#i love trans masc curt so much
kairithemang0 · 2 months
Ugh trans Curt goes stealth and has only told Owen he's trans and Owen's seeing his chest scars for the first time and reaches out to touch them and Curt swipes his hand away, telling him they look ugly and that he hates them, and then Owen says he loves them, and Curt asks him why and Owen replies with "there's nothing about your body that could ever make me hate it" and Curt DIES. His heart stops, his brain breaks, and he hears a ringing in his ears before Owen brings him back to reality by dragging his finger across the scars with a warm smile on his face and Curt buries his head in his shoulder
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing and I wanted to know if you could do one where the reader is trans masc and their dad is aizawa And no of 1a knows (except aizawa) until someone who went to school with them starts bullying them, and publicly outs them. And so aizawa makes a really big deal, and accidentally mentions that the reader is his kid, But everyone in 1a supports them and are more shocked when they find out their dad is aizawa. Thank you!!!! I know it's weird I just want validation tbh (´-﹏-`;)
Hi hi hi !! I wasn’t sure if this ask requested male pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘trans masc’) or GN pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘they’ across the request) feel free to educate me on that!! But for now, I used Male Pronouns!
Platonic! Aizawas trans male kid gets outed
⚠️warnings - mentions of outing, deadnaming, me antagonizing shindo bc haha I needed a bad guy-
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Loading off the bus, (Y/n) stretched his arms and let out a huff. He rubbed at his eyes, and activated his quirk slightly to see if it still worked. It wasn’t like it was going to go away, but it became habit to see if he could still do it after a long time or not. A useless habit, you could say.
Though, it was important he still had his quirk, since today was the day he was going to take the Provincial Licensing Exam. Along with his classmates.
(Y/n) strolled around the area, being sure not to stray too far away from his own class and bus. There seemed to be many schools here. Most of them, upperclassmen. (Y/n) swallowed the lump in his throat and stalked up to Kirishima to calm his nerves.
Kirishima spotted him, giving him a curt slap on the back. (Y/n) coughed, adjusting his hero costumes chest area.
“Yo! Aren’t you excited for this thing? Whaddya think we’re gonna do?”
(Y/n) let out a timid laugh, his voice noticeably deep, but almost borderline androgynous. Like he was trying to force it to go lower than it naturally was. An ear perked up from somewhere behind (Y/n). “Yeah, I’m getting kinda pumped u-“
“Well-I certainly wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
That sickeningly sweet voice made (Y/n) scrunch up his nose. He didn’t turn around. Nevertheless, the voice kept going. “Eh, well, that’s a lie. Your face was practically plastered everywhere on tv.”
“Tell me-how’s it feel to go to the famous UA, Sayaka-chan?”
(Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, still facing Kirishima as he looked between the two, confused.
“Uh-I think you got the wrong guy, dude. This dudes well...a dude.”
“Mm?” The boy was taken aback, before smirking and leaning next to (Y/n’s) ear. He said, rather loudly, “You didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
“Shut up, Shindo.” (Y/n) voice was quiet. It wasn’t as deep as it was ‘normally’, but it sounded very much less strained. Kirishima seemed to catch on, though he said nothing, out of respect. Though, Shindo did the exact opposite.
“Don’t be so rude, Yaka-chan! I’m just saying hi to my old friend!” Shindo turned to Kirishima, as the UA students started noticing their little show. That-and a scruffy man, who was now completely ignoring what Ms Joke was saying to turn his ears on hyperfocus. “Don’t mind her. I guess she’s on her period today or something.”
“Ne-what’s happing here? Do you know (Y/n)-kun or something?” Mina said. (Y/n) cringed at hearing his name. He knew Shindo was going to say it. Don’t say it. Don’t-
“(Y/n)? That’s the name Sayaka-chan goes by these days?”
His seemingly friendly smile made (Y/n) want to puke. Mina titled her head. “Sayaka? You probably have the wrong person. This is (Y/n).”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), his dirty, smug glare being hidden behind a innocent, confused smile. “You really didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
Shindo took a deep breath in. (Y/n) pursed his lips. “Don’t fucking-“
“Sayaka here,” Shindo slung an arm around the boy. “She’s a crossdresser. She’s ‘trans’. Isn’t that great?”
