#i love trying on clothes tho so if i found a store that had mh size i’d be in heaven
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housecow · 2 months ago
i need more sweaters/tops that cinch at my waist but i have to try them on irl bc there’s a good chance they’d basically just be a bra 😭😭
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sleepytoycollection · 7 years ago
SpacePops: A Review Part 2
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Part 1: Here
Well, here I am again, this took me longer to get around to than I intended, but hey, I had four times as many dolls to look at. Not to mention how much drawing I’ve been doing for my main blog lately, so yeah I’ve been busy. 
Anywhoozle, as my first review can tell you, I found my Luna doll to have a certain amount of charm through all her cheapness, and if you can still find one from your local TRU; you might be lucky enough to snag them for round $2 bucks each as I did. And I def recommend getting one if you can, if nothing else for a nice, articulate spare body and some MH sized shoes. Just don’t let your self pay for than $5 for one. They’re not that fun. 
I was lucky enough to manage to get a hold of all five characters, so let’s see how they measure up to Luna. To avoid being too repetitive I’ll try to focus on their unique features only.
Let’s start with Rhea:
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Rhea was actually the one I liked the best from her art work. I mean look at it, she looks amazing here, the boots, thigh high stockings, the layers, gloves and chains would’ve made for an amazing doll of the effort had been put in. 
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I won’t ramble forever about the what-ifs, but it’s just so much of a punch to the stomach to know we’ll never see the real potential these had realized.
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I’m not gonna go through the all the profiles, but if anyone’s interested I could scan them in for better visibility. 
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Gremlin #2.
Getting her out of the box, the first thing that struck me was her hat.
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And I mean that literally as there was nothing helping it attach to her head. Much as I’m grateful these dolls lack those plastic ties shot into their heads that mattel’s become so fond of; I don’t think a rubber band would’ve too much to ask for.
Here she out of the box:  
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After how much Luna has surprised me by simply being less bad than I feared; Rhea on the other hand was everything I’d worried these girls would be. 
Her hair is terrible, it’s the cheapest, nastiest of all the dolls, it’s literally the same stuff the Midnight magic dolls used. It had a gross, greasy feel and wants to pull away from the scalp if I dare try to run a comb through it. 
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Ugh. On top of that, it became quickly clear I’d gotten a Rhea with a defective hand. Instead of the normal back and forth movement almost every other doll has, she’s got side to side movement. 
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Except, her hands still have the dents in the molding indicating it’s not meant to turn that way. I’m at a loss. I really can’t tell how this happened, or how her hand isn’t falling off. 
It could’ve been worse in that regard, but there’s not many good uses for side to side movement that look natural. 
At this point I’d only opened the one doll prior, and so was extremely worried I’d simply gotten lucky with Luna. 
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Her outfit is super cheap, made cheaper looking by how complex a design they were trying to emulate. It’s all one piece and gives the impression of a store bought Halloween costume in miniature. 
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I will grant however, all the dolls having their name on their tag is cute. 
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But it’s a wasted detail on something this cheap. The black band on her waist is a sort of flimsy, felt-like material, and the knit of her shorts is thin. I feel like I could easily tear a run in it if I pull just a little too much, especially being unhemmed as they are. 
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She’s got a slight blue tint to her pale complexion, as you can see her here next to Catrine. 
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The socks are made of paint, and I’d have rather they be left off entirely. Her left knee also doesn’t bend, and I have not been able to fix it yet.
As you can imagine, after Rhea I lost a lot of energy for these girls. She was the doll I’d wanted the most, and was just disappointing in every way, despite me already having incredibly low standards. 
Still, I was going to have to open these girls up eventually. So this time I decided to go for the design I’d liked the least with Athena: 
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Every time I look at her dress I can’t help but think of the Flintstones. Not in a cute way either. 
It’s like if, after their crossover, a member of the Jestons universe tried to make a fashion version of their cave clothing as a cheap cash in, and just doesn’t work for me that much. Maybe it’s partly the colors used. 
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It’s a little better art wise, but eh. Maybe if she wasn’t he same color as Rhea..?
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Blah blah profile. 
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Gremlin #3.
Despite my opinions on her look, out of the box she struck me as a pleasant increase in quality if nothing else.  Nothing falling off, no visible defects.
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It was around this time tho I was starting to realize there seemed to be a decided aversion to hair gel. Her spiked updo’ is translated as a short ponytail here.
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Can’t say I mind too much, but lack of gel means her hair gets pulled pretty easily, especially where her glasses are. She’s got nothing on Gilda Goldstag that’s for sure. 
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Her tie is made of the same cheap fuzzy stuff Rhea’s belt was made of, for that matter her gold belt is the only new fabric type here. 
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But to my great surprise her skirt has a separate over lay! 
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And it’s even lined, I’ll admit it improved my opinion of her a good bit. It feels sturdy.
