal father-son stuff 😔✌️)
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I’ve always found pre-5 Wesker the hottest ngl hhh (he’s hot in general buttttt) 👀💞
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viruxlent · 6 years ago
Omg! I want to know all about Albert Wesker with this "Animal Habit/Attribute Headcanons" thing!😣 I can't choose!
aaaaa (i wanna kno who cares so much abt my shitty wesker) but ok anon here u go and thank u wheeze
(Wolf) - How good is your sense of smell?I hc because both viruses he has are shoddy and full of animal genes it’s prob pretty dang good tbh.
(Tiger) - Do you have fangs? Claws? Any dangerous body parts?HE DOES his canine teeth are more fangy than normal but its only evident when he smiles.
(Leopard) - How would you hunt/kill prey without any special abilities/weapons?I dunno I guess with traps or something. He’s a smarticle particle.
(Horse) - Do you run on two legs or all four? How fast do you think you would be if you did the opposite?I can’t see him doing all-fours that’s too ridiculous even for him lol.
(Sheep) - How does your fur/skin/scales/feathers feel to the touch?Skin soft af
(Elephant) - How good is your vision? Can you see in the dark?He can see good enough even in pitch blackness, and he can sense heat sources (idk what that’s called).
(Bear) - How often do you listen to your primal instincts? Do good or bad things happen when you do?Did you mean “everything that’s ever gone wrong in his life is because he has no fucking self control”?
(Koala) - How do you sleep? Do you hang upside down, curl up like a dog, or even stretch out like a cat?Aaaa I guess whatever would be more comfy maybe curled on his side with a bunch of blankets. Tho I bet in the gameverse he prob just crashes on whatever couch is around for the 8 hours a week he sleeps HAAHAH
(Panda) - Is there a specific plant you like to eat?PEOPLE CAN’T EAT PLANTS
(Dog) - Do you have a secret spot that you really love to be pet?Head pat and u have to say he’s a good boi
(Cat) - Any irregular places you like to nap/tend to fall asleep in?Anyplace warm idk
(Pig) - Would you fight another wild animal to the death for food?He would and he has.
(Mouse) - How accurate is your hearing? Do you cringe at high pitched noises?YEAH he has insane hearing and any loud noise will rly hurt (chris should have just blown a dog whistle at him in re5 and that would make him surrender so fast)
(Rabbit) - How does your body react to a jumpscare? e.g. do their wings spread for a getaway, do they display fangs, do they immediately brandish their claws, etc.You don’t wanna catch him by surprise ever let’s just say that.
(Squirrel) - Do you store energy and hibernate during winter?No
(Bluebird) - Can you fly? If so, how long can you stay airborne?NO AAHA
(Penguin) - Can you endure low temperatures well?HELL NO ANYTHING BELOW 50F IS FUCKING HYPOTHERMIC
(Chicken) - If you had to live off of raw meat only, what creature would you prefer to hunt?He does kinda live off raw meat so idk hhhh
(Hatchling) - Would you protect another one’s abandoned young?Heck no
(Frog) - What sounds do you make that pertain to your species? do they squeak when surprised, growl when irritated, roar when entering combat, etc.Maybe growling and hissing is what’s unique to him idk.
(Fish) - Can you breathe underwater?No but he can go without air for almost 30 minutes.
(Dolphin) - How quickly do you swim? What is your style of swimming?Flailing, thrashing, and drowning lmao
(Whale) - How long can you stay underwater?Zero seconds
(Betta) - What is your relation towards other animals/humans?He’s weird af I can’t even. He likes animals for the most part and he hates most people by default.
(Octopus) - How curious are you? Do you enjoy touching and feeling new things?He’s a curious boi he’ll do anything.
(Snake) - Can you excrete any kinds of poison?No not really
(Alligator) - How well can you blend in with the natural environment?NOT WELL LMAO
(Turtle) - Do you have a protective stance you retreat into when threatened?Yeah it’s called “back the hell up or you’re about to lose your eyeballs.”
(Dragon) - Is your species naturally occurring in the ecosystem?That sounds so funny omg
(Bee) - Do you prefer to be in a pack or by yourself?That’s hard it varies by verse.
(Ladybug) - Are your patterns/color scheme irregular for your species?He’s a human bruh but I guess platinum hair isn’t all that common idk
(Centipede) - How naturally stealthy are you? Rly stealth. He could sneak up on Big Boss and Solid Snake put together
(Snail) - Is there some sort of odd membrane covering your skin? Is it useful?No but he has those inner eyelid things
(Ant) - How strong are you? Is it normal for your species?It varies but in mainverse he can tip over a car no prob and when he goes virus crazy he’s like twice as strong as canon Wesker
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