#i love using patti as reaction pics/memes
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end0r4 · 21 days ago
I apologize to my non Italians moots and followers today Sanremo starts so I'll probably reblog smt
the gifs are scheduled and won't change obv just warning you that if you see italian stuff it's because of that
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elliotthezubat · 7 years ago
valentines day is fast approaching, and the true cross kids face a new foe
[[cont from part 80]]
Yumi: "Everyone buckled in?" shiori: uu! lord death: yep! Yumi: *starts the engine, backs out* "Just stop by the store, pick up some groceries...Maybe get Shiori a treat while we're out." lord death: ^^ Yumi: *smiles, heads out* "Busy week for you?" lord death: yeah. sorting files and missions and what not. Yumi: "Need help?" *reaches a stop light* lord death: it'd be appreciated. ^^ -elsewhere- mikan: *resting in asura's lap* UuU Asura: "...Comfy?" mikan: *she nods* this is nice. Asura: "Hmm..." *strokes her head* mikan: u////u Asura: *cheek smooch* mikan: hmhm~ <3 Asura: *strokes her face* mikan: *kiss* Asura: =\\\\\\\= "Mmm..." *returns the kiss* mikan: are you happy? Asura: "Yes..." -elsewhere- Yukio: "..." *studying a blood sample* seiya: hard at work, okumura? Yukio: "!!! Y-Yes..." *smiles* "Just reviewing old samples." seiya: ah. Yukio: *puts the sample away in a file* "How's everything?" seiya: i've been well. miss kamiki asked me to help tutor her with her studies, and i was more than happy to help. us tamers have to look out for each other, especially since we have a kindred bond. beni: *Yawn* Yukio: "Glad you're helping Kamiki...Beni? Are you okay?" beni: *bark* ^^ Yukio: ^^; "Any plans for the festival?" seiya: well, since we're both on the festival staff, i might tend the haunted house. Yukio: "...Oh, right: I'll be busy with staff work, too." seiya: that might make it hard for the classmates asking you out. *chuckles* Yukio: -\\\-;;; "...I'm not sure about that happening." adrian: ohoho, well arent you a heartbreaker~ ^^ Yukio: -\\\\- "Please." gilda: ^^; Yukio: "Well, let me know if I can help." -elsewhere- Patty: [how's teaching goin, sis?] liz: [good. on break ATM] Patty: [i put the kids to naptime and prepping their snacks] *attaches a pic of apple slices and PB+J sandwiches* liz: [aw. cute. ^^] Patty: [i know right?! ^w^ see u at home l8r?] liz: [yep] Patty: [c u then!] -elsewhere- Konro: *sweating nervously, smiling, shaking* seamstress: *sewing wedding kimonos* fufu, you seem happy, commander. Konro: "I'm just honored to give away the groom." seamstress: *smiles* he's like a son to you. Konro: *nods* "And that's why I want to give him the best wedding possible." seamstress: and soon, we'll have a little benimaru running around, ohoho~ Konro: ^\\\\\^ -elsewhere- Assi: "Zzzz..." setsuna: *cooking dinner* Shotaro: "Can I help?" setsuna: of course. can you get the plates set out? Shotaro: "On it!" *walks to the shelves* Yohei: "What's for dinner?" setsuna: spaghetti neopolitan. nea: ?? o^o~? Shinoda: "Nooooot what you're thinking." nea: =3= boo. Shotaro: "I'm sure we got some cold foods..." *opens the freezer* -yep, they do- nea: yay. TTuTT Shotaro: "Which you want to start with? Gazpacho?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." naoya: *knocks* we got food and we're having some dinner together in the main room. you hungry? Chuuya: "...Coming..." sonia: *following naoya* come on, papa. Chuuya: *weak smile* "Right..." sonia: .... Chuuya: "..." ("Is this what you wanted, Rain? This...just doesn't seem to be enough for her...I...") mito: *purrs and nuzzles chuuya's leg* Chuuya: "..." *pets her* "Gonna need to get you your food, too..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Behave yourself while you visit Kirako." aya: i will. ^^ sylvia: .... *shuffling* atsushi: *smiles* Kyoka: *nods* *knocks on Kirako's door* kirako: come on in, kiddos. ^^ kenji: thanks miss kirako. ^^ Kyoka: "We brought you a thank-you gift." *holds up a stack of books* kirako: aww, how sweet. ^^ sylvia: *looking around* *The titles include some children's books--including 'Baby's First Assassination Guide'* kirako:... ^^; Kyoka: "Want water, Sylvia?" sylvia: um i-if its not any trouble... Kyoka: "I'm sure it's fine with Miss Kirako..." *opens the cabinet, takes out glasses* -elsewhere- Arthur: *reading "A Knight's Guide to Electricity"* maki: ok, who is writing all these weird books? Arthur: "I just buy them and read them--I don't question them." maki:..o...kay then... -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *wringing out his wet clothes* -_-;;; "I said the treasure needed to be liquidated--and you literally threw it into the river..." twain: listen, as soon as we get back, i promise i'll make it up to you. Steinbeck: "How?" *counting the coins* *mutters* "I think we're missing two..." twain: i have an idea, and i know it will make you happy. ^^ Steinbeck: "...Do I need to slap you preemptively for pervy thoughts?" twain: it's nothing lewd! jeez, what do you think i am? Steinbeck: *stare* "...You don't want me to answer." twain: *pout* emily: well, in any case, the sooner we get home, the better. -elsewhere- Belkia: "Ready for our date~?" ayami: *she nods* ^///^ lavender: have fun you two~ Belkia: "Oh, we intend to..." *takes Ayami's hand* ayami: hehe~ naho: use protection, pervs! Belkia: ^\\\^;;;; "Naho, please..." naho: *raises a brow at him* Belkia: "So, where to first, Lovely? Dancing or dinner?" -elsewhere- Rino: T~T *slumped over* "My poor back..." mikami: do you need to lie down, miss rino? ryuuko: you shouldnt overwork yourself. Rino: "I don't--it's the boss that overworks me..." *tries to lie on the couch, moaning* "Ouchie..." mikami: we'll see what we can do to help you. Rino: "I'd like that...But you two have your own work." ryuuko: we still want to help. you're our friend after all. Rino: "..." Q\\\Q "Th-Thanks..." mikami: any time. ^^ -elsewhere- Kishiri: "--then Mom finally noticed how close she was to the edge! She almost backed the car up off the cliff if I hadn't said, 'Mom, we're going over.'" vivian: oh goodness! Kishiri: "Hee hee...Fam never lets me forget that one..." tao: you think _that_ was a crazy one? the other day a centipede got in and i hit it with the fly swatter, but it was an old fly swatter, so when i hit it, the swatter EXPLODED into pieces! Kishiri: "Woooooow...Or a really strong swing." -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawns* "Scoot over..." *crawls more under the blanket* mahiru: *hug* zzzzzz Kuro: =\\\\\= "Mmm..." *yawns* mahiru: mm.....mom...... Kuro: "???" mahiru: *whine* Kuro: "..." *POOF* *hug* mahiru: *calming down* Kuro: *strokes his back* "..." ("What the heck...") mahiru: *chest nuzzle* Kuro: .\\\\. "...???" *continues stroking* mahiru: zzzzzz -warm...- Kuro: =\\\\= ("Thank goodness...I can go back to sleep...") *but he's still stroking him* "..." *nuzzles* -elsewhere- Magaki: <Hello.> tsubaki: how are you? Magaki: "As well as I can...given circumstances." tsubaki: i see. anything new happening? Magaki: "...I finished the lessons in the English book. Thank you. Do you have another one?" tsubaki: *hands it to them* well done, magaki. ^^ Magaki: *nods* "Thank you...I wanted to know..." tsubaki: ?? Magaki: "Have you heard anything from...others about how long I'll be here?" tsubaki:....i havent asked yet. Magaki: "I see..." -elsewhere- Karim: "Okay, that'll be it for training. Dismissed." foien: so i spoke with the commander the other day. Karim: "Oh?" foien: he's spoken with a few engineers to commission a new arm for me. Karim: "Wow! ...You're going to go with it?" foien: may as well. Karim: "Hmm...When you meeting them?" foien: sometime this week. Karim: "Good luck...Need me to take over anything while you're out?" -elsewhere- shinra: .......... Relan: "Shinra?" shinra: hm? Relan: "We brought you some water..." shinra:....thanks....*glances up* iris:....... shinra:.....you're.....really iris....right? iris: *nods* shinra:.....*shaking* i dont feel so good...... Relan: "Well, that's one reason to rest a bit...And I assure you, this is Iris." shinra:....im scared. iris:.....cant say i blame you.....i-if this thing really did look like me.... Relan: "But it wasn't. And we'll figure this out...The Commander has people looking into this." shinra: mm.......am i.....gonna die? iris: its ok shinra. *holds his hand* Relan: *nods* *pat* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *leans back* ("With Aya and the others visiting Kirako, I can unwind and re-organize what I have--") -knock- Kunikida: "..." -_-# *looks out the peephole* ranpo: can i come in? Kunikida: *opens the door* "Of course." ranpo: *plops onto the bed face first* *grooooan* Kunikida: "...Okay. Rest." ranpo: zzzzzz Kunikida: "..." *sighs* *sets a blanket over him* ranpo: *muttering* no....dont do it......if you.....the agency will..... Kunikida: "???" -elsewhere- Kafka: *tapping files* "Busy busy busy--" hans: back to work already? Kafka: "I must. If I left it to everyone else, nothing would be organized--" *vigorously sharpening a pencil* hans: i...see... ._.; Kafka: "..." *taps the tip of the pencil* "OUCH! Okay...sharp enough..." *starts taking notes* "Did you have an assignment? Maybe paperwork to file? Something to type up? Database updates?" hans: at the given moment no, im just here to laminate some papers and write out some assignments. Kafka: "Ah. Well, the laminator has been misbehaving." *evil glare at the machine* "If it continues...I'll punish it." *eye shine* hans: ._.; o..kay then. Laminator: *inanimate Q____Q;;; sweatdrop reaction* Kafka: "...Is the boss happy?" hans: he seems content..... 7//////7 Kafka: "..." -\\\- "I see...Well, good. That'll make work easier until I catch up on work..." *pulls out a file--with glitter* "...Walter just had to upset my organizing method..." -elsewhere- etta: *getting ready for the next show* Leroux: "All set? Or shall we bring you some water?" etta: something to drink. im parched. Leroux: "Right oh!" *pours a glass* "I thought the last performance went well. What did you think?" etta: sure did, all thanks to you as well. ^^ Leroux: "D'aw, that's so sweet--because it's true." ^w^ etta: ^^ christine: *says nothing as she is a doll* Leroux: "Any plans this evening?" etta: well goethe said there was a party at the mansion tonight! Leroux: "Oh, goodie! I hope he won't mind Christine coming along~" christine: ..... etta: im sure he'd be fine with it. ^^; Leroux: "Well, give the performance of your life, sweetie--then we'll celebrate!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *watching* "Don't go in there, you fool." *watching the movie sylvia: 0~0;;;; aya: watch out, mrs brisby! Kyoka: "I said not to..." *noms on kettle popcorn* -elsewhere- Meme: ^w^ *nom* tsugumi: tasty right? ao: indeed it is. ^^ Meme: "Mm-mm! Good work!" tsugumi: ^///^ *looks at anya* Anya: "..." *nom* mio: your gonna be ok. Anya: "...Th-Thanks..." *sips* -4 days later- stocking: wow, security's really beefed up this year. shura: yeah, just as a precaution. Yukio: "..." *looks around* -elsewhere- shiemi: how does my costume look guys? madoka: looks great. ^^ -there is a girl near by with....two sticks?- girl: hmmm, lets see....hoho! what have we here! *the sticks are pointing to....rin's butt?