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Her netted sleeve too is competently made. 
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..but left a stain on her arm. 
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With out the overlay her outfit looks a bit less flinstone-y, so I’m just gonna leave it off. 
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Under her dress she has some pink tights, which I appreciate as they become less and less common in the doll world. Even if it makes me wonder why Rhea couldn’t have had socks. Just one of those things I guess.
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Her glasses are held in neatly with, of all things, the help of tiny plastic bobby pins! 
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!!! I’m sorry but that’s adorable, tiny pins! And they work! Amazing. 
Her hair is the same quality as Luna’s, thank goodness, and is easy enough to brush out.  
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But to my dismay, her glasses don’t fit her face. If you put the arms over her actual ears, they set waayyyy too low. I can’t get them to twist so the bridge will set on her nose. But if I place them high enough so the lens can cover her eyes, they get stuck from her head being too wide and wont’ touch her face. 
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That said, I like the shape and look of these, and I’m sure I have plenty of other dolls who can rock them. But it doesn’t say much for your line if your accessories can’t be used for the doll they were made to be used on.
Still, Athena was a huge improvement to my energy for these girls, so let’s hop over to Hera. 
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I wanna take a sec to apologize for the quality of several of these pics, my camera’s very old and staring to kick the bucket. 
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Hera’s pretty cute, if you like Draculaura. Which I do. The fact the lime green specifically reminds me of Snow Bite, which is my fav version of Ula helps make it a pleasant comparison. 
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Gremlin #4. 
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Yay! A different fabric! And hemming! It’s a dream come true~
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Now if only I had the same excitement over her hair.
It’s the standard for these dolls tbh, but being curled has not agreed with it. I’m kinda afraid to touch it. She’s got a head band in there, but it’s very hidden.
even if it wasn’t, it’s just a plain ribbon, no where near the flower crown of her art.  
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The dress is really the star here, of all the outfits so far it’s the one that feels the sturdiest, and no printed details. 
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Her tag. 
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Her tights are different fabric to the other ones we’ve seen. It’s not as stretchy, which is why you see it sagging around the knees. It’s the kind of netting you’d see as a tulle petticoat. 
It looks alright, but it makes me concerned with how durable these would be in the long run.  
Now,you may have noticed me not making any comments on the shoes. Well I have a very good reason for that:
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They’re all the same. They reused the same shoe mold for all four of these girls, leaving only one who doesn’t have these heels. 
That girl being of course, Juno. 
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She was my second favorite of all the girls when I saw their art all that time ago. 
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Aside from how much I love the colors used, she has pants! And a shaved head! 
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...And another Gremlin.
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And last but not least, here she is:
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Of all the girls, she’s the one who comes the closest to looking like her boxart. 
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So not too surprising her outfit is to be my favorite of the bunch. 
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She’s also the only one to use any kind of styling product. Fairly lightly, but it’s on there. Yet, despite how little there was used they still managed to get a good bit on her face. 
 Can’t have it all I suppose. 
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But the flocking looks good. 
I also appreciate how she has the most unique face paint of all the ladies.  It’s not much by usual standards, but with every girl using the same face mold, they can use all the differences they can get.
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Without her Jacket you can bein to see just how had that top is, but she can put her hands in her pockets, so if there had to be a trade off, I’ll admit they made the right one. 
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Her jacket is nicely sewn, only her collar sporting an unfinished hem, but I don’t know how you’d really hem those jagged edges anyhow. It’s usable and looks alright. 
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Her boots tho, no complaints there. By Spacepop standards these are the best shoes you’ll ever see. By normal doll standards they’re still not bad. 
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I very serious when I say I love these pants. I feel like most of their clothing budget went into that fabric. Almost like someone was trying. 
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Sigh. But then you get this. 
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It’s garbage. The worst piece of all the clothing I’ve seen here, and there’s no way this would’ve held up to a child.
Now what else have I not covered..oh yeah. The gremlins. 
They suck. 
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Like the shoes, the reused the same mold 4 times. Unlike the shoes, I never thought they were cute. 
Only 1 dared to use a different mold, Athen’s gremlin: 
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...Who might be the only one that comes close to being endearing. The combo of a cute hair style, cute paint details, side glancing eyes, make Roxie almost a nice accessory. 
Whew, well, now I’ve gone through everything I could think to talk about. 
Having gone over every doll just cements that the execution of this line was a huge misstep on the part of Madame Alexander. Tho I can’t be sure.I get the impression they made these to compete with Monster High, but they company simply waited too long.  
By 2016 MH was going into the reboot, and with Mattel’s sales and quality going down MA seemed to lost faith in these ladies and gave up before release. It’s a shame too, Maybe the weren’t the most original idea on the market, but They could’ve been a nice solid competition. Instead we got these; and it leaves me with a sense of melancholy the more I think about the ways things are going. With new lines and experiments coming to a standstill nowadays, doll collecting has been less and less exciting. 
