#i love wataru and keisuke so much
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fadefromthelight · 2 months ago
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Wataru and Keisuke on a winter date!
As for the dog, Rachel and I decided that Wataru needs a dog and Miran was created. I love her so much, she's my sweet girl.
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skeleton-beneath-this-skin · 6 months ago
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Chibi Wataru but make him ✨@fadefromthelight’s✨ version
Based off of Fade's drawing
I’ve been wanting to challenge myself and draw other characters (pls don’t be jealous Takeshi lol)…but it’s also hard for me to draw characters that I’m not very passionate about. But there’s a character that’s become very special to me and that’s Wataru. And we all know who loves Wataru…and Nobuhiko, he deserves recognition too! I told Fade I wanted to draw Wataru, but I didn’t tell her I was going to draw her version. Of course that didn’t stay a surprise for long, I’m really bad at them 💀 But I love Fade’s version of Wataru so much and how she draws him with piercings and fluffy hair. She also gives him amazing outfits and puts so much personalization into her drawings which is very inspiring to me as I always draw from canon. When I think of Wataru, I automatically think of her version of him. I really wanted to pay homage to her style with this chibi!
This was such a fun piece to draw and it means so much to me as well. Fade was actually my first follower in the Initial D community and we ended up becoming friends. All because she made a post comparing Sam from Stardew Valley to Keisuke because they have similar hairstyles LOL. And we’ve probably talked every day since then 🥹 Whether we are sharing our works in progress, thinking up headcanons for our boys, or talking about what foods we love from Trader Joe’s…I’m just so thankful to call her my friend.
Thanks for being an amazing friend, Fade ❤️
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dangerouscommiesubversive · 4 years ago
Whenever commie is no longer busy and have time (and ofc would want to write it), would you be willing to make a complete list of those who would kabedon; and the list of "who would and would not say the f/curse word"?
Oh man, you want a complete list? Well, ok, let’s go show by show here, I’m gonna get really lengthy with it. Like, I can’t go through every character in every show, but I’ll hit what I think are the major points.
Fair warning before you mash the read-more: I did, in fact, go through nearly every show I’ve seen. This post is long.
We will start with Kamen Rider.
Kamen Rider 1号: I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me you heard my grandpa say a cuss. Go on. I dare you.
Godai Yusuke: is capable of saying fuck, but does not, because he’s too polite. He might kabedon, but not for any romantic or sexual reasons, just because he likes to be close to people and he gets excited about stuff.
Ichijo Kaoru: says fuck on a regular basis. I think he would kabedon unironically but only in the heat of the moment.
Ra-Baruba-De: doesn’t cuss because it’s beneath her. She’d kabedon Ichijo, but would follow this up with an attempt to kill him.
Tsugami Shouichi: does not swear and cannot kabedon, although someone else might do it to him.
Hikawa Makoto: might say fuck in a moment of stress, but rarely swears otherwise. He could and would kabedon, but only in situations where doing so would get a comedic result related to his strength and clumsiness.
Ashihara Ryou, the sexiest man in the world: probably swears like a sailor and would absolutely kabedon. The very thought makes me go weak at the knees.
Kino Kaoru: definitely says “fuck,” but I don’t think he does fuck, and he certainly doesn’t kabedon.
Ozawa Sumiko, however: both says “fuck” and does it. She will kabedon, and she will stand on Omuro’s shoulders to get enough height for it.
Kido Shinji: always wants to swear, but doesn’t actually do it. He could kabedon, but only in anger; the thought of doing so in a romantic or sexual context would make him blush and stammer.
Akiyama Ren: can and will say “fuck” at a moment’s notice. You know he kabedons.
Kitaoka Shuichi: says “fuck” quietly, when no one can hear him except maybe Goro. He would kabedon gently and think himself very sexy.
Yura Goro: is a sweet, sweet man who neither swears nor kabedons.
Asakura Takeshi: is saying “fuck” at this very moment. He would only kabedon as a prelude to stabbing.
Tezuka Miyuki: is on this list because I love him, but he does not say “fuck” and could not be induced to. He could be kabedon’ed.
555 (we haven’t finished this one so I can’t guarantee that all characters will be included)
Inui Takumi: I’m pretty sure he could say “fuck” but I don’t think he’s actually inclined to. Kabedon’ing requires a level of investment in whatever situation that I don’t think he’d want to admit to.
Kusaka Masato: oh, absolutely.
Sonoda Mari: swears all the time. Doesn’t kabedon because she expects someone to do it to her.
Keitaro Kikuchi: is a very nice boy who does neither of these things.
Kiba Yuji: contains vast lakes of suppressed rage, and if he says “fuck” even once it might all come out. Does not kabedon for the same reason.
Osada Yuka: says “fuck,” but only in her heart. Does not kabedon.
Kaido Naoya: says “fuck,” but only when he can’t find a more ridiculous option. Absolutely kabedons at a moment’s notice.
Smart Lady: does not say “fuck.” Will definitely kabedon you, and moreover she’ll do it with her leg to make sure that the situation is just, uncomfortably sexual.
Kenzaki Kazuma: is breathtakingly earnest but nevertheless does, on occasion, say “fuck.” Doesn’t kabedon because he’s too sad.
Aikawa Hajime: has neither the inclination nor the desire to say “fuck” or to kabedon.
Tachibana Sakuya: can say “fuck,” but mostly doesn’t. Also too sad to kabedon.
Kamijou Mutsuki: would say “fuck” to get someone’s attention. He wishes he could kabedon.
Kurihara Amane: is in so much trouble with her mother for saying “fuck.”
Hibiki/Hidaka Hitoshi: is An Dad, and thus is theoretically capable of saying “fuck,” but if he does then it means the situation’s gotten pretty serious. (Or he’s hit his thumb with a hammer.) He can definitely kabedon, but we’ll never see him do it, because that means the situation’s gotten a different kind of serious.
Ibuki: has too much self-control and dignity to say “fuck,” but said it when he was younger. Doesn’t kabedon because it’s just...not the right vibe for him.
Todoroki: has considered saying “fuck,” but the prospect makes him blush. Cannot kabedon to save his life but desperately wishes that he could.
Zanki: comfortable with the word “fuck” but uses it sparingly. Doesn’t seem like a kabedon type.
The Children: Asumu, Kyosuke, and Akira can all definitely say “fuck” just by dint of being high schoolers brimming with all kinds of messy emotions. Kyosuke would definitely attempt to kabedon someone, although he might not do it well.
The Tachibana Sisters: anyone who runs a restaurant can say “fuck.”
Kabuki: like Miyuki, above, is included because I adore him, even though he’s a movie-exclusive character. Definitely says “fuck.” Might kabedon in the process of tricking someone, but wouldn’t do it seriously.
Tendou Souji: feels that saying “fuck” is beneath him. Wouldn’t kabedon so much as he’d very gently brace himself against the wall and lean in, which, let’s be real, is much sexier.
Tendou Juka: you know that comic that people have done all those redraws of? I think this one is the original? This is an accurate representation of what would happen to someone, possibly Kagami, if Juka said “fuck.”
Kagami Arata: is all the time saying “fuck,” at least in his head, but doesn’t often say it out loud because it would draw the wrong kind of attention. Would kabedon Souji, probably, who would be surprised and then quietly delighted.
Kusakabe Hiyori: unlikely to say “fuck,” and if she did I suspect Tendou would take it badly (see above entry for Juka). Might be kabedon’ed, but would definitely knee the perpetrator in the groin.
Kamishiro Tsurugi: my beautiful son does not know what the word “fuck” means, but would definitely kabedon because he’s excitable.
Yaguruma Sou and Kageyama Shun: get one line because they do things together--imagine, if you will, Yaguruma saying “fuck” and Kageyama echoing him quietly a moment later. They would also kabedon together.
Kazama Daisuke: would say “fuck” very quietly. Does not kabedon.
Nogami Ryotaro: cannot say any swear words without suffering a potentially fatal nosebleed. May have kabedon’ed once in a dream, but the thought of him attempting it in real life is actually laughable.
Hana: says “fuck” as an adult. As a child, says it more. Does not kabedon, because why bother?
Naomi: can do whatever she likes and I will support her.
Momotaros: says “fuck” regularly and with gusto. Kabedons as a greeting.
Urataros: does not use any curse words because women find them off-putting--unless the woman he’s with swears, in which case he does too. Will kabedon if it is situationally appropriate for getting laid.
Ryuutaros: see, again, this comic, but this time the person doing the shocked face and then later the punching is me. He does not know what a kabedon is.
Kintaros: is probably asleep. Believes that excessive swearing is unmanly. Doesn’t see the point of kabedon.
Sieg: believes that excessive swearing is unfit for a prince, but will very occasionally say “fuck” if it’ll get every eye in the room on him. Unaware of kabedon.
Kurenai Wataru: does not.
Kurenai Otoya: does both, vigorously.
Asou Megumi: says “fuck,” doesn’t kabedon. Would encourage someone else to kabedon her though.
Asou Yuri: absolutely says “fuck” all the time, might kabedon Otoya to shut him up.
Jirou: I actually don’t think he swears? Definitely kabedons though.
Nago Keisuke: says “fuck,” but feels bad about it afterwards. Might kabedon from anger, or if induced to by Megumi.
Nobori Taiga: is far too polite to say “fuck,” but occasionally thinks it. Does not kabedon.
Kadoya Tsukasa: there is no question that he says “fuck” all the time. Not the romantic kabedon type, much to Daiki’s disappointment. May kabedon in other situations, though.
Kaitou Daiki: says “fuck” only occasionally, but with feeling. Would like Tsukasa to kabedon him.
Hikari Natsumi: says “fuck” regularly and energetically. Will sit on Yuusuke’s shoulders to kabedon Tsukasa.
Onodera Yuusuke: does not say “fuck” at all. Cannot kabedon because he is too busy giving Natsumi a boost.
Hidari Shoutaro: believes that saying “fuck” is unbecoming of a true man, but still says it if he stubs his toe. Kabedons unintentionally and then blushes when he realizes what he’s done.
Philip: has said “fuck” a total of once and then went down a rabbit hole looking into its etymology. Kabedons intentionally and with forethought, and then completely loses the thread of things as soon as Shoutaro starts blushing.
Narumi Akiko: says “fuck” just to shock Shoutaro. Definitely kabedon’ed Terui at least once, which he was unspeakably charmed by.
Terui Ryuu: is not open to questions about whether or not he says “fuck.” Only kabedons out of frustration.
Hino Eiji: neither says “fuck” nor kabedons.
Ankh: both says “fuck” and kabedons, and both are generally directed at Eiji. In fact, since he is only a hand, kabedon is an important part of his physical vocabulary.
Izumi Hina: does not say “fuck.” Would break a wall if she kabedon’ed, and thus it’s fortunate that she isn’t inclined to anyway.
Gotou Shintarou: would blush terribly if he ever said “fuck,” or for that matter if he attempted to kabedon.
Satonaka Erika: considers the word “fuck” an important part of her vocabulary, to be used sparingly. Kabedons Gotou, and at least once Date.
Date Akira: says “fuck,” but not in, like, an aggressive way? Just as an expression of mild distress. It does not occur to him to kabedon.
Kisaragi Gentarou: is not legally allowed to say rude words. Would kabedon out of an excess of enthusiasm and then be deeply confused if the recipient blushed.
Sakuta Ryuusei: says “fuck” sparingly and only when it’ll have an impact. Does not kabedon.
Utahoshi Kengo: says “fuck” frequently and with enthusiasm. Doesn’t see the point of kabedon.
Jojima Yuuki: like Gentarou, is not legally permitted to curse. Kabedon would not occur to her unless it could be some way related to space.
Kazashiro Miu: says “fuck” occasionally. Kabedons when appropriate, which is rarely.
Daimonji Shun: wishes he could say “fuck,” but can’t quite bring himself to.  Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but he used to.
JK: only says “fuck” deniably. Strictly a receiver of kabedon.
Nozama Tomoko: doesn’t use curse words, she uses curses. Doesn’t kabedon, but appreciates it when she sees others do it.
Souma Haruto: definitely says “fuck” sometimes. Prefers a flirtatious lean against a convenient wall over kabedon.
Nitoh Kosuke: says "fuck," but only if his grandma can't hear him--unless there's a notable archeological discovery in the offing, in which case all bets are off. Thinks he's too slick to kabedon, but he's not.
Fueki Koyomi: no.
Nara Shunpei: absolutely not.
Daimon Rinko: has said "fuck" on occasion and would certainly do it again. I can't imagine a kabedon from her though.
Kazuraba Kouta: seems like he secretly swears kind of a lot. Does not kabedon because he is, at base, a deeply non-aggressive individual.
Kumon Kaito: says "fuck" at least once a day. Absolutely kabedons, but mainly because he's annoyed and slapping a person seems tactically unsound.
Kureshima Mitsuzane (Micchi): says "fuck" to sound edgy. Would like to kabedon but no one would take it seriously.
Kureshima Takatora: will use the word "fuck" sparingly, and only to indicate that The Situation Has Gotten Bad Indeed. Does not know what kabedon is.
Sengoku Ryouma: says "fuck" occasionally, and with malicious good cheer. Does not kabedon, but if he would like to give it a shot, I am available.
Takatsukasa Mai: says "fuck" quietly but with frequency. Doesn't see a good reason to kabedon anyone.
Oren Pierre Alfonso: only swears in French. Dismisses kabedon as a thing for callow youths, but despite this he did once have a heated dream of doing it to Takatora.
Tomari Shinnosuke: says "fuck" if he's hit his leg on a table or something, but in more serious situations he does not curse. I cannot possibly imagine him trying to kabedon, it's impossible.
Shijima Kiriko: doesn't swear as much as one might think; "fuck" is for special occasions. Will use a kabedon to get someone's attention.
Shijima Gou: says "fuck" all the time. Would like to kabedon, but hasn't found the right person yet.
Chase: does not swear. Does not kabedon--he's interested in human behavior but that's just nonsense.
Sawagami Rinna: is a professional engineer and thus uses the word “fuck” as punctuation. Might kabedon, but it’s unlikely.
Mr. Belt/Krim Steinbelt: mutters “fuck” quietly when Shinnosuke isn’t paying attention. Does not have arms.
Heart: has said "fuck" experimentally but didn't like the mouthfeel. Delighted by the very concept of kabedon but hasn't done it yet.