* Rin: *whistling, sorting through kitchen knives* girl: excuse me, okumura was it? do you have a demon with you right now? madoka: 0-0;;;; shiemi: >->;;;;; it's probably his cat! girl: oh? a cait sith, right? can i see them?? *shiny eyes* madoka: um, who are you exactly? girl: right! totes slipped my mind. call me annabelle warren, demon researcher and occult club member! Rin: *finally notices* "Oh! Hey, ladies!" *waves* madoka + shiemi + annabelle: *sweatdrop* -and so- stocking: *enjoying cotton candy* ~<3 Kid: "Like it?" *takes a piece* stocking: so good~<3 Kid: *nom* "Indeed..." *looks around* -seems pretty busy- Kid: "Lots of people to follow..." stocking: still, got to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. -elsewhere- izumo: ..... Paku: "I'll be heading out now..." izumo: have fun..... Paku: "...I can't convince you to go?" izumo: no can do. got exams to worry about. you have fun.........*lightbulb* OH RIGHT FUCK. -and so- izumo: still cant believe you talked me into this, okumura. Rin: "But you're so good with numbers and math and stuff! And the customers love you!" izumo: well, im here now, right? Rin: ^w^ "I knew I could trust you..." izumo: ..... -that evening- izumo: finally on break.... *phew* ???: "Come here." izumo: ??? *turns* Nemu: "Right now..." izumo: takara? what the heck are you doing here all by yourself like a weirdo? Nemu: *sighs* "I don't have time for this--" *POOF* izumo: ??.... !!!! *It's a small fox doll* izumo: w-where...where did you get that?! Nemu: "..." -elsewhere- Triple A: "Damn you, talk!" *kick* exorcist: grk- ngh.... Triple A: "How many of you are here?" lewin: jeez artie, dont kill the guy before he talks. exorcist: p-please i....i dont know anything... Triple A: "And given his reticence to speak, doesn't that indicate there _are_ more? We find them, we learn more..." -kchnk- lewin: ??? Triple A: "What the devil?" Exorcist #1: "We're locked in!" spy:....cant have you....getting in the way...... Triple A: "...You assume we can't get out?" -commotion outside the door- ???: "Stay where you are!" spy: !!! child: d-dad? whats going on? spy: !!! please! leave them out of this! Triple A: "...Lewin...Did you know about this?" lewin: yeah, i figured we'd have something like this happen, so i planned ahead. True Cross Exorcist #1: *takes the child by the shoulders* spy: within the hour! t-they're going to capture a student in death city, she's important to our goal! Triple A: "Name?" spy: …izumo kamiki. -elsewhere- izumo: why do you have that?! a-are you- Yukio: "???" shura: everyone, we need to find izumo and get her to safety. seiya: !!! adrian: it'll be better if we went into teams. i'll go with shima! ^^ Shima: .\\\. "R-Really?" adrian: come along now~ hehe~ Bon: "??? ...How the heck did he get a date?" shura: shiemi, kaname, you're on a team too. shiemi: we should ask paku. madoka: *nods* Rin: "What about me?" shura: you go with yukio. seiya: bon and konekomaru will be on a team, as will shura and i. Rin: "On it! I'll take the high ground--" Yukio: "Hold on! We should--" *Rin is already leaping up* -elsewhere- izumo: *pant pant* g...give it back! Nemu: "..." *tosses it* "Of course. After all, she gave it to me..." izumo: ??!! y-your lying! its a charm to keep her safe! what did you do to her? who even are you?! -she's reaching into her pocket- Nemu: "COORDINATOR!!!" izumo: for what? Nemu: "...The Illuminati wants you." izumo:... AS IF! -fox summon- Nemu: *sighs* "They told me not to get you injured--" *Suddenly, a giant robot toy appears* Nemu: "Go, my metamorphosing mech warrior Centogaia!!!" izumo: .... !!!! are you kidding me?! "Centogaia": "BEEP BEEP--Missile Punch!!!" *One hand explodes off Centogaia at Izumo* izumo: *braces for impact* *SLASH* izumo: !!! adrian: sorry for being late~<3 Shima: "All that Splatoon paid off...So stop bullying Izumo! It is fated that I won't let you have her!" izumo: miss fawkes! and pink hair?! adrian: if you dont so mind, we're your escorts for the evening, hehehe~ Nemu: "LIKE HELL I'M LETTING THIS HAPPEN! Centogaia! Crush them! Get her!" Centogaia: "BEEP BEEP! Squish them--" Shima: "Well, guess we have no choice..." *picks up Izumo* izumo: o////o h-h-hey! adrian: *le dodge* oop! too slow! Shima: "Girishu chiribikiri...Tadanouun sarabashadoro dashaya. Satanbaya stanbata. Zohatta sohatta sowaka...So hurry up and help me, Yamantaka!" yamantaka: ABOUT TIME! izumo: !!!!! -yamantaka fights off the robot, giving of black flames- Shima: "World class demon...KNOCK ITS PLASTIC HEAD OFF!" yamantaka: BURN IN HELLFIRE MOTHERFUCKER! izumo:...*JAWDROP* Shima: "..." *tired exhale* "D-Damn...Forgot how much energy that takes..." adrian: not bad, shima~ hehe~ Shima: ^\\\^ "I try..." izumo:....um....guys? adrian: nyeh?... OwO;;;; oh, bunnies. Nemu: "FLUFFY TOY BUNNY MODEL TOYS--ATTACK!" izumo:... time to run? adrian: yep! Shima: "Yamantaka, follow! Cover us!" -BOOOOM- madoka: !!! up there! *magical girl mode and picks up shiemi, jumping up* izumo: w-wha...what just.....taka...ra? Shima: "A familiar of mine. My black flames...only attack the demon...or the soul inside. Kind of like certain weapons..." *winks* "Only my familiar is cooler than any demon weapon." izumo:... adrian: *looks at nemu* ... Nemu: *knocked back, lying down, unconscious* izumo: did you....kill him? Nemu: "..." *EYES OPEN WIDE* izumo: !!!!! *All but Nemu are knocked back* izumo: URK- adrian: WOAH! Shima: "DAMN!" *knocked back* izumo: w-what was..... !! Nemu: *groaning, sitting up* izumo: takara? *The hand puppet moves up to Nemu's face* Puppet: "Shhh...Go back to sleep..." izumo: !!!!!! adrian: so it was the doll in control the whole time, eh? i wonder who the puppet really was...~ izumo: .....stay here and hold him off! im getting help! adrian:....sorry izumo, but...... -adrian's horns, wings, tails, and markings appear- pazuzu: im afraid we cant let you do that~<3 izumo: ??!!! m-miss...fawkes? *SLICE* izumo: ......*collapses* pazuzu: shh, there there, it wont hurt long... -pink arrows shoot down at them- pazuzu: oh? Shima: "???" *picks up Izumo* "We heading out?" pazuzu: may as well. madoka: oh no you dont! *fires arrows* shiemi: !!!!!! Shima: "??? ..." *smiles* "That wasn't very nice, Shiemi. Could you ask Madoka to stop?" shiemi: how about _you_ stop and let go of izumo! Shima: "Can't...Got my orders." madoka: how can you do this? isnt izumo your friends? and what about bon and konekomaru? and your family? Shima: "It's...a bit complicated." ^^; "I was just told to watch you all. Honestly, this is the first time they told me to do something like this. Hope I did it well..." madoka: then i'll smack some sense into you! *fires* Shima: "EEP!" *dodges, holding Izumo* "And risk hurting her?!" madoka: !! -a helicopter has appeared- shiemi: !!!! nee! intercept them! Nee: "Nee!" *vines form out, grabbing Shima and Pazuzu by the ankles* pazuzu: !!! Shima: "?! H-Hey...This isn't quite what I had in mind..." madoka: unhand her. Shima: "You're going to make me look bad." shiemi: you already made yourself look bad! Shima: "I just said I can't--why are you making me repeat myself, Madoka? I know you're cute and all, but I can't forgive monotony..." Nemu: "..." -the helicopter has arrived- illuminati member: i see you brought the girl. excellent job. Shima: "D'aw, thanks..." madoka: !!! Nemu: "..." Shima: "So, we'll get Izumo out of here and--" *SLICE* Shima: "..." *a strand of hair falls...on blue fire* "..." QwQ "H-How--" Rin: "..." *death glare* "Shima...WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, MAN?!" -FREEEEEEEEEN- madoka: EEP! Rin: "GAH!" Shima: "...Huh. Really? Right now?" konekomaru: >-< Bon: *covering his eyes* stocking: *angel mode* *glaring at illuminati goons* Shima: OwO "...All kinds of cuteness wanting to attack us...Not how I wanted this to go..." pazuzu: aw, how cute, the taint blood princess decided to play with us too~ Shima: ^w^;; "Maybe don't pester Stocking, Pazuzu? She looks pissed..." stocking: i dont know what that light was just now, or what you guys think your doing, but you need to stop this shit right now. besides, i dont think my dad would appreciate you insulting me like that. ???: *someone talking, their mouth full* "Nope. Not at all." stocking:... with food in your mouth? REALLY? =_=; Mephisto: *swallows* "I was in the middle of something. I did not expect the Illuminati to provoke us so soon. Hmm...Lord Death is going to talk my ear off about this..." ???: "HELLO, ALL." Mephisto: -_-# stocking: what the hell? *The light above assumes the form of a bird, speaking...* Light Bird: "I did not mean to be so rude..." *The light crashes down like lightning, assuming the form of a human* stocking: what the fuck?! madoka: ??!! ???: "Greetings...I am Lucifer." Bon: "?!!! The light bringer..." stocking: ...im gonna go out on a limb and say your the head of the enemy group, right? Mephisto: ^^; "Now, now, sweetie...Let's not be so rude to my brother..." stocking:.........dad........WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Rin: "IS THERE LITERALLY NO ONE IN THIS FAMILY WITH SOME BLACK SHEEP IN IT?!!!" Mephisto: ^^;;;;;;;; "Brother...Why have you come out here? Was it the dry arid air, something to help you with that cough?" stocking: ....whatever, i'll question this later. what are you doing here _uncle_? Lucifer: *cough* "N-No...It was something else. But it is a bit of a family reunion..." Rin: "...Oh, God..." Mephisto: "..." *eyeroll* "Here we go..." Lucifer: "Today, I declare our war on the True Cross and its allies who would get in the way of our goal: to bring back Father." stocking: ?? Lucifer: "We will bring back Satan--and Assiah and Gehenna will be one again." stocking: what do you mean _again_? Lucifer: "Your father has not told you? That is disappointing...I was hoping he would help us..." stocking: *looks at mephisto* Mephisto: "..." *looking serious* stocking:....dad? Lucifer: "In the beginning--the beginning, as far as any of you need to know--there was unity. Then light appeared, and from it darkness was identified. Assiah and Gehenna were cleaved from each other, and from it spread inequality...Is this the world you wanted, Brother? The one where being a demon made you persecuted? Where even one drop of demon blood made you hated?" Mephisto: *smiling...but his right-hand shakes slightly* stocking: ........ pazuzu: even more so if one were to have the blood of demon _and_ angel, a taint blooded freak that shouldnt even exist~ stocking: *tenses up* Lucifer: *stares at Pazuzu* pazuzu: whaaat? its truuue~ Lucifer: *sighs* "Brother...Join me. With your help, we can make this world equal for all..." Mephisto: *smiles* "You call it equal...and I agree, this world is by no means equal. And I am happy to join with anyone to bring about such a world." Lucifer: "...And you think I wouldn't?" stocking: d-dad? Mephisto: "I've seen, firsthand, the 'equality' Father created: a caste system of demons, each clawing up over the other to reach for the Sun and Heavens. This 'equality' you bring back is simply another hierarchy with you on top, like the rank Illuminati has always been." Lucifer: "..." madoka: *still attacking shima* GIVE IZUMO BACK! Shima: *holding Izumo carefully* "H-Hey now! You'll cut up poor Izumo!" madoka: just give her back already! what does she have to do with any of this?? Shima: "Beats me! I just know the Boss said it's part of the plan--" Mephisto: "That word...'inequality.' I assume you mean the caste system in place in this world? But there is one more reason..." *smiles--before he bellows, blowing wind across the rooftop* "YOU DARED TO INSULT MY CHILDREN!" *The wind knocks over Shima* Shima: Q_Q *trying to keep balance* *The wind knocks down Lucifer* pazuzu: OwO;;;;; Lucifer: "!!!" *coughs blood* illuminati member: !!! sir! Lucifer: "D-Doctor..." pazuzu: shimaaaa lets get out of here already! Shima: "R-Right..." *carries Izumo* Rin: "?!!! Do something, Mephisto!" Mephisto: *smiling...and looks at Rin* "If I could, wouldn't I have done so by now?" Rin: "!!! ...Then I'm glad I'm too stupid to let logic hold me back..." *rushes forward* stocking: *charges as well* Shima: "..." *sighs* "What a drag..." *walks forward, calmly, standing before the Illuminati to give them cover* pazuzu: *TAIL SWIPE AT RIN AND STOCKING* Rin: *dodges* "YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!" *slams a foot at Pazuzu's head* pazuzu: *unfazed* go on~ get mad at me and hit me with all you have~ -the helicopter starts up- Rin: "!!!" *looks back to see Shima bringing Izumo onto the helicopter* Shima: "..." Rin: "SHIMA! Bring her back, or I'll--" Shima: *looks back* "--kill me?" Rin: "..." madoka: ..... Shima: "..." *smiles sadly* "I'll give you some advice. If you want to get stronger, you're going to have to be ready to kill me...and other humans...because that is who the Illuminati recruits." madoka: *stomach drops* ???: "Shima..." Shima: "???" "...Bon..." Bon: "What kind of a joke is this...WHAT THE HELL, SHIMA?!" Shima: "...My friends...Thank you." konekomaru: *too stunned to move* Shima: "I value the trust you put into me, for all this time..." *smiles* "But that is as far as it got." Bon: "!!!" pazuzu: i should go too... it was fun, stocking, teaching with you....*pokes her nose* boop~ *flies away* stocking: .... Shima: "See you soon." *waves, as he enters the helicopter* Bon: *shaking...* "SHIMA! YOU THINK I'LL ACCEPT THIS!" *runs at the helicopter* *The doors close behind Shima...who promptly collapses* -the helicopter takes off- stocking: *wings out* oh no you don- *FWOOOM* stocking: !! Rin: *looks up* "...What the hell is that?" stocking:.... !!!!!! shura: mother-... *over intercom* EVACUATE THE SCHOOL GROUNDS, NOW! *There is...a hole in the sky...and something...no...multiple demons are passing through it* stocking: shit! Mephisto: "When Lucifer arrived...the barrier between worlds weakened at just this spot..." shura: luckily, the rest of the city is unscathed. for the time being. madoka: what do we do now? Mephisto: *smiles at Madoka* "I don't suppose you're offering your services to my meager forces again, are you?" madoka:...*nods* stocking: so whats the plan, dad? Mephisto: "Excellent! That puts my mind at greater ease." *looks to Stocking* "I will need you and Yukio to lead the exwires to rescue Izumo." stocking: right. shiemi: we're going now? Yukio: "Just us? What about back-up?" Mephisto: "Yes, now. And don't worry--I already have someone lined up to go with you!" shiemi: really? Mephisto: "Yes." *holds up Nemu* shura:................................................what? Rin: "??? Wait, Bunny Dude? What can he do--" Mephisto: "He's an upper first-class exorcist I personally recruited~" Rin: "..." *stabbed in the heart* "Wh-When am I ever going to advance..." konekomaru:.....*glasses crack of shock* Bon: *all color has faded from him* Yukio: "..." stocking: ._.;; *doesnt even know her own rank* shiemi: ??? madoka: what about shima? Mephisto: "I'm afraid I do not know what has happened with him...but we must accept that Shima was an Illuminati spy--" konekomaru: we cant prove that! Mephisto: "I would think what you just witnessed was proof enough..." *COLLAR CLUTCH* Mephisto: "??" konekomaru: even so, we're bringing both izumo _and_ shima back! Rin: *nods* Mephisto: "..." *sighs* "Focus on bringing Izumo back. Shima's return will just be the dessert..." stocking: *nods* alright, lets move out! -at the train station- stocking: everyone ready? Paku: *watching them* shiemi: *looks at paku and nods* stocking: *hugs kid* the timing of this mission couldnt be worse. Kid: "We'll make it up...Just come back, with everyone." stocking: i will. *kiss* i love you, kid. dont ever forget that, ok? Kid: "..." *wiping his eyes* "D-Don't say that...Just come back..." stocking:...right. Kid: *smiles weakly* Paku: "Shiemi...Bring her home." -and so- shiemi: we're going back to japan? Yukio: "Our source located them near Inari Shrine in the Shimane Prefecture." konekomaru: so we're flying again? stocking: yep. we've contacted someone in the japan branch to drive us there. madoka: so how do we know that's where they are? Nemu: "I planted a doll on Izumo to track her..." madoka: i see. stocking: so the illuminati is a thing after all....yukio, you're the experienced teacher here. exposition time would be nice. Rin: "Yeah, I've heard so much about them: Gravity Falls, Gargoyles, Wikipedia articles--" Yukio: -_-; "That's fiction. This is real life." Yukio: "This iteration was founded 200 years ago., a secret society associated with demons. True Cross has investigated...and found they are a terrorist organization." konekomaru: ......renzou.... Rin: "Konekomaru...You think he..." konekomaru: i dont think so. call it a gut feeling or whatever, but i think renzou still is on our side. madoka:.... -and so- shiemi: so any idea who our driver is? stocking: not a clue. Rin: "...Um...Guys? Someone's holding a sign with Bon's name on it..." Bon: "?!" konekomaru: oh! ???: "Ryu!!!" Bon: -______- konekomaru: long time no see, yoshikuni. ^^; shiemi: ? stocking: friend of yours? Bon: "I mean--" Yoshikuni: "I'm a childhood friend of Ryu! I've been in love with him since then." shiemi: o.o madoka: oh my. Bon: "COULD YOU NOT RIGHT NOW?!" Yoshikuni: "Fufu--I'm just kidding! When we were kids, we'd say we would get married. But I would never hold Bon to that--right, sweetums?" Bon: -\\\\\\- "I'm dead. I'm dead..." konekomaru: *sweatdrop* stocking: .....aaaanyway, i assume you're our ride? Yoshikuni: "Right on. I'll get you there on time..." -and so- Rin: *pushed against Bon in the back seat* "Scoot over, man..." Bon: "..." shiemi: roomy. madoka: *checking map* Rin: "..." *stare* "Your frowny face is pissing me off, Bon..." Bon: "..." *looks out the window* Rin: "...You know what...STOP BEING SO CALM!" *Rin kicks Bon--so hard that the door flies off, and Bon with it* konekomaru: D8> Yukio: "WHY DID YOU KICK HIM THAT HARD?!" Rin: "It's not my fault the door is this flimsy!" Yukio: *looks out the window* "Please tell me he landed in something soft--" Bon: *dripping wet, his hair over his eyes* =_= "..." konekomaru: ._.; stocking: yikes. Rin: "..." *gets out of the car when they pull over* "Could you just stop with the sad sack schtick?! This is--" Bon: "Not. About. You." Rin: "..." Bon: "Shima...is like family. And it is family's responsibility... if it comes down to it..." *lifts up his head* "I'll kill him, then myself in retribution." Rin: "... ... ...BWA HA HA HA HA HA!" Bon: "!!! Shut up!" Rin: *wipes his tears* "Oh, man...You're like I was...when I wanted to die..." madoka: ....... Rin: "I'm glad...someone is worried about him, like you all were worried for me. So don't stop that..." Bon: "..." *shivering* konekomaru: *smiles* Rin: "...Hey, it's okay to cry--" Bon: "I'M NOT CRYING! I'M THINKING HOW I'M GOING TO RIP SHIMA'S LIMBS OFF AND BEAT HIM TO DEATH WITH THEM!" Rin: "That's the spirit!" -elsewhere...- ???: "Help..." izumo: ??? ???: "...not happy...Why..." izumo:....m...mom?.... ???: "Why...won't you help me?" -...shut up...this....everything.....its your fault!- ???: "Sister?" izumo: !!!! tsukumo? Tsukumo: "Are you crying?" izumo: n-no im fine. *hugs* its going to be ok, its going to be- *wakes up* ah! *She's in a medical room, attached to an IV drip* izumo: nnh.... ???: "Hey, you're up!" izumo: *glances.....and glares* you..... Shima: *smiles* "Thirsty?" *shakes an unopened bottle of water* izumo:.....*looks away* Shima: "Oh, and FYI--I didn't undress you. The nurses did that...and I was kind of unconscious." *opens and sips from the bottle* izumo: ................ Shima: "...So, since you're up, you ready to talk to the higher-ups?" izumo: ....... *A rattle is heard approaching the open door...* izumo:......!!!!! ???: "I-Izumo? Help..." izumo: <m....moth...er?> *Restrained to a wheelchair is a woman, bandaged all over, looking dazed, brought in by a nurse* ???: "It's quite unfortunate...that this hag deteriorated faster than expected." izumo: ???!!! *A short, portly doctor enters* ???: "So we needed to bring you in..." izumo: you....you piece of shit! ???: "That's Dr. Gedouin to you, Izumo..." *smiles* "You've grown up quite a bit." izumo: this wasnt.......to become an exorcist, i just needed title of 'tamer second class' right?! Gedouin: "About that...we found a workaround." izumo: ?? what do you mean? Gedouin: "Our 'guinea pig--'" *rests a hand on Izumo's mother's shoulder* "--led me to the brilliant insight how to proceed without you needing to complete your training. The spirit recognizes the Kamiki bloodline, so we just need a Kamiki...Any Kamiki..." izumo: ....... Gedouin: "Your poor mother is no longer able to proceed...So I'm left with two choices." izumo: *shaking* Gedouin: "..." *turns* "Nurse. Bring Tsukumo--" izumo: NO! i-i'll do it! just leave her out of this! Gedouin: *smiles* "Good..." *small laugh* "I had hoped it would be you. After all, Tsukumo is too small, and not as developed...in her training as you." izumo:..... Gedouin: "But you need your sleep right now. Tomorrow, I'll complete your examination. If I find no problems, we'll proceed..." *licks his lip slightly* "Until then..." *carts Izumo's mother...* Izumo's Mother: "Help..." izumo:.....*trembling* Shima: "...Izumo, the charms in this room prevent use of your familiars. Please behave. If you follow his orders, I'm sure it...won't be so bad." ^^; izumo:.......fuck you. Shima: "..." *looks* "May I have a moment with her?" illuminati member: we'll be watching... *exits* felisia: .... Mephisto: "..." *offers a hand* felisia:...*hug*......will she be alright? Mephisto: "She's our child, isn't she? She has this..." -phone call- Mephisto: *answers* "Report." stocking: we're here.....the shrine is a lot more....erm....flashy, than i was expecting. *A fox mascot walks up, doing a little dance in front of Stocking* Fox mascot: OwO *dance dance dance* stocking:.... Rin: *shiny eyes* "Madoka, can we buy one? Pweeeeeease?" madoka: *checks her money* i think so. ^^ Rin: "Score!" Mephisto: "That is to be expected. Please ask Takara for assistance." -and so- Yukio: "??? Where did Takara go?" stocking: hmm.... *reviewing the pamphlet* ???: "Such a good visit..." stocking: .... ._.; you too?! *Nemu is dressed in tourist merchandise--and holding a tall fox puppet* stocking: *siiigh* Yukio: "So instead of helping us, you were off buying cheap souvenirs--" Nemu: "It was 1.2 million yen." Yukio: .