(Y/n) noticeably stiffened, biting his lip harshly and keeping his eyes pointed harshly at the ground like it was the only way to keep tears from flowing. He clenched his knuckles in embarrassment.
Before (Y/n), Mina, or Kirishima could say something, a hunched over, dark figure placed a hand on Shindo’s shoulder. His nice boy smile dropped. Aizawa, uncharacteristically, looked like he was seething.
“Shindo. Kid. Get away from my son. Before I find your teacher.”
Kirishimas eyes widened while Mina gasped. Son? Shindo bit back a snarl. He smiled irritably and put his sweet tone back on. “What? I’m just talking to Sayaka-chan-“
“His name is (Y/n). If you really want to be a hero, I suggest not being a nuisance to my son or any of my students.” Aizawa grumbled.
Shindo scoffed. “I’m sorry I offended you, mr...scruffy man. I’m not sure which son you’re talking about, though. Don’t you have a daughter-?”
Aizawa reached for his capture weapon, eyes glaring a Ruby red. Shindou was about to lurch forward when Ms Joke stepped in between the two. She huffed, turning to Shindo first.
“Shindo-kun, should you be changing into your hero costume about now? Go do that! The class already went ahead without you!”
Shindo gasped, his persona back on like a mask. “Oh! That’s right! I’m sorry Miss! See you guys! Do your best!”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), in a low whisper. “See you, Sayaka.” And timpered off. Ms Joke turned to Aizawa.
“And you!” She put her arms on her hips. “Just because your kid’s being teased a bit doesn’t mean you have to reach for your weapon!”
Aizawa seemingly let go of his scarf he’d been clutching for a while now. His hair flopped down and framed his face once more. “He wasn’t teasing. He’s been bullying my son since his 2nd year of middle school.”
(Y/n) was awkwardly standing behind Aizawa. Since they had no intention of bringing him in personally to the conversation, he shoved his hands into his pockets. It was then he noticed the majority of 1A staring at him.
He paled. Flashbacks of Shindo publicly outing him whipped by his mind, along with the way he hid his disgusted glare when he came out as trans initially in his 2nd year of middle school. It was his third year and (y/n’s) second year, Shindo being one of (y/n’s) closest friends until he became a ‘crossdresser’.
Were his new UA classmates going to to treat him the same? Would all the girls and boys be hesitant to undress themselves with him nearby, because he’s a “lesbian/girl perving on the guys”? Was he going to have to mend all of these relationships from the start again? A bottomless pit dug into his stomach. He didn’t want that.
Stagnant air filled the atmosphere as everyone stared at (y/n). Already thinking of excuses, explanations, anything, he opened his mouth to speak.
“You’re Aizawa’s son?!” Kaminari yelled, pointing a finger at (y/n). (Y/n) blinked, letting out a confused “eh?”
Mina popped in, flailing her arms in the air like Iida, but less stiff. “Dude! That’s so cool! You think you can tell him to round my 48 into a 90 from last weeks quiz?!”
Slowly but surely, his classmates started crowding around him, all talking at once. There were “Ohh-I can see the resemblance now!”s and “dude how are you still alive?!”s. Everyone seemed to forget what Shindo was talking about.
(Y/n) stood silent. “You guys...aren’t going to mention it?”
Most everyone stopped talking. Sero stepped forward. “Does it really matter? Your still our classmate, man. Plus, Aizawas your fuckin’ dad.”
Murmurs of agreement mused out from the surrounding crowd of UA students. (Y/n) smiled, attempting to answer every question about him or Aizawa as possible.
Ms Joke whistled from far away. Aizawa sleepily lolled his head towards her away from watching his son carefully, seeing if any students acted rudely in anyway.
“So your class didn’t know he was...y’know.”
“Mm.” Aizawa hummed. “Though, they seem to be more interested in him being my son than him not being ‘born a son’. M’glad that they’re bothering him instead of me. But knowing them, they’ll probably ask me some things after the exam.”
“I’m not meaning this in any mean way, but,” Ms Joke was oddly serious. “How are you so fine with this...change? It’s not like I’m saying it’s wrong, no, but you accepted it rather quickly and his transition happened pretty much overnight.”
“Does it really matter if he’s a boy or a girl or not? He’s still a pain in the ass. You don’t need a specific gender to be a problem child. As long as he’s keeping up with hero training and classes, I don’t really care.”