And now, less than a year after their debut Spacepops have gone the way of Pinkie Cooper and Novi Stars. In their own way, the last remnant of an era of collecting that’s now gone as styles shift to something else.   
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Still, I plan to have fun my new new set of ladies, I haven’t completely decided how far I’ll go, maybe leave them as-is for posterity. Their flat face ups have grown on me. Maybe I just miss the bright, harsher colors that are going out of style. 
All that said, I bought a spare Athena to experiment with, so I’ll def have some follow ups with how these ladies look with a good repaint. 
Anyway, I’m tired and out of thoughts for now. Hopefully you found this somewhat informative, and as always thanks for reading. 
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sleepytoycollection · 8 years ago
Pawla Wolf Review
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Look who stands perfectly on her own! Haven’t done an MH review in quite a while, much less bought one as soon as she showed in stores. It was a lot of fun to actually be looking forward to a newbie again. So, was she worth not waiting for a sale? Let’s find out.
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I found Pawla at Wal-Mart for about $8. I haven’t bought a brand new Kelly Chelsea in years, but I’m assuming it’s a similar price point. Ebbie and Fangelica were also present, and there was almost double of each than Pawla here, so I’m assuming they either sold faster or she’s unfortunately the short packed one of the case assortment.  If you want this line; I’d say grab her first. 
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The packaging is pretty nice front and back. I love the picture frame theme, tho can’t help but feel the box wastes a lot of space. I mean there’s a lot of empty in there.
The theme for Pawla’s outfit here seems to be bedtime, which is cute, but strikes me a bit odd for her first doll to be in her PJ’s. That said, if anyone can get away with going around in her jammies it’d be a 5-7 year old. 
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Close up of the art work, I wonder if Barker’s getting a doll? Still feel pretty weird about Weredith tho...like, how their biology works aside; she’s rather uncanny valley to me.
EDIT: Some how I missed or forgot Barker was in the set with Weredith. Whoops. 
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Um. I think your eyes are on the wrong layer there. This is not helping my opinion of you. 
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Pawla’s bedroom art.
Our little girl here comes with three accessories, an adorable teddy franken-bear:
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A a surprisingly detailed book (it opens! yay!):
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Seriously, looks at the details in there, I wouldn’t mind trying to paint this up so they could be more visible. The castle, wolf, and tongue book mark are cute.  
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And a molded pillow that seems very boring in comparison:
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Now onto Pawla herself, many of the ones at walmart had paint defects of some kind, so I caution to check out her in person if you can before buying.
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I do think she’s absolutely adorable tho, I also find it interesting her face-up is more reminiscent of the pre-reboot dolls. I love her little freckles. 
Her hair’s a bit funky tho. One side of her pigtails is significantly smaller than the other, and it’s not just an illusion created by her curls. I don’t know if that means her hair’s thinner on that side or what. 
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Sleeping mask details. 
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Her nightgown is nice enough, and has a plastic bow that attaches like a necklace. It’s made of a thin polyester knit, but is well made, so I have no real issue with it.  
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Her center part doesn’t seem to center here, maybe’s that’s the source of the imbalance.
Onto her sculpt, she has a thick, bushy wolf tail that rotates but is not removable. 
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Here’s a better look at her body molding; I really like the stylization of  of her hands and feet. She has basic 5 points of articulation, and no outward movement in either her arms or legs. 
I don’t mind the lack of knee and elbow movement, but am a bit disappointed by the lack of outward motion, especially since they gave her a bent arm. I can never move it away from her chest. 
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This is the only Chelsea I currently own, but as you can see they’re more or less the same height. 
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Which thankfully means they share clothes perfectly! Actually, I think Pawla looks suits this dress than Chelsea does. 
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Now a Wolf family comparison. Pawla is 5 1/2 in. tall, less than half Clawdia’s height. 
She fits right in perfectly with them, particularly matching Clawd with her teal accessories. Her skin tone is roughly the same as his as well. 
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All in all I really like Pawla, enough that her flaws don’t bother me, but if I put aside how much I love her design I’d be a little more disappointed. The biggest issue really is that articulation; I wanted to pose her like she was hugging Clawdeen, but it’s just not possible. 
I forgot to take a pic, but she suffers from V-shape sitting syndrome as well. Her limitations make her feel more like a small statue then a real doll. There’s almost no way to make her look natural outside of her in-box pose. It’s definitely not something every collector will enjoy.
Still, I think she’s an adorable new addition and I’m very glad Mattel is expending the range of body types they have. That said, if you don’t love any of their designs like I do Pawla; I’d say wait for them to come down a dollar or two. Personally however, I have no regrets and wouldn’t mind being able to Barker Wolf to my collection as well (tho preferably outside of the set...). 
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