__________. stocking: ............................................... *siiiiiiiiighs* Nemu: " 'I pray to Inari, god of the harvest, to fulfill my prayers--'" mike: ugh, what do you want no-....hn? you’re not the inexperienced brat, who even are you people? shiemi: we're izumo's friends. mike: so? Rin: o_____O "..." *whispers* "He put the freaking fox demon into that doll!!!" Nemu: "TELL US EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS PLACE AND IZUMO!!!" mike: and why should i? Nemu: "If you don't, we'll just ask someone else. Maybe a more worthy demon..." mike: O-O# ..... very well then. -elsewhere- izumo: ...... Shima: *smiles* "When I first joined the Academy...they told me you were some important person's daughter. But I didn't know how cute you would be..." izumo: you piece of shit. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SIDE WITH THEM?! Shima: "...Because I hate everything." *smiles* izumo:....*grabs him by the neck* HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING SO STUPID?! THEY'RE YOUR FRIENDS, AREN'T THEY?! BON, KONEKOMARU, YOUR FAMILY, UNAGI, DONT THEY MEAN A THING TO YOU?! Shima: "...When Todo approached me to join the Academy...I felt so much hate towards everyone...Bon...Konekomaru...My brothers..." izumo:...... Shima: "...!!! B-But not you and Unagi! I can never be mad at ladies..." izumo: fuck off. the others, they're your friends.....right?! so then why betray them??! Shima: "...Heh...You got really passionate right then about 'friends.' I didn't see that coming! I thought you and I were the same." izumo: ......... Shima: "...Oh! I forgot..." *takes out a small fox doll* This was in your uniform..." izumo:....................... Shima: *places it in her hand* *turns and leaves* izumo:.....(i guess i deserve this......because im a real damn idiot....) *tears falling* {-….10…..9…..8….7…..6…..5….4….3….2…1….-} {Kamiki: "Izumo! Help me!"} {izumo: -n-;} {Kamiki: "Everyone is avoiding me like they hate meeeee!!!"} {izumo: of course they do, they disagree with your actions. *feeding tsukumo*} {tsukumo: *babble*} {Kamiki: T~T "So mean...Why won't you help your mother? Without Souji here, I need someone to listen to me..."} {izumo: get a grip, will you? usually its daughters asking for their mother's help, not the other way around!} {Kamiki: "Because a daughter should help their mother! I'm so busy with the housework--"} {???: your breakfast, lady tamamo.} {Kamiki: "Thank you, dear~"} {izumo: -_-;} {Kamiki: "You all love to serve me, yes~?"} {fox spirits: indeed, lady tamamo!} {izumo: DONT CODDLE HER! D8<} {-...-} {School Master: "Oh. It's you..."} {izumo: im here to drop off tsukumo kamiki?} {School Master: "...Okay." *turns her back, walks ahead*} {Tsukumo: Q_Q } {izumo:...tsukumo? whats wrong?} {Tsukumo: *hug* "I don't wanna! >~< } {izumo: its ok. do you still have your good luck charm?} {Tsukumo: *sniff* *nods*} {izumo: *smiles* then you wont be lonely. its ok.} {Tsukumo: "...Will I see you after?"} {izumo: of course....} {-...-} {Student: "She's talking to herself again...Ha ha..."} {izumo:....*running back home* .... ??? (who're those people?) } {???: "Ah, there she is...Little Izumo..."} {woman: hello miss kamiki. ^^} {izumo: ???} {woman: we're researchers from a demon research association, the illuminati.} {izumo: demons?} {woman: the creatures most people cant see, like your foxes.} {izumo: they're not demons! they're youkai! you-kai!} {???: *eyeroll*} {woman:....mind if we have a chat?} {izumo:....no thanks, i dont talk to strangers.} {woman: if you want to talk, here. *hands her a card; Maria Yoshida*} {-....-} {izumo: mom! we're home!} {Kamiki: "IZUMO! I need you to watch your sister..."} {izumo: ??} {Kamiki: "Souji wants to meet with me! It should be a good date..."} {izumo:....} {-...-} {souji: so yeah, they're planning some urbanization of the area.} {Kamiki: "Oh, wow...That would bring more visitors to the temple~"} {souji: indeed.} {Kamiki: *leans*} {souji: ?? tamamo?} {Kamiki: "Come home with me..."} {souji: eh??} {Kamiki: "We can play like we're sharing our home...And the children want to meet you."} {souji: tamamo...i.....} {Kamiki: "Yes~?"} {souji: i dont _want_ to see them.} {Kamiki: "...What?"} {souji: i do like you, but if you keep going on like that, i wont want to see you either.} {Kamiki: *eyes staring at him, glossy* "..."} {-something broke....inside my mom that day-} {izumo: mom, your barely home anymore, tsukumo's lonely!} {Kamiki: "SHUT UP! It's your fault..."} {izumo:......} {-...-} {Priest: "Chief Priest! Open the door!"} {izumo: ??? whats going on?} {???: "M-My Sou..."} {Priest: "??!!! W-what the hell--"} {*SLASH*} {*blood splatter*} {izumo: ??!! *running* mom?! mom?!} {*There is a figure with white hair...black eyes...a foxlike nose*} {izumo:...m...mo...m?} {???: "...Here...in Tama's path again...Getting in her way..." *turns, glaring at Izumo*} {izumo: !!!! *backing way* mom?} {Kamiki: "...YOU MADE SOUJI GO AWAY! If only I had NEVER HAD YOU!"} {izumo: .....} {*Kamiki lunges at Izumo, knocking down a wall*} {izumo: !!! tsukumo!!} {*Kamiki spots Tsukumo...and readies a claw over her daughter--*} {izumo: STOP IT!!} {*Kamiki brings down her claws*} {-one of the foxes grabs tsukumo and gets her away-} {izumo: !!! mike!} {Kamiki: "!!! You poor excuse for a divine servant!" *lunges against at her children*} mike: izumo, take your sister and run!} {izumo: *doing so* come on!} {Kamiki: *cackling growl*} {-outside-} {izumo: *dialing a number...* come on....} {???: yes?} {izumo: please! ninetales has possessed my mom! please help her!!} -….- madoka: *shocked* shiemi: *tears falling* izumo.... stocking: so they kept her family hostage and experimented on her mother?.... Yukio: "..." *pats Shiemi's shoulder* Rin: "...Then we just need to find this lab...Let's go!" shiemi: do you know where the lab is, mike? mike: underground. Rin: "???! Where underground, though?" *looking all over from the roof* -...- {izumo:...tsukumo?....tsukumo?!} {*The room is empty but Izumo*} {*The door's lock clicks open*} {izumo: ???} {*Yoshida appears*} {Yoshida: "..."} {izumo: where's tsukumo?!} {Yoshida: "Izumo...Listen to me...I sent her away--"} {izumo: ???!!!} {Yoshida: "For her safety, I put her up for adoption, so that they...so that they couldn't..."} {izumo: couldnt WHAT?!} {Yoshida: "..." *shakes her head* "They can't experiment on your mother anymore...So they want her children..."} {izumo: *her stomach drops*} {Yoshida: "...I came to tell you...because we are escaping. Stay here while I finish preparations..."} {izumo: dont you lock me in here!} {Yoshida: "..." *nods* "Okay...but don't open this door until I get back to get us out of here. Agreed?"} {izumo:....} {-...-} {Yoshida: *in one of the rooms, downloading items to a USB* "..." ("I was so wrong...This is inhuman, more than I thought...")} {???: "Yoshida?"} {Yoshida: "!!!"} {Gedouin: "You're up late~"} {Yoshida: "Sorry. I was double-checking files I misplaced--"} {Gedouin: "That's not all that you misplaced..."} {Yoshida: "?!!!"} {izumo: let me go!} {Gedouin: "Hmm...Someone forgot to lock the doors..."} {Yoshida: "..."} {izumo: ......} {Gedouin: "Let's review the evidence. First, you knew I was going to work with young Izumo here. Second, the search history on your computer shows you were looking up ADOPTION. AGENCIES. Third...you really think I'm this stupid..."} {Yoshida: "..." *glances at Izumo*} {izumo:.........DONT JUST STAND THERE, RUN!!} {Yoshida: "!!!" *takes off--*} {Gedouin: "Seize her!"} {*Guards grab Yoshida--and knock her to the floor*} {Yoshida: *grunts, struggling*} {Gedouin: *approaches Yoshida* "..." *slams his heel onto Yoshida's head*} {Yoshida: "UMPH!"} {Gedouin: "You betrayed me!" *KICK* "You betrayed this lab!" *KICK* "You betrayed...Lucifer!" *slams his foot into her mouth*} {Gedouin: *pant pant, doubled over* "Y-You!" *points to a guard* "Elixir 1021, now."} {Yoshida: "!!!" *starts crying*} {Gedouin: "Ah, good...You _do_ remember. This concoction developed from our experiments on Tamamo has amazing potential. If it works--and I'm a genius, so of course it will--it will make you my first immortal, my dear Yoshida...But, if you're body rejects it...Well, it'll have to be closed-casket."} {Yoshida: *muttering*} {Gedouin: "I can't hear you--"} {Yoshida: "DON'T DO THIS TO ME! D-Do it...Do it to her! Do it to Izumo!"} {izumo: *heart drops*} {Gedouin: "...Say the oath..."} {Yoshida: "W-We will guide the world...to unity...No demons...No humans...One world...We-We brave warriors...no matter the trial...will go forth...I pledge...I PLEDGE! Please, don't kill me!"} {Gedouin: "..." *takes her chin* *smiles* "Good...We need to have followers..."} {Yoshida: *shudders...but smiles*} {*INJECT*} {Yoshida: "!!!"} {izumo: !!!!!} {Gedouin: "Because...they make the best martyrs..."} {Yoshida: "..." *the color fades from her eyes*" ..." *seizes, twitching, falling to the floor*} {izumo:......} {Yoshida: *panting...as her skin turns deathly white...and then starts to crackle* "N-N-N-"} {scientist: *backing away*} {Gedouin: "Keep the cameras rolling...We'll add it to the file."} {izumo: *shaking*} {Yoshida: *ripping at her arm, as if trying to claw it off...as her fingers fall off* "NOOOOOO--" *the skin along her mouth falls away, exposing teeth*} izumo: *sobbing, clutching the fox doll* -outside- madoka: there it is. dream town inari. stocking: everyone stay close. Yukio: *looks* "Sure enough...Illuminati uniformed guards--" *MUNCH* Yukio: "!!!" *turns* Rin: *nom nom nom--* "???" stocking: you brought snacks from the plane here?! Rin: "Na-uh! I bought these in town! The soba is great..." shiemi: *shoves grass sandwich into his mouth* Rin: "UMPH!" -and so- guard:.....hey. Rin: *walks up with Kuro* madoka: excuse us, we were looking for the bathroom? Guard #2: "Proof of residence, please?" madoka: oh, we're from out of town. -something smacks the guard in the face.....a rock?- konekomaru: *armed with slingshot* Guard #2: "Ouch!" *clutching his nose* guard: what the heck? Rin: "???" Yukio: "Remember--they are humans. No killing." -one pummeling of guards later- Bon: "...'Satan Slash'?" Rin: >3< "I couldn't think of a name in time!" madoka: i thought it was cool. stocking:...........oh my god. -_-; Rin: -\\\\- "Let's just get through this maze of villainy and rescue Izumo--" *throws open the doors* "...My God, it's horrifying..." -the inside of the building is....a mall? rather empty though- Bon: "...I always knew malls were evil." Rin: *nods* Yukio: -_-# "Stop." stocking: no one's here.....no.... keep on your toes. Rin: *nods* "...!!! Stocking, look..." stocking: *glances* *Someone is walking...* Rin: "Someone we could talk to..." stocking: um. excuse me, miss? ???: *moans* madoka: are you ok ma'am? *She turns--and has blood pouring out her mouth* madoka: o________________o;;;;; stocking: .... konekomaru: .... shiemi: ..... *The eyes are discolored...the skin is corroding...