Brain: believes that swearing is a sign that you have nothing constructive, intelligent, or amusing to say. Provided Heart with the comics from which they both learned about kabedon, and since then the thought of Heart doing it to him has occupied his every waking moment.
Medic: has thought about saying "fuck" but isn't sure that she really wants to. Stole those comics from Brain and now she, too, would like Heart to kabedon.
Tenkuuji Takeru: the thought of saying “fuck” has genuinely never entered his head. More someone who is kabedon’ed than someone who does it himself.
Fukami Makoto: can theoretically say “fuck,” but mostly doesn’t. Would maybe kabedon if the moment seemed appropriate.
Alain: thinks saying “fuck” is sort of uncouth but does it anyway. Wants to know what kabedon is, please tell him about it.
Tsukimura Akari: does not get enough sleep or lab time for anyone to be able to stop her from saying “fuck.” Has kabedon’ed out of excitement, but never for romantic reasons.
Yamanouchi Onari: tries not to say “fuck” because he’s supposed to be setting a good example, but sometimes it just slips out. Definitely doesn’t kabedon, but that’s more out of cowardice than a sense of restraint.
Fukami Kanon: see the comic previously linked to for reference for what would happen if Makoto found out that someone had taught Kanon how to say “fuck.” Reads comics in which there is the occasional kabedon, kind of wishes Alain would do it.
Hojo Emu: doesn’t say “fuck” because he works with children. Doesn’t kabedon because it’s not his style.
Parad: absolutely says “fuck,” if only to see Emu drop something in surprise. Thinks kabedon looks fun.
Kagami Hiiro: is too uptight to say “fuck” and too shy to kabedon.
Kujou Kiriya: uses “fuck” as an expression of low-key dismay. Does his best flirting from across the room, but might kabedon if it seemed like the reaction would be entertaining.
Hanaya Taiga: barely even thinks of “fuck” as a word, it’s just a noise he makes when he’s annoyed. Kabedon’ing would require him to get much closer to people than he wants to.
Dan Kuroto: definitely says “fuck,” are you kidding? Even before he was a cackling supervillain he was, at least partially, a software engineer. Does not kabedon.
Poppy Pipopapo: no.
Saiba Nico: says “fuck” all the time as long as Taiga’s not looking. Will not admit to reading the kind of comics where a kabedon might occur, but definitely does.
Graphite: thinks all of this is human nonsense and yet is, despite himself, intrigued.
Kiryuu Sento: probably says “fuck” more than any other main Rider. Yes, even Tsukasa. Is kabedon’ed.
Banjou Ryuuga: says “fuck” because MMA guys have foul mouths, although he did clean up his language a bit when Kasumi was still alive. Kabedons.
Isurugi Misora: if Misora says “fuck” then something terrible is about to happen. Would laugh at anyone who asked if she knew how to kabedon. Would knee anyone who tried it on her in the groin. Kazumi knows this well.
Takigawa Sawa: considers the word “fuck” an essential part of her vocabulary, to be used frequently and sometimes at a great volume. Knows how to kabedon due to spy training but does not use it in her personal life.
Sawatari Kazumi: says “fuck” all the time, unless Misora is paying attention to him. Thinks that kabedon is very sexy and that he’s very good at it; mileage may vary on whether this is actually true.
Himuro Gentoku: says “fuck” softly and solemnly when something really bad has happened. Maybe he kabedons, I’m genuinely not sure.
Evolt: probably does both, but I’m not getting close enough to check.
Tokiwa Sougo: doesn’t swear because it’s not kingly. Does not kabedon.
Myoukouin Geiz: surprisingly, does not tend to curse. Definitely kabedons, not always romantically.
Woz: doesn’t say “fuck,” because there are more roundabout ways to express his frustration. Kabedons, sometimes for romantic reasons and sometimes just to be weird about things.
Tsukuyomi: specifically uses the word “fuck” to indicate that things have gotten serious. If Geiz isn’t going to get around to kabedon’ing her, she’s going to do it to him.
Hiden Aruto: look obviously I can’t really comment on these characters because I haven’t watched that show yet but just from the clips I’ve seen I think Aruto would spontaneously combust if he said “fuck.”
Kamiyama Touma: says “fuck” sometimes, especially if he’s very tired. Thinks kabedon is kind of a tired plot device.
Sudou Mei: doesn’t think saying “fuck” is that big of a deal, uses it to express irritation. Agrees with Touma that kabedon is overused as a plot device, but likes it nonetheless.
Shindo Rintarou: oh my god no, definitely not.
Fukamiya Kento: uses the word “fuck” the way other people might use the word “moist”--it’s not a word he likes to say, but it has its place. Not generally aggressive enough to kabedon, but might if it seemed useful.
Akamichi Ren: is a teen edgelord and thus says “fuck” a lot. Talks a big game, but is secretly too shy for a successful kabedon.
Ogami Ryo: has tried to clean up his language since becoming a dad and been pretty successful with it. Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but did once.
Daishinji Tetsuo: says “fuck” when he’s working on things. Kabedon generally involves prolonged eye contact, so no.
Sophia: good heavens no, can you imagine?
Tassel: might be a divinity of some kind, can swear if he wants although he’d probably do it in French, but if he kabedons then I’m a walrus. I love Tassel.
All right, that’s Kamen Rider done! Now on to...
Super Sentai
AkaRed: if AkaRed ever said “fuck” I think something in the multiverse would be profoundly damaged--oh, hell, this is how Zenkaiger happens, isn’t it?
Ryo of the Heavenly Fire Star: doesn’t say “fuck,” but you might when you taste his gyoza. They’re the best in the world, you know. It has never occurred to him to kabedon.
Daigo of the Heavenly Illusion Star: is too gentle to say “fuck,” or for that matter to kabedon. (Besides, anyone who tries to kabedon Kujaku is going to be in for some difficulty.)
Bullet Shoji, Warrior of Love: used to say “fuck,” because he used to be in a gang, but doesn’t anymore. Doesn’t kabedon because he tries not to intimidate people.
Kazu of the Heavenly Time Star: doesn’t say “fuck,” he just kinda makes a hiss noise if he’s irritated. Doesn’t object to kabedon in theory but not interested in doing it himself.
Rin of the Heavenly Wind Star: does sometimes say “fuck,” much to her uncle’s dismay. Does not kabedon.
Kou of the Howling New Star: is a horrible child and says “fuck” regularly. Too immature to be allowed to kabedon.
Tsuruhime: does not say “fuck,” because if she’s mad she can just smack someone. She is fairly sure that people don’t actually kabedon in real life.
Sasuke: has said “fuck” once or twice but mostly tries not to. Too friendly to kabedon.
Saizou and Seikai: get one line because they’re attached at the hip. They are too goofy to say “fuck,” and would only ever manage to kabedon each other.
Jiraiya: not only does he say “fuck,” he will actually be saying “fuck” and not a Japanese equivalent, because he is more comfortable speaking English. I cannot imagine this man attempting to kabedon.
Ninjaman: is tremendously excited to learn about modern cursing, but never actually uses the words he’s learned because his teachers would be mad at him. Naturally too large to practice safe kabedon.
Please know that I’m not very far into this series yet, so this is based on fairly early impressions.
Shiina Yousuke: does not say “fuck” but often wants to. Doesn’t kabedon because it seems really aggressive, especially if you’re trying to kiss someone.
Nono Nanami: sometimes thinks the word “fuck” but doesn’t say it. While she’s read a few comics which contain kabedon, the thought of putting the concept into practice has never occurred to her.
Bitou Kouta: would never say “fuck” because children might hear him. Doesn’t kabedon because he’s a gentle soul.
Kasumi Ikkou and Kasumi Isshu: I just met these boys last night but I know in my heart that they both say “fuck,” and moreover they mean it. They also definitely kabedon.
Furabijo and Wendinu: can call me, please, I’m apocalyptically in love with you both.
Same as Hurricaneger--I’m not that far in, we don’t even have the extra guys yet, but I sure do have some thoughts about the folks we’ve got so far.
Kando Jan: doesn’t even know the word “fuck,” probably has some cute repetitive term for sex that he uses instead. Doesn’t know what a kabedon is either.
Uzaki Ran: may say “fuck” very occasionally if she sustains an injury during training. Not inclined to kabedon.
Fukami Retsu: will pretend that he’s too in control of himself to swear, but does on occasion say “fuck.” Sees no reason to kabedon.
Mele: says “fuck,” but never when Leo can hear her. Doesn’t kabedon, would like someone else (*coughcoughLeocoughcough*) to do so though.
Leo: says “fuck” like he’s chewing on something and spitting it out. Definitely kabedons, but has no idea that this might have romantic or sexual implications.
Shiba Takeru: does not say “fuck” anymore, because once he said it in front of Jii, who lost his mind. Could kabedon, he’s capable of it, but he’s a little too wound up in himself.
Ikenami Ryunosuke: would never say “fuck.” Not a kabedon type because it seems rude.
Shiraishi Mako: used to work with children, and thus didn’t say “fuck” for years, but now does occasionally--mainly while cooking. Doesn’t kabedon because she has other ways of getting in your face.
Tani Chiaki: is a Gamer and thus definitely says “fuck.” Nonetheless, respects women too much to kabedon them and the only men he might kabedon he is slightly afraid of.
Hanaori Kotoha: is a sweet, precious girl, very dear to my heart, who certainly does not swear or kabedon.
Umemori Genta: only says “fuck” if he cuts himself while preparing fish, or while arguing with fish vendors. Might kabedon to be goofy, but never seriously.
Kusakabe Hikoma/Jii: definitely had kind of a wild youth. Takeru once heard him say “fuck” to a kuroko while working on the clan accounts and has never recovered from the shock. Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but he did once.
Shiba Kaoru: doesn’t actually know the word “fuck” or anything about kabedon, and isn’t going to learn if Tanba has anything to say about it.
Gokaiger--one of the ones I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for
Captain Marvelous: I think we all know that the answer is yes on both counts.
Joe Gibken: says “fuck” quietly in serious situations, and loudly if Marvelous is deliberately getting on his nerves. Does not typically kabedon.
Luka Millfy: uses “fuck” as a general intensifier. Likes guys she can intimidate a little, so she does kabedon, but she mainly does it to Doc and Gai.
Don Dogoier/Doc: if you hear Doc say “fuck” it’s probably the middle of the night and he’s repairing an engine problem. Certainly does not kabedon.
Ahim de Famille: cursing is unladylike--not that she always tries to be ladylike, but she just doesn’t see the point there. Doesn’t kabedon.
Ikari Gai: probably uses some sort of goofy minced oath like “fudge” unless in the actual throes of passion. Doesn’t really have the poise to kabedon.
Basco ta Jolokia: only says “fuck” when no one is listening, because otherwise he might seem less than poised. Would kabedon Marvelous to get a rise out of him.
Sakurada Hiromu: seems like he’d probably drop the occasional “fuck.” I’m of two minds on the kabedon thing; I think that he could, but I’m not sure that he would.
Iwasaki Ryuji: says “fuck” if he’s working late on some problem. Doesn’t kabedon because he doesn’t want to scare people.
Usami Youko: says “fuck” specifically because it gets Ryuji to make a shocked face at her. Might kabedon if she found someone short enough. She will never find someone short enough.
Nick, Gorisaki, and Usada: no, definitely not.
Masato Jin: says “fuck” with the casual manner of a man who has definitely not just dropped a wrench on his foot. Doesn’t kabedon, but has joked about doing so.
Beet J. Stag (the “J” stands for “Jueki”): says “fuck,” but doesn’t know what it means. Who would he even kabedon?
Enter: only swears in French. Would kabedon with one of his creepy tentacles.
Kiryuu Daigo “King”: is a ludicrously perfect shoujo manga love interest, and thus does not say “fuck” but does kabedon in a sexy way.
Ian Yorkland: says “fuck” on dig sites but not in polite company. Might kabedon if it’d make the girl in question smile, does not kabedon men.
Udo Nobuharu: used to say “fuck” sometimes, but doesn’t now that he’s helping to raise Rika. Too busy and tired to kabedon.
Rippukan Souji: is too uptight to do either.
Amy Yuzuki: doesn’t say “fuck,” just makes irritated noises. Might kabedon if it would get someone to stop screwing around and pay attention to her.
Utsusemimaru: is familiar with neither the word “fuck” nor the concept of kabedon, although he might learn about the latter from some of Amy’s manga.
Yayoi Ulshade: says “fuck” when she’s working. Perpetually disappointed that she will never get Daigo to kabedon her.
Candelira and Luckyuro: my beautiful wife and her adorable son have no knowledge of these things.
Right, Tokacchi, Mio, Hikari, and Kagura: are all children and thus are barred from engaging with these things. Although I suppose now they’re all fifteen or sixteen, so maybe some of them have started cussing, but I refuse to contemplate it.
Nijino Akira: doesn’t know the word “fuck,” but if he did he’d use it. Doesn’t know about kabedon either, and wouldn’t use it if he did, because that involves getting way too close to people.
Wagon: much like Smart Lady, would kabedon with her leg, but in her case she’s trying to be cute and fun, not creepy. Does not say “fuck.”
Emperor Zett: can in theory say “fuck,” but hasn’t found an occasion to do so. Would kabedon to intimidate, I think he’d kinda puff up like a little angry wren.
Kazakiri Yamato: will only say “fuck” if he’s just been bitten by an animal he’s taking care of, and even then only if it really hurts. Doesn’t kabedon.
Sera: doesn’t say “fuck” because there’s always something more cutting available. Would bite anyone who kabedon’ed her.
Leo: says “fuck” as long as there are no girls listening. Has been bitten by Sera at least once as punishment for kabedon crimes.
Tusk: says “fuck” about paper cuts, but nothing else. Doesn’t kabedon.
Amu: doesn’t say “fuck” because there are cuter ways to get mad. Doesn’t kabedon herself, but will take any kabedon from someone else as an opportunity to get them to do something for her.
Mondou Misao: says “fuck” sometimes, always apologizes directly afterward. Far too nervous to kabedon.
Bard: says “fuck” at least once a week. Isn’t clear on what kabedon is.
Uncle Mario: you leave Uncle Mario alone.
Lucky: does not say “fuck.” Might kabedon in a moment of high spirits.
Garu: is a polite man who neither says “fuck” nor kabedons.
