#i love u little autism dude. sorry you get put through so much shit
appalachianapologies · 4 months
spencer reid is so autism <3
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adhderall · 4 months
Little tho hearing this online may mean… I for one think ugly chicks can have mad game. I’ve known several women who like looking back, objectively/by standards etc etc should’ve been unattractive. But they were NOT. Underline. I know everyone says it but it’s really the confidence and self assurance like, when she looks at the world and knows everyone in it wants her to fuck them yk. Not to be insanely vulgar. It’s like. It’s like swag dude. The woman has swag. And I think the power of being a good conversationalist is not talked about enough either. That sounds stupid but imho like… anyway. Blah blah blah. In my experience the biggest challenge is really how thinly spread cool and hot lesbians are compared to like Chappell Roan fans. All the lesbians in my city like, even if they’re really gay they’re Chappell Roan fans first and foremost. If u feel me. Damn this isn’t helpful at all huh. Blind leading the blind. You have a hot personality & I believe in you. Someday both of us will have to put our lesbian femcel membership cards in a shoebox. This I foretell. Good afternoon.
Yeah I hear a lot that confidence is everything but confidence is often created through [social] success ya feel? It's self-perpetuating.... Being well-liked fuels swag as much as swag fuels likeability.... So it's extra difficult when you've been treated awfully. But not impossible, I suppose, so I still need to try. I don't know where those lesbians got it, though, unless they were somehow treated much better than I in childhood (they have to have been really lucky or some shit to be a conventionally unattractive homosexual female and not be abused by your peers and sometimes even adults.... Moreso if you're masculine ). But it's more likely that they worked through it I guess. I don't know, it's hard.
I don't think I'm a bad conversationalist per say but it does take me a bit to get comfortable, I can be awkward and quiet at first when I'm still getting used to a person/situation. But unfortunately people judge a lot just based on first impressions, I need to find a way to kick that anxiety to the curb. Cursed fucking autism.
Chapell Roan fans... I barely know who she is LOL but I assume it's the new trend after the fucking girl in red shit (goddd remember? when people assumed every lesbian loves girl in red? sorry I don't like lame ass generic indie acoustic white girl music. if some mf asked me if i liked girl in red to find out if I'm gay they'd think I'm not because I'd be like Uh No.).
But thanks for the reassurance or whatever :) I believe in us......
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