* konekomaru: ZOMBIE! AND NOT THE MR SID KIND EITHER!! Yukio: "It's a ghoul!" *aims--* Ghoul: "Huuuuuuungry..." madoka: is it...talking? Yukio: "!!!" *fires* Rin: Q__Q "A talking ghoul?" Yukio: "Zombie." konekomaru: so it is like mr sid then... Rin: "I ALREADY ESTABLISHED THAT! WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?!" stocking: certain zombies have their soul still bound to their body after death, be it naturally or artificially. in this case, im going to assume the latter. Yukio: *nods* "These zombies are more like parasites than just demons inhabiting bodies--hence, the human is still in there..." Rin: "So why not exorcise the parasite out?" stocking: its not that simple. they've already rotted to the point of no return. Yukio: *nods* "Once in necrosis, Sid is the only known case of having his soul persist. This...is a dead body. It is best to put her at rest..." Bon: "...Look at the name tag...'Experiment'..." konekomaru: um.....guysss? Zombie: "..." *eyes open and stare at Konekomaru* -theres more than one- stocking:....ok, lets ballroom blitz these fuckers. Zombie 2: "Hunger..." Yukio: "Then go for the head--" Rin: *looks behind* "!!! Like the one...you already shot?!" Zombie 1: *standing up again* Yukio: "!!!" konekomaru: new plan. SLASH AND RUN YO! Bon: "And find the entrance to the underground!" -elsewhere- Lucifer: "..." *yawns* *shifts in his hospital bed* -elsewhere- madoka: *pant pant* i think....we're safe now.... Rin: "For now...But we still haven't found the entrance." *taps his sword on the floor* madoka: ....i just hope the others are alright. -elsewhere- stocking: ugh...ow.....hello? Yukio: "Stocking?" stocking: oh, thank goodness. where are the others? Yukio: "I don't know..." -the doors open- stocking: ?? ...!!!!!! shiemi: nnnh?....!!!! Rin: "What the H is that stuff?!" madoka: *fires arrows* shiemi: nee! barrier! Nee: "NEE!" *summons vines* Chimera 1: *claws at the vine barrier* konekomaru: s-someone help! Chimera 2: *drools over Konekomaru* *Banging is heard against the wall next to Konekomaru* konekomaru: ??!! *BLAST* Chimera 2: "???!!!" *A giant paw smacks Chimera 2 into the wall* konekomaru: thanks kuro! -BOOOOM from another wall as vines burst in- shiemi: koneko! kuro! Kuro: <I'm hungry! Why is there no food?!> *looks up* *sniffs* Chimera 1: *collapsed under the vines* shiemi: *offers grass sandwich* Kuro: "..." T~T -elsewhere- Yukio: "On your left!" *bang bang bang* stocking: *slice* damn, this thing keeps regenerating. Yukio: "..." *light bulb* *takes something out of his jacket...* stocking: *flies up* go for it! Yukio: *tosses up the rope* chimera: *ROOOAR* Yukio: "PULL!" stocking: *doing so* Yukio: "Now slice and blow it up! It'll regenerate into the floor itself!" *fires shots* stocking: *x slash* Yukio: *kicks into the Chimera's head* chimera: *shrieeek* Yukio: *HEAD SHOT* chimera: *falls* Yukio: *loud sigh* "Good work." shiemi: yuki? stocking? are you in there? stocking: shiemi good timing! Yukio: "Who is with you?" konekomaru: im here! Yukio: "Hmm...How did you escape?" konekomaru: shiemi saved my butt. shiemi: ehehe. ^^; konekomaru: and kuro's here too. Kuro: *stomach growl* <Thanks...> Yukio: "Find an escape path?" shiemi: not yet, but we should get the others out too. Yukio: "Right. All of you, follow the path. Stocking and I will cut ourselves out." konekomaru:.....!!! shiemi, you get the others out, i'll be right back. *runs* stocking: *slashes ceiling* what the.....!!! YOU! Shima: "Hey, Stocking. You're looking great." stocking: dont give me that shit. *glances* oh dear GOD what the hell is THAT?! Gedoin: -_-; "That's hurtful, even coming from a future experiment candidate..." stocking: ??!! shiemi: !? Gedoin: "Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Dr. Michael Gedoin, and I am a genius." ^w^ stocking: oh good god you're as bad as an eyesore as grossman. *swords out* please drop dead immediately. Gedoin: D:< "YOU FLESHY INSULTING DEMON/ANGEL HYDRID! WHEN I AM THROUGH PLANTING THE FOX SPIRIT INTO IZUMO, I'LL TIE YOU DOWN TO A TABLE AND DETERMINE WHERE THE ANGEL STARTS AND THE DEMON BEGINS!" *stamps his foot* >3< Shima: ._.; "Um...Spoilers, boss?" stocking: cute but that isnt gonna happen. tell you what. you surrender izumo /and probably shima too/ and let me slice you into gibs, and we'll be on our merry way, ok? Shima: "D'aw, I knew you loved me." ^w^ "...But I'm not leaving here." konekomaru: then we'll just drag you back by the ear like usual. -DOUBLE BOOM- shiemi: O-O; Rin: "BOOM, BABY!" Bon: -_-; "I can't believe you're still on with that..." madoka: ok, we're out! Yukio: "...You three are late." stocking: took you long enough! Bon: -_-# Rin: "!!! Hey! We were working as fast as we can?! What were y'all up to? We were-- ...Is that a demon?" stocking:...if your referring to that...._thing_ next to shima, that's just an insult to demons all over. shame on you. Rin: -3- "I'm demon, too...It's hard to keep track of them all. Not like I got a Pokedex or something..." Gedoin: -_-# "I'm human, you uncultured swine. Shima, fetch Izumo." Shima: *salute* "Ay-ay!" madoka: *helping nemu out* stocking: ..... (something seems off about this....) Gedoin: "Vermin...infesting this facility...Obstructing my progress to unlock immortality..." stocking: immortality, huh? Yukio: "And unlocking that secret from Izumo...to make an elixir...which means those zombies were attempts to create immortals..." Gedoin: *sneers* shiemi: y-you... you.... rotten sack of CRAP! Gedoin: *smiles* "Dear, I think you underestimate the gullibility of tourists...especially those who can't even taste mind-altering substances in what they consume or imbibe." stocking: *glares* Rin: "Those zombies...were the tourists...who ate the food..." *feels his forehead* konekomaru: just touch the back of your throat and puke it out! Rin: "...I-I'm fine! I'm a demon! I can handle that stuff, Konekomaru!" >3< Gedoin: "It was Lord Lucifer's compassion that allowed such meals to be prepared...so that the subjects would feel less pain during the experiments towards immortality..." stocking: you're horrible. Gedoin: "Hmm...'Horrible' does come from the root word regarding 'that which stimulates the body,' so you aren't wrong..." -elsewhere- izumo: .... Shima: "..." shiemi:....!! izumo! Rin: "What is she wearing?" Yukio: "...!!! For a ceremony..." stocking: *jumps up* hold on! izumo: ?! *SLICE* *BLOCKED* stocking: damn. rin! hold off shima, bon and i will go for izumo! Bon: "Right!" Rin: "On it!" *leaps up* Shima: "Oh, good...I didn't want to have to hit a woman..." Rin: "YOU'LL BE HITTING NOTHING, YOU SON OF A--" *PUNCH* Rin: "!!!" *coughs up blood* madoka: !!! *jumps up* Shima: "..." *grabs Rin by the hair--and throws him at the wall* Rin: "AAAAAAH--" madoka: *nice catch* Rin: "Th-Thanks..." Shima: "..." *prepares a stance* Rin: "...Look, Madoka. This is how a friend welcomes us..." Stocking: izumo! lets go! Bon: "We're going to get you out--" izumo: forget it. stocking: ?! izumo: this is _my_ problem to deal with! i'll handle it myself. Bon: "Would you stop being so stubborn?!" izumo: ..... Bon: "Can't you just trust us?!" izumo: how can i trust anyone with this? {Yoshido: "Can't you trust me?"} {Izumo's Mother: "Help..."} izumo: i couldnt rely on them, so why should i rely on you?! Bon: "...Gah! You're still so stubborn!" *punches an Illuminati guard* Illuminati: "UMPH!" *falls off the railing* stocking: *lift* izumo: h-hey! Bon: "Good thing we're stubborn too--" *punches through more guards* guard 2: *wilhelm scream* Bon: "Okumura! Slice a path out of--" *Dark energy swirls around Bon's neck--choking him* izumo: !! Shima: *controlling his familiar* "...I am your friend. So I am asking you, as a friend...Stop. Please." *looks at Izumo and Stocking* "This is how it has to be..." stocking: let him go! izumo: why dont you help him then? isnt he your friend too? why focus on me?! stocking: then why are you crying? izumo: ??!!....ah.....ah..... i have to.....f-for....for.... stocking: ??? izumo: my...my sister.... a-and my mother.... stocking: ?! Shima: *lowers Bon, unconscious* "..." *marches up to Izumo, past Stocking* izumo:...... Shima: "Then do it for them..." *rests a hand on her shoulder* stocking:......do you know where izumo's mother and sister are? Shima: *turns, smiles* "Her mom's right this way..." stocking:.... rin! Rin: *rushes at Shima* Shima: *sighs* *pushes Izumo gently aside, assumes a battle pose, and--* Rin: *leaps over Shima* Shima: "?!!" Rin: *--and runs into the room...* izumo: !!!! wait! she's possessed by the ninetails! Rin: "Like I can't handle that--" ???: "Daiitoku funnu youketsu..." stocking: ?? *Yamantaka emerges again--and knocks Rin off the walkway* Rin: "?!!!!" *BLAST* *Sounds of metal crunching are heard--as something looms over the others* madoka: rin!! stocking: ??!!....you have to be shitting me. *The chimeras emerged...now in one towering mass* Yukio: "Everyone, get onto Kuro!" stocking: *picks up izumo and hops on* -underground- scientist:...whats taking them so long? *BLAST* scientist: FKHYHDJH>J *A blue flame explodes throughout the lab* scientist: EEEK! *A figure falls through the flames--* Rin: "AAAAAAAAAH--" *And falls flat on his face* Rin: "..." *lifts himself up, looks around* "???" *looks at one scientist* "Yo, doc? Where's Mrs. Kamiki?" tamamo: *groan* Rin: "Oh, sweet--that answers that question..." *gets up, walks to her* "Ma'am?" tamamo: nnnhnn... Rin: "It's okay...I'm going to get you--" Gendoin: "FOOL!" Rin: "???" *looks* "...Who, me?" Gendoin: "SON OF SATAN! YOU WILL NOT LEAVE HERE WITH MY EXPERIMENTS! FOR THE BENEFITS OF LORD LUCIFER, THE LIGHT BRINGER, OUR GLORIOUS LEADER, I--" Rin: "SHUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUP!!!" Gendoin: .w.; *Rin's fist slams into Gendoin's cheek--knocking him across the floor* Gendoin: X~X Rin: "..." *shakes his hand off* "Blech...All covered in sweat...Human, demon--like I give a shit...I just know one thing...I can't stand to see someone tortured...and I can't stand to see someone cry..." *aims his sword at Gendoin* "But for you, I'll make an exception..." tamamo: *muttering* Gendoin: "P-Please...I have so much progress left--" Rin: "After what you did to her...to Izumo...No..." tamamo: *SCREEEEEEECH* -upstairs- izumo: !!!! mom?? Yukio: "...Oh no..." tamamo: *rushing up the stairs, screaming* Yukio: "...The nine tails..." izumo: *tears falling* tamamo: *heavy breathing* pl....ease.....end......me..... Yukio: "...Izumo...Your family knows the most about exorcising the Nine Tails..." izumo: i dont....know what to do.... Yukio: "...We have to contain the Nine Tails...As long as it is within your mother, she is contained--" ???: "Fufufu~" izumo: ?! Gendoin: *climbs up* "I can think of a few ways..." Rin: "?!!! Hey! You get back here!" Gendoin: "This vessel cannot contain it...So you have your choice: the Nine Tails is released, the old vessel dies...or we find a younger one." izumo:......*shaking* tamamo:.....no......this ends....with me.......*shambles over to izumo....and hugs her* im just glad.....i saw you one more time....mama loves you...so much.... izumo:.....m-mom..... Gendoin: "!!! Now wait a minute--she is the property of the Illuminati! You can't just--" Rin: *chokes Gendoin* "I said quiet..." tamamo:......*takes an empty syringe from him..........and jabs her neck* Bon: "!!!" Rin: "?!" izumo: mo....MOM!! tamamo: *collapses and twitches...........before going still* izumo: u...uuuu.....*breaks down sobbing* MOM!!!! stocking: *shocked* madoka: ...... Rin: "..." *lets go of Gendoin, leaving him on the floor...approaches with Madoka...limping* Bon: "..." Gendoin: "..." *whimpers...then starts crying* madoka:....do you regret what all you've done? Gendoin: "...Yes...I regret it all...I regret every mistake they all made...to prevent me from seizing the Nine Tails' power..." Yukio: *checking the corpse* stocking:............. Gendoin: "This was...my one chance to earn Lucifer's blessing..." *stands, starts limping* stocking:................ Gendoin: "I'll just have to get back to the drawing board..." -SHIV- stocking:......