Stinger: says “fuck” frequently. Kabedons with his tail.
Hame: says “fuck” quietly but often. Doesn’t kabedon, and would just vanish if someone did it to her.
Raptor-283: says “fuck” very rarely, but at great volume. Dreams of being kabedon’ed, this is canonical.
Champ: doesn’t curse, and thinks kabedon looks dangerous.
Spada: only says “fuck” in the kitchen, where he can say whatever he pleases, grazie. Could be kabedon’ed.
Balance: says “fuck” if he’s panicking, but only then. Might kabedon for fun.
Naaga Rei: doesn’t do either, and would be terribly puzzled if someone kabedon’ed him.
Shou Ronpou: said “fuck” once when he got his finger caught in the Kyuulette. Isn’t familiar with kabedon, but thinks it looks fun.
Kotaro: is ten years old.
Ootori Tsurugi: doesn’t say “fuck” because it’s not grandiose enough. Definitely kabedons, we see him do it at least once in the show.
LupinRanger Vs. PatRanger
Asaka Keiichiro:  might say “fuck” if he’s really angry, but would feel bad about it. Would blush if he kabedon’ed Kairi, but would still do it.
Yano Kairi: has been saying “fuck” on the reg since he was twelve. Would kabedon to make Keiichiro squirm.
Hikawa Sakuya: might say “shit” on occasion, but never “fuck.” Wishes he was the kind of guy who could kabedon.
Yoimachi Tooma: doesn’t say “fuck,” but does think it loudly. Too reserved to kabedon.
Myoujin Tsukasa: could potentially say “fuck,” but chooses not to. Not a kabedon type.
Hayami Umika: mostly has pretty clean language, but will say “fuck” when she’s sewing, especially if she’s just stuck a needle into her finger, which hurts like a bitch. Doesn’t kabedon herself, might giggle if someone did it to her.
Takao Noël: only swears in French, but does so in extensive and exacting detail. Kabedons, but in a chill way.
Zamigo Delma: thinks the word “fuck” is extremely funny. Would kabedon Kairi to make him uncomfortable, but if Kairi’s unavailable then he’s welcome to look me up.
Koh: has never said a swear in his entire life. Doesn’t kabedon.
Melto: says “fuck” often, but quietly, so that the others don’t hear him. Seems kabedon’able to me.
Asuna: doesn’t actually know the word “fuck.” Wouldn’t kabedon, like, on purpose? But she’d definitely do it unintentionally, please see this comic for reference.
Towa: will say “fuck” sometimes if his brother won’t catch him at it. Overconfident enough to kabedon, but I don’t think it’d occur to him.
Banba: says “fuck” if things have gotten very bad. Kabedons only rarely, when he needs to be very serious about something. Yes, sometimes that something is “I think about kissing you with such frequency that it’s interfering with my ability to focus.”
Canalo: doesn’t say “fuck” because Mosa Rex would be disappointed in him. Would never kabedon, if he even knows what that is, due to his overpowering Respect for Women. (It has never occurred to him that one might kabedon anyone but a woman.)
Oto: might say “fuck,” and if she did then Canalo would specifically blame Melto.
Nada: uses “fuck” as an expression of dismay, like, “well, fuck.” Not into the whole kabedon thing.
Tatsui Ui: might have said “fuck” once, but then was so embarrassed that she got a case of hysterical giggles. Absolutely does not kabedon.
Super Sentai is done! That was exhausting! Wow! On to...
Ultra Series
I have seen very few Ultra shows, so this section’s gonna be short.
Kurenai Gai: doesn’t say “fuck,” does curse in some kind of alien language. Doesn’t kabedon, I bet it’d make him blush, although mostly he doesn’t seem like the blushing type either.
Jugglus Juggler: says “fuck” regularly and with relish. Was once described by someone very wise as having “big kabedon energy,” which is to say, of course he does.
Yumeno Naomi: definitely says “fuck” and doesn’t care who hears her. Will kabedon Gai and Juggler simultaneously, one with each hand, and they will both be impressed and maybe a little turned on.
Hayami Jetta: says “fuck” sometimes, but not as frequently as he’d like people to think. Might try to kabedon, although he wouldn’t necessarily succeed at it.
Matsudo Shin: does neither of these things, as they have no relevance to science.
I can’t really say much about Geed, since we’re not even ten episodes in, but what I can say for certain is:
Asakura Riku: is too nice a boy to say “fuck” and not intense enough to kabedon.
Toba Laiha: definitely says “fuck” on occasion. Would kabedon with her sword.
Pega: is a child.
Igaguri Leito: does neither of these things, he is a sweet man. And I think Zero would disapprove.
Fukuide Kei: says “fuck” with frequency. I think he would, theoretically, kabedon, but there’s no one on Earth he’d do it to.
Belial: I haven’t actually, like, met Belial, but I’m fairly sure his existence is a concentrated dose of the word “fuck,” in the sense of, “oh, fuck, it’s Belial.” If he kabedon’ed he could destroy the planet, please do not let him.
I’m even less far into R/B, since I’m watching it by myself.
Minato Katsumi and Minato Isami: they do not.
Aizen Makoto: is too weird to do either of these things.
All right, we’re done with the brief foray into the Ultras. Now, last but very much not least, we have...
Of which I have only watched the original continuity, none of the Ryuuga stuff yet, so it’s a slightly limited take. However, I love all of these characters dearly, so here we go!
Saejima Kouga: is way too upright (and uptight) to say “fuck.” Doesn’t know what kabedon is, wouldn’t do it if he did.
Suzumura Rei: is a man who swears colorfully and at length and uses “fuck” to add a little bit of pep to things. Definitely kabedons, with varying levels of success depending on who he’s trying it on.
Fudou Leo: is a soft-spoken man, but nevertheless does occasionally mutter “fuck” quietly when he’s working on a Madou device. Blushes and stammers at the very suggestion of kabedon.
Mitsuki Kaoru: might say “fuck,” but only in the absolute heights of fury, which are rare for her. Not inclined to kabedon, but even if she was, who could she even do it to? The shortest person she might kabedon is Rei, who is seven inches taller than her, and it only gets worse from there. She’d need a boost to reach, and my dude Gonza’s back is not good enough for that.
Jabi: believes too strongly in the value of language well-used to say “fuck” except when absolutely necessary. Could kabedon with her leg, probably, and would if she thought it’d be useful.
Rekka: says “fuck” sometimes, mostly to express irritation. Most likely to kabedon with a knife or something.
Saejima Raiga, Mayuri, and Crow: I only barely know these kids but I adore them. None of them are allowed to do any cursing. They do not kabedon.
Madou Ring Zaruba: is a ring, so obviously he can’t kabedon, but he can say “fuck,” and I think sometimes he does.
The Moral Of This Story Is: never ask me for a comprehensive list of anything, because I cannot be trusted to do anything but go completely overboard.
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yurimother · 5 years ago
‘Waifus Over Husbandos’ A New WLW Rom-Com Game
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On December 13 SukeraSomero announced their debut visual novel, OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos, a slapstick Yuri rom-com. The game will have a simultaneous release in Japanese, English, and simplified and traditional Chinese on February 28, 2020.
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The developer describes the game:
Akuru Hayahoshi is an unlucky otaku office worker who just can't pull her husbando in the gacha game she's obsessed with, no matter how much money she throws at it. Until one day, she runs into the garishly gorgeous and freakishly lucky Ren Furutachi.
A series of misunderstandings lead to a proposal, and Ren starts to full-on pursue Akuru. One thing leads to another, and in order to bring her husbando home, she ends up... bringing Ren home?! Now they're sharing a house... and a bed?! To unpresuming Akuru this cool, lady-loving girl might as well be an alien!
Akuru wants her husbando, and Ren wants Akuru as her waifu... Are these two ever gonna end up together?!
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The game stars Yuki Nekomura, Yuki Kitaoji, and Kirika Waou. Although the game is not adult, an optional 18+ after story will be available in a downloadable patch.
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It is written by Oguri Aya and features artwork by DSmile and an original soundtrack by Yoru. It is being translated into English inhouse by Meru. Additional staff includes:
Atelier ku-kikan Psyche -  Backgrounds
gram6design - Opening Movie
wataru saitou chipco design -  Brand Logo Design
Chata - Planning/Direction
Shuichi Koga -  Producer
The game features opening song Love Emotion by Yuru featuring Suzuyu (vocals), masaki (Guitar), and Keisuke Yamamoto (Piano). The English theme, Sprinkles, is composed by Kazuya Fukuda and Rick Sakurai and features vocal performed and written by Anzu Hana.
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SukeraSomero is the new sister brand of SukeraSparo, the Yuri game studio behind The Expression Amrilato and (great Yuri goddess I want it in English it is so good) Folklore of Kudan. Its name comes from the Esperanto words for “sugary” and “summer,” sukera, and somero, respectively. Their brand mission is “to fill the world with YURI!” (hey me too!)
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vitessastvdy · 4 years ago
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I finished Initial d! (my edit above, like if you save:))
I'm so happy. It took me less then a month. It was so interesting I couldn't put it down. The world of street racers in the 90s. I'm in love with the late 90s and early 2000s. Life was a lot more simplier back then.
Immidiately after I watched the last ep of final stage I had teares in my eyes. So much happend in the past six stages I just got so emotional. First time for an anime tbh.
The philosophy behind it was amazing and simple at the same time.
spoliers ahead
The scene that was appearing threw the fifth stage was when the older chubby guy who was driving an GT-R (if I remember correctly) asked Keisuke, Ryosuke and Takumi why they race. Tbh I can't remember what Takumi said (Ik he's a main character and all that jazz, oh well). Keisuke answered bc it is a proof he's a masohist (I cracked up at that). And Ryosuke said a dream. I was confused at what he meant by that, but after the whole suicide thing I figured out the meaning by the Project D name before he said it himself hehe
I remember I tried to guess what does D stand for. For example: drift, destination... And when I got it I was like "Gotcha bish!"
I don't know why was every one bashing the animation. I didn't even notice that much of a difference between third- fourth and fifth-finale stage. Three companies were working on initial from start till the end. Give em a break.
I also want to point out the number of outfits in the anime and the manga. It was so cool that you can see characters style evolve as they mature. Keisuke started from wearing hoodies to polo shirts so that in the fifth and finale stages he started wearing dress shirts.
The healthy rivalry between Takumi and Keisuke is the most beautiful thing people in the same team can have. They thought more of the other one then themselves. They looked up at each other. Just beautiful.
I found it really interesting bc they touched up on some problems of young adultes. Clearly the police wasn't one lmao. Iketani and Wataru were the only ones who vomplained that they don't have money. Bruh even Takumi was lucky, Bunta pulled out new engine from the hat literaly.
The moment that stayed on my mind threw the series was when Takumi in Itsuki missed summer brake and when they had to find stable jobs. I'm third year in high school and after all this corona shit I will try again to find a part-time job, so I was like I will experience that too, damn.
Btw do you think that Itsuki's life is kind of pathethic, ik it's a strong word. But like imagine having a best friend that is wunderkind for driving and their you like wuhu you can do it. Also he always blindly says that Takumi is going to win. Most of the people in the crowd analyse and study his driving and then say whose gonna win. But Itsuki all away in Gunma knows he is going to win like dude, you're just a puppy. In highschool he worked at the gas station part-time and now he just continues doing the same thing. Is his only dream to work at the gas station? Maybe he will inheriet the station idk.
*I'm not try to offend anyone who workes at a gas station or has a similar kind of job. It's hard and honest work. In an anime it's not as fascinating as pro racer ya know.
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The cutest moto of the series. I cracked up every time the thrio fantastico didn't have luck in love XD
The scenes in extra stage were too much. You know what I mean ;)
Almost forgot about the music!
Favourite songs: Make up your mind, gas gas gas and madoka
Favourite characters
If you haven't already figured it out hahaha. I don't have things like a husbando or that sort of thing. He just motivates me to do more, to do better. His impulsivness reminds of my own. You can clearly see his grown a lot. He understands that his brother was there for him. And the fact that student became better than the master is just amazing to me.
-I'm just sad that she didn't drove
- I love that she's independant and can hold her own. Remind me of myself a little.
-great friend
-also the friendship with Shingo is a mood
Comment whose your favourite character and song, and why.
I know this is not indepth analasys. I just wanted to share my thoughts with the rest of the fandom. And for those who are thinking about picking it up, I higly recommend it if you're into jdm, tofu and young adulte stuff.
I showed my friend Keisuke. And she got interested so I showed her the Kyoko tragedy. After few days she sent me edits of initial d races and thought they were so cool. I had to simplfy car terminology for her but overall she really likes it. She doesn't know anything about cars so will see how it goes.
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narashikari · 5 years ago
Soooo.... there was this recent survey in Japan of who was the favorite Kamen Rider actors and boy oh boy am I screaming at the results or what. Anyways click below for the top 20 results and some ranting commentary 
20- Joe Odagiri-- Yuusuke Godai/Kamen Rider Kuuga <64 votes>
19- Hiroki Iijima-- Emu Hojo/Kamen Rider Ex-Aid <65 votes>
18- Eiji Akaso-- Ryuuga Banjou/Kamen Rider Cross-Z <69 votes>
I seriously did not expect Eiji to make the list, let alone be on the top 20 and beating out Joe freaking Odagiri (albeit by a mere five votes but still!)
Imagine being Banjou and beating the OG Heisei Rider I cannot
17- Fumiya Takahashi-- Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero-One <70 votes>
Aruto ja nai to!!! 
I just feel obligated to put that in lol
16- Dori Sakurada-- Kotaro Nogami/Kamen Rider New Den-O <76 votes>
15- Yutaka Kobayashi-- Kaito Kumon/Kamen Rider Baron <79 votes>
14- Keisuke Watanabe-- Woz/Kamen Rider Woz <87 votes>
I guess all the memetic IWAE-ing worked in his favor... 
13- Ryutaro Okada-- Isamu Fuwa/Kamen Rider Vulcan <97 votes>
Holy shit guys. This disaster of a human being beat out Woz. Freaking WOZ.