Aizawas eyes betrayed his words. They were dry, as usual, but they observed his students every move, every word they throw at his kid like he was stalking his prey. Like he was subtly saying “Say one misgendering thing, and I’ll expel you.”
In the end, Aizawa was a big softie. His child was happy, and that was fine by him. And, he’s less to deal with when he’s happy. His words, not mine. Ms Joke sighed, knowing her answer, and faced forward.
“Go out with me!”
“Go to hell.”
I’m sorry for assigning a ‘dead name’ in this fic; and I’m sorry if this fic was actually a they/them one!! Sincerest apologies :(
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kairithemang0 · 19 hours
Tell me about trans Curt please?? How did his mother react? Does she know even? Same with Cynthia. And how was his career at the beginning? Was he at least masc presenting when he met Owen? (If not... how did Owen find out?)
Ok so I think his mom was. Mostly supportive? She was sorta confused on it and she didn’t really talk about it, kinda avoided the topic of it while she tried to figure out how to go about the information of Curt being trans
She’s still not fully sure of how to talk to him about it, but she calls him Curt and their relationship is still strong. Mama Mega will love Curt no matter what, she loves him completely unconditionally even if she may not understand him. If he came out to her in canon saf as gay, she'd still certainly love him even if she didn't understand why he was gay, she just wants what's best for him. That's her only goal, it's always been to just make him happy, to keep food on the table for the both of them. She loves her son and just wants him to be happy, it's why she let him be a spy in the first place, she hoped this would bring him joy.
Cynthia just didn't care. She said "ok cool" and then never brought it up again. I think by the time he knew her, he was already out to his mom. He never came out to anyone else, he was already masc presenting when he joined the agency but he wanted her to know just in case. She really didn't care though, never told anyone and they moved on with their lives.
His career was always a little awkward. There was this constant weight over his head of people finding out he was trans, he was always super quiet about the fact he wasn't born male, it's partially why he wants to be this big famous suave spy. He's so worried that if he's not he'll get outed in some way, he won't feel as masculine
Curt's relationship with his gender definitely isn't in any way healthy. I think when he told Owen (will certainly be talking about this later put a pin in this) he made sure to tell Owen that he was a man and that he always was because he's so physically uncomfortable in his own skin most of the time. Post top surgery he hates his chest scars, they're a permanent reminder that to him he was born wrong. He resents them, he resents his childhood and living so long as someone he's not. He feels like he wasted his time trying to fit into this feminine box he couldn't fit into but whenever he felt slightly feminine even post transition, he felt like a fraud.
His view of gender is very binary. He lives by a "girl = pink" "boy = blue" mentality that makes him hate himself because he definitely has a slightly feminine side that he's repressed, and it negatively affects his mental health. He's also. Probably sexist. Just gonna say that in this he's definitely a little sexist
Alright, finally time to get back to Owen. I think Curt told Owen he was trans on their first night together, Owen attempted to bring his shirt over his head and Curt pushed his hands back down because he didn't want Owen to see his chest scars (im sorry im bringing up the scars again i can't look at him and think he didn't despise them). Owen assumes they're like every other scar, ones they get on missions. Curt tells Owen he's trans, and Owen's just a little taken aback by this, but nods his head and respects Curt's boundaries. Their night continues as normal, quietly Curt's happy Owen didn't bring it up, Curt hates talking about it. It's one of those conversation topics that makes him feel so physically ill until he breaks open a bottle of whiskey and passes out on the floor of his apartment
Owen asks him about it the next morning, asks if Curt wants to talk about it. Curt tells him he doesn't want to. Owen says that's fine. Over time Curt tells him more about his transition as he becomes more comfortable with Owen. Owen doesn't cut him off or shame him, he just listens and lets Curt talk. It feels so nice to not get asked constant questions, they simply come up and they move on. They only talk about it when Curt wants to talk about it, and Owen listens, gives his input when it feels right to, and then he doesn't bring it up again. To Owen, Curt will always just be Curt. No matter what his old name was or what he was born as, it's always just Curt
Sorry this is long I have so many thoughts on him especially his relationship with Owen though because through all their many. many problems, Curt being trans is never one of them, Owen never sees him as any less of a man and to Curt that brings him more joy than anything because it's never a matter of "do you hate me because i'm trans?"
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