*demonic glare* get the hell out of my sight. Gendoin: "..." *coughs up blood, looks down at the blade through his chest* "N-No...I'm special...You can't do this to me..." -sword right through the head- stocking: ....... Gendoin: "..." *smiles...and collapses* stocking: *knocks him off the walkway* ........still an eyesore to the very end.... Bon: "..." *looks at Izumo* izumo:.............. madoka:...come on! lets go! ???: *clap clap clap* madoka: ?? stocking: ?! ???: "Great work, Stocking. Although, I should be mad, since we were kind of coworkers." Bon: "?!!! Shima!" shiemi: you! Shima: "Well..." *picks up a box* "I guess Lucifer will need this...Thanks for giving us enough to start with, though. That was really cool." shiemi: oh no you dont! *begins to run after him* Shima: *sighs* "Shiemi, please..." *holds up a hand* -is that....ballroom blitz playing? is it...getting louder?- Shima: "??? ...Oh, fu--" kinzou: RENZOOOOOOOOU!!!! YOU ARE SOOOOOO GROUNDEEEEED!!!! Shima: .____.;;; "...That's only if you can catch me, bro." *looks at Shiemi, winks* "Well, guess we'll have to do this again next time~" shiemi: *flips him off* izumo: wait! tsukumo...w-where is- Shima: >3< "So mean..." *looks at Izumo...smiles* "Didn't you hear? She was adopted." izumo:...... Shima: "Well, until we meet again...and that'll be soon enough” -the next morning- shiemi: so stocking went home, as did rin and madoka... Yukio: "...I am sending Bon to Kyoto to speak with the Shima family. You should return to Death City as well..." izumo: ...... i'll stay for now.....attend mom's funeral.... Yukio: "...Izumo...I'm sorry." izumo:......i still dont know where tsukumo is......if she's happy... ???: "Of course she is." izumo: ?? Nemu: *the rabbit puppet has a key in its mouth, which drops into Izumo's hand* "A gift from my benefactor...to show you where that Illuminati woman placed your sister." izumo:...... Nemu: "You should know...that the woman put your sister in the care of True Cross--" izumo: ?? why didnt you tell me?! Yukio: "?!!!" ("Mephisto?") Nemu: "I was instructed not to. If you knew, that attention would alert the Illuminati where to find your sister, wouldn't it?" izumo:......right....... -elsewhere- Bon: "..." *stands outside the door* izumo: *exits*..... Bon: "...Hey." *picks up a duffle bag* izumo:...hey......t-thanks....for not giving up on me....i guess..... Bon: "...It was everyone who didn't give up on you. You know how hard-headed those fools are..." izumo:...yeah...... Bon: "...You eat?" izumo:....not yet.... Bon: "...I'm heading to Kyoto and was going to have some noodles before the trip. Come on." izumo:....thanks, bon. -elsewhere- Rin: *looking out the window* madoka:....*holds his hand* Rin: "..." *small squeeze* madoka:....*lean* you ok? Rin: "Yeah...Just thinking how Yukio and I...never got to say goodbye..." madoka:....... Rin: "...I always wish I could have met her..." madoka:....im sure she was a wonderful person. Rin: "..." *shakes his head* "I don't know...People who fall for devils seem...kind of suspect." madoka: *smile* i fell for you, didnt i? ^^ Rin: "..." *nods* "So..." madoka: *kiss on the cheek* Rin: -\\\\- *sniffs, wipes his eyes* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *hugs kid* im home. Kid: *pat pat* "I'm glad..." stocking: guess we can still spend valentines together, huh? Kid: *smiles* "Anytime..." *strokes her face* stocking: *chuckles, tearing up* our first valentines as a married couple, and i almost missed it. Kid: "..." *holds her* "It's okay..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: *smooch* -elsewhere- mrs shima: *stunned* Bon: "..." *bows* "I'm so sorry..." kinzou: i dont want to believe it either, but i saw it with my own two eyes... mamushi:....i dont think i should tell unagi about this, it would break her heart. Bon: *nods* "For now, the Academy is trying to keep it under wraps--but with social media, it's going to come out..." mamushi:.... Mr. Shima: "Thank you, Bon...I'll see you out..." Bon: "..." *walks with him and Kinzou* Mr. Shima: "..." *nods to Kinzou* "Tell him..." Bon: "???" kinzou: .... its ok. *whispers* he's on our side. Bon: "..." *slow head turn* "What did you say?" *grabs Kinzou by the collar* kinzou: SHHHHH *whispers* he's our eyes on the inside! Bon: *whispers* "You knew about the Illuminati? You knew all they were doing--and you let Renzou help them?!" kinzou: its a long complicated story. we'll explain later. Bon: "...I hope the Illuminati doesn't kill him...because when I see him again...I might." -elsewhere- ???: *coughing* *The man in the mask stumbles to the floor* -elsewhere- *A man in a cloak enters the cemetery* -silence....- *He approaches a gravestone* ???: "...I'm failing, Rain." -......- Chuuya: "I was supposed to give Sonia what she needed...what she deserves. Now...once again, we are assaulted by outside forces." -....- Chuuya: "...I'm considering my options carefully...but right now, I don't want to be logical...I want to give into what I feel...And...I'm scared..." -.....- Chuuya: "...What we learned about...about him...I want to kill him. Even if it burned down the entire Mafia...I want him to die." -......- Chuuya: "..." *shudders* "Why now...Why is this happening?" -...........- Chuuya: "..." *cries, covering his face* -......- Chuuya: *sits there, just passing the time with his head in his hands* -silence....- Chuuya: *inhales* "...I can't do this to Sonia..." -.....- Chuuya: "..." *shakes his head* "I don't like it..." -......- Chuuya: "...but I don't see another choice..." -....- Chuuya: "..." *stands up, rests a hand on the gravestone* "I will..." -.....- Chuuya: "She'll be safe...I promise." -elsewhere- leo:......ngh...*stumbling....throwing up into a trash can* *cough cough* pushkin: <easy now.> *holding her hair back* katya: *pats her back* <jeez, dinner didnt go well with you last night?> leo: *panting* <i...i dont know....p-perhaps its just a bug...> Gin: "...Leo...A word?" leo: ...y-yes? Gin: *walks with her, holding her up* "...How are things with you and Motojiro?" leo:....*smiles* well. Gin: *nods* "...I am going to ask a potentially invasive question." leo: what do you mean? Gin: "...Have you been intimate?" leo: *blushing....remembering*....yes. Gin: "...Protection?" leo:.......*covers her mouth* you dont think i-....d-do you? Gin: "That is up to a trained professional to determine." leo: .....r-right. Gin: "...I know we are underground, but we'll find a way..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *enters Deathbucks* "I know, I know--I'm late--" Kepuri: "No kidding!" >3< Yohei: *sips his coffee* Dr. John: ^^;; Stein: "..." miranda: *washing dishes and humming* Vulcan: "The patient is meeting us here?" foien: hello. ^^ serina: *nods* Vulcan: "...Hey." Dr. John: "Welcome, Foien. How are you?" foien: nervous, but given whats going on, hard not to be, haha. Yohei: *nods* "Well, I took what Fear Factory and...someone else had developed in limb replacements--" Kepuri: "--which I perfected." *beaming* Vulcan: *eyeroll* "And I re-designed to be powered by your flame abilities, if need be" Stein: *lays out the blueprint for Foien* foien: neat. Dr. John: "It's a lot to take in, so you can look over it..." foien: i appreciate it. serina: and i'll be here as medical assistance and moral support. foien: aww. ^///^ Stein: "We just have to finalize a date...John will lead on it, I'm there as backup." -elsewhere- kirako: morning, kids. ^^ *making breakfast* atsushi: morning mom. kenji: good mornin' aya: mornin' Kyoka: "Good morning." sylvia: *nods* Kyoka: "Need any assistance?" -elsewhere- Walter: *rings a doorbell* "..." *looking around* goethe: zzzz <hans. check the door. the bed is too cozy.> hans: *sweatdrop* *answers* yes? Walter: "Top of the mornin' to ya!" *holds up mail* "I brought this in!" hans: oh, thank you. Walter: "Any assignments to pass along to the others?" -elsewhere- mahiru:....*yaaaawn* Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru:..... O.O Kuro: "Mmm..." mahiru: um. kuro? Kuro: *opens one eye* "...What?" mahiru: >/////////< why are you in human form in bed with me? Kuro: "...It was warm, comfy, and bigger." mahiru:.... .//////.;;;; Kuro: "...So, what's for breakfast?" -elsewhere- Belkia: =w= *humming* ayami: zzzz.... -she has some bandages on her neck- Belkia: *cuddles...kiss behind the ear* ayami: mmm, hmhm~ Belkia: ^^;; "Sorry..." ayami: hmm? oh this? its fine. Belkia: "I just...get a little excited..." ayami: *hug* u///u it felt nice. Belkia: *strokes her back* "Okay...I really enjoyed last night..." ayami: i enjoyed it too~ -elsewhere- Mikuni: *munching on Valentine's chocolates* =w= "Say 'aw,' Abel..." abel: *doesnt say anything cause she's a doll.* Mikuni: "...Oh! You want me to have it? Well, it'll go straight to my hips, but for you, anything." *pops another chocolate into his mouth* >w< "Ooooo, caramel! Good call..." abel: .... -elsewhere- Daisy: *grumbling, looking out the window* louisa: everything alright? Daisy: "Just finding it gross out today--all the lovey-dovey Valentine shit." louisa: ah, i see. ^^; Daisy: "And you just know Fitz is going to head to the shops as soon as all the candy is 50 percent off...He ask you to do that already?" -elsewhere- misono: *has a party hat on* -_-; shinoa: happy valentines slash birthday~ ^^ Lily: *blows party favor* misono: -///- jeez. mahiru: ^^ Hugh + Kuro: *staring at the cake* "..." licht: *nom* thank you for inviting us to the festivities, king of hearts. Hyde: *scooping ice cream onto his slice* "Totes." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *holding a small bag* "..." fuyumi: oh? Todoroki: "Yes. A classmate gave it to me." *hands it to Fuyumi* fuyumi: oh, um. *blink* Todoroki: "I wasn't going to eat them, and I politely thanked the classmate." fuyumi: ah. Todoroki: *sits down* "How were your students today?" -elsewhere- Izuku: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." tsuyu: ^^ glad you like them. Izuku: "They're really cute! I love them!" tsuyu: it took me a while to decide what to make. i was considering frog shaped, but that might be a bit cliche and also kinda cannibalistic, so i opted for the lily pad shape. Izuku: .w.;;; "Good call." *pats her hand* tsuyu: ^v^ -elsewhere- Bakugo: "TAKE IT AND LIKE IT!" >\\\\< *hands a gift bag* itsuka: oh, thanks! ^^ Bakugo: >\\\\\< "Good! You're welcome!" itsuka: *smooch on the cheek* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Okay, kiddo--come over here!" *holds out his arms* anna: *trying to crawl over* Giriko: "You can do it!" anna: ba! Giriko: "Daddy! Yep! Crawl on over to Daddy..." -she made it- arachne: yay! you did it. ^^ *claps* anna: ^o^ Giriko: *picks her up* "Growing girl--getting better every day." *hug* -elsewhere- Free: *covered in flour* "I think that's enough dough..." ^^; milia: *aCHOO* eruka: *snaps pic* Free: "Heh...Let's pop one of these into the oven...See how it turns out." -elsewhere- erina: .~.;;; Guard: "??? Working here today?" erina: *salutes, hiding something in her pocket* y-yes! Guard: "That sucks...No date for Valentine's?" erina: guess not. ^^;;; Guard: "Dang. Yeah, I'm missing my date night...Gonna have to make it up later." *half-hearted salute* "Good luck with the prisoner." erina: you too, haha... *waits for them to leave....slides the chocolate in the slot* Fyodor: "???" *looks up* erina: h-hope you like this. >////<; Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "Thank you..." erina: .