What is this man and what world are we living in
12- Mahiro Takasugi-- Mitsuzane “Micchy” Kureshima/Kamen Rider Ryugen <113 votes>
And here I thought everyone hated Micchy... seems like Japan loves Mahiro though
11- Sou Okuno-- Sougo Tokiwa/Kamen Rider Zi-O <114 votes>
[Insert obligatory Woz IWAE speech here]
10- Koji Seto-- Wataru Kurenai/Kamen Rider Kiva <131 votes>
9-  Atsuhiro Inukai-- Sento Kiryuu/Kamen Rider Build <153 votes>
I do wonder how much his... recent work factored into this
(I’m talking about the one where he was butt naked, pun intended)
Side note but Sento would totally rub it in Ryuuga’s face that he got almost a hundred votes more than him lol
8- Shu Watanabe-- Eiji Hino/Kamen Rider OOO <174 votes>
Just in time for the tenth anniversary?? Lol
Was said to be the #1 OOO fan in the world and tbh, yeah he is
7- Renn Kiriyama-- Shoutaro Hidari/Kamen Rider W <197 votes>
*flipping table kaomoji* 
The (Chrome-translated) caption says “The sex appeal that increases year by year is too nice” and I wholeheartedly agree
The featured comments are about people liking Shou despite him being half-boiled and honestly? About fuckin’ time y’all admit it
Tbh I did not expect him this high up on the list because Renn isn’t really thought of as “popular” the way his partner is but damn am I happy to be proven wrong
6- Shun’ya Shiraishi-- Haruto Souma/Kamen Rider Wizard <232 votes>
Holy cow that jump in the number of votes?? I am legit surprised
I am also aware that he has a Tumblr blog. Let’s hope he doesn’t find this post. 
5- Ryoma Takeuchi-- Shinnosuke Tomari/Kamen Rider Drive <253 votes>
As expected of The Nation’s Boyfriend/Pokemon Trainer Red(?)
4- Sota Fukushi-- Gentaro Kisaragi/Kamen Rider Fourze <306 votes>
Uchuu kitaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Everyone loves Gentaro. It’s just a fact of life. DEAL WITH IT.
3- Masaki Suda-- Philip/Kamen Rider W <383 votes>
Well... tbf this is totally expected at this point
I mean the guy was fully booked for two fucking years when they approached him for HeiGen Forever. Which was only a year and some months ago. Good lord, is this guy in demand or what
Also a fantastic singer to boot? Seriously, forget Finger on the Trigger, go listen to Machigai Sagashi and Long Hope Philia 
Also also- won Best Actor at Japan’s equivalent of the Academy Awards. You know who he beat out? Hint- he’s #1 on this list
2- Ryo Yoshizawa-- Ryusei Sakuta/Kamen Rider Meteor <435 votes>
...Huh. I am actually surprised and impressed by this one, you guys
Beating out the actor of his series by over a hundred votes 
Not bad for someone who started out transforming to disco music huh?
1- Takeru Satoh-- Ryotaro Nogami/Kamen Rider Den-O <1,201 votes>
Why should we be surprised it’s him, of course it’s gonna be him
He got over 1/5 of the total number of votes on his own 
Momotaros wasn’t lying when he said that no one was ever going to forget Ryotaro...
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 years ago
Video Game Dialogue
Since Fate: Grand Order has kinda taken a bit of my time for destressing purposes, I couldn’t help but remember this old drawing and decided to explore it a bit more. Basically, me getting the chance to write Tomoko a bit more in a video game setting, where she interacts with someone new. That someone being you as the reader/player.
Think of the following under the cut as a What-If where fanfictions could get games and Tomoko was your helper character. Also, this is to see how many character references I can smash into one post!
Tagging @langwrites, @owlsofstarlight, @abalisk, and @hylianhick here too since their characters are mentioned. 
Opening the game for the first time: “Oh! Hi! Welcome to Konoha!” (waves at you with a smile) “I’m Hoshino Tomoko! What’s your name?” 
Opening the game after establishing a save file: “Hi, [Player’s Name]! Welcome back!” (smiles) “It’s good to see you!”
You’ve played the game for more than 2 hours: “I’m glad to see you hard at work at something, but make sure to take a break, please?” (smiles wryly) “It’s better to have just one workaholic in the group.” 
You’re playing at 12 am at night: (frowns at you, arms crossed) “...Not to sound rude, but please go get some sleep. Work doesn’t look as great when you’re sleep deprived. Take care of yourself!”
It’s your Birthday: (lights are off before candles light themselves, revealing a cake) “Happy Birthday to you~” (room slowly lights up, revealing Tomoko behind the cake, beaming and singing) “Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you, dear [Player’s Name]! Happy Birthday~! To~ you~!” 
During an Event: “Huh, there’s something going on outside. Make sure to suit up with whatever you need and be careful, okay?” 
You just won a trophy: “Congrats on the newest achievement! I’ll go get the cake! Hm? Yes, yes, I made a cake. And it’s all for you!” (grins) 
You’ve won a battle: “Congrats on the win! Make sure to heal up when you can!” (pauses) “Hm? You want a break?” (smiles happily) “I can play piano for you!” 
You’ve lost a battle: (reaches over to pat your head, voice soft) “I get it’s frustrating. It’s okay to feel that way. You did a lot. Take what time you need to recover, think, or really vent. I’ll always be here if you need me. For now, what can I do for you?” 
You come back to the game after a long period away: “Eh?” (gasps) “[Player’s Name]...” (tears up before smiling softly) “Welcome back. And yes, before you say anything. I did miss you. Where have you been?” 
Loved Ones: “Who I love? Um. Mama, Papa, Sakumo-jichan, Wataru-jichan, Miyako-bachan, Team Minato, Haya-kun, Jack-nii, Leith-nee, Saber, Archer...” (counts off fingers) “Kuroha-san, Kei - eh?” (shakes head, face red) “I-I am not blushing! Please stop focusing on that, [Player’s Name]!”
Likes: “What I like? Hmmm... the piano, being with my friends and family, baking, no war whatsoever, dreamless sleep, and uh...” (blushes) “Can I say lots of hugs? I mean, I’d like to hug you, but I don’t want to make you uncomfy, so...” (giggles nervously) “I’ll just leave it at that. What do you like, [Player’s Name]?”
Dislikes: “What I don’t like?” (immediately frowns) “The entire ninja system, war, and bullshit fighting tactics. Konoha’s seen its fair share of bad stuff. Um. Just don’t tell Team Minato I said that first part, please?” (shakes head) “Also, I’m not for sex, bullying, and any form of abuse. Eh? What I mean by the first part? I-I mean, it’s fine for others to like sex, I’m just not for it myself...” (smiles sadly) “When it’s all okay, I’ll tell you that story another time, [Player’s Name].”
Conversation 1: “You certainly have some time on your hands. What can I do for you?”
Conversation 2: “When do you want to head out, [Player’s Name]? Do you want me to set you off with some blueberry muffins? Or are cookies better?” (blinks) “Wait a minute, maybe granola would be a better choice...” 
Conversation 3: “You’ve really come a long way since we met, [Player’s Name].” (smiles softly) “You’re amazing, y’know that? Keep up the good work. Just remember to take breaks every now and then, and if you need music, just visit the Cafe. I’ll be there. Hm? I look sad?” (shakes head) “No, no, I’m just...thinking. If you’re worried, all I ask is to please come by and visit me every now and then, okay? I’d like to check up on you.” 
Conversation 4 (Requires Uchiha Obito): “Eh - Obi! Aaaah, it’s good to see you! Hehehe, you’re tall now. You should’ve told me you were around [Player’s Name] sooner! I would’ve made an extra helping of muffins for you!” (pouts before smiling softly, opening arms) “C’mon, you owe me a hug. You absolute goof. I love you too. And you don’t have to cry now. I said I’d be there and support you whenever I could, didn’t I? Now get over here.” 
Conversation 5 (Requires Nohara Rin): “Ricchan! You’ve been keeping up the medicine! Ehhhh? I know I saw you just yesterday on hospital duty, I just like seeing you! Blame a civilian girl for loving her ninja friends! Muu.” (rolls eyes before giggling) “I have my keyboard, I can play something for you again! Yay! Or, if you want to go out for shopping, we can go!”
Conversation 6 (Requires Hatake Kakashi): “Kashi... you’ve definitely mellowed out since I’ve last seen you. Are you taking care of yourself properly? Yes, yes, I know you’re helping [Player’s Name], and that you can live on your own now, but you should know me after all these years. I worry about you because you’re my friend, okay? I can get some Scooby Snacks for you and the ninken.” (blinks) “Oh? Broiled saury? Okay.” (smiles) “Welcome home, Kashi.”
Conversation 7 (Requires Gekko Hayate): “Hi, Haya-kun.” (smiles fondly) “You’ve definitely gotten taller than me. Even though I would like to be a bit taller, oh well. The fact that you’re helping out [Player’s Name] and fighting just as well as everyone else really shows how far you’ve come from that little boy I hugged all the time. You dork. Let me go get a banana-muffin for you and [Player’s Name] before you head out again.”
Conversation 8 (Requires Yuki Judai): “Papa... You’re heading out again, with the headband.” (sad smile) “I know you want to, I wasn’t going to stop you, even though I really really want to. You’re my only Papa, of course I love you a lot. Just be safe out there, okay? And come home soon. With [Player’s Name.]” (blushes with a frown) “Y-You didn’t have to kiss me on the head, Papa! [Player’s Name] is still looking!” (still smiles) “Okay, okay. I know. I love you too, Papa.” 
Conversation 9 (Requires Hoshino Hikari): “Mama... When did you get that spear? I feel like I should be worried, especially since I’ve never seen you fight before, but I know you’re really strong in your own way. Just come home quick, okay? It gets lonely without you, and I still need to learn how to dance better. You’re my dance instructor, and no one else does it better than you. Not to mention all the clothes. I guess... yeah. I love you, Mama.” 
Conversation 10 (Requires Hatake Sakumo): “Sakumo-jichan, you’re sure?” (pauses) “I know, I know. Just, just give me a hug and let me play you something before you go out with [Player’s Name], okay? And be safe.” (opens arms) “Love you too, Sakumo-jichan.”
Conversation 11 (Requires Gekko Miyako): “You definitely look tough with that headband on, Miyako-bachan. Eh? You’ll come back soon?” (smiles) “Aye. I could already tell with the look in your eyes. Kei has the same look when she heads out too. I know, I’ll do my best to keep up the base when you’re gone. And I’ll make sure to have some tea when you get back.” (giggles nervously) “D-Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to not be lonely. I love you, Miyako-bachan.” 
Conversation 12 (Requires Gekko Wataru): “Wataru-jichan... hee hee. You definitely look handsome with the headband on. But you know what I’m going to say, right?” (smiles wryly) “Now I know where Kei gets her dorkiness from. No offense intended, Wataru-jichan, you’re silly sometimes. But that’s what makes you the Wataru-jichan I love a lot. Just come back soon, okay? And be as safe around your explosives as you can be. I love you, Wataru-jichan.”  
Conversation 13 (Requires Gekko Keisuke): “Kei...” (unsure smile) “Hey. You’re a dork, you know that? I’m guessing you’re heading out again. Another mission? With [Player’s Name]?” (sighs) “I don’t even know where to start. You know me, and I know you’re going to call me out for being too emotional or broody or something.” (pauses) “Eh? You’re not calling me out? Or going out yet? Then... why?” (blinks) “Inertia? Again? And you just wanted to check in... Oh.” (turns face away, ears red as she opens her arms) “...Just give me a hug, you ridiculous swordsman. I love you too much and frickin’ missed you like all hell, now get over here before I want to throttle you. Or tackle you.” 
Conversation 14 (Requires Kuroki Otoha): “Kuroha-san! Welcome back. You’re working with [Player’s Name] too?” (smiles happily) “I’m glad to see you nonetheless. Friends seem to like coming back, and I’m glad that you do. Do you want to make mochi together? Kei’s here too! I think. What I do know is that you’re here, we get to spend time together, and you deserve some nice things.” (opens arms) “I missed you too, Kuroha-san. So, hug?” 
Special Conversation 1 (Requires Davy Jackson): “Nii! Hi!” (blushes a light pink from embarrassment) “I love you too. I’m sorry for not coming to see you sooner. Things happen, and well, you’ve met Kei. And [Player’s Name]. They’ve both taken up seats in my heart. You’re still here, though.” (pauses) “...With a beard and abs.” (ducks head, ears pink) “Could I ask for a carry hug? Like when I was little?” (pause) “I just missed you. And your hugs, and Mr. Hat, and Wendy-nee, and everything back there. I still love you.” 
Special Conversation 2 (Requires Leith): “Hi, Leith-nee. You’ve certainly changed since I last saw you. In the good way. Is Ace-nii doing alright? I hope he is, since you look happier. Eh? You’re a mom now? And I’m an auntie?” (blushes a bright pink) “Th-That’s new. I wasn’t expecting that. For now, though...” (opens arms) “I’m still your Princess. So, um. Can I ask for a hug? I missed you.”
Special Conversation 3 (Requires Arturia Pendragon, Saber version): “Saber... You look more satisfied now, with that invisible weapon in your hand. You’re sure that you’re going to be okay?” (pauses) “I do trust you. So much. I just worry, okay? Because you’re not just a Servant to me.” (smiles softly) “You’re my friend and the Knight I grew to love, so please, take care of yourself, okay? And come home soon. With [Player’s Name]. I love you, Arturia-san.”
Special Conversation 4 (Requires Heroic Spirit EMIYA, Archer version): “Archer... You definitely are dead set on doing what you feel is the right thing, huh?” (smiles wryly) “I wasn’t going to stop you in the first place, just give you a few words. You heard me talk with Saber, didn’t you? Then you know what I’m feeling now. You’re my friend too. And I care about you. So don’t die. Do your best to live out there, and come back to Nagareboshi Cafe soon. I love you, Shirou.” 
Special Conversation 5 (Requires Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Lancer version): “Dia, you’re here too...” (fond smile) “Make sure to handle everything with Usako-san before you head out with [Player’s Name], okay? And come back soon. I’m not your Master, nor am I any royal you should pledge your allegiance to. I’m still a civilian girl, but you are my friend and you deserve lots of nice things. Be safe.” 
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sambart93 · 7 years ago
2018.04.18 Marker Light Blue: Blessed Review!
This is the FOURTH installment of their series!
First Stage Deeper Crimson
And now this one!
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Official Site here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4 Online Shop here
Jyounin Tatsuki as Saphir Sugie Masahiro as Verite Oguri Ryo as Honette Furuhata Keisuke as Affection Iwa Yoshito as Tendress Tanaka Hiroki as Chasete Tenma Shoto as Horace / Orasu Kobayashi Mizuki as Roro/Roro Tominaga Yuya as Ruby Shiokawa Wataru as Dignite Kurotaka as Beaute Takeda Tomohiro as Walter Tsuji Ryo as Sanom Akiba Yusuke as Inutile Ukai Mondo as Diamant Kida Keisuke as Serieux (Seryuu) Uchino Futo as Shounen/Boy
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NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: As expected this was so good! I think it might even be better than Crimson! I have so many feels about this one that I don't know where to start. As usual the story was very interesting and again they went in a completely different direction to what I was expecting! There was a lot of emotion and a lot of heartbreak, which is expected, and I cried so hard towards the end (probably the entire last 30 minutes). I love being in this world so much and I love the characters and every time they bring new characters in it's so interesting! BUT it definitely felt like this was the 'THE END' stage. Especially with the ending, it feels like they're closing the book on this one BUT I did ask them to please continue this series and perhaps bring or focus on OTHER characters and make other characters the MAIN character next time rather than Safire. His story is definitely complete and feels finished but I would love like a Red Clan spin off or a stage that focuses on the two brothers or a stage that completely focuses on Walter or something! I love so many characters and this world and I just want MORE! They're always leaving me wanting MORE! Rating: 8.5-9/10 <<< as you can see my freaking rating is going up every time too!
Like I said in my non-spoiler, where the fuck do I begin with this stage...
STORY - major spoilers for previous stages.
So it's set after all the other stages so far and somehow all the people who died so far how been brought back to life. But something is VERY different about them all. They're colder, they don't care for anyone but themselves, they don't care about who they left behind; Verite, Safire, Roro, Ruby etc. Soon we find out that they're merely puppets. Their bodies were brought back but their heart and minds are lost. We learn that a man called Diamant has brought them back and while he's adamant he knows Safire, Safire has no knowledge or memory of him. So now they're left to figure out 'how do we stop our friends without killing them by our own hands? How do we get their memories and their heart back?' and stuff like that. I won't spoil anymore but if that intrigues you enough then PLEASE WATCH AND SUPPORT THIS! It's so good okay!
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Jyounin Tatsuki as Saphir: I've watched Jyounin in a number of plays, including this being the third time I've seen him in Marker. But I finally decided this time around; I just don't like this boy's acting. Something just doesn't work for me. Maybe it's his character?! But he just doesn't impress me and he bores me. I definitely remember him the least in ALL of these Marker stages and I'm kind of glad we're DONE with his story; I'd much rather see and learn about someone else because everyone else is a far better and far more interesting character/actor. I'm sorry to his fans but I just don't see it. Like I said, could just be the character.
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Sugie Masahiro as Verite: After seeing him in Lucky Dog, my views of Verite changed a little. He's always been so cool but he's always seemed so proper and kind of... teachery-like. But I do like the actor and after seeing him doing something completely different in Lucky Dog (review here), I could see the attractiveness in Verite more. OHHH!! And there's scene in this where his hair is tied up and I loved it!! Has he done this in previous ones? He should do this ALL the time!
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Oguri Ryo as Honette: We ALLLLL know I love Oguri Ryo! I cannot give the boy ANY more praise than what I already give him! But as usual his Honette was so bad ass and cool! There's a moment where he jumps down the stage and even though he's one of the older ones there, he does it so flawlessly and looks so cool doing it! Naturally it made me upset seeing him and Chasete not getting along but there are two moments in this stage where him and Chasete are sat next to each other top right of the upper stage, and they're just being so cutesy and sweet together and have a secret discussion and smiling and Chasete was poking Honette at one point too(!!!) -- It just filled me with so many feels! They were SO cute together. As expected his fighting scenes and choreography were so good and his fight with Verite was so much fun, though it was hurting my heart.
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Furuhata Keisuke as Affection and Iwa Yoshito as Tendress: I have to put these two together because their characters are twins. And because of the circumstances this time around, seeing them just being completely brutal and not caring and physically hurting each other in this really hit me in the feels. It was disgusting to see the lack of emotion and care they had for each other. So much so that it became a competition with them during the fight scenes; they each wanted to win so while also attacking their enemy, they would attack and sabotage each other!! I much prefer Iwa between these two and it became more evident this time around when I could clearly see this huge ability gap between them when it came to dancing and the fighting choreography and their flexibility etc. It was really obvious this time. Also I enjoyed Iwa's dancing SO MUCH! He's so good!!
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Tanaka Hiroki as Chasete: This time around Chasete is still his bitchy, mean self but it feels different. It doesn't feel like he's hurting and manipulating because he has a motivation or a reason to. You can see this time he's doing it just because! And what I loved about Chasete this time around is that because of their lack of soul/heart/memories Chasete did NOT give a shit about who had brought him back to life. It was hilarious! He'd get these orders and he's like 'why should I do what you say? I have no reason to fight for you' which is just like 'ahhh my sassy Chasete!'. He was great!
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I also noticed this time around that his outfit had some extra accessories and such. He had this chain around his jeans and on the end of it was a clock and I really liked that new and extra touch. It really suited him and to be honest, I kind of want one too!
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Tenma Shoto as Horace / Orasu: Horace is still trying to get over his pubescent emotions and feelings during this one. He gets really jealous! Towards the beginning of the stage, straight away he's like 'why is everyone fighting for Saphire? Why is everyone running to help him?!' and he makes a DAMN VALID point! Why IS everyone risking themselves for this mystery student who showed up like 3 months ago. But of course the answer is obvious: friendship. And Horace's jealous and hate towards Saphire stems from two things; Verite pays less attention to Horace with Saphire around -- this is due to A. Verite and Saphire having an actual spiritual/magical connection with each other and B. Verite is like the one who should be leading, who should be protecting everyone so yes he is going to push away a young student who looks up to him so he can protect him. and C. Horace, at the end of the day, still has major feelings for Chasete even after all the manipulating and trickery that happened to him because of Chasete and then when Chasete gets killed BECAUSE he went off to help fight with Saphire, you can totally understand why he's just like 'ah fuck this guy' towards Saphire. But obviously his character arch this time is to move past that and understand why and get to know Saphire more etc.
OH there is another reason why Horace is so mean and that's with the next character...
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Kobayashi Mizuki as Roro/Roro: He actually gets a MAJOR development point in this stage and that is: HE FINALLY GETS HIS POWERS!! He spends the first half of the play with Saphire going 'when you have time, I have something I want to tell you!' and then just before Saphire, Verite and co go into battle he's like 'I finally got my powers!' and he uses them to help during the final battle! It was so satisfying and so great to see Roro finally get his powers! The first few stages he was always somewhat worried that his powers would never come and would always feel like 'why was I accepted into this school when I can't even do anything?!' so to have him finally gain powers made me so happy! And his damn power is so good! He can tansport to pretty much anywhere! It was so coooool!!
So yes, this reason of 'now Horace is the only one without a developed power' causes Horace to be even more mean and cold towards everyone and causes him to lash out etc.
Roro is just SO DAMN ADORABLE! And I am so happy that Kobayashi ended up playing him this time around because he is so damn cute too! ***Shortly after this stage, Kobayashi announced his going to 'take a break' (he never said quit) from acting to pursue other work and other experiences. He's so cute and he's such a great actor so if you ever have time, please take some time out to watch some of his performances on DVD! I recommend Tenimyu, BASARA, Marker Light Blue, IkazuchigaOka and Yuhi no Shinobi.
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Tominaga Yuya as Ruby:
I'm going to be honest, I had NO idea this character's actor had changed until I looked at the pamphelt! They did really well replacing this one! And I thought the actor was very faithful as Ruby! I have no qualms about him.
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Shiokawa Wataru as Dignite: I really like this character. I think he’s so cool with a slight stupid side to him. But because of the events that occur, he’s cold and fighting side really comes out this time. Especially because with the story being centered on the Blue group, the Reds are kind of left to figure out what the hell Beaute is up to, which finally comes to light this time around. So there’s a lot of Dignite vs Beaute in this; and I love both of them so it’s kind of difficult for my heart xD
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Kurotaka as Beaute: I have to say......... I COULD NOT un-see Domoto as Beaute. Like this guy was talking but my brain was like translating and changing it all into how Domoto would say it and how he would sound. And there's a part where *MAJOR SPOILERS COMING* Beaute is finally defeated and he's on his last few breaths and of course, Reds been sweeties at heart, Ruby is holding him up and Beaute is just like 'You're the one I hate the most' and it was SUCH a good moment and my brain was just like 'arrrghhhh Domoto would've said that line SO WELL! I can totally see Domoto nailing that moment!!!' so as much as the new actor tried -- he had a very Sephiroth feel to him in his movements and his voice, and obviously the hair -- and he did a good job, I just couldn't unsee Domoto as Beaute and my brain was just like 'I wish Domoto was here playing Beaute' and 'oh Domoto would've done this moment like this' sorry but, I'm bias!  But Beaute getting his comeuppance was so good! When it was all finally revealed, it felt so satisfying and I really like how he ended and he was such a good little shit. And that line he says to Ruby is just PERFECT.
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Takeda Tomohiro as Walter: I very obviously miss the original cast for Walter but this guy did great too! But he was a lot more manly than the last one. With the previous actor, Katou Mao, I felt like we knew he was TRYING to be tough and cold but we could see the soft side in him. This time around I definitely felt he was more cold than  closet softie. But he did a good job nonetheless. I'm just a sucker for changes and tend to really hate (especially cast) changes.
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Tsuji Ryo as Sanom:
I am glad we got a replacement here because I don't particularly like Oshima Ryo or at least what I've seen him in I haven't really warmed to him. And this guy did fine. He was definitely the better actor but there was nothing that really stood out to me about him or his role. OH! There IS a moment where he explains his story and it's like TEN MINUTES LONG, it's a really long storytelling sequence and I just felt like we could've done without that. It felt like a waste of time to me. And I really do not like Sanom's outfit. I really don't! It looks like it would give you the BIGGEST wedgie in the world! OH no thank you...
Akiba Yusuke as Inutile: Well, SPOILERS but, Inutile is.... dead. So Akiba couldn't really do much during this stage and his part was really small. The only parts where he was necessary is when Sanom is using his new curing power -- thanks to Inutile giving up his life and giving it to him -- because they do the power and the movements together. But that's about it. I really wanted Akiba to have a much bigger role both in this one AND in Crimson but I guess the writers didn't think the same. I hope I can see him in a much bigger role in the future. He deserves it.
I felt the brothers were pretty pointless this time around, especially because their actual story is set BEFORE Marker Light Blue Deeper even happens (so before everyone dies) and to have them randomly show up after ALL that has happened. I didn't think it worked but obviously you needed them for certain plot points (Walter and Beaute).
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Ukai Mondo as Diamant: I’m having trouble writing this one because Mondo is the fucking MVP of this whole god damn stage! He was absolutely amazing! His character at first appears to be this super evil guy with this really crazy laugh. But then as the show goes on, we see him very quickly remembering his past and having a conscious and he starts to break and becomes this crying mess with this small quivering voice. It was amazing seeing him switch SO flawlessly on stage! His two personalities were so amazing and very believable and so well done!
One moment I really loved was when Serieux was going to attack Beaute but for his protection Diamant stops him! It was such a good moment!
He met my expectations, went PAST that, gave me this amazing performance and I just wept and enjoyed his character so freaking much! I cannot fault this boy. He was PER-FECT-ION! Seriously, go and support this boy!
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Kida Keisuke as Serieux (Seryuu): Oooooohhhh I like this boy's acting STRAIGHT away! He reminds me of an elf; he's tall and very proper and has this pride and arrogance about him. He was a really interesting character to me. There's also this mysterious side to him because we see him making an effort in trying to stop Mondo/Diamant from remembering who he is, or the memories and such, and we don't know why until much later.Then when we get to the scene where his motives come to light and he's like 'I only did it to protect you! I've always been by your side and yet you're so obsessed with reconnecting with Saphire! Am I not good enough for you?!' and I was just in streams of tears. He pretty much goes OBERYN STYLE when he’s yelling at Diamat (as in just yelling the same thing like three times to his face). And then he's just holding onto Mondo for dear life when Mondo is dying and just my heart could not take it! He died in him arms! I also really love the character visual and his staff and his whole personality is interesting too. I was really impressed with both the character and the actor one this one.
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Uchino Futo as Shounen/Boy: Uchino was really good. For some reason my expectations are always somewhat lower for younger actors but he did great! He had a very emotional and very dark role to play and I think he did it very well! SPOILERS >>> he was so good as the child version of Diamant. His mirroring with Mondo was so good! I absolutely loved the scene where they hug each other.
The after event was a photo session so here’s the one’s I snapped:
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And there we go! My June (from now really) is pretty empty so fingers crossed I actually get my reviews and shit done.
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toraonice · 8 years ago
Yuri on Ice interview translation - Animage 2017/01 (p18-19)
Interview with Wataru Hatano, who sang the ending song “You Only Live Once” and is also Georgi Popovich’s voice actor. 2/3 of the interview is about the song and 1/3 is about his role as Georgi. After hearing other seiyuu/staff’s impressions on Georgi, at last we get to know what the person who actually voices him thinks, lol. I was planning on posting it right after his birthday but then I gave priority to other stuff like the BD contents etc... Here it is finally. It was published on the Animage that came out at the beginning of December, so it only covers up to after ep 10.
***If you wish to share this translation please do it by reblogging or posting a link to it*** 
***Re-translating into other languages is ok but please mention that this post is the source***
Wataru Hatano ED artist / voice of Georgi Popovich A song that allowed him to look into his individuality
The recording of the ED song that allowed him to take a new look at himself.
—The ED theme “You Only Live Once”, that you’re singing as “YURI!!! on ICE feat.w.hatano”, was created by the “Yuri on Ice” music producer Keisuke Tominaga. What did you discuss about with Tominaga-san during the creation process?
I had previously received a demo tape with the provisional song, but the first time I met Tominaga-san was on the day of the recording. The first thing he told me is that this song was made for “Yuri on Ice”, therefore we would need to get as close as possible to the show. PIANO already had a clear idea of the image of the song and what it was meant to represent, and I was told “we are going to modify your voice and use it as an element, in a good way”. —Weren’t you reluctant to have your voice modified?