//////. Fyodor: *opens the box* "Oh my..." -its a box of heart shaped white chocolates with a note that reads 'hope you like them. i worked pretty hard on them'- Fyodor: "..." *picks one up, looks it all over* "..." *slowly puts it in his mouth* erina: how is it? Fyodor: "Not bad..." erina: t-thanks. .//////. Fyodor: *smiles* "Thank you..." *licks a bit of the white chocolate off his finger* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "I know it's not very pricy or anything..." kim: *nom*....yummy =u= Jacqueline: *smiles* "Glad you like them..." -elsewhere- Ivan: "..." zoey: *making chocolates to send to fyodor. mixed with her own blood* Gogol: <What is with this holiday for some people?> yana: <dont ask me. love does some fucked up shit to some people.> Gogol: <Oh? Is that what you call what the nurse is doing--'love'?> yana: ..... <as i said. 'fucked up shit'.> Gogol: <Jeez, I need a more positive example...Haven't you seen good instances?> yana:......................<hell if i'd know...> *turns to her side* Gogol: "???" <Huh...Not even an inanimate object? For example...> *hugs himself* <I just love my coat!> >w< elizaveta: <it's a nice coat.> ^^ <right leila?> 'leila': *click* <its a nice and fancy coat if i do say so myself, hoho!> Gogol: <Hee hee...> -elsewhere- lana: edgaaar~ Poe: "???" lana: *smooooch and hands him a notebook* hope you like it~ Poe: ^\\\\^ "Of course--I can't wait to fill it up with love poems..." lana: ^///^ -elsewhere- Arthur: *holding up a chocolate sword* "...I love you." tamaki: >////< oh my gosh. Arthur: "This is amazing...I can slice down dragons _and_ coat them in delicious chocolate before preparing the meal." -elsewhere- Yumi: *hug* lord death: =//////= *purrs* Yumi: *strokes his head* "My reaper..." lord death: *snuggles* =////w////=~<3 Yumi: *strokes him* *kisses his lips* lord death: mmmm~<3 u////u Yumi: *rubs his hip--with a small scratch* lord death: *happy shiver* Yumi: *kisses his neck* -elsewhere- Meme: *knocking on doors* "We have Valentine's cookies!" rowena: thank you, miss meme. ^^ Meme: "You're welcome!" *holds up a bat cookie* "Spooky..." -elsewhere- sonia: *petting mito* Chuuya: *enters* mito: *mreow* sonia: *smiles at him* Chuuya: "..." *weak smile* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *hug* "How are you?" sonia: ok...did you see mama? Chuuya: *nods* "I did...I'm sorry you weren't there..." sonia: what did you and mama talk about? Chuuya: "We...talked about you." sonia: ...... Chuuya: "...Do you miss school?" sonia:.....not really. Chuuya: "...Well, that wasn't what I was expecting...I thought you liked school." sonia:....it was ok....but i couldnt relate to the other kids... Chuuya: "...Well, you do need to learn...So we have to figure out how you're going to do that..." sonia:....... Chuuya: "And I'm not the best at enough subjects..." *scratches his cheek* "I think I'll need to bring in some help with home schooling..." sonia:.....*hugs* Chuuya: "!!! ..." *pat pat* sonia: i love you, papa. Chuuya: "I love you, too..." *hug* "I guess I'll have to figure out who to teach you science--" *BOOM* Chuuya: ._.;;; ayako: its cool! no one died! this time at least. miura: -_-; Motojiro: *pops in* "Chuuya! I got new music!" *his sleeve is on fire* "I was going to listen to it after finish my art project, writing some poetry, and engaging in some P.E., Care to join?!" *his hair is now on fire* Chuuya: .______.;;;; "..." ("...He'd still be a better teacher than other former Mafia members...") ayako: how much damn free time do you even have?! Motojiro: "I multitask!" *fire is now going to his pants* Gin: "...Hence the explosion." leo: D8> *has a fire extinguisher out* Chuuya: "...Kajii, do you like teaching?" Motojiro: "Sure I do! I got certification! But I can't teach pottery." *grim face* "Never again..." Chuuya: .____.;;; *looks at Sonia* "...Would you like Kajii as a teacher?" sonia: can i? *shiny eyes* Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Sure!" sonia: *beaming smile* Chuuya: "Okay...But Kajii, be safe with her. I don't want Sonia hurt." Motojiro: "I swear, I will take care of Sonia like she's my own child!" leo:...r-right... >////>;;;; Motojiro: "??? Lemondrop? Are you well?" leo: ?? oh, of course, motojiro. ^^ -elsewhere- Kafka: *opens the door to his apartment, marches inside...falls onto the couch pillow...lets out a small groan* -silence- etta pillow: *says nothing, as it is a pillow* Kafka: "..." *holds the pillow, hugs it* -no answer- Kafka: "...I hate Valentine's Day..." -...- Kafka: "Everyone else is happy...No one would ever want me. No one wants me. I'm not fun or attractive or...anything." -the pillow remains silent- Kafka: *closes his eyes* "...I wish I was dead….I can't even do that well...I'm going to just be alone...I'm not like Goethe or anyone who can get a relationship to work...I'm only good at work." -at least the pillow still loves you- Kafka: "..." *looks at the pillow's face* -such a sweet, darling face...- Kafka: "..." *blinks away tears...nears the pillow's face...* -...- Kafka: *smooch* >\\\\< -if the pillow had blood, it would be blushing- Kafka: *small moan, as he holds the pillow close, kisses again* "Oh, Etta..." *shifts on the couch, hugging the pillow, kisses the pillow again--* Walter: "Dude, you got it baaaaaaaaad..." Kafka: O_________o *awkward look back...* "...How long?" Walter: "Before you took your pants off, thank goodness..." *munching on a Pop Tart* Kafka: "...Why are you here?" Walter: "Mom had a hot date, so she needed the apartment." Kafka: "...Gross." Walter: "I know, right?!" ^w^ Kafka: "...Could I have, like, five minutes?" Walter: "Sure thing. I'll heat up a pizza." Kafka: "Y-Yeah, thanks..." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Happy Valentine's Day, sweetness..." stocking: happy valentines to you too~ *slides up under his shirt* Kid: *moans* "Oh, yes..." stocking: *licking his chest* Kid: "A-Aaaaaah~" >\\\\\\< stocking: yeah, you like that, dont you~? Kid: "Y-Yes...I want your lips right there..." stocking: *kiss* *sliding her hand down his pants* Kid: .\\\\\. *small squeak* stocking: *smirks and squeezes tightly* Kid: *gasps* "...Oh my~" stocking: does that feel good, honey~? Kid: "It feels amazing..." *moaning, squirming* stocking: *rubbing and licking a nipple* Kid: *louder moan...he's getting harder in her hand* stocking: good boy~ Kid: "I-I want to be good for you, my queen..." stocking: *smirks* close your eyes, its gonna be a long night~ -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *staring out the window* "..." -...- -someone is exiting a shop across the street....its tsubaki!- Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" QwQ "..." *watches* -you know you cant go see her now...- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *paws at the window* {tsubaki: hehe~ *snuggles the fox* ^///^} {Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *licks her hand*} {tsubaki: *snuggles*} {*POOF*} {tsubaki: o///o} {Mr. Tsubaki: *stares into her eyes...smiles*} {tsubaki:...*smiles and leans in*} Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff* ("I-I miss her so much...") mary: time to eat ^^.....toby? hey, whats wrong, toby? *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q *whimpers, pawing the window* mary: do you want to go out for a walk? Mr. Tsubaki: *wagging his tail* mary: ok, leash time! Mr. Tsubaki: *walks up, lowering his head for the leash* -and so- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking around* tsubaki: *checking phone* Mr. Tsubaki: OWO;;; -she doesnt seem to notice- Mr. Tsubaki: *tugging on the leash* mary: woah! toby, easy boy! tsubaki: ?? *glances* Mr. Tsubaki: *small fox yip* tsubaki: *eyes widened in disbelief* Mr. Tsubaki: OwO *wagging his tail* mary: *was dragged and is all banged up* im ok. tsubaki: ....oh, what a cute fox. *sad smile. she remembers* Mr. Tsubaki: *not even noticing Mary* QwQ *leans his head to her feet* tsubaki: *kneels down and pets his head* mary: thanks, his name's toby. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: =w= *wagging faster* mary: aww, he likes you! tsubaki: hehe, he sure does... Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzles her hand, soft pant* -elsewhere- atsushi: *nom* >///< thanks lucy! this tastes amazing! Lucy: ^\\\^ "I'm glad to hear. I took a long time working on the recipe--and Kirako was really helpful!" atsushi: its the first time i ever got valentines chocolate so....thanks for being my first. ^///^ Lucy: .\\\\. *scoots closer* "...No one ever did this for you?" atsushi: not really, no. Lucy: "...Me neither." >\\\\> "I was so plain looking...and...well, you know my backstory." atsushi:....*holds her hands* Lucy: .\\\\\\. "..." *sniff* atsushi: *bright pink in the face* t-the moon looks beautiful tonight, doesnt it? >////< Lucy: "???" *looks* "...Yeah. In it's own creepy way..." atsushi: ^///w///^;;;;;; Lucy: "..." *leans closer* atsushi: *leans* >////~////<;;;; Lucy: "..." *smooch* atsushi: .... u/////////////////u *tiger tail pops out and curls into half a heart shape* Lucy: ^\\\\\^ *hug, cuddle* atsushi: *purrs* Lucy: *strokes his head, scratches behind his ear* atsushi: *dopey giggling as his leg thumps violently* Lucy: "Hee hee...Look at you...You're ready to bounce." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "I'm home..." karin: how did it go? Vulcan: "Our patient is in good spirits--so, surgery's up to the other docs." karin: good job. ^^ *pat on the back* Vulcan: ^\\\^ "Thanks...How've things been here?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *staring out the window with a glass of scotch* "..." louisa: everything alright, sir? Fitzgerald: "...I miss them." louisa:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- twain: *yAAAAWN* finally back home! *slumps into bed* zzzzzzzzzzz Benimaru: *smooch* Steinbeck: *dragging two treasure chests and a bag* -_-# "Lazy sack of..." ebie: zzzz oscar: finally home. Hemingway: *carrying Ebie in* *whispers* "Yep...Can't wait to get my new pet into the fishtank..." *holding a bag...with a piranha* emily: .-.; baum: time for bed. dorothy: *being carried on his back, asleep* Piranha: *biting at the bag towards Hemingway* Hemingway: ^w^ Steinbeck: *nods* "Meeting tomorrow before dinner." -after everyone else went to bad- emily: um...mr steinbeck? *hands him something, a card* here. Steinbeck: "???" *looks it over* -its a valentines card- emily: i know its a bit last minute but, happy valentines day, sir. *exits*... .///.; Steinbeck: ._.;;; -elsewhere- kirei: zzzzz *snuggles up to benimaru* Benimaru: =\\\\= *holds her* -elsewhere- Tsuyuki: *yawns* tsurugi: >u> -a tiny little bot comes rolling up to tsuyuki- Tsuyuki: "..." *picks it up* -happy valentines. <3 -the name is smudged- - tinker: *waves* Tsuyuki: "..." *waves* tinker: success! Jun: "...Hello." takuto: hi mommy! ^u^ -the grave is silent- Jun: "Takuto and I wanted to see you." *looks at Takuto* "Need a moment?" takuto: *puts down a card* we made cards in class today. Jun: "Yours turned out great..." -...- Jun: "...Takuto and I...are glad to be here..." takuto: *looks around* Jun: "...We wish you were here." -....- Jun: "..." *rests a hand on the tombstone* -a warm feeling passes over him- Jun: "..." *looks behind him* -nothing there...- Jun: "..." *sad smile...pats Takuto* takuto: *waves his lion plushies hand* bye bye, mama. love you! Jun: *nods* "We love you..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki:....*snuggle* Black Star: =\\\w\\\= *hug* -elsewhere- Asura: "Happy Valentine's Day." *holds up a beating human heart* mikan: aww, how sweet. *smooch* Asura: =\\\\= mikan: hehe~<3 ^///^ Asura: *cuddles, purrs* -morning- stocking: so that's my report. Mephisto: *sips tea* "Thank you for it." stocking: ....you know something, dont you? Mephisto: *sweet smile* "Don't I always~?" stocking: well do you think you could at least tell me? if not as a teacher, then at least as your daughter? Mephisto: "...How long do you think demons live?" stocking: ....a long time? Mephisto: "Yet you saw the condition of Lucifer. Why do you think he was so sickly?" stocking:...... Mephisto: "To be a demon is to be eternal...but not the body." stocking: ....dad.... Mephisto: *smiles* "Lucifer's body is older, and he is more powerful...and he wants no time waiting for his body to regenerate, hence his pursuit of that Elixir." stocking: ....... Mephisto: "And it didn't take a genius to realize the Light Bringer was leading the Illuminati--it's in the name, after all. So, what would you do if you wanted to know more about a secret organization?" stocking: send someone to infiltrat-..... *lightbulb* Mephisto: *claps* "Brilliant~" stocking: .......please tell me our spy is adrian. Mephisto: "Why would you think it's Adrian?" stocking: at least she's not shima. Mephisto: "True. But almost no one would suspect some fool like Shima was in the Illuminati...or could be a double agent." stocking: ......fair point. Mephisto: "It was a good thing I had some contingency plans for Izumo..." stocking: including her getting kidnapped? Mephisto: "Well...I'm looking at my contingency plan." stocking: *sweatdrop* Mephisto: "If Izumo was captured, who better than her teacher and classmates to save her?" stocking:...*small smile* right..........do you know where mom is right now? Mephisto: "She was roaming the halls." stocking: kay, thanks. *exits* felisia: hm? stocking? whats u- stocking: *tight hug* felisia: ah! stocking:....thanks for being my mom.... felisia:...*smiles and hugs back* -elsewhere- sylvia: s-so im....starting school? Kyoka: *nods* "I think you'll fit in well." sylvia: .~.;;; Kyoka: "...Did you used to go to school?" sylvia: i-i was...home schooled....m-most of the time... Kyoka: "..." *nods* "Not so different...The Mafia had me focused more on missions." sylvia:...o-oh..... Kyoka: "So it took some getting used to. But we have friends there..." sylvia: i-i-i see..... Kyoka: "And the teachers are mostly harmless." sylvia: ... Kyoka: "Just avoid Dr. Stein." sylvia: ??? Kyoka: "He's not hard to miss. He has a screw through his head." sylvia: oh, h-he was the man a-at miss etta's show a while back, r-right? Kyoka: *nods* "Him." sylvia: o-ok. Kyoka: "Stick to Miss Marie." sylvia: w-who's that? Kyoka: "She's one of the other teachers. She's really polite and helpful. She has long blonde hair and rants about dating." sylvia:...i-i see.. Kyoka: *pulls out a page* "Let's write up your course schedule. I think one or two ability courses will help." sylvia: o-ok. Kyoka: "Do you like gym?" sylvia: i-im not really g-good at it. Kyoka: "Any hobbies like art or pottery?" sylvia: i'm not...really good at anything. Kyoka: "...Then this is an opportunity to try new things. Want to take pottery with me?" sylvia: um....i-i guess so? Kyoka: "Okay." *writes down pottery for the day and time* "I'll try to make sure someone you know is in each class." sylvia: o-ok... Kyoka: "I would tell you to avoid the Mafia, but I haven't seen them..." sylvia: ... Kyoka: "Hmm...Let's get something at the cafeteria. I'll show you how to order." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "What you gonna wear to the wedding, Fang?" fang-hua: well, since it's going to be a more traditional style, i might get something at the town's seamstress. Tsukiyo: ._.; "...Oh...I...ordered online." fang-hua: ^^; to each their own, i guess. Tsukiyo: "I hope it looks good--" Konro: "Mail call!" *hands a package to Tsukiyo* Tsukiyo: ._____.;;; fang-hua: a lot faster than most packages. -elsewhere- Vulcan: "You keep bugs?" Kepuri: "You design robotics themed around animals?" Vulcan: *nods* "I even made a firefly-themed lantern." Kepuri: "..." Vulcan: "..." Kepuri + Vulcan: *TOTALLY PLATONIC SOBBING HUG* "KINDRED SPIRIT!" lisa + akaderu: *sweatdrop* yu: ^^; akaderu: all they need is a fish type to complete the triforce. lisa:....what? akaderu: n-nothing. -elsewhere- Anya: "..." Fitzgerald: "..." Anya + Fitzgerald: "YOU AGAIN?! UNHAND THAT HEAVILY DISCOUNTED COMMONERS' AFTER-VALENTINE'S DAY CANDY!" tsugumi: oh no. *sweatdrop* louisa: lord francis please. Anya: "Royal Kick!" *Anya knocks down a display for St. Patrick's Day* -elsewhere- inka: *grooooan* so bored =3= Panda: "Want to go to the batting cages?" inka: sure, why not. sasori: *grunt of agreement* inka: oooi, sancho, you coming with or not? Sancho: *already has a baseball helmet on...and football pads...and a hockey stick* "Coming." inka: we-he-hell, arent _you_ prepared? Sancho: "I don't want a repeat of last time..." {Sancho: "Okay! Throw it!"} {Panda: "Okay!" *holding a bowling ball*} {Sancho: *readies the bat--*} Panda: "...I said I was sorry." sasori:.... Panda: "But I bet Sasori is great at the batting cages!" Sancho: "Ever play?" sasori:....i prefer football. [note: she means soccer] Sancho: "Oh, then you can borrow my pads!" *takes off the football pads* Panda: "And get her a helmet." sasori: ??? why would i need a helmet? Panda: "Because football is hardcore! I know you're a badass, but you got to protect your head before someone tackles you! Oh! And I'll need the body paint and the rainbow wig..." sasori:...............*looks at inka, confused* inka: ?? Sancho: "Tailgate! Cheerleaders! 50 yard line! Overpriced stadium consumables!" sasori: oh....are you guys thinking american football? what _i_ meant is what you guys apparently call 'soccer'. for some reason. Panda: "...Ooooooooo! So, hooligans!" sasori: -_-#; -elsewhere- kirara: and that concludes today's lesson. esther: another job well done, kirara. ^^ kirara: indeed. *sigh* *knock knock* esther: hmm? oh, perhaps one of your students forgot something? *opens the door* yes? ^^ *Someone is standing there with a bunny head* esther: oh? kirara: -_-; hello, tezca. Tezca: *muffled* "D'aw, how did you guess?" *takes off the bunny head--and there is a bear head underneath* kirara: call it a wild guess. enrique: ^u^ Tezca: "Then I'll just have to try harder...How was class?" kirara: fortunately no one was injured. this time. *glares at esther* esther: hehe. ^^; Tezca: "Been a little too excited?" esther: i do apologize, i can be a bit intense in combat, hoho~ kirara: ... Tezca: "Well, this is a school to prep kids for death battles..." kirara: right. esther: a sad but true reality. *getting tea ready* Tezca: *sits at a student's chair* "What's up for the rest of your days today, you two?" kirara: the school day isnt over yet. -_-; Tezca: "Can I hang out here? I need to hide because of this--" *knocks his fist on the bunny mask* kirara:................tezca? what did you do this time? Tezca: "Look, I thought the rabbit mask would be a good alibi, and I did not consider the feelings of other people who may not appreciate our Lagomorpha friends." kirara: oh no. you didnt show this mask to _that_ person, right?! Tezca: "I didn't _show_ them. I just happened to be wearing it in public." *BANG BANG BANG* Tezca: OwO;; mami: *GLARE* *The door breaks down under the weight of the attacks* Ragnarok: "HEE HEE HEE! TIME TO SLICE THIS BEAR!" Tezca: *hides behind Kirara* kirara: -_-; -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *pouring tea* kirako: thanks, kunikida. ^^ Kunikida: "You're welcome. How are you?" kirako: doing well. *rubs her stomach* Kunikida: "Did you have an appointment recently?" kirako: *she nods* Kunikida: "And...the child is in good health?" kirako: yes...fukuzawa agreed to be a godfather for them. Kunikida: "Wonderful. That is an excellent choice." *sips* "...I cannot imagine what you are feeling." kirako: yeah.....have you ever considered having children? Kunikida: "...I don't think it would happen." kirako: you never know. aya seems to consider you a father figure. {sasaki: *holding kunikida close* doppo...please....i want to feel good tonight...*tears falling*} {Kunikida: *holding her* "..."} Kunikida: "...Hmm. I am simply keeping an eye on Aya...That's...all." kirako: ....kunikida? is something wrong? Kunikida: "..." *looks at her* "It's...not something I want to burden you with." kirako: ..... Kunikida: "...I just don't think I'm cut out for any of this." kirako: ?? Kunikida: "...I think I'm cursed when it comes to romance or...children." kirako: ....*pap pap* Kunikida: "...It's not right...not for any of them." kirako:....it'll be ok. Kunikida: "..." *looks at his book* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hurry up, Soul--we'll miss the trailers!" soul: coming, coming. *following suit* tsubaki: ^^; Sakuya: "Hope it's better than the sequel..." *carrying trays of snacks* -elsewhere- Kafka: *nom* -n- leroux: feeling crabby? Kafka: *small grunt* "Yeah..." leroux: because valentines day? Kafka: "N-No!" =\\\\= leroux: well, christine and i had a wonderful time yesterday~ i took her dancing, we got dinner, went on a stroll through a garden, *sigh* it was magnifique~<3 Kafka: "...YOU'RE DATING A DOLL!" leroux: isnt she just~ *snuggles christine* christine: *says nothing, as, as stated before, she is a doll* Kafka: "..." *wraps up his leftovers* "I've lost my appetite." leroux: OwO~? Kafka: *opens the door, walks through--* *SMOOSH CLING* Kafka: "GAH! What the hell?!" *moving his hands through something transparent* wilhelm: SUCCESS! Jakob: "Great work!" Kafka: "YOU SMALL LITTLE GNATS!" wilhelm: *runs off, giggling* Jakob: "Wait for me!" Kafka: *rips through, chases* leroux: *sigh* i hope we can have kids one day, <my dearest~> *nuzzles the doll* Kafka: *runs back in* "WHEN PIGS FLY!" *runs back out* "GET BACK HERE, YOU BASTARDS!" leroux:....h-he's just jealous. -elsewhere- Haumea: *tracing a finger along a map* ???: are we close? Haumea: "Very..." ???: .....*feeling for heat signatures* Haumea: "...Take your time..." ???: there's two people. Haumea: "Anything interesting?" ???: they seem to be just talking... Haumea: =_= "Boo...Wish I could hear..." ???: i cannot hear them either. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "--and it's not that I miss school or the Were Tiger, but I think about how this no-kill policy has compromised so much of what I *ramble ramble ramble* " higuchi: mmhmm. *nods* Akutagawa: " *ramble ramble* --then I got found by that nice kid--" higuchi: *listening* Akutagawa: "--and I don't know why they didn't report me..." higuchi: maybe they didnt know? Akutagawa: "I hope not. I was trying to cover my path..." higuchi: hmm... Akutagawa: "..." *opens a dumpster* higuchi: *peers* *There is stale bread still wrapped and unsold, as well as some misshapen apples* higuchi: hm.... Akutagawa: "Beggers can't be choosers..." *grabs an apple* higuchi: *examining the apples and bread* Akutagawa: "...You okay?" higuchi:....y-yeah... -elsewhere-
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