Actually I thought that it was interesting. As voice actors, our voice can also be considered an “element” of a show, and I personally think that it should be that way, so I thought it was worth giving it a try. Since it was a very different approach than what I had previously experienced, I thought that the methods I had used that far wouldn’t work this time, therefore I made sure to closely listen to Tominaga-san’s advice during recording. —What kind of advice did you receive from Tominaga-san?
If I put too much of my individuality in the song, there were parts that wouldn’t match the melody properly after my voice was modified. However, if I didn’t convey any feelings at all, then it would become like a Vocaloid (LOL). The main problem to solve was how to “control my individuality”. —You basically had to adjust how much individuality to show in the song.
If I sang like I normally do I would use vibrato and “shakuri” (pitch shifting up) to add feelings to the song, but this time I couldn’t do it because it would stand out in a weird way when my voice is modified. Tominaga-san gave me many little advices like “sing this part long and steady” or “here only put some personality at the end of the line”. It was quite a meticulous recording, as I would basically sing and record the lines one by one. —So you recorded the song in more takes, with care.
The English pronunciation was especially difficult…… We had to re-record some parts like “You Only Live Once” at the beginning over a dozen times. But it’s definitely something we couldn’t have been able to do if Tominaga-san hadn’t been there. —It was a recording with limits, basically the opposite of singing freely, is that correct?
For character songs you are often requested to fully pull out your individuality and the character’s qualities. But this way of singing was also quite new to me and it was a really good lesson. For the first time I was able to realize what “habits” I have when I sing, and it was a good occasion to take a new, more objective look at myself. —So you mean to say that through the song you were able to look into your own individuality?
Yes, in fact when I heard the completed song I was surprised at how it turned out, also because it almost didn’t sound like myself, as if I wasn’t the one singing it. I think it was a very valuable experience. —What did you come to notice about your “individuality” when you recorded the song?
I have the habit of conveying the message contained in the lyrics by singing in a strong subjective way. But this time I realized that, by singing objectively, you can deliver the message in a more profound way. This is what this experience taught me. Sometimes, instead of “pushing forward”, you can deliver the feelings in a song’s lyrics by “pulling back”.
A song for all figure skating lovers. —What impression did you have of the lyrics?
When I received the lyrics, at first I thought that they were singing the feelings of the protagonist Yuuri. But when I went to the recording the staff told me that “the lyrics are not meant to be associated to a certain character, but to apply to all people who practice figure skating”… and I was like, “ok now I see”. To interpret the lyrics I started from the translation of the English parts, but indeed I thought that it perfectly suits the transient image of figure skating. —What are your favorite lines?
All the lines are beautiful, but the one that left the strongest impression on my mind is “I don’t mind getting hurt if it’s to shine” (“kagayaku tame no kizu wa itowanai”). I genuinely think that it’s a nice phrase. I also like “resound, thunderous applause, so loud that I’ll feel rewarded for all time spent so far” (“ima made no hi ga mukuwareru hodo hibike thunderous applause”). I think the English expression “thunderous applause” really represents the world of figure skating and I like it. —What do you think about the melody?
The first time I listened to the demo tape I thought it was an instrumental song. Like, “wait, there’s nothing to sing here” (LOL). But of course, it did contain a sung part. The voice was extensively modified and almost sounded like one of the instruments, so I didn’t notice. That’s why in the beginning I had no idea of how I should sing it, and until the recording day I received no suggestions at all. —Indeed, listening to the finished song it sounds like your voice has become one with the other instruments.
The part at the start of the song too, in the lyrics it’s supposed to say “Oh… You Only Live Once”, but we actually overlapped other sounds taken after that, like “wooh wooh” and “yeah yeah”, so that who listens cannot catch what is actually said. It’s interesting how many ideas they came up with to better represent the atmosphere of the show. —Yuuri’s voice actor Toshiyuki Toyonaga-san also said that if he were a figure skater he “would like to dance to the ED song sung by Hatano-san”.
Really? I’m happy to hear that! All of the “Yuri on Ice” songs are wonderful, and I’m honored to hear that among all those he picked “You Only Live Once”. —The ED footage by Yuuichirou Hayashi is also splendid.
Everyone has such nice expressions. When “You Only Live Once” overlaps with Yuuri, Victor and Yurio’s wide smiles, among the popness and freshness of the song there’s a lingering transient feeling too…… You can feel the love of all the staff for this show. —What concept did you choose for the song’s MV?
What I told the director is that, since the song is made to be close to “Yuri on Ice”, I would have liked the MV to be the same too. It starts with me walking in a monochrome, colorless city, looking in the distance with a distressed expression, and as the song gets picks up the pace it becomes more carefree. I start spinning around and spreading out my arms. This time we created one MV by overlapping lots of shots. We did it on purpose not to insert an exact story in it, so I’ll be happy if you watch it imagining the story as you prefer. —What about the coupling song “Sing and Dance!”?
I chose it among a few available candidates. Since “You Only Live Once” recalls the icy coldness of the rink and people shining toward their dreams, I wanted the coupling song to be more straightforward, more like “Let’s all dance and dance together!”. The music was composed by fu_mou, who is also a DJ. When I asked him what genre would this song be considered, he told me “tropical house”. The word “tropical” became a hint for me when I was deciding how to sing it. —Like in the image of tropical islands?
Positive and frank, with an excitement that pushes you forward. That’s what I pictured when singing it. It’s house, so it has a fast beat and your body automatically starts moving. It gives you a different impression than “You Only Live Once”, but when you listen to them one after the other I believe that their images are connected. —It sounds like you gained many things from this recording.
It was an occasion to look into my individuality and I could get to know some interesting people. Starting from the composer Genki Hikota, all the members of the music production team PIANO are very young. I heard that Hikota-san is a DJ that works overseas too, and I was wondering, what if when I meet him he’s like “hey, man!”, like a totally loose guy (LOL). But he was actually a very polite person. He is very talented and also has a good personality. It’s amazing that people like that really exist. When he did the track down and the song was born, he shook my hand and told me “we should work together again”. At that time I thought, “I see, it’s because this song is created by people like him that it manages to be so open and clear”. Something in common with Popovich, who manages to turn damage into strength.
—In the anime you are playing the role of Georgi Popovich. I understand that your singing voice in the ED was modified, but still, it sounded so different from Popovich’s voice that I was surprised.
I was surprised too (LOL). The instructions I received from the sound director are to “use a more threatening, low voice. His creepiness must sound amusing”, and that’s why I played him like that. —The character himself means to be totally serious, but that ends up being funny instead.
I’m just doing my best and being faithful to the script, but for some reason…… the moment I step in front of the mike, I see the other members of the cast looking as if they’re trying not to laugh (LOL). I’m happy to see that but it’s also embarrassing. —How is Popovich seen from your point of view?
He’s able to express with his skating the feelings that he experiences in his private life. Since he pushes out his feelings very forcefully when he skates, I didn’t have to hold back when I was playing him. Most of his lines while he is skating are monologues, but I’m being careful to say them energetically, as if he’s almost about to speak them out loud. —At first sight he looks reserved, but when he performs he expresses his attachment toward his ex-lover with tears in his eyes.
The short program was still ok, but in the free he was seriously creepy (LOL). However, normally if something bad happens in your personal life you tend to lose your energy even toward work, but Popovich on the contrary is able to turn it into strength when he skates. I can understand that feeling because I have experienced it too. Actors are curious persons. When they are deeply wounded by something that happened in their personal life, when they are in distress, they can pull off better performances than usual. —It’s like using adversity as a spring to push forward?
I think that maybe, when you reach an extreme condition your mind becomes keener than usual. In that sense, Popovich is a person able to turn a crisis into a chance. That’s why after he has finished his program I’d like to tell him “you gave a nice performance”. —Are there other characters that caught your interest?
They all have very particular personalities, so I find them all interesting. It’s like if you don’t have a strong personality you can’t survive, but if I have to choose I’d say Yuuri and Yurio. Maybe it’s because I’ve watched the series from episode 1, but they touch me emotionally. I especially love Yuuri’s skating song “Yuri on ICE”. When I heard it in the broadcast I thought “beautiful!” and I almost stopped breathing. Many fans were saying that they are happy because the title of the show was actually connected to the story, and I do think that it’s really a song made for this anime. —What image do you have of figure skating?
I was born in the Nagano prefecture. The Winter Olympics were held there when I was a student, and in general I’m familiar with winter sports. In the area I lived speed skating was popular, and I myself took classes for a few years. That’s why I’m also familiar with the temperature and coldness on the rink, and since they are both skating, I can easily imagine the environment surrounding Yuuri and the others. —Did you start watching figure skating after being involved with “Yuri on Ice”?
The Grand Prix series is taking place just now, at the same time as the airing of the anime. I’m watching it on TV, and sometimes when I watch it I think “maybe in the real world too there are skaters with strong personalities like in “Yuri on Ice””… (LOL) —Lastly, could you tell us about the future highlights of the story?
The Grand Prix Final will gather characters with very bold personalities and amazing skills. I think what everyone is wondering since episode 1 is “how will Yuuri fight?”, and “what will Victor do?”. In a world where scores decide the ranking, all skaters shine in their own fleeting moment…… This beautiful world is going to be portrayed in the anime. Please make sure to watch over their performances to the end.
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fadefromthelight · 5 months ago
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more keitaru because i have not drawn them enough
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recentanimenews · 6 years ago
Bookshelf Briefs 5/28/19
Creature Girls: A Hands-On Field Journal in Another World, Vol. 1 | By Kakeru | Seven Seas – This was another “I’ll get the first volume, how bad could it be?” sort of book. The answer is pretty bad, at least for readers of my taste. That said, for those in the market this is aiming for, Creature Girls must be a dream come true. A monster girl story with actual coitus, as well as deep down analysis of the girls’ bodies, almost to the point of parody. The plot is the standard “guy transported to fantasy world” stuff, and there’s a few mentions made of battles against enemies that he helps them with. But the target reader is not here for that. He is here to see monster girls show off their boobs, swear they’re 18, and get screwed. This book gives that to you, in spades. I’ll pass on future volumes. – Sean Gaffney
Haikyu!!, Vol. 32 | By Haruichi Furudate | Viz Media – Oh boy, more full volumes of volleyball. They sure do (punches fist in air) PLAY that volleyball, huh? OK, OK, let me see… the twins’ backstory was quite good, and I enjoyed the end, where we see more of Hinata’s growth to the point where Tsukishima even praises him, as much as Tsukishima is ever going to praise anyone. And credit to the author, 32 volumes in, for continuing to find ways to not make volleyball boring. There are great poses and a fast pace which reminds you why this is such a popular series. The pace is not fast enough that the game is over, though, and I’m fairly sure that the next volume will have me groping for words once more. It’s a good series, though. – Sean Gaffney
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable, Vol. 1 | By Hirohiko Araki| Viz Media – Ten years after the final battle between Dio and Jotaro in Cairo, the fourth part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure returns to Japan. In the first volume of Diamond Is Unbreakable, Jotaro has come to the town of Morioh to investigate a series of crimes and to search for Josuke Higashikata, his uncle and the illegitimate son of his grandfather Joseph Joestar. When Jotaro finds Josuke he discovers a high schooler with a very powerful Stand and a hair-trigger temper (both literally and figuratively) to go with it, a potentially dangerous combination. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure continues to be a violent and grotesque series—the human and animal cruelty present will be too much for some readers—but I continue to love it for its strangeness, over-the-top action sequences, and ridiculous characters. Josuke in particular is one of those delinquents with a heart of gold that brings me tremendous delight. – Ash Brown
Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits, Vol. 3 | By Waco Ioka and Midori Yuma | Viz Media – I’m wondering how much of this series is going to be Aoi healing people’s hearts through the power of delicious food. Oryo spends most of the volume sick (well, the impression is she’s also hiding), but even she will eat Aoi’s food. We also get backstory on Suzuran and Akatsuki, and take a trip back to Japan so that Suzuran can pay her respects to the late Shiro, and also stay behind. It’s a perfect opportunity for Aoi to stay behind as well, something her captor knows only too well, but she chooses to return anyway. This series looks pretty slow burn, so I think the food may outweigh the romance for a while yet. But I’m OK with that. – Sean Gaffney
Kiss & White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 9 | By Canno | Yen Press – Half this volume is Yukine and Ayaka, who are coming to realize that “winning” or “losing” is not the be-all and end-all of their relationship. Good thing too, as Ayaka finally wins. Elsewhere, we see a girl who’s a repeater (she was injured and couldn’t get attendance credits), so is something of a loner, but also a cosplayer. She ends up falling for a younger, puppy-dog sort of girl, but it’s hard to get over putting people at a distance, so they end up breaking up quickly. But is it really over? This volume frames the “main” pairing right in the middle, with the ‘volume’ pairing as a bookend, and it woks very well. Next volume is the last, so I suspect it will be all Ayaka and Yukine. – Sean Gaffney
Little Witch Academia, Vol. 3 | By Trigger, Yoh Yoshinari and Keisuke Sato | JY – The spinoff comes to an end here, and there’s no real climactic finale—they have to win a flying contest against another school, but Diana is ill, so Akko tries her hardest (and mostly fails) and succeeds in the end, because she’s just that plucky. In the end, I think this spinoff probably works best for the groups it’s marketed for—kids and those who watched the anime. I wasn’t as fond of it as I was the other ones, as it’s clear that any character development is going to be in the main series. But as an advertisement for the main series, it’s excellent—I certainly would like to see more of everyone. Something to get your niece for her birthday—at three volumes, it’s even affordable. – Sean Gaffney
My Monster Secret, Vol. 16 | By Eiji Masuda | Seven Seas – Every new volume of the series after its first “ending” seems to be designed to annoy me—something that also befell the very similar Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, if I recall. As the cover might give away, this volume doubles down on the teacher-student romance between Akari (who has at least appeared a lot) and Sakurada, best known as the least developed one of Those Three Guys, who looks much older than he is, which I guess is supposed to take the curse off the creepiness but doesn’t. Elsewhere, there is still some good comedy—I particularly liked the chapter with the supermarket sale—but more and more it appears this should have ended with the mutual confession. – Sean Gaffney
One-Punch Man, Vol. 16 | By ONE and Yusuke Murata | Viz Media – Still far too serious, and now faced with Saitama barely being in it. Certainly if you like cool fights it’s a good read, but I can get that from a dozen other manga titles. I read this for silliness, and that’s in short supply here. I did like the idea of the superhero “Megane,” who is pretty much just a guy with glasses. There’s also some good development from Garo, whose analysis is top tier, but who sadly is a bit too focused on the wrong things. But then again so are the A-rank heroes—there’s a fair bit of hypocrisy here. At least Genos knows what’s what, and we also get the return of Bang, who has a grudge of his own. It looks like Saitama will show up soon, and thank goodness. Who needs a totally serious One-Punch Man? – Sean Gaffney
Ooku: The Inner Chambers, Vol. 15 | By Fumi Yoshinaga | VIZ Media – Revolution is approaching as the most senior of Iesada’s ministers signs a trade treaty with America without waiting for Imperial approval. This fellow silences his detractors with harsh punishments and winds up assassinated by the end of the volume for his trouble. Meanwhile, the pregnant Iesada has evidently been gotten out of the way by somebody, but it’s unclear who, leaving her bereaved consort Taneatsu in the dark about her demise for a full month. Now he’s doing his best to guide her clever successor, who has just been married to an Imperial prince. She was concerned about deceiving the emperor, since the shogunate’s part of the deal was to oust foreigners, but a big reveal in the final pages proves they’re the ones who’ve been deceived. Still great, if sad. Poor Taneatsu. – Michelle Smith
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, Vol. 3 | By Tomo Hirokawa, based on the story by Reki Kawahara | Yen Press – The danger is ramped up a lot more in this volume, which also comes with the return of a familiar face from the Progressive series. When it comes to “NPCs can surpass their programming,” no one’s done it more often than SAO, with the current Alicization arc being all about that. Kizmel was (storywise, at least) first, though, and it’s heartwarming to see Kirito and Asuna reunite with her, even if she doesn’t know who they are. That said, this side story is still all about Premiere, who has a role that she is clearly there to fulfill… and also there’s more than one of her? Not for casuals, but SAO fans should find this a lot of fun. – Sean Gaffney
Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 11 | By Wataru Watanabe | Yen Press – The joy of our whole team of six catching up with one another is tempered by the reminder that there can be only one winner of this race… and that the others are going to drop back and fail. It’s a hard lesson for Onoda to absorb, and by the end of the book he’s still struggling to. The rest of the book is filled with the most manly cycling ever, fortunately, and I have to say pound-for-pound this series even manages to out-shonen the Jump titles. That said, holy hell, this is a long race, and we’re still not done. Sports manga go on forever, and nothing says that better than this omnibus, which equates to vols. 21-22 of the original. I hope Sohoku eventually wins. And by that I mean Onoda. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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fadefromthelight · 10 months ago
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It's mermay again :3
And I wanted to draw Wataru and Keisuke again this year!
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fadefromthelight · 8 months ago
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Wataru and Keisuke wearing each other's jackets because Rachel and I were talking about it and the idea wouldn't leave my head
the full sketch page under the cut if you want to see unfinished sketches lol
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writer-and-artist27 · 7 years ago
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Happy 25th birthday, Lang. :) I promised you a manga a while back, so here it is. A 4-koma/panel chibi manga up until page 3, but nonetheless. Please read it from left to right.
A song for the occasion and a snippet from the pianist herself when going about things here, under the cut:
It was difficult initially, trying to hide something from my reincarnation buddy. More so when she’s a Tokebetsu Jounin and one of the best chakra sensors out there. And my own open, heart-on-my-sleeve demeanor.
Aaaand I know what you’re thinking. No, no, it’s not a world-shattering secret or anything that I was trying to keep under wraps, since keeping quiet about Kaguya was ridiculously hard enough.
Just…no on the aliens or any Plot-related reasons. No.  
It was a lot simpler than that.  
I was just trying to appreciate Kei’s birthday. Not her actual birthday, by the way, since July 15th already had a birthday party in place almost every year to celebrate my ninja friend’s presence, and that was plenty of time to show my appreciation.
This specific birthday was different. Very different.
This birthday was on November 20th.
I know you’re scratching your head right about now, and I wouldn’t blame you. But this was special.
Considering our shared reincarnation status, Kei and I essentially had two birthdays. I…just didn’t count myself that much since my birthday as Tomoko coincidentally fell on the same day Vy came to be — September 24th.
The person I got to know as Kei…well, Gekkō Keisuke, the ninja, came to be on July 15th. The person she was before then, the one with all the memories and sarcasm, the “shut-in” as Kei put it — she started her life on November 20th.
Kei had told me the date offhandedly one day, when we were together catching up before October Tenth in the Narutoverse. I’m still not sure why she went about saying it, but it was still something I marked down in my calendar.
Even with…even with everything that happened since then, that wasn’t going to stop me from bringing what I called, “Appreciate Kei Day,” to fruition.
It started with telling everyone I knew first. Mama, Papa, Sakumo-jichan, Wataru-jichan, Hayate, Genma-san, Raido-san, Jim-san, Yamaguchi-sensei, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, Gai, Minato-san, Kushina-nee, even little Naruto. Sure, I didn’t let them know of the true reason why I had this day in mind because reincarnation was weird and I didn’t want to give my loved ones the biggest mind-f ever after October Tenth. That was another can of worms.
I just told them honestly, “Hey, could you all play along with something for me on the 20th?” Before proceeding to give them a verbal list of ideas for possible presents to give to Kei.
Kei didn’t realize it, probably never did at that point, but there were a lot of people that appreciated her. Cared for her. Loved her even, if Kakashi’s budding feelings and my own familial bond with her were anything to say about it. And October Tenth was hard on everyone. This was my way of mending the wounds, in a sense.
But at the same time, I couldn’t erase the feeling that if not for Kei taking the chance to tell Team Minato, Jiraiya-sama, and Kushina-nee about her “visions” beforehand, I wouldn’t have done the same, and there would’ve been so many more lost.
If not for Kei, I don’t know if Obito would’ve still been here. If Rin, Minato-san, Kushina-nee, or — hell, even me — would’ve been either. I just didn’t know, because the future was weird like that, but even then.
I couldn’t let go of the simple fact that if not for Kei, I wouldn’t have hung on in the ninja world for as long as I did so far.
Kei was — is my best friend. The greatest friend I’ve ever known as Tomoko. Rivaling Josh and Leo even, to Vy.  
So, the only way I could show her that, aside from the obvious tackle-hugs that she was getting better at averting (darn), was through this.
And hey. “Appreciate Kei Day” somehow caught on with it being kinda catchy in title.
The concept was simple enough. Since this year had November 20th fall on Kei’s usual weekly visit to the cafe, I “conveniently” asked Mama and Papa to close Nagareboshi, whisking me farther than what I hoped was the limit of Kei’s sensing range, just for the little search to begin.
…Maybe it was a bad idea to use myself as the finish line/goal post for the day, considering how twitchy Kei could be when it came to any harm on my or any others’ parts, but I wanted to save the best present for last and my ninja friends were plenty distracting.
At least, I was hoping so, considering how protective Kei could get.
October Tenth was the first time in a while I saw her get so mad.  
Well, back to the present, I’m not fully sure on how things went along on her end. All I did say to my ninja friends and loved ones was, “Try to distract Kei with warm thoughts and gifts when she’s trying to look for me!”
Just so that they could show their appreciation on the aptly named “Appreciate Kei Day,” and just because I don’t think she’s appreciated enough.
Call me overbearing or selfless or even strange, I don’t mind either way, but everyone needs a day where they can see how much others can care for them. So, if it was through gift-giving, so be it.
Needless to say, by the time I stumbled upon her that afternoon, she was stuffing a new fuinjutsu scroll into the pocket of her Jounin blue pants with a long sigh. Whether to contain all the presents she received today or something else, I wasn’t sure.
Heck, I couldn’t even stop the happy squee leaving my lips when she turned to face me, effectively blowing my cover for all that it was worth, and her black eyes narrowed.
“Tomoko,” she said simply. “Where were you?”
I immediately hid the present I was holding behind my back as I tried not to fidget, plastering a smile on my face. “Well, um, hi? You found me?”
“Tomo-chan…” Kei paused, her voice caught between her usual sarcasm and fond exasperation that I had come to expect from knowing her for so long. “What’s going on? Are you the cause behind…” she paused again, waving a hand in the air for emphasis. “Behind all the gifts I’ve been getting? Because everyone was really intent on keeping me from finding you.”
Busted. My smile became a bit shakier. “W-Was it that obvious?”
Kei raised an eyebrow at me, pursuing her lip.
I found myself laughing sheepishly, raising a hand to the back of my head. “Well, you caught me. And…welp, found me. Ahahaha…”
Kei sighed before striding forward, and I closed my eyes instinctively, expecting something. A retort, a yell, anything considering how frustration could be—
The last thing I was thinking of was a hand landing on my head.
“I’m not mad, Tomo-chan, just worried.” I looked up, and Kei grinned crookedly, ruffling my hair for a mere moment before taking her hand away. “The last time you did a disappearing act was…was…” she paused before looking away.
Shit. I already was shaking my head, reaching over with my free hand to grab hers. At this point, all plans went right out the window as the heart resurfaced on my metaphorical sleeve. “I’m sorry, Kei, I didn’t mean to make you worry again. Today was supposed to be…well,” I laughed again, drier this time. “I-I had kinda dubbed it, “Appreciate Kei Day,” in my head, just to not tune anyone in on this but us.”
My reincarnation buddy had turned back to gawking at me now, clear surprise in her black eyes as her hand hung limp in my grip. “Huh?” she said dully. “What the hell?”
Okay then. Reference is a miss.
I let go of her hand, took a breath while stepping back, and then brought the bright present out from behind my back and into full view with the happiest smile I could muster.
“For you, Kei,” I said softly. “For your past self being born today and for your current self…well, uh, this sounded a whole lot better in my head,” I scratched my cheek sheepishly while still offering the gift. “For you being you.”
Her eyes widened to the size of saucers.
“Happy Birthday, Kei,” I finished. “Or…would Lang be better? Since it’s your past self’s birthday?”
If I didn’t know any better, it was as if someone had hit my best friend over the head with a baseball bat, because her frozen stature wasn’t giving me the best of signs. I inclined my head to get a better look while blinking. “Um…Kei?”
I lowered the present in my hands so that I could take a step closer. “Kei?”
Next thing I knew, my sandals weren’t even touching the ground as my waist was squeezed tightly. It took all I had to not squeal from the surprise, but then again, seeing the top of my best friend’s head was one thing on top of a bunch of other things.
Kei laughed almost heartily as the grip on me tightened. It wasn’t enough to be uncomfortable, but how long had it been since she…
And then Kei had the audacity to start spinning. I didn’t even have the time to ponder the whole situation because laughter was already leaving my lips from the whole thing, my world swirling until all I could make out were blurs of flower petals and Kei’s black hair.
“K-Kei — hahaha — heeeeey!”
I couldn’t even feel the paper wrapping of the present in my hands anymore because it took all I had to just hang on and hug Kei back for dear life. And for not flopping around like a ragdoll.
But Kei was laughing. She was actually, dear goodness gosh, laughing.
I never thought I would say this, but I never wanted to unhear this moment ever again.
Why couldn’t it last forever? Kei needed some happiness in her life.
Once the spinning had stopped, I had to blink the swirls away from my vision, only to jump again as soon as I was set back on the ground and arms encircled me in yet another hug.
I took a huffing breath in an attempt to calm the adrenaline. “K-Kei-chan?”
“Thank you, Tomoko-chan,” was the soft, breathy murmur into my hair. “Thank you.”
Immediately I found myself smiling and wrapping my arms around Kei’s middle, tucking my nose in the crook between her neck and shoulder while snuggling her.
“Of course. Happy Birthday, Lang.”
Kei made a soft noise caught between a laugh and a hiccup before pulling away to grin.
“Thank you, Vy.”
My best friend was happy and appreciated. My job was done.
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sambart93 · 8 years ago
2017.05.03 Marker Light Blue Deeper Review!
I got to see my beautiful Hiroki-kun again on stage <3
Official Website here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3 Other Related (e.g. Opening/Dance) Videos: 1, 2, 3, 4
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Cast and Characters (Character’s Actual Name / Japanese Pronounced and Written Version)
CLOUD BLUE GAKKOU/SCHOOL Jyounin Tatsuki as Saphir/Safaia Sugie Masahiro as Verite/Berute Oguri Ryo as Honette / Onetto Furuhata Keisuke as Affection/Afekushion Iwa Yoshito as Tendress/Tandoresu Tanaka Hiroki as Chasete / Shasutate
RED Seto Keita as Rubis / Rubi- Shiokawa Wataru as Dignite / Digunite Hattori Muo as Passion / Pashion Masui Kento as Courage / Kura-jyu Domoto Shouhei as Beaute / Bo-te
CORINDON GROUP Sueno Takuma as Corindon Katou Mao as Walter / Warute-ru Hagiwara Naruya as Guillaume / Gyo-mu Akaba Mio as Thibaud / Chibo- Sugamoto Ikumi as Doudou / DuDu- Yoshizawa Tsubasa as Ghislain / Gisuran
SCHOOL COUNCIL Okita Kouhei as Horace / Orasu Watabe Hiroki as Roro/Roro Sono Kazuki as Nicholas / Nikola Uchino Futo as Anton / Anton
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Overall: This is my second Odd Entertainment production. While it wasn’t as good as Soul Flower (see review here), this play still had a lot of charm. I really enjoyed the world and the action was great and I like how the story came together. The costumes were awesome, the use of the stage was great, all the characters were interesting and I enjoyed it! The only place where it really lagged was that the set up and introduction took quite a long time in my opinion. So getting to the action took time. But it was good! Rating: 7/10
We follow students who go to a special magic school BUT have never been to the outside world because it’s too dangerous and because they all have magic powers, they’d probably be killed instantly if they went out. One day, very strangely, they get a transfer student (something that has never happened before) and it appears he doesn’t even have a power, or at least the powers haven’t awoken yet. The boy also doesn’t have any memory of who he is, how he got there nor what he did before he went to the school. On the other hand, the Corindon Group are trying to find a magic thing can Corindon needs and wants in order to become all powerful. This leads his men to the school, but what will happen and who is this new guy?!
Did I make it interesting enough for you? Good!
So I already stated the tiny negative in the Non-Spoiler section so I don’t need to comment about that at all, so lets get to all the good and juicy stuff!
I was SO freaking excited to see this stage for some reason! Just the fact it’s from the same guys who did Soul Flower - which I freaking loved(!) - and it was Hiroki-kun again and not ONLY Hiroki-kun but past actors that I’ve seen Oguri Ryo and Higawari Naruya! And then the freaking visuals came out and Hiroki-kun was doing a BLONDE role again and he was FREAKING adorable in it! I was so ready for this. So naturally my expectations going in were crazy! I’m glad for the most part I was happy and enjoyed this!
Again Odd Entertainment managed to take a simple story and just make it so much more. Also the characters are all so realistic, none of them are the same, they all have their own traits and personalities and they each have their own charm!
Speaking of the story, I really liked how it all came together. First we have three different groups of people; Blue, Red and Corindon group, and how they so perfectly come together e.g. Corindon group is searching for the magic power while also using and manipulating the Reds to help them and then turns out the magic power is actually TWO people, one from Blue and one from Red so they all end up at the same place together. I am not doing this story justice so I’ll just go full spoiler on the story right now:
So Saphir is the transfer student who doesn't remember who he is or where he came from but he turns up at the school with only a letter on him telling him to go there. So everyone in the school wants to know who he is and why his powers haven't awakened yet regardless of his age. Some are naturally hostile to him but slowly and surely he manages to win everyone over and become everyone's friends. Meanwhile Corindon is ordering Red and his group to find Saphir and only says that Saphir has something that will help them become strong. In reality he wants Saphir because he's magical and he wants him in order to become the ultimate ruler and most powerful man in the world. So Red infiltrate the school and kidnap Saphir who ends up in Corindon's lair. Naturally Blue want to save their friend to try to break in and get him back but on the way, one by one, they get killed. Slowly the Reds realised how evil Corindon is and change sides, well most of them and turns out Rubis is also part of the magic power Corindon wants. A long time ago the power split itself into two so it would be safe from being used for evil, creating Rubis and Saphir and if them two come together with the help/control of Corindon then something very bad could happen. It was originally just Saphir but he saved Rubis as a child and decided to transfer part of his power into him. Neither of them remember their past until they meet back in the present. So in the end it’s most of Blue and Red fighting (and dying) for their life to save both Saphir from being tortured and killed for his power, and to keep Rubis safe also, as well as stop and destroy Corindon and his group.
Sound decent enough?
So the story is technically simple; two powers make an ultimate power, evil lord on the rise. BUT when you add all the friendship and the magic actually being people who have a history and connection and evil guys turning to the good side and such, it becomes so much more and is so much deeper (no pun intended) in story!
Okay now onto the next thing!!
I super, super, super love what the did with the actual stage! They had two massive slabs on either side of the stage that they would rotate when the scene changed. It would be the school gates or the school dorm with sofas, or it could be the back of a building with a bench or it’d be full of chains and show the Corindon den/hide-out; it’s really creative yet the actually assembling and such is so simple!
The action was really good too but like Onigiri (same theatre it was at too) there were a bit too many people and things on stage at once for my worries and anxiety not to be like ‘PLEASE don’t hurt yourself or fall off!’ and luckily no one had any trouble which is a lucky godsend because seriously, anything could’ve easily gone wrong. As expected it wasn’t like Touken Ranbu stage/musical and 2.5 level of choreography and speed but it was still great and the weapons and such were interesting =]
I also really loved the costumes and the hair and the visuals in general were amazing! I wanted EVERYONE’s bromides! I ended up only buying Hiroki-kun’s (and Domoto’s for a friend) BUT if I had had the money I would’ve definitely bought: 
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And now onto the characters themselves... ready for an essay? If it wasn’t already xD
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Jyounin Tatsuki as Saphir/Safaia: I get the feeling this actor is a big deal but I have no idea who he is. Just the way he holds himself and talks, it came off like he’s probably one of the more popular actors and of course as the main character too in this. But in all honesty, his character was the most boring in terms of personality but that’s probably because he spent the entire stage being like who even am I?!’ and ‘hey guys lets all be friends! I have no past or personality so I’m a good neutral for everyone to be friends with’ is the impression I got from him. Also we all know the MC is always the least interesting character xD *google* oh fuck he’s in TsukiUta!!!!... no wonder he felt like he was famously known as a stage actor! Dammit my spidey senses were right that he’s a big deal... 
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BUT getting away from the air he gave off and his character, during the curtain call when he actually could be himself; he was totally adorable! He kept messing up his speeches and stuff and just so naturally and automatically slapping himself on the cheek when he messed up and everytime everyone cracked up laughing xD
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Sugie Masahiro as Verite/Berute: So you see his visuals and you just imagine a stereotypical glasses character right? Like Tezuka (TeniPuri) or William (Kuroshitsuji). And he IS like that and all stoic and such BUT as you get to know him, he can fight and he’s super nice and tries to help Honette out a lot. And his and Honette’s sword fighting practise scene was great! I really enjoyed those scenes with him and Honette, you can tell they’ve been friends for a long time. Also his hair was fabulous xD
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Oguri Ryo as Honette / Onetto: I got to see Oguri in action for the third time! He always does amazing with the action scenes and every time he’s played a different character too. This time we got the cool and mysterious, quiet guy who is obviously badass and could woop your butt within seconds if you tried to start a fight with him. I love his solo sword fighting practise around the back of the school before Verite joined him and they then practised together <3 But his and Chasete’s death scene broke my heart... I’ll get to that later... his power was fire if I remember correctly.
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Furuhata Keisuke as Affection/Afekushion and Iwa Yoshito as Tendress/Tandoresu: I’m going to put these two together because they’re twins in this, Affection being the younger brother even though Tendress is the ‘’weaker’ one. Their power is super cool! It’s like Kamen Rider W where both of them have to be present in order for the power to work! So what happens is Tendress goes into a sleep state while Affection uses the power to attack. So yeah, exactly like Kamen Rider W xD I love how they always held hands together (of course xD) and Affection always tries to protect his brother. Also their death is sad; they’ll laid against a wall with their hands against each other =[ they were cute!!
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Tanaka Hiroki as Chasete / Shasutate: Now to this little cutie! Freaking Hirokikun you guys! (A compuslory bigger photo for him obviously <3)
Once again Hiroki-kun did a somewhat different character. This character is a right queen! He’s very manipulative and gets people to do what he wants. He has poor Orasu under his thumb and when Chasete tells him that he doesn’t like him (because Orasu is in LOVE with Chasete) Orasu just breaks down and finally realises Chasete was just using him! It’s such a good scene! Also before this scene we get Orasu being a bit sexually frustrated and Chasete just pins him down on the sofa and then when Orasu gets really angry he switches it around so he is on top of Chasete and starts to unbutton his vest! =O 
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Also when Chasete corners in on Saphir and tries to seduce him too! Oh my!! Seriously I am all for this type of Hiroki o_O this is the second time I’ve seen him do a BL role and I loved it xD cannot wait for his scenes to be on DVD! 
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But oh me, oh my his death scene! So it ends with him and Honette fighting together and they’re both obviously killed and while on their last breathes, they’re back to back while sat on the floor and Chasete just says ‘I want to sleep / Yasumitai’ and Honete is like ‘yeah just sleep here’ and then obviously they both die =[ it was so sad!
Chasete’s power is basically Manipulation (how is that not surprising xD) and so he can like control people like a puppeteer. It’s pretty cool ^_^ 
Also Chasete is just pretty as all hell! 
I love when Saphir kind of sees through Chasete’s evilness and is like ‘you’re just insecure... be MY friend’ and Chasete breaks down and opens up to him <3 such a good scene!
Hiroki-kun as usual entertained me and made me happy that I’m following his career <3
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Seto Keita as Rubis / Rubi-: I’m going to be honest, I wasn’t interested in this character all that much until towards the end. For most of the play he’s just following orders and it becomes clear to the rest of the group that he’s been brainwashed and deluded into thinking Corindon is a good person and he truly believes that Corindon is wanting this power for everyone. But when he learns that he’s the other half of the power and finally believes that Corindon is mean THAT’s when he gets interesting! Visually he looks cool anyway but his character development and story wasn't the most interesting for me.
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Shiokawa Wataru as Dignite / Digunite: Ahhh I’m sorry! I don’t really remember this guy =S I remember he’s one of the first Reds to turn good and all but I found the rest of the Reds so interesting that he just kind of fell behind =[ I’ll have to wait for the DVD to make an opinion of him. Sorry guys!
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Hattori Muo as Passion / Pashion: I LOVED this guy! As soon as he came on stage, I was like YEAH! He’s so energetic and so raring to go and he has a lot of energy and reminds me a lot of those larger/taller roles, for example Momo from Tenimyu or pretty much any role the actor Shouhei (from Tenimyu, Sengoku Musou, and others) -- do you understand what I mean? I really, really liked him! His death was so sad =[
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Masui Kento as Courage / Kura-jyu: This baby is adorable!!! I wanted to take him home!! But his storyline is so sad!!! He gets brutally killed off straight away and THEN Beaute uses his appearance as like a facade when he wants to attack the others! Seeing and evil Courage was upsetting! his death guys, his death hit the feels! And he’s so tiny and cute!!! ... oh shit you guys ... I’ve just googled... he’s not much younger than me!! Holy *dead* he was in YowaMushi! He plays Mizuta!!! OH MY GOD!!! I love him in YowaMushi!!! I remember googling him immediately when I saw him in YowaMushi!!!! OH MY!!! Damn now I do wish I’d bought his bromides to support him!!! OOOOO! He did the Alice play with Keito too?!?! DAMN!! *dead* look look look!
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Domoto Shouhei as Beaute / Bo-te: This guy... I know my friend Josie follows his acting troupe/group (acting right? not boy band right? xD) and so she told me about him and so naturally my brain was like “focus on him on stage!’ and me oh my I got SUCH a delight from him. Not only do the Reds come in from the side doors at one point, but also he walked down my aisle and do not trust these pictures, they do not do him justice; he’s SO much more prettier in real life!!! I was in love... love at first sight with this character! His character was also super interesting! He ends up just turning on his group and being one of the two TRUE bad guys and his magic is awesome; he can change his appearance and it’s like image magic where he can creative nothing out of thin air so long as he’s seen it before!
When they came in from the theatre doors that one time, one (I think Dignite) was talking to the crowd and saying that one of the audience members was beautiful, and Domoto flicked his hair back and was like 'of course I'm the most beautiful though' and then Passion turned to him and just shook his head at him very slowly xD Beaute paid no attention to it xD And then in another scene on stage he mentioned his beauty xD Seeing him in his usual out of costume self is absolutely hilarious that he would do such a ’beauty’ role because he looks so different and normal out of costume! I mean look at him normally and then relook at his character photo! So different!
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No wait, I take it back. He is VERY pretty even normally... But seriously guys as THAT character, he really is beautiful!
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Sueno Takuma as Corindon: This guy was a good decent bad guy! I don’t have much to say about him just because he’s the stereotypical bad guy and he does it very well. But it was great how he managed to get one group to follow his orders without that group finding out his real motive nor that he had another and his own group doing his bidding too. Also the slight torture scene with Saphir being tortured and tied up by the chains and Corindon electrocuting him(?) was very interesting xD
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Katou Mao as Walter / Warute-ru: I have a love-hate relationship with this character. On the one hand I thought he was completely badass and his giant sword weapon was awesome and he kicked butt and I love how when he got really serious he would take out his hand from under his cloak and throw his cloak back so both his arms showed as he fought. BUT (I’m going to be really super shallow now) he just wasn’t pretty enough as this character. In fact, I’d say he looks AWFUL in his pictures (so he’s not photogenic BUT) If you google him he looks great normally! Anyway getting away from my shallowness... he was a badass character and was totally cool and I loved his fighting weapon.
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Hagiwara Naruya as Guillaume / Gyo-mu: This character kind of fell under the radar. I really like d the actor in Soul Flower and I kind of expected him to play a bigger role but he really only just popped up here and there and didn’t really bring much to the table, I think he was just a mad scientist that could only come in handy once Corindon got his hands on Saphir.
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Akaba Mio as Thibaud / Chibo-: This guy reminded me of... someone... I can’t quite place my finger on who but he was very much like a BDSM type military guy. Do you understand? He also had this whip which was his weapon and he had tight clothes on and such so you get me right?! He was fairly interesting but had a much smaller role than the others so also kind of fell under the radar.
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Sugamoto Ikumi as Doudou / DuDu-: This guy was the stereotypical big bony guy who’s pretty dumb and brings comic relief and does stupid things. Except his comedy really didn’t hit all that well with half of the audience. I really enjoyed his stupidity but I didn’t really hear anyone laughing at him which is a shame.
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Yoshizawa Tsubasa as Ghislain / Gisuran: I LOVED this guy! Everything from his visuals to how his character is mysterious and quiet but very deadly when he fights, he was good! It’s a shame he was easily overpowered when the Blues got serious though. But I did enjoy his ninja-esque feel and his had the part of clothing that covered his mouth to be more ninja and quite like and he only spoke when he absolutely needed to so overall he was pretty dang cool! Also the actor himself is cute xD
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Okita Kouhei as Horace / Orasu: This poor guy, he was so easily manipulated and used by Chasete but then when he got his heart broken and he goes kinda mental was creepy but very well done.
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Watabe Hiroki as Roro/Roro, Sono Kazuki as Nicholas / Nikola and Uchino Futo as Anton / Anton: I’m going to put these guys together. They’re all relatively young and they all had not so much time on stage and they were definitely the cutest because of how much younger they were and I have to say the sweetest out of them all was Roro because he got kidnapped and traumatised thanks to Corindon, also Roro is just like Saphir in that his powers haven’t awoken yet so he’s there to support Saphir when he;s like ‘where is my power?!’. These three did a very good job!
And I think I’ve finally done it!
I went on opening night and at the end, instead of an aftertalk or a handshake, we got to take pictures of the whole cast on our hpones so here’s some shots I took ^_^
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The last two shots were of the cut outs in the lobby ^_^
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As you can see I stayed Hiroki-kun central BUT as previously mentioned, if I had the money I definitely would’ve bought some other’s bromides <3
And we’re done! Another down... a billion 8 more to go (seriously I am SO